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Chapter 284 - Joint meeting

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Chapter 284 Joint Meeting

The Manchurian Royal Palace has now become the place of the Francois.

Today is a formal European-style banquet, so most of the food used is made by the Europeans themselves, but the tableware is not the copperware commonly used by Europeans, but is full of thorns and royal gold and silverware and Chinese porcelain.

The staple food of the Europeans is of course bread, but the wheat that makes the best bread has the lowest yield among various major crops, so white bread belongs to the food that can be enjoyed by the rich, nobles and church privileges. They add it to the flour Milk, using brewer’s yeast to make white and delicious small bread, called queen bread, is now placed inside the long dining table.

The dog raiser is sitting at the very end, picking up a piece of hard brown bread made of rye and oats, and thumping it back to the plate, muttering dissatisfiedly with the ono farmland next to him: “A ridiculous banquet The gold plate is filled with this kind of thing. I can use it to break your head at once. “

Ono Gengtian leaned sideways and whispered: “Don’t complain, how can we not bow our heads under the roof of the people? We have to rely on them to survive now, I heard that the people who stayed in Daming have been almost killed. People who fled into the mountains ate wild vegetables and swelled their faces, and even died of bloating. At least we still have food and wine. “

He said he sipped the inferior whisky, but he frowned: “Why not use local fine wine? This wine is like vinegar.”

“Hush, he’s going to talk,” the pig claw handsomely grabbed the samurai bun, and said quickly.

Sure enough, Ai Zege has stood up and politely smiled to everyone: “Gentlemen, you are very welcome to participate in today’s feast at noon.”

He wore a short tights made of oriental silk. On the expensive shawl, a Portuguese love poem is woven with small, round pearls, shining under the candlelight, which makes him more honorable.

“Gentlemen,” Ai Zege smiled and nodded to everyone: “Tonight’s feast, please drink freely, no worries. At the same time, I need to ask for your opinions on some things.”

He looked around the guests sitting beside the long dining table.

This is a huge team. There are officers of the Portuguese fleet led by him, captain Pedro of the Spanish pirate and his men, Miyamoto and his eastern warrior, native chieftains who have surrendered to him, and mercenary leaders recruited during the eastbound The factions are complex, and their races and dresses are also different.

Various dishes were successively presented by the slaves who belonged to the Manchurian palace. Of course, the most exquisite food was still on the side of these leaders. In addition to fish and vegetables, the dishes are also dominated by pork.

The medieval Europeans did not resent the internal organs of animals like the current Europeans, in fact they would not let go of every inch of the edible parts, including the uterus and bladder of the pig. But whether it’s drinks, bread or dishes, they all have to be dyed. The oily dark red looks very appetizing.

Due to different eating habits, some of these people used knives and forks, some used chopsticks, and some grabbed directly with their hands, making this magnificent palace-style feast look a little weird.

Ezeger took a sip of brandy processed from white wine, grabbed a napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth with a smile, and said, “You guys. Please come together today, except for lunch, it’s about our way out. Can we The problem of full thorns and standing feet is related to the future of each of us. “

This sentence immediately caught the attention of all the factions. Everyone stopped their chopsticks, and listened to him.

“To be honest, I did not expect that the Ming army would be so good at fighting. From the information that Captain Pedro told me, the combat strength of the Ming Navy sailors was originally underestimated by us. No, no, it was not an underestimation, but a complete estimate. False. Now. The Ming army solved the East China Sea, and soon the goal will be directed here. The news returned from the secret spy that Mr. Miyamoto left on the Ming dynasty, the signs of the Ming army’s transfer also confirm this. “

He spread his hands and shrugged: “Then the question is coming, are we fighting, retreating, or … trying to find a way to reconcile with Da Ming? Please express your opinions.”

The banquet room suddenly became noisy, and people of various factions began to whisper. Ai Zege quietly observed the crowd’s reaction while holding the meal. Then he glanced deeply at Archbishop La Mario.

His army is not a pirate. It is the regular Portuguese navy, which belongs to Albuquerque, the governor of India, who is known as the ‘Portuguese God of War’. Lord Governor. He is a devout and crazy believer and interest seeker. Since he has established his foothold in India, his ambitions have begun to stare across the Far East.

According to Albuquerque’s observations, he believed that Manchuria was the throat to control the trade between the Indian Ocean and the Far East. Occupying this place can establish Portugal’s status as a maritime trading empire in the East. With this as a foothold, he can also capture Colombo, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Maluku Islands.

When he first traveled to India, he devoted himself to conquering the eastern land with a storm. Not only did they attack and destroy Arab cities one after another, but they also sunk some Arab ships. Occupied Goa and Malacca, swept away Arab ships from the Indian Ocean, established maritime hegemony, and obtained enough power from the Indian King to become the Governor of India.

But this crazy believer and wise general did not have such a strong confidence in whether he could make the God he believed in the East dominate. For the Ming Dynasty, the first powerful country in the Far East, he was always a bit wary. .

Ezege ’s fleet was his first attempt to occupy Manchuria, test the Ming ’s response to it, and then decide on his further deployment to the Far East.

It now appears that the Ming dynasty did not seem to be willing to lose Manchuria, and was ready to use force. As the commander of the Expeditionary Army, Aizeg found that he had miscalculated the strength of the Ming Army and had no time to get further instructions from Albuquerque. He had to discuss countermeasures with his collaborators.

La Mario came to Manchuria on the orders of the Portuguese king, who opposed and used martial arts. In his view, becoming an ally with the first power in the Far East is obviously more beneficial to Portugal, but after three years ago, Ali. Adni ’s uncle and other radical naval officers in the rebellion, he had to start paying attention to the naval department ’s opinions.

Albuquerque is known as the ‘God of War’ and has a high reputation in the navy, and his opinion cannot be ignored. So Archbishop La Mario personally came to Manchuria after learning of his plan, and wanted to give his opinion to the king after his field visit. Because he is a peacemaker. So Ezege was polite to him, actually quite hostile.

Sure enough, La Mario coughed and began to speak. He looked around everyone and said, “You guys, you must know, as early as more than a hundred years ago. The Ming Dynasty naval general Zheng He once went to the ocean seven times, he arrived After passing the Persian Gulf, to Aden, to the Red Sea, he sent a squadron to the east coast of Africa.

Moreover … The size and number of Ming ships and the total number of crew members are the sum of our current naval fleet. There is no doubt that the Ming army has a strong ocean strike capability. Now Captain Pedro has confirmed that the artillery of the Ming Army is no less inferior to us. I think His Majesty ’s opinion is correct. We should form an ally with this powerful country, not become an enemy, it will be a bad dream for us. “

Sander, Ezege ’s deputy, immediately retorted: “His Bishop, I think you are a bit alarmist. Mr. Miyamoto and Ming Jun have many years of fighting experience. From other sources, Ming Jun does not have Peder Captain Luo said the super-powerful cannon. “

He glanced at Pedro contemptuously, adding: “Captain Pedro’s failure of the two battleships. Perhaps it was improper command, or the Ming army relied on the geographical location and the number of ships to make up for the defects. As for the ship, The bullet marks, hehehe, the soldiers are not deceitful, give me two ships, I can split it into a sampan to prove the strength of my artillery. “

He brushed up and stood up. Proudly said: “As Colonel of the Royal Spanish Navy. I swear to the Almighty Lord: Give me ten warships, and I will destroy all the Ming Navy sailors who appear in the South China Sea. Fight for the supreme glory of the Portuguese royal family and the Royal Navy, let the king The power of His Majesty and the grace of His Majesty are all over the East! “

Ezege patted his shoulder with excitement, and said, “Manchuria must ensure that we have this trading port in our hands. Our local merchant ships will be loaded with the wealth of the Ming Dynasty, and their cargo will be loaded on the mast.”

“Papa” two crisp applause, La Mario applauded gently, sneered: “Very nice, sir. But don’t forget, here is at the feet of Daming, its huge like a giant elephant, lift With one foot, we can crush this place. We only have ten warships. Of course, if you count Captain Pedro and Mr. Miyamoto ’s ships, we will supply more than that. Where is Yun? And the Ming Army can mobilize 100,000 troops in a day and night. “

“Mr. Bishop”, Miyamoto stammered stupidly: “As far as we know, people in the Ming Dynasty are not easy to fight and do not use weapons well. Two hundred of us can ransack a 30,000 dungeon. 50 people can chase A thousand troops of the Ming army fled. “

La Mario shrugged and said, “Then I’m curious, why don’t you lead more than two thousand people to occupy ten rich cities, but squeeze with us in a small thorn?”

Hiroshi Miyamoto blushed and said with anger: “This … The officials of the Ming Dynasty are corrupt and the military is weak. It is well known that this is not only the case of the Army. Captain Pedro spent three years in Daming, he should The combat strength of the Ming Navy sailors is also very clear.

Our failure this time was mainly due to the loss of our country ’s base and being forced to carry family members, which greatly affected our combat capabilities. At the same time, Yang Ling, a general of the Ming Army, was resourceful and resourceful. This person was not only good at fighting, but also highly encouraged the morale of the army. But the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty had a very bad habit …… “.

He smiled slyly, took a glass of wine and took a sip, then frowned and grinned before saying: “They like to anger and people, like to be blamed for success. Standing generals will be taboo by the monarch, and eventually give himself up Here comes the scourge of death. The defeated general will also become the scapegoat of the monarch, even if he once fought victoriously.

Now Yang Ling has violated the first article, which has caused some officials’ uneasiness. As long as he violates the second one, he will be immediately attacked by others. As long as he is forced to leave this position, the tiger and wolf division headed by a lion will immediately reintegrate into a group of cattle and sheep.

Sande chuckled and said, “I asked for a fight, for this purpose. As for the supply and the recruitment of soldiers, my specific plan is: first to recruit 4,000 to 6,000 troops from the Governor of India, and first occupy Guangdong Province for At the base, the entire Jianming military naval division gained sea control, and then gradually penetrated into the interior.

As for the issue of follow-up soldiers, another 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers can be recruited from the local area, and another 10,000 mercenaries can be recruited in Dongying and Luzon. When the sea control is obtained, the guns on the warship can be unloaded and used as field heavy artillery, and the artillery can be transported to the ground to reach thousands of guns. Under such firepower, we will not encounter any large-scale resistance. “

Pedro is a Spaniard, but he has to cast his thorns to seek safety temporarily. He knew the strength of the two warships he had destroyed on Dulong Island and Fernando ’s commanding ability, so he firmly believed that the Ming Army had a powerful artillery ground, so he was very reluctant to actively attract Ming warships to this shelter. .

However, because of his special status, he did not want to express his opinions, but heard Sander’s whimsical words. He couldn’t bear it, shrugging his two bearded beards, and he said lightly: “Colonel Sander, I have no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the 6,000 regular Portuguese soldiers. But the Ming Dynasty could send 30,000 sailors to sail Western, and whether it is Portugal or Spain, who can support the ocean supply of tens of thousands of navies?

Recruiting 4,000 soldiers from India, I think India will no longer belong to you, and General Albuquerque will not agree to this plan. A fleet of tens of thousands of people took a boat south from the Iberian Peninsula and bypassed the Cape of Good Hope until India. No country on the way could support such a large army. In addition, what should I do for the maintenance of ships and the prevention of diseases? “

La Mario also mocked and said: “This is not the most important thing, to know that the war cannot be smooth forever. How to retreat such a large army in case of disadvantage? You said to recruit nearly 10,000 mercenaries, how to recruit so many people How to train? How to coordinate? Once the army marches east, the country is empty. If other countries take advantage of this opportunity to fight against our country, how should they respond? “

A series of “how” made Sand ask dumb, he said angrily: “Even if we don’t attack the Ming dynasty, at least we must protect the thorns and the ground. We can always do it. Why do we ask for it. This is the oriental spice. , Porcelain, silk, and tea are the only way to flow. As long as you have absolute trading rights here, Cairo and Mecca will be completely bankrupt. And Venice will not get the spices and silk it needs, unless the merchant who sent them Buy a lot of gold coins in Portugal. “

The vengeful Miyamoto did n’t mind that the Portuguese had sunk several of their warships, but he was so worried about the defeat on the land of Daming, and tried to encourage Aizeg and Sand to fight against Ming, while La Mario and Peder Luo was opposed, the two sides were arguing, and Alonso, the head of the mercenary, was watching the eyes and noses, as if the old monk had settled in.

The two sides were arguing not to have a relationship. An oriental man walked in hurriedly and whispered something to the waiter. The waiter hurriedly led him to Miyamoto. He listened to him and whispered, his face suddenly turned very ugly .

Both sides stopped while they were arguing, and Ezege asked strangely, “Mr. Miyamoto, what happened?”

Miyamoto held knees with both hands, saying one word at a time: “Your Excellency, I just received the news that Hao Jing’s Folang machine man was forced to flee to Chauyu Island because he killed the bribe who asked for bribes. They … .. has been defeated by the Ming Army. My people saw thousands of Folang robots being escorted through on Fuzhou Street. “

Ezege said in surprise: “Why? I know those people, although they are smugglers, but their military force is not weak. Their four main battleships are not much worse in firepower than our warships. I am preparing to send people to and They contacted and hoped to join forces with them. How many warships did the Ming army dispatch and how long did they fight? “

Miyamoto said hesitantly: “The large battleships in Fuzhou Port did not go to sea, so my people couldn’t figure out how many ships they dispatched, but we know that the military camp dispatched troops to the sea. They set off early in the morning until twilight. Go back. It took only one day time to go back and forth. “

The noise in the hall disappeared completely, and even a needle could be heard on the ground. After a long time, La Mario stood up and shouted in a high-pitched voice: “Generals and gentlemen, we must make a decision immediately, and we cannot wait until the warship of the Ming army is open to our eyes to negotiate. I think The most correct way is to immediately get in touch with Ming Ting and resolve the Manchuria problem through negotiations. “

He pointed at the door and said loudly: “The combat strength of the Ming Navy sailors is already obvious. They can try to catch rather than kill our immigrants, which also shows that they have the sincerity to negotiate. The opportunity is fleeting and cannot wait any longer. Going down, gentlemen. I do n’t want that when our banquet was over, soldiers wearing Ming army armour rushed in directly from the door, and then escorted us from the table into the cell, upholding the will of His Majesty the King, and negotiate with them! “

Ezege and Sand looked at each other. After a long time, Ai Zege sat down and said: “…….. Well, Sander, send someone to get in touch with Yang Ling. We negotiate. We are willing to give them a tribute to the old example of the lighting country. , In order to obtain freedom of trade and full ownership. “

He raised his head and said to Sand again: “Send someone immediately to inform Governor Albuquerque to adjust the warships and the army as much as possible. You can adjust as many as you can, and you must increase the reinforcement as soon as possible to prevent it.”

Yang Ling was extremely satisfied with the resolutions made by He Zongbing, Cheng Qiyun, and Adeni’s “three-person military team”, and even more satisfied with the results. But Adni also went to fight on the island personally, which still scared him.

As soon as Yu Ling returned to the room, Yang Ling applied a punishment to Adnie. The tight buttocked buttocks were slapped with a few slaps, in exchange for a singy, pitiful and pitiful appearance, but not Ken asked for forgiveness.

Yang Ling had no choice but to punish Cheng Qiyun. The same slap fell. But she is charming, like a snake. The beaten-faced look of Cheng Qiyun, like the vines wrapped around him, Yang Ling was made to have no skin tone and elasticity. , Cheng Qiyun was finally fought ….. for mercy.

However, this incident that left no future troubles still gave Yang Ling a wake-up call: family affairs and national affairs are matters of the world. Sometimes the family should give up. Children’s feelings should be released.

If he is away. His subordinates made the wrong decision, using brutal killing to stab Manchuria and the pirates to launch the offensive in advance. Then the Ming army, who is not prepared enough, is likely to be passive, at least to pay more casualties, because of his own selfishness, has killed countless innocent lives.

The arrest of the smuggling team showed that the black slaves made him a bit surprised. After interrogation, Yang Ling realized that the West had started the black slave trade, and there were already pirate ships specializing in the seizure of people from other places and trafficking in other places for profit. The black slaves in this smuggling fleet were purchased from Western pirate ships.

At the same time, because they live in Macao, although they rarely resell the population from Macao, they are also doing the dirty work of selling Western people to the East, and then selling women and children from the East to the West. It will not fall lightly. Except for the placement of women and children and black slaves to prevent others from disturbing others, those who are guilty of evil will be handed over to the Minister of Prosecutors for questioning and disposal according to the law of Ming Dynasty.

This morning, a businessman from Fujian came to the Governor’s Mansion and asked to see Master Yang Ling. The governor’s house was used to seeing the governor by some inconsistent people, and he knew that most of these cats and dogs were not small, so he did not dare to neglect and rushed him into the living room in a hurry, so he reported to Yang Ling.

Yang Ling heard the news and hurried to the living room. The businessman met Yang Ling and politely said: “Caomin Jia Qingyou visited the Governor.”

Yang Ling smiled and said, “Mr. Jia doesn’t have to be polite, are you …?”

Jia Qingyou didn’t dare to sit down, and said with a smile: “Caomin is a businessman, often runs Nanyang to do some medicine trading.”

As soon as Yang Ling heard it, he was a real businessman. He was a little slack when he was curious. He sat lazily on the chair and said lightly: “Oh, don’t be too polite. Just sit back and say something. Do you have anything to see? Governor? “

Jia Qingyou still did n’t dare to sit, he wiped his sweat and stood there properly: “Caomin is a businessman. When the cargo ship passed overtime, he was hijacked by a group of ghosts and pirates there. They detained Caomindi. The ship asked Caomin to send a message to the adults, and when the news arrived, they were willing to return the cargo ship. “

“Huh?” Yang Ling suddenly leaned forward and stared: “Manga plus? Fran pirate? What news do they want you to bring?”

Jia Qingyou eats authentically: “They said that Folangji defeated Manchuria and ruled that place. Now he knows that Emperor Daming is quite dissatisfied with this, so he is very worried. Therefore, I would like to negotiate with Daming on the Manchuria issue. If the adult agrees, please sign me a handwritten note. Caomin will bring the Manchuria plus. The adult will appoint a date and they are willing to send a mission to negotiate with the adult in Xiamen. “

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