Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 291 - Go to Shu alone

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291 Alone to Shu

Mommy Su Duan returned to Manga, and hadn’t had time to appease the cheering people. He greeted with tears from the loyal butler of the palace, Oman, but his reaction was far below Yang Ling’s expectations. Runaway, actually comforted the big housekeeper a few words.

A person who thought he had been penniless and would eat rice for life in the Siyi Pavilion in Beijing suddenly regained his land and his people, regained the throne and put on the crown, how ecstatic was that? People with low psychological expectations are also easily satisfied: gold jewelry is gone? Can I save it again, all the more than 100 concubines in the palace are gone? Can be accepted again.

Wang Hua read the will of Emperor Daming as a ceremonial clerk, clearly stating that Emperor Daming supported the restoration of Sudan, and only recognized him as the only legal king of Manchuria. Su Duan Ma Mo kneeled in the presence of her own people to accept the will of the big tomorrow, and announced the next year to change the country name to the first year of Qiming.

Afterwards, Liu Yu, as the minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs, announced that at the request of Manchuria and Sudan, following the old example of the Ryukyu Kingdom, he transferred three guards and horses, and 20 warships were permanently stationed in Manchuria. These people included sailors, army and smiths. Responsible for the mission to the Indian Ocean, Ju is responsible for guarding Manga Canada and maintaining the order of the merchant ships passing through Hong Kong.

The Manchurian royal family and the chiefs of the tribes have been stunned by the robots of the Frang. It is hoped that the Ming army can be stationed here to protect them, so there is no objection to the king ’s decision. With the active cooperation, this matter is extremely done. smoothly.

Yang Ling, Wang Hua, and Liu Yu, as the congratulatory ministers of the Ming Dynasty, were the guests of Manga, participated in the Sultanate’s reunification ceremony, and spent three days of carnival with the Manga Canadians before returning to Fujian.

In the Fuzhou Governor ’s Palace, Wang Hua read out the purpose of Zhengde to Yang Ling: The position of Fujian ’s ambassador should not be suspended for a long time, and the court has re-appointed the ambassador. Not coming soon. In view of the fact that the coastal war has subsided, and the pirates have little leftovers, the responsibility of the bandits is entrusted to the commanders and commanders of all regions, and Yang Ling is removed from the post of governor of the six provinces during the war.

As for Yang Ling’s two pieces of Chen, they can almost be dismissed: the thousands of people scattered in the provinces are not allowed to stay on the ground forever, but the war of squads has not completely subsided. You can stay in the local area temporarily, and return to the original residence after the remaining pirates have been cleared. Regarding the preparation for the construction of a naval lecture on martial arts, we will discuss it later.

In addition, it was announced that the imperial court’s attitude towards establishing business cooperation with Portugal, and when the Portuguese mission returned to Daming, appointed the local chief of bureaucracy to be responsible for the reception and ushered into Beijing. These things had nothing to do with Yang Ling. The Chief Executive enlisted in the government and listened, then conveyed the new Chief Executive.

Yang Ling and his entourage made many pirate wars, especially in Ryukyu, Manchu and Garrison, as if exploring a pair of jaws towards the sea. In the embrace of the East China Sea and the islands of the South China Sea, most of the islands have returned to the Ming dynasty, and even Yizhou has quickly become a thing in the bag. Such merits have not received any praise or promotion.

The only thing that shows the emperor’s thoughtfulness and trust is that the Northwestern folks are tough. The mountains and rivers are sinister, and Yang Ling’s army is now divided into different regions. It is too late to call back, and the emperor’s heart is very concerned. Therefore, it is decided that Yang Ling can directly mobilize the soldiers and horses within the three guards and recruit the wolf soldiers without asking.

Before this purpose was read, Wang Hua and Liu Yu did not know the content. Half of the purpose was read, and the generals of generals who were kneeling underneath had a sense of commotion. Liu Yu and Wang Hua were originally from his own group, and the other also had a personal relationship with him, so he read out this kind of meritorious minister. With some mean and unwilling intentions, the two men looked a little ugly.

Yang Ling was calm and relaxed, his expression as usual. He knelt and listened to the decree, and Shane took it. For the Taiwan case. Then he smiled to Wang Hua and Liu Yu: “The two adults, Yang Ling has been out of Beijing for a long time this time. Since the emperor has arranged for the southeast, I am relieved that the two days will be handed over as soon as possible. Clearly, the official must continue to tour the area of ​​Shaanchuangui to complete the decree to return to Beijing as soon as possible.

You and I have a rare chance to get together in Rongcheng. The official will hold a banquet in ‘Yicuilou’ tonight. Please invite two adults to have a good drink. Ha ha. A joy. “

Although Liu Yu is cold-hearted, Wang Hua is a gentleman who is clean and self-righteous. If he does not say that he is only asking a prostitute for music, Yang Ling fears that he is hesitant, so he specifically explained it.

Wang Hua saw that he was calm and free of grievances, admiring and admiring his heart, and could not help but clenched his fists and praised: “Senior Yang is only a weak crown, but he can be insulted. This demeanor, Wang Mou passed the year of destiny, It ’s also … It ’s really ashamed to admire! Admire! “

“Where, where, Mr. Wang has been reputed, Yang Mou is guilty of not being guilty, guilty of being guilty of being guilty,” Yang Ling hurriedly clenched his fist, and smiled casually: “The two adults are not good at sailing. You have been working hard all the time, please go back to your room to bathe and change your clothes, so you can rest for a while. “

Yang Ling asked people to lead the two missionaries back to the rear house for resettlement, and calmly appeased the angry subordinates a few words, and sent everyone away, and then Shi Shiran returned to his room. He had just changed his official robe, and he saw Cheng Qiyun with a pretty face and walked in with a vigorous face. He didn’t answer when he saw him, and he sat on the chair.

Yang Ling smiled and walked over to sit on a chair with her, Cheng Qiyun twisted her body arrogantly, Yang Ling did not mind, squeezed his face and squeezed into a pile of her sitting, holding her silky smooth like a snake Waist low smiled: “Just two days after returning from Suzhou, who made you angry at Miss Cheng?”

Cheng Qiyun gave him a white glance, and said: “You, this person, has a serious smile on his hippie. People have advised you early. You don’t listen. If you only mention the matter of the thousands of people stationed in the provinces, the Emperor 19 will allow you. I want to be whimsical. What should I do about Wutang? Now both things have been refuted. Even the rewards that I deserve are gone. Why do you say that you are here? “

Yang Ling rubbed her cheek against her pink cheeks for a few times. The cheek muscles were like snow and tender as fat. Although it was hot weather, it was cool and sweat-free. Yang Ling narrowed her eyes, smelling the fragrance of the fragrant grass emanating from her body, and sighed comfortably: “The one who knows me is my worry; the one who doesn’t know me is what I want. My pains. How can you know? “

Cheng Qiyun was very comfortable with him, and his eyes became soft, but he still hummed reluctantly, and murmured from the nasal cavity: “What do you have to worry about? I said that something has to be done slowly and anxiously. No, did you lose money? “

Suddenly she turned her face and said suspiciously: “You … so anxious to start a lecture hall, isn’t it to please Adena that girl?”

Yang Ling was stunned. Mischievously said: “Just guess what you are, ah, woman, once you have … hey, you will become blind. Smart as rhyme, no exception.”

Cheng Qiyun’s face blushed, but she was still unconvinced and said: “Anyway … You are a bad move. The emperor allows you to recruit the three guards at any time. It seems that the favor has not diminished, so it’s better, or else It ’s a big loss. “

She glared at Yang Ling and said, “I tell you, you can’t be used to being spoiled for a woman. You call her contented, and everything depends on her. She will groan without illness, and cause trouble.”

Yang Ling made a sudden enlightenment, and replied: “Miss Cheng learned a lesson, it was a word that awakened the dreamer, Yang Ling was taught. So what … The officer just returned from Manga, A little tired, to sleep alone tonight. There is a coquettish little wild cat, it should be rested. So as not to be content. Be motivated again, and give birth to ……… Ouch! “

He was pinched under the rib by the shy and annoyed Cheng Qiyun. Can’t help but smirk and cried out.

He smiled and touched something out of his sleeve, stuffed it into Cheng Qiyun’s hands, and then embraced her softly on the waist and smiled: “Even if you don’t say it, I know that this matter is indeed under-considered, but …… But there is a silver lining, I always want to try it.

Speaking of it, no matter whether it is mutual exchange with Duyan Sanwei, or the lifting of the ban on the sea, which one thing I did not secretly prepare, with the sufficient strength of the Chaoye to support it, and with a certain degree of certainty, was it proposed in the Chaotang?

I also know that, since ancient times, once the major events of the court were raised in the temple, it would be like a decisive battle of the army. Before that, the soldiers, horses, food, news, and positions have been fully prepared. That is the time for the final showdown. Only silly birds will be. Unpreparedly went to the court meeting to discuss slowly.

This time I was so anxious. I did have my own pains. Alas, maybe it ’s nothing in the world, mediocrity, no matter what, I tried my best. “

Speaking of here, Yang Ling suddenly felt a sense of confusion and sorrow: “Is this time … Will it really be buried in the bones? Or is it good fortune as Zhang Tianshi said, safe and sound? No worries, no worries, no worries, I used to look so indifferent, but when my heart was guarded, I entered Han Youniang ’s pitiful and loving figure. Since then, I have fallen into the red dust, and I ca n’t help myself. Now I have not only a red face, a beloved wife, but also There are unfinished business, a lot of involvement, especially …….. the baby girl who has never met, and the flesh and blood of the young girl ….. “.

Cheng Qiyun felt a sense of sadness in Yang Ling’s tone, and subconsciously wanted to turn his head to look at him. Yang Ling quickly blinked with tears in his eyes and diverted his attention: “If you look at this thing, you should be at ease. Because of this incident, I will be afraid of my heart and will be wary. “

Cheng Qiyun looked down and saw that she was squarely and squarely soft yellow silk. She couldn’t help wondering: “What is this? Why are you carrying this on your body? This is an offense …”, her pair of beautiful eyes suddenly glared. The boss, said in surprise: “The emperor’s secret purpose?”

Yang Ling kissed her fresh red lips, smiled and said: “Let’s talk and talk.”

Cheng Qiyun unfolded Huang Ling and held it in her palm: “Yang Ling read, I bow very comfortably, don’t miss it.”

“Well, the emperor’s word is quite good.” Cheng Qiyun first scored Zhengde’s dense and beautifully hand-written beautiful small script, and then continued to read: “

Ai Qing wanted to build a martial arts lecture hall, but the civil and military officials did not agree. I thought for a while, that the civilian leadership, the military headquarters and the five military governors were mutually restrained, and the guards were stationed in various places.

The establishment of martial arts, will be one. Although the general’s ability can be improved quickly, there are indeed many disadvantages. Yang Shi did not consider this slightly. I am as good as I am, selling a hundred officials for a face, this time refuting you.

Ai Qing wants to place a well-trained team of thousands of soldiers in various provinces. I think it is feasible. Jing Ping Japanese War, see more details. Taking the tiger and wolf army as an example to improve the combat effectiveness of the whole army, is that what Qing said is to bring face to face?

However, the policy of Wujian to talk about Wutang is that Ai Qing has a stinky chess. Now, the hundred official residences are in trouble and imaginative. Even the governors of the five armies are opposed, and Ai Qing has become a thief. In my opinion. Let them stay in the provinces for a while, and then return to the place when the banditry has subsided. The fighting in Jiangnan has been settled, and the military strength is also necessary. What do you think of the compromise?

Another: Ai Qingping pirate gangsters, I am a great national prestige, great achievements, I would like to praise. Enter the land and give the official seal. It is a pity that not only Xiao Tang opposed, but also the younger sister and sister strongly opposed, these two women I dare not offend, you are not popular, do not blame me.

The younger sister is about to give birth, Ai Qing may be too late to rush back to Beijing, there is my godfather. Ai Qing does not have to worry about it. I hope the younger sister is born as a boy and can drink, ride, and hunt with me in the future. Well, I wo n’t say much. I ’m going to find Xiao Tang now. I made an appointment to accompany my younger sister to Huguo Temple to pray for blessings. Thank you! “

Cheng Qiyun finished reading this incomprehensible secret, and after a long while, she burst into tears and laughed: “The emperor is to you … to you ….. Hehe, it’s really unfailing. And you must recognize your child as a son.” The young girl’s birthday is about to take place, and the emperor will take the son right away. The rumors about your falling out of love will naturally disappear, and I will be relieved, otherwise some wall-spots will inevitably require the first mouse ……… “.

She had just said this, and Adeni’s voice sounded in the courtyard: “Yang, are you there?”

When Yang Ling returned to the house, Adene was in the Armament Bureau. According to the effect of the actual battle, he and Zheng Lao and others reformed the mines. Hearing Yang Ling’s return to Fuzhou, he hurried back.

Yang Ling quickly stood up and walked to the door, and saw a beautiful shadow surging in the winding corridor, and the pigeons flew in surprise. Adeni was dressed as a woman, and the red wood skirt on her lower body turned like a cloud. The white silk trousers in the skirt were soft and tight, reflecting a pair of long, straight, round and strong beautiful legs.

Adeni ran to the door and saw Yang Ling standing there. She stood happily and said, “Yang, are you back? I … I heard … Sister Yun’er is also there?”

When she saw Cheng Qiyun coming out of the room, she nodded to her with a smile.

Cheng Qiyun was deeply moved when Cheng Yiyun was injured pretendingly. Ping Su likes to be jealous with her only because of the nature of the woman competing for favor. Cheng Qiyun still likes this cool and generous Western girl very much. Seeing her coming, Cheng Qiyun smiled and said: “The sun at the door is dazzling, come in, I have something else over there, go back first. “

Adene blushed, she stepped into the door shyly and said, “Sister Yun’er doesn’t have to go away, I … I just want to ask Yang something.” As she entered the room, the red dress brought a touch of fragrance.

Adeni has a tall figure and long legs staggered. Although he is covered by a red skirt under the shirt, he can’t conceal the slender and smooth curves of the chest, waist and legs. At this time, looking from behind, the red skirt flew up and the trousers were creamy white. At first sight, people could imagine what kind of slender Peugeot and well-proportioned legs should be under the clothes. A hug, it’s really worth the death.

If it is said that it is like a beautiful spring water, Adni is a pretty elephant fire. The two people are completely different types of beauty, but they are all the same sensational.

Listening to her saying that, if she was eager to leave, it was a bit pretentious. Cheng Qiyun followed Yang Ling and returned to the room. Adeni turned back to Yang Ling and said, “Yang, I will go back to Fuzhong and listen to the big stick. Say, you will have to go to the northwest to inspect these two days, but the mines of the Armament Bureau are estimated to be improved in four or five days. Can you wait two more days? “

Yang Ling smiled and said, “It turns out that this is the case. You don’t have to worry. Although staying here to help the Armament Bureau improve the firearms, you will return to Suzhou with Qi Yun after the incident. Now we are with North Korea, Dongying, Luzon, and Ryukyu. Other countries have already started business. The internal factory should open up a shipping company, establish a company name, and quickly seize a market. At the same time, the intelligence work must go to overseas countries, and the affairs must be heavy. Since the court did not allow the opening of the Wuwu Hall, you will temporarily enter the internal factory. Assist Qiyun and take care of everything in the southeast for me. “

As soon as he said this, Cheng Qiyun and Adnie Qi were stunned, and then the water beauty and the fire beauty Liu Mei’s eyebrows stood upright and said: “What? You don’t take me to the northwest?”

Yang Ling had expected that the two would respond as soon as they said it. I didn’t care about this threat, and I justified and said: “Of course not, the Northwest party, but just to watch the flowers and go back to the capital. You are now my left and right arms, Jiangnan has too much to do If I do n’t give it to you, how can I feel relieved?

There is also Qixia Mountain, you have to take the time to take care of me. When everything is on the right track, all divisions have competent and reliable personnel to do things, and I will pick you up again to Beijing Normal University, and the longest will not exceed half a year. What’s more, Jiangnan I also come often. “

The trip to the Northwest can never take them! Yang Ling expects that if he hits, there should be a big disaster. Calculated by time, it should be on the westbound road.

Cheng Qiyun and Adni are very close people, where he went, and where Bing Ge killed him. It’s been trial and error, and I’ve never stopped since I started playing Jimingyi. If there is indeed a scourge of killing myself, then taking them with me is very likely to be in danger.

Moreover, what he said is also true. Now Jiangnan needs competent manpower. When the factory in his land was established, the original men and women used the officers and men of the left machine camp of the Shenji. Now that these people can be reorganized into qualified agents under Wu Jie’s staff, it is already a miracle, and it is difficult for them to ask them to do anything else.

To deal with the wealthy businessmen and gentry in Jiangnan, to open up businesses and expand their influence overseas, except for Cheng Qiyun, there are no other people available, and Adni is very knowledgeable. See more knowledge. Two people together can definitely complement each other. Become the best partner.

There is also Ma Lin’er, in fact, no matter the mental wisdom is under Cheng Qiyun, and the martial arts are comparable to the young girl, what is lacking is just too little experience. If such a female hero is just bringing a child at home, too Made her wrong.

In fact, it needs to be calculated. Based on her understanding of Liaodong, she will be useful in the north in the future, but now that her three-year filial period is not over, she needs to stay in Jiangnan, so she can also become Cheng Qiyun ’s effective assistant, just under her hands. Experience it.

Yang Ling’s wives and concubines have different talents, some are good at home, some are good at outside, some are capable of writing, and some are capable of martial arts. He has less manpower available, and he also has a special department.

Talented officials and scholars, even if they are willing to vote under him, are still on the right track. They want to be his allies in the court and in the army, like standing on the inside and fishing for the door, joining a secret service organization, or simply driving a car. Ma Xing, Chamber of Commerce, these are precisely the most despised business of scholars, Yang Ling can get talented people, who is willing to give up such a talent?

So it ’s not that Yang Ling did n’t worry about giving these things to others. It ’s really difficult to find talents who are both talented and willing to work. The women around him are not only talented, able to stand alone, but also willing to do these things for him. It’s like trying to manage your business at home.

Yang Ling occasionally thinks about it and feels a little funny: It is not uncommon to take the wife to fight the world, but the wife helps the world to fight is rare, not to mention one or two? But again, is there any helper more trustworthy and more reliable than them?

Adene did n’t know that Yangling ’s trip to the Northwest had other tasks. Although she was reluctant, after all, the two were not yet married, standing next to Cheng Qiyun. She could n’t keep up with her face, and her personality was more independent. The separation of two months, although reluctant, is acceptable.

Cheng Qiyun is in charge of the intelligence work of the inner factory. With Yang Ling’s trust, she can now access all the core intelligence of the inner factory. She is the second most powerful person after Wu Jie. She knows well about Yang Ling’s investigation in Sichuan. Jiangnan resisted the Japanese, or the southeastern Ping Kou. Yang Ling was always under the guard of a heavy army. Even if there was danger, it was not difficult to escape his life.

However, the trip to Sichuan is different. The enemy is hidden in the dark and can’t be seen or touched, and even Yang Ling is sent by hand. I ca n’t always meet the prince, I ’m not sure about the local officials. Everywhere I go, I shout back and forth, guarding meticulously, and saying that it ’s dangerous, it ’s even more dangerous than being in a place where gangs are in the past two months. How do you feel at ease?

Therefore, Cheng Qiyun said anxiously: “Sir, Jiangnan’s affairs are not in a hurry. The humble office will arrange as many effective personnel as possible, that is, the northwest party, let the humble office accompany you.”

“No!” Yang Ling didn’t give her room to discuss at all.

The trip to Sichuan was for handling cases and rebelling against major cases, and there was no trace of the rebellion of the King of Shu except for a bit of information from Dongchang. This is different from the official battle. Although Cheng Qiyun is savvy, she does not have the ability to see if there are any counterintentions at a glance, and even if you can see it, the main point is still evidence, and you need to investigate the case and find evidence. The role she can play is limited, and it doesn’t make much difference when she goes.

At that time, once the two sides broke their faces, a picture of a poor dagger appeared on the site where people had operated for more than 100 years. The odds are slim. The Yang family is a person who is good at dealing with conspiracies and tricks. This family has formed many political enemies. If they don’t have such a person at home, how can Yang Ling feel relieved?

Cheng Qiyun said in an authentic way: “Adult, it is important to start a business in an internal factory, expand its influence and expand overseas. Is it important to you? If you are not there, what is the point of these things? You tell me to stay by your side “”

Adeni is very alert and hears a sound outside Cheng Qiyun’s string, looking at Yang Ling suspiciously.

“If I say no, it’s not good!” Yang Ling came down hard and said a heavy sentence: “Yun’er, I have decided, you can’t be arrogant! You can be arrogant or private. No matter what I say. You You have to listen, right? “

Cheng Qiyun stared at him for a long while. I wanted to see some clues from his look, but she was disappointed, Yang Ling looked calm, so that she could not see the slightest abnormality.

She didn’t understand why Yang Ling did a few things in the past, but he was so stubborn, but she saw the unprecedented determination in Yang Ling’s eyes. She nodded silently and obeyed Yang Ling’s decision: since he insisted, then listen to her.

As long as he has me in his heart and loves me, that’s enough. I will walk with him without complaint, but I will never let anyone hurt the man I love, whether he is a prince or an emperor! “

Adeni walked silently to Yang Ling, took out a delicate musket from his waist, and gently tucked into Yang Ling’s hand. He said softly, “Yang, I think … you must have something big to go to the northwest. Do, right? I ’m not going with you, you carry this musket with you, just as … I ’ll accompany you. “

Yang Ling didn’t know that he was willing to admit that the defeated Cheng Qiyun was turning to other thoughts. Seeing that the most difficult Cheng Qiyun also accepted his opinion, he was very happy. He looked at the two of them and quipped: “Okay Well, at most two or three months. Even if I do n’t come to Jiangnan in September or October, I will definitely pick you up in Beijing by the end of the year. Ha ha, I wo n’t take a woman with me when I go to the northwest. Handgun, don’t you worry? “

Cheng Qiyun listened with a cracked smile, she glanced at Adni and said to Yang Ling: “You love it or not, as long as Adene doesn’t care, I don’t bother to care which woman you take.”

As soon as Cheng Qiyun’s voice fell, there was a sweet and crunchy girl’s voice at the door: “Master Yang, I’m going to Sichuan with you!”

The three of them looked out the door with a huff, and saw that Song Xiaoai twisted her clothes corner. She rarely showed a shy expression, and stood there with a blushing face. The three people’s eyes suddenly straightened …

Yang Qincha’s honour started from Fujian, passed Jiangxi, Hunan, and Guizhou, and traveled all the way to Sichuan.

Now that Yang Ling is in the dark, people in the land have begun to rumor that he is a **** of death, and he has compiled a set of strange things that the whole village dog was afraid to bark for three days when he was born. What is said is true.

Because there were too many people who died, he went to Jiangnan and collapsed the three guardian eunuchs; he returned to Beijing and wiped out the Dongchang and Sili prisoners; he went to Datong and the 100,000-strong army battle Tatar went to Jiangnan now. From the East China Sea, the South China Sea has been killed, and it has been killed until Mangajia has been added. Such people are not celestial stars. Who dares to call celestial stars?

Where Yang Ling went through, officials from various provinces were trembling, black and white came together to reach a tacit agreement, and social security was unprecedentedly good. It really did not leave the road behind and closed the house at night.

These people can’t wait to get Yang Ling on their forefoot. He was sent away on the hind foot, and Yang Ling actually wished to jump into the wings and fly to Chengdu immediately, but if they stopped all over the place and stayed in Chengdu, they would inevitably arouse the suspicion of the king of Shu, so he had to be patient. Stay two days in one place to learn about the local military and political affairs.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Ling sent the corn, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and other seeds harvested in Jiangnan to the local political ambassador. Hype the benefits of planting. Some local civil affairs officials have heard that the new crops of Shaanxi have received a good harvest, and these crops do not occupy good fields and are extremely tolerant to drought. Therefore, they are all willing to accept them and plan to plant them locally next year.

Potted tomatoes and peppers can also be grown. If the room temperature is suitable, it can still grow now, especially after the pepper planting experiment found that it does not need pollination and can be cultivated at home regardless of solar energy, so this novel crop was first planted locally.

Jiangxi, Hunan and Guizhou all the way down. By the time Guizhou officials sent the plague gods to send Yang Ling to Sichuan, the chili seeds of other places had taken root everywhere.

Yang Ling ’s ceremonies are a bit weird today. Because the three thousand iron guards he brought from Beijing are now scattered in various provinces and cannot be returned. When he went from Suzhou to Fuzhou, he brought the locals and horses to be the officers and soldiers of the local guards, so this trip to the northwest , His honorary guard of honor was a bit messy.

The core is his five hundred guards, led by Wu Hanchao and Liu Dagang. The outskirts are Song Xiao’ai’s two thousand strong wolf soldiers, and Yang Ling has served the decree. The right to mobilize the guards of wolf soldiers is naturally not overdone.

The wolf soldiers followed Yang Ling before they realized that officialdom was corrupt. They used to work **** the battlefield, and they did n’t eat as guards. In addition, they did n’t play hard and led the payroll every day. These wolf soldiers did n’t want to go home. They followed him willingly. Sichuan.

Wu Hanchao went down from Wudang Mountain. It’s only about a year. As a result of his military achievements, he was promoted to Captain Xiaoqi and was a general of five ranks. And his father Mei Wengong Wu Wending. In the twelve years of Hongzhi, Yunwen Yunwu was a knowledgeable man. He was first appointed as the Guizhou Senator and then granted Changzhou as an official. Due to his outstanding political achievements, he was only promoted to Chengdu Zhizhi, also a fifth-rank official, so Wu Hanchao was proud and satisfied joy.

Song Xiaoai and Wu Hanchao loved each other concubine, and they agreed to each other, and had a secret life-long relationship in private contact. Now that Qinglang is going to Sichuan, Song Xiaoai and Yang Ling have the right to mobilize the wolf soldiers, and then they shy to make a request. When Wu Lang goes to see the future father-in-law, if he can invite the elders to set a lifetime for this, there is nothing to worry about Too.

Although her ancestor was a Han, she has been a local official for several generations. Until now, she is no different from the Zhuang family. The woman of the Zhuang family is cheerful and generous. The choice of husband-in-law is not like the Han women. So they talked about marriage and marriage, so now both public and private, when meeting old father, she is full of shame and no fear.

Bashu has always been called natural danger, and water is like an upright mountain. The cliffs were eager to fall, but Feiyun was empty. Upon entering the Shu Kingdom, the scenery is magnificent. Although it is a mountainous region like Guizhou, the scenery is different, and the country of heaven is also richer than Guizhou.

Yang Ling didn’t ride a horse. The road here is not easy to walk. He is always tired on the horse. Yang Ling reclined in the soft car sedan, looking out at the green bamboo forest through the window.

He held a piece of Xue Taojian with a fragrant fragrance in his hand, which was a pity letter sent by the military station. The child is full moon, and the letter from the princess is full of the sweetness of the first mother and the love for the daughter. His daughter has not yet taken a big name, said the princess. When he sees the baby, he will give her a name. Now, Er’er gave her daughter a small name: hope.

Pan, Yang Paner, Liner are looking forward to seeing their mother and daughter as soon as possible.

Ugh! Sichuan! I have come here because of the strong winds and waves. Could it be that the mountains and rivers cannot climb through? Not for anything else, just for my woman, my child, I must not die!

Yang Ling was refreshed, just got up from the sedan chair, and flew out of the window to ride a fast horse: “Yuan, Lord Lu County, Yibin and Zhixian are waiting in front of Sanli Wangzhuxi, Wangchun Wang County Cheng has arrived Waiting “.

“Invite him to come!” Yang Ling leaned out of the window and watched as the guards drove away. He beckoned to Wu Hanchao: “Hanchao, is it coming to Chengdu? Who is the county master of Lu County?”

Wu Han turned to the horse and leaned down, whispering: “The county’s lord is the daughter of the king of Huiping County, and his name is Panpan. He is sealed here. The king of Huiping County has a close relationship with Lord Shu, and the two have frequent contacts.”

Yang Ling smiled and said, “Okay, the officials are lacking. Let’s stay in Lu County today.”

He put down the car curtain and fumbled his chin thoughtfully: “In these places, the imperial emperor qi, because of all kinds of scruples, has never been so blatantly making friends with the court officials. What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd? Yang Pan’er can’t see it, and the next Zhu Panpan is thrown out of the sky. I will meet you as a national treasure today. “

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