Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 338 - I went to Qingtian to find a clear official

Biquge, the fastest update back to the latest chapter of the Ming Dynasty King!

Chapter 338

As Yang Ling walked, he briefed Jiang Bin on the general situation. Jiang Bin was also shocked and laughed when he heard it. It was difficult to imagine such a ridiculous thing in the world. When Yang Ling was in Beijing, he had heard that there was a village in Jiangnan, where a villager became an emperor and became a vassal. Because of traffic congestion, the news was not revealed until ten years later.

Fortunately, these fearless death **** met a benevolent lord. After listening to the emperor Hongzhi, it was only a joke. After talking to Liu Jian and Xie Qian and other ministers, they forgiven them for a while and forgave them.

Although Yang Ling has heard of such absurd things, he always thought that they happened in a remote and desolate place, so some ignorant villagers could do such a ridiculous thing. Wang Mantang ’s father, Wang Zhi, is a well-known litigator in Bazhou. Since she was a child, she has been in the market since she was young. She is so knowledgeable. How can she do such a stupid thing?

Jiang Bin heard that it was a group of villagers who sought to rebel against themselves and become an emperor, and he was very happy: this was a great accomplishment, especially this time he was fighting with Yang Ling again, with the light of the great gods of others, maybe it will not take long and long. It has to shine.

Thinking of this, Jiang Bin was full of enthusiasm, and withdrawing his bright double-knife across the distance, fiercely brought the dozen soldiers from Xuanfu and a group of family members in the capital to go to destroy a country.

The place is not very far, step into the reed swing, about three miles away. In summer, there is plenty of rain, and here is half-submerged in water, which requires a bamboo raft to sway. Carps and catfish in the water are frightened. Large fish weighing more than ten pounds sometimes jump on bamboo rafts themselves. The soil and water are very rich.

It’s just that this piece of reeds went to the depths and no one was seen, so no one came here. Reaching the depths of the reeds, there is a high ground, shaped like an island, the guards are all tense, and the swords and guns are out of the sheath. Holding his breath, Rao is Jiang Binyi’s boldness, and he can’t help but take his steps lightly.

But when everyone rushed forward, they looked forward with the bright moonlight and could not help staying there.

In the front is a thatched shed, a large thatched shed, and behind it are four bungalows that are neither tall nor large, except for the brick and tile in the middle. It looks like a little bit, the other three rooms are built up with stone loess. The eyes of the guards were almost staring out, and there was nothing like this on the unrestricted open land. The moonlight faintly shone on these very ordinary houses.

Jiang Bin looked weird and asked quietly, “Grandpa, what are you talking about …?”

Yang Ling also seemed to be dreaming. At this time, the guard who led them had led Liao Si’er who had been ambushing here. Yang Ling couldn’t believe it: “What are you talking about here?”

Liao Si nodded and said, “Yes, Grandpa Guo, yes, this is it.”

Yang Ling Muran said for a long while, “How many people are there … How many guards are there?”

Liao Sier whispered, “They just fell asleep. Seeing that there is really no risk in the humiliation, they touched in and caught a guy who got up at night, and now I was stunned over there. After being cross-examined, this country is called Dashunguo. . The year is pacified. It is now pacified for two years. There are queens in the country, prime ministers, and ministers of culture and martial arts. “

Yang Ling calmed down and said, “So … how many people are inside now?”

Liao Si’er said strangely: “As soon as the woman named Wang Mantang came back, two men with prismatic guns came forward to see the courtesy, saying that Her Majesty the Queen, and we were frightened, so Song Feng hurried back to report to Grandpa. However, only then did he only torture the bodyguard that he caught, and then he knew …. I knew … Uh, now there are only nine people in Dashun. “

“Dang!” Suddenly, Yang Ling and the guards around him jumped up and looked around. Jiang Bin picked up two swords from the ground and smiled: “It’s okay, it’s okay. It missed for a while.”

Yang Ling sighed. Continue to ask: “Dashunguo …. Nine people? A total of nine people?”

Liao Sier said in an accented way: “It’s not just that, it is said that there are more than 260 subjects in the country. Usually there is no need to come to see the emperor. Now the emperor, empress and Zuo Cheng live in the palace, and there is another one Little maid ring, five guards, the guard was originally a tenant farmer in the nearby village. As for the ministers, every three or six days, they will be there … “

He pointed to the thatched shed: “The Golden Luang Temple visited the emperor and discussed major national affairs. The right prime minister of Dashun Kingdom was Liang Dezi, a local wealth lord in Liangjia Village, Shengfang Township, and the mighty general guardian was the Fan Butcher in Fanjiazhuang … … “.

“Dong …….”, Jiang Bin’s double-knife fell to the ground again, and every guard next to him looked at Yang Ling with a weird look, with a sad expression on his face. Yang Ling froze for a long while before taking a long breath. With a big wave of his hand, he said flatly: “The big mallet, with two people, wiped out Dashunguo for me, uh … don’t hurt the emperor and the queen! “

Founding the country for one year and four months, Dashun State died like a farce under the wise command of the great prince of the Ming Dynasty. The whole national war lasted no more than a tea kung fu, Yang Ling ’s credits were painted on the book of merit. There was a heavy stroke: the Grand Duke of the Ming Dynasty in the second year of the Lantern Festival in Zhengde, led his family to destroy Dashun, captured his emperor, empress, Zuo Chengxiang and Yulin pro-armies …

Shengfang Town Inspection Department.

When it was discovered that this so-called local country could not talk about rebellion at all, it was completely a farce created by a group of fools and fools, Yang Ling’s vigilance against the inspection department’s Yamen was eliminated. These people could not be taken to the inn to be held To the inspection department.

Fortunately, today is the fifteenth day of the first month. Local law and order should be maintained to prevent petty theft, and to prevent the lamp and candle from catching fire, so officials and soldiers from the inspectorate are there. Yang Ling handed over the criminals to the inspection department, and the Dashunguo rebellion passed by.

Shi Zongwu, an inspector of Shengfang Town, a nine-ranking official, not only had Wei Guogong appointing him for trial, but also the emperor, empress and prime minister of a country, so that Master Shi was sitting in the lobby. I thought it was a drunk dream tonight.

The emperor of Dashun Kingdom was Zhao Wanxing, and he did not need to be sentenced, so he knelt there and told the truth honestly. As expected by Zhao Maniac, it turned out that Wang Mantang, like a wild girl, turned her head all day to show her face, and she looked beautiful and beautiful again. Nature admires and pursues many romantic prodigals.

Feng Xiaomu had a nephew from a distant house called Duan Chang. This long head was in a private school. Unfortunately, he didn’t test his talents in the school. He came to his uncle without doing anything and knew Wang Mantang. Duan Chang looks majestic, and can speak well, and the girl of the Wang family is at the age of Sichundi again. The two people came and went, doing firewood and burning fire, and doing a good job in a muddle.

At this point, it is time to talk about marriage, but Wang Mantang knows that although his father is spoiled, he uses his snobbery. Won’t promise to allocate oneself to a poor scholar with no land, no room, and no name, so the two talents and uncle Xiaomu conspired to plan the nobleman’s strategy. Succeeded in getting a tender wife.

Duan Changjiao’s wife got it, and Yue Zhang’s room was full of enthusiasm and richness, and was originally contented, but who would have expected Wang Zhi to be a man of excellent face. Duan Chang and Wang Mantang did not advertise, but their old couple met with whom and said that it is a matter of nobility to talk about their son-in-law.

Wang Zhi is a litigator, and his eloquence is excellent. Duan Chang made that little trick and exaggerated his mouth with a big mouth where he could speak the dead. At the good time of catching the baton of the Bazhou **** stick, the people spent the whole day worrying about gods and ghosts. Many people believed it. After meeting Duan Chang with respect and respect, some people also gifted a big gift.

This long period of time is really alive, he has no real ability, and it is easy to spend a day or two in the father-in-law’s house. The truth is revealed for a long time. Although the wood has become a boat, it cannot be withdrawn. However, it was certain that he was coldly met. He found that the people were so easy to cheat, so he could use this opportunity to gather money.

But he didn’t dare to stay in Bazhou City. After all, he had lived there for a few days. Many prodigal prodigals had seen him. Once they found out that the big man destined to be expensive was the little **** who had rubbed with them. The cowhide was pierced.

So after some preparations, Duan Chang and his wife moved out of the palace and went to Shengfang town to practice old tricks. Last time, the deception was just to deceive a daughter-in-law. After the daughter-in-law deceived her, she discovered that there were many people willing to be fooled. Duan Chang began to fabricate rumors to make money. But he was not from the **** stick, he wouldn’t read the scriptures and catch the ghosts, he started from the fate of life, boasting that his own fate is very good, he is a god, and he will become a master sooner or later.

If the cowhide is blown too much, it will be shameless. From the beginning, it will become a party official in Fengjiang, then Fengfeng, and finally say that it is the emperor’s destiny. It’s no wonder that the more he blew his cowhide, the more people in the countryside believed that Duan Chang was renamed Zhao Wanxing and became a well-known figure in Shili Baxiang.

Everyone wants to follow the nobles to get some light. In the future, the nobles will get the world, and they can also get a job of one official and half. Gradually, ruffians and unemployed peasants began to gather around him. After verification and propaganda by these people, more people turned to them, including squire landlords with wealthy families.

The couple Zhao Wanxing and Wang Mantang leaned on one mouth and fooled a lot of people for his use. They willingly honored their money and food to them. Zhao Wanxing did not be stingy. Everyone was willing to surrender.

A **** carrying a **** to work for others suddenly became a general, and a little boss who nodded to others all day suddenly became a bureaucrat Shangshu. Such dramatic scenes made these people who dreamed of being rich and wealthy rushing. They woven together with the Zhao Wanxing couple In this official dream. Every three or six days, he rushed to this secret residence and enjoyed some official addiction. He worshipped the king and discussed the world together. I did n’t think that the fake queen met the true father-in-law and Dashun in a thousand years. The country is so finished.

The country went smoothly, and the case went well. Jiang Bin looked at the charming Wang Mantang who wanted to take a bite. The beautiful woman glanced at him with a pleading look This made Jiang Bin soft, and wanted to plead with Yang Ling in court, but he also knew that although this thing was funny, it involved self-reliance as an emperor, and even the absurd and funny farce became a big thing, Mo said He couldn’t get around, even the mighty grandpa Yang Ling didn’t dare to deal with the matter privately.

Sure enough, Shi Xunjian said to Yang Lingbi respectfully: “Duke Guo, such ridiculous things have happened in the humble office, which lasted for more than a year, but the humble office knew nothing about it. As for the conspiracy against the Qin criminals, they should be submitted to the Beijing division. The thieves were seen by the grandpa Guo Gongye, and they were also captured by the grandpa Gongguo. Do you think you wrote to the court or were run by a humble office? “

Yang Ling thought for a while and swept down and said: “These criminals, you will send someone to **** Bazhou prison in the morning. In addition, the right ministers, generals and other people who confess to them will also be arrested. As for ordinary people who depend on the place .. …. in Baojiali is strictly guarded, not allowed to go out. As for the setbacks, let the grandfather write it. “

Yang Ling was reminded of the emperor Kuan Shishan village of Hongzhi, who called the emperor’s foolish people. He wanted to raise some rhetoric and submit a report to the emperor to check the property of the dark family. Those fools lives. Otherwise, let the inspection department report to the state government office, and then the state government office will report to the Beijing teacher normally, and the failure will inevitably fall into Liu Jin’s hands. None of these two hundred or so people can live.

But seriously, these people are really ridiculous and pitiful, they just build a few houses in the reeds. It’s just like a child playing a house and trying to be an official’s addiction. He has no intention of rebelling. It would be cruel if he beheaded completely.

Yang Ling again said: “As for your crime of negligence, there are still some. But these people did not do anything wrong, and the required cost depends on the people who want to be officials and lost their hearts. It is difficult for outsiders to find out. Moreover, they are in the reeds. Building a few houses in the middle, huh, even if the people in your inspection department see it, you will guess that it ’s the palace, and you do n’t have to blame yourself. There is a guild in your country where you know your lord.

Shi Xunjian was overjoyed when he heard that Jiu Di Di’er had a spicy taste, if he was removed from office for this matter. I couldn’t bear it. Now the grandfather of the country says he wants to protect him, then this black gauze hat is stable. The strong wind can’t blow away.

Shi Xunjian quickly knelt down and said, “Thank you Grandpa Guo for lifting, the despotic office is asking the deputy inspector to pass on all the soldiers and Zhuang Zhuang, and all important rebellions will be arrested according to the list.”

“Well!” Yang Ling got up and said with a lazy waist: “Well, you are busy with your business, I should go.”

“Duke Guo is slow!” Shi Xunjian hurriedly got up and trot to the paper pen and pen case next to the record confession to take the paper and pen, complimenting and authentically: “Duke Guo, tomorrow morning, humble people will lead people to destroy The so-called imperial palace in Shunguo, where there is a monument to warn future generations. Please ask Guo Gongye to give a poem to warn future generations of non-participants. “

Yang Ling smiled happily. This Shi Xun inspected a ruthless martial arts man, and also knew how to show off his boss by showing off.

Inscription poem? I do n’t know what poems, if I take a few lines of oiled poems everywhere, would n’t I be the only Qianlong Emperor who wrote more poems than “Quan Tang Poems”, but didn’t get one of them.

Yang Ling smiled slightly and was about to refuse to export. Suddenly, the light flashed in his heart, and it was extremely appropriate to think of a poem. The author of this poem is not too famous, and Yang Ling doesn’t remember which dynasty and generation, but he practiced calligraphy in his previous life, once wrote this poem, and it is also attached to his home.

The people in Bazhou were deceived again and again, all because of a greedy word, leaving this poem to alert future generations. Anyway, they only wrote inscription poems, but did not say that they must have made them themselves, so Yang Ling rolled up his robe sleeves and smiled authentically: ” Well, the grandfather gave a poem to persuade future generations. “

Although Yang Ling’s calligraphy is not outstanding, but it is still passable. He raised the brush and brushed it. Song Xiaoai fetched the inkstone with cleverness and watched it with ink and ink. Yang Ling wrote on the paper: “

All day long rush is only for hunger, only to have food and think of clothing;

She put on Ling Luo and wore it, and looked up and thought the house was low. “

All the people in the hall, including Jiang Bin, were at the most rough and proficient in writing and writing. Although they could be seen as good, they would only be criticized. Only Song Xiaoai was quite talented in learning. Seeing the poems of adults is a little rough. Not only are the words not beautiful enough, but they are also not flat. Pingping, I am afraid that it will be engraved on the stele, and it will make some sour and rotten Confucians laugh out of their teeth and become the laughing stock of Wei Guogong.

But seeing Yang Ling stop writing and dipping, he continued to write: “

Building a tall building and building, lacking a beautiful wife in front of the bed;

The beautiful wife and concubine are going to go down, and they have no reason to ride out.

Will buy a high-headed horse riding, followed by less horses;

Family members recruited more than a dozen, but they were rich and not bullied.

Yiquan went to the Zhixian County, and said that the official was in a low position;

As soon as he climbed to the old position of the cabinet, he thought of going to the throne every day.

One day he sat in the south, and he wanted the fairy to play chess;

Dong Bin played chess with him. Ask again which is to go to the ladder.

When the heaven ladder was not done, the king of the king gave a card to the ghost;

If it were not for this person, it would be too low to go to heaven. “

Seeing this, Song Xiaoai couldn’t help but his eyes lit up. This poem doesn’t talk about decoration or flatness. Rarely, it is a metaphorical aura. Song Xiaoai couldn’t help but shout well.

Yang Ling wrote it. Throwing a pen and saying: “Moving mountains can fill the sea, and it is hard to make ends meet. If you are thinking about the hardships of your life, you can only get three feet of soil at the end. I hope the world can learn from these ridiculous things and be alert!”

Move the mountain to fill the sea, and it will be difficult for the appetite to end. How many people can wake up from the writing, and how many people can realize? At least Zhang Zhonggong is not possible. For Zhang Zhong, everything is imaginary, and only gold and silver are real things, in order to search for wealth. He is spare no effort.

The money donated to the Four Saints was recovered by Zhizhou Yamen, and he was returned to him according to the number of places recorded in the Xiangzi Gongde Book. Zhang Zhong didn’t want a woman or fame. He just asked this world for wealth and future blessings. Now, the future blessings can no longer be expected.

Zhang’s backyard. The lights were bright, and a few people were hanging on the wooden shelf. In winter, only a thin coat was worn, and the clothes were ragged. Stained with blood, but the hanged person did not know whether he was comatose or numb. He lingered gently in the cold wind, but did not struggle to tremble or scream.

Wearing a fur robe, Zhang Zhong walked out of the warm and spring-like room. Butler Han Bing hurriedly greeted him with a **** whip, and said respectfully, “Yeah!”

“Huh!” Zhang Zhong snorted from his nose. Asked: “Are you recruited?”

Han Bing said with hate: “Yeah, the name of the iron rooster is well-deserved. Ai Jing, the old boy, is arrogant and hesitant to make a fortune.

Zhang Zhong’s eyes sharpened, and he became sharp like a needlepoint. He slowly paced to the first person hanging on the wooden frame and said, “Wake him up!”

“Wow,” a pot of cold water splashed down. It is like ten thousand needles into the body. Ai Yuan twitched outside, waking up and turning around.

Zhang Zhongpi smiled and said with a smile: “Ai Aiwai. I said why are you so stubborn, isn’t it a branch of a butterfly tree? If you don’t eat it properly, you don’t care about it. What’s the matter? The highland fiery red mountain butterfly, that is a strange treasure, is it worthy of your family of merchants? That is the root cause of disaster. “

Zhang Zhong arched his hands to heaven and said with a sneer: “The emperor is about to accept the concubine now. Our family is thinking of honoring and honoring the emperor. The emperor’s family is rich in the world. What else is missing? Don’t you make some rare things to make the emperor happy? You, this flaming fire butterfly, the Lord is determined to get it, and if you are acquainted, you must hand it in. “

Ai Jing grinned: “The surname Zhang, all my family’s money was squeezed out by you, and my shop and business name have all changed your name. Now, in addition to the houses full of holes, and the few Hundreds of squares, there is no more thing that can catch your eyes, you … you cleverly set up a name, and made up a red mountain butterfly, heaven, I have never seen the seven-foot highland red in my life Shan Hu, what else do you want? If you want to pit me like this, do you have to kill my family? “

Zhang Zhong smiled yinyly, groaning under the smooth touch of the ground: “Ouch, look at you, ah? Wife, son, daughter, everyone is hanging here, you do n’t think for yourself, you do n’t think for your wife. Think about the child? If you are not there anymore, leave a mountain butterfly tree to whom? And want to be a family heirloom, hey! The family is gone! Surnamed Ai Di, Lord opened the skylight with you to speak brightly, just hand it over Huoshan Butterfly, our family will never embarrass you, how?

“Gosh!” The iron rooster had been stripped of his hair long ago, and his family could be blackmailed completely. He really didn’t expect Zhang Zhong to be so inhuman. He ran to his home to explore gold mines and knocked him on. Thousands of silver, and then using the found gold sands, urged to continue to dig the ground, swindled all his shops, and now only 100 acres of land are left in the family. Barely able to be a little Yin’s house, he never thought he would not let go of himself.

Ai Jing lamented tears and screamed in the sky: “Master God, open your eyes, you are merciful, let me live a family, I really don’t have any friendships, Grandpa Zhang, you are very compassionate. I put the deeds and deeds. I also give you, you are kind. “

“Damn, can you get a seven-foot red mountain butterfly in a hundred squares? Do you send a beggar? No tears in the coffin!”

Zhang Zhongbao scolded, yawned, and said to the butler Han Bing: “Yeah is going back to sleep, here you are watching, um …. Almost all of them are resting. Yeh still doesn’t believe it. He iron **** It’s really iron, it seems that the suffering is not enough. “

“Yes, Lord!” Han Bing followed Zhang Zhong, and said while walking back: “But today is enough to teach the iron rooster. We used the name, but they dig up the antiquities and hide them in the name. The emperor with Ma Zheng, city tax, and prospecting was present, but instead of sending him to the government, he used lynchings in his own government. Once spread, it was troublesome. Yang hadn’t cut his head yet. “

“Hehe. Yang is beheading badly, and our family has seen him now. But he killed a few **** sticks and he managed Benqin’s business? Was the emperor sent to Beijing to guard, our family is This man of three cents acre. Yang Ling can’t control me even if he wants to.

At most two years, Ma Zheng has to be cancelled. When should I not hurry now? Xiao Bing, you said that the Lord is in charge of the food and clothing for everyone. Is it easy for me? “

“Not easy, not easy.”

“That’s right, so ah, to be able to fish early, the time is limited, only for the day and night.”

“Yeah, I mean, the iron **** is iron, and he refuses to make love. I guess he is trying to resist the past. Anyway, it’s not a big crime, can you keep it clear of Ming Er? To deal with the iron cock. He had to cut the meat with a blunt knife, causing him to beg himself to die. Are you afraid that he would not accept it? “

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“The seven-footed red butterfly, it ’s not that small. We ’ve searched Aifu and found nothing. It seems that it ’s shipped out and hidden. We might as well let him pretend and then secretly send someone to guard outside his house. The iron rooster attaches so much importance to that priceless treasure, and once he gets out of it, he will definitely go to see his mountain butterfly, can’t this thing be done?

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t make any noise, today he was given a cruel and then let go of the person, he must have thought that he had overcome this level. Hey, he found a few ruffians and gangsters, and went to his house to practice. Zhizhou Yamen informed him that he would not be affected by his case, so that he would not have a good life from morning till night. You do n’t know, yeah, those street gangsters are ruthless, and with yeah backing them up, they can kill the iron cock. ”

“Hehehe ……, there is some truth, okay, let me give you this thing. Let them go and slowly entertain. By the way, the frozen soil in the winter is not easy to dig. Pack the iron **** and put Let’s put it here first, and go to Gu’an to find some wealthy households. What kind of cemetery, house, land, where to dig, where to dig out, don’t let go of the property without squeezing out half of it, and wait for the spring to soften. Start construction in full. “

“Yes, Lord,” Han Bing agreed.

“This New Year, there will be more small vendors and hawkers, meat sellers, food sellers, wine shops, and associations and dragon dancers. This is all money. All counties and towns act as tax officials and collect taxes for our family. “

“Yes, Lord.”

The iron roosters returned home sadly. The surrounding walls of the house had collapsed. The yard was full of pits. The domestic servants had all escaped. The house was empty, the stove was cold, the tank was empty, and others’ lights were bright. What kind of New Year’s meaning does he have here? Ai Jing and his wife and children cried and cried when they saw such a scene.

Zhang Zhongfei squeezed him out before he would give up. It was a figure in heaven. He was a common man and a merchant with a low status. How is it going to live this day? In fact, Zhang Zhong took his wealth and shops, but did not intend to kill them. However, for the convenience of extortion, Zhang Zhong specially recruited rogues for his use.

There was a follower named Fang Yu who cast Zhang Zhong inside. He had hatred for the iron **** Ai Jing. He used to be a small trader and had a good relationship with Ai Jing. There was a delay in the goods that he owed. The other party chased the door to collect debts, and he borrowed money from Ai Jing.

Ai Jing is the kind I do n’t want others to be cheap, and others do n’t want to make me cheap. I ’m a local rich man who can do my own thing. What if I borrow or go back? If you say anything good, Ai Jing just doesn’t agree. As a result, Fang Yu was chased for bankruptcy, and she hated Ai Jing from now on.

Two days ago, he was sent to the Ai family to dig and extort the land. He is a little leader who directs the skin, and is relishing revenge. When he heard that Grandpa Zhang has collected the money and is ready to work, Fang Yu is unwilling: I have nothing now, and he still has room and land. This revenge is unpleasant.

Fang Yu pondered secretly, and suddenly had a poisonous plan. When he went back, he deliberately spread all around: “The coral in our old man’s hall is three feet long. It’s a rare treasure, but it can be compared with the iron **** Ai Jing. There is a whole red ground coral with a height of seven feet. The shape of the plant is also cute. When we take people to dig the ground, we do n’t care what bed, cabinet, antique jade, iron rooster. Just remove the red coral, I ’m afraid it ’s broken a little, it ’s a priceless treasure! ”

When this word reached Zhang Zhong, he could take the heart and call Fang Yu to ask. Fang Yu said that he had a nose and eyes. When Zhang Zhong heard it, Dele did not bother the two masters. This iron **** has to continue to knock. As a result, because he offended the villain, he also encountered a greedy and dirty official. Ai’s family was tossed to death.

The family wiped away their tears, swept some bad rice from the bottom of the cabinet, and finally ignited the fire to boil the porridge. The family was unkempt and black, and they took out a stack of large bowls to fill the bowl with hunger. “Dang” sound. A large stone was thrown into the pot, smashing the iron pot into a hole. The splashed hot porridge screamed Master Ai’s family.

I saw seven eight-skinned skinny came in with a smile, and there was a leg holding it, and yo yelled, “You are surnamed Ai, you have a lack of Dade, why don’t you sweep the snow at the door?” I’ve been there, my lord, and I dropped the crotch. What do you think … “

Yang Ling and Jiang Bin, as well as the men and women of the Inspection Department of Shengfang Township, returned to Bazhou at the same time. Only the emperor and his majesty of Dashun Kingdom were really taken back, and the prime minister Zuo Cheng sealed Xiaomu. The three people took three donkey carts, and there was nowhere to go to the prison cage, with four officers and soldiers guarding each car.

When Jiang Bin paid attention to it, she got the bed quilt, the hot soup and hot water along the way, and the girl did not suffer much. Thankful, Wang Mantang had forgotten that the front of the donkey cart was swept by the tail of the donkey, and the sneezing Dashun emperor Zhao Wanxing turned to raise his eyebrows with this handsome young handsome general. .

Jiang Bin was hooked by this beauty. Look at Grandpa Guo sitting in the car in front. No one noticed him. He jumped into the car. He touched his thigh through the quilt and squeezed the fragrant shoulder. Later, pretending that his hands were too cold, he probed into the beauties and pinched the beauty catkins, and the two men frowned, using the black donkey prisoner as an embroidered bed for a spring girl, who loved the beauty and was happy.

The convoy has entered the northern city of Bazhou, where it is constantly expanding. There is already an outer city and an inner city. The inner city has a wall, which was built a long time ago, and there are a large number of residents in the outer city. The only difference from the inner city is that there is no city. Gate of the ancient city wall only. At this moment, someone screamed and ran out of the alley, howling like a ghost: “Dead! All are dead! All are dead …”.

Before he finished speaking, Liu Dabang, who jumped off the horse, almost threw a collar around his collar, and then broke his voice and said: “What are you shouting, everything is dead? Is it a chicken plague?”

The man shuddered and said, “Ai … Ai … Ai Ai, the family of Ai Ai, all ……… all die!”

Yang Ling heard in the car and couldn’t help being surprised: What happened to the murder?

He swiped the car curtain, and saw Song Xiaoai raised his hand: “The team stopped!” Then he jumped off the horse and walked to the person who said: “Don’t panic, we are the official’s house, where is it? Murder? Take us! “

When Jiang Bin heard someone shouting, he couldn’t care about flirting with the beauty again, and squeezed a small hand. Also hurried over. The alley was not small, the carriage was enough to drive in, but Yang Ling also got out of the sedan, and the big mallet led the soldiers to watch the prisoners, and he and Song Xiaoai and Jiang Bin led more than 20 people into the alley under the leadership of that person.

In front of a family, it looks quite affluent, high wall gate, there are two stone lions rolling hydrangea in front of the door. Black lacquered words hung on the door lintel: “Ai House”.

The man shudderedly pointed at the gate and said, “Just …. this is here. I am a local merchant. I just came back from outside the country. Ai member asked me to buy the authentic long white ginseng. When I visit the door, whoever expects the door to open but no one is welcoming, I went in and went in to see ………… see …… all dead. “

Jiang Bin heard it. With a choking sound, the two slashing swords swung out like a sword, leapt forward, and stepped into the door without stepping on the stone steps. He was like a big praying mantis. Holding a pair of knives to look around, he turned back and said, “There is no one here, open the way in front of Xiaguantou to protect the grandfather!”

Talking about clenching your swords. Going straight to the hall, Yang Ling didn’t care. Even if there was a murderer, he would have run away without a shadow at this moment. Will he stay in the house and wait for someone to find another murderer? He lifted his robe and headed straight in. Song Xiaoai and a group of guards surrounded Yang Ling in the middle and walked toward the hall step by step.

There are flower beds in the yard. There is a rockery, and the surrounding walls have fallen down somehow, and some places have new upturned soil, which looks like we are expanding the house in the new year. It looks a bit weird. After the four welcoming pine trees, I saw that the main entrance of the hall was only open for a long while, and I could see Jiang Bin standing there with his sword in the door, looking forward at something.

Yang Ling stepped up the steps. There was a pocket scattered on the ground. There are also a few ginseng rolls next to it, which should be the goods brought by the merchant.

“Brother Jiang. Found …” Yang Ling stepped into the threshold in one step. He stopped there just halfway through the words, and a chill caught his heart. The hall was deserted, and you can still see the prosperity and wealth of the past.

In the empty hall, there were four people hanging, four people in blood-stained clothes, the rope was hung from the beam, the chair was lying on the ground, four people covered with long hair, and the hanging body could not see the man. Female, because the door was open, the wind came in, and the body was still shaking slightly in the cold wind.

Song Xiaoai exclaimed, then immediately covered her mouth and turned around. A corpse at the forefront was swayed by the wind for half a circle, and the wind blew open his face and showed a stunned face, his tongue half spitting out.

Song Xiaoai Lala Yangling Lichen sleeves, whispered: “Adult …….”.

Yang Ling knew that although she was brave and warlike, she was not afraid of dead people, but after feeling murdered on the battlefield and seeing the whole family hang, her feelings were different after all.

“No, sir, you … you look behind”.

“Behind?” The back is just a wall, what’s so good about it?

Yang Ling turned around by words, and saw three lines of large characters in different shades on the snow-white wall. It seemed to be written with something like a burnt wooden stick. The handwriting penetrated the powder wall, and I did n’t know how hard it was.

Dark clouds cover the sun, and hate is everywhere.

Strange injustice and difficulty in snow, just ask for a clear official in the sky.

injustice! “

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