Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 423 - A visit

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Chapter 423

The establishment of a card shows that it is by no means a show off for the master, but an attacking tactic. When a confident general led thousands of troops and made great efforts, he finally succeeded in capturing the goal he wanted to capture and was complacent. He suddenly saw such a line and knew that he had fallen into the calculation of others from beginning to end. That kind of strong psychological blow is enough to kill his fighting spirit and blow his confidence.

Li Fuda often acted by taking advantage of the situation and taking advantage of others, but he didn’t think of the most critical battle but counted himself. Disappointment, anger, and sorrow left the always calm and alert Master Maitreya with only endless anger. He gritted his teeth and shouted, “Yangling!” Huo Di turned and walked away.

Jiang Nanyan, You Qingyu, who looked disastrous, looked at each other and hurried out. At this time, Liu Dagang and Luo Dusi led the remaining officers and men to retreat to the dangerous peak facing the cliff. The fanatical religious beliefs of the Maitreites had great lethality, although they were definitely not opponents of the three-thousand iron guards that Yang Ling stayed in the yinyuan, but the kind of play that would rather be changed from one knife to another, shot to shot It caused heavy losses to Liu Dagang’s bodyguard and Luo Dusi’s officers and men.

At present, only half of the four thousand people who are guarding the line are less than half, and most of them are wounded. This dangerous peak is bare and composed of dark black rocks. Only some wild grass grows in the cracks. However, the mountain is extremely steep, and you have to climb up to use both hands and feet, so although there is no stone to throw at the top, as long as you stay on the top and want to defend, it is easy.

Liu Dabang’s ribs, shoulders, and thighs were injured. He tried hard to climb up a sudden rock, and he looked down the mountain with his breath, and the whole military camp under the mountain was like a splendid galaxy, flowing everywhere. Firelight. It was a fragrant army wielding torches searching around for officers and men.

Liu Dabang gave a look for a while, and suddenly laughed at the distance, Wang Dusi suffered several minor injuries, a little finger was cut off by the knife, and he endured the pain and climbed up. The mallet laughed, wondering: “General Liu, why laugh?”

“Look, Master Wang. Look at it. The Grandpa Guo is back. The Three Route Army has blocked all the escape routes. Li Fuda is finished, and Maitreya is finished! I’m doing it. You’re doing it! Maier Xiangjun has to go back to her grandma. Go home, hahaha … “

Wang Dusi looked back suddenly, and saw that the torrent composed of torches marched into Jingjingyi Camp from three directions, and there was a little spark on the mountain between the three roads. Obviously people were also arranged to guard the mountain above. Look at the posture that the iron barrels that trapped Jingjingyi’s camp were general. I didn’t want to let go.

The Maitreya Army had never seen the world, but the boasted supernatural power and the omnipotent Lord Maitreya suffered a fiasco. He was invited by Yang Ling to enter the urn and was heavily surrounded. His myth has not yet been broken. Although the army was frustrated. But it wasn’t very disturbing. Under the orders of Lord Xiang, Lord Altar, and Masters, they quickly assembled, and the formation was still strict, and there were still rules in advancing and retreating.

Yang Ling led the Chinese army at 30,000 and trapped the main exit of Jingjingyi because of water leaks. This army consisted of Jingjingyi’s defenders and soldiers from Zhending and Baoding to block the white army. The left and right wings fought hard, each with 20,000. They are composed of soldiers from Puma, Bauhinia, Pingxingguan and Liaozhou.

Because it is still not certain whether there are Maitreya in Taiyuan Wei. Yang Ling ordered the rapid siege of Taiyuan Zuowei and Zhongwei and ordered all the soldiers to lay down their weapons. They trapped them with bare hands into the gorge in front of Tianqinggou. The Qingqinggou garrison and the 5,000 soldiers dispatched by him were carefully supervised and did not participate in the siege.

As for the Red Lady ’s cavalry, it is said that when the imperial army was infighted, he took the opportunity to escape the encirclement and fled all the way north. It is still unknown where to go. For the generals, there are no bases. The 5,000 white soldiers are obviously innumerable. For hundreds of years, the remnants of Bailian, who had overthrown the power as their predecessor, were even more harmful. Yang Ling took the opportunity to make up his mind and did not entangle with the White Army. Instead, he concentrated on the pursuit of the Maitreya Army who was besieging Jingjingyi.

Yang Ling ’s army stopped. Sometimes, the momentum also required a large number of people to build the ground. The 30,000 army was arranged in several neat square formations. The armor was bright, the swords and guns were standing, and the black pressure was there, like a copper wall. The momentum of the Maitreya Army was gradually suppressed, and the fanatical call sign gradually cooled down.

The other two armies also arrived, and quickly formed a perfect outstrike formation, and the Maitreya Army only discovered that the simple defensive fortifications and equipment inside the barracks had been destroyed when they attacked the defenders. They simply It is impossible to defend this regular army in terms of number, equipment, and war experience.

At this moment, Li Fuda led Jiang Nanyan and You Qingyu and flew out of the mission, and Li Fuda shouted loudly with a **** head in his hand: “We succeeded, the head of Emperor Daming is here, now immediately rush out”.

His breath is long and his voice is far away, although he can be far away among thousands of horses and thousands of armies. The followers of Maitreya Army clearly listened, and their spirits were greatly stimulated, and the sound of cheers and tsunami generally sounded.

Yang Lingjun did not have any commotion, only heard hundreds of strong men shouting in unison: “The emperor’s newly married Yan Er is waiting for you in the leopard room to congratulate you, kill!”

Hundreds of strong men shouted in unison, and the word “kill” shattered from the battlefield, immediately suppressing Li Fuda’s voice and the cheering of the Maitreya Army. Immediately, the generals of the three armed forces sang “Kill” in unison. This “Kill” sounded like Kaichun’s first burst of spring thunder bursting across the wilderness. That momentum was really appalling.

Li Fuda didn’t dare to talk more, hurriedly said: “rush out!”

You Qingyu responded immediately. With a spear, he shouted and led the Maitreya rushes towards Yang Ling’s square. Originally in a weak position surrounded by others, would he dare to argue with the other party and justify the true and false death of Emperor De? Now only when believers are half-trusted and morale is not gone, they immediately fight.

The other party’s Ming Army just arrived. Or an ordinary local formation, neither a round formation suitable for defense nor a conical formation suitable for attacking or encircling the geese. This is a good opportunity to quickly break a gap.

“Om ~” A loud noise, countless javelin winds swept through nearly a thousand Maitreya troops who rushed out, a flat forest seemed to suddenly grow a forest, a strong pole is enough to sink Shooting through the galloping horses, they nailed them all to the ground. A corpse crawled under the gun forest, lying in the pool of blood and doing the final convulsion.

With the absolute advantage in numbers and armaments, why not care about what position? What’s more, the central position of the phalanx is weak and the surroundings are strong, which is suitable for the two battle infantry to face a head-to-head battle. You Qingyu’s figure can no longer be seen. Under such a dense and terrible gun rain projection, his life is no more valuable than others. A short shot with a thick egg pierced his right eye. The huge impulse nailed him to the ground on his back, and then there was another shot on his lower abdomen. He wailed before he could struggle.

Such a terrible blow, slaughtered mercilessly, even the ghosts and gods were terribly cold. What’s more, this group of ordinary mortals who hope to become immortals immediately fell into a dead silence on the ground.

“Library! Libraries! Libraries!” That was the footsteps of the Ming Army’s entire phalanx moving forward. Jiang Nan Yan trembled all over, suddenly shaking the arrow in his palm. With a loud shout, he led the people to rush out: “Kill! Chong! Bai Lian Zhaosheng, Yuan Zun is the founder, no birth mother, no magic power!”

Innumerable Maitreya rushed forward as the Archmage chanted in unison.

Li Fuda was very grieved, unusually grieved: The Red Lady betrayed him! Red lady is so mean!

The arrows of the Mint Group were limited. When the Red Lady escaped from the encirclement, he asked him for half of them, so that each Maitreya had no more than half of the arrows, and attacked Jingjingyi all the way through the border. They are all crossbows first. To suppress the shooting, they now have very few arrows left. There is no other way but to fight hard.

“Hiss ……… who …”.

The fire brigade and the crossbow fired at the same time, and the dense arrow rain migratory locusts rushed across the face, shooting a fresh flesh into a porcupine. Jiangnan Yanjian dances like a wheel and rises into the sky. Like an eagle falcon throwing into the Ming phalanx. His light work was indeed outstanding, and even withstood the first round of arrow rain.

He growled and waved his long sword. Just listening to “bang bang ……”, a burst of guns, martial arts high strength and unmatched master Jiang Da was shot into a sieve, and was shot into hundreds of lead, which suddenly became very heavy The ground body planted like a broken kite.

“Library! Libraries! Libraries! Hiss ………… Whoo ……… Bang Bang Bang ……”.

Li Fuda was even more grieved and inexplicable: Yang Ling was too mean! Due to his vain reputation as a generation of generals, he did not even give people a chance of a fair duel. His phalanxes slowly approached and continuously fired crossbows and arrows. They did not retreat, no bows and arrows, and no horses broke through each other. The Arrow Array can only continue to die in vain during the charge, and use blood and life to close the distance between each other.

Finally, after paying the lives of more than 4,000 believers in vain, the two armies fought together. When the narrow road meets the brave, the thousands of troops are crowded together and desperately fighting, one blood nest at a time, the most timid people will not take a step back, because they have no way to go, and there are a bunch of waves when they are waving around. Bloody ground weapons, brave people can also seek a lifeline in the fight, cowardly avoiders can only die under the sword of others.

There was blood and fire everywhere, thick smoke, shouts, screams, and screams. Li Fuda’s image was gracefully disappeared. A sword in his palm was almost chopped up with a sword, and another knife, two swords shielded the soldier’s skin. The shield was cut in half and a human head flew into the air. He didn’t have time to stab another soldier who lost his cover, and three lances stabbed between the electric flints.

Suddenly retreat, grid, still shot under the ribs, blood flow. Li Fuda stumbled back. He covered his bleeding right rib and looked away. Behind the battlefield of chaos and fighting, there was still a neat phalanx. They stood there motionlessly holding their torches. Under the light of the fire, you can see that a handle of fire bristles and a crossbow have been put in line.

He could n’t find the opponent he wanted most. He thought that Yang Ling was not worthy to fight with him, but now he is not available to seek Yang Ling. How could the majestic magnificent grandpa personally be involved in danger? He wants to see Yang Ling, and I do n’t know how many to kill. Only a heavily formed phalanx is possible. I saw the flashing lights, and another rifle, sword and shield phalanx joined the battle group, while the crossbows and gunmen were still standing on the periphery. Vigilant.

Li Fuda couldn’t help but shudder: Yang Ling didn’t want a Maitreya to become a fish in the net.

Tonight, it will be destined to be his night of sleep …….

The red lady hugged her child tightly, and her tears fell on his lapel. The ignorant Yang Qiuqiu rarely saw her mother, hugging her neck excitedly and still laughing.

The Red Lady sucked her nose and returned Yang Qiuqiu to Aunt San. She whispered: “Aunt San. The child is used to you, let’s say that Sanshu’s legs are not good, you should take him back to Yangfu first. , So I can rest assured. “

Aunt Sanshusan nodded solemnly, Feng Lei stood immediately. Looking at the Red Lady across a few feet away, she suddenly smiled helplessly and lifted her sigh of relief in the sky: it was all wishful thinking, and the two of them were so old. It’s pitiful and ridiculous to think about my own infatuation now.

But no one noticed the sad man. Yang Ling gently grabbed Red Lady’s shoulders, gently wiped her tears, and whispered: “You are the soul of the white army, and no one can command this army without you. I can find a way to let you marry into the Yang family incognito, but I want you to enter the door of the Yang family in an upright manner. The person who marries in is called Hong Niangzi, or Cui Ying’er. There will be no cover or change.

What’s more, to make this team of white soldiers upright, let these **** men no longer be criminals wanted by the court, and even the children and grandchildren would also be thieves, only to make a big contribution and wash them off. Sins. “

“I understand”, the red lady in men’s clothes, just like a handsome young son: “Fighting and killing all day long. I’m also used to this child. Now he returns to Yang’s house with you, and I’m a lot less concerned. And worry. It ’s just that I ca n’t see him for a long time, and I feel a little uncomfortable. ”

The Red Lady wiped her tears embarrassedly and said, “You still have a lot to do. Send me all the way to the pass. That’s enough. I … I’m gone.”

Yang Ling nodded, and the bright eyes of the red lady stared at him, suddenly came up impulsively and kissed quickly, and then turned around, a beautiful dry land pulled on the horse, and scolded: “Drive!” Rushed out.

Jing Buddha’s beard had been built, and the short beard under his jaw added a bit of majesty to him. The three thousand iron rides he brought out in one hand were all replaced with white army ground clothes. In order to disguise their too obvious weapon characteristics, only a few people still used large knives. Others were replaced with iron rods, spears, and steel forks. , But all are long weapons.

Liu Dabangmao is also dressed in a white army dress. The one thousand fine rides he led were all the surviving soldiers that night and the Maitreya **** blood killing. Many people were more or less wounded. This is good. No need to hide, anyone who reads it knows that they rushed out of the pass after a brutal **** fight.

They also arched their hands to Yang Ling and shook their reins behind the red lady.

The gate was opened, the horses were dusty, thousands of soldiers passed by, and a grey dragon was raised.

Wei Guogong Yang Ling embraced the son of Yayu, and stood outside the gate with a long and indifferent look. His figure stayed still for a long time. It was like a wife looking for his wife. The guards around him were all wet.

Suddenly, the wind blew, and there was a burst of dirt, and his eyes were instantly fascinated. Yang Daguan immediately blinked his tearful eyes, picked up his son and fled the desert, and the officers and soldiers and guards fled into the door with the coax, and the door closed. It slammed shut.

After a while, Yang Lingzhong, who had cleaned his eyes and face, appeared on the city’s head again, but when he looked away, it was desolate, and he disappeared from the army. The dust was caused by the burning of the Ming army. Early in the winter each year. The border forces will send several teams to stop burning grass, sometimes even hundreds of miles deep into the desert.

At that time, the wild grass withered and burned easily. When this wildfire was put down, it would not stop without encountering mountains and rivers, and a large area of ​​grassland was burned, which could reduce the ability of nomads outside the Siberia to overwinter and weaken their strength. Because of their natural aggression, when the power of these nomadic people expands slightly, they will continue to invade the side wall.

On the other hand, nomads outside the customs can hardly survive the winter, they will also transfer internal contradictions and survival difficulties to the Han people, or they will come to invade the borders and plunder the people. This war circle cannot be cracked.

Yang Ling stood there for a long time in the pass of the city. Only with a long sigh, went quietly to the city.

A news began to spread. The majesty Yang Ling led the emperor to kill the rebels in white, and sent soldiers to the post. Under the pseudonym Zhang Yin, the commander of the Taiyuanwei commander Li Fuda, the leader of Di Mai Lei, rebelled and took advantage of the night to suddenly attack the Jingjingyi camp and thwarted the guards and soldiers. Wei Guogong Yang Ling escaped under the blood cover of the three thousand iron bathroom. The three thousand guards were all martyred.

In Gyeonggi Province, tens of thousands of people’s rebels attacked the army to hold the ground seriously. The situation was very serious. Duke Yang Ling urgently adjusted the surrounding guards and border forces to destroy the cult. The Maitreya rebellion army was annihilated. The Maitreya leader Li Fuda was shot with two guns and three arrows. Taking advantage of the chaos, the white-robed bandits in Taihang Mountain escaped westwards along Yanmen, Wuning, and Pianto. They crossed Yulin and Yunchuan and escaped into the prairie.

Tainingwei outside the customs. Daning, a Mongolian felt bag, Cheng Qiyun just burned a secret letter with candlelight. Adeni was sitting next to him and was learning the Mongolian, eating the tender and delicious lamb. She wore a Mongolian woman’s costume, but she did not conceal her charming and charming look.

Adeni saw Cheng Qiyun finished reading the letter, holding a pair of cheeks with a thoughtful look, and couldn’t help but asked, “What did Yang say in the letter?”

Cheng Qiyun glanced at her with a smile. Said: “What else can he say in Thaksin? Say a woman chanting.”

Adeni’s eyes suddenly lightened. Her face was also red, she said in a pretentious way: “He … did he mention me?”

“Yes. I told you to eat less beef and mutton so that your **** don’t grow bigger and bigger, and one accidentally suffocates him.”

As soon as Adnie blushed, her pair of crispy **** were full and firm, and taller than Cheng Qiyun’s beautiful breasts. Cheng Qiyun looked at this girl’s bulging **** and was always a bit jealous. When she was free, she ridiculed her breasts.

Adeni stretched out her greasy little hand to wipe Cheng Qiyun’s face. Cheng Qiyun quickly fled when she saw it. Adeni pulled her leg and chased, Cheng Qiyun was forced to the corner of the tent, but she couldn’t hide it. He smiled and said to Rao, telling Yang Lingxin that they were required to quickly prepare bows, weapons, armor, armor, and fodder to supply the red lady who had just entered the desert.

“That female land green forest hero?” Adni cheered up, the female hero who led the thousands of robbers and led Ming to dispatch hundreds of thousands of troops to chase after the green forest, but the character she admired, did not think she actually turned to Yang Ling , Also led the soldiers to the desert.

Cheng Qiyun looked at the admired look of Adeni, and sneered at her little mouth: “It’s okay for adults to like her, and this little girl also admires her? Huh, it’s just a troublemaker. Stupid woman, can she take on such a heavy responsibility? Can it be done without my help? Can I let her break the adult ’s business, and wait for her to come, I have to teach it well, give her a dismounted power first, make her obedient Obediently “.

Cheng Qiyun bit her red lips with white teeth, squeezed into a tempting arc, but it seemed a bit insidious to just look at it.

“Sister, Yang Ling has returned to Beijing, Yang Ling has returned to Beijing, this time I must ……… Yes … Yes …” Yong Chun trot into After Yongfu’s boudoir ……. Zen room, it was stunned to see that Gao Wenxin and Ma Lin’er were also sitting in the room, suddenly dumbfounded.

Yang Ling has nothing to do with her, and really has nothing to do with it, but her little cheeks are swollen and flushed as if she had stolen a man but was caught by a woman. Ma Liner’s eyes rolled. He stood up and smiled ceremoniously, said cunningly: “Have seen Her Royal Highness Princess Yongchun, you said my master is back in Beijing? How are you doing?”

Yongchun also pointed out with one hand and stuttered: “I want … I want to inquire about him to destroy the Maitreya. Yes, yes, ask him to eliminate Li Fuda. I heard The cult leader is so powerful that he can spread the beans and become soldiers. I really want to know how the Grand Duke wiped them out in one fell swoop, huh, huh, huh … “.

Gao Wenxin didn’t see the clue, she got up in surprise and said: “His Royal Highness is saying that my lord is home? He ……… He is back now?”

Princess Yongchun said dryly: “I haven’t yet. I came into the city when I came out from the city. I think the elder brother summoned the anxiety and saw it.”

Princess Yongfu was scared that her sister said that she had leaked her words and quickly got up: “The two wives. The return of the father-in-law was a big joy. The two wives would go back to the government. It is necessary to catch the wind and dust for Guo Gong. “

Gao Wenxin and Ma Lin’er smiled lightly. Ji Fu Di Fu Li said: “Then ……… Concubine said goodbye to the two Highnesses.”

“No gift, no gift”, Yongfu and Yongchun hurriedly stopped, and the two granddaughter wives went to Nana and wore flowers.

Princess Yongchun probed her brain and saw the two leave. Only then did he stick his tongue out, Yang Yang said with complacency: “Ji Ji, I really admire my jitter, how can I be so talented?”

Princess Yongfu said arrogantly: “If you just said that you had leaked, your sister would have no face to see. She had to hide her sleeves and throw herself in the lake. She died of your sister in one sentence. That would be more talented.”

Princess Yongchun smiled and said with a smile: “Then I tied Yang Ling and threw it into the lake to accompany you. Hee hee, sister, I have a better way, listen to me …”.

As soon as Yongfu heard the change of color, he said, “Is there a good way? You still want to figure it out, look at the last thing that happened, and Xianger, who has gotten trembling now, sees you.”

“Oh, no, you believe me. Sister. Don’t go, I really have a good way …”. Princess Yongchun hurried out.

Gao Wenxin and Ma Lin’er, the two wives, slowly and eloquently, went out of the door quietly, got on the sedan chair, entered the Yangfudi door, and entered the backyard with graceful manners and manners, and met the public in the backyard flower hall Sister, that disguised for a long time and swept away, the two cheered in unison: “Master is back in Beijing! Master is back in Beijing!”

The forgotten cheers ushered in a stunned gaze.

At this time, Yang Ling was riding a horse, walking on the road leading to the leopard house. He settled the rebellion of the Maitreya Army at Jingjingyi, and then took the opportunity to expand the momentum and create various illusions to cover the red lady’s horses. At the same time, he dispatched the border guards to kill the **** Jingfoer.

At the same time, he also paid close attention to the movement of the Jinwang Mansion. Li Fuda rebelled. Once he dispatched his troops, he was fighting with open arms and swords. If he still had any important power, he would not be able to stay and use it alone, and he would bear the weight of chasing and chasing the imperial court alone. In Jin Mansion, there was no movement at all, let alone sending troops to respond, or even showing any signs of coping with the mutation.

Yang Lingwen reportedly relieved that King Jin was the most powerful lord among the three northwestern kings. If he really had any collusion with Li Fuda, even if he had ordered Wang Shouren to make preparations, he could quickly extinguish their rebellion, but this was ultimately the case It is a matter of great grief. King Jin has nothing to do with Maitreya, that is the best.

However, Taiyuan Wei had to undergo a major cleansing. All the generals in Taiyuan Wei up and down were included in the investigation, especially Li Fuda who was promoted, transferred, and enlisted after serving as the commander of Taiyuan Wei, all ordered to temporarily leave the army. A thorough investigation was conducted under the magistrate of the local government, in case there are still fishes missing.

Yang Ling presided over this series of things, and all the things were still busy, the emperor Zhengde’s urgent edict arrived, and there were only four words on the edict: “Return to Beijing quickly!” It seems that something serious happened in Jingli Yang Ling did not dare to neglect, and immediately handed over the matter to Miao Kui, let him continue to preside over the things that have not been done, and then rushed to the capital in a starry night.

Along the way. From the **** Chuan Yang, Yang Ling also learned a rough idea. Now there are rumors flying in the capital, what is the mutiny of the frontier, what happened when Yang Ling was killed in ambush, the white army fled back to Taihang, what is the rebellion of King Jin in Taiyuan, and King Ning in Jiangxi? The reason is that the current emperor is not the blood of the first emperor, etc., and it is even more ridiculous that the current emperor clearly lived in the leopard room. There are rumors that he went to the Jingjing post with the army, so the Maitreya rebellion has put him and Yang Ling. It’s all over.

Three factories and one guard are in full swing. Secret agents made detailed inquiries, arrested the people spreading rumors everywhere, and the whole Beijing teacher was in trouble. If the guards didn’t catch people, the rumors would continue to spread. It seemed that this arrest was because of a guilty conscience, and the authenticity of the rumors, which had been confirmed, had just stabilized and the people’s hearts began to float again.

Emperor Zhengde did not know the authenticity of these rumors. Yang Lingmi asked the emperor to monitor Wudinghou Guoxun to beware of artificial rebellions in Jingying and Shenjiying. He had already listened to his labor and grief. Now there are so many rumors that the little emperor’s heart is boring. It’s hard to argue, and even many local people in Yamen are now affected.

Yang Ling knows that this must be Li Fuda sent to Beijing to commit crimes before the rebellion. Taking the opportunity to confuse people and disturb the audience, Li Fuda is dead. These rumours on the hustle and bustle lasted for a long time and didn’t need to be taken care of, but the mention of Jiangxi Ningwang’s rebellion in the rumor made Yang Ling’s heart rise at once.

Li Fuda mentions King Jin, because he is the commander of Taiyuan Wei, so it is easy to win the people’s confidence, but Ning Wang who is far away from Jiangxi and he should not have had any troubles. Including the local prince of Shaanxi where Li Fuda had worked, but did he mention that Ning Wang has really rebelled against the land lord?

There is false in the truth and true in the false. Is one of these true and false rumors true?

Thinking of this, Yang Ling didn’t dare to neglect, and immediately returned to Beijing at the same time. Go directly to the leopard room.

Yang Ling meditated all the way along the way. Suddenly, the guards in front shouted, “Go away, walk away, Wei Guogong returns to Beijing to see the driver. I will dare to stop in front of the ceremonial guard, and immediately send the officer to investigate!”

Yang Ling looked up and saw that many people in front were crowded there, tilting his toes and looking towards a restaurant by the road. Seeing that they were so fascinated, they didn’t pay attention to the ceremonies. At that time, the guards shouted and expelled: “Weigong Gong returned to Beijing to see the driver, the idle people and so on all flashed away!” Under the eaves on both sides.

Just listen to some courageous people who are still free to talk about it: “Look, look, look really, it’s Grandpa Duke, I’ve seen him once. Oops, Grandpa Duke really didn’t die, and the emperor didn’t die. I saw two living ones. “

“Hush, don’t talk nonsense, be careful to grab you into the yam and hit the board.”

Yang Ling was puzzled, but it was inconvenient to ask. He shook his head in doubt, and was about to urge the horse to move forward. The restaurant beside the road pushed open the window with a squeak, and a man came out and shouted loudly. : “Who said that Yang Ling returned to Beijing? Where is it? Where is … Oops Yang Qing, ha ha ha ha …, come upstairs quickly, I am here, I am here Here “.

Yang Lingmeng raised his head, and saw that the emperor Zheng Hou of Zhuode wore a golden crown with wings and wore a five-claw golden dragon robe. He was holding a window and waving to him happily. Yang Ling bluffed and jumped off the horse hurriedly: “Emperor, you … how are you here?”

Zhengde smiled and said: “Ai Qing can come back, come and come upstairs quickly.”

Yang Ling did not dare to neglect and hurried up to the stage. There was a row of Jinyiwei standing on the stage before they were blocked by the people. Yang Ling did not pay attention to their existence. These close guards of Zhengde all recognized Yang Ling and flashed to let him in. Yang Ling kicked up the second floor and waited for the turn, he saw a large line of ink on the snow-white wall: “Emperor Zhengde is here!”

Yang Ling went upstairs inexplicably, and the Emperor Zhengde clapped and smiled: “I’m looking forward to your return to Beijing. You just come, and I will go back to the leopard room when I have another question.”

He held Yang Ling in one hand and a brush in the other. A small yellow door child followed Yantai on the side. Zhengde picked a wall of powder and wrote a line of italics: “Emperor Zhengde is here”, and then crooked Appreciating it with his head, he suddenly rushed and said: “Come on, Ai Qing, you also write a line of words.”

He put a brush in Yang Ling’s hand, Yang Ling asked confusedly: “What does the emperor want to write?”

“Well … I wrote Yang Ling to accompany this tour, write quickly, and then we will go.”

Yang Ling was forced to do so, so he had to raise his pen, dipped in ink, and wrote a smaller line of words beside his ink-treasure as the emperor asked. Zhengde smiled and said: “Go, let’s go back to the leopard room, I I will tell you slowly again. “

“Jingli is a mess. The emperor ran to the hotel in a formal kimono and wrote about this trip?” Yang Ling asked, wondering, “Emperor, how did you get here?” What happened?”

“It’s okay! Isn’t the people all over the world saying that I’m gone, and I can’t tell him one by one that I’m still alive and kicking, then write two words here in the downtown area and call that group of people Yun Yiyun’s **** “Look clearly”, Zhengde said with a smile, but there was an indescribable depression between the eyebrows. It seems that many irrefutable rumors have made this always good-tempered emperor angry.

Yang Ling opened his mouth, but he could not hold back. He accompanied Zhengde downstairs. The two classes of ceremonies drove together and went straight to the leopard room.

Upon seeing the two leave, the hotel owner hurried to the restaurant, looking at the handwriting written by Zhengdexin, holding his belly and laughing wildly, saying with a loud voice: “Come on, hurry, make a gauze cover. , Developed! I can be developed now! This is the emperor and the commonwealth of the Commonwealth of China, hahahaha … “.

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