Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 232 - Binggui speed

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Chapter 232

Zhengde and Yang Ling have already been deliberate and thoughtful, and Cheng Zhu is in the chest. At this time, he is like a dedicated actor. Even if someone sacrifices to lift the sea ban, lowers the body and actively trades with the barbarians, it is contrary to the tribute ancestor system and humiliating tomorrow Wei said what he said when he was under the banner. He and Yang Ling, Jiao Fang, Yan Song and others thought about it in advance and prepared the lines.

Yang Ling didn’t have Zhuge Liang’s magical tricks, and it was expected that they would use this reason to obstruct the opening of the sea, but seeing the means of modern politicians, it is not difficult to induce them with some caution.

Following Liu Daxia, spitting and roaring against the lifting of the sea ban, four of the officials who were extremely gengzhong were family members involved in seaborne smuggling and had to vote for the minister of Yangling.

When other people opposed the Kaihai for various reasons, they kept mentioning the ‘tribute’ and ‘collaboration’ issues, and Jiao Fang, Liu Yu and others were very cooperative and immediately refuted the other reasons, but only for this reason. To avoid talking about it, a pair that touched the ancestral system’s lack of confidence.

With such clever tips, how can a politician who is good at capturing opponents’ weaknesses fail to notice? Especially when the other party’s sudden attack caught a surprise and most of the prestigious and prestigious figures were away from Beijing and could not organize a powerful counterattack. They suddenly discovered that in such an unbreakable fortress, they were unhappy to take it as the last Lean on?

Liu Daxia said “it’s” clang, and Zhengde couldn’t help being overjoyed: “This old guy, speaking so happily for the first time, it’s finally my turn.”

Zhengde stood up in the spring breeze, and said aloud: “Although the opinions of Aiqing, although they have their own opinions, they are all for my sake, I am very relieved.

In fact, how is the sea different from the land? The cattle and sheep crops are produced on the land, and reach the exotic Fanbang. Fish, shrimp and crab are produced on the sea. It’s also accessible to the East and West, but the difference is that it’s just a boat trip on the sea, and a car trip on the land. Are you Ai Qing right? “

Li Dongyang said with sincerity: “The emperor said yes!”

In listening to Zhengde’s words, Liu Daxia and others clearly tended to agree to Kaihai. Therefore, they just stood silently, only when Zhengde expressed his opinions, and immediately sacrificed the magic weapon of ancestral system and national power.

Zhengde again said: “The sea ban in the past was inherently the reason for the ban on the sea. I tried to ban the sea because of the strong walls and clear the sea to prevent the Japanese pirates from surviving. Now, after a hundred years, the Japanese pirates are still rampant on the sea. This is indeed not feasible. The ban on the sea makes the people trapped in taxes, and it also makes Fan Bang, a small person who longs for my heavenly kingdom, sigh.

Furthermore, the Daming waters are the mountains and rivers of Daming, and the former sea ban was only a temporary measure to destroy the Japanese pirates. Is n’t it just about discarding the great rivers and mountains? Just ask Tatar to disturb Datong, then we can abandon Datong, do n’t we ignore it from now on? “

Zhengde Emperor Jianmei raised his eyebrows and shouted aggressively, “Little pirates. What is it that compels me to be a terrifying tiger and pays the boundless seas as a pirate’s house? ashore?”

This question exploded Huo Ran on the Golden Temple and rippled in the hearts of the group of officials. The huge Golden Temple was silent for a while.

Zhengde eased his breath and said: “So, the Mobei tartars will soon be expelled by my Daming Tieqi, and the Japanese in the East China Sea will not be able to prevent my strong enemy from the heavenly portal. The sea must be opened! Forbidden, it must be Solution! “

“But …” He saw Liu Daxia and Ma Wensheng coming out of the crowd, and immediately changed his tone: “Liu Aiqing’s words also make sense. Daming should not be afraid to open the sea to fall into the power of Daming because of the rampage of Japanese pirates, nor to plot to be small. It is profitable and greedy to open the sea in order to taint the name of Da Ming. If the Toyo Japanese Kingdom does not see Tianwei in courtesy, the sea ban cannot be broken! “

Liu Daxiayue made a big step out of the ranks of the ministers, and just took two steps. After hearing the emperor’s words, he stayed for a while, then he was happy. The steps that have been taken are not easy to recover. After only a moment of hesitation, he had already worshipped. Mouth shouted: “The emperor is wise, the old minister amazes!”

The courtiers, Liu Daxia, gave Ma Wensheng a corner of his eye, and hurried two steps. He stepped on Yang Shousui and whispered a few words, and the civilian officers entered the sedan outside the afternoon gate, and the military officers went on horses and left. Liu Daxia deliberately slowed down his pace with his own soldiers, and the sedan behind Ma Wensheng and Yang Shousui followed.

The six departments and three divisions are not far apart, basically all on the same street to facilitate the emperor’s will. The order of the six departments is in the order of officials, households, ceremonies, soldiers, punishments, and workers. Several veteran officials crossed their own government gates, and followed Liu Daxia to the headquarters of the military headquarters.

The Ministry of Military Affairs is in charge of the selection of military positions, punishment, military status, ordnance, imprisonment, and post. From the beginning of the Sui Dynasty to the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, the Ming Ministry of Military Affairs is relatively the most powerful, but the horses and horses in front of the door are more than other government departments. It is still much left out.

Liu Daxia arrived at the door to pull the saddle down and waited for a while. Ma Wensheng, Yang Shousui, Yang Fang, Wang Sheng and other veterans arrived. Liu Daxia arched his hand and invited this veteran into the Yamen. Approve the official document, rest the courtyard of martial arts.

The courtyard is not large, the color of the blue tile powder wall, the water milled blue brick floor, the brick carving of “Fu Lu Shou” on the shadow wall is exquisite and orderly. Although the courtyard is small, it has all the internal organs. There are three rooms in the main room, the east and west rooms, and the north hall. The roof is slow and simple. The armor on the armament under the eaves is wiped by the knives.

These are old friends for many years, some of them are fellow scholars with the same subject, and Liu Daxia does not treat them with a courtesy. He only ordered the soldiers to “tea” and opened the curtain to enter the interior. Ma Wensheng and others were familiar with his temper, unconsciously smiled at each other, and looked for a seat.

Ma Wensheng sighed: “It’s so dangerous today, Jiao Fang and others are clearly prepared. Alas! The old man saw the Di Bao two days ago, and he just laughed, but he didn’t expect such a big event. The chief of the ministry did not expect that many officials from North Korea and China would participate. “

Hu Shizhuang, the head of the department, said: “Yang Ling visited Jiangnan. When he came back, he talked to the emperor about the lifting of the ban on trade and business. But at that time, he just casually said that there was no more details. We did not pay attention to him. There was such a palace, and it has been unbearable. Until now, when the foundation is deeper, he made a bottom-up salary plan and transferred Han Han and other people out of Beijing. This was suddenly launched. If it was not Mr. Yang who was in a hurry and wise, he would oppose the tribute ancestry. So, to impress the emperor, his scheming will succeed. “

Yang Shou was very successful. Twisting his beard, he was busy, and Zhan Yang Fang gently teased the tea leaves while holding the tea cover, while coldly and quietly said: “I said this person’s wolf child ambition, you see it now? Jiao Fang’s old man was originally Yang Ling One party, standing in front of him in front of him, has always been the only one to look ahead, which is not unusual. Now his power is growing. Li Dongyang is getting more and more aggressive, Yang Ting and pretending to be dumb, the DPRK and middle class only care about their personal future The wall head grass echoes even more. “

“In the past, there were paper-pained three pavilion old books and clay sculpture Liushang books. Was it necessary to repeat the old things today, and let Yang Ling’s group of gangsters control the government?” Hong Liang’s voice fell. Liu Daxia lifted the curtain and came out.

He changed his official gown and wore a cotton shirt. His hair was raised up in silver, and a bun was set behind his head. Underneath was wearing double-layered cloth boots. Liu Daxia walked to the table, took a drink from the glass, and raised his eyebrows like a silkworm, his eyes brightly said: “The old man was watching with cold eyes, Yang Ling acted like this, he has always been inseparable from right and evil, and good and evil are difficult to distinguish until today. Now, he is just missing his feet! “

“In the old days, Zheng He made seven trips to the west. The accompanying fleet reached tens of thousands of people. The sails spread out like a country on the sea, and the internal eunuchs almost completely controlled the political affairs. The eunuch’s heart is crippled, the nature is vicious and greedy. In the end, Neihuan did not dare to be evil even though he was tense.

Now Yang Ling’s party advocates lifting the ban. The drunkard’s intention is not wine. Who will control the shipping company by then? Who controls the shipping area? Who controls the water master? “

Liu Daxia said solemnly: “Masters, please think about it, by that time the army, wealth, and laws will be in the hands of Yang Ling and a group of eunuchs. If he has ambition … what will happen?”

Ma Wensheng and others heard a chill in their hearts.

Wang Sheng has a good impression of Yang Ling. His student Tang Bohu also praised Yang Ling in a letter sent from Suzhou during the Spring Festival. Wang Sheng still believes in the knowledge of the first talent in Jiangnan, so he hesitated to say: “Master Liu, this person has always been courteous and courteous. Except for the extravagance of the prince recently, he usually has no extravagance and arrogance, and his words and deeds do not seem to be so ambitious?”

Yang Shousu said slowly: “Duke Zhou Mang fears rumors day, when Wang Mangqiangong hasn’t usurped, look at his methods today, he is old-fashioned, and the city is extremely deep. Is it a flattering man who doesn’t learn to do anything?”

Yang Fang also said: “Yang Ling is in charge of the internal factory, and the wealth is in his hands. With his current status and wealth, he has always lived in a mansion of a criminal official and a marquis court in the emperor’s blessed land. He does n’t just eat royal salaries. Is n’t it strange to be so frugal? ”

“Moreover, this person is the age of the young Muai. As a marquis, general, and inspector of the factory, there are only one wife and two concubines in the house. The two concubines are still given by the emperor, and there is no concubine. Waiter. A young power minister holding the world’s wealth and soldiers and horses, does not love alcohol and wine, and does not like gold jewelry, so where is his ambition?

To build meritorious service, does Qing Shi leave its name or is it intended to be the world and watch the artifact? The emperor was young and ridiculous. Not only did he not dissuade him, but instead he played princely. Whatever I think, he is not like a loyal son! “

Ma Wensheng frowned: “These are uncritically necessary, and the top priority is to lift the sea ban. Obviously, Yang Ling and Liu Jin are generally proud to open the sea ban, aiming to use this to gain greater rights and thus control the dynasty. Although it is raised today The ancestors finally suppressed their arrogance, but it is difficult to guarantee that they will not accumulate strength to make a comeback. Did they immediately send a letter to the adults from the place of Beijing, and ask them to return to Beijing to discuss countermeasures immediately? “

Mr. Liu Xiaxiu said first: “I invited all the adults to come to discuss this matter. I would like to invite you immediately to inform the adults who have been transferred out of Beijing to return to Beijing quickly. Master Ma has a great reputation in the DPRK, and he is in the bureau. There are so many officials in support, and they should immediately contact the officials to complain, and we must let the emperor completely dispel this absurd idea. “

“As for the old man …”, Liu Daxia smiled faintly, and his eyes flickered: “The old man stared at him Yang Ling, but he wanted to see what trick he could play in front of the old man!”.

Liu Daxia was deeply afraid of Yang Ling, lest Yang Ling was ambitious. Once he held a heavy soldier and swept the ambition of sweeping the world, it would cause a boundless killing.

He has been in the military department for many years, and many of the soldiers personally and personally brought him back to the army. Now they are all generals. The emperor wants to transfer the four towns to the capital and hand over to Yang Ling. Liu Shangshu has made up his mind. I put a few people in, and then come up with something big and small. As a military minister, he has the qualification and excuse to write to the generals and ask the emperor to take back his military power.

These plans, even if they are friends for many years, are not easy to tell, he naturally has to vaguely pass by.

Wang Sheng also opposed lifting the ban. When he wanted to, the lifting of the ban on trade and trade would breed corruption, which would be detrimental to the administration of Qingming. It is easy for the wealthy families to pursue exotic and strange things, and thus become more luxurious. But the ban on the sea and refusal to do business did not cause any loss to Daming. In the heavenly dynasty, Fu is rich in people, how can it be sought from a foreign country?

However, his attitude was not as enthusiastic as that of his old friends. In particular, they were quite dissatisfied with the appearance of a Maotou as a big enemy. Now he persevered and talked with several adults to get up and leave.

Wang Sheng went out of the military department and got on his own official sedan chair, closing his eyes and thinking. He always felt that several Shangshu and the inner court forces headed by Yang Ling were so tit-for-tat. In fact, the greatest fear was still worrying that the eunuch’s forces would expand and become uncontrollable.

In Wang Sheng’s heart, he did not like the eunuch, but thought that if the two sides used Xiehai as a weapon to quarrel with each other, it was inevitable that there would be another **** storm in the hall, and they could not help but secretly sigh.

He opened the car curtain and found that he had arrived in front of the ceremony department. He couldn’t help moving and kicked the pedal quickly, saying, “Stop the car, stop the car!”

Wang Sheng thought that today Wang Huashang Shu also stood by Jiao Fang to support the lifting of the sea ban. He admired Wang Hua’s character and talent very much. Wang Sheng always couldn’t figure out that the veterans of North Korea and China like Li Dongyang and Wang Hua would be forced by the situation and succumbed to Yang Ling’s pressure.

He had a good personal relationship with Wang Hua, so he wanted to talk openly and discuss with Wang Hua Bachelor to understand his real thoughts.

The porter reported that Wang Shangshu was busy welcoming the door when he heard the news. He took Wang Sheng into the house and brought tea to him. He smiled and said, “Mr. Zhen Ji has not been here for a long time. He came today, but for today’s discussion Opening the sea to ban? “

Wang Sheng chuckled and said, “Master Shangshu, I won’t hide you, this is just for this matter. The lifting of the ban on trade, has advantages and disadvantages, there are advantages of opening, there are benefits of not opening, I do not Very much, just today’s court, Jiao University and other people clearly came prepared, Wang Shangshu is obviously also a person who knows, you and I are friends and know, I hope you can give me some guidance to open up the block. “

Wang Hua smiled and was about to answer. Wen Zean, the clerk of the Libei Hongyun Temple, came in a hurry and met Wang Hua, immediately greeted him and said: “Master Qi Shushang, the sergeant has just received the news, and the special envoy of King Dongwen Guogui has arrived. Cangzhou, Ke Rijin went to Beijing on behalf of King Dongying to pay respect to the emperor of heaven. The special envoy of Dongying has not been in contact with me for many years. What kind of courtesy should he treat, please show Master Shushu! “

Upon hearing it, Huo Di stood up, rolled up his robe sleeves, and smashed it with a crack.

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