Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 279 - Sharpening

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Chapter 279

Zheng Erba was a partner when the seals disappeared. At that time, the two were fighting on the same boat. This man was fierce and brave when fighting, but he was grumpy and lacking in mentality. His old friends were all mixed up. In the face, the sea dog became a sea robber sitting on the 19th island and 13,000 people, and he was just a little boss.

But after all, there is such a layer of origin, so Zheng Erba knew that he could not bear the trouble for a while, but he never thought that the sea dog would be so desperate, and he would send him to Fuzhou to give Yang a head-cutting knife.

When Zheng Erba was tied to the mast, he burst into tears and screamed. This annoyed the seal’s followers. Someone knocked his teeth off with a knife handle and stuffed it into a mass of broken canvas. The eyes of Zheng Erba are about to crack, and they are full of blood, and everyone who looks like that looks sad.

Yang Ling was furious when he received the news that the pirates had taken the captive ship, but he was furious when he received the pirates who were tied up. He praised the people sent by the fur seals and gave back some more. Gold and silver gifts to encourage.

Yang Ling then ordered a small boat in front of the messenger and tied several pirates of Zheng Erba to the ship. The boat was filled with firewood and drove the ship to the sea to set fire. According to local reports, it was dead and no corpses could be buried , From then on, he became a lonely ghost.

Sea Dog is eager to block Yang Ling’s mouth, lest he use excuses to suppress prices, but does not realize how serious this incident has caused to his loyal men. Yang Ling’s disposition of Zheng Erba was passed back to Shuangyu, and the group robbers felt the sorrow of the dead rabbit.

In the past, no matter how cruel the punishment was, the seals had severely dealt with his subordinates. He even was covered with grease and had a sky lantern under the cliff because of his disobedience. But it was a matter between pirates after all. Now his own men are tied to the court and handed over to the officers and soldiers. The thieves grieved, and his prestige and control were rapidly weakening.

“Originally, the adults carried out three measures of suppressing, stroking, and declining along the pirates. Now the pirates have almost eliminated them, and there is no place for them to live in the southeast half. The remaining pirates have no dared to rob the big cities. Lin, the mixed ground is similar to Huahuazi.

They had neither supplies nor soldiers to replenish, and the mere downsizing due to illness and death in the mountains weakened their combat effectiveness to the extreme. However, the officers and soldiers of the Health Institute became more and more courageous and had no fear of them in terms of mentality. It is only a matter of time before they are eliminated.

The Japanese pirates who returned to the water were unable to advance or retreat due to the double interception by Daming and Dongying. They had to turn to the sea dog and the snow cat. Now Snow Cats turn their faces and do n’t recognize people. The pirates who live on the island are like trapping turtles in the urn. There is no way to go to the ground and there is no way to go to the ground. So the pirate problem can now be ignored.

In terms of care, Wang Meiren has fallen in the East China Sea. Bai Xiaocao saw the opportunity early, and had already taken the initiative to vote. Although the two men were fighting home and looting, they were quite a bit of a rogue style of robbing the rich and the poor. The other is simply to arm the businessmen, and to value money rather than power. There will be no second intention after taking over the court.

What makes people worry is the fur seal and the snow cat. These two people are ambitious, and they are by no means inferior to the people. Once they enter the officialdom, they cannot be restrained. Moreover, the imperial court could not promise to give them the freedom and power to grant permission. To be the free king of the sea, you can only get rid of it. “

Cheng Qiyun said with her fingers, while pacing habitually in the room.

She knew that while Yang Ling was listening to her, she was ecstatically savoring her every move, so she raised her hand and showed her mature and charming charm to the beloved man.

Her soft robe was not tied to the top of the tube, a pair of round and full **** jumped and wobbled playfully in the robe, and Yang Ling’s heart shook with the jump.

“Come. Sit down and say,” Yang Ling peeled off the premature litchi and nodded toward Cheng Qiyun.

His chin was on his own thigh, and Cheng Qiyun gave him a white look, but he still leaned on me gently, with his bones in his arms and his arms in his arms.

That fragrant buttock is more than abundant, but soft as boneless. Even with a layer of light and soft silk Luo still can feel the kind of unbelievable mellow and upright. Yang Ling couldn’t help but hold this lovable lover. Hands crossed under her ribs, peeling off the last piece of red silk. Carrying the bright white ice ball to her fresh and plump lips.

Cheng Qiyun gave him a sweet look, and lightly opened her lips to hold Litchi in her mouth. Her lips wriggled and suddenly turned back to her lips. A sweet smell passed into Yang Ling’s mouth. The lip and tongue completely peeled off the litchi, the juice was almost not damaged too much, and the whole piece of flesh was fed to him.

Cheng Qiyun smiled and vomited the nuclear child into the dish, saying: “Well, the sea dog has been working painstakingly in Shuangyu for many years. From the news returned by He Sigai, if you use a boat gun to attack the hardship, with the power of the artillery, It is difficult to break through the fortress at the same time. At the same time, I am not familiar with Shuangyu’s sea route, and the cost of casualties is too high, so a hard attack is not desirable.

As for the snow cat, the sea route is far away, especially when you want to bypass the sea dog, if you ca n’t take the sea dog and leave the division to cut the cat, I am afraid that the sea dog will break my retreat and pinch back and forth, so I ca n’t attack hard. ” .

Yang Ling wiped his hands with a white scarf. “Hmm …” Cheng Qiyun whispered with her lips biting, and blushed: “When it comes to lure, it’s difficult to get rid of them and not damage the court’s dignity. Do the thing that urges security first and then slaughter.

Yun’er initially … was trying to provoke this cat-dog relationship and seek opportunities from it. For this reason, I arranged it early and put an eyeliner beside them.

But now it seems that the two thieves are hard to bridge the gap between each other due to the conflict of interests. And full of thorns and pirates do not know when it will happen, here is still a quick battle. Therefore, Yun’er thought that he should adapt to the original plan in a timely manner. “

With interest, Yang Ling smiled and said, “Let’s hear, what good way can my Di Yuner hurt?”

Cheng Qiyun gave him a glance and said, “I mean, two-pronged approach. At the same time, a knife is made. The plan lures to kill the snow cat, but this will inevitably hit the cat to startle the dog and cause the sea dog to be alert. So when killing the cat, you have to At the same time, use soldiers against the fur seals. As for the reason, it is very easy to deal with, saying that he has refused to accept the court’s resignation, procrastinating, and thinking, and the court’s change to punishment. “

Yang Ling has always been thinking of ways to get rid of snow cats and fur seals. And he already had an idea in mind against the seal. However, since it is necessary to recruit An Xuemao, the momentum must be no small. If Xuemao really raises his troops to vote, how can he get rid of him right then?

So Yang Ling frowned slightly: “Now I am not afraid that Snow Cat will not come to vote, but I am afraid that I can’t find the handle to pick him up. I can’t spend it with him in Fuzhou all the time. Son ……. You also have a way to deal with it? “

Cheng Qiyun turned around and Yan Yan said: “Yun’er only harms people, not fights. I want to pit the snow cat, I will do it. I want to hit the dog. It’s still an adult.”

Yang Ling flashed his eyes and smiled slightly: “Me? How can I do anything?”

Cheng Qiyun’s lips flicked and said sorrowfully: “Is the adult unable to do anything? That’s why Yuner would be wrong. A few days ago, I saw the adult ordering the burning of Zheng Erba and some pirates. Others thought that your master Zhu Zhi was holding it. “”

Yang Ling laughed, her hands tightened, and grabbed her slim waist. “If you want to slaughter a dog, you must first slaughter the cat. If you want to slaughter the cat, you can’t startle the dog. Let’s talk about it. You still have to start at the same time. It ’s just right, I just want to know, how are you going to start with Snow Cat? “

Cheng Qiyun returned his hand around his neck, and while sweetly kissing and kissing, he told him his intentions. By the time the plan was finished, it was chaotically slanted, and the pretty face was dizzy.

Yang Ling listened for a long time. Finally nodded and said: “Make it. I immediately sent someone to summon Song Xiaoai, Meng Sihai, and Jiang Zhou to secretly enter Fujian.”

Various ships of various sizes. With boundless views, the sails spread like clouds.

Snow Cat looked back at Turtle Island looking like a giant turtle exploring the sea. With some attachment, he sighed: He was leaving, he spent most of his life here, and every stone on the island was very familiar.

Now, finally have to go back to the land. The poor boy who was anonymous in the past, is now the admiral of the ocean shipping, Guangzong Yaozu.

He looked at the busy ministries satisfactorily. This is the capital. When I replaced the new warships and artillery of the imperial court.

Hey, the fur seal wants to be the governor? Dream about it. I surrendered to the court today. He was falling into the water and the boat was low, so I might not be able to put his people under my management.

He felt the edict in his arms, and he seemed to be dreaming for a while. This is Ma Xiu’s only seen the ground. It is really the twin dragons embroidered with gold silk and suede. The genuine Imperial Emperor’s Decree will never be wrong.

The fleet gathered from more than a dozen islands under his control has covered the sea, and Snow Cat boarded his own ship and waved with pride: “Start!”

The inexhaustible fleet of sailors marched towards Fuzhou Bay. Since the first ship sailed out in the early morning, the ships from all the islands gathered in an endless stream, and they all sailed out of Guidao until noon.

At the moment, Fuzhou Wharf is also a banner show, and the armour is like a cloud.

The waves beat the shore, and the sound of the waves soothed. Amid the waves of seagulls roaring, the fleet that had covered the sky and sun was already sailing towards the pier. The armor of ceremonial greet is bright and powerful. The Yibinli band played a melodious tune. Yang Ling led more than 100 Fuzhou military and political officials, plus Fuzhou gentry celebrities, waiting for the snow cat under the colorful silk shed.

In order to avoid the suspicion of the Snow Cat, in addition to the guard of honor, only three thousand scattered cavalry were standing guard. Today, Liu Zhifu is busy. It is necessary to arrange the residence and food of the Snow Cat Department, and arrange for people to unload personnel and belongings as soon as possible after the Snow Cat ’s large and small ships enter the port, arrange for vehicles and horses to transport them to the station, and command the empty ship to leave, Subsequent ships continued to enter. Although he didn’t have to do these things himself, conductor Zhang Luo was too busy to sweat.

The Snow Cat landlord ship entered the port, and a whine of horns sounded on the pier. Low and majestic, followed by the gongs and drums, the firecrackers sounded together, He Zongbing, Liu Zhifu and others rushed to the dock to greet them.

Snow Cat stood early on the bow of the ship. As soon as the ship anchored on the shore, the springboard had just been hooked up, and the ropes hadn’t been fastened yet. He led his three sons and seven well-ranked leaders to the spring.

He Sigai was there. Introducing the people from both sides, accepting each other’s rewards, and thanking them for their gratitude, Xuemao listened to the identities of these people and felt that Yang Ling was very polite to him. The heart is full of joy and glory, and I can’t help but thank you. Afterwards, officials accompanied them to chat and laugh and feasted into the color studio to see the mission.

Yang Ling python robe jade belt, after sitting on the long case of Hongyapu, stood two guards left and right. Holding the monk’s sword of the emperor’s seal. As soon as Snow Cat entered the color shed, he smiled tightly, hurriedly grabbed two steps, kneeled down and said, “The criminal was sentenced to death, Wen Hancheng, and he saw the governor General Yang Yang.”

Yang Ling quickly stood up after the case and greeted him with a smile on his face. He said with a smile: “Admiral Wen, Master Wen. Ha ha ha, the past is good. You will be a courtier in the future, and the emperor will be gracious to Master Wen. Nothing can be repeated, and adults should be loyal to the state in the future and do their best to serve the court before they can live up to the emperor ’s love. “

“Yes, I would like to thank Master Yang for the kindness he provided, and Wen was a rough man. He used to be at sea. I don’t know the rules and regulations, and I don’t understand the rules. I hope you will take care of you in the future.”

After the meeting, Yang Ling read the imperial edict on the spot, and put Snow Cat on the tunic of the third-rank general of the third grade, and then walked with him intimately and walked into Fuzhou City.

All the people in the city saw that Emperor Yang, who had sent the emperor, and Snow Cat, who belonged to Zhao An Di, the thief, entered the city hand in hand, and the courtesy was grand.

Later, Yang Ling and Xuemao and his men would tie them to the most luxurious “Shoushan Pavilion” restaurant in Fuzhou City. They invited civil and military officials and local gentry to accompany them, and more than 300 people gathered together. The fish, crabs, shrimps and oysters on the table, the delicious dishes are naturally the finest dishes, and there are kabuki folks singing and dancing entertainment, which is a lot of fun.

The pirate leaders were all dressed in official clothes, and they seemed to be court officials. They were greeted by an adult, and they were greeted by the fluttering fairy. At the beginning, they also brought out some adult’s shelves. Later, they drank to the Xingtou. Sleeve, step on the stool and clap the table and shout five and six.

The wine everyone was drinking was hot, Yang Ling turned around and saw that Liu Zhifu came in from the outside. He raised his glass and drank toasting the wine, and walked over to him. The two stood under the pillar and Yang Ling said softly: “Arranged?”

Liu Zhifu nodded and said, “Yes, it’s all arranged in Jiangbianzhou. He Zongbing sent 8,000 officers and men to station in Hedong, and the thieves stationed in Hexi, looking across the water.”

Yang Ling yelled and asked: “They have no doubt?”

Liu Zhifu smiled and said, “No, they just returned, the court sent troops in case it should be, let alone tens of thousands of people, we are only 8,000 people, and across a river, the pirates are at ease. People sent a hundred pigs, thirty sheep, and four carts of good wine, so that they could have a drink. “

Yang Ling smiled and said with a smile: “Well, they did not give you any benefits?”

Liu Zhifu was stunned, his face was red and white for a while, and after a while, he ate and said authentically: “Xiaguan is guilty, they … they did send a box of gold and silver jewelry from Xiaguan, and … and two 13-year-olds “Women”.

Yang Ling casually toasted the two robbers at the table next to him and whispered to Liu Zhifu: “Shut it up, just accept it. Tonight, there will be nowhere to go. You might not even be able to stay there.

The official also understands the fact that there is no fish until the water is clear, just reminding you not to overdo it. Wang Feiling’s lesson is that he didn’t necessarily have the courage to kill the enemy by the enemy, but he was only lured by the benefits. “

Liu Zhifu pulled up his shirt and wiped his forehead with cold sweat, and his lips were a little bit pale. “Yes, yes, the junior officials know temperance, know what to receive, and what not to receive, and never dare to corrupt the law and harm the people. Those acquired today. The pigs, sheep and wine are paid at the price according to the price, and they dare not owe the people a penny. “

Yang Ling smiled and said: “Okay, after a busy day, you also go to drink a bar. You are a civil servant, there is no business for you tonight, even if you are free to drink.”

Yang Ling took a cup and walked back slowly. Liu Zhifu’s palpitations thought for a while, and today he sent the packman to transport the pirates’ families and belongings, and the rice grains he had purchased were still unpaid by the people. He also had no reason to drink, so he ran out and called The master from the old school asked him to get the matter done right away, and repeatedly told him not to withhold it from him before returning to the banquet hall.

Yang Ling returned to the table and had another two drinks with Xuemao, as an excuse to walk back to the house. He crossed the patio and the flower hall and turned into a study room on the right. Cheng Qiyun was already here. As soon as Yang Ling entered the door, he asked anxiously: “How?”

Cheng Qiyun Yan stood up and said: “Master Han and Peng headed off with ten newly-built ground centipede warships. This ship does not need to sail, and can be used for the first round of sneak attacks. Zhejiang Navy and Fujian Navy sent a total of 120 ships. Ma Clipper, transporting 18,000 soldiers, accompanied by a long distance, just waited for the fire, and immediately attacked the mountain. Our new warships have been increased to twelve, just in case, all are dispatched to respond, tonight , Sure to win Shuangyu. “

Yang Ling sighed and smiled, “Okay! You can go to Meng Sihai and Jiang Zhou to see. Now that Han Chao and Xiao Ai are not in the camp, don’t make a fuss about these two mixed balls. Let’s close the net tonight When catching fish, it’s a bit windy, don’t scare the fish away! “

Cheng Qiyun smiled and said: “Then adults are just afraid of being disappointed. You hit this net, at most one cat and another dog. Still want to catch fish? Man said the fish, I am afraid that even small shrimp Hugh wants to see one. “

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