Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 272 - If the heart is spiritual

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Chapter 272

“That’s a … very small, but for a long time, it was the kingdom of the overlord of the sea. They only have about 1 million people there, and the land area is about the size of our current Fujian.” Yang Ling explained patiently to Cheng Qiyun.

“Well, then her true identity is …?”

“She is a local nobleman. Her grandfather followed the three prince Henry of the Portuguese King Joao I to sail and made many wars. But Prince Henry was not interested in politics. He later went to the southernmost part of the capital, Lisbon. The governor of Gavi province, where he founded the Maritime Academy.

His followers, Adnie’s grandfather, also lived there. In the past two years, some radical naval officers believed that King John II ’s maritime policy was not active enough. At the same time, during the voyage and Spain ’s struggle for new territory, they were too weak, so they planned to mutiny.

As a nautical family, Adeni’s family had a great influence in the navy. Her family is also an important supporter, and it is her uncle, an avid sea adventurer, who is actively involved in this matter.

Adeni is a noble, the only legal heir to her father’s title and territory, and he inherited the baron’s name very early. She can be called a genius girl, she is proficient in all kinds of nautical knowledge. At the age of 14, she improved two important nautical instruments, the quadrant and the horizontal instrument, and transformed the compass and hourglass that we passed on in the past. Navigation to maintain the country ’s prosperity is of great significance.

To this end, the king awarded her the highest honorary medal, and made an exception to allow her to become a soldier, as a trainee instructor at the Francisco Maritime School. But the bad thing is that in order to increase the experience and practical experience, Adeni accompanied the Indian Ocean Navy Commander. During the Gamma expedition, she entrusted all her seals, territories, and property to the supervision of her most trusted uncle, so she could not distinguish her responsibilities and escape from the coup.

After the aborted coup d’ état, the domestic conspirators were sent to the guillotine one by one. And ordered the commander of the expeditionary force. Gamma immediately sent someone to send Adene back home for trial. Fortunately, the navy commander had a very good opinion of the female captain of the staff headquarters. She was treated as her own daughter. After hearing the news, she quietly notified her to let her immediately escape.

Shortly after Adni fled, he was captured by the pirate Pedro, an expedition to the East. Because Adni is proficient in various nautical knowledge and has expertise in geography, meteorology, trade wind, currents and artillery, especially those pirates So proficient, Pedro is regarded as a gem. Her status on the pirate ship is very special, being both a prisoner and an instructor of the pirates. “

Cheng Qiyun’s eyes flashed differently and praised: “Awesome girl, legendary experience, hehe, I really can’t see that she has such a great ability.”

Yang Ling smiled and said, “The nobles there learned a lot of knowledge, and she not only understood these, but also the languages ​​of several countries. They were involved in politics, economy, military and theology, but these things were nothing to the pirates. Useful.

After they had enough knowledge as a pirate, they were ready to dispose of Adnie. It happened that at this time the fur seals sent people to Luzon to collect foreign women to be given to me. When they saw Adeni think that this woman should be able to make money The governor was happy, so he bought a lot of gold and gave it to me. Hahaha ……, the Governor is indeed very happy, very happy “.

Yang Ling’s eyes could not be opened.

He scared Adeni just wanted to ask the mystery of the Western artillery, how could he know that he was so lucky. He was sent a female knight and female instructor who had mastered the tactics of firearms and Western ships and systematically learned about sailing, drawing and astronomy.

Regardless of whether her knowledge of warfare, tactics, and navigation is better than that of the Daming Marine Division, it is only the military training system she understands. It is definitely the prototype of a scientific and correct modern military school.

She has almost eight sailors alone. Daming sailors have completely changed both software and hardware. It seems that after returning to Beijing, he would have to tell the emperor that to prepare for the establishment of the Daming Royal Naval Academy, Daming must have a place in Daming. Daming ’s naval officer must be a qualified officer with strict training.

“Praise God!” Yang Ling finished laughing. His face shook his face and said, “Because I heard that Daming is going to communicate with the East and West, she is worried that we will establish foreign relations with Portugal and will send her this prisoner back to China, so she has never been able to tell her true identity.”

“Now she pours beans in a bamboo tube, and they all move, but she burst into tears, waiting for me to execute her. What do you think?”

“Come on!”

“…”. Yang Ling rolled her eyes helplessly and sighed, “I’ll ask you more!”

Seeing him turn around and leave. Cheng Qiyun hurriedly shouted, “Otherwise, I say that the adults are very sympathetic to her experience and decided to contain her and protect her.”

Watching Yang Ling turn the corner of the corridor, Cheng Qiyun muttered in a low voice: “Well, it’s the easiest and most labor-saving way …, no, it’s the easiest and most worry-free way to use it. I can’t see my mind? “

Yang Ling returned to his study, where he had summoned two personal soldiers to guard him. Adeni sat on the chair he used to sit with when he debated, gently stroking the document on the table, his eyes obsessed. , I do n’t know what I ’m thinking.

Western countries are all utilitarian first, and even the regular army is full of deception and blood. Adeni saw her respected Dar. Commander Gama tricked Sultan into boarding merchants in Kiluwa to discuss business, but then defiantly detained him and forced him to pay tribute to Portugal every year.

Near Kannur, their army looted a Muslim ship that returned from Hajj and then nearly 400 people, including many women and children, were shut into the cabin and burned alive. In Calicut, in order to show off their force, they hanged 38 fishermen who were friendly to sell fresh fish to their masts, and then bombarded Calicut.

The elder who was very kind to her, the commander of a fleet, also ordered the soldiers to cut off the hanged fishermen with their heads, hands and feet, and toss their torso into the sea. Then he piled the cut limbs on a small boat and returned it to the residents of the city, intimidating them, and finally forced them to promise that the Portuguese could establish a stronghold here and monopolize Kochi ’s foreign trade.

He can secretly let himself run away, but if he knows that he has fallen into the hands of a regime that may get in touch with the Portuguese royal family, maybe even he will get rid of himself without mercy. This is not cold blood, but reality. Portugal once allowed a prince hostage to be executed by the Moors, but also firmly refused to give up a port of Ceuta without benefit.

Is it an exception for the Ming Dynasty? Yang Ling is a governor and a marshal commanding hundreds of thousands of troops. He once cut off thousands of heads, compared to Da. Commander Gama is still cold-blooded. Although he is very good to himself, how can a person in such a high position not weigh the gains and losses, or will he allow the imprisonment of a country that is going to be traded and has an unusually strong navy?

Ali Adeni did n’t dare to expect Yang Ling to let her go unless she was a stranger. Keeping her in the future to the Portuguese royal family as a gift of friendship, and she will be taken back to the country and put on the guillotine in Lisbon.

Yang Ling came back, she didn’t look up, but the familiar steps and his breath. Make her notice the approach of the figure. Adeni slowly stood up, turned to stare at Yang Ling’s eyes, and said, “How do adults prepare to deal with me?”

Yang Ling said with surprise: “What to do with it? I think … You can stay with me and join my staff headquarters. How about the director of the exhibition?”

There was a trace of deep pain in Adeni’s eyes. She smiled sadly: “It’s like Captain Pedro? When my use value has been squeezed out, I will be returned to the Portuguese royal family to exchange trust. And friendship? “

As she said, her tears had shed: “Adult, I would rather die in your hands and kill me. Don’t send me around anymore, you … you can return my body to Portugal People, but do n’t be cruel, let me see you alive … See you betray me! “

Her body trembled, and she suddenly supported the desk, which only supported her. Yang Ling was annoyed and stomped: “Who said he took advantage of you and then betrayed you? Damn. You even compared me to a profitable pirate captain?”

Adeni looked at him with tears in her eyes, “Isn’t it?”

There was a sneer smile on the corner of her mouth: “When you were in Suzhou. I said I was your woman, and now you know that I am a criminal. You dare not touch me if you touch me. In order to avoid me, let me join you. Staff Headquarters. Hahaha, just like Captain Pedro, I am his first officer, a prisoner first officer … “

When she encountered such a **** woman, she was unreasonable. Yang Ling was full of worries: “What is this, crying like this, why do I want to kill you?”

Do you want to not shed tears, only let you bleed? So evil, so evil … “.

He closed his eyes and said helplessly: “What am I afraid of? Who is going to kill you? Forget it, you are my … fiancee, fiancee is it?”

“Fiancee?” Adeni chewed it, and read the meaning, she was full of surprises, and said to Yang Ling: “Is it true? Can I … open this identity?”

Seeing Yang Ling nodding, she jumped and jumped suddenly, wrapped around Yang Ling’s neck, kissed heavily on his lips, then removed her body, flushed, her eyes blurred and said: “I believe you, my lord.”

“But … why are your words so weird, many words I haven’t heard from other Daming people before”.

Yang Lingqian smiled and said, “This … I am proficient in the dialects of the six provinces, which is equivalent to your proficiency in the six languages. I will also have professional skills such as drinking, playing chess, fishing, swimming in the mountains, and so on. I am very knowledgeable.”

Adeni smiled when she “popped”, and then she smiled again, Dai frowned, worried: “Is there really no problem? Do I have to be incognito from here? Local people in our country are arriving in the East one after another, I believe it won’t take long.” Our national ground fleet will appear in the South China Sea. If they are found to exist, threaten them with refusal to trade, and ask me for the Emperor Ming, do n’t you have to follow the emperor ’s orders?

Yang Ling laughed. He waved his hand: “Impossible, impossible. In today’s world, no one can threaten Daming to hand over women to them. As for the threat of cutting off trade, it is ridiculous. Maybe we can threaten Daming, claiming that only with the exception of Portugal Foreign countries traded, forcing Portugal to pay a princess. Who has the capital threat to cut off trade with Daming? Hahaha … “.

“Adult hasn’t seen a figure for three days, too. Fuzhou City is so beautiful, I should take her out for a walk, unmarried … wife.” Cheng Qiyun’s voice was obviously a bit tasteful, seeing Yang Ling coming, clearly rejoicing, or glaringly gave him a blank look.

Her vinegar tastes just right. Not disgusting, charming and charming, unspeakable beauty, the endless style is in the moment of the eye waves.

“Hehehe”, Yang Ling was clearly in a good mood. Unceremoniously, he sat on the lounge chair that Cheng Qiyun had just sat on, and Zizhu’s chair surface was a little warm.

Cheng Qiyun whispered to the girl two times, and then walked back to her, whispering her sleeves. Yuan Deng sat next to him and said, “How can adults come to see me today?”

Yang Ling took a long breath, the air was fresh, with some fragrant flowers.

Day after day of hot weather, the rain that had been lingering last night was intermittently all night, and it was only early in the morning. At this time, the bright sunshine shone brightly on the trees and flowers that were still condensed with raindrops and dewdrops.

Yang Ling lay on the chair, stretched out tiredly and excitedly. He yawned and said, “I’ve been busy for three days, and I’m exhausted. I’m throwing you off business. I’m so sorry, let’s take a look at my adult.”

Cheng Qiyun snorted, stood up and walked to him, gently massaged his sore shoulders and necks, and said: “The big Dengke is a triumphant officer for three days. The adult is the small Dengke Dongsan Sanju. Can you be tired? ? “

In front of it is a pool of clear water, and the lotus leaves on the water are clear and round. The branches and vines are full and upright. The pink lotus that bloomed at the beginning, stands beautifully in the clear water of green leaves. On the large and thick lotus leaf, the water droplets rolled and flew with the wind, and the ripples rippled on the water surface. Yang Ling sighed comfortably, only to feel that the body and mind were happy and fluttering.

Cheng Qiyun knew what he was busy with in the past few days, so he did n’t argue. He seemed to enjoy this flirtatious and sour jealousy. He laughed twice and said, “Yeah, Yeah, tired, but tired, comfortable. “

Cheng Qiyun’s hand put more force on it and squeezed hard twice. Yang Ling smiled and put her hands on her abdomen, opened her eyes and looked up at the pretty face above her head: “The first gun has been trial-produced, Zheng It ’s a shame to play with people for a lifetime, and then an expert like Adni will give advice, eh! The test shot was very successful. ”

He closed his eyes again and sighed with satisfaction. The complexities of his heart seemed to have vanished in the fresh air, his mind was as clear as water, and no scum left. Cheng Qiyun seemed to be able to understand his mood, and knew that he was really exhausted in the past three days. He glanced at him pityfully, and his movements softened.

Yang Ling shut his eyes and seemed to fall asleep peacefully. After a while, he suddenly said, “Tell me about the current situation.”

“Well,” Cheng Qiyun said: “Shandong and Jiangsu have basically ended the war, and the joint sea banditry operation with Dongying has also ended. Since the Jurchens have tasted the sweetness of robbing Dongying female slaves, they have recently robbed Dongying Islands , Dongying Sailor has returned to the local area. “

“Zhejiang and part of the Japanese pirates are concentrated in several complex terrains of water and mountains, and our troops are fighting in the flow, but according to the instructions of the adults, the guards and soldiers use the villages and towns as fortresses to block traffic, close together, and fight steadily. , Gradually compressing and destroying their active area, now the range of pirates can flow is getting smaller and smaller. “

“However, there are too many undocumented and unrecorded islands in our household management and charts in this area, and the sea route is also complicated. In addition, the people of Shanghai dogs and snow cats are among the most dangerous and difficult to attack. On the island, it is difficult for our geologists to attack deeply, and quite a few Japanese pirates have already seen the opportunity to return to the sea and wait for the opportunity. “

“As for the Japanese pirates in Guangdong, it was much simpler. The retreat to the north was intercepted by Bai Xiaocao. Towards the East Penghu Inspectorate Bureau according to the danger, and further to the south was the world of Western pirates. It is now closed for dogs. situation”.

“Well, it seems that to completely solve the chaos in Zhejiang and Fujian, the two nails of the snow cat and the fur seal must be pulled out first. Otherwise, there are two stumbling blocks placed there, and the pirates will inevitably resurrect. What have they done recently?”

“There is no movement, but I will not wait and see for a long time. Since the adults sent troops to station in Ryukyu. Bai Xiaocao announced that he would accept Zhao An, I immediately cut off the active contact with these two thieves, and now we are eager to recruit An, they will instead Suspicious, waiting for them to come and find me in a humble position. When the time comes, you have to stand up. It’s not a business to catch up, hee hee. “

Yang Ling pulled her hand naturally, and Cheng Qiyun moved gently from the head of the chaise to his side. A faint and delicious woman’s fragrance is in her heart.

“Just after the restructuring of the sailors, the results have just been working. We haven’t fought the war with the Japanese soldiers. The real test seems to be a battle with the Western pirates,” Yang Ling said as he opened his eyes.

Cheng Qiqi wore a soft shirt. Because he has been working in the backyard, for comfort, Qing Luo Qi shirt is soft and wide, but a natural stunner. There is no way to hide her **** breath.

Although following Yang Ling, her dress has become more and more elegant, and she has never had a frivolous smile and behavior, but her existence itself is a silent temptation.

Tranquil and elegant, the ethereal atmosphere is full of seductive style, and the soft silk gown can’t hide the softness of her waist, and the wind is blowing gently. The ups and downs of her curve, Gao Zhi’s strong twin peaks, now and then enter Yang Ling’s eyes.

“The sailor squad must continue. Even if there are not many pirates who can be squashed on the water, it should be regarded as a military training. I have rushed to the military department and asked the North and South Military Bureau to immediately stop casting the original marine copper guns and iron guns. Cast this new type of artillery from Folang machine. “

Speaking of which, Yang Ling came to the spirit again: “This gun is divided into three types: heavy, medium and light. Five models. The range of heavy and medium artillery can reach six miles, and the effect is best within two hundred feet. According to Adeni ’s That is to say. If you build a super heavy cannon to guard the fortress, you can shoot ten miles when you place the city head at an appropriate angle, and if you have a flower bomb inside, the power is very great. “

“Why did their artillery fire so fast? I heard that the Japanese pirates failed to use our warships mainly because the same amount of artillery was not as fast as the Westerners.” Cheng Qiyun said, sitting next to Yang Ling naturally.

Both were dressed lightly. This sitting next to Yang Ling’s thigh, Yang Ling could clearly feel the softness and fullness of her hips.

His voice tightened, and he continued: “Not only is the rate of fire. This gun has a front sight and a rear sight. The aiming effect is better. Its gun mount design is also very reasonable. It can move up and down, left and right, outside the gun body. Wrapped in cork and added anti-cracking iron hoops. “

The two people were a little uncomfortable and nervous when they first came into contact, but they didn’t say anything and no one moved. This kind of warm physical contact makes two men and women who are not ignorant teenagers have some heartbeat like the first love.

“Why is it shooting so fast? Any other tips?” Cheng Qiyun seemed genuinely interested.

“I’ve seen the drawings drawn by Adni, and watched the craftsmen pour molds, cast, polish, and complete a series of procedures until they can be used, but to be honest, I still don’t understand the specific process, I can only simply say Say this kind of Western artillery is to fill an independent barrel in the gun barrel, called the heart lifter, so the cannon is actually a two-layer barrel.

Inside this layer of gun barrels, the amount of gunpowder is pre-calculated and stored, and the firing interval is short, so as long as a gun is equipped with a few more such core tubes, it will be replaced when it is released, and the rate of fire is very fast. Think about how you can stand such a war. Here you put a gun lying on the muzzle and stuff gunpowder inside. The boat is sifted …

In addition, this kind of inter-connected gun barrel has quick cleaning and fast heat dissipation, and the accurate dose is not easy to explode. Because it is a two-layer tube, the sub tube is generally vulnerable, and only the sub tube is replaced, and the service life is long. “

“Hmm …” Cheng Qiyun was clearly not interested in firearms, but she was pretending to listen, and her eyes rolled. Asked: “According to the adult, Adni knows so much. She is now confident to serve the adult because she has an unmarried … wife status?”

Yang Ling’s eyes narrowed and asked, “What do you mean?”

Those who have been in high positions for a long time have their own dignity. Yang Ling’s eyes narrowed, and there was a shining penetrating power in his eyes, which made Cheng Qiyun’s heart move.

How fast. When I first saw him, the humble young man who knew little about officialdom was not only in power, but is gradually maturing, and he has the wisdom and majesty of the application of the governor of the territory that guards the party. His body is getting stronger and stronger, and he is no longer the weak young man.

The mature and powerful eyes made Cheng Qiyun’s heart throb: he fell in the arms of this man and was embraced by his powerful arms. How sweet it should be, the mind will be as quiet as a boat moored into the harbor bend. Isn’t a woman asking for such a warmth, a kind of sustenance?

She calmed her mind and smiled lightly: “I just remind adults. Men can be sad because they have a good heart, they can follow you and have a good future, and they can follow the death, but women do n’t want these. If they are willing to accompany them without complaint or regret With you, willing to do anything for you, the only possibility is to fall in love with you.

Adene is very smart, she has experienced too many twists and turns, so she is full of alertness, and now you are like she grabbed a plank of wood while drowning, and can only calm her temporarily. But when she figured out that you already have a couple of wives and concubines, she will hesitate about her current identity, and suffer.

Adults want her heart to settle down and ask her to give it without doubt. Only give her a love, a home. It ’s not an exchange, it ’s not utilitarian, is she cute? Who else can she love besides you? “

Yang Ling looked at her calmly, and the breeze flicked her coat, making the lines on her body gentle and smooth, her pretty face like a freshly peeled perfume pear. Fengrunshuiling. Shows a unique and elegant charm, faintly also exudes a light and fresh breath. Those eyes. But it flashed and met his gaze, but wanted to escape.

“Did you confess for Adeni, or do you feel sorry for yourself? You are busy for me and doing your best, is it for this wish?”

Yang Ling swallowed it back again. He didn’t ask. He just looked at each other and read the meaning in the other person’s heart. He understood it. At this moment, his eyes really seemed to be able to speak. .

The maid came with a red lacquer tray, and two small blue and white porcelain bowls and two silver spoons were placed on the tray.

Her arrival broke the silence between the two. Cheng Qiyun asked the maid to place the tray on the floor next to the recliner, then took a bowl gracefully, adjusted it with a silver spoon a few times, and scooped up a spoon Gently leaned to Yang Ling’s mouth.

Sweet and cool, that is iced fresh water chestnut, snow lotus root, lotus seed soup. The sweet and cool flavor has flowed into my heart. What is more pleasant is the beautiful lady like jade and water, and the gentle style .

After a bowl of Bingzhen Lake had been drunk, Yang Ling licked his lips and said, “It’s very good. Adene was tired. She went to bed as soon as she came back, and gave her a bowl.”

“No!” Cheng Qiyun gave him a glaring glance, and then turned into a smile: “I have prepared her part for a long time, and the person has passed, and also told her that she is unmarried … husband. Prepared for her. “

Yang Ling smiled bitterly, Cheng Qiyun put down the spoon and chuckled lightly: “You are also tired, just rest in my place, I will blow to you to listen to.”

A tube of bamboo flute, with a long and deep affection, is like a stream of flowers and flowers, birds singing and cicadas, rippling between the pond fish pond and rockery flowers.

The sun is shining brightly, and the tree shadow is poised.

Under the grape shelf, Linchi sleeps in spring, and the slim and slim people blowjob.

This is such a beautiful thing in the world. I don’t know how many people should be envious of this place of war and smoke.

A tiredness gradually came to cover, Yang Ling closed his eyes and only muttered: “The Casting Bureau is grabbing the casting Folang cannon to equip the sailor, and it is not too important at the moment. You are also tired, obviously Child … Take you and Adeni to go to the mountains to play, picnic, fishing …. fishing … “.

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