Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 320 - Sea Horse

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Chapter 320

The chair is a chair with a unicorn pattern from Hainan ’s old Huanghuali. The craftsmanship is not complicated, neat, heavy, and rooted there, but the person sitting on it is trembling nonstop, as if installed The spring can be bounced at any time.

Next to it is an unassuming desk, with a deep and steady pattern, a quaint and quiet pattern, and the wood color is black, which is actually a precious rosewood, but the man beats without any mercy, and seems to be scattered at any time. .

Zhang Wenmian looked away distressedly because Liu Jin punched him again.

Liu Jin hatedly said: “Yang Ling …… Yang Ling! Why must this **** live with our family, and I will still be mad when I step down. The bamboo and blue water is empty, and it’s all done!”

“Bang!” Another punch, Liu Jin said sadly and angrily: “Is Liu Jin a tailor in my last life! Doomed to make wedding clothes for others?”

Zhang Cai coughed while covering his mouth, and his robe sleeves spread slightly to Liu Jin, still well-dressed, with extraordinary temperament: “Why should Liu Gong be angry, don’t we want what we want?”

“Get a fart! Inner factory, you do n’t know how powerful the inner factory is now? They are still doing business, which can be described as a wealth of money. This wealth road has been occupied by them. Others want to squeeze in and grab a bite. It is difficult. Now, but now Yang Ling retired, but gave the inner factory to Wu Jie. Who is Wu Jie? Isn’t that the same as Yang Ling’s personal control of the inner factory?

Besides, the Customs and Shipping Department, he took the springboard when he got on the boat. He actually asked the official to withdraw the officer. He did n’t do it, and I could n’t do it. It turned out that Gu Da used that **** to dominate the authority of the city government. . That’s a fat and oily government office. There are also, there are four foreign troops, four foreign troops …… “.

Liu Jin couldn’t talk anymore, took a big sip of the tea from the little girl and took a big sip, gasping for breath.

Zhang Cai frowned and said: “What happened to the four foreign troops, and now they don’t fight anymore, they don’t need to use troops, and the most fearful thing is that he is in control of the military. It’s me who is sad. Yang Shen … That’s Yang Ling. , Li Dongyang, Wang Hua and others recommended the place together. His old man is Yang Tinghe again. Can I move this person? A small seventh-grade affair became my stumbling block. I might not pay attention when Let him stumble. “

Zhang Wenmian thought hard for a long time and said: “Liu Gong, it seems that there are capable people around Yang Ling. Yesterday the emperor obviously helped us and wanted Yang Ling to be the official. Now if Yang Ling firmly resigns. We do n’t have to count on the emperor, and the emperor will be able to relive the taste sooner or later, knowing that Yang Ling is in the right to love.

His hand is indeed more favored by the emperor. He also became the grandfather of the country, and Ronghua was infinite, but in the end, he gave up power and no longer became the opponent of the father-in-law. The father-in-law has won a great victory, why should he be angry? “

“Our family has won a great victory? Where is it? Why didn’t our family find that he gave up a little power?” Liu Jin said angrily.

“Oh, Liu Gong is angry, please listen to the students. First of all, Yang Ling’s official is really resigned. How long can he restrain these subordinates by the old grace? The reason why the county official is not as good as the current official is Because the future of these people is in the hands of those who can influence him.

Once this power is lost, the influence and favor of the old days alone will not affect his influence for more than half a year. By then, these people will be out of control. Yang Ling has been a Duke of China, and Ronghua Fugui is endless to enjoy, but he never wants to compare him with Liu Gong. Not to mention, this one alone, you. Has won. And it was a big win! “.

Liu Jin’s color calmed down, and he glanced at Zhang Wenmian. Sit back in the chair and gently rub the back of the red and swollen hand, his eyes blinked for a long while, and slowly nodded: “Um ….. makes sense, our opposite, Yang Ling makes people look annoying, but I ca n’t help him. As long as he honestly goes to be his father-in-law and no longer mischief with me, what am I afraid of? “

Zhang Wenmian said again: “From the point of view of Yang Ling’s arrangement, he also knew that the general trend was gone and was struggling to die. What did he do to return Yang Yiqing to Beijing? Because his land power was mainly factory guards and the army, relying on only one Liu Yu, he was afraid Not the father-in-law’s opponent, this was transferred back to a more stinky, harder and more famous Yang Yiqing.

At the same time, two birds with one stone, so that his other close friend Wang Shouren came to power, Shun Shun as a handsome gold medal in Sanguan Town. But a military **** and a military servant can help you get your father-in-law? What’s more, Yang Tinghe will have to work with him when the time comes, and when Er Yang fights hard, Liu Gong will be able to enjoy his success.

He adjusted the song to Jiangnan and recommended Yang Shen as the matter. Maybe it was for this purpose, he wanted to step down and leave a few capable officers in the court, so that no one would leave the tea cool, but he lacked the protection of this big tree. How long can these grasses last? “

Liu Jin thought more and more about it, and his eyebrows and eyes could not help flying together. He grinned and said, “Wen Mian said yes, our family is in a hurry, um, yes, as long as there is no Yang Ling, these Our family doesn’t think about it.

But I am still not reconciled. Yang Ling became the grandfather of the country. Although he has no power, this glorious wealth can live for thousands of years and be with Daming, benefiting all generations. Before he left, he was overcast. I was surprised that the power he held was not touched by the side.

Hearing this, Zhang Cai also agreed with Zhang Wenmian’s analysis. He calmly thought about it, and his thoughts were agile: “Father, Xiaguan thinks that Wen Mian’s analysis is very reasonable. According to Xiaguan, Yang Ling stepped down, right People of his faction have a great influence.

He was anxious to place these cronies because he was not sure that he could let many officials gather under his door after he stepped down. If the laid-off officials expected to be good, these people would have nowhere to go. The only option is to abandon Yang and go to the public. This will drive more people to come over.

By the end, Yang Ling ’s few cronies would become orphans in the DPRK, just like the current three bachelors. Even if they were kept still, they did not have the ability to trouble the father-in-law. “

Liu Jin listened to his analysis and became happier the more he thought, nodding his head to say yes.

Yang Ling’s self-preservation strategy is wonderful, but the foundation relies on his increasingly strong foundation of hundred officials. His bright rise and dark fall was irrelevant to a few people who were closely related to him, but for many officials who wanted him to promote themselves and find a tree to take advantage of it, it was enough to make them betray Yang Ling and surrender. Liu Jin.

If all of these branches and leaves are on Liu Jin’s side, Yang Ling will leave a few solitary land backbones, who will not be able to reach the sky, but will not be able to reach the ground. They are now the three bachelors. Hanging in the air, you can’t do anything, what else are you afraid of?

Zhang Wenmian has always been jealous of Zhang Cai and has not accepted each other. Now when he sees him picking up his own cheaper point to wake up Liu Jin, the fight for pets in his heart is even better. He immediately said: “Now Yang Ling is down, and justice should be hot. It’s time to evaluate the political achievements of the hundred officials in Beijing and Central China. Master Zhang is in charge of the officials. If he takes the opportunity to evaluate the officials of the Yangling school, he will definitely let the head of the wall see clearly who is today. The towering towering trees can shield him from the wind and rain. “

“Hahaha! Absolutely. Wen Mian is really the little Zhuge of our family, this is a wonderful plan.”

“Don’t do it, father-in-law,” Zhang Cai wished to kick Zhang Wenmian’s foot: This bastard, the villain is proud. It ’s too confusing. They waited for the hundred officials to come to their door, and they did n’t retreat. Since then, they have followed Liu Gonggong with heart and soul. If they are oppressed by difficulties, they are forced to surrender to Yang Ling Yu, who is not dead. Can the military mind be at ease?

Furthermore, one’s own method can also be based on the order in which the hundred officials surrender. Judging how much they are sincere, which can be quickly attracted, and which are included in the peripheral camp, these are all brains to grab people, and the difference is good, how to distinguish? And how many people have to offend?

He had n’t waited to explain the reason. Zhang Wenmian had a cold smile and said yin and yang strangely: “Master Zhang. You are the official of Shang Li. This is your business, what are you afraid of? You still want to offend people or want to buy people’s hearts? Ha ha. You have Liu The father-in-law is here, who dares to treat you? Those grasses on the wall do n’t give him any strength, can he cast so quickly under the father-in-law ’s door? According to the opinions of the ground, adults only need to use this soft knife to scare them, and after the new year, the sky It has been changed, Manchu dynasty and martial arts go out under the father-in-law’s door! “

Liu Jin was heated by what he said. He glared at Zhang Cai with dissatisfaction and said, “You, as an official for so many years, have the courage to become smaller and smaller. Say it! “

Seeing Liu Jin’s anger, Zhang Cai had to bite his head and arched his hands: “Yes, Xiaguan obeyed his orders!”

Zhang Wenmian glanced at Zhang Cai with pride, and continued: “Father, Liu Jian, Xie Qian, Han Wen, Liu Daxia, how old were they? If they return to the court today, will they still have the prestige?” The party loyal to them has dispersed, the dragon has lost its cloud, and the tiger has lost its wind. What is the momentum?

It won’t take long for Yang Ling to end up like this. Gu Dayong couldn’t hold it back then. It is inevitable to bow your head to your father-in-law, so let’s put it first. To say that it is difficult to eat, it is the inner factory, which is built by Yang Ling. It will not take the initiative to bow to the father-in-law. However, there is one. You are the chief executive of the ceremonial supervisor. The factory guards are under your jurisdiction.

When Yang Ling was the factory supervisor, he had the right to go directly to Tiantian. The public factory could not control the internal factory. Now who else in the internal factory has that ability? Wu Jie, a big stall, did not confuse a famous hall in Jinyiwei; Yu Yong, a second stall, famously guarded thousands of households. These two pieces of scrap, all relying on Yang Ling to support the smooth sailing.

Now that there is no general in the middle of Shu, Yang Ling has used these two incompetent things to guard his most important forces. It can be seen that Yang Ling is also poor. As long as the father-in-law overturned the two men, the internal factory was within easy reach. “

Zhang Cai said nervously: “Xiaguan heard that the factory was established because the emperor didn’t worry about Wang Yue, so he didn’t want to set up a factory to suppress it. The father’s favor in the emperor’s heart was nothing to say. When Yang Ling leaves office, the factory must be Put under your name management.

But you are in charge of the internal factory, but you have no right to replace the internal factory supervisor. If they are determined and embarrassed by their father-in-law, Yang Ling will be there, and the emperor will not embarrass them too much. Therefore, the father-in-law might as well show gratitude to the newly promoted officials of the internal factory, attract infiltration, and crack down on the restrictions of several leaders such as Wu Jie and Yu Yong. Father’s arm point. “

Zhang Wenmian said earnestly: “Why do you have to work so hard? Take the center directly and take over the internal factory. Wu Jie and Yu Yong can’t move away, then they won’t move! Lift them up high and hang them on the wall. The people who went to the inner factory to work as stalls took over their business and secret agents. The inner factory was the stuff of the father-in-law, and they were too late to resist. This is called thunder and thunder.

Liu Jin said happily: “Wen Mian’s plan is good, hey, Yang Ling has become a young man when he is young, and he will be tempted if he is uneasy. Our family is doing disaster for him and doing good deeds.”

At this time, a little man took a bunch of concerts and placed them on the table, said softly: “Father, this is the concert sent by the hundred officials today.”

Liu Jin set the rules and gave the emperor a break, first to give him a red post. It is called “red book”, and then it is reported to the Secretary of Public Affairs, called “white book”. This completely deprived the Secretary of Public Affairs the right to go directly to the heavens and earth, and the Secretary of Public Affairs became the mail room of the Secretary of Li.

Liu Jin did this to deprive the Secretary of Public Affairs, but there is another reason. Liu Jin does not study much. The scholar who likes to write a zodiac and likes how to write esoteric and how to write, he looked at it with difficulty, but also did not understand it, and he did not want to be so confused to present to the emperor. So I came up with such a method. All copies are made in duplicate and sent to a private house in advance so that everything can be known and can be discussed at any time.

“Is there anything important?” Liu Jin asked casually.

“Princess, the post sent by the 100 officials did not write the word” urgent “, but the top one was the Secretary of Public Affairs turned around, saying that this is an internal affairs. It has nothing to do with the external court, and should not be registered and played by the Secretary of Public Affairs. “.

Liu Jin took the play with curiosity. The red envelope was on the outside, and the words “Transfer Liu Jin” were written on it.

Liu Jin was furious when he saw it, “Tom!” The sandalwood bamboo foot table was hit hard again: “Damn it! What a big dog gallbladder! The Secretary of Public Affairs is becoming more and more unscrupulous!”

Both Zhang Cai and Zhang Wenmian were startled. They didn’t know what was going on in North Korea, which caused Grandpa Liu to be so furious that the two of them hurried closer to look. Liu Gonggong still has the opening in his hand. What kind of anger is this?

I saw Liu Jin sneered and said: “The General Secretary for Public Affairs made Ma Qing want to do more than he wanted, and he dared to call our family’s name. Huh! Is Liu Jin also his name? Saner, return to Ma Qing with my post What ’s more, Liu Jin thanked his old man for giving me the concert, and another day Liu Jin would visit again! “

The little servant claimed to have retreated in a panic. It turned out that the civil and military officials sent Liu Jin a break, and the cover had to be written “Eunuch Liu Qiqi, Guan Moumou bowed to see him for the first time.” “Xia Xia Bai”, that is, Li Dongyang and others are also polite. Only the Secretary of Public Affairs gave him a turning point for the first time, and did not know the rules.

The two tried to persuade them, and Liu Jin opened the envelope indignantly. After seeing the contents of the show, Liu Jin immediately turned angry and rejoiced. He laughed and said: “It turned out to be a discount from the inner factory. I didn’t understand the dealings with the emperor. Wu Jie became the factory supervisor, but I didn’t know how to thank the emperor, thanking the emperor and sending them to the Secretary of Public Affairs.

Zhang Wenmian just persuaded Liu Jin to take the inner factory quickly with a thunderbolt. Liu Jin went from evil to evil, and really thundered, immediately got up and said, “Come on, prepare the sedan quickly!”

He smiled to Zhang Cai and said: “Our family will immediately go to Leopard Park to send this gratitude to the emperor, and then ask the emperor for a will, as long as the emperor has opened a golden mouth, and the internal factory is placed under my jurisdiction. I immediately arranged to take over the internal factory, Wu Jie, Yu Yong! “

“Oh, Grandpa Duke, the emperor personally selected you as a matchmaker for Princess Yongfu. This is the great trust of the emperor. Speaking of which, among the three of us, the Duke of Duke is the highest, and of course everything is yours. Ma Shou is Zhan. Shouning Houye is Uncle Guo, a relative of Princess Yongfu, who is also more qualified to speak than our family. How to recruit this pony, our family listens to the grandfather and Houye. “

Bi Zhen was thin, but his eyes were full of spirit. He smiled, and the left side was pressed, and the right side was bowed. He spoke very politely. Bi Zhen was originally the **** of Shangshan prison. Because he was good at drilling camp, he was first promoted to the eunuch. Then he was promoted to eunuch. Yang Ling used to walk in the palace before and met this person, but he didn’t talk to each other and was not familiar with it.

Shouning Hou and Zhang Heling knew that this person was a typical smiling tiger. He was originally a scumbag scoundrel, and he was cruel and greedy for money. When Wang Yue was in power, he pleased Wang Yue to be the **** in Shandong Dezhou. After Liu Jin took over the Li Jian from Yang Ling, he was the first person to send a gift to Beijing to express his loyalty to Liu Jin, so he was promoted to the **** in Shandong.

After Liu Jin ordered and ordered that the eunuchs in various government departments have the same power as the local officials at the same level, Bi Zhen immediately responded and accepted the lawsuit without authorization, thereby extorting military and civilian property. Qingzhou ’s Orion Pension Case was caused by his brutal oppression, which ignited the uprising. Although Liu Jin mobilized the five-guard soldiers to bloodyly suppress the civilians, but he was also worried that Bi Zhen would cause trouble again, so he transferred him back to Si Lijian.

“Where and where, this official is young and superficial. I don’t understand the rules of recruiting concubines. I heard that the concubine should be presided over by Secretary of Civil Affairs, and the emperor loved the young girl. In order to show solemnity, this big idea had to be Shouning Houye and Bi Gong Gong as the masters, “Yang Ling busy also said.

Yang Ling resigned from all positions and was relaxed. The python robe on his body was replaced by a reddish gown gown, which was even more powerful. Shou Ninghou knew that although he had no real power, he still ate more than he ate in front of the emperor. Besides, two people would make a fortune by doing business together. That’s a buddy. I didn’t care about the little happiness at first, and said with a smile: “Duke Guo Guo recruits princesses for the princess. This is an unprecedented event. Wei Guo Gong should not be polite. It’s almost time to watch , We should enter. “

“Yes, Grandpa. Hou Ye. You two please,” Bi Zhenqi jumped up. Remove the chair, the smile can be authentic.

Three people are having morning tea at the Longxing Pavilion on the Qianmen Street of the “Zhuwangguan”. This is the main place to choose a pony for Princess Yongfu. Finally, three people are selected before they can be brought into the palace to invite the empress dowager and the emperor. Take a look.

Because it was early, the three local officials seized a photo, and went to the teahouse to eat tea together. Seeing the flow of people on the street, there were more and more people rushing to the “Zhangwangguan”. Get up and go downstairs.

“Six aunts, help me look at the stall, and I will sign up. What? Ten for three, and twenty for five, um ….. OK, almost, if I was recruited as a concubine, no “Selling donkeys is rolling”, a dark-faced, sweet-smiling young young man hurriedly unbuttoned his apron and ran to the ‘Wangwang Hall’.

Yang Ling was sitting in the sedan chair, and his eyes were straight when he heard this: “Which one is this?” How can a hawker who sells donkeys and rolls also apply to the concubine? Princess Yongfu ……

Yang Ling remembered seeing her for the first time in Tai Wo’s womb, her gold hairpin squeezed the screen, and when she was forced by Yong Chun to bear the blame for her, there was a trace of apology in her soft and gentle eyes. Reminiscent of the beautiful girl in a goose-huang palace costume in front of the Jishan Pavilion of Jiangshan She, she smiled brightly and charmingly as she stepped down the steps with Heavenly Master …

I remembered that in Jizhou Hot Spring, the sound of the piano was quiet, the veil was like water, a candle was swaying, and the white clothes were like snow, and behind the curtain was like a clear lotus with a temperament like a princess Daming. Suddenly, the image of an emperor, a beautiful girl above, and a The black-faced lad in a black and white inseparable apron, holding a bamboo clip in his hand, overlapped.

The young man shouted violently: “Donkeys are rolling, ten dollars and three dollars”. This utterance made the elegant piano sound noisy at once. The sedan stopped abruptly, Yang Ling leaned forward, feeling a little irritated and annoyed in his heart, he lifted the sedan curtain and retorted: “What’s the matter?”

Now that Yang Ling is a great official, Wu Hanchao was placed in the army by him, and only Liu Dabang’s mallet was left with him. Liu Dabangmao led a crowd of people to protect the sedan.

The flow of people in front of him was so heavy that he pushed and shoved, and the officer who maintained the order waved his whip to cover his face and shouted, shouting, “Go away, all come away, and let the three **** adults come in. Your mother ’s, you ca n’t get in. You squeeze in first for a fart, want to be an eunuch! “

“Ah, what do you say to you, my lord, if I become a concubine, just the words of your boy, I will treat you to sin!”

“Oh! Just your kid’s virtue? Go away, I’m ten years younger, I have a much bigger chance than you, flash off! All flash off!” The whip of the whip wheel wouldn’t be true Pumped **** people. These servant whips of the five city soldiers and horses are all good, and the whip flowers are crisp and loud in the air.

The crowd of people, crowded in the middle, the feet of the people are not touching the ground. Although the sedan chairs of Yang Ling and Zhang Heling were guarded in the center, they were also squeezed and swayed. No one was afraid that they would open up and seized the opportunity to be snatched by others. No one moved places.

In the distance, someone unplugged the restaurant. Standing on a table, waving the wine streamer, blushing and shouting, “What is the reason, why do we not allow Shanxi people to sign up? This is unfair, I came to stand in line three days later, Daming is the best in the world, Princess It ’s the princess of the world. Why should Beijing ’s household borrow priority? “

A young man by the table cheered proudly: “Due, who asked you not to inquire about the rules? You can’t die! You choose the first horse among the military and civilian children of the officials in Beijing. Choose not, and then go to Kinai, Shandong, Henan to choose If you ca n’t pick someone from these places, you can choose them elsewhere. You. Wait slowly. “

The other person was able to persuade: “Forget it, brother, I came to Jimingyi, I just came to Beijing to visit Beijing, and quickly came to sign up. As a result, I waited two days and ranked in the third choice.” .

The young man said indignantly: “There is a chance for the third election anyway, I don’t think I have to choose! Oh, fuck, who, I know you, you are clearly a beggar, what are you doing?”

“Me? I … Beijing people”.

That fellow from Shanxi is afraid of being mad. He jumped off the table and beat someone, and the beggar hurriedly begged: “Big brother spares his life, big brother spares his life, this … This is not about signing up to take care of lunch, I ’ll eat for mixed meals. Come down, because … I don’t recognize words “.

Yang Ling also almost jumped out of the sedan to hit people. Sea elections are returned to sea elections. You have to be a little self-knowledge? That is the emperor’s daughter, the high-ranking child among the high-ranking children. To the princess Daming, you have to be talented to look good, why ….. Choose a horse so casually? “

The patrolling emperor led more than 20 bureaucrats, crossed five levels and cut six generals, squeezed in with sweat, and said with a sad face: “Grandpa Yang, or … we can get in from the back door, the main entrance. No longer able to enter “.

“Well, it ’s okay for the front door and the back door. I said … why is it so messy? There are so many people signing up, there are many … You see that, holding the salted duck egg basket, such people are also allowed Should I choose? “

“Yeah, Grandpa, as long as they are people in these four provinces, they are all neat in appearance, behave dignifiedly, and have tutors. They can be in the top three choices between the ages of 14 and 16, regardless of their professional background. A princess’s pony turned out to be a duck farm. “

“Conditions … so loose?” Yang Ling said with difficulty.

The sedan stepped back, and walked far to the back door of the ‘King of Kings’.

Yang Ling lost her confidence at all: “So many people, at all levels, when will the sea election be over? I … can I choose a pony that pleases Princess Yongfu?”

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