Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 222 - Spoken yellow

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Chapter 222

The emperor’s car battle arrived in the suburbs of the capital, and Wei Bin and Qiu Ju led ceremonies in the palace to greet the driver and dress up for the emperor.

Zhengde’s trip to Datong has successfully formed alliances with Doyan Sanwei and Jurchen Ministries. With their cooperation and restraint, Liaodong will firmly control in the hands of Daming. At the same time, White Mountaineering force retreated from Boyan and provoked internal disputes in Tatar, which had the effect of surrendering soldiers without fighting, far more than hundreds of thousands of troops costing countless dollars to send troops to discuss.

This achievement made the little emperor who had just inherited the great commandment full of ambitions. Since he returned to Beijing, he would be praised by the civil and military officials. So although he always hated the red carpet festival, the emperor Zhengde was still complacent and patient with the **** and the court lady. .

The emperor’s robe has three layers in the outer layer and three layers in the outer layer. The white gauze is in the middle and the outer layer. The crown, clothes, skirts and knees are worn one by one. The little captain immediately turned into a powerful and majestic young emperor.

Yang Ling first sent Tang Yixian into Beijing, waiting outside the dragon to wait for the emperor to dress. Everything is ready to stop, and the car departs. In the distance, you can see the canopy under the city gate. Li Dongyang, Jiao Fang, Yang Tinghe, and the leaders of the civil and military officials waited outside the canopy with lamb wine.

The whole team was driving, the whole team came, a pair of dragons and phoenix flags, rows of yellow and white Jing, eunuchs of Chinese officials, Gong E Cai female, general Han, Huang Luobaogai appeared in front of him, Zhengde was not sitting in a sedan, but riding a car Horse with red mane.

Wenwu Baiguan prostrated his head and lived long in the mountains. Emperor Zhengde was in a good mood. He smiled, and nodded his head to Baiguan, slowly stepping into the temporary throne set in the colorful chapel.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiao Fang gently pulled Yang Ling’s shirt and said anxiously: “Master Yang is more careful. Under the door, Wen Wen Baiguan is very dissatisfied with the emperor’s micro-service out of the palace and Datong is in distress. Liang Guan? If you have any questions, please be cautious. “

He is one of the three princes in the cabinet, and he can’t stay behind for a long time. In a word, he hurried out and rushed to the front of the hundred officials to head the emperor to the emperor.

After listening to Jiao Fang’s reminder, Yang Ling couldn’t help but he had expected the Chinese and Korean officials to be extremely dissatisfied with the emperor’s private visit to Datong. Just look at the situation when San Gongqi chased out of Baili in a hurry. It was just that Datong won a great victory and achieved extraordinary results. Could the hundred officials turn a blind eye to the emperor’s achievements on this trip and would criticize the emperor for his triumph?

He took a look at the hundred military and military officials. Today, he met the officials of more than four ranks in front of the victory gate. All the robes of the vermilion and the official hat were not different. What does Jiao Fang mean by the crown of the ground beam?

Yang Ling beckoned to Wu Hanchao suspiciously, and asked him in a low voice when he walked in front of him: “This official is the most impatient with official festivals. Do you know how Liang Guan is going?”

All around are civil and military officials. Although Yang Ling ’s real power is large, his rank is only three ranks. In this large pile of senior ranks of rank four or higher, he is not regarded as a desolate mountain. He should have stayed behind. But he was wearing a grand four-claw python robe, which was specially given by the emperor, but it was not just a robe. In this way, a courtier with special favors can salute with the three males. So it is also at the forefront.

Wu Hanchao saw hundreds of officials gathered behind him. A little bodyguard did n’t dare to stand in the ranks of the officials. He whispered in a low voice: “Master, when the civil and military officials celebrate the emperor’s merits, they should go to Wusha and wear a crown of crowns. The crown looks the same, according to Gong, Hou, and Bo. One to nine ranks are distinguished by the number of beams. Today … Baiguan only wears the ordinary black gauze from when he saw the Jin Dynasty. “

“Ah!” Yang Ling remembered Zhengde’s succession, big wedding, and the same hat he wore during the New Year’s Day. He suddenly woke up. These three important things, when the emperor succeeded him, he served as the guard of the palace and when the emperor married. He was the deputy of the emperor of the emperor, and when he entered the New Year, he went straight to the inner palace to see the emperor as his emperor. He never greeted the hundred officials in the Jin Luan Hall, so he ignored this matter.

Yang Ling heard his heart sink. Secretly cautiously. Start to look carefully at the appearance of the hundred officials. The emperor personally led his troops to a great victory, in a sense it was the victory of the generals in the DPRK and China. The effect is similar to that some conflicts today can allow the military to take advantage of this opportunity to obtain a military budget that was not approved. The follow-up benefits are many. These careless generals at least understand this account, so the generals are all armored. Bright, high-spirited.

The Chinese officials of the DPRK, especially the officials of the Hanlin Academy and the Emperor ’s Station, although they were well-dressed, were all sinking into the water. Martial arts. As for the high-ranking officials of the three cabinet ministers and the six ministers and nine ministers, they have deep expressions on their faces, and they can’t see the attitude.

Yang Ling felt a little calm in his heart, he knew the temper of Zhengde best, he was frank and ecstatic, and he was a temperamental man with no city. As long as no ignorant courtier swept him in public, he celebrated today. After that, it doesn’t matter if they have hundreds of twists and turns.

Li Dongyang was holding a bronze bronze baron, filled with fine wine, Zhengde took over and drank diligently, Jiao Fang went into the service again, Zhengde took both hands away, and finally Yang Ting and Qing offered golden flowers to wear on the chest for the emperor Then, San Gong stepped back a few steps and led the hundred officials to scream: “Congratulations to the emperor on his triumphant triumphant return to Beijing. Long live, long live, long live my emperor!”

Zhengde smiled and thought about a congratulations on his triumph. It was really difficult to describe the greatness of the Datong trip. He could n’t help but get up and say, “You Aiqing are flat, I secretly patrol the Datong. Can Qing know? I ’m on the White Mountaineering, but seeing the looming sky, the army is like a tide, I never knew how difficult it is to be a monarch of martial arts.

Fortunately, Lai Yangqing responded calmly and the border guards swore to death. Boyan finally fled at my feet, haha! Extremely refreshing! Zhongqing Ai, this time setback for Boyan and the alliance with Wuliangha is not a good test, but I will follow Hongwu and Yongle the emperor in the coming day, lead the army, and do nothing! “

Jiao Fang immediately shouted, “The Emperor Yingming, his ministers are willing to assist His Majesty, open up the territory and expand the territory, so that Daming Rivers, Mountains, Jingjiang Rivers and Rivers will unify, and will never change!”

The military attaches at the bottom echoed in unison, but Liao Liao, the respondent of the civil servant group, Zhengde was startled. The smile on his face gradually dwindled, and two blushes slowly floated on his cheeks.

Yang Ling noticed that the hands of the Zhengde Fu case were trembling slightly, and immediately raised his voice: “The emperor has a car to Maraudon, please also go to the palace to rest early.”

Zhengde looked up at him and saw that Yang Ling shook his head slightly at him. He also knew that he should not be angry at this time. Suppressing his heart, he was about to return to the palace. Someone among the Hanlin scholars suddenly said: “The princes are overjoyed and welcome the emperor to return to the palace safely, not because the emperor came to the dangerous place in person, but because the Ming Mingshanshan Jiji was safe.

The emperor’s micro-service out of the palace, with the emperor’s presence in danger, with the majesty of the future tomorrow handed over to Wuliangha. Xu Yizhongli, there is nothing to show off. I would like to ask Boyan Khan to break through the Great Wall with a community of 60,000 people, to encircle the white mountaineering, and then calmly leave, with my strong artillery and 120,000 troops. There are only more than a hundred to annihilate the enemy, so how come Tatar fleeed? “

“What?” Not only Zhengde, but Yang Ling and others who drove back to Zhaoyong and Miaokui, etc., couldn’t believe their ears: “Can’t annihilate the enemy more than a hundred? How is this number calculated?”

Zhengde’s small face was pale, and he pointed at the man. His fingers were trembling, and he almost fainted, and after a while he burst out a sentence: “You … You have a lip service, and my frontiers have annihilated more than 10,000 enemies, so why can’t you kill them?”

One of the officials at the Emperor ’s Station immediately rose up and said aloud: “No matter where the emperor walks, there should be an **** officer to record all words and deeds, and the emperor will be conquered by the army. When a clerk will accompany him, record all the results and the border troops. The conscientious recipients, who now do not have to stay with officials, accompany the clerk of the Ministry of Military Affairs, annihilate the enemy more than ten thousand, what is the evidence? The emperor must not be blinded by the frontier. “

Zhengde’s young age was unexcitable, and his blood flowed through the pupils. He was so angry that he was about to drink and scold the man. Another official got up and said: “The Tatars are coming and going in the Ming Dynasty. If they enter the unmanned state, the officials heard that there is a gang in their hands. If the army is festering, it should be severely punished!”

“The emperor, the minister Wen Boyan returned to the desert, and is forming an alliance with the Duyan Sanwei. He has frequent exchanges with each other. Wuliangha has always been at the two ends of the first mouse. He ca n’t be trusted. Severe punishment, so that I know the prestige of the future, suggest that allies lose their power and humiliate the country, and trap the emperor in injustice and humiliation, should be severely punished! “

“The emperor, the minister learned in the Di Bao that Wa’ai also donated food to Tatar. It can be seen that the blood is thick and water, and all the Mongolian ministries are united together. Although the internal is not in harmony, it is bound to unite in case of external forces …”

“The emperor was far away from the capital this time, and everyone in the world was in a state of panic. Rumors arose and Datong’s distress was even more worrying. It was often said that the son of a lot of money could not sit down. The court heard that the emperor also wanted to start his army again. “The Fort’s change is the same as before.”

“The emperor knew that it was not easy to be a prince of martial arts and martial arts, so he should be compassionate to the people and build a mausoleum in the middle of the country. The Great Wall was stretched out and out of reach. The barbarians were only diseases of scabies. The cost of expropriation is more than ten times the damage caused by Tatar? The saint said that the emperor should be ruled, and the emperor should … “.

“The emperor, the minister heard that the emperor walked all the way, and it disturbed many beautiful women in the places, overnight residences, and ceremonies, which really harmed the virtue. There are many folk rumors, all saying that the emperor’s patronage is for the sake of beauty. The complaints of the old people are boiling … “.

Seeing that the following were full of courtiers, they were angry and charged with arrogance, and their hair was almost erected one by one. Even if the remarks were reasonable, I still thought he could hear a sentence.

Li Dongyang had long known that the Chinese officials of the dynasty were very dissatisfied with the emperor ’s rash resignation, but after Liu Jian and Xie Qian resigned, only he stayed in the DPRK, and some radical officials were very dissatisfied with him. Li Dongyang was in such an embarrassing situation, and it was really inappropriate to suppress the Qingliu too much. Therefore, although the emperor’s face was getting worse and worse, he was inconvenienced to suppress the officials, so he quietly gave Yang Tinghe a glance.

Yang Tinghe also believed that the emperor should order the world in the capital. This time the emperor rashly left Beijing. The three academicians under various pressures from the harem and the outer court also had to deal with folk rumors, calm people’s hearts, and guard the movement of the lords everywhere. It can be said to be too busy.

In addition, he and the two bachelors chased the emperor along the way. Yang Ling made his leg broken. The trip to Datong was again blocked by Yang Ling. Yang Tinghe was younger than Li Dongyang. He was not as good-tempered as he was, and he was more or less grateful.

He also heard that the stubborn officials said that most of the things were arrogant and far-fetched, but with those people’s knowledge, how could he not understand that the emperor’s trip was indeed a big gain?

However, in their hearts, the emperor left the capital to patrol the frontiers, and the harm was far-reaching. Moreover, the civil servants also worried that the young emperor was young and strong. From then on, the poor soldiers and military commanders could not control the power, so they tried to suppress it. This also coincides with the opinions of Yang Ting and Di, so although he is very respected by the scholar Li Li, Yang Ting and his pretense are not seen.

Some generals in the generals were dissatisfied with the civil servants in the scriptures, and began to fight for reason. It was just that the literati talked in one mouth, and the mouths were full of people. Most of these generals were dumbfounded. Of course, they were difficult to overwhelm them.

Yang Ling saw the civil and military officials scolding each other. Emperor Zhengde was almost crazy and could not help walking towards the emperor. He walked quietly to Zhengde and whispered: “Emperor, do you remember the rumours of the foolish folks who reported to you at the time of the Great Court?”

Zhengde rushed to the crown in anger, and now he can’t hear anything. But what Yang Ling mentioned had nothing to do with the current scene. He immediately aroused curiosity from Zhengde. He sternly said, “Remember, what’s wrong?”

Yang Ling heard Zhengde’s voice choked hard. Can’t help but scold the stupidity of this group of officials. Of course, the Datong emperor hoped to get the approval of the hundred officials during this trip to Datong, but now he is back in the capital and waiting for him is like this situation, like a pot of cold water rushing in front of him At this age, adolescents have rebellious psychology, or they have become more violent. Either frustrated and inactive, have these idiots taught a 16- or seven-year-old child to Saint Kong? Is Kong Shengsheng resurrected, does he have this kind of self-cultivation?

Yang Ling said softly: “The minister remembered that the emperor said,” Everything works, like a dream bubble, like a dew, like electricity, should be done like a watch. “

Zhengde shook his body and looked at Yang Ling, who smiled slightly. Sweep those officials. To Zhengde Road: “Look at the emperor, what is the difference between these officials and those who are indistinct, and those who are in the cloud? They are different. They are just those who show off anecdotes, they are happy, they show off their tongues, Show the article “.

“The emperor’s trip to Datong is absurd or unconventional, and there are no living officials or clerks to testify, but heaven and earth can testify for the emperor! Datong’s 120,000 army and hundreds of thousands of people can testify for the emperor! Enemy can testify for the emperor! “

Zhang Yong, Miao Kui, and Gu Dayong, who had been cut off from their official posts, all blushed and said in unison: “Old slaves can also testify for the emperor!”

Zhengde looked at them, and then looked back at the officials who were blushing and spitting and quarreling. The corners of his mouth slowly turned up. After a while, an interesting expression suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he said with a smile: “Good. , Everything that works, like a dream bubble, like a dew, like electricity, should be treated like this. What they want to say, I ca n’t keep their mouths open, what do I have to do, how can they bind my hands and feet? “

At this moment, his eyes were swept away with grievances, sadness, and anger, and replaced with firmness, disdain, and a hint of mischief, he pursed his lips, and suddenly laughed and said: “You Ai Qing are loyal to the state, and I bow to my heart. An Wei, although there are some alarmist and exaggerated things, huh, huh, is also loyal and commendable, and I remember them all in my heart.

After leaving the palace for a long time, I miss the Empress Dowager and the Queen Mother very much, so I have to go to the palace to ask for peace. What do you Ai Qing say, I will talk about it tomorrow. Wei Bin, drive back to the palace. “

Zhengde evaded the importance, and Liao Liao said in a few words that all of their blame was due to the fear of the emperor ’s safety and overstatement, and then he smiled and swept his sleeves towards the dragon.

Those officials who secretly kept waiting for the emperor’s outburst were suddenly stunned. This is still the impression that the temperament is irritable. Is it often an angry and uncontrollable little emperor who is only irritated by words?

They were not afraid of the emperor Longyan’s anger, but an emperor whose anger and anger were so inscrutable that they couldn’t figure it out, could not help but make people feel a fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The emperor’s reaction was greater than they expected, and he could not cope with it for a while. When they reacted, Zhengde had Shi Shiran abandoned the horse and boarded the dragon. He passed the victorious gate by honor, walked to the Zhengyang gate, and returned to the palace at noon. Prime Minister Liu Jin knelt in front of the palace gate to pick up the Shengjia.

Yang Ling accompanied him to the palace gate. As soon as the emperor entered the palace, he immediately urged people to carry Tang Yixian’s sedan chair and then came, and he drove Ma Rufei straight to Xicheng.

Cabinet ministers Li Dongyang and Jiao Fang, Prime Minister Liu Jin and Jin Yiwei Mou Bin took a step late, and they sent people to ask the locals to be empty. At this time, Yang Ling had been out of the city all the way to Gao Laozhuang.

A familiar home is already in sight. Yang Ling couldn’t restrain her excitement, and quickly spurred her on. Before she reached the gate, she saw several silhouettes standing there.

Nearer, closer, Yangling hurriedly raised the rein, and the horse was standing long. The front hoof has not fallen yet, and Yang Ling has jumped off Malay and greeted him quickly, holding the petite young girl in her arms.

The two were wearing ears together for a long while. My shoulder was wet.

Yang Ling restrained his excitement and looked up. I saw Yutangchun, Xuelimei and Gao Wenxin, some beautiful women with tears in their eyes, with infinite joy in shame. Yang Ling raised her eyebrows, nodded to them with a smile, and suddenly red three peach blossoms.

He lowered his head, lifted up the young lady, reached out to remove the tears on her cheeks for her, and smiled lightly: “Look at you, isn’t Xianggong back? You are pregnant. Don’t cry if you’re broken, come, let Xianggong look What’s fat? “

He just hugged the young girl, and felt that the young man’s waist is now much heavier, so he laughed, and Han Youmian suddenly blushed and stood upset anxiously, fearing that he would really become ugly. Let Xiang Gong looked disappointed.

Yang Ling looked closely. The peach cheeks and lips of the young girl, beautiful dark black eyebrows and hair are visible, and the facial features are still as beautiful as ever. Only the lower abdomen has seen a bulge.

The little girl who was young and beautiful at the beginning is now a rich and beautiful little woman, such as a rose with dew blooming in the wind and dazzling. And this is her own, so that she bloomed gorgeous petals from a branch of flowers. Yang Ling sighed with joy and gave her a soft hug.

Su San and Xueli Meishan stepped forward and bowed to each other, saying: “Master”.

Yang Ling yelled, let go of the young lady and lifted them up. The eyes of the two little beautiful women who were two or eight years old were clear and clear, and a little fat powder was applied on the pretty face. The face was slightly thin, and it looked bright and clear, like two flowers After the rain, the daisies are really unpredictable!

Gao Wenxin saw that Yang Ling embraced their shoulders, and there was a touch of loss in her eyes, but she still smiled brightly on the face and came to see the gift. Yang Ling was not too intimate to her, and was too cold. She had to help her haunted wrist through her sleeves, and Gao Wenxin could not help but glance at him with a bitter grin. : Did this girl learn from Xueyu Xueer? When did your eyes become so sultry?

The senior steward led a group of maidservants to meet the old man with joy. Yang Ling remembered that Tang Yixian would be there soon, and then commanded: “Old steward, send someone to guard the door. Miss Yixian’s sedan arrives and notify us immediately.”

The family walked and talked about parting with each other before leaving, and then sat down in the front hall. Yang Ling said, “Yi Xian will be here soon. Is the accommodation arranged?”

Han Youniang nodded tenderly and said, “Well, it has been arranged, I heard … she lost her memory?”

Yang Ling frowned and said, “Yes, when we found her, she didn’t remember us. After that day, she was rescued by the passing concubine and went to Datong to stay in the palace, so my people and places People in the government house have not been able to find her. “

Xue Limei and Yu Tangchun glanced at each other and asked, “Master, our three sisters have been together since childhood. Now that she has been recovered, it is a good thing. Why do you let us consider her a cousin in your letter?”

Yang Ling pondered for a while and waved the screen to resign her maid. Then she said: “I don’t understand too much in the letter. Now I will just say it, Yu’er and Xue’er, do you know how we got this relationship? “

Yu Tangchun had a blushing face, bit her lips and looked at Yang Ling with rippling eyes, not daring to answer such a shameful question. Xue Limei and Yang Ling used to boldly laugh in the boudoir, but in front of him a little big or small, but naughty smiled: “I know, the old man was originally seeing bad things, but when I saw our sisters, I was sorry, I moved the thought of pitying Xiangxixiyu. “

Yang Ling shook his head, thought up for a moment, and smiled, “Speaking of it, the word fate is really wonderful. I was drinking in the Xiangkou restaurant, when I heard the voice of silk bamboo in the ‘Shihuaguan’. I really care about it. It ’s the cool music of the emperor today, so I must go to see it and meet you. ”

His eyes moved gently over the two beautiful faces of Yu Tangchun and Xue Limei, and said, “The emperor likes a fairy girl today, so he ordered Ma Yongcheng to take the silver to ask me to redeem him for a fairy, but then The Emperor Xian knew that the prince was visiting the Qinglou, and Long Yan was furious. The palace was very tightly guarded. The grandfather only said that I would go to the palace in a hurry, but he did not specify which girl, so … “.

Yang Ling and Han Youniang looked at each other and smiled. Han Youniang smiled and said: “So, Xianggong took you all back with a single brain, yeah! You two ghosts and spirits, you obviously meant Xianggong. You also pretended to be a slave to slaves Earth, did you spend ten thousand or two silver to buy slavery at home? But at that time we didn’t know who the prince liked, and it was really unclear. “

Both girls were dumbfounded, and Yutang Chuncai murmured a long time ago: “It turns out … Me … Me and Xueer jumped out of the fire pit and had to meet a beloved person like a master. They were all given by sister Xian’er.”

Xue Limei remembered something and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “But … Xian’er likes you, lord!” She said that she was self-conscious and couldn’t help covering her mouth. But late, Yang Ling, young Niang and Gao Wen’s surprised eyes turned to her.

Xue Limei’s face rose red, and she said with a whisper: “I … I am telling the truth. When we didn’t know the old man yet, we heard from the guest that the old man held his wife Jiucheng for medical treatment, refused to comply with the rules, Xian’er Just say that in this life, we must marry such a loving couple, and later. On the day we got into the Yang family, Xian’er couldn’t sleep all night happily, pulling me to talk to you all night. “

Yang Ling stunned his head for a moment and said with a smile: “It turns out that it’s just a little girl obsessed with heroes. It’s not really like it. Now she and the emperor have the same interest and age, and they get along well with each other, but she doesn’t know yet. The identity of the emperor. If the emperor wants to call her into the palace, it will be difficult to conquer the concubine in her previous identity. Now it is assumed that she is my cousin. It is the emperor’s heart to give her a clean birth. “

Gao Wenxin said, “I heard Sister Xueer talked about the story of Miss Tang. You conceal her origin and past, although it is good for her, but she … she can’t remember the old things now, if one day remembers the past, she will Do you understand your pains? She won’t hate you? “

Yang Ling solemnly said: “I was just about to tell you that when she came back, I would like to ask you to use her wonderful hands to restore her memory. She was redeemed by the emperor, but she nearly died for me. I have a responsibility to take care of her. If a fairy Waking up, really unwilling to enter the palace, I … I must try my best to not let her suffer for a lifetime! “

Huo Ran moved at the heart of Gao Wen’s heart. Although this was plain, how many people had the courage to say it? Xian’er is just a little girl from a blue house, man, who would take his future more seriously than a girl’s affection?

Thinking about the original Li Juren, the two originally had a marriage contract, and they had suffered misfortune. They were born as slaves and serviles, and were born like Xian’er Qinglou. Now that Yang Lingjiao’s wife is concubine and has a bright future, he can say this for a woman that the emperor is paying attention to. Where in the world can he find such a man who is serious and righteous?

Gao Wenxin was agitated for a moment, his eyes were hazy. Yu Tangchun and Xue Limei also looked at each other, looking at their loved one, although the room was silent, but their hearts were close to each other suddenly.

At this moment, the senior manager hurried in and said, “Master, there is a sedan coming, and it will be in front of the door.”

Yang Ling hurriedly got up and greeted the young girl and others. Tang Yixian lifted the curtain of the car and walked out with a smile on his face. When he saw Yang Ling, he said with a disappointment: “My cousin has no conscience. I remember that my sister-in-law ran away and hurt me. People go … “.

She said here, seeing Yu Tangchun and Xue Limei having tears in her eyes, she stepped forward step by step, couldn’t help being frightened by their strange expressions, and suddenly swallowed the second half of the speech.

Yu Tangchun and Xue Limei approached, and suddenly hugged her, and wept bitterly: “Xian’er, Xian’er, we would like to die you, pity, we can still meet today …”.

Tang Yixian’s two arms were held by Yu Tangchun and Xue Limei, lying on her shoulders and crying and laughing, making Tang Yixian inexplicable, he couldn’t help but smile to Yang Linggan: “Hehe, hey, cousin, this … this … Which sister-in-law are these two, they … really good to me “.

Yang Ling was about to answer. The horseshoes were far away in the distance, and the four horses were riding fast. Yang Ling squinted, and immediately the knight was dressed as a guard in the palace. He quickly took two steps, and the knight turned over and dismounted, and said loudly : “Admiral Yang, serve the Empress Dowager Empress, Empress Dowager, and Empress Dowager in a humble position, please invite the immortal to enter the palace immediately!”

When Yang Ling heard it, she groaned: “It’s broken. I kidnapped my children to take risks. Now parents are looking for their own accounts.” The mothers of the three palaces of the mothers of the world have learned their own lessons. I can be regarded as the first person in ancient and modern times to receive this kind of treatment.

Yang Lingyi imagined that the three women, the empress dowager, the empress dowager, and the empress, sat in turns and bombed, and the air whizzing on the back couldn’t help but Han Youniang took his hand worriedly and said softly: “Xiang Gong”.

Yang Ling didn’t want them to worry, and smiled: “Young girl, you go back with your cousin first. I will go to the palace and it won’t hinder you.”

The words were still unfinished, and four fast horses drove by, and the Jinyi guards immediately strangled the horses. They stood tall and energetic, saying: “The decree is here, Yang Ling takes the decree!”

When Yi Yi arrived, the sacred decree came again, Yang Ling was a little ignorant. He was busy kneeling down with a group of women again, and the knight said aloud: “The emperor said, Yang Ling does not have to go to the palace today. Drive, please stay in the harem! “

Yang Ling escaped the difficulties of today and could n’t help but feel a little happy. At the same time, he was a little strange: “The inner factory is the emperor ’s private bureau. He did n’t need to go up at all. He asked me to wear a python robe and a jade belt. Confused by the bird secretary? “

Not thinking about it at this time, Yang Ling hurriedly shouted, “Chen Zunzhi!”

The guard of Jinyi said again: “The emperor has another secret decree, and the third grade decree ordered Mrs. Shude’s wife, Yang Family, Han’s young lady to step forward and read it with Yang Ling.”

Han Youniang was a little surprised to take the imperial edict. She took two steps back and opened it. I saw a yellow silk ruler square. It said, “The emperor is the biggest, the younger sister, don’t be afraid. , Why worry about going up and down the harem. “

Han Youniang could n’t help but smile when she saw this, she looked down again and saw that she wrote: “Younger sister and sister take good care of the body, and I will come to see you later.” Dad, his emperor, son, haha! “

Han Youniang didn’t know Zhengde’s agreement with Yang Ling, but she couldn’t help but glanced at him strangely. I saw Yang Ling looked at this nondescript imperial edict, and was dumbfounded.

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