Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 432 - Jade broken

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432 Jade Broken

The Ning King rebels blew up the bridge and fled for a while, just wanting to stop breathing, and suddenly the officers and soldiers from behind chased them up again. What ’s more terrible is that those officers and men flew away in a rush, and only one soldier rushed Dare to dance with a big gun in front of the crowd.

Ning Wangjun was surprised and surprised. He didn’t expect the officers and soldiers to cross the river so quickly, nor did he expect that the officers and soldiers became so fierce and fearless to death … No, to be precise, they wanted to rush to death. The faceless Ning Wangjun who was being chased was trying to go around and kill this madman. I saw that more madmen came after him one after another.

As the saying goes, he is stunned and stunned, and Ning Wangjun was originally a defeated soldier. His army’s heart has not been picked up yet. How can he stop courageously and fight desperately, so he can only continue his marathon. Ning Wangjun was defeated all the way, the court officials and soldiers were chased all the way, Ning Wangjun had no intention of rebelling at all, and sent countless corpses along the way.

Fortunately, Ning Wangjun had rested for a while after crossing the river, and his strength had been restored, but the officers and men were catching up in one breath, so although the falling flowers chased by Ning Wangjun were gradually drawn away from each other.

When Ning Wangjun fled to Tiger Aquarium, he finally got rid of the chase of the officers and soldiers. They stopped a little bit of the number of people. This hastily fought and wounded and escaped countlessly, and even lost 20,000 horses. What is even worse is that the two strikers appointed by King Ning as the emperor commanded both Ling Tai and Wu 24 to die in battle.

Ling Tai was killed by artillery, but Wu 24 was hit by a steel ball flying needle shot by a grenade explosion. At that time, he was hurt and he performed a ‘dry onion’ on the spot. Commander Wu was jumping up and down, and was killed by officers and soldiers. A burst of guns hit the sieve.

Seeing such a miserable situation, King Ning couldn’t help but sorrow from it, crying loudly and crying. On the side, Liu Yangzheng, Li Shishi, Li Ziran and other assistants persuaded, but the Red Talented Masters Sengyu, Li Zuotong, Yang Qing and others were silent and dejected.

Liu Yangzheng deserved to be the bravery of Ning Wang. The defeat of Ning Wang ’s army was so miserable. He still maintained a strong revolutionary spirit of optimism. Now he quotes the scriptures and talks about the ups and downs experienced by those who have achieved great careers throughout the ages. The Yusi people also. They must first suffer from their ambitions. “

Liu Yangzheng was talking and tearing his tears into his eyes, and the Ning Wang, who said the beautiful mouth of the lotus flower, gradually got excited and re-energized.

Looking at the team with low morale, Ning Wang climbed onto a boulder under the support of Liu Yangzheng. He was about to make a defeated mobilization and re-encourage the morale of the whole army. He did not want him to open his mouth. The imperial cavalry who came around the road killed them out diagonally.

The terrain in the south of the country is not suitable for cavalry movements. The movement of ravines, lakes and mountains and swamps is difficult. In addition to the narrow terrain of the tiger, the cavalry cannot launch a charge, and its combat effectiveness is actually limited. But they suddenly appeared, and that kind of psychological deterrence surprised the grass and trees.

“Zhuge Yangzheng” has no idea to see this scene, the only word that can be thought of is escape! King Ning, who had just climbed on the stone, hurried down again, walked over a horse. Ning Wangjun went up and down, compared to the escape of the match, defeated like the Yellow River burst.

But the court officials and soldiers were cavalry after all, and the road was harder to run than the man. After dropping countless dead bodies, Ning Wang had to order the Hongying Hui 3rd Division Master Yang Qing to lead all the soldiers to resist the enemy, and it was not good for Yang Qing to fight. Or maybe he had two intentions, and he left his eldest daughter Yibin. Nanchang Xiucai, a master of piano, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy, fought with his enemies and fought against the enemy to continue his southward escape.

The army of King Ning hurried along like a bereavement dog. When they ran to Anqing, they led a person to quietly track down from behind. Wu Hanchao hurried back to the city and led three thousand militia soldiers in Niutoushan. Ambush was set up along the area of ​​Tongshan. When King Ning’s army arrived, the giant stone Lianmu rolled down the mountain. Kill thousands of Ning Wangjun.

King Ning was furious. Seeing that there were not many officers and soldiers on the mountain, he immediately drew his sword and ordered people to attack the mountain. Li Shishi hugged him and persuaded him: “The emperor, Anqing City is afraid that the emperor will attack, he will not dare to dispatch heavy soldiers, there will not be too many officers and soldiers on the mountain, they are here to harass, it is really obstructing the emperor’s itinerary, cooperate with the imperial army. Do n’t be entangled in battle. If you are to be chased by the imperial court, you ca n’t help but go ahead and ignore them. Let ’s move on and flee back to Jiangxi before we can do anything! ”

Wang Ning suddenly realized that he ignored the provocation and harassment of Wu Hanchao on the mountain, and he went all the way. Wu Hanchao soldiers, seeing him refused to be fooled, can only watch him escape.

The sadness of King Ning was killed, the army no longer distinguished the northeast, southeast and northwest. This way, we walked away. When the night fell, we fled to a lake. At this time, there were only more than 30,000 people around us, and the lost people. In addition to being killed and captured on the battlefield, many people were still in a bad situation. They fled into the bushes and woods on the way to escape, and escaped.

Li Shi actually saw a lake in front of him, a reed next to it, the moonlight was like a gauze, and the misty cage lake was a good place to stay, and the army was so exhausted that it was really difficult to go again. Let’s take a rest here for a night. The soldiers and horses of the court are also flesh and blood. They have no ability to catch up without rest.

Now that we have broken out of their encirclement, even Anqing has been left behind, so it is temporarily safe. The emperor does not have to be discouraged, and victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. We have soldiers and horses in Jiujiang and Nankang. We must gather and fight again. “

Ning Wang looked around and sighed, “Jiujiang and Nankang are both unstoppable dangerous places, and it is difficult to use the insurance. The only way to do this is to use the soldiers of Jiujiang and Nankang to come to reinforce. Zhang Lun and send people immediately Going to transfer troops, bringing all the princesses, princes and all family members, I ca n’t worry about staying in that empty city. “

Former Daming Jiangxi ambassador, Zhang Lun, the current Ning Wang Shunde dynasty’s military clerk, said with a sad face: “Emperor, here is dark at night, it is difficult to distinguish things. Where to respond? “

Liu Yangzheng also said: “Emperor, let’s let the soldiers camp and build pots to cook rice. In addition, we can send people around to find out where we are, and then send someone to Jiujiang to deliver the letter.”

Ning Wang focused on his head and said in a surprise: “I’m so upset that I really have no idea. The two Qing families will take care of it.”

Liu Yangzheng and Zhang Lun retreated, and ordered the soldiers to camp and pick up water and cook on the spot. The soldiers fetched water from the lake, folded the reeds as firewood, and burned a bonfire everywhere, a red light, but let the morale of the team that was originally low in spirits look like a little angry.

Ning Wangqiang rallied and put on a calm look. When accompanied by Wang Sengyu and Li Zuotong, they patrolled the camp to check the post, consoling the officers and soldiers. When they walked along the lake to the west end, when they were about to turn around, a bodyguard pointed his eyes and saw that several boat shadows on the misty lake were coming quietly. Shouted: “There is an ambush! There is an ambush! Flee fast!”

A new disciple of Wang Sengyu’s newly reclaimed land has become a startled bird. He was originally a bandit and water thief. All the black words were shouted out of the fright, and now the arm shouted loudly: “The water is flooding up, and live shoulder to shoulder!”

“Tear your head!” Wang Sengyu’s rounded hand is a big mouth, although the history of Wang Gonggong’s fortunes is based on the **** stick road, but this does not prevent him from understanding the basic principle of marching: Ning Wangjun was originally seven A group of people together. After repeated defeats, especially when the other party, the real dragon emperor, personally led the soldiers, it has caused a serious psychological deterrent to the soldiers.

If it were daytime, it would be okay to escape now, but now it is nighttime. As long as he ordered to flee, the soldiers could not find the coach there. It would be nice to have 3,000 people around when he fled overnight and waited for the dawn. Now, he ca n’t escape anymore, only a battle of death.

Wang Sengyu held a single sword and shouted with a loud voice: “The night is confused, and it is difficult for officers and soldiers to use their firearms. Come on. Come with me and concentrate all the archers, don’t let them go ashore!”

The Red Talent Club was still quite die-hard. Upon hearing the call of the Master, he immediately picked up his sword and gun and rushed to the shore with him. The disciple of the Red Talent Society rushing ahead chanted words, took out the set of incision magic spells of the Red Talent Society, and shouted loudly, “Red Talent World. The day is complete. Respectfully, Grandpa, come to me! , There is no ventilation at all …. “

Someone on the boat on the lake shouted, “Brothers. Liang Qingzi, sliver sweeping, film biting, taking advantage of the darkness to travel wide!”

Wang Sengyu couldn’t help but listen to the incision: “Will this be the official of the court?”

He hurriedly shouted, “Don’t shoot arrows, don’t let them go!”

Ning Wangjun did n’t have many archers. He sparsely dropped a few arrows. When Wang Sengyu shouted, the archer stopped, and Wang Sengyu shouted to the lake, “Who is the opposite person? Make a surname by name, do n’t make a mistake! “

He had just shouted, and a surprise voice across the road shouted: “Is King Sengyu the elder brother?”

Wang Sengyu said with a shock: “It is Wang Mou, who are you?”

“I am a big dog!”

The two sides shouted each other to confirm each other’s identity, and the torch was also lit on the boat. When a boat slowly came over, a few people jumped on the shore. When the face was clearly reflected by the fire, it was the Ning Wang Shuijun. Vice Governor Du Gouzi, Wang Sengyu couldn’t help but be overjoyed, several arrows strode over, and two powerful pairs of hands clasped tightly together.

Ning Wang’s soldiers who had fled the desert and Ning Wang Shuijun in the Luohua Liushuidi won the division at this unknown lake. The two asked each other a few words in surprise, and the big dog hurried down to pull the man over, and hurried to see King Ning.

King Ning retired early under the guard of his own soldiers. He did not know how many ambushes the court had set up here. He was frightened. He only heard Wang Sengyu shouting: “The emperor, the emperor, the great joy, the deputy governor of the big dog And our team! “

Upon hearing this, Ning Wang heard that the master of the water, who had lost contact with him, came over. He was overjoyed and hurried to the lake. It turned out that after the defeat of the Big Goozi soldiers, due to the vertical and horizontal ships on the river, the court’s naval attack and collection took too much effort, which hindered their marching speed. Big Goozi took the opportunity to lead the rear battleship to escape, and fled all the way to Come here.

They introduced the boat from the river to the lake, and stopped on the opposite bank. The army had just been stationed. They found the fire on the opposite bank in the mist. They thought that the soldiers were stationed here. The big dog was not at ease, afraid of sleeping overnight, waiting for the lake to dawn. The exit was blocked by officers and soldiers, so he personally brought people over to check what happened.

After two inquiries, Da Gouzi still has more than 400 boats and more than 20,000 people. There were two soldiers and horses in one division, and there were 50,000 officers and soldiers. Ning Wang had a big heart in mind. He asked Da Gouzi where it was. Helpless Da Gouzie also took advantage of the night to sneak in here, and had no time to investigate. Location.

At this moment, several spies sent out to hear the news hurriedly ran back and said: “The emperor, the grandmaster, the deputy master, found a wooden house in front of us. We caught two locals.”

The soldiers escorted an old and a young man to the lake, and King Ning looked up and down. I saw a little man in his thirties, holding the hand of a child who was only eleven or twelve, looking like a father and son. . The father and son were inexplicably caught by the ‘men and soldiers’, and their expressions were extremely panic and fear.

Ning Wang put on a smiley face and said to Yan Yuese: “Do n’t be afraid, I am Emperor Shunde Daming. Leading the army to fight against the North Road and passing by here, so dark and foggy at night, I do n’t know anything at once. where is this place?”

The people answered tremblingly, “This … this place is called Huang Shiji.”

Upon hearing this, King Ning “choked” and pulled his sword out of the sheath. The sword was chopped, and the people were as timid as thin chickens. But unaware of dodge, he was immediately cut to the ground by this sword.

King Ning was appalled, and said anxiously: “What does the emperor mean?”

King Ning’s anger did not disappear, and he said, “Don’t you dare to ridicule me, so Wang lost the opportunity? Forgive me is my sword bad?”

At the sight of the father’s death, the little child cried and rushed forward, being held by the big dog. Big Gouzi has a hand bigger than his head, and he can hold back how he can move. The child opened his mouth and took a bite. The big dog was in pain. When he let go, he was about to slash him with a knife. The child jumped and jumped into the lake. The fish disappeared.

Zhang Lunona said: “As soon as this little man said, the minister remembered that this place had come. It was called Huang Shiji. It wasn’t Wang who lost his chance. Most of the southern voices were ‘yellow’ and ‘king’, so they made this mistake.” .

Ning Wang understood this. But if the man had already killed, how could he admit that he was wrong? He said, “No matter what, this ignorant man speaks like this, it’s too ugly, hum! Now that we know the geography, then it’s easy to handle. Back to camp, let us discuss in detail. “

Zhongwen Wu silently said nothing, following the angry Ning Wangxing to the Chinese army camp.

Li naturally walked a few steps and stopped quietly, looking at the misty lake with a long and fascinating look: “Ning Wang is a helpless fighter! You can be so shy in the same words, if the fear is already in your heart What is the point of this situation? Alas, it is a pity, but unfortunately, my father has forbeared for half a lifetime, and he has worked hard to manage.

If this were not the case, my father would take up his troops in the north, unite with the white army headquarters, and contain the border troops and the Beijing camp. Then Jiangnan was empty, and although King Ning was useless, he would certainly be able to dominate the wall and compete with Beijing.

Now that the North is calm, the imperial court can concentrate its efforts on going south to rebel, while Ning Wang Zhuchen Haokong has the ambition of Zhu Di, but without Zhu Di’s talents, the soldiers will be purely a group of people, more than the Yan Yan and Beiyuan have been fighting for years The armored elite, when the Zhengde army arrived, was in a state of disintegration. Can this flag still be used? “

Li naturally was worried, and in his mind, he had determined that Ning Wang ’s incident was not a big deal. Staying with Ning Wang was just a death, but he hoped in his heart that he could n’t bear to leave now, and the Maitreya The root is in the north, and now it has been emptied by the Qing Dynasty. Where can I go after leaving Ning Wang?

His eyes gradually turned to the extreme north: the outside of Serbia was in a tussle. If it was changed in peacetime, a Han Chinese would be difficult to break into the Mongolian people, but now …, heroes in troubled times, these barbarians take the Han as the phase, attract Since the think tank has been around since ancient times, can Maitreya take advantage of the influence of Mongolians if it wants to rise again?

Li walked in thinking as he walked, his heart gradually became clear: King Ning, to help him one more journey, he could protect him, he could not protect him, he abandoned him to go out of the customs, the vast world outside the continent, the situation of the hegemony, like People like me who are both civil and military are naturally like fish and water, can you still be ashamed? “

Ning Wangjun Tianliang continued to withdraw his troops, and the two amphibious forces retreated to Poyang Lake to form an alliance with Jiujiang Reinforcement. King Ning boarded a building ship containing more than 100 concubines and beauties, and generously addressed the standing soldiers of the three armed forces: “The emperor Taizhao Gao said that the emperor’s ancestral training is: ‘The king is unknown, the small group of powerhouses, and the lord king can get soldiers. Enter the Qingjun side. “

“Now. Emperor Hongzhi is unclear, and he is deceived by the prince to secure his country, to be deceived by the Xiaoxiao, to support the people, and to die because of the violent disease, so that the country is stolen by outsiders. Zu Xun acts well and is famous! “

“Er and others are the masters of the King of Qin and the generals of Baoguo. Once the traitors are cleared, all of them are heroes. The glory and wealth are endless to enjoy. Do not look at our army’s rush to fight yesterday, so that it lost the opportunity and was used by Zhengde, but Our soldiers and soldiers have enough food, not hurting them at all. What about the virtue? This thief has no way to govern the country, but only knows the poor soldiers. So much so that domestic and foreign wars continue, and the emptiness of the treasury is nearly collapsed. Although it is strong for a while, it is difficult to last! “

He took the first three steps, holding the boat rail and preaching loudly: “Here. It is Poyang Lake. Emperor Taizuo Gao was here, and Chen Youliang had a showdown with Chen You, fierce battle for thirty-six days. The victory was a complete victory, which confirmed The world belongs to us. Now, we will also be here to fight against the Zhengde thief army, and this battle will be won. We will take the capital directly and calm the world! “

He waved his hand, and the bodyguard of Ningwang Mansion took a mouthful of boxes and walked to the first deck of the building. Lifting the lid of the box and dumping it on the deck, an ingot of gold ingots, silver ingots, pearls, gemstones radiated thousands of auras in the sun. The soldiers in front of the lake were fascinated for a while, everyone Revealed incomparably coveted.

King Ning proudly said: “I want to fight here with Zhengde. On the day of the final battle, you must fight yourselves with all your might. Fight for the first. Those who lead the charge. Reward thousands of dollars! Anyone who is injured will receive hundreds of dollars! The battle is over. I immediately rewarded by words, can the soldiers of the three armies have confidence in the battle? “

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” The bandit army, bandit army, water thief army, **** stick army were boiling, the cannon fodder cheered happily, and the sound of thunder like “you” was mixed with a lot of “to “The words, a pair of earnest, determined eyes fixed on the gold and silver jewels piled on the deck, Zhu Chenhao couldn’t help laughing.

When he turned around, his face immediately became hazy and his hands shook slightly. He did n’t distress the wealth accumulated by Ning Wangfu over a hundred years, but because the princess and other people came from Jiujiang, they also brought bad things. News. Li Sen sent troops from Huguang, and the soldiers were divided into three groups. They came from Xiushui, Shangli, and Lianhua respectively. The two Guangdong and Fujian troops have broken through their southern defense lines, and captured Nanan, Ganzhou, and Zhejiang troops. It is gradually shrinking.

And Zhengde, who is proficient in the pros and cons of both the north and the south, is aggressive and aggressive, how can the battle of Poyang Lake be compared with the battles of Chen Youliang and Zhu Yuanzhang? Whoever lost the game lost that mountain, but now he lost his life and Zhengde lost it? Just retreat to Nanjing City and wait for the army to cover it.

This is a desperate gamble. He is no longer betting on Jiangshan, but the craziest revenge of a gambler who knows that he will be defeated: killing a thousand people, losing 800, and my Zhu Chenhao is over, do n’t think about your virtue. Good!

The army of the imperial court finally arrived. Not only the elite of Jing Jing who was commanded by Zhengde himself, but also Wu Wending and his son and Anqing defenders were killed along the way.

Ning Wangjun stood against the lake, put all the artillery on the warships, and made a boat wall with iron ropes. The land army digs the trenches and builds the stone walls to resist the firearms of the Ming army. Artillery strikes and footwork are mainly defensive, and then look for opportunities to find decisive battles.

However, to their surprise, the Ming army arrived at the lake by several routes, but it seemed to be a bit of a halt to march. King Ning stood on the bow of the boat and saw the movement of the Ming army in the distance.

Ning Wang Qidao said: “What does Zhengde mean? Could it be that he wanted to trap our army here?”

Everyone around me also felt strange, and Li naturally changed his face suddenly, exclaimed: “Not good, Ming’s sailor!”

Li Ziran reminded everyone that the Ming army was relying on the sharp ground firearms to attack like a broken bamboo. They were hit by the Ming army too much. When they thought of the rapid and unmatched attack of the Ming army when the two sides were fighting, they were worried. He stepped up his fighting force vigorously, but forgot that the superiors of the Ming Army’s sailors compared with them were better than the Army.

South ship north horse, how could they put such a powerful fleet without. And purely use the army to defeat the enemy? Ning Wang said in disbelief: “Quick! Untie the iron rope immediately, and the fleet will set up a defensive formation to prevent the Ming army from making a surprise attack!”

It was too late. The warships of the Ming Army went south with the Army. Now they have entered the Poyang Lake from the Yangtze River. Except for the Peng Shark warships, all the fleets escorted by Zhengde along the road from the Jingshi have been opened, and they entered the Poyang Lake. . Ning Wang’s fleet traversed the lake shore with iron chains. It ’s really stupid than Cao Cao ’s ‘serial plan’ in the past. Peng Shark ’s fleet only had to pass one after another without changing their formations, and the cannon rain poured into the warship of Ning Wang ’s Navy without waste.

The emperor Zhengde was afraid of King Ning and used rogue tricks. In order to take the moral preemption, the warship also prepared several ancestors uploaded by the genealogy edited by Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Zhongba, Zhu Bailiu, Zhu Sijiu, Zhu Chuyi , Zhu May Fourth, a series of digital ancestral earth spirit cards are all placed in the cabin for standby. Even Zhu Xi, the great scholar of the Song Dynasty, had a spiritual position, because Zhu Yuanzhang, in order to climb a famous ancestor, once believed that Zhu Xi of the Song Dynasty was one of his ancestors, because of his long history and scattered genealogy. It is impossible to fully authenticate.

However, all these preparations did not come in handy. Ning Wang ’s defeated the falling flowers and running water, only to worry about fleeing his life. How can he compare his ancestors with his ancestors?

The artillery of the Ming Army fired in unison. Too late to unlock the enemy, Ning Wang ’s navy was unable to fight. Many warships were on fire, and the fire took advantage of the wind. This burning “Beep Beep” became more and more fierce. Then, the thieves clamored.

At this moment, the drum of war was thunderous and the horn sounded. The Ming army on land launched a general offensive, and thousands of troops and thousands of horses came to cover it up, fighting on the water and on the ground.

In the middle army of the Ming army, Zhengde and Yang Ling were wearing thick clothes with their hands folded and sat in the car. There were two large stoves in front of them. A little **** stood next to him, and one person held a stack of handkerchiefs. Zhengde lazily Lean on the brocade mat. There was a blanket on his knee. He took a handkerchief to blow his nose and handed it to the **** to get another one. Said: “Today’s battle is like Mount Tai pressing the eggs, and I believe that King Ning will definitely lose”.

“Yes, the emperor, but Peng Shark’s artillery ground is too uncertain. How can he also fight King Ning’s battleship? The emperor promised to pay the war, but he can count on King Ning. If the ship sinks, or The soldiers and soldiers took the gold and silver away from the chaos, and the emperor was about to lose faith in the army. “Yang Ling also looked helpless.

Emperor Zhengde grumbled: “It’s okay to destroy the convict army. I want to go to Jiangxi in person. Ning Wang Mansion must be withdrawn. The disposal of Huangzhuang’s fields, servants, palaces, etc. is also a great asset. And there are those officials who are rebellious, and they all copy the house. I will never treat these soldiers badly. “

He looked at Yang Ling and said strangely, “Yang Qing, your nose is almost flowing into your mouth. Why not wipe it?”

Yang Ling said with a bitter face: “Emperor, this nose hasn’t been swollen yet, it hurts so much when I wipe it. I have to be a little lighter, now the bones are sore in the bones, how is the dragon body?”

Zhengde sighed and said: “Dragon body? The dragon body can’t stand the cold water. I’m so sleepy. Here, come and give me a bowl of **** soup and brown sugar water. I can sleep for a while and I can’t hold it. Love Qing, you have a bowl too. “

After a while, the **** served two bowls of **** soup, and the two men sat in the car with the car curtain lifted, looking at the fierce battlefield in the distance, drinking soup while “snuggling” while running their noses …

Zhengde was running his nose, but Ning Wang was crying.

The soldiers were defeated and had no fighting spirit. The morale that had just been inspired by money collapsed completely under the blow of artillery and fire. Especially when his command ship caught fire, the soldiers began to flee.

Most of his men are heroes of rivers and lakes. The people in the rivers and lakes know more than other people the truth of ‘staying the green hills, not afraid of being without firewood’. No one will desperately strive for the wealth they cannot enjoy.

In order to stop the deserters, Liu Yangzheng, Zhang Lun, Li Shishi and Da Tianshi and others personally disembarked to fight the sword, but after Li Shishi killed several escaped soldiers with a knife, he launched a ruthless deserter and annoyed him with a knife. It was so cool. So terrified that Liu Yangzheng and others only yelled to kill the enemy loudly, and then did not dare to kill the escaped soldier easily.

Seeing this situation, Li naturally moved the distance while wielding the sword to supervise the war. After staying away from the crowd, he immediately changed into a soldier’s clothes and disappeared among the deserters.

The fierce artillery shot and the fierce fire were fierce. However, the Ning King rebels who died in their hands had fewer than 4,000 people. Jumping into the lake and drowning was over ten thousand. In addition, the rebels went east and west, trying to break out of a living path.

At this time, Ning Wang ’s deputy governor, Da Gouzi, was rushing to escape in a small boat. He was facing the enemy on the water. When he saw that the momentum was not good, he immediately drove away in a small boat. The officers and soldiers were busy fighting the lake. Boundary King Warship. Only a few shots were fired, and he did not catch up.

But among those guns, one shell hit the center of the ship, broke a big hole, and the lake water poured backwards. Although he has escaped from the main battlefield today, no one has chased him, but the lake is flooded fiercely and cannot be blocked. It is sinking now.

He took three people, and two of them were killed by this gun. There was only one breath left. He could n’t survive. The big dog was stabbed into the right rib with a piece of broken wood, and he was seriously injured, but his vitality The bottom is strong enough, You Ziqiang is trying to find a way out.

A small island loomed in the distance, but the lake was stagnant. The boat was no longer enough. In desperation, the big dog had to abandon the boat, jumped into the water, and swam to the island with his amazing swimming skills.

Despite being seriously injured, Da Gouzi fell physically and powerfully. With his dog planer, he was getting closer and closer to the shore. A child stood on the protruding stone on the shore. Obviously the sound of guns in the distance attracted him, he was looking away. The half-day-high big dog puffing in the water naturally caught his attention.

Da Gouzi also discovered his existence. Da Gouzi was exhausted. When he saw someone on the island, there was a small boat attached to the reef. He could n’t help but ecstatically said: “Brother, help me quickly Uncle has gold and silver to reward you. “

The little baby was not very young, only eleven or twelve years old. He looked at Da Gouzi with certainty, and suddenly seemed to recognize him, his eyes suddenly radiating hatred. This child was the son of a fisherman who was hacked to death by King Ning in Huangshiji on that day because he pronounced the place name as “King Lost.” He fled here after diving and escaped, trusting his sister who was married here.

At that time, Da Gouzi stood next to King Ning to prevent him from throwing himself on his father, and also pulled a knife to kill him. In this life, he had big white eyes and **** eyes, and his mouth was very wide. He looks like a baby. Da Gouzi doesn’t remember who this child is. He never kills in his life. Where can he remember a child?

The child looked at him closely again, and suddenly jumped forward, like a small fish, a fierce man plunged into the cold lake water, only a few waves splashed on the water.

Da Gouzi’s throbbing legs were cramped. Although it was close to the shore, it was a thousand miles away for him. Seeing this child’s water quality so good, Da Gouzi couldn’t help but be ecstatic and desperately struggled: “Quick , Come and save me, I have a lot of money to thank you. “

Unexpectedly, the child disappeared completely when he dived into the water. Da Gouzi was desperately waiting for others to save his life. He was dragging his neck desperately to the shore, and suddenly felt his two ankles tight, just like Entangled with something, the big dog is horrified. He just screamed, and the whole person disappeared on the lake.

The lake quickly wiped out the scratches, and after a while, a string of blisters burst out on the surface of the water, and then returned to calm …

In order to prevent the chaotic army from getting on board, the guards on Ning Wang’s warships all withdrew their ships’ plates. Ning Wang Zhu Chenhao stood on the bow of the high ground. Especially in the winter, the wind is extremely strong, and the scorching flames are rushing. There is no way to save it. The Peng Shark ’s warship has come close and jumped into close combat, and his secondary ship has been fighting.

Ning Wang burst into tears and hurried into the cabin, weeping and said, “Ai Fei, the lone king is gone!”

The cabin was full of people who were close to his concubine, son, daughter, Yibin, and daughter-in-law. He heard a cry. Princess Ning Lou Suzhen is the granddaughter of Jiang Su, the master of science in Lou Nan, and the ancient poetry is Jiangxi, and she is a famous talented girl. She knew that her husband wanted to rebel. Ignore it all the time. As a woman, what can Princess Fei do?

Now that Ning Wang ’s defeat is irretrievable, Princess Fei can only say with tears: “The concubine had tried hard to stop His Highness before, and he renounced the grace of the country, but His Highness did not obey, resulting in today’s ending. Lost Your Highness. “

She went to the bow. Seeing countless chaotic soldiers, shouting to kill Zhentian, he couldn’t help saying: “Drawing tigers and killing dragons sighs the old map, only the blood books have dried up the eyes of the phoenix. So far, ten feet of water has flowed away from the lake, and there were no tears.” suicide.

Although Ning Wang is an asshole, he loves and respects Lou Fei and sees her commit suicide by diving. King Ning couldn’t help but screamed and fell to the bow of the ship to cry: “Ai Fei! Ai Fei!”

Ning Wang was anxious to dive into the water, but was loyally and loyally held by the old officials of the Wangfu palace.

The concubines of Ningwang’s palace were all flower-like and jade-like, and they all knew they were rebellious. Once they lost their lives, these people didn’t have any good fruit to eat. Now, Lou Fei’s martyrdom, and she hears “completely stripped”, the fire is getting closer and closer. Unexpectedly, it was difficult for him to escape, so he embarked on the bow of the boat and dived with his sleeves.

Pitiful countless Jiao’e have become the souls of the grievances under the water. Ning Wang Zhu Chen’s daze just shed tears, and can’t come up with a solution anymore. All of Ning Wang ’s warships were in crisis, or they were on fire, or Peng Shark ’s pirates jumped onto the ship to kill the Quartet. They were forced to jump into the lake and try to escape.

Many of them had no knowledge of water, and now it is winter, the water is cold and the bones are cold, and the limbs are numb in the frozen ground. The Ning Wang has nearly 60,000 troops, and there are more than 30,000 people who died by drowning. The entire Poyang Lake has clothing and armor Battles and floating corpses are everywhere. Stacked together like a floating island on the water.

Shark Peng saw many women in colorful clothes leaping from Ning Wang’s ship. King Sheng Ning also committed suicide by diving and found it difficult to find him. Bringing the ship closer, he personally led the soldiers onto the ship to catch people.

The concubines, Gong E, and eunuchs on the boat before the diving fled. Peng Shark rushed to the bow with a sharp steel axe, and saw a long-bearded man wearing a dragon crown and a dragon robe sitting on a pile of jewelry gold. With tears in his eyes, and dumbfounded, Peng Shark couldn’t help but rejoice: “Ning Wang caught! Ning Wang caught!”

The soldiers around Peng Shao shouted in unison, and the soldiers of the Ning Wangjun who were still fleeing from the sidelines heard that Ning Wang was arrested, and even the courage to resist the escape was gone, and they abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

King Ning and his civics and princes were tied tightly by Peng Shark’s pirate soldiers with iron chains. They were led out of the ship like cattle and sheep, and escorted ashore. Ning Wang raised his eyes and saw that his own prime minister, Shangshu Shangshu, and teachers were all **** and stood on the shore of the lake.

King Ning sighed in tears and said with tears: “The former King Shang Shang listened to the woman’s words and died in the world, but the orphan was unbelieving the woman’s words and even the country. On the contrary, ancient and modern, it is too late to repent. Princess Fei Lou Fei , You are not alone, but you are alone! You have a good wife, and your husband is not in trouble, I Zhu Chenhao is the only exception? “

If you make good use of your good wife, not only will your family not be in trouble, but you can also contribute to your career. When King Ning wept and wept for his ending, and Yang Ling was drowsy in the warm car, his good wife Cui Ying’er was marching on the desert.

Cheng Qiyun has always insisted that Cui Ying’er should turn to Huosi because Huosi and the Warrior Alliance currently look at the strongest forces, but this alliance relationship will be split due to mutual interests when the final victory is achieved. , Re-evolved into a civil unrest.

Earlier interspersed, the strongest side benefited the most, and it was enough to form a deterrent to Bo Yanmeng, so that he did not dare to do his best to use troops against the Duoyan Sanwei. However, Cui Ying’er believes that sending charcoal in the snow is far easier to get the other party’s approval than the icing on the cake. Now Boyan has just regained his territory and ushered in the harsh winter. His power is not stable yet. Now he is the most eager to get support.

A Chinese team of nearly 10,000 people, once used by Huo Si and Wa’ai, the coalition may be far less likely to be used. Huo Si will treat them as untenable within the customs and forced to flee to the non-Cypriot refugees. Drive them to fight against Boyan and reapply the trick of sitting on the hill and watching the tiger fight. At the same time, staying away from Doyan Sanwei is inconvenient to deliver loot and obtain the necessary support.

This is not the case with Boyan, who now desperately needs allies. He is the most sincere and cooperative person, so he dare not let his allies take the heavy responsibility so as not to lose the hearts of the people. Relying on him is a shortcut that can be recognized by the nomadic people outside the customs as soon as possible and integrate into their part to play a role in them, so he is determined to choose. Insert a foot between Boyan and Duoyan Sanwei.

Cheng Qiyun expounded the group books, intrigued in the Qinglou and the officialdom, after a long time. She is good at protecting her own strength and taking advantage of the situation to the greatest extent. Although Cui Ying’er is illiterate, she has witnessed the scramble for the hills in the green forest and grabbed the **** ground from her ears. She has gained the wisdom she needs from the **** practice.

At present, it seems that Cui Ying’er’s green forest style is more of a taste for these barbaric heroes outside the customs. Her men have harassed and robbed Beyan’s tribe many times. At the same time, in order to disguise her identity, she also ransacked the tribes belonging to Duyan Sanwei many times, and had some small-scale battles with both sides. She was bold and powerful in combat. Quickly got Bo Yan’s attention.

Boyan not only regarded her as an enemy, but after observing them for a period of time, he made a decision that surprised all his subordinates: different this tiger was an enemy, but formed an ally with him and collected him. Used!

right now. Yang Ying’s Cui Ying’er just delivered a looted group of cattle and sheep slaves to Cheng Qiyun’s secret liaison base, and received some food and brought her back to the camp, while she herself led more than a thousand soldiers. Go to negotiate with Boyan.

This piece of grassland. There are some small tribes in the sparse land, which belong to the three guards of Boyan and Duoyan. This section is the scope of Tainingwei and Boyan’s forces. Because of the ambiguous attitude of the leader of Tainingwei, there has been no conflict between the two sides.

But here is not calm, there are often large and small horse thieves looting everywhere, these horse thieves, there are real grassland horse thieves. There are also Red Niangzi people. When it comes to power, it is naturally that she is enough to harmonize the army of horse thieves. The Red Niangzi master is bold and does not take the dangers that may be encountered along the way into consideration.

In front of it, a small tribe appeared, and the first snow had just snowed, but the snow was not heavy. However, the entire grassland was covered with silver. Far away. The white yurt was unobtrusive, and it was near. Only then can we see that there are twenty or thirty yurts sparsely lying on the grassland.

What is striking is that the tribe is built on a mountain. A low mountain is full of birch wood. At least a thousand strong Mongolian horses are tied to the forest where the leaves fall and only the white trunks are tied.

The red lady waved her hand and stopped the advance of the brigade. Here has not yet reached the negotiation location agreed by Boyan. It is strange that there are thousands of strong horses in a small tribe, and there are soldiers standing beside these war horses. Obviously this is not the horses raised in the tribe, but Thousands of guards followed when there were big figures like chiefs of big tribes visiting here.

The red lady thought to herself: “If you go directly from the front, once you get a misunderstanding, it will inevitably be a war. If you have a big thing to do today, will you go around or go straight ahead?”

She glanced at her and saw that the warriors in the birch woods mounted horses and raised their swords and guns. Obviously they also noticed their presence and strengthened their guard.

The red lady smiled slightly, and was about to order the whole army to turn around, and suddenly there was a cry of screaming in the distance, and when you looked into the distance, you saw five or six hundred horses. Waving all kinds of weapons, making a whistling scream.

Although the horse thieves on the grassland and the soldiers belonging to various tribes did not have uniform equipment at all, they all wore the same, but from their performance, the red lady immediately concluded that this was a team of horse thieves. The team of horse thieves with hundreds of people is already a very powerful one.

The horse thieves also found the red lady’s cavalry who was waiting for them at this time. Seeing that the other horse was stronger than them, the horse thieves were also guilty, but now it is impossible to turn around and leave. Their forward has stepped into the tribe range.

The samurai guarding under the mountain panicked. They apparently regarded the Red Lady ’s horse and the team of hundreds of people as the same horse, so they only separated a few hundred people to meet the horse thief, and the rest of them suddenly ignored Lala rushed over and guarded a yurt, staring at the red lady’s horse with a wait.

The red lady is a little ridiculous. This oolong battle is a bit inexplicable. She robs herself every day. Today she is no longer a horse thief, but she just hits another horse thief.

The number of horses and horse thieves who divided the troops to block the enemy on that road was equal. Although they could resist them, they could not stop them.

The horse thieves saw so many horses suddenly appearing in front of them, and they were very different from the intelligence they had stepped on the spotting yesterday. They also had hair in their hearts, but now they have to send their arrows on the string, they can only rush forward with their scalp, and have broken through two yurts The herdsmen inside ran out howling.

The Red Lady is judging quickly. Although I do n’t know who the warriors who look very sturdy and warlike belong to, it can be seen that their equipment is still relatively good, and their combat power seems to be not weak. There is no foundation. If you want to get in touch with the water, it seems that there is no harm if you make friends with a chief of a large tribe.

The red lady held her chin like a man, thinking for a while, and then smiled gently, her right index finger pointed forward elegantly, and said loudly, “Go, assist this tribe, take me the horse thief!”

Feng Lei heard it, leading the horse, Xueliang’s slashing sword raised high, and the war horse circled toward the back of the group of horse thieves. Five or six hundred people whistled and raised their swords, guns, and whirlwind behind him Generally rolled over.

In the yurt under the guards of hundreds of strong warriors, two guards hurried in and anxiously reported: “Master Qi Qi, suddenly killed two groups of horse thieves outside, please let him leave immediately!”

Yin Qi turned her head away, her frowning frowns rose, and shouted at the bodyguard: “Did you see me busy? Can’t you even handle the little horse thief?”

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