Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 369 - Send troops

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Chapter 369

The thirsty and tired officers and soldiers who had been drying out looked at the iron ride that stood out in amazement, and the soldiers who ran to the trees in the shade on both sides were even more afraid of seeing this situation. In the end, there is no courage to connect the kind of incomparable spirit, let alone the horses that crossed them.

The brows of Qihe Baihu involuntarily jumped twice: “It’s a ringing horse robbery coming over? No, if they start to attack the city, there will be no noise, even if they are far away, the cannons of the city head roar You should always hear it. That is ….. The new officer takes three fires, and the governor Chin is about to come down? “

The thieves and slippery people always have more eyes than others. Qihe Baihu thinks more and more of this, turning his head to look at the ignorant soldiers beside him. He licked his lips and cursed secretly: “His grandmother ’s Well, I knew it for a while, and I endure it for a moment. This time it has become the target of others. I am afraid that a lash ca n’t run away, maybe it will be more serious, and I will have to be killed. But anyway, I am a hundred households Maybe it’s just reprimanding, let’s say … There are sixty or seventy people. “

Yang Ling and Commander Luo and others returned to drive the horse. It seemed that Yang Ling had seen dozens of soldiers who had been violating the military order and secretly sullen. Commander Luo also had a black face, pursed his lips, and the corners of his lips were raised upwards, posing a face of King Yan.

Yang Ling ’s real plan to gangsters secretly met with Luo Shiquan last night alone, and he gave him a set. Luo Shiquan listened to Yang Ling ’s plan and was stunned. He thought that the mighty country was driving to Texas and personally presided over the war of banditry. He could escape his responsibility and handed over all the ignorant schedules to Yang Ling. It was much easier for himself.

Unexpectedly, Yang Ling not only did not bring him troops. Instead, he was required to take on more important responsibilities, and he was required to bear such a heavy responsibility. If you can’t twist all the soldiers and horses gathered in Texas into a rope, such as the premise of mobilizing the arm and the finger, it is said that with Yang Ling’s plan, I am afraid that my own head will be gone.

Luo Shiquan secretly complained, but Yang Ling had the right to command Shandong soldiers and horses in full power. The plan he made could only be implemented by himself. Therefore, Yang Ling’s methods of ‘killing and prestige, speeding up the army, and fighting together’ can only be fully coordinated. Only in this way can we stand alone in the next plan.

Yang Ling boarded the general stage and looked at the dozens of soldiers under the shade of the trees coldly, saying: “What’s going on? The governor is still talking about military law and the military order is like a mountain. What? Who allowed them to leave the team? “

Those generals who have their own privately separated teams are very ugly, they do not know Yang Ling’s plan. Fang Cai with Yang Ling rushed up the city wall, but saw nothing, thinking that the horse-hunting horse-hunting horse had gone. Despite this, Yang Ling was very interested and led them to walk around the city. Instructed Jiangshan, went to the tower to drink a good tea, and then hurried back to talk about it for a long time.

Originally, I was very happy to talk to the high-ranking Wei Guo Gong. These generals felt that they had left a good impression of being smart and capable in the heart of Guo Gong. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came back, his subordinates lost a big face to himself. Isn’t this a clear statement that his own army is not strict? The generals were very annoyed and immediately ordered people to bring the soldiers over.

Dozens of trembling soldiers were brought to the stage, and the soldiers standing in the line all looked up here with their necks long. With his hands on his back, Yang Ling asked coldly: “The governor ordered a military order before leaving, and no one should leave the team before the governor returns. Who allows you to take a cool place in the shade?”

Among these people, Qihe Baihu had the highest position, and he took the lead in leaving the team. The soldier who made the mistake looked at him involuntarily. Seeing Yang Ling’s cold gaze looking towards him, Qihe Baihu panicked, suddenly kneeling softly on the ground and mutteringly said: “Government Grandpa, at the end … The end will see the weather is very hot. It ’s just a school parade. It ’s not a big deal. So …

Yang Ling sneered: “The soldiers are no small matter, you are a hundred households. You can take the lead in violating military orders, can you be guilty?”

Qihe Baihu was terrified, and Bi Gong said with respect: “Yes, yes, he will be guilty and willing to be punished by the military law of the grandfather.” As he said, he glanced at the side, there were about seventy or eighty people, his There was a trace of pride in his eyes.

Yang Ling’s lips were ticked, and he said quietly: “Very good!”

He glanced at the soldiers and shouted, “Stand up according to their respective affiliations, and put the school in front, the soldiers in the back.

The soldiers panicked in line with their respective troops, and rank-rank generals stood in front of them. First, they suggested that more than half of those who left the team should be the generals themselves, looking out from the stage, at a glance. Yang Ling looked around and saw that there were no officers in the whole line, and he sent someone to ask them to bring the school to the stage without restraint when they left the team.

Yang Ling looked calmly and said coldly: “There are no rules, no success. What does the army say? Just one order is forbidden, and rewards and penalties are clear. The inspector today emphasized that the military order should be strictly observed, and the army explained 17 articles 54. Cut down, and you guys are unheeded and regard the military order of the governor as nothing! The enemy is currently, how can the governor allow you guys with corrupt military discipline to mess up our military? Come, law enforcement team, put them down and execute on the spot! “

“Ah!” Yang Ling ordered, except for Luo Shiquan, who was already in his heart, regardless of the soldiers, he would be overshadowed. Seeing that Yang Ling’s wolf-like law enforcement team rushed over and arrested the dozens of officers and soldiers, the soldiers were dragged away while crying out for mercy, and some generals around Yang Ling could not stand.

The soldiers themselves have the responsibility of maintenance, and they dare to violate the order of the public, and the soldiers who are listed in the cold, and most of them are their cronies. Unless they rely on the master to pamper and have been scattered, how dare they violate the official command? In other words, these people are also the group of people whose discipline is most radiant and corrupt.

Several generals stepped forward to greet each other, begging for mercy for their men. Yang Ling carried his hands on his shoulders and looked forward coldly without saying a word. The pawns who had been illegally enlisted had been crushed to the ground by the law enforcement team and tied up. Everyone knew that Yang Ling was really playing, and the soldiers who had pretended to act in coordination with the begging for mercy were also really afraid. One after another, crying and crying loudly.

Yang Ling’s cheeks twitched imperceptibly. He couldn’t bear it anymore, but he didn’t take the medicine and killed a few of the public soldiers who had violated the military orders. The tens of thousands of people in the crowd didn’t know the pain. From the bottom of my heart, I understand that “military orders are like mountains”, and I am afraid to listen to orders?

Liu Liu ’s army was just outside the city, and he had not attacked the city for several days. Instead, they only looted in nearby counties. They wanted to gather enough grain and grass and build siege equipment. Once they knew that they did not bring a lot of reinforcements, they would attack the city. I’m not waiting.

Today, dozens of soldiers who did not listen to the orders and acted their own way were killed. Tomorrow, hundreds or thousands of soldiers could be saved on the battlefield. The butcher’s knife was for the purpose of saving people, whether or not anyone could understand. He must insist on doing it.

The military discipline of the officers and soldiers here is really a change of the earth compared with the lawful frontiers. The frontiers have excellent combat capabilities, except for the battles that have gone through a long battle. Strict military discipline is also an important reason, and these inland guards, even if they are strong, lack a fighting spirit and a will of iron-blooded warriors. That’s just a group of buffaloes, not a tiger.

Of course, Yang Ling just wanted to stand up, not to provoke the mutiny when the enemy was present, so he still paid attention to grasping this position. He deliberately took these seniors off their ties, just not to leave them here to infuse good people, and ordered the office to be disbanded and rested, otherwise this will not be possible. It’s still a taboo for military strategists if they really want to slay the generals.

Now that these high-ranking generals are not on the scene, at most, they can be punished with strict discipline, and he can act boldly. Officers and soldiers who violated military discipline were lined up in front of the generals of the army, and the law enforcement team knelt down on the ground. The sharp steel knife had been lifted in the air.

It was still so hot, the sun was still so poisonous, but every soldier felt cold and whizzing. This time before Shandong made trouble with the White Army. These soldiers have very little actual combat experience, and only a few of them have participated in the war of peace. However, since the main battlefield of Pingyao Land is not in Shandong this year, they have few opportunities to play. .

The military training of the imperial court in Tuntian initially solved the big problem of taxation, but in the field of Tuntian and Tuntian, the tiger and wolf soldiers have all been raised as peasants for more than a hundred years, and the peasants ’position was greedily stripped away by the powerful generals. 1. How can a group of people who have no military ambitions count on their strength?

The military discipline is strict, the order is prohibited, the offenders cut these words, they listened a lot, but they rarely went to their hearts. Now they really see what the violation of the military discipline is. It is not only that they are killed when they are deserters on the battlefield. Until now, they found out from the bottom of their hearts that they were soldiers, military orders … like mountains!

Seeing that the steel knife was raised, the law enforcement team was about to wield the knife and cut his head. Dozens of soulless soldiers screamed with furious exhaustion, and the Texas Guardian commander Luo Shiquan suddenly shouted, “And slow down!”

He turned around hurriedly, walked quickly to Yang Ling, and knelt down straight, Yang Ling was surprised with a look on his face: “Why did Commander Luo do this gift? Please get up quickly”.

Luo Shiquan pressed the ground with both hands, and said loudly: “Governance Lord, the military order is like a mountain, violation of military discipline, it should be severely punished. But please ask Guogong to read before they are only first-time offenders. He also supervised the soldiers and horses of various roads, the military was not strict, and it was difficult to say that he had passed. At the end, he would like to be punished by military law and ask the father-in-law to spare them the death penalty! “

Yang Ling said coldly: “There are still people who openly violate the military discipline by ordering soldiers on the school grounds. Your governor should be investigated for the crime of not strictly governing the army. The general stands aside, and do n’t prevent the governor from enforcing military laws. “

Luo Shiquan’s armor was in the body, it was difficult to perform the ceremony, but he still tried his best to kneel down and kowtowed heavily: “Please invite the country to show grace and forgive them for their sins!”

The rest of the generals would take a look at it and quickly attached to Luo command tail Ji, knelt down and pleaded, and all the generals on the stage knelt down and pleaded. Seeing this situation, Yang Ling couldn’t help but hesitate. After a moment of pondering, he said in a deep voice: “The law is not merciless, but since the whole army has pleaded for generations, the governor opened the net today and extrajudicial mercy.”

When everyone heard it, Qi Qi relieved, and immediately heard Yang Ling raise his voice and said sharply: “The first advocate to leave the team! Cut the Zuo with those who left the team! If you stop it, you will be blamed for one hundred military sticks! Immediately execute the sentence! “

Everyone was just overjoyed. When I heard this, I was stunned again. The grandfather of the country is so good at military law. In this way, military law or extrajudicial gratitude is seen on the court of the generals of the army. In awe-inspiring crowds, the law enforcement team had already classified the sergeants who had been escorted by discipline, and was immediately dealt with by law enforcement.

More than 20 soldiers who will lead and leave the team are too late to call for help. The sharp steel knives of the law enforcement team usually cross the neck and the blood is splattered. The thrilling feeling of watching teammates’ human skulls rolling across the ground is really unforgettable for a lifetime.

Then the rest of the soldiers who survived the death were crushed to the ground. The water and fire sticks were one after another, and the one hundred killing sticks went down. Rao was their strong and strong body, and they also lost half their lives.

The punishment was executed there, and Yang Ling stood on the stage and said: “Luo Shiquan was commanded by the Texas Guardian. He was ordered by the court to rule every way to help the soldiers. The imperial order was not strict, the military discipline was loose, and he lost his duty. , Blame twenty military sticks. Pull it down and fight! “

The three monks took the water to eat and paid attention to who had the extra strength, not to mention the war and the use of soldiers to kill and wound people? All the soldiers and horses are intrigued, you look at me. I stare at you, whether it is treatment, burden, or task assignment in the battle, all of them are careful. In order to balance all aspects of the relationship, Luo Shiquan spent much more energy on commanding operations.

Even so, he was still dissatisfied in all aspects, and today he came forward. Overwhelming the generals, saving dozens of soldiers’ lives, deeply moved the generals and soldiers of all walks of life, very delicate, emotionally, they have regarded Commander Luo as their own, and they have a very kind sense of trust .

Yang Ling ignored all the people and pleaded for Luo’s command, and asked the soldiers to beat Luo Shiquan. At this time, the execution was finished. The dead body lay on the ground. Occasionally there was gurgling blood flowing out of the neck cavity, attracting a group of flies. Soldiers lying on the ground lay on the ground. His face was pale, but he gripped the dry soil with his hands and gritted his teeth, stunned not to groan.

After Commander Luo finished his sentence, he was snatched up by two generals and lifted him back to the generals. Yang Lingcai said aloud: “In front of the military law, everyone is equal! The principals and soldiers must all be observed together, and then someone will commit an offense. Military law, the governor will never be light. “

He walked to the stage with his hands on his back and said, “Now Liu Liu, Liu Qi, and two gangsters have gathered 30,000 troops to attack Texas. They have fewer troops than us, but they are doomed to death, and they are doomed to death. , The battle front becomes extremely fierce and brave.

With this momentum, our army is far behind. If our patchwork of soldiers and horses are selfish and do not follow orders, facing such a group of desperate people, although the number of people is not their opponent. So not only do we have to step up preparations and practice martial arts, military orders must not be exceeded! “

Yang Ling said here, his tone slowed down, and said: “Only the soldiers who will go out to take the cool off, and the soldiers who did not trail, will each issue an additional month’s pay for encouragement. In addition, the governor now announces The proceeds from the army’s plunder are all unowned dirt. Above the battle line, if anyone kills the anti-thief, the money obtained will not be handed over to the public. They can be classified as existing. However, usually the ride is scattered and the countryside is wandering, even if it is blackmailed. The people eat and drink and sneak in on the chickens and ducks of the people. Once they are found, they will be severely punished! Have you heard? “

The whole army was shocked. Someone replied chaotically: “Hear, follow the orders”, then under the restraint of the herding soldiers, the whole army resembled thunder, and they echoed in unison: “Care to follow the order!”

In the main hall of Yanwu Hall, the original arms and shelves were removed, and a few rows of tables and chairs were added. Qiao Sihai and other generals stationed outside handed over the defense to the deputy. After proper arrangements, he hurried back, but he was too late to meet Yang Ling. The old boss was good at describing the old, and was led into the seat.

With Zoji Jiji together, Yang Ling took a seat after the handsome case and talked to these senior general Zuo Kan: “Ringing horse thieves and the white army are gaining momentum, but Liu Kou is a Liu Kou after all, and will not give them the opportunity to establish a stable stronghold, and their death, It’s just a matter of time.

Want to compete against the Central Plains, to win the world, without popular support. Without long-term preparation, without years of business accumulation, without a solid foundation, without the support of the family and clans, without the effectiveness of Confucian scholars and literati, it is simply a joke. Why do they rush to fight Texas, Tai’an, and Jinan? In order to cut off the arteries of the North and South Canal, turn Shandong into their base, and use time to build all this. So we can never let them achieve their goals.

The ringing horse thieves are now in the limelight, but their weaknesses are being highlighted. They are easy to start soldiers, even to gather soldiers and war horses. The nearby government roads are court-raising horses, and the people in the north are still martial arts, breaking the villages of the county, looting the gentry of the government, and the horses of the property. The people were so destitute that they had no choice but to attach themselves to the thief in order to survive. So it ’s easy to recruit.

However, their war-fighting campaign was to completely abandon the construction and completely destructively plunder without bases. As their army grew stronger and the captives became more and more severe, the places were destroyed by them. The counties and towns that can be attacked have no oil or water to fish. Whether they raise people or raise horses, they will have problems.

Therefore, can it occupy Shandong. It ’s not about gains and losses in one place, but whether these gangsters can survive and become an important issue for me to understand. The entire territory of Shandong has to go through a process of defense, stalemate, and counterattack. See how our generals in Shandong have achieved concrete and micro victory on the battlefield.

To the defenders of Texas, your mission is to stop Bazhou Xiangma and ensure that Texas is not lost. Ensure the safety of this important stronghold. No one has given us enough time for military integration and military training. We must gradually achieve this in combat.

The generals will stand upright and say yes.

After Yang Ling returned to the handsome case, according to the case, “The governor will now make adjustments to the defensive forces everywhere. After you go back, you will immediately take over the defense. You must complete the garrison and defense tasks before sunset today.”

The generals would awe-inspiringly say yes, but for a while they did not know what to do to adjust Yang Ling’s defense.

Yang Lingdao: “General Qiao Sihai Qiao and the original garrison of the Twelve Company returned to Dezhou City, and General Huo Huo of the Baoding Army moved the headquarters to defend the Twelve Company.”

The two generals stepped out. Giving a hand.

Yang Ling again said: “The commander of Dezhou Zuowei Ji returned from Anling Gucheng to defend Dezhou. Tianjin General Zheng Zheng led his department to change to Sangyuankou.”

The two generals couldn’t think about it and hurried out to make orders.

Yang Ling again said: “Dashuiyi, Dianguanyi, etc. store the Suhe warehouse. Immediately transport all the grains and grains into the city of Dezhou. The Dezhou regiment trains the people and the other counties to avoid the officers and soldiers in Texas to take charge of this military order. More than 10,000 people rearranged and let them reinforce Sangyuankou, Twelve Liancheng and Dezhou Wharf. “

After finishing the arrangements one by one, Yang Ling straightened up, and said in a murderous way: “The method of using troops, ten encirclement, five offensives, times of warfare, and few of them escape. Now it is the opposite, and we have more soldiers But the crowd is trapped in the city, and the stolen horse is only half of our army, but it intends to attack the city. If this is the case, the Texas city can still be lost. What can you say? Only picking a head, Xie Tianzi, Xie people! “

The generals were stunned, Yang Ling’s voice was loud, and he reverberated in the Yanwu Hall alone: ​​”The morale of the army is of paramount importance. The art of war is clouded:” “The military well is not drawn, and you will not be thirsty; the military is not cooked and you will not be hungry! After the defense change is completed, all generals will move to the head of the city, and they will share their lives with the soldiers. “

He glanced and said, “Our soldiers are no worse than the thieves. They are only a ruthless child and a flesh of blood! The governor is intimidated by military methods and by the wealth of money. Be courageous, all generals should make them concentric with righteousness. The generals are united in their minds, and all the aspirations will become a city, then the thieves will not be left alone! “

Yang Ling waved his hand heavily: “In the past few months, the horses and thieves have been going in and out of battle, attacking the city and looting the ground, and the battle is invincible. It is a proud pride. Now, let us plant him heavily under this Texas city. A big follower! “

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