Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 286 - Pawns full of thorns

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Chapter 286

The meeting between the two parties was not very friendly. In the tents set up by the sea, there were soft beaches and shells at the feet, and wind and birdsong at the ears.

Ezege insisted that the biggest concession was to challenge the Ming court, but Manchuria must be in their hands. Yang Ling insisted that Manchuria and Canada must be restored, and the Portuguese army must be withdrawn.

However, Portugal can set up a commercial office there and even Daming Port, send government officials and businessmen representatives, conduct transactions with Orientals under the Daming Order, and compete fairly with Daming businessmen. At the same time, the Daming government guarantees the safety and interests of Portuguese businessmen coming to the Far East. In return, Portugal also needs to protect the safety and rights of the Daming ocean-going fleet.

Izeg refused this proposal. He wanted to control the Indian Ocean and dominate the Far East trade. Although Yang Ling ’s proposal can also bring huge profits for Portugal, they will have to face other Western businessmen ’s Competition, and the pressure of Oriental businessmen, trade initiative will not be in their hands.

The first negotiation between the two sides broke up. Yang Ling reported to the Zhengde Emperor that he had negotiated the situation. From the north to the south, he requested to transfer the main naval forces from Fujian to Guangdong, Liaodong, Nanjing, Quanzhou, the three major shipyards and the Armament Bureau. Hurry up, make all the money to build a new warship and equip the sailor.

Temporary financial difficulties are for sure, but if this battle is lost, it will further increase the ambitions of the Franco robots, and even other Western countries will be eager to try and come to the East to nibble Daming’s marine power.

For example, the long-term stagnation of the bony maggots will make the financial consumption more difficult to bear, and the domino effect caused by the failure is difficult to predict the impact on the Ming Dynasty.

In the old days, Wu Sang’s female pickers accidentally stepped on the Chu women’s feet while playing games, and eventually developed from two to two cities. Finally, there was a war between the two countries, which killed more than 100,000 people. Princess Chu was also captured, and since then the two countries have enemies.

The situation creates people, but the situation is driven by people. Not everything has a historical necessity, especially in the officialdom. Although Yang Ling had the favor and support of Emperor Zhengde, Liu Jin’s faction and the remnant forces of the Hongzhi dynasty all looked down on him. If he loses, they will take the opportunity to mobilize national political opinion to force him to step down. And policies and policies must disappear. What is the necessity of his failure and the change of national games?

So despite receiving a confidential report and knowing the financial difficulties of the imperial court, the harvest was not obtained at this time, the people’s lives were difficult, and some places had complained, and Yang Ling had to gritt his teeth.

The people cannot stand at such a high political level, and some things cannot be understood, and Yang Ling does not intend to make such a futile effort. But the bad news from economic intelligence still worried him. Similar to the politician who advocates shock therapy, the pressure on it is extremely immense. Moreover, this is not a unified decision of the entire Ming court. Many courtiers recognized the surrender of the Franco man. Disagree with Daming’s use of foreign troops.

This time the challenge was not directed at him personally, so there were more things that needed to be taken care of and worried about. He must get through anyway, and the Ming court and the people must also get through it. After the pain, we will welcome a new life.

New life was born. Yang Ling’s people brought news from Jinling that Ma Liner had given birth and gave birth to a baby girl. Yang Ling, a father, was both happy and ashamed. He had expected to have rushed back to Beijing this month, but now it seems that not only can Ma Lian’s daughter be with him, but when the young girl has a child, he has no time to return to Beijing Too.

This is July, when the weather is the hottest. However, the rain is getting less and less, and the crops tend to be drought. Yang Ling, who is also the administrative ambassador of Fujian, had to take care of civil affairs and farming. He was too busy to deal with each other. Fortunately, he knew that Ma Lianer had an elder brother by his side. Waiting around, not too worried.

With the mobilization of the Ming Army, Manchurians and pirates are also stepping up repairs to warships and training soldiers. Especially the cooperative combat capability of several different forces. More than 600 soldiers were recruited locally, and those sent to India to mobilize troops have not yet returned. So while the two sides are preparing for battle, they are still negotiating.

Yang Ling knew that the fighting could not be delayed. The maintenance cost of the Navy was several times that of the Army. The huge army now assembled cannot be supported by Daming’s current financial resources for a long time.

Yang Ling had already received the news that the Emperor Zhengde had approved the sending of troops with Manchuria, and now his preparations are ready, everything is ready, and he only owes Dongfeng.

In the latest negotiation, the Ming army no longer went to the warm water and mud, their attitude suddenly became tougher, and Yang Ling severely warned Ai Zege: “July 15th, the Franco army must withdraw from Manchuria, otherwise Daming The army will expel force, and the Portuguese side will bear all the consequences. “

The final moment of the showdown for both parties finally arrived.

July 14, the ghost festival.

In July and a half, ghosts chaosed. On this night, avoid night travel, stay up late, and avoid getting into the water. But at Fuzhou Pier, there was a continuous army and a steady stream of flow that night. Armament ships, support ships, troop carriers, and warships were dispatched one after another. The lights inside and outside the pier were brightly lit, and officers and soldiers were warned layer by layer within ten miles, and no one was allowed to approach.

The “ship” No. 1 “Fukang” named by Yang Ling also arrived at the port and was quietly parked on the sea. The warship Zhengde Emperor personally gave him a name: “Great General!”

It is also the first warship equipped with armor. Due to weight-bearing considerations and economic reasons, the Nanjing Armament Bureau ambassador Cheng Bingxi abandoned the plan for armoring the whole ship. After designing and testing, the armor was installed in an important position that was easy to be hit and damaged, especially the side guns position.

The warship is divided into five layers, with a total of 30 guns on the lower deck and the main deck, 25 guns on the upper deck, and 15 guns on the half deck. Due to the wide hull, the ship was transformed for the first time at the bow and stern position. Six ship first guns and four stern guns were installed. The ship was also equipped with 60 bowl mouth guns. The “Majestic General” became a murderous machine armed with teeth and capable of firing from almost any angle.

Seventy of these giant guns were designed using the drawings provided by Adni. The gunners can quickly transport these cannons on a broad, flat deck. The other ten cannons are stationary.

The Folang cannon has a very fast firing rate, but relatively speaking, its lethality is smaller. In order to make up for the shortcomings, Nanjing artillery expert Lu Zekai combined the advantages of the thunderbolt and the Folang cannon to design a This kind of giant catenary cannon, the body of the gun is not a traditional tube with a wide head and tail. It is a two-foot gun body with a thick tail and a thin exit.

Its shells weigh up to 25 pounds, can penetrate four feet thick oak boards within 35 feet, and can smash four feet thick oak boards within 50 feet, and the ship is broken like a bamboo. The only drawback is that the guns fire more than the traditional ones. The heavy artillery is slower, but with the aid of various Folang guns, it can fully exert its terrible power.

This behemoth is not suitable for long-distance navigation. In close combat, other warships are also required to control, because once the enemy ship escapes, it is difficult to pursue, but it is used to attack and defend the port. Its appearance can make the most brave navy daunted.

Guide the boat as you navigate forward. “The mighty general” slowly moved the hull. With the rotation of the angle, the lights reflected the sharp and heavy metal collision angle of the bow of the ship with a cold and terrifying light.

In front of it, a large number of ground warships have left the port. The earliest departure was the kind of centipede clipper that did not need to be driven by sails, and was good at hiding. There were many strange-shaped weapons on the ship. From a distance, it looked like big and small tanks, rope bamboo rafts, and many sailor officers and soldiers. I don’t understand what kind of weapon it is, but there are more people on the side of the ship when they go out to sea, even if they are not close to them.

Childhood is over and the holiday of the evil spirits is over.

The “Majestic General” sailed in the direction of Manchuria. The blue sea is like ink. There is no whiteness on the horizon, the moon hangs high in the sky, reflecting the sea like a stream of rotten silver. Once the huge hull sailed to the sea, it also seemed so small. Looking up close, the huge waves it stirred were enough to overturn a brigantine, and looking from above, it was just a plow on the tiny sea Faint traces.

The fifth floor of the giant ship. In a building like a tower. Yang Ling lay on the chair with his eyes closed, and a slight trace of tiredness could be seen between the eyebrows. Adene lifted the curtain. Walking in from the rear cabin, she wore a tassel helmet on her head and a set of armor of the Ming general in her hand. Looking at the posture of carrying things, it should still be a set of paper armor.

“Yang, are you tired?” Adeni saw Yang Ling’s appearance, hurriedly put the armor on the table, and hurried over.

There was a light smile on Yang Ling’s mouth, and he said, “Well, tired, I haven’t slept well for a few days, but I’m particularly relaxed now. After so many days, it finally came to the end.”

Adeni approached him, stroking his cheek gently, and said, “Yang, are you so sure of victory? Are you not worried about defeat at all?”

Yang Ling grabbed her hand and gently scraped her own Hu Jian with her tender palm, whispering: “You know, Xiao Nier, once in Beijing, many knowledgeable Beijing officials would be embarrassed and let me I participated in the Jingyan debate and gave lectures for the emperor. I prepared a whole night of painstakingly. When I ate in the morning, my legs still tremble involuntarily. In fact … I couldn’t eat at all. “

He chuckled lightly: “No one knows how scared and nervous I am, but when I stood there, I wasn’t scared all at once, my head was a little dull, and there was some kind of inexplicable excitement. Standing there and imagining myself To face all the people, they have to listen to me and prepare to question me, they are really scared, but when I stand on the stage, facing the crowd of black people, I ca n’t even think about it. “.

“Now, I have been preparing for too long. I have thought about the various situations that may occur if I fail. Anything makes me afraid. But when I have sailed out, I just think about how to defeat the enemy. I have no time to think about it. There is no need to think about the possibility of failure. “

He opened his eyes and stared at Adeni: “Fight for me, do you regret it? After all, they come from your country?”

“You only need me to answer what you are happy about, my husband,” Adnie chuckled narrowly: “I want me to say, my wife is my husband, your will is my will. Or ……… hope In exchange for fewer casualties in exchange for the soberness of my country, to prevent them from forming hatred with a powerful country like Daming? “

“Ah!” Adni whispered, Yang Ling’s vengeful hands had entered her under her shirt, pinched her breasts, annoying big hands, kneading and playing tirelessly on her buds, Enjoying the soft touch, a pair of cherry-like milk beads quickly firmed up.

Adene’s feet were soft and could not stand. With a red face, she leaned on Yang Ling’s chest. On the eve of the war, she tolerated Yang Ling’s frivolous and frivolous behavior. Yang Ling said with a smile: “Now you tell me, is it because the wife is the husband, or for the supreme interests of your country”.

It was the first time she had grown so big that she was kissed so arrogantly by a man. Except for being paralyzed there, she could not resist anymore.

“The western beauty’s initial involvement in men and women was originally so naive. If I want, I can ask her now.” Yang Ling’s heart moved. But he still restrained his desire, he didn’t know why he wanted to tease her now. Is it because she is still very nervous in her heart, and she unconsciously wants to relax, or because she is about to go to the battleship of Han Wu and fight on the first line of artillery fire personally.

He let go of Adnie’s wet red lips and raised an eyebrow. He said, “Can you tell me now?”

“I … I don’t know …”, Adni gasped on his chest and gasped softly. Her hair was messy and full of sexiness: “I don’t know, dear Yang, I have n’t thought about why, for you, for me, or for what noble goals. Oh … Hell, do n’t ask me, I only know that I should fight alongside you! “

“Cough”, two clear coughs, Cheng Qiyun’s figure appeared in front of the hatch. She was going to sea for the first time. Although the giant ship was unusually stable and the stairs were spacious and strong, she still clung to the railing subconsciously. Eyes glanced at Yang Ling, his face seemed to be a smile.

Adeni whispered “Ah”, as if caught on the bed by someone, and hurriedly got up, tidying up his clothes. Yang Ling raised her lips, and asked, “Are you ready?”

“Well,” Cheng Qiyun came into the cabin and said, “The centipede ship has completed the scheduled task, and is now on the way back, only to receive the light language, but in order to confirm, I still wait until they send the messenger boat. inform you”.

“The Clippers are ready, and you can immediately send Adene to General Korea’s battleship.”

Yang Ling jumped up and saw that Adene had put on the armor, so she quickly helped her to tie the armor silk silk, said: “Go, I will send you to change the boat, the first battle will be given to you!”

He gently held a small hand to the left and right. The two beauties glanced at each other in a tacit understanding. They both gave their faces without breaking free. Yang Ling’s mouth could not help showing a proud look.

Stepping down from the tall five-story handsome cabin, the guards standing on either side raised their hands one by one. There was white fish belly in the sky, the sea breeze was cool, and I looked around. “Powerful General” was lined up behind it. It was three heavy-duty large “Fang Mo” sand ships, followed by four horse clippers, followed by trailing There are countless warships and shadows of the warships, large and small, but for a while, they can’t see the model.

There are also Japanese-style warships on the left and right and in front of it. There are other types of blessed ships, as well as sand ships, wide ships, and bird ships (a variant of the blessed ship). This is a mixed fleet. This time, Yang Ling Obviously, all available forces have been used.

He not only wanted to win this battle, but also made the Ming army ’s terrible combat power leave an indelible impression on the Folang robots, so that they would not dare to have the idea of ​​using force for at least ten years. .

In the bottom cabin, the helmsman and the navigator calculated the ship’s position and angle of travel in an orderly manner, just like a general who commanded the battle, he constantly issued various terminology commands that Yang Ling didn’t understand. Each of them operated various navigation instruments, and issued instructions such as steering and sailing to the sailing sailor according to the command of the fire chief to correct the course.

Fighting on the water, the ship is like a warhorse under the crotch of a knight. Whether it can handle the ship handily can definitely affect the victory of the entire battle, so Yang Ling respects these soldiers who do not take swords and guns. He nodded humbly, stopped them from saluting, and took Cheng Qiyun and Adene to the side of the ship.

Due to the different hull size and different sail force, it is impossible to let another ship keep the same speed as Yangling ’s No. 1 blessed ship and set pedals. Han Wu ’s battleship and Yangling ’s handsome ship basically keep At a parallel speed, more than thirty feet away on his left.

Yang Ling glanced at Adni, said nothing, but nodded, and then helped her to sit on the fast boat, and together with the sailors, the boat was hung into the water with a cable, and the boat notified Han Wu’s battleship with lights , Leaning on the side quickly.

Yang Ling stood on the bow of the ship and watched. After a while, he only listened to the “Woo” conch sound issued by Han Wu’s ship. At the same time, dozens of lights swung the same movement in different directions. Then more than twenty warships suddenly filled with sails, separated from Yangling’s large fleet, and drove forward at full speed.

Yang Ling looked to the right, and all the centipede ships were coming in the opposite direction, flexibly passing through the gaps of the fleet, the ship was empty, they were full of large and small tanks and rope rafts that had gone to sea. .

Yang Ling smiled a little, and smiled a bit evilly: “If you don’t play like this, you will immediately drop a big bomb!”

“Huh?” Cheng Qiyun glanced at him curiously.

“Well!” Yang Ling nodded and glanced back, mysteriously, and left without explaining.

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