Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 239 - Then sacrifice General Yang

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Chapter 239: Sacrifice General Yang Again

“If the tribute trade is cancelled, the number of tribute envoys and tributes will no longer be restricted, and the non-governmental exchanges will be free, and the transaction between our dynasty and the dynasty will be strengthened. Frankly, we agree very much, but we still have doubts about some things. “.

Ouchi took a cup and drank a cup and said, “Today we are honest with two adults and tell the truth. Let me give you an example. In the past, when the trade was reconciled, the court of the Ming Dynasty was very generous, and the gifts given to me were indeed Rich, but far from meeting my needs.

Out of this consideration, when I was heading for the Ming Dynasty tribute, the tribute often carried many goods and sold them to the local rich merchants in the big ports along the way, such as Suhang and Jinling. However, many of the private rich merchants defaulted on their accounts for various reasons. In order to recover the arrears, the people of my country had to travel by boat, and even sue the lawsuit to the bureau chief Si Yamen, and they still could not be protected. Now I would like to ask, if the people are free to trade, how can Da Ming protect the interests of the merchants in my country? “

Yang Ling smiled faintly at Ouchi Yoshito: “We have already thought about this issue. In fact, once free to trade, I will definitely have a handful of businessmen going to Dongying, so we decided to: first, set up a special government office To formulate special maritime laws and trade laws to protect the rights and interests of businessmen of both sides. Of course, your country must also set up the same department to protect each other. The formulation of relevant laws also requires the two parties to send people who are proficient in the law. Work out together. “

“At the same time,” Wang Hua also said in his indignity: “In order to ensure that the Yamen is lawfully enforced, your country can send permanent ambassadors to our capital and the cities where the two sides have close contacts to supervise the implementation of the law. If you do something unfair, do In order to be a ambassador, we have the right to have a bureaucratic clerk and even a bureaucratic clerk at the next level. Until we file a lawsuit against my emperor. Of course, we will also send special envoys to your country to take care of relevant matters and equal rights. “

After Wang Hua finished speaking, he smiled at Yang Ling. The economy must always be supported by politics and the law. Wang Hua’s proposal is reasonable and reasonable, and Dainei has a bold heart. Can’t help but nod.

He did not know, however, that the Daewoo Dynasty, which always looked above the top and did not take Fan Yi’s eyes at all, had another purpose in putting forward this proposal. Daming’s political attitudes to the rise and fall of Dongying’s royal family and shogunate, their ability to control the country, and several powerful vassals in Kyushu were completely ignorant and completely ignorant.

In such a situation, even the righteous leader is uncertain and wants to cooperate. Especially military cooperation is simply a castle in the sky. Yang Ling proposed to be an ambassador, with six officials as civil officials and factory guards as military officers, and stationed in Dongying to comprehensively collect intelligence on all aspects of their politics, military and economy. Only by knowing each other can we ensure that we have targeted and ensure that relevant national policies can really be carried out.

Hosokawa smiled and said with a smile: “Master Wang has a very good discussion. Once the two countries break the sea and trade with each other. Merchants like Ruyun and sailing like flags will inevitably have many disputes. If there is no strong agency to guarantee fairness, it will inevitably cause many civil disputes. .

In addition, there are a lot of Daming goods that I need, regardless of raw silk, cotton cloth, mercury, magnets. Medicines, spices, calligraphy and paintings, Buddhist scriptures, etc. Once these are sold to our country, their profits will increase tenfold.

In addition to some screens, fans, boxes, swords, the products I sell to Daming are mostly copper, sulfur, hematoxylin, pearls and other raw materials. The price has little added value. Is it unfair? “

Yang Ling smiled and said with a smile: “These things depend on the needs of the people. Moreover, once these raw materials are shipped, I have to re-process them to the private sector. I have to give them a chance to make a profit? What good advice can Hoskawa tribute have? “

Hosokawa said with a happy expression: “Can Daming allow me to set up shops and factories in Daming by myself. Employ Daming craftsmen to learn the manufacturing process. After the materials are delivered, the goods will be produced on the spot and then sold?”

He complained again: “In addition, like pearls, spider-harvesting women are extremely dangerous, but when the beads are sold to Daming, the profit is not very rich, but the profits of the Daming jewelry merchants are doubled after processing and selling. I have been boycotting the finished jewelry by Daming Jewelry Merchants and ca n’t sell it. Why not be fair? ”

Wang Hua laughed loudly and said, “The Xichuan tribute made this worse. I think that I would like to walk through the steps of planting mulberry, raising silkworms, drawing silk, and making brocade. Is there less hard work? Daming sold silk to your country, not the finished Wufu (kimono). “

Yang Ling also said with a smile: “Dong Ying Guo wants to set up his own factory in Daming. Of course, it is absolutely necessary to hire Daming craftsmen, but if we ask your country to allow me to go to you and hire your craftsmen, you will learn to refine silver technology from white lead 1. Learning Japanese sword forging technology, can your country agree? “

After hearing this, Hosokawa clearly suffocated, and so few housekeeping skills, if all were learned by the Ming people, with their capital and strength, would they still be confused?

Yang Ling also gave him a pill of relief: “Of course, just after the sea opened a business, many things may not be what we want now. The establishment of the ambassador ’s office is also for timely communication so that the two parties can continuously improve the law and when the conditions are ripe, I think your proposal will be gradually released, as long as it is beneficial to the people of both sides and the court of both sides. “

Wang Huaqing coughed and said, “Yeah, these things can’t be done overnight, and we have to think slowly. I think the first thing is how to solve the biggest obstacle to open the sea to commercial areas: pirates! They wander around the sea and choose people. With them there, the lifting of the embargo is nothing more than empty talk. The cooperation between the Daming navy and the navy of your country is the most important thing to fight against pirates. I wonder if your envoy has already made a case concerning cooperation? “

Ouchi Yoshiki and Hosokawa clarified that their expressions were all tight, and they looked at each other cautiously, and their figure leaned forward involuntarily. Only when they exchange business with each other, they can do their own thing without interfering with each other, but sending a naval division to cooperate with Daming to destroy pirates will involve military affairs.

In today’s era when the big names are rising and each is dominant, a powerful navy has a great role in unifying Dongying. Onetoshi and Hosokawa are the two most powerful names today. Who can master it? In the process of annihilating the pirates of the four seas, they have continued to grow, and they will be most useful to dominate the world in the future. Both envoys naturally want to know the opinions of the Ming side. Take this mission.

Yang Ling looked at the two of them in their eyes and remembered that Cheng Qiyun said, ‘there are two buyers, we can raise the price. There are two selling prices, we can suppress the price, ”he could not help but smile, of course, he will not let one of the two big names take advantage of the situation, anyway, Daming wants to set up four sailors, it is recommended that the other group of sailors . Separately with Daming and Zuo, keeping their land balance balanced. “

So the two sides talked about the formation and cooperation of the sailors and bargained.

Yang Ling attaches great importance to this matter, naturally there are his internal reasons. The vast ocean, such as North Korea, Ryukyu, Luzon, Penghu, Taiwan, and so on, is dotted with countries, regions, and tribes that face the sea around Daming. Even in Dongying, where the internal chaos is still frequent, Dongying is still the most powerful.

Yang Ling planned to let Daming open the sea ban. Transporting nations and further absorbing the advanced technologies, advanced ideas, and advanced systems of various countries, and maintaining Daming ’s advanced position in the world, requires a peaceful sea frontier when Daming ’s emerging geotechnical force is still too far away. This matter needs the cooperation of the East Kingdom.

What’s more, when the Japanese pirates went, there were Fan pirates. Yang Ling remembered having touched a bit of information when playing the big nautical game. Portugal, Spain and other countries have traveled to Daming from afar, taking roots in Penghu and Taiwan, and staying for hundreds of years. Relying on smuggling trade.

They used the Daming Sea to ban the sea and became incapable of trading with various countries. They became the main force of smuggling and became stronger and stronger until the countries far away in the west gradually focused on the fertile soil in the east and their ambitions continued to expand. The idea of ​​plunder by force once prevailed.

Now that Daming has taken the initiative to open the sea ban, Western pirates have disappeared from smuggling. However, most of the fleets of Western countries traveling around the world were pirate in nature. In an unprofitable situation, they will inevitably change their shape from a smuggler to a pirate. Then, if the pirates disappear, then there will be a pirate.

If the Japanese and Japanese pirates were to be eliminated by Daming only, I do not know how much sacrifice and how much military expenses to pay. Since both China and Japan have common interests in this process, why not let them help? Only the Fans were beaten hard and frightened. They will give up the bandit ambition. Do business with Daming properly,

As for the Dongying National Marine Master, he took advantage of the situation. Yang Ling is not worried. With the current strength and solid foundation of Damingdi, it must be faster than them in the process of simultaneous development.

In a day, it is naturally impossible to resolve all matters in a comprehensive manner, but it is clear that both Ouchi Yoshiki and Hosokawa are extremely sincere, and the two sides have reached consensus on many matters. Xiehai’s business was facilitated by Yang Ling, and was his biggest political affair.

Now the party opposed to the Kaihai ban is only temporarily defeated. While they wait for the leaders who have left Beijing to return to Beijing, they are always paying attention to all the issues discussed by the two sides to discuss the opening of Haiti. Attack, so naturally Yang Ling did not dare to carelessly, and it was inevitable that he was relieved when he saw the results.

The two sides talked from early morning to noon, and the negotiating ambassadors had lunch together. Yang Ling and Wang Huacai resigned. The content of the talks today is to be taken back and sorted out, and at the same time to prepare for tomorrow’s consultations, so anxiously and Yang Ling bowed to leave and returned to the ceremony department.

Yang Ling was also anxious to go back and tell Cheng Qiyun, a personal think tank, what was discussed today, so that he could know what to do next. Chunyang is not strong, and it shines in the village warmly. The farmers in the land are working hard to drive the cattle. Under the guidance of the homeworkers trained in the factory, they spread corn seeds and plant sweet potatoes on the hillsides and ridges. Potatoes and other crops are full of vitality.

Yang Ling hurried back to the courtyard. The yard was quiet and the breeze blew gently. Yuner sat under the porch, holding the embroidered living in his hand, but had fallen asleep against the column; occasionally a few roads paved with gravel A bird is walking around lazily.

Yang Ling did not disturb her, walked gently to the inner study, and Cheng Qiyun wore a white robe with ink flowers and grass, and she became more red-white and infinitely charming. The robe was not even tied, so it looked fat and casual, but it moved occasionally. The robe fluttered, and she could feel that she had a slim waist and a jade body.

Seeing Yang Ling come in, Cheng Qiyun turned up, and her waist and limbs came forward. She smiled and said, “Sir, how are you discussing today?”

Yang Lingdao: “I see the main issues raised by each other, and neither side has much opposition. It is just some details, and some issues related to their internal dirty, I am afraid they still need to discuss. It is estimated that in three or two days, just You can ask the emperor to summon the tribute. “

Cheng Qiyun moved her color and raised her eyebrows: “It’s so good, I think adults do things, they are always ups and downs. Almost everything has to be seen by swordsmen and soldiers. It was finally safe and smooth. “

Yang Ling said with a smile: “What is this called? The official said is like a broom star.”

As soon as his voice fell, Yun’er had hurried in and said in a panic: “The master really came back.”

Yang Ling frowned: “Why didn’t you come in without a call? What’s the fuss about my return home?”

Yun’er stammered and said: “No. Master, the old housekeeper told me to invite the master to the front hall, and please see you, Master Liu Yu, the assistant of the military department.”

“Huh?” Yang Ling and Cheng Qiyun could not help but looked at each other, Liu Yu was both the emperor. After Liu Daxia stepped down, Jiao Fang inserted him into the military department and served as a temporary assistant. In the end, he wanted him to take over Shangshu. This person is regarded as Yang Ling. What is the point of rushing to come?

Yang Ling said anxiously: “I’ll check it out!”

Cheng Qiyun walked back to the case, hooked a purple belt from the chair, and flexibly tied it around her waist. One side said: “Anyway, it’s a private house to see guests, and not a foreigner, I will accompany the adults.”

The two hurried to the middle hall. Liu Yu rubbed his hands from time to time and walked around with sweat. When he saw Yang Ling coming out, Fang was overjoyed and said, “Sir, something has happened. The sir has sent a guard inside. Thousand Dingwan asked, but this uncle who served the emperor looked at the Japanese in the eyes … “.

He didn’t finish. Yang Ling has moved: “What’s the matter? There is a conflict between the guards and the members of the mission?”

Liu Yudun paused and said: “Where, the people of the Japanese Mission went to the streets, and those ordinary rogues, the guards, did not follow them in their eyes. This group of Japanese people, since the beginning of the dynasty, When I came to the tribute, there was no trouble! There was a Japanese man named Kaye Shiro who was drunk on the street and borrowed his clothes to be crazy and ridiculed the daughter of the boss of the bone shop. As a result, there was a quarrel with the boss. This barbarian fought He even pushed the old man into the big saucepan and live … live stew! “

Yang Ling’s face changed a bit, and Cheng Qiyun’s eyes moved, looked at Yang Ling, and asked anxiously, “What about the murderer?”

Liu Yudao said: “This Japanese man was awake when he saw the wine. He fled back to the Siyi Pavilion and took refuge. Because the matter involved foreign envoys, the patrol emperor did not dare to make any claims. He sent troops to surround the Siyi Pavilion first, and then go up Chengshun Tianyin asked for the murderer to be arrested, but … Shuntianfu Yin Zhang, Master Zhang, did not dare to be the master, and went to Chengshen.

Some of the adults in the Three Divisions think that the barbarian has never been used to etiquette. Moreover, he was drunk and missed his hand, and he paid tribute to my face. If severe punishment will be lost to the people, the envoy of the Japanese envoy was also stabbed to death in the street People, the emperor exempted him from sin in the name of “Yuan Yi”, so he should be exempted according to the old example.

Some resolutely opposed it, believing that the murderer should be severely punished, and finally went to the cabinet. The six ministries and nine secretaries each had their own responsibilities. They could not be resolved for a while, and the incident spread to the Hanlin Academy and the Taiyuan Academy. .

Yin, the last person in Shun Tian Fu, was a native of Mou Bin, and was replaced by Liu Jin, his cronist Zhang You, after his death with his old staff. Kai Hai’s lifting of the ban was in the interest of the Secretary of the Li and Li. He was naturally unwilling to block Liu Jin for the martyrdom of a street vendor. Money schedule.

As for the three law divisions and the six departments and the nine ministers, there are people from Yang Ling, local people from Liu Jin, and old officials from the former Hongzhi era. Grievances ruined the cooperation plan.

“You can push people into the soup pot to cook if you are drunk?” Yang Ling’s face was blue.

Liu Yu hesitated and said: “Master Yang has come forward to squash, asking Hanlin College and Taiyuan College to stabilize temporarily. Jiao University has sent me to listen to you, Master.”

He also knows how much effort Yang Ling has devoted to the business of Xiehai. Since ancient times, Dao will have done everything forever, in order to accomplish a major event, seek long-term benefits, and sacrifice countless lives and count what he needs to be a qualified politician. Must have cold blood.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but remind him: “Master, in the nine years of Hongzhi, the Dongying Kingdom used the monk Yaofu Shouli as the main ambassador, and once paid tribute to our country. I also made an order to forgive me, and took the emperor Dongying back to his country for severe punishment. “

He said nothing here, and the words meant that the emperor of each dynasty had adopted the same national policy. The adults had passed the Dongyinglang people for major events. There were old examples of the first emperor. And dare not treat you “.

Cheng Qiyun suffered from misfortune since she was young, and no one has helped her. She has already developed a cruel heart. If she really cares about the person she loves, I do n’t want her to be compassionate, but she has known Yang Ling very well after a long time with Yang Ling. , Naturally know Yang Ling’s temperament.

She was willing to persuade Yang Ling to forbear the matter for a while, and to understand the intention of the Japanese envoy before deciding whether to arrest the river tortoise, this was the most sensible way. After all, Yang Ling planned to involve the interests of millions of people. But when it came to her mouth, she just moved her lips and swallowed back.

Looking at Yang Ling’s spitting eyes, Cheng Qiyun silently said, “If this thing really fails because of the punishment for killing the river turtle, I will try my best again. That’s what he wants to do now, and I will follow him Do it, whether he is right or wrong! “

In addition to the extreme anger of his compatriots, Yang Ling did not consider the possible impact on the tributary missions, but despite Daming ’s leniency to the barbarians of the Japanese envoys, no one could shake him even if he let it go. He has gradually integrated into the world of the Ming Dynasty, but he cannot think about it with the thinking of a Ming politician anyway.

Yang Linghuo raised his head and looked directly at Liu Yu, saying in a word: “Go quickly, notify Jiao Ge old, immediately arrest the murderer, and then … Hand over to Dongchang, this person must kill! And openly Kill it! Kill it with a penal code! Kill it with teeth! I will go to see the emperor now. “

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