Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 392 - Return

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392 Return

In Guojiazhuang, an army barracks stood on the main road, with antlers, thorns, and carbines, and behind the barracks were archers, hookers, horses, and horse traps. The positions of Li Shoubei and Mando Si had just received a group of remnants who had retreated from Lishui. The sound of thunderous horseshoes arrived.

In the distance, the figure of the white army cavalry gradually getting closer and clearer, the rumble of the drums of war was like the thunder of the low-pressure sky, and it rolled over from the low altitude, helping all the households to be divided by everyone. Silently waiting for the arrival of the White Army, they have been waiting for a long time.

The scenes of Wanma’s gallop and the rumble of drums were intertwined, which made people feel bloody.

“Artillery, prepare, let go!”

“Bowbow, prepare, let go!”

“Boom!” Ten cannons rang loudly, a piece of iron sand lead shot intertwined into a steel rain curtain sweeping everything within a hundred meters horizontally, and the white army vanguard rushing to the forefront fell down, a horse or a horse. Falling on the ground, the huge body rolled forward a few feet, or ran out with blood and pain, and the fast horse behind slammed and trampled on them. , Continue to be trampled by followers.

The White Army bypassed the obstacles of flesh and blood and kept rushing forward. Fighting between North and South and fighting against Japan and Japan, the warriors who can survive now are undoubtedly one of the strongest men in the world, regardless of will or force. If they are not disappointed with their future, their combat power can be improved by one level.

But now, they have gathered courage again, because Yang Hu drew a cake for them. For this beautiful cake, they raised their spirits and struggled desperately. Taking time with life. One round of arrows, two rounds of arrows, only two rounds of arrows were shot, and more than 500 white soldiers fell in the pool of blood, and then the fast horses running like dragons rushed to the eyes.

“Retreat, fire will fire!” Like the fried beans, in the crackling sound, the man fell off and the horse ran away. Another death. The martial arts of the officers and soldiers are not as good as those of these death lines that have been tempered and have been transformed into a real warrior. However, from the completeness of weapons to the neatness of their positions, they can not be compared.

“Retreat again! The gun array is waiting”, a long spear was raised, and it was a bamboo spear, and it was wrapped with layers of slander to prevent it from being easily broken, and the spear plopped on the ground. The forward edge is like a thick forest.

“Poo poo poo” the trembling spearpoint into the meat, people shouted Ma Si, crashed to the ground, the white army in the back team reacted. The short-handed throwing gun was fought out by the force of the horse, and the officers and men were torn apart. A white army had rushed into the officers and men, and the sharp steel knife was raised. Facing the bright sun, it reflected a chilling wind.

Li Shoubei and Mando Division held the sword to supervise the war, and all those who retreated were beheaded. They received a strict order to kill them. They dared to fight the enemy and kill them. This was the order of Duke Yang Ling. No one doubted his determination to execute the order, so they had to enforce the battlefield discipline of the soldiers without killing them first.

The charge of the horse warped a gap. However, before the White Army was happy, they were annoyed to find that they had fallen into the embarrassment of attacking Nanjing City again. They rushed into the enemy formation, but they could not use their own mobile advantages to repeatedly perform sprinting and hacking actions.

Behind the roads are artificially raised and dug low, and various vehicles are placed side by side, among which there are actually donkey carts and trolleys, apparently collected from nearby villages. These weapons cannot be called weapons. But it has the effect of hindering the horse team to kill the front and cover the officers and soldiers to avoid.

Although Jiangnan had fewer cavalry, these officers and men with spears and single-handed swords took advantage of the terrain to offset their advantage in war horses. Then use the seven-person beheading group combat method from the Zhuang family soldiers, with the combination of long and short weapons. Some are responsible for attacking, some are responsible for guarding, some are responsible for stabbing the head, and some are responsible for cutting the horse legs. With a headache, the impatient bandits simply jumped off the Malay and strangled with the officers and men.

Afterwards, the White Army continued to join the battle group, and Li Shoubei and Mandos gradually could not withstand the battlefield situation. At this time, Huo Baihu, Dongping Township, Li Qianhu, Tongshan Township, and He County Cheng, Qiqiao Village , Led the officers and soldiers waving flags and covered them.

Although there were not many officers and soldiers, the three-way siege made the white army psychological pressure immediately increased, and began to retreat. Although they had always been invincible, but there were not many opportunities to fight hard battles with officers and soldiers, but now officers and soldiers seem to have sent Like crazy, they became as afraid of death as they were, and they lost the advantage of war horses.

When the narrow road meets the brave, the courage did not come out of thin air. The arrival of the reinforcements made the already declining defenders powerful, but the white army was frustrated. Each step forward is one step closer to Nanjing City, but the remaining roads must be stained with blood every further step. Isn’t such a short distance like the same sky?

Yang Hu was indignant in his heart, but he was also worried that more and more officers and soldiers came to the news. Their advantage lies in fast, but they are not in the tough, why should they be long with a short attack? Yang Hu started to gong and withdraw his troops and decided to detour to Nanjing.

The army began to shift eastward, and Li Qianhu and Huo Baihu, who had just been killed, were greedy for their work and were chasing after them. Yang Hu was furious, turned back and fought, and lost the advantages of the car camp and the rugged ground. Before it was too late to defend themselves, the officers and soldiers were not opponents of the cavalry. They were suddenly killed and scattered, and Yang Hu did not like to fight.

When his leader came to Maoshan Town, he saw a river blocking the road, a bridge over the river, the forward horse just rushed past more than two hundred horses, there was a loud noise, and a cloud of fire and smoke under the bridge connected the bridge Dozens of white soldiers who rushed to the bridge exploded into the sky.

In the reeds on the other side, thousands of arrows fired, and immediately killed countless people. Look at that dress, but most of them were Ding Yong. They surrounded the hundred and white riding legions, and shot only with a crossbow. There are more than one hundred horses left alone.

I saw the bureaucrat inspector and Minzhuang gathered around a civilian who walked to the bridge. The civilian was black and strong, and he laughed loudly while holding his belly. He shouted loudly: “The official Maoshan inspector, Shui Tiandao, is here. Thief, wait for the general trend to go, and catch without a hand? “

Yi Chenfeng was furious. He grabbed a bow and shot it with a single arrow. The other party held a shield to meet him and protected the water patrol to retreat to the embankment. Then he hugged hundreds of people across the river to shoot. Yang Hu was so angry that he was so angry that he ordered no Tangled with these people, they continued to march eastward and rushed to Lijiafen.

The army rushed halfway. The soldiers and soldiers came to the rescue and were caught off guard by surprise. The soldiers and soldiers were defeated. Yang Hu expressed his anger and commanded the army to attack Taoist Ridge. There was also an army stationed on the Taoist Ridge. There are only about a thousand people. According to high defense.

Yang Hu commanded the army to attack the ridge. On the ridge, she threw a bundle of burning wormwood grass downhill. The smoke was choking and the horses were also affected. If it is usual, Yang Hu can lead the army. Officers and soldiers could not chase him with two legs, and they could only do nothing, but now Yang Huzhi was in Nanjing and could not retreat. So he sent a ruthless order, so that the army laid down their lives to attack the mountain.

For the most part of the two battles, the officers and soldiers on the mountain gradually retreated to the mountain. In order to prevent the White Army from chasing them, the officers and men ignited the mountain fire. The ridge was not high, and they were all low bushes. . Yang Hu had no time to chase down the remnant soldiers, and passed the mountain.

The army rushed to the crock pot. Yang Hu could n’t help but be surprised. A deep trench in front, with hundreds of vans on the opposite side, the striker had engaged with the White Army. To block horses with trenches and refuse horses with car camp firearms. Such well-equipped equipment is better than Guojiazhuang by three points.

Yang Hu has turned his head. I only felt that the more officers and soldiers went to Nanjing City, the more they went. It’s almost ambush everywhere, there are soldiers everywhere, can’t help but sorrow from it, is it really like Han Bai said, the surprise attack on Nanjing City was as expected by the court?

But Zhao Maniac and Liu Qi are attacking Nanjing City according to the agreement. If they have escaped this way, it will lead to failure, and it will not take a few days to live. If the other two troops are defeated, where can they go on their own? It was just a few days later that he was buried in Jiangdong.

Thinking about it, I saw a faint glimmer of light in the corner of my eyes, and a long crossbow shot from a large crossbow came through the air, whistling sharply, “popping”, from the chest of a close guard riding on a horse Passing between them, he continued to shoot back with a cloud of blood mist, shooting three people in succession, evading in panic.

Yang Hu thinks so far, seeing this scene and categorically ordered: “Can’t go anymore. In any case, I must break through. I don’t believe it. All roads lead to Nanjing. How many soldiers and horses in the court kept defending along the road? Kill me. Yi Chenfeng, you led the headquarter, Li Yeyin, led the headquarter to the left wing, and broke through the military and military battalions. “

On the right wing of the pot, there is a thorn mountain, and on the left is a puddle. Officers and soldiers used this terrain to dig trenches to resist. There is a road on the right wing, but I do n’t know where to go. The road is full of thorns and the horses are difficult to climb. It is now the fastest way to attack the flanks of officers and men from the left by bypassing the puddles that are several miles long.

The two generals immediately ordered to leave. Yang Hu directed the White Army and the officers and men to shoot, covering Yi Chenfeng’s attack. However, he did not know that the fireworks on Shiling were simply the contact signals agreed by the officers and soldiers. The periphery of Nanjing was already armed everywhere. No matter which way he attacked, there were fireworks signals in places suitable for siege, which was convenient for contacting nearby.

Together with the fireworks in Daoshiling, the officers and men knew that Yang Hudi’s cavalry had chosen to attack on this route, and they had begun to gather in the area of ​​Waguanwo and Toad Bay. After half an hour, the left side screamed and suddenly killed a team. Form a square formation, and kill the army from the field beside the puddles. The halberd is lifted up like a forest, and it is also a spear formation, a magic weapon for riding with a step.

Yang Hu was terrified, and quickly led the soldiers to rush up. The white soldiers who survived the series of fights were indeed brave and brave. Although after several days and nights of marching and fierce fighting, they could still resist the attack of the suddenly killed officers and soldiers.

The two sides fought together, six or seven lances against a war horse, countless officers and men formed a small seven-person formation, and the small formation formed a large square formation, so as not to be disrupted by the war horse, the sword came and the blood flew. , Fighting is extremely tragic.

Yang Hu showed great power and grabbed a long bamboo gun. A gun was like a dragon out of the water in his hand, covering the front and back, and picking and stabbing, and no one could stop it. Yang Hu killed the officers and soldiers alone, swung his arms around, swept a few rifles, and then shouted loudly: “Where did Li Yeyin’s king **** go?”

He was stupid and knew the situation was not good. Li Yeyin was one of the three local gentry who had surrendered to him in Qingzhou. Because of his outstanding martial arts, he became one of his five tiger generals. At that time, the three gentry who turned to the mountain, even with their family members, nursing homes, and relatives, were all in Li Yeyin’s army. Li Yeyin was sent by him to return from the left to attack the wing of the car camp. Officers and soldiers, what about Li Yeyin’s soldiers?

Yang Hu looked back at Yi Chenfeng, who was directing the soldiers and horses to launch a hopeless attack on the ammunition-filled car camp in the distance. His heart was sad and infinite: “I have seen the hearts of people for a long time, and are really good brothers. I must be Bazhou cottage How many other people can trust the brethren that came out together? “

He yelled and picked up dozens of lances from the rifle, but then a sharp blade passed from all directions, and the sharpness of the gun was sharp, standing far away, just a matter of shrinking, Let him martial arts strong. Nor could he fight so many spears at the same time. Yang Hu had no choice but to retreat while fighting.

The officers and soldiers around him also saw that this person was the leader, especially his one-eyed, like the big white army leader Yang Hu who was very much like the official mansion. The Emperor Zhengde posted the emperor’s list, but those who killed the bandits Liu Liu and Yang Hu would be rewarded 10,000 yuan, and the count would be the earl. The official was promoted to three levels.

As the so-called reward, there must be a brave man. Being a soldier is always playing life, but playing life with Yang Hu, it is worth it!

If they were one-on-one, they did not have the guts, and these dozens of guns from all directions greeted Yang Hu, and they became courageous. Uncertainly who is lucky, poked a hole in his chest. Then developed, such a meritorious deed sent to the door, who would let him go.

Yi Chenfeng, while commanding the White Army to desperately attack the car base battle camp in front, paid attention to watching the movement of his elder brother. Seeing that he was surrounded by officers and soldiers, Yi Chenfeng hurriedly called the horse to rescue him. The long weapon he used was a two-pointed weapon The ground steel fork danced like a windmill. Yi Chenfeng has been killing Yang Hu. Fight side by side with him and fight back.

at this time. Reinforced officers and soldiers also appeared on the top of the right-wing earthen jar, waving their swords and guns to rush down the mountain. Yi Chenfeng saw the situation is not good and hurriedly shouted: “Brother Tiger, the situation is not good, go forward, I am afraid that it is true It’s a dead end, let’s retreat, first retreat the troops to rectify, and then decide where to go! “

Yang Hu smirked and said: “It’s the last hope to take a foothold in Nanjing. If not, where else can I go?” However, Yi Chenfeng planned to retire his army and he agreed. Now that the officers and men are surrounded on three sides, the White Army will You have to be enemies on three sides. Only if you break out first, even if the three soldiers and soldiers converge all the way, you can only confront him with a direct enemy. The advantage of the number of soldiers and soldiers does not exist.

Yang Hu took a deep breath and shouted: “Withdraw! Withdraw immediately! Withdraw to Taoist Ridge, and fight again!”

The two walked away first. In the distance, a speculative soldier waiting for promotion and getting rich has been swaying in the crowd, just not rushing forward, holding a bow in his hand to find a chance there. When the two saw the horse, they turned back. The officer and soldier were overjoyed, and immediately opened a bow to release an arrow, and a cold arrow shot Leng Zi.

“Poof”, he didn’t hit Yang Hu, but was right in front of Yi Chenfeng. Fortunately, the officers and men had limited arm strength, and this arrow was not deadly. Yi Chenfeng groaned, and he did not care to pull the arrow to heal his wounds. He endured the pain and led the defeated soldier back.

The soldier in the archery field was extremely annoyed, and he dropped his longbow bitterly, picked up the long bamboo gun and scolded while chasing: “His mother, the big fish was not caught, he shot a small shrimp!”

The army of Yang Hu was going to flee, but the officers and soldiers had no choice. Although they had cavalry, but because of the limited number, they could not be sent to chase the enemy. They could only watch the army of Yang Hu flee to the circuit. The three support troops formed their respective formations, and then advanced slowly, tracking down. At the same time, several other large and small reinforcements were coming here.

The white soldiers were bloodied. What was more frustrating was that the morale inspired by Yang Hudi’s money and beauty had disappeared. The deserters riding on the horses had no such sturdy and fearless spirit.

Cangcang withdrew from Twenty Miles anxiously, and saw the drums rumbling under Taoist Ridge under the Taoist Ridge, and in a flash of flags, thousands of people with bows and crossbows emerged from the slope. There are the remnants of the fairy guard killed by him, and the magnificent local people in Maoshan Town, one by one, watching from the mountain, coldly watching the defeated white army.

“Get ready, serve with bow and arrow!”

There was a squeak, there was a rain of arrows, the flying locust …

Zhao Maniac took action. As soon as the scheduled date arrived, he immediately got rid of the army of Yang Ling and passed the Guoyang, Mengcheng, Huaiyuan, and killed the emperor’s hometown Fengyang all the way. The imperial army was still slow in action, and tried its best to hang it behind.

The guards in front of each road are also hindsight. When you are far away, you will find out that Zhao Sui ’s army has eaten and drank in the town, and you can catch up and look at the horse ’s ass. There is no threat at all.

Zhao Maniac is more proud of this, this is the marching speed of the imperial army, according to the speed of officers and men. It can only take advantage of the battles of siege and the battle of Zhongtiaoshan, otherwise the world is not big enough for him to come and go?

Zhao Lunzi attacked Fengyang City, and there was still leisure and enthusiasm. He was the favorite of the grandchildren of Fengzi Dragons to go to Dihuang Enlou. They tasted the immortal and rushed out of the place of origin, Liu’an Tea. They rested for a long time, and then continued eastward. The horse kept killing Biwa Lake and took the boat south.

Zhao Maniac entered the river from the lake. The brigade took the land, the brigade sailed, and the emperor passed Yangzhou, embarked on the Yangtze River to cross the river, ferry endlessly. Finally landed at Hanqiao and entered the Jiangnan region.

Unexpectedly, Yang Lingjun “could not catch up”, landed in Zhenjiang. Intercepted in front of them, Zhao Maniac didn’t take it seriously. Because of the speed of the cavalry, he could easily flash past the officers and men and rushed straight to Nanjing. In order not to entangle with Yang Ling’s army, Zhao Maniac quickly inserted in the direction of Danyang.

Unexpectedly, the army rushed to Danyang, only to see the banner in front of the banner. The banner of Yangzi flew around the city, thousands of horses under the city, Xiao Xiao, spears like forests, army formations like mountains, Zhao Maniac was shocked. The court’s rapid reaction force finally made its official debut. Both sides chased me. Zhao Crazy, who dared to arrest in the “Liuhe Liuhe”, was bitten by Yang Ling’s horse **** and forced him to shift towards Changzhou.

Pond village on the edge of Taihu Lake. In the temporary military account. The atmosphere is very tense. Zhao Lunzi said solemnly: “When we went across Henan, Yang Ling was helpless. I never thought he was so forbearing. It turned out that a powerful cavalry had been prepared early, and it did not come into use until today.

To make a wrong judgment about the maneuverability of officers and men, at a critical moment, it was a fatal flaw. Our speed advantage no longer exists. They are now biting us tightly, and they always stop us from going west. The original plan must be changed. “

Zhen Yangge said loudly: “If he is afraid of a ball, otherwise we will head up and fight him hard, the cavalry of the court may not be our opponent.”

Zhao Maniac shook his head and said: “Don’t forget, the soldiers are Xu Taijiang Bin, they are all border guards, I suspect Yang Ling secretly transferred the border troops elite south to participate in the encirclement and suppression. I am determined to win in Nanjing City, I deliberately bypassed here to cross the river. The intention was to make a long-distance attack, throw away Henan officers and soldiers, attract the main force of Jiangnan, and create conditions for Liu Liu and Yang Hu.

At the same time, taking advantage of our cavalry to penetrate through the gaps in the surrounding army, but now the Yangling commander cavalry is stuck in front of us, the opportunity has been lost, and we must adapt to the situation. “

He paced hurriedly and stopped suddenly, saying to the Red Lady: “Vice Marshal Cui, tomorrow at noon, is the agreed period of breaking the city. I think Yang Hu and Liu Liu will go together by land and water. To, but this battle relationship is really too important, just in case, I led the main force to attract Yang Ling’s attention, you led 4,000 soldiers and rushed to Nanjing City.

Their attention is focused on Liu Liu and Yang Hu, this side must be empty, you must rush to the east gate of Nanjing City at noon. Nanjing city insurance is incomparable, the city walls are thick, and if it is won, as long as there is enough grain and grass in the city, there are 200,000 troops in the city.

Siege is worse than attacking the city, outsmarting is the best strategy. The three-way army rushes to make an appointment for a unified action date. As long as it cooperates properly, Nanjing City will get everything for me. I have already arranged for Feng Lei to take the Dongcheng Gate. If the army of Yang Hu and Liu Liu can’t arrive in time, then you must hold the gate and wait for our three-way team to arrive. “

When the Red Lady asked her to take Qingqi to Nanjing, she could avoid enemies with Yang Ling and seek revenge on Zhou De’an. The proposal was in line with her wishes, and she nodded immediately.

Zhao Lunzi said: “I led the army to lead Yang Ling away from Yixing. Take Liyang and Lishui to help you. Our blog is to compare speed with Yang Ling. Seeing that he can stop us from the three-way army, We still won Nanjing City first. “

The Red Lady said: “The show is assured, I will set off now.”

“Wait!” Zhao Fui called her and pondered for a moment, his tone lowered: “If … I mean … If there is a failure of the thunder, the city gate is not captured. Then don’t hesitate anymore and cannot win. We can’t beat Nanjing at the city gate. You have no hesitation, immediately implement the backup plan, cross the river back, and flee to Shaanxi. “

The red lady shook her body and blurted out, “You … what about you?”

Zhao Sui laughed and said, “Take me with Yang Hu and Liu Liuhe soldiers. But we can only go away. We can separate the soldiers in three ways. We can still get away with us. Now the soldiers are together. You can also go back to Jiangxi, cross Huguang, and even into Sichuan. I have traveled half of the rivers and mountains to the north of Daming, and then stroll around the beautiful mountains and rivers in the south. Why would you like to go to Shaanxi? “

Seeing the red lady hesitating, Zhao Sui laughed and said: “This is just a matter of course, it may not be used. Nanjing is difficult to attack. It is difficult to find the hard shell. As long as a portal is opened, it is the Jiucheng Cave. What are you afraid of? Go ahead. “

The red lady has no words. He stared at him silently, clenched his fist slightly, and led his own person to flash out.

Zhao Sui took a long breath and said to Zhao Pan and Zhao Hao: “Originally, Yang Ling was haunting us, but now we are going to haunt him. Come here, our three brothers have a good discussion, and Yang Ling On the edge of this Taihu Lake, divide up and down! “

Three willows on the north bank of the Yangtze River. This is a small place. The place name is Sankeliu, but the green willows line the river. More than a thousand trees and trees. Miao Kui stood under the weeping willow by the river and watched the river flowing eastwards. Numerous boats, large and small, were crossing the Yangtze River and heading towards the north bank under the orders of the government.

A school captain rode from the east and ran fast along the river bank Liudi. When he arrived, the captain rolled his saddle and dropped his horse, clenching his fists and saying: “Yang Gongdang, the bridge across the coast from Han, the ship left behind by the horse robber was also by us Seized, all sailed back to the North Shore. “

Miao Kui responded lazily and turned to leave.

The captain busy said: “Father, there are countless ships along the north bank of the river. Are they managed centrally? Where should they be kept? Can they send troops to guard?”

Miao Kui smiled and scolded: “You idiot, where can so many ships be concentrated? Besides, can the dry ducks still get water from the opposite side to get the boat?”

He walked up the embankment, walked under a green willow tree, stopped and thought for a while: “Hmm ….. but can concentrate a little, and send some inspectors to watch from the local government. Just go “.

The captain hurriedly went back as he should.

Miao Kui turned his horse under his hand, looked at the south bank of the river, and uttered a long sigh: “If you kill the gangster, you can be a knight, and you will be promoted to a third rank. If you get this credit, I will overtake Dai Yi, Zhang Yong, alas! Guo Gong Ye is already a Guo Gong, and among the surnamed people are already very human subjects, can he still be a king? Why should I fight for my merits?

Liu Liu died in Hukou, but was shot by chaos. Those officers and soldiers also died in sevens and eights. There is no way to determine who has the credit. Now the big blessing star Yang Hu is left, but he does not know the blessing. Which **** is cheaper! “

Miao Kui sighed for a while, reluctantly raised the horse whip, and led his own soldiers to the city.

At this time, Yang Dafuxing, who made Miao Gonggong coveted, was trapped in thousands of horses and thousands of armies, just like a flat boat in the raging waves, with the waves rising and falling and disappearing. Beside him, the white soldiers waved their swords and guns and fought with the officers and men.

There were more and more officers and soldiers all around, and the white soldiers who were not proficient in battle were trapped in the unfavorable parts of the surrounding slopes, mud pits and swamps. They were gradually divided into several pieces by the officers and soldiers and wiped out.

There is no battlefield yet, and the officers and men are in front of a spear array. The soldiers behind were skillfully pulling bows and releasing arrows, fire and flames were flying, and the sky was full of flying locusts and arrows. The white army in the original battlefield had no strength to fight back in this area. What was happening was that the arrows had been used up, and the White Army finally tasted the defeat.

Another rain of arrows. Hundreds of white-clad soldiers screamed and fell down from the Malay. Some saw the opportunity early, saw the war horse stuck in the mud and was trampled on the ground, and could no longer move freely. They refused to sit on the horseback as targets and jumped off the horse. Stabbed fiercely in the horse stock, and tried to escape by the chance of the horse rushing out.

Yi Chenfeng waved a steel fork. There was a lot of blood on the back of the wound, he had lost too much blood, and his eyes were black for a while, and he looked around, and there were crowds of people calling to kill. Like a wave of tide, they fought and walked away, they were getting closer and closer to Nanjing, but more and more officers and soldiers were around. Now there is no doubt that the officers and soldiers are indeed ambushing around Nanjing, just waiting for them to get out of Jiangxi and get caught.

However, Yang Hu still has to go to Nanjing. He is no longer trying to fight Nanjing or not, but to find the other two soldiers and work together to get out. Otherwise, he is the only way. Now he is exhausted. He has nothing to do with his arrows. He has no power to go back to Jiangxi or attack Zhejiang with a tighter deployment.

“Brother Tiger!” Yi Chenfeng shouted, but the crowd was turbulent, and he no longer knew which direction Yang Hu had killed. His eyes were black and his body shook. He was caught in a spear again on his shoulder. The two next to them followed the soldiers for many years to kill forward desperately, and they fired three guns. Stabbed to death, followed by a scream, the guard on the left was stabbed into the waist with a long gun, and the gun was pulled out, blood gurgling.

The one on the right was only slightly distracted. Four or five shots of bamboo spears plunged into his body from all directions. Yi Chenfeng yelled and raised forward, but the horse screamed violently. The former officers and soldiers had cut off the horse’s legs, and Yi Chenfeng’s face was sweaty and bloody. He was about to stand up, and he saw the two **** steel knives split in front of him, sternly. Behind the wind are two faces full of murderousness and excitement.

He led the army to break through, and constantly issued orders. The officers and soldiers who fought in the surroundings already knew that his status in the White Army was not low. His head almost represented the same weight of silver. Who is not excited?

The sounds of shouting, fighting, and blade-blazing sounds became one. The air was filled with disgusting **** smell. On the vast battlefield, people were like ants, small and great. Tiny is that they may be annihilated into a dead body by this fierce battle at any time, and greatness can decide the life and death of others at any time, even if it is a sloppy general.

“Kill!” The screams of the sea tide rumbled into Yang Hu’s ears, and he had exhausted himself. The soldiers and horses were divided into small pieces, and all eyes were a pair of blood-red eyes. There were fewer than two hundred people left beside him, and there were fewer than two hundred people left beside him.

Yang Hu slammed his iron rod and smashed the officers and men in front of him. This is no longer the first few blades he grabbed. The overwhelming number of officers and soldiers shouted to fight with the white soldiers. This is an assassination of a complete military, no What defensive moves, hacking, assassination, hacking, and then assassination, simple and effective.

“The general trend is gone. Look for Liu Qi and Zhao Maniac, or disguise yourself and dive back to Taihang Mountain. I will one day come back again.” Yang Hu hurriedly thought about it and started to rush out alone.

The turbulent waves seemed to be split by a blade, and Yang Hu was so sweaty and exhausted, but the physical strength of the officers and soldiers also fell sharply, and he still could not resist his unstoppable vertical and horizontal killing. He wanted to follow the past, but countless spears and flying arrows blocked his way.

Yang Hu relied on a strong martial arts, single-handedly killed to the edge, holding the already twisted subway stick and killing two officers and soldiers, he successfully grabbed a single knife, just habitually took a knife, turned his head and looked, only Seeing seven or eight officers and men rushing to the edge to shoot arrows, the target is here.

Yang Hu was terrified. He was hiding in a stirrup. The horse warned the arrow and hissed, and then ran up regardless of the direction. The horse ran for a moment. A bush in the front blocked the road. Yang Hu had just dropped his horse and saw someone chasing behind him to open the bow. Yang Hu hurriedly raised his waist and jumped into the bushes with lightning, before he stood on the ground with more than ten carved nails. On the ground, the arrow tail was still shaking.

Yang Hu dare not stay for a moment. The cat gasped and gasped, running hurriedly through the gap between the bushes, and ran to a small stream, he fell on the stone, plunged his head into the water, his head was full of blood and sweat, and then immediately waited for the water to clear. Drinking water.

The heart was nourished fiercely. Yang Hu couldn’t even breathe, so he immediately continued to escape …

At the head of Nanjing, Zhou De’s body armor stood on the tower and watched the people walking in and out of the city.

Since receiving the order of Yang Ling, Nanjing City has been martial. All the heavy soldiers were stationed on the city gate, as the largest port in Jiangnan, unless the enemy had fought close to the front, they were forced to face the battle behind closed doors. It is impossible to close completely.

Rice, oil, salt and vegetables and meat need to enter the city to supply a huge urban population, and many things in the city also need to be transported out of the city. Fangcai officers and soldiers pinched their noses and sent them out of the city, in accordance with the order of Zhou Dean, and concentrated the city’s toilets out of the convoy. If the city is closed early, these toilets alone can make the whole Nanjing city smelly.

He walked slowly with his hands on his back. He said: “Now the city opening time is concentrated within three hours. There are indeed many inconveniences, but the war is imminent, you can’t open it all the way, wait for someone to attack the city and then close the city gate? Those relatives, civil and military officials, and gentry and gentry, you have a good life to talk about, I also think about their safety. “

Zhou Dean is about 40 years old. Chinese character face. With heavy eyebrows, He blushed. The majestic two-character beasts looked majestic and majestic. The sturdy body, heavy shoulders, and the slightest movement seemed to imply great power.

Guan Shoubei smiled and said, “Adults don’t need to worry. This is the case with these respected lords. When they feel inconvenient, they will blame you for making a fuss. When they feel unsafe, they will scold you for not being careful.

Hi, being an official in Nanjing, the oil and water are big, and there are many things that get angry. In fact, the world is the same. If it is in Beijing, is it still the same? I heard that the patrol envoys of the Wucheng soldiers and horses of the capital of the capital had suffered strokes when they were old. They were all too angry and suffocated. “

He lowered his voice and smiled, “Unless it is mixed up with a high position like Grandpa Wei Guo, and the city is also walking sideways, otherwise, as an official, you have to bear it, as they say, let’s not go in the heart. “”.

Zhou Dean shouted his head and shook his head, saying: “Beside the Nanjing city, I was surrounded by white bandits all the way. I couldn’t get to Nanjing City all the way, and it was also a community of water dogs. Hem, carefully watch, although it is not convenient to set up a beacon in Jiangnan However, the messages of these Beacon Expresses that I have temporarily deployed around Nanjing are still effective and fast, but if there are beacon fires, the city is immediately closed for war, and the official is told. “

“Yes, adults go slowly, send adults,” Guan Shoubei smiled with a smile.

At this time, the two military station detectives ran to the head of the city from the bottom of the city, and when they saw Zhou Dean and the guards, they immediately politely said: “Report to General Zhou and General Guan, the front line is great!”

Zhou Dean moved and said: “What is the matter, hurry up!”

A detective said: “General Liu Qi went down along the river and encountered a strong wind in Taiping. The ship collided and capsized, drowning countless people in the river. His remnant soldiers will flee to the shore and fiasco in Caishiji. According to the capture The captives admitted that Qi Yanming and Liu Qi were the two gangsters in the chaotic shooting. Liu Hui only took more than 2,000 people to escape along the river and the soldiers and horses were rounding up.

When Zhou Dean laughed loudly, the tiger’s eyes lit up and asked, “How about Yang Hu?”

“Yang Hu was attacked again and again, constantly getting rid of our army and trying to go north, but he was surrounded by our army in the clay pot and fled all the way to the toad shop. The white bandits have been divided into several pieces, of which there are about 7,000 bandits. People left the brigade and escaped from the brigade to the south. It is estimated that they could just meet the army of the imperial court marching north from Huguang and Jiangxi. The part of Yang Hu fell apart. There is nowhere to go.

Zhou Dean listened to the hot blood, and asked again: “Can Zhao Crazy have any news along the way?”

“There is no news yet. They are too far away. They were intercepted along the way by the Grand Army of the Great Kingdom. They are still wandering on the edge of Taihu Lake. Too far away, the news of the victory and defeat of both parties has not yet been heard.”

“Okay. Go ahead, any news will be reported at any time.”

Zhou De’an’s heart flew up: “Yang Hu has also been defeated, but Yang Hu, the thief chief, hasn’t died yet. That’s a great credit.”

He is greedy for power, but he has been in the Northern Army for too long, and he doesn’t know much about stammering, and he is not fit to show his stubbornness. However, although he was transferred to Nanjing for his military merits. Become the highest military officer guarding Nanjing, but there are many senior officials in Nanjing City. He just needs to hug one out and he has to smile with his face and tell a small story. It is difficult to adapt to his proud character.

But now the opportunity comes. If Yang Hu can be killed, his own fame will be passed on to the world. Maybe the emperor will meet him and be promoted to the third level. Since he is now the deputy capital commander, even if he does not enter the army at the third level, he can also become an independent government official on the defending side.

The splendid future and the high official Houlu are in front of you …, as long as Yang Hu’s head is taken, all this is at your fingertips! Thinking about this, Zhou De’an felt warm and his eyes were red. He licked his dry lips: “Yang Hu collapsed in the area of ​​Toad Shop. It was only a few dozen miles away. Liu Qi died and Liu Hui fled back. Now, Zhao Maniac is far away in Taihu Lake, and there is no danger in Nanjing City. After this battle, I ’m still in the best position. If I go and hunt down Yang Hu … “.

He coughed and calmed his airway: “Guard the guard”.

“The end will be.”

“Yang Hu’s army is defeated. But Yang Hu is not yet dead. This is a serious trouble for the court, and the officer can’t rest assured. He collapsed in the area of ​​Toad Shop. It is expected that he hasn’t gone far. The officer will bring a whistle horse to go to assist in the theft. You are strictly guarding the city gates, and when the city is banned, the city must be right “.

“This …… My lord, our duty is to defend the city, and the bandits have already deployed officers and soldiers, we …”.

“Huh, what is the outer perimeter, and is also called the outer perimeter? The contingency plan is originally the responsibility of the commander-in-chief. Yang Hu is not dead, and the future is endless. You do n’t have to say much, just guard the city, and the officer only sends three thousand cavalry. No matter whether there is news or not, Yang Hu will be returned today. “

“Yes!” Guan Shoubei arched his hand, watching Zhou Dean hurried down the tower, whispering quietly, and whispered in a low voice: “Yang Hu is fierce, after all, it is only one. Will you send me to catch someone? Do you have to take the lead?” “Isn’t it ridiculous? Isn’t it just three levels in a row? You fell to death!”

Fangjiacun, a small village with beautiful mountains and waters, small houses facing the water, halfway out, under the back window is a small river flowing through, the turbulent river water, swaying water plants, fish drilling and drilling.

The river is not deep. Opposite the river is the dense forest. An autumn pear tree by the river is already full of fruit, and the branches are bent. The branches cross the river and hang at the window, within reach.

A head protruded out of the window, carefully observed the situation around Fan, and then retracted it, covering the window gently. Yang Hu ripped the robe on the bed, covering several wounds on his body.

In front of the bed, a young woman with a beautiful white face, only sixteen or seventeen years old, holding a baby under one year old in her arms, she looked at her heartbrokenly as she made a green robe for her husband, and was torn into pieces by this rough guy. The brow tipped slightly, but sighed helplessly.

A thin student with a pointed chin and light eyebrows was only 18 or 9 years old, and there were still young hairs on his lips. He was afraid of leaning on his wife and gently grabbed her waist.

“Hey, don’t be afraid, I just can’t mix anymore. Joining the White Army to eat together, hey, who knows that the White Army can’t be trusted. I’m going to secretly go home, I’ll leave here and leave without hurting you. “.

“You, cook some food for Lao Tzu.” Yang Hu gave the young woman an order: “The child is carrying it. Otherwise, it will be handed over to your man. If you dare to make a noise, Lao Tzu will kill you one by one.”

The young woman hurriedly picked up her child and went to the outhouse to cook and cook. The door had been inserted backwards by Yang Hu and tightened with ropes. The door panels that were unloaded piece by piece had to be bothered and troublesome for his couple to open. Yang Hu reclined on the head of the bed, and he could just see the doorway, but he was not afraid of them running away.

“You, just sit in the corner of the wall, and don’t allow **** disturbances. I will leave when I have enough rest, don’t trouble yourself, okay?” Yang Hu ordered fiercely.

“Yes yes, uncle. I … I dare not, I am sitting,” the young boy was so scared that his teeth were ringing.

Yang Hu glanced at him contemptuously, and the bean sprouts looked like he could pinch him with **** outstretched. He actually fell to threaten this kind of thing, alas …

He closed his eyes and said: “This little couple can’t stay. Although they don’t know themselves, but the one-eyed feature of Laozi is too obvious. If the officers and soldiers go into the village to investigate, they will definitely step up the search and ask me now. Life, I have to take a breath. If Bao Jiali is coming to ask, I can still use them to deal with it. When I have enough rest, I will be full. I will send them to the road before leaving. “

This weak boy is actually a talent. Fang surname, Fang lightly worried. Although the village is secluded, he still often walks around the county to learn from the palace. In front of him, he remembers the vicious big man, exactly like Yang Hu, the thief in the list.

When I saw him at first glance, Fang Xiu was really scared. The legend of thief Yang Hudi was too much in the folk. Most of them described him as killing without blinking, even eating human flesh, drinking human blood, like Tongling, tall and tall. King Kong looks like. Fang Xiu is a scholar. Although he didn’t believe it, the fear was still unknowingly planted in his heart.

But now witnessing Yang Hu’s embarrassed appearance, his body was bruised and exhausted, his clothes were ragged, mud and soil, not as good as a beggar, Fang Xiucai’s heart gradually quieted down.

Turning his head to look at his wife who cooks lightly outside, Fang Qingcong thought: “This person must be the thief Yang Hu. He … Will he really let us go?”

He licked his lips, and suddenly passed the emperor’s list in his mind: Reward for ten thousand yuan, Earl of the Ming Dynasty, and the rank of official was promoted to three.

As soon as the eyes touched Yang Hu entrenched in the bed, like the mighty body of a tiger lying on the couch, the idea immediately disappeared, and then, unconsciously, it lingered in his mind again: “Reward for the gold, Earl of the Ming Jin, official Go up three levels. “

“Where should I go? After I have rested my strength, take some dry food money and hide in the mountain first, inquire about it. If Zhao Madman and Liu Qi succeeded, I will go to Nanjing to vote for them. If they also lose , Alas … Then I will find a way to leave Jiangnan and go back to the north, and return to Taihang Mountain ……. Call … Call …

A faint snoring sound came, gradually becoming a deafening snoring. Fang Xiu was so frightened that he shuddered and looked at the probe, then he relaxed his shoulders again.

Various thoughts of “Wan Jin, Jin Jue, promotion, robbers, killing heads” came one after another. Fang felt his heart beating faster and faster, and the jumping was almost breathless. His legs were trembling, and his eyes suddenly flicked. Seeing a stick of wood sticking out of the miscellaneous objects beside the bench on which he was sitting, his eyes could no longer be removed.

It was a harpoon, a small ground harpoon, two sharp prongs side by side, not half the width of the slap, this harpoon can only shoot small fish in the stream behind the window, since the test After Zhong Xiucai and his daughter-in-law were married, he was thinking wholeheartedly of being a big official as soon as possible, and hadn’t touched it in a long time.

However, his wife still uses it, occasionally removing too much water and grass behind the window to draw water. There was a faint smell of rice in the pot, and Fang Qingzhou cried out in fear, “The strong man, the strong man!”

After screaming twice, he realized that the sound was only swirling in his throat, so he courageously coughed and raised his voice a little: “Strong man, meal … meal is good …”.

The grunt overwhelmed his tiny mosquito call, and Fang Xiucai stood up against the wall a little bit, his legs swaying, and his hand tremblingly touched the harpoon. Pulled out inch by inch.

The wife discovered his move. She covered her mouth in horror and shook her head with wide eyes. The steel fork was fully in hand. Pulling it out required guts, and then letting him plug it back in. It also required huge guts. Can’t look back. Fang Xiucai was thin and flushed. He glared fiercely at the wife, and the wife dared not make another sound, but stared at him with wide eyes.

Fang Xiucai picked up the harpoon, trembling and aiming at Gao Yi’s chest that was tired of Yang Hu’s eyes, and then moved to the throat sometimes, making a half-stroke gesture. Yeah! “

Following his cry, his wife screamed in shock. Yang Hu was startled by two strange screams, but when he opened his eyes, the rusty harpoon had penetrated deeply into his throat. Fang Xiu was not a fork made with both arms, but a clasped iron fork. After exhausting all his energy, he flung over and pushed the fork forward with the weight and impact of his body.

The fork had already penetrated the throat completely, and he was still yelling. Desperately pushing the iron fork forward, Yang Hu’s throat bleeds out of the blood, and his throat has sunk deep into it. With the flow of breathing, he made a “clucking” noise.

Yang Hu’s eyes widened and his hands flicked open. It seemed that he was going to pounce on the situation. Fang Xiu was scared to death. I saw him with his eyes wide open, and even his bones were crisp, and his hands were so soft that he couldn’t even hold the harpoon handle. He could only hold the fork handle with his chest, crying and shouting, “Go to death! !Ah ah!”

Yang Hu was desperate. He was pushed again and again by his subway fork, and his two open hands moved one by one, as if he was about to pounce. Fang Xiucai was finally scared by the dead man’s last courage. He turned and ran, stumbling on the threshold and breaking his lips. I didn’t feel any pain.

Fang Xiucai scrambled up, pulled his wife away and ran, shouting: “Go and go!”

He rushed to the door and saved the door from being twisted. He hurriedly grabbed the kitchen knife on the pan and cut the chop, cut the rope, unloaded the first door panel, and the warm sunlight spilled into the door. Soul.

He was stunned and slowly turned his head to look into the back room. The harpoon was deep in the throat of Yang Hu sitting on the bed. Because the wooden handle was slightly sinking, he was now bending down tremblingly, thick The blood dripped halfway along the wooden handle, pulled into a thick silk thread and hung down on his thigh.

The warm sunlight dissipated the chills from his heart, and he asked his wife in surprise: “Xiu’er, he … is he dead?”

The young woman named Xiuer nodded quickly. After thinking for a while, she shook her head. She thought the answer was unlucky, so she nodded again. At this moment, the child on the back cried with a wow.

With the crying, I only heard a majestic voice from the narrow and long alley road: “People called Liu Qianhu continue to search forward. This village and the mountains behind me are in charge of Zhou Dean. Home search, don’t let a doubt go, you must catch Yang Hu against the thief. “

Fang Xiucai took a long breath, hugged his wife, and wept with joy: “Xiu’er, we are saved.”

“Hmm!” Xiuer just nodded with joy.

Fang Xiucai hugged his wife and laughed out loud: “Not only was I saved, I killed Yang Hu, and killed the thief Yang Hu! Let’s develop, I want to be an official, I want to be a lord!”

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