Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 379 - Treacherous brother

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Chapter 379 Treacherous Brother

Yang Ling returned to Fuzhong from Jiao Fang and entered the young lady’s room. The child was tired after playing and was sleeping, with a pair of fat legs like a lot of lotus roots, a thin blanket around his waist, blushing, and thin sweat beads on the tip of his nose.

The two sat by the bed and whispered. Han Youniang listened to Yang Ling’s words and worried: “Xiang Gong, that’s the descendants of Master Wanshi and Kong Sheng. It’s not easy to move. This place is not a scholar as an official. do not know”.

Yang Ling said with a smile: “You can rest assured, I won’t take things for granted. It’s exactly the time when he happened. I wanted to take good care of it and use his Confucian influence to add a big boat for the restructuring and innovation. Wind, let him make up for it.

I wo n’t do much to him. Although he has more power than imperial power, but he has overwhelmed Mintian and has been bullied by the above, and it ’s not a big deal. I really want to try him with a knife. I feel that I have intentionally targeted. Moreover, to try the knife, I would not find such a difficult piece of hob meat.

Don’t be too strict about the evil of attacking people, and think about its suffering; teach others not to be too good, and make it feasible. Xianggong understands this truth, huh, huh, don’t think of Xianggong any more as a bureaucrat without a world business. “

Han Youniang glanced at him, and said with a smile: “Oh? Is Xiang Gong very well-known to the world, huh, huh, what is it that makes Adena so unhappy?”

Astonished, Yang Ling asked: “Why do you say this? Why is she unhappy?”

The young lady smiled lightly: “I see that she is unhappy. She has been staying in the back garden in the afternoon. It was just a cheeky smile when she saw me. We can’t persuade this matter, except for you, I have no reason to come. Alas! The family of the family is far away from thousands of miles, since they followed you with determination. We ca n’t make up for others. Do you say yes? “

Yang Ling smiled bitterly: “You, is sympathy overflowing, is Xianggong like that kind of person, forget it, let me go and see, to see what she has in mind”.

The young lady gave a “huh” sound and gently changed a light robe for him. Yang Ling Shi walked towards the back garden.

Here, due to the addition of houses, a large area has been expanded. The place where the young girl practiced martial arts was moved to the top of the warm cellar. The area next to the fruit forest was still planted with vegetables and vegetables, as well as a few ridges of corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, and recently groundnuts that had just passed into the middle earth because of the opening of the Nanyang Passage.

Adeni was sitting on a stone beside the tomato field, holding a wooden pole in his hand and striking the ground lightly, with a lonely expression. Infatuated.

Yang Ling crept to her side, Adnie was startled, her shoulders shook, and she saw him, before she stood up. Yang Ling has been holding her shoulder, sitting next to her with a smile, softly said: “What’s the matter, what’s the matter?”

Adeni shook her head. Say: “No.”

Yang Ling stared at her all the time, Adeni’s eyes gradually panicked, and finally, she turned her head slightly and sighed: “I find that almost everything I know is useless in Daming, except for making murderous weapons. I Without understanding Daming, many things can only be taken for granted. I thought it was right, and sometimes it was ridiculous behavior. “

Yang Ling stunned slightly, and immediately realized: “Dare to love this Spanish genius girl since she was a child, and she is not proud of her beauty, but her talent, and the knowledge she knows is not limited to weapons. , But now it’s bold. Once she leaves the battlefield. Leaving her with her special weapon manufacturing, the thoughts that have been carefully conceived are easily rejected by people. Self-esteem is a little unbearable. “

Yang Ling laughed. The Westerner matured quickly, and she experienced a lot of ups and downs, her personality was stronger and independent. She ignored her as a little girl, and she was still very fragile psychologically. She did n’t even think of her because of her relationship with Cheng Qiyun. After the failure of the controversy, she was eager to meet with several courtiers and ministers who neglected her, which made her feel lost.

“Silly girl, who said you are useless! Oh, only if you have such a strange idea, our Daming woman still believes that women are talented and virtuous, haha ​​…” Yang Ling embraced her intimately. Laughed.

Adeni frowned, saying seriously: “I’m really serious, I don’t know how to be a girl, I don’t understand cooking, I can’t help you on the official career, and when I marry into the door, is it specifically responsible for making guns for the Yang family? Make cannons and bombs? As a woman, I’m really useless! “

“Who says you are useless?”

“What’s the use?”

“Uh … don’t make guns or cannons, you can also make people, help me get a Yang’s doll first!”

Adeni stunned before reacting. Two groups of red clouds flew up to her cheeks. She beat Yang Ling two times in shame, and then snuggled into his arms, said quietly, “Yang, don’t lie to me, you are real Do you like me? “

“Strange, we are all … that’s all that way. I don’t like you. Will I want you … that way?”

Adeni’s cheeks were hot, and he squeezed into his arms again, squeezing: “No, you guys, there are so many things to do in a show. I … I thought I would like you, but I arrived at you At home, I found out that not only Qi Yun’s sister is surprisingly beautiful, but Yu’er, Xue’er, and the young lady are all pretty and cute, and their skin is so tender and white, they are long and pretty, and they will be the stewards of the family. Really inferiority complex. “

“Oh, you also have your strengths, smart, self-reliant, and a hot figure …, ha! Don’t always feel how helpful I must be in my career to prove your value, simpler in your heart, look at the young lady, jade Er, Xueer, do n’t they live quickly? “

Adeni hugged him tightly and said softly: “Yang, I am in the Far East, only you can love, only you can rely on. Sister Yun’er said, this … is just a matter of suffering, I am always afraid that it is not worth your love, one When I entered the capital, I could n’t compare with a few ladies everywhere. It made me feel that it was a waste of your life to feel that you were with me. ”

Yang Ling slapped his forehead: “My God, the more serious I say, the less it will be? Er … Are you suffering from depression? What’s wrong with wasting? Life. It should be wasted on beautiful people and things. In my heart, there is a treasure that no one else can replace, why should I pity myself? “

Adeni listened, her jewel-like eyes gleamed with radiance, and said cheerfully: “Yang, are you really talking?”

Yang Ling gently held her in her arms and sniffed her hair gently: “Of course it is true. You are all treasures in my heart. The young lady is my harbor, no matter how far I drive, I have to go back I feel at ease around her; Yun’er is my assistant, and I feel relieved when I go sailing with her; Xueer is a pistachio, she will do everything possible to make me happy; Yuer is a hot spring, three or two It ’s tickling if you do n’t enjoy her tender taste. ”

Adeni’s eyes dimmed softly and whispered softly: “Yang. Then I am in your heart, what is it?”

“You?” Yang Ling moved next to her. He affixed it to the ear of the irritating stunner and said softly, “You, you are my happily, and you sit here. Even the tomatoes on the shelf immediately become sexy.”

He Huansan said that he thought Adene could not understand it, but he did not know that Adene was instructor on the pirate ship. The crew of the professor played crazy with women when they got on the shore, and talked about women crazy when they got on the boat. The ears touched the ground and talked about Hehuansan, she had heard many things. Otherwise, she, a woman who has never been intimate with anyone, how can she know how to satisfy him in the car going to Jinan?

As soon as Adeni was ashamed, she thumped him with her lips biting her lips, remembering his metaphor, and couldn’t help but grin. Adeni’s face finally regained a happy, confident look.

She gently wrapped around Yang Ling’s neck, with a soft voice, a sweet tone, and a charming expression, saying: “So … Dear Yang, when are you going to eat my Hehuansan?”

Yang Ling hesitated. If according to the concubine’s gift. I’m afraid she’s not used to it. Besides, this girl has strong self-esteem. It is already very difficult for her to do this step in the village now, and she will never let her worship one by one, at least she will not adapt to the kneel worship.

Rather, Yang Ling moved, and said: “How about a wedding in a Western style? It seems that it is monogamy, go into the village and follow the customs, he doesn’t change the rules, then come back in five hundred years. Now who will love men? Enter him to teach. It should be no problem, this group of priests can even tamper with the map made by God to cater to the people of Daming, and it is not a big deal to change the wedding ceremony. “

Thinking of this, Yang Ling said: “Well …, these days are busy with state affairs, so let me tell Father Fr. Jacobs, seven days later, I will give you a Western wedding, what do you think?”

Evening glow of the sky, the bird cicada called Zhongyi’s two-person shadow to each other: “Really? Dear Yang”

“A gentleman?”

“Get on the whip!”

This time, Adene didn’t understand.

Leopard Park, a large room where Emperor Zhengde gathers office, play, listen to the scriptures, and enjoy singing and dancing. A large number of Dharma kings, living Buddhas, monks, grandly dressed, sitting cross-legged, wearing red and yellow robes robe, head Wearing a red pointed monk’s hat or a gem-protected crown.

Emperor Zhengde was also wearing a vest, a shawl, and wearing a Xia hat. He sat high above him, and two columns of expensive and huge Tibetan incense ignited in the smoke, enveloping his body. The treasure was solemn and he was alive as a living Buddha.

He was originally a Buddha. The self-proclaimed Daqing Dharma King Dinghui Hui Buddha had somehow asked these monks to infuse him. Ping Su and the monks of Lama talked about the scriptures. Dress neatly.

It’s just that he is not talking about Dharma, but politics.

“The Duogan (including Qinghai) area was our Daming territory after the Zhongshan King Xu Da expelled the Yuan Dynasty remnant Wang Baobao, and the court established Hezhou Wei, Xining Wei, Anding Wei, A Duan Wei, Qu Xianwei and Han Dong there. Wei, Biliwei, in order to facilitate the local people, but also the trust of the court. These health officials are all heads of local tribes.

The emperor paid great respect to the Ningmapa (red religion), Kajuba (white religion), Sakaba (flower religion), Gruba (yellow religion), etc., the living kings and living Buddhas handed down by the lotus. In the court of Qutan Temple, Xining Sang Gang Division was established, and in Minhe Honghua Temple, Sang Gang Division was also established.

To the local leaders and monks, my courtesy is very respectful, that is, to the local people, the court also vigorously developed Tuntian, opened a palace, and developed the tea-horse trade.

But now I am very disappointed, very disappointed, and too disappointed. I handed over the Dugan to the headmen to guard for me, and I gave them the rich pasture of Qinghai Lake as a pasture. However, they sat and watched Garthb, and Bo Yanmeng successively invaded. Qinghai Lake is rewarded to all the tribes who obey Daming, not to feed the evil wolf named Boyan Mengke.

Today I call on the Dharma Kings, Living Buddhas, and Dades and monks to come to tell you that since the heads of Dogan cannot resist the attack of the wolves, and the Dharma education ca n’t affect the enemy ’s ferocious ambitions, then I am the only one who is angry King Kong. I will definitely not sit back and watch Dogan fall into the hands of Boyan.

I have two million troops, will it make Yu Yanmeng claim Qinghai as an existing one? Does he think Daming has an opportunity in the civil war? joke. I am rich in the world, and the treasury is sturdy. I am talking about fighting on both sides. What if there are more places? North hit Boyan, Dongping Japanese pirates, and South retreat to the Buddha machine. Invincible, invincible.

Will I be held back by a group of people from Hebei and Shandong with a population of less than 50,000? Shandong Xiangma Hebei Thief! These places have been troubled since ancient times, and it’s no big deal. If the head men and living Buddhas in Qinghai are unable to expel the evil wolf from Boyan. I am sympathetic to your difficulties, and I will send him away or destroy him. “

Zheng Dewei was majestic and swept up and down, and saw the living Buddhas and Dharma kings appearing uneasy, whispering to each other, his mouth could not help revealing a smile of languidness.

There are many tribes in Qinghai, and they are different from each other. Because of this, they have never been able to form a strong unified government, so they are more polite to Daming. Since the founding of the country, they have been called tribute every year, and they have come to the country every year. Although this is a face project, the benefit is actually still They are at least docile.

The court exercised almost complete autonomy in the Qinghai region of Dogan. Most of the generals and soldiers of the health center are local tribes. They are far from the emperor and free. How free? In particular, these living Buddhas and Dharma kings who unite politics and religion and respect their identities know their interests well.

Send troops to the court? When the imperial army arrived, what would its own home be like in the war? The most important thing is that since the local tribal ground guards made Emperor Daming and Daqing prince Xi Tianjue Dao Yuanming free and comfortable, Mr. Dading Huifo was very disappointed and unhappy, then once his army entered Qinghai, would it not be Back?

These living Buddhas are all man-made people cultivated in the social environment of the unity of politics and religion. The consideration of the issues is very detailed. The consequences of war and the long-term impact are immediately thought of by them.

In case Emperor Little Buddha thinks that the round trip is too expensive, he only buys a one-way ticket. After the battle, he successfully canceled the commanding position of the chiefs of the above six David tribes, and replaced the soldiers with the Han Chinese soldiers who had just won the battle. It is not impossible to stay there all the time, and the strategy of “borrowing the way” is not an exclusive invention of the Han Chinese 36.

If Emperor Daming really hugged the grass and hit the rabbit, the two things were solved together, then I can still be the only one in Qinghai? Religious leaders cherished their own thoughts, playing nervously with their little ones, calculating their own gains and losses.

Emperor Zhengde’s eyes turned and added material: “As far as I know, after Boyan invaded Qinghai Lake, the Wa’a tribe and Huo Si were deeply disturbed by Boyan’s occupation of their deep belly. If the situation is big, they will embezzle them, so they are also actively contacting and preparing to send Qinghai Lake. Qinghai Lake, it has to be turned into a boiling water pot. I feel sorry for the people, but I have no choice.

Today, I invite the Dharma Kings and Living Buddhas to ask you to rush back immediately to restrain your disciples and to keep them away from the source of the disaster, avoiding the center of the war from imperfect disasters, and the military disaster is fierce than the fire.

At the same time, I will tell you a decision first. In order to prevent Damian’s transportation materials from being obtained by Boyan, and to prevent the information mobilized by Daming’s army from being detected by Boyan’s detectives, before Boyan Meng can withdraw from Qinghai Lake, I will block the border and stop all mutual markets and tea horse transactions! “

What? The countries of the Western Regions are going to bring in gangs to kill them, and Wa’a and Huo Si are also coming to join in the excitement. Daming is also eager to send troops and stop the mutual market. Is this all coming to Qinghai Lake?

Singing out of the “Qualying Society”, does Qinghai still have Ningri? As the main monastery of the temple and the living Buddha, there are thousands of people who serve directly. Where can I avoid it? There is a military disaster in the most prosperous area, and the mutual market has stopped. I have led people to drink in the remote areas. Northwest wind?

This time the living Buddhas were really anxious, and they whispered. The speed of speech was fast and fast, and the sound gradually increased, and I didn’t know what was arguing.

Emperor Zhengde was sitting precariously, with a compassionate expression of compassion and mercy, and he had been compassionate for a long time. The buddhas below had not yet negotiated a meridian Yinmao. Zhengde sighed and knotted “not moving at all” to enter into meditation. like a statue……

I do n’t know how long it took. The discussion in the hall gradually stopped. It seems that the living Buddhas have reached a consensus on a certain opinion. The Emperor Zhengde is still meditating. The living Buddhas dare not disturb him. Fortunately, meditation is really not good for these people. What, so everyone knotted their handprints. Simply accompany the emperor to practice.

The Emperor Zhengde finally received the credit, and pretended to accompany him to retreat, but in fact, the living Buddhas were awakened immediately.

A few sitting Buddhas in the front row whispered the lofty status of the Living Buddha. The Living Buddha of Winga reverently said: “Your Majesty the Great Emperor, we all agree that the expedition of the master and the continuity of war are not a blessing for all beings. We request Return to Dogan immediately. Do your best to use my Buddha’s power. Strive to expel Boyan Meng out of Qinghai Lake. Please ask His Majesty the Emperor to postpone the troop. If we fail, we will not leave again. “

Emperor Zhengde replied: “Soldiers also have murderous weapons. I believe in my Buddha, and how do I want to kill my life? However, if Bo Yan is young, and the troubles are endless, I am also a last resort. The living Buddhas are willing to do great deeds. Not allowed? In this way, I will immediately send someone to **** the living Buddhas back to the green. It is best if they can turn the gods into jade silk. If not, the living Buddhas will do their best, and let me bear the rest. “

The living Buddhas were overjoyed when they heard it, and they were willing to stay more. They agreed immediately, resigned immediately, and immediately prepared to pack their clothes and go back to the youth.

When the room in the earth went to the room in an instant, the Emperor Zhengde looked at his left and looked at his right. He couldn’t help but smile, and his face was upright, and he turned upside down, raised the ground with one hand, pointed at the sky, and sentient beings, The words of “Oh, um, fans, coax …” were immediately produced, and the Great Weed Diamond Seal was produced, which was actually addictive.

When the corner door opened, two figures flashed in. Before seeing Zhengde, Ge Gejiao smiled and said, “Look at you, still addicted? The legs sitting are numb, get up quickly.”

Tang Yixian kicked the futon that Zhengde was sitting on with a smile, and said with carelessness: “Why are you up?”

Zhengde said sadly, “Don’t touch, don’t touch this big plate for a long time, my legs are numb, ouch, don’t touch me.”

He twitched his teeth with a grin, pulled it away carefully, and waited for the blood to circulate quietly, and smiled again: “How, I have a set of singing and playing?”

Yang Ling walked into the hall as a gift: “The minister sees the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, ten thousand …”.

“I said Brother Wannian, I said that you do n’t have to be a prince in this place. I ’m getting married soon. Hereafter, this is the home of me and Yixian. Here, I ’m going to live an ordinary life. Ouch, do n’t be mad at me, I ca n’t move, but it ’s no match for someone who has been sitting for a lifetime, ho, this hemp! You find a place to sit.

Tang Yixian moved the chair with a smile, Yang Ling looked at it. The emperor sat on a futon. He sat in a chair much taller than him. He pulled a futon and sat across from Zhengde. When Tang Yixian saw it, he took a futon and took a plate of grapes from the Longshu case. Among the three.

Zhengde gently stroked his thigh and said: “Boyan occupied Qinghai Lake, Shandong relief and poverty alleviation, and Liaodong immigrants opened up wasteland. Zhao crazy in Shanxi recruited horses in Zhongtiao Mountain, and the white army in Jiangnan … There are vitality and death, hope and disappointment , I am also happy and worried. “

Yang Ling smiled faintly: “It’s exactly that they are going to the south. When they arrive in Jiangnan, they will find that they are indeed very wealthy there. But their immediate advantage will be over. Try to divide and disintegrate and crack down. In three or four months, the remaining soldiers will be defeated and they will be driven northward. They are cold and lack of food and clothing. From the incident to the end, they have been in trouble for a year. The emperor is assured. “

“In Qinghai, it depends on the energy of these living Buddhas. If they can’t solve the problem of Boyan, then we also solved the white-robbers. We can spare our hands. The things in Liaodong are easy to handle, and it is a long-term thing. Crossing the river by feeling the stones, any problems can be found and resolved at any time. As long as there is more support in the court, policy support is sufficient.

As for Zhao Xiu in Shanxi, he would like to take a trip in person when there is a glance at everything here. If it is best to recruit security, if not, he will not be allowed to sit up. Once the bandits have a stable base, then the tail will not be lost, and he must be driven away. “

Zhengde nodded and looked serious: “That’s right, after these things. The deficiencies in the North Korean government have been exposed. This is not a bad thing, it is resolved in a timely manner. I can avoid further intensification of the contradiction. I have done something, but I have n’t solved my problems yet, so I want to open up the territory. That ’s a lot of effort. It ’s hard to make iron. ”

Yang Ling was very pleased and said, “The emperor saw very much that the minister and the cabinet and several adults of the Sixth Ministry had a plan to reduce the twelve strategies for restructuring and reform to ten strategies. Let’s make people fold it up first, let out the wind, let everyone have a preparation in mind, and then formally ask the emperor to implement it. The minister will first tell you the results of our deliberations, so that you have a heart. “

Yang Ling reiterated the important matters. In terms of tax reform, the various officials tried various new tax laws such as ‘Lijiayin’, ‘Junpingyin’, ‘Outline Silver’ and ‘Shi Duanjin’ ‘Zhongzhi preferred to use the’ one whip method ‘. Zhengde heard this and spit out a piece of grape skin. He nodded and said, “Well, well, the drawbacks of this taxation should be changed. One whip method is very reasonable.

The huge Daming Rivers and Mountains, I want to use soldiers to make no money, I want to make disasters without money, and even Neiku has been wiped out. It is so pitiful that the poor people still say that they are out of breath under the pressure of taxes. Poor to this one? It’s just that the taxes are uneven. The rich don’t pay as much as the nine cattle, but the poor people pay more than half of their annual income.

As a result, some of the people who raised their brains were full of intestines, and farts ran out of oil. I heard that there were wealthy merchants in Jiangnan who wanted to eat a bowl of parrot tongue and slaughtered hundreds of parrots. Is that thing really delicious? Just put it on. When I eat fish whiskers, I buy a hundred-tail carp, and only cut the fish whiskers for spare. I don’t have that luxury for this luxury. “

Yang Ling was a little surprised. The truth is that he knew everything. But the Emperor now has so much slang and so much to know about folk affairs. If the factory guards told him, at least these slang words cannot be said to the Emperor.

He glanced at Tang Yixian, and if he felt something in his heart: “Nine out of ten, this little Nizi, who is unobstructed, is talking nonsense to the emperor, but the emperor still eats her like this, and likes to let people take their own. Treating each other as ordinary people, these two people are willing to fight one by one, but they are not Mr. Dao Xue. Such trivial matters are too lazy to admonish. “

If these words were heard by Wang Qiong, Liu Jian, and even Yang Tinghe, Liang Chu, and others, I am afraid that they would all be frightened, and they would immediately start to admonish them, asking the king of a country to be cautious, and even mobilizing the ministers to engage in a big court. It was only Yang Ling who did n’t take it seriously. Zhengde was most at ease in front of him. He was n’t tired of being a man or a man. It was no wonder that he was willing to talk to him.

When Yang Ling mentioned the reform of the military system, Zhengde, who had a smooth bloodline, slapped his thigh, and he felt the same way: “This is good, it was mentioned by Lu Wan? Well, he has a good idea. Now he recruits regiments to train the people and strengthen the army. Do n’t spend royal court money. When the time is right, directly replace the guards. It ’s a good idea. To be honest, I do n’t have any money now, and this military system has to be changed.

Now I was angry when I saw the report of the Ministry of Military Affairs, saying that I had two million soldiers, but how many of them could only grow land. If it weren’t for Aiqing, you took the soldiers and gave me some bad breath. Look at that battle, what grandma looks like? If you want to be a soldier, you can’t be a soldier. If you don’t want to be a soldier, you will force him to be a soldier. It should be changed! “

Yang Ling gradually talked about the real purpose of his coming. He talked about the seriousness and harm of the situation of land merger. Then he glanced at Zhengde and saw that he was listening carefully. Yang Ling sighed. I am worried: “The emperor, with the support of the emperor, the reform and reform can be launched, and the resistance of the DPRK and China must not be too great. The minister is worried. Is the ten policies for the launch site really implemented?”

The land mergers, if they are rich or expensive, tell them to spit out meat from their mouths. Who is willing? These dignitaries, big and small, will inevitably compare with each other. The big show big noble refuses to abide by the court system, the small show little good will have a model, and the court order will be put into a cabinet when it is promulgated and accepted as an official document. Come down, then you can give up your achievements. “

Zhengde’s eyes rolled, and he smiled and said, “Hey. Do I have to listen to the ten policies of restructuring? Can’t you see it after Wu Wu comes up? You know you have other ideas. You can rest assured, whether he is a prince Hou Bo, I am still a relative of the emperor, or a member of the first or second rank, and dare not to follow the decree. I will support you and punish you! “

Yang Ling shook his head bitterly and said, “It’s no use. This man … The official is too big and the power is too great. The emperor supported his subjects, and the officers didn’t dare to offend him.”

“Hah!” Zheng De laughed angrily: “Okay. Don’t sell it to me anymore. Just tell who you are and I will see who is so prestigious.”

“This man is you, the emperor!”

“I?” Emperor Zhengde stayed for a while, and was a little annoyed: “Do I have land to merge? Under the world, can it be the king’s land, whose land I want to merge? I want to open up the territory and push the soil to the outside. It ’s just not the time now. You said, why did I become the culprit of the land merger? “

Tang Yixian looked at it and hurriedly picked up two bunches of grapes and handed them to the brothers: “Come and eat grapes.”

No one ignored her. Yang Ling looked straight at Zhengde’s eyes and said seriously: “Huangzhuang! Did the emperor forget the huangzhuang?”

“Huangzhuang?” Emperor Zhengde surprised and inexplicably said: “You said Huangzhuang? How do you say that Huangzhuang is a land merger?”

Yang Lingdao said: “The emperor’s circle has reached 21 places, about 2 million acres of land. This is true for the emperor, especially for local lords. As far as the royal lords are appointed by the royal family, each of them owns hundreds of lands. There are more than 10,000 acres, huge numbers, amazing numbers, sensational … “.

Emperor Zhengde’s lungs were exploding, and he was sorrowful for a while, he shouted: “I am also guilty of evil! You have managed seven emperors for me, you should know what is in it, what I own tens of thousands of hectares of land, How many ten thousand hectares of land is owned by the prince, this is purely an erroneous message. Do you not understand the details?

Tang Yixian’s round eyes glanced to the left and to the right. Seeing that the two brothers were about to collapse, they quickly picked up two bunches of grapes and persuaded: “Come and eat grapes.”

The two still ignored her. Tang Yixian picked a grape bitterly and threw it into his mouth.

Yang Ling smiled gently: “You also know that when the emperor ruled the emperor, it was just a guise, but this time, in order to reform and reform, the minister did a detailed investigation, and now naturally understands.

The royal family and the royal family were originally paid by the court finances. Where did the money come from? Taxes from the people. It is a matter of course that all people must pay taxes in their land. The royal princes had the vassals, and the royal family designated some royal fields. It was not how many fields the royal lord owned, but the tax paid on the land was no longer paid to the household, but was managed by the royal family and directly used by the royal family. The same is true of the emperor’s imperial estate.

The royal family and royal family originally paid for the royal government’s finances. This part of the field was divided into royal villages, and the supply was reduced by the number of households. The existence of the royal village of Wangzhuang only allowed the people to pay taxes in the middle of the household. The link is directly handed over to the royal and royal families who should have enjoyed it.

If you pay royal taxes or royal taxes, you do n’t have to pay official taxes. Therefore, it is not only the official land, but also the Huangzhuang, but the difference is that the managers are different. For the people, there is no difference. “

Zhengde’s complexion slowly subsided, and Yang Ling continued: “And. The land rent ratio levied by Huangzhuang and Wangzhuang is levied a three-point tax per acre of land, which is less than that levied by ordinary landowners. Tenant farmers in Zhuang have less burden than ordinary tenants in fields, “he said.

Emperor Zhengde grunted and said unpleasantly: “Do you still say this when you know? I was just so angry.”

Yang Ling smiled slightly and said, “The royal family always needs to have income to meet the daily expenses. It does not come from the royal village. It comes from the official land. It is not directly collected, but must be given by the household. Then the name of this place is Huangzhuang or official. What is the difference?

A million acres of land is taxed at about 12,000 a year. Some gentry, salt merchants, and marine merchants earn far more than this number every year. The royal entrance seems not so sensational, nor to talk about Land acquisition. Let the people lose their way. “

“But …” Yang Ling took it seriously and said, “Who would calculate the geography of these lands in a year? How many royal expropriations are there? They only heard that the royal occupies millions of acres of land, and they are shocked. . And it ’s the nature of human beings to erroneously erroneously tell the truth, and to speak erotically. People are also willing to talk and exaggerate.

Gentlemen are willing to spread such words, and spreading such words creates conditions for their true mergers, and there are more people spreading them. There are many people who believe, and even descendants will be passed down, so that future generations who do not know the truth will feel filled with indignation.

The land mentioned by the minister is just normal. Under normal circumstances, there are no pits that harm farmers. Encircling Huangzhuang and Wangzhuang is also extremely detrimental to the reputation of the royal family. So is Huangzhuang exploited? Are the people who cultivate these lands really pay less than the people who pay taxes to the government? Actually very few, very few. “

He met Zhengde’s somewhat stunned eyes. Explained: “The reason is very simple. Huangzhuang has its own management staff outside the government. Where do their wages come from? The wool comes from the sheep, and the source is still Tian Fu, so with their wages, this Huangzhuang tax Fu is no less than the fields that pay taxes to the government.

In addition, the private managers and masters of these imperial villages acted as official officials. They faced the relatives and nobles who were noble and could never face the tenants. The following is for those tenants who cultivated Huangzhuang land for the relatives of the emperor, how much land rent is set and how much is collected. Not a word from them? They have such convenient conditions, is it possible not to be greedy?

The emperor thought that he was collecting taxes based on the three-point tax on one acre of land, giving the people a seven-point profit. However, in fact, the people have worked hard for one year, and the real income may not even reach three points, and the middle head is layered. The supervisors, masters, and thugs were greedy. Do the people know who exploited them so much? This account is naturally counted on the emperor’s head. “

Yang Ling’s tone became heavy, and he said, “This is just your emperor’s estate. As for the princes everywhere … cough! The servants dare not hide the emperor, you must know that there are virtue and fool among the princes, and Not everyone knows the compassionate place of the people. If the prince himself is greedy for money, desperately squeezed, and increased the tax rate, coupled with the exploitation of layers of management, the people may have only one cent of the harvest to survive. When they are in arrears, how can they live without a rebellion or rebellion? “

When Zhengde heard it, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a daze: “What … is there such a thing?”

Yang Ling said in awe: “It is precisely that Huangzhuang and Wangzhuang are mergers that do not seize the ownership of the land, and the gentry and powerful people are mergers that even take away the ownership of the land. It seems a little different. In fact, the two are generally harmless. “.

Zhengde listened to his head without a word, and looked very depressed.

Although he likes to play and play, he also wants to be a Mingjun and a good emperor from the bottom of his heart. He didn’t think that he directly designated the imperial estate to supply the royal palace. The middle was stripped by people, and it would hurt so many people. This time The rebels rebelled, maybe some people were forced by themselves, so they were very sad.

The corners of his mouth suddenly cooled, and Zhengde in contemplation turned his eyes. I saw Tang Yixian took a grape and delivered it to his mouth. He smiled softly to him, and his eyes were full of comfort and encouragement. Zhengde’s heart was sweet and unconscious. Open your mouth and put the grape in your mouth.

Tang Yixian handed Yang Ling a bunch of grapes again, and said, “Brother, since you have a good way to say it, don’t make the emperor sad.”

Zhengde’s eyes lit up and said, “Yang Qing, what’s your good plan?”

Yang Lingdao: “No good policy is needed. Just remove the management staff in full, the Huangzhuang Wangzhuangtian tax bank still handles the settlement of the account department, and the end of the year will be applied by the account settlement of the account department. The number of acres will be changed and a new book will be created. For the official land, it would be no longer called Huangzhuang’s name.

Zheng Deying said: “It’s that simple?”

Yang Ling said with a smile: “It is simple for the emperor, but it is extremely difficult for the emperor to manage Zhuang Tiandi. It is a matter of ruining the people’s wealth and I believe it will not take long. Come to appeal to the emperor to say how bad the refund is. How to delay the corruption of ink by the Ministry of Finance is worse than the emperor’s own suggestion that the article should be covered with your Dragon Book case. “

Zhengde was dumbfounded and said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter, I see who comes, so I persuaded me that it must be a greedy place. I asked the factory guard to first check his three generations, grandparents and four neighbors, if there is no corruption, It ’s not too late to speak again. “

Yang Lingdao said: “There is another difficulty. It is Wangzhuang. In principle, the royal bank has not reduced the royal bank, but it has been changed from direct income to official government, but those who raise the tax rate privately benefit from it. The vassal king must of course oppose it, but for this reason they just couldn’t say it.

The emperor took the lead in retreating from the field and set an example. Among them, the virtuous vassal will follow his majesty with pleasure. Some greedy but well-known princes have no shields. Will also obey the imperial order. I was afraid that some princes would be bold and courageous, so they would not retreat from the field and obstruct the implementation of the New Deal. If they do not retreat, then the ministers and ministers will not retreat, and the gentry and eunuchs will not retreat. The problem of land mergers is difficult to solve. “

Emperor Zhengde sneered: “It ’s up to them that the court approved the taxation of 4 million mu of land for him for 4 million mu a year. Now the land is under the control of the household department, and he still has 420,000 a year. Reasons for not complying with the will? Did he dare to tell me about those shameful activities? You can rest assured that this pass, I will take care of it! I will immediately set aside the removal of Huangzhuang and return it to the household. “

“Wait slowly, the emperor is slow,” Yang Ling hurriedly said: “It is not busy now, and it will take a good time to remove Huangzhuang to have a good effect.”

Zhengde said in a daze: “Which … won’t you pick a lucky day?”

Yang Ling whispered to his ears with a weird expression. He whispered a few words. Emperor Zhengde patted his legs and laughed, said with a frown: “Good. This is good, I like to see them in a state of embarrassment, hey!”

He smirked twice: “Isn’t digging pits to make people jump, I like pitting people, hehe hey, I am very good at this matter.”

He stretched his legs and stood up, saying: “It’s too hot, the beast cage behind is unpleasant, and now there is no more fighting, let’s, let’s …”.

“Slow down the emperor, the minister has one more thing to talk to the emperor. If the emperor is allowed, the minister will discuss the will of the emperor.”

Zhengde doubted: “What’s the big deal?”

Yang Ling told Yan Yangong about him again, Zhengde frowned: “Invading Mintian, such gentry landlords are not a few. Uncle Zhang Heling was impeached by Li Dongyang more than once for this reason. His identity is quite special. This trivial matter is greatly condemned, which may be controversial. The Duke’s assault on the court official was originally an overly serious matter, but a pity … “.

Zhengde smiled bitterly: “If Yang Qing is not a messenger, but he beats the court official at will, it would be a big crime. But he should be able to honour the Anglican. This is the rule passed since Song Dynasty. He went to the lobby Two halls and three halls are available, even in the cell, and I still have private soldiers. I do n’t like it. I can blame him for the excessive sentence. What if it is the next purpose? Is it a joke? “

Yang Ling smiled and said: “Chen knows that this is not a big deal, but a small one. The emperor came out a little bit of a big deal. No one dared to care about him if he didn’t come forward. No matter what happened, someone must have arched him out during the restructuring. The top cylinder block the arrow, it might as well solve it first.

The minister wanted to use this to make him also contribute to the restructuring of the imperial court. Yan Shenggong still has some appeal, especially he is a descendant of Kong Sheng. If he is willing to call out, there is no great use. At least a lot of humiliation, “Dongxian Dao Xue will be able to shut up and let the Emperor’s ears be quiet, less irritable.”

“Oh? So what do you want to do?”

Yang Ling whispered again, and the Emperor Zhengde nodded again and again: “Walk and go, you have a will, I will write it for you.” He punched in Yang Ling’s chest lightly and laughed, “You are also good, very good Well, it ’s pitting people, there are a lot of bad eyes. “

“Hey, hey, hey …”, the two are laughing, Tang Yixian put his hands on his small waist, and he whitened them bitterly: “Look at you, a little image, are you good? You are an emperor, a duke, It ’s not ashamed and proud to discuss how to count people here, alas! I really convinced you of the pair of living treasures! “

She snorted and turned away.

Emperor Zhengde rubbed his sour cheeks and said, “Go, accompany me to Beihaizi to avoid the summer heat. Let’s go boating and fishing, and catch some fresh fish to come back to let Yixian stew the fish soup. Her craft is very good.”

“Is the Emperor not coaxing her? The Emperor is most afraid of the roar of Hedong Lion.”

“Hey, she’s not really angry. I’m nervous all the time. She’s not tired anymore? We’re not tired of it all the time. Besides, women, moody, just like that.”

“Yeah, yeah, the emperor said it’s right, I didn’t even think about it, I was so annoyed when I saw it … Hey, yes, the emperor, he will marry his wife and concubine in two days, and he will practice Western etiquette, knowing that the emperor loves See this lively, do you want to go? “

“Go, go, why is this less lively than me? Stop by and look at Huang’an, and Huang’an will be closed soon … Huangan … Huangmei will move over …”.

A pair of treacherous brothers chatted away while shaking away.

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