Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 436 - Fu Bao Alchemy

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Chapter 436: Fu Bao Alchemy

Zhang Tianshi and the Taoist officials of the Shangqing Palace discussed and decided to lead a large number of Taoist officials to visit the Emperor Zhengde in Nanchang City. Someone came to report that Yangwei, the great official, was here.

When Zhang Tianshi was overjoyed, he was thinking hard about how to make the relationship between Longhushan and Dangtianzi, but he forgot to be the best friend and his own friend near Tianzi. ?

Zhang Tianshi immediately led a number of Taoists in the Qing Palace to welcome down the mountain. The status of the national teacher was also highly respected. Yang Ling could not be greeted by others before he was promoted to the Guo Gong.

The two raised their arms to the mountain and went to the Shangqing Palace to pay their respects to the Sanqing Patriarch, and then to the Tianshi Mansion. Zhang Tianshi entered the mansion and said: “Come on, the old friend of Jingzhong is here, please invite the first lady.”

The Fuzhong servant said quickly: “Return to Heaven Master, Missy has left the house.”

Zhang Tianshi smiled apologetically to Yang Ling: “This crazy girl is still mischievous all day long. When she comes back, let her see Guogong, Guogong, please sit in the study room, let’s drink tea and talk.”

The two of them walked side by side to the study room. Master Zhang asked: “The Guogong’s affairs are busy. You still work up the mountain to see me. I really don’t want to go. Poor Dao just heard that the emperor and the Guogong have arrived in Nanchang. What about Guogong? “

“Oh, it should be the way to see the emperor, but don’t dare to drive under the labor law”, Yang Ling said with a smile, and stepped into the study room with Zhang Tianshi. The study room is elegantly furnished and antique, with a big word ‘Dao’ on the vermicelli wall. I do n’t know which generation of Master ’s handwriting.

The two sat down, and Yang Ling opened the door to see the mountain authentically: “Tianshi, don’t hide it, I went up the mountain today. One is to visit a friend, and the other is to ask you for help.”

When Master Tian Tian heard it, he couldn’t help but drum up: “He is the official of the country, he has high power, and he is the first celebrity in Yuqian. That’s a stomping person who stomps his feet and trembles in the mountains. Do n’t you have a fever in your mind. Would you like me to perform some martial arts such as the wind and the rain, the Baifeng Chaoyang? “

Master Zhang Tianshi said in his heart: “I don’t know what is important for the country. If it is within the power of the poor, there is no reason not to allow it.”

Yang Ling quickly fled Ning Wang Shizi into the mountain and took refuge under the throne of the Yao. The imperial army had to enter the mountain to suppress a labor-intensive and fatal injury, and the second was also easy to harass local concerns and innocent concerns.

He said with a smile: “I inquired about Shuyao, who descended from Jindan Mountain, and learned that the Yao people in that area respected Buddhism and believed in God and Witches. The Longhuzong Heavenly Master’s vein has been inherited here for thousands of years There is no disrespect for the gods, the Tianzhanggong of the Yaozhai village also suggested to me that the Master of Heaven could persuade the barbarians to avoid the swordsmen here. Yang Mou went up to the mountain and asked for it. “

Zhang Tianshi breathed a sigh of relief. It was much easier to sway people than to call for wind and rain. He thought about it and asked, “Which king of Miao did Ning escape to the village?”

As soon as Yang Ling heard it, he said with surprise: “Is this king … should there be only one? Is there not a lot of others?”

Zhang Tianshi smiled and said, “This Yao King is like the Miao King of the Miao family. One Lord is a king, and the master of a village is also a king. There are many Yao villages in the reckless mountains of Jindan Mountain, which are close to the mountains. The Han people have close contacts, and most of the villages are managed by the old Yao system, and the power hidden in the deep mountains is relatively concentrated. The master of the Yizhai is a Yao king, so there are so many Yao kings. “

Yang Ling suddenly said, “It turns out that this is true. According to the Tiangong Gong under the Jindan Mountain, Ning Wang Shizi was avoiding the village of Yao Wang called Panqi Shidi. I heard that the Pan Yao king regarded him as a guest, and he was also interested Recruit them. “

Zhang Tianshi said in contemplation: “Praying for food? This Yao King had brought a gift to visit the mountain. I still remember him. This person is grumpy, brave and warlike, and has great prestige among the kings of Yao. Just as Guo Gong said. It ’s not too late. The poor should be rushed away as soon as possible, otherwise he would become a family if he recruited Ning Wang Shizi as his son-in-law. It would be difficult if he wanted him to surrender his courtier.

Yang Ling quickly got up and said, “Since this is the case, I will **** Heavenly Master to Jindan Mountain for the Master ’s safety plan. Should I send some martial arts strong guards to act as Taoist escorts?”

Zhang Tianshi smiled and said, “When you enter Yaozhai, that’s where they are. They took thirty or fifty guards, and they couldn’t think of a mountain. Ha ha, there’s no need to bring guards, even though Ning Wang Shizi has a bad relationship with them. They also dare not hurt the poor, these barbarians are not afraid of the sky, but the fear of ghosts and gods is better than the fear of life and death. The father-in-law does not have to worry about the poor. “

He paused and said: “Today the poor Dao took the dust for Guo Gong, and then Guo Gong lived in the poor Dao government. The poor Dao brought several Dao officials to visit the Tianchang Duke under Jindan Mountain.”

Yang Lingqi said: “Aren’t you going to the mountain to see the dish begging for food?”

Zhang Tianshi smiled and said: “The poor Dao arrives at Jindan Mountain, and the Pan Yao king gets the news. He will come out to meet me, and if he takes the initiative to go, he will inevitably lose his face.”

Yang Ling thought about it as soon as he thought about it, and he couldn’t help but also show a knowing smile. How could someone take the initiative to hook up? Pan Qi Shi believes in God, he can run from the deep mountain to Longhu Mountain to worship, if he heard that Heavenly Master went to Jindan Mountain, would n’t he just come to see him?

Next, the national teacher will suddenly find that the Yao King has dark eyes, darkened Yintang, and slightly concave cheeks, and there is a disaster of blood, and then he will be difficult to advise under the trembling and pleading of the Yao King. A little bit of it, um … I was supposed to pretend like this.

Zhang Tianshi suddenly thought that if he had left, Yang Ling also went down the mountain. I was afraid that when Ning Wang Shizi was taken out, he would have to **** the important Qin prisoners back to Nanchang. It is rare that he would come here. Because of the mountainous influence, it is necessary to keep him for a few more days to climb the friendship.

So Zhang Tianshi smiled and said, “So, Guo Gong does not have to travel back and forth. The scenery on this Dragon and Tiger Mountain is not bad. Please ask Guo Gong to stay in my Tian Shi Mansion. Ning Wang Shizi sent to the mountain. “

“Come here, immediately set up a residence for the Grand Duke in the VIP room and order the chef to cook. Today I will pick up the wind and dust for the Grand Duke and let them immediately set up a table for a banquet.”

Zhang Tianshi finished. I remembered my father ’s early death. For example, today the master of the Shifu apart from his own and widowed mother and several aunts, only the wild girl who is qualified to control the entire Tianshi Fu. Rely on this girl.

So he quickly summoned a house servant and ordered, “Go and find Missy. Tell her to come home immediately!”

Archer sent Zhang Tianshi down the mountain, Yang Ling looked sideways, and saw Zhang Fubao also turned his head to look at him, a pair of eyes full of vigilant hostility, that looks like a cat lying in a hole looking out at the cat Little mouse, looking at it is very interesting, Yang Ling could not help but burst out laughing: “

Fu Baoer, it’s been almost two years. I remember that I have never offended you, how can you express this to me, I am now a distinguished guest in your temple. “

“Humph!” Zhang Fubao gave no face, raised his chin, and turned away. Yang Ling followed with a smile. Zhang Fubao didn’t wear a road suit today, a set of plain blue clothes, her hair was still unfettered, and her slender figure appeared slim. Beautiful and beautiful.

Yang Ling said with a whisper in the back: “Ah, you don’t eat green vegetables and tofu every day? See you are thin, I am afraid that the wind will blow you away.”

Zhang Fubao turned his head and bluffed, “I want you to control, I can’t wait for a strong wind to blow you away.”

Yang Ling still couldn’t figure out where she offended her, but the little girl’s face was sweet and moving, her eyebrows were bright, she was very flattering, although she was angry and rude. It doesn’t look annoying, and it looks quite pleasant, so there is no anger in Yang Ling’s heart.

Zhang Fubao glanced at him and saw that he did not mind his rudeness. He suddenly remembered that in Moqinghe, he had almost fallen into the hole and was killed by a bone spur, and it was up to him to kill himself. The scene of blood on his arm. Can’t help but soften. No more talking.

Zhang Fubao moved forward, thinking that everything was destined to be destiny. Lang Jun, who was hit by himself, is nine out of ten, and now he is wholeheartedly said, but he has abandoned him, and pity that he is unknowingly ignorant, and he has no good face for him. I feel a little softer.

“Well, for the sake of our relationship with the secular couple, when I become immortal, I will come to Guo Gong Mansion and enlighten him. If he is also an immortal He became enlightened, and if destined to be a mortal man, I have done my best. “

Thinking of this, Zhang Fubao, who picked up the Daodian left by an unknown dead ghost and regarded it as a Xiuxian baby, looked at Yang Ling with pity and was deeply moved by his great generosity and selflessness.

When Yang Ling returned to the expensive hotel in Tianshifu, the second monk was puzzled: the little girl did n’t know what she was doing. When she went down the mountain, she looked like she refused to be thousands of miles away. The leprosy, but halfway up the mountain, changed to the ground and Yan Yuese, and also led him to the scenery of Longhu Mountain with great enthusiasm, which was too moody.

Yang Ling was in Nahan, and his guards hurried into his study room. He reported: “Duke Guo, there is an urgent report from a military post, which is news from the outside of Cyprus.”

Suddenly surprised, Yang Ling stood up and said, “Take me to see!”

Yang Ling took the letter and saw a large cowhide envelope with a fire-sign seal branded with a military post on it. The envelope was ripped open, and inside it was an envelope stamped with a small private seal. To write to you.

He had already received the same letter. In that letter, he said that the Red Lady had safely arrived outside the Cypriot, and was ready to provoke a provocation to Boyan Mengke. At the same time, she also mentioned the struggle between the Red Lady and Cheng Qiyun in a tone of misfortune.

Yang Ling only thought that Cheng Qiyun and Hong Niang had their own strengths, and they had the advantages of complementarity, but they forgot that due to his relationship, once two women who were too strong met, they tended to develop into vinegar ladies. Fortunately, he knew that even if the two of them were fighting privately, they would never make mistakes due to their own abandonment of the public, so he didn’t care about it, but he dared not fantasize about whether the two could cooperate closely.

At the moment, I received a letter from Adni. Yang Ling hurriedly opened it to read it, and the recent situation outside of Cyprus was finally clear to his chest. The fact that the red lady was banned by Bo Yanmeng can surprise Yang Ling. Although Bo Yanmeng ca n’t be called a unique Khan on the grassland, his influence is limited, but such a big thing Still surprised Yang Ling.

Shi Ye, Ming Ye, Bo Yanmeng can definitely be the hero of a lifetime. It’s a pity that you don’t have a good time, otherwise you will use this person’s ambition and give him another 20 years of effort. It is not difficult to unify the desert.

The Red Lady was sealed as the Vice-Khan of the Mongolian steppe and the Queen of the North of England, and she received a large number of nominally sealed land. Now, she is working hard to turn the nominal territory into reality. The use of fire screens and tile wars for long-distance military use in winter requires a large number of unfavorable conditions for the supply of land. Hong Niangzi has already gone to the Nanan River to build her own territory.

Because of the control of Wayan and Huosi by Boyan. The Duoyan Sanwei and Nuergandusi fully took the defensive position. The Red Lady has now conquered many tribes and put them under their own jurisdiction, and even recruited some of the brave and warrior Mongolian soldiers into their own ranks.

In fact, her battle has secretly cooperated with the military of the Nuergandu and the large amount of economic assistance provided by Cheng Qiyun. Otherwise, the white army will freeze to death and starve to the snowy land. However, for the unsuspecting Boyan Mengke, in addition to marveling at the amazing combat capability of the White Army, he could only secretly regret that he had overestimated the strength of the Warrior in the difficult river basin.

But now he can only be jealous, but he can’t grab the ground with Yang Ying. The other person is also jealous. Her eyes are red but she can make a substantial response, that is Cheng Qiyun.

An army of more than 10,000 people cannot survive by looting on the grasslands in winter, not to mention that the land has been conferred to him by Boyan Khan. Once the tribe is conquered, it must be treated as its own people. The slaughtering plunder cannot be carried out without scruples. The red lady can ensure that the desert grassland can be crossed with sufficient supply. It depends on the material support provided by Cheng Qiyun.

The hard work became Qiyun’s half, but the credit was shining on the red lady’s head. Now what queen title did she get, and she wouldn’t ride on her own head in the future? Cheng Qiyun has always been proud and arrogant, but of course she is unwilling, but the special status of Red Lady is destined to be completed by her.

Cheng Qiyun didn’t want to spoil Yang Ling’s good things, but he didn’t want to be monopolized by the Red Lady. Think before and after. She believes that since Yang Ling’s intention is to completely solve the threats in northern Xinjiang, then the grassland heroes such as Boyan, Huosi, and the grassland heroes are not ruled out. Before the rule of law, you have to conquer by force. It is a matter of time before you use military force. To be a hero in front of the scene, you can only work hard in force.

With this judgment, coupled with the sufficient manpower and material resources in Cheng Qiyun’s hands, and a female officer such as Adeni, she came up with a bold idea, she took the overall control of the overall situation, with Adeni as the instructor He formed a mercenary in the name of the generals of the Nuergandu regiment.

This is a troop composed of herdsmen of Yang’s ranch, emigrant Hans, wandering Tatars, Jurchens, and even slave warriors who captured the slaves from Dongying and North Korea.

Although this private armed race is mixed, but the choice is extremely harsh, you can be just a cowardly and honest herdsman or farmer, but you must have the physical conditions to become a brave warrior.

It ’s okay to be like a sheep in mentality. The devil-like commander Cheng Qiyun and the demon instructor Adeni who holds the wand naturally have a way to make you fierce and brave, but if the body is weak like a little rabbit, they ca n’t help it. Turning you into a lion, although the mercenary group recruits people who have no clothes, Cheng Qiyun builds mercenaries, not Kaishantang. This army is now being formed, trained, and completely militarized.

Cheng Qiyun expects that the Red Lady is now able to take shelter of Bo Yanmeng for a while, but when the spring grass is full in Kaichun, and when the grassland warfare is in full swing again, even if the Red Lady can quickly conquer the Tatar tribe in her territory, here Of the few forces that are still the weakest, then this hidden force of its own may be of great use.

The only role of this mercenary is to destroy and fight. They can keep the spoils. In addition to the daily necessities, the military pays the fish and calculates the amount of money captured. In other words, their wealth can only be obtained from the battlefield In order to make a fortune, this is a true professional soldier. War is their only occupation to make a living.

Adene, the elegant and noble baroness, under the enchantment of Cheng Qiyun, became the first mercenary leader of the Ming Dynasty. Yang Ling imagined a well-dressed military uniform with long legs and thin waist, walking The handsome and handsome female officer walked on the green grass, and behind him was a group of warriors as if from a wild half-orc.

Mercenary organized by Cheng Qiyun. It is equivalent to a secret reserve team of the White Army. There is such an army, and the ground is more appropriate, but the army is formed privately … Although they hang the name of the regiment, they are largely a team. A completely autonomous army is contrary to the original intention of forming a small mobile armament under the cover of a ranch.

Yang Ling frowned, thinking about possible adverse reactions, and finally decided not to comment on it. Thousands of miles away, he couldn’t understand better than Cheng Qiyun. These scrutiny Cheng Qiyun cannot be ignored.

In the area where the imperial court cannot yet effectively rule, where various forces and ethnic groups are intertwined, it is impossible to speculate on the experience and circumstances of the mature and effective rule of the hinterland. How to maximize the role of protecting themselves and combating enemy. Cheng Qiyun definitely knows better than herself.

Yang Ling sighed: Don’t intervene too much, let her play. However, in this battle of blood and fire, the result of success or failure is life and death. These are three wives like flowers, the stakes are too big!

“Don’t be afraid, this Master Tian uses the best Xianzhi magic medicine, even if it has no effect, it will definitely not become a poison,” Zhang Fubao said seriously.

“Yes, yes, of course I believe Missy.” Zidao Tong, who was drawn to test the drugs, was fighting with his teeth. He certainly hadn’t seen it before. But the elixir shouldn’t be like this. The two pills are dark and the surface is baked.

Zhang Fubao slapped him on the shoulder and said generously: “Every time alchemy is done, I have made detailed records. This time is the most successful one. You are my best friend and I let you test the drug. Once it succeeds, you will be in the fairy class. Others don’t have this fate yet. “

“Yes yes, thank you Miss for your appreciation.” Zifeng said bitterly, holding the medicine, looking at Zhang Fubao, who looked like a cat with a small face, and had to make a grateful appearance. It really hurt him.

“Eat, please eat quickly”, Zhang Fubao said confidently: “I want to record all the changes that have occurred after you eat, you have to tell me all the feelings, if I fail, I can find out the crux of the problem “.

Zifeng was used to being instructed by Miss Zhang since childhood. Although he was afraid, he did not have the courage to refuse. He closed his eyes and slammed two black pills into his mouth.

A bowl of clear water was immediately delivered to his hand, while a pair of hopeful eyes stared nervously at him, asking, “How is it? How is it? Does it become lighter? Does it feel like flying?”

“I … I still swallow it,” Zifeng said with a pill.

Zhang Fubao was anxious: “Then you swallow quickly!”

“Too … too big,” Zifeng said with a big tongue.

“Slap”, a slap on the head: “Then chew and eat.”

“Qiao … Boom Boom …”, two hard beans-like pills were crushed, Zifeng smacked his mouth, and his eyes suddenly opened: “Huh? Look? It’s ugly, I didn’t think the taste was good, it was a little sour, a little spicy, and it had a strong aroma, so strong … “.

Seeing Zifeng swallowing hard, Zhang Fubao hurriedly said: “Come, drink water, wash down with water.”

“Goodong”, after drinking a large bowl of water, Zifeng’s little belly swelled and belched.

Zhang Fubao stared at him closely, seeing his thin face slowly floating with a blush. Busy asked: “How do you feel now? Has your body become lighter? Do you feel like flying?”

“Yes …”, Zifeng’s eyes were straight, only to realize that everything in front of him was hazy, and the sky was spinning, and Zhang Fubao in front of him was incarnate outside, as if he was flying: He is as light as a bird, and wants to feel like flying. “

“Really? I succeeded?” Zhang Fubao was overjoyed. He quickly grabbed him and grabbed him: “Don’t be busy ascending, tell me what is changing in your body, you … Alas, you are as light as a swallow, crush me, You get up quickly. “

Zhang Fubao was crushed on the ground, and Zifeng lay on her back with her face up. After listening to the order of the elder lady, she got up in a daze, and suddenly a burst of blood rushed towards the bullfight. He stumbled to his body and stole a figure. Shouted: “Stop the old loach!”

Zhang Fubao got up, patted the dust on his chest, and looked at him stunnedly, “Mr. Boy, what are you saying?”

I saw Zifeng Xiaodao twitching his sleeves. He said staggeringly: “Little Nezha troubled the sea and frightened the dragon palace, the old dragon king demanded to force Chen Tang, his father was angry to destroy the golden statue of his son, and the teacher mercifully gave the apprentice lotus skirt.”

After he finished speaking, a burp spurted the air, and Zhang Fubao choked back. He saw that Zifeng Daotong sang at the end of his hand, and said: “My third prince is on a hot wheel with a fire spear in his hand. . Then go to his East China Sea Dragon Palace to see sightseeing, Keng! Keng Keng Keng …… “, said Li stunned out of the Dan room, drifting all the way knocking drums.

Zhang Fubao could not help but feel a bit like to laugh: “No? Why is he playing with wine madness? I am a pill … what kind of immortal is this? Immortal in wine?”

She knows that Zifeng Pingsu likes to go down to the mountains to watch a play. The word “Nezha noisy sea” is like a backsliding. Since he has become a drunken pill somehow, he is drunk when he eats. But in the end is a childhood playmate. She was at ease in her heart. Quickly chasing behind also went outward.

Yang Ling, wearing a white robe with arrow sleeves, just danced a set of swordsmanship in the garden of the atrium beside the “Huxiantang”. Retractable stand. The environment here is elegant, and there is a strange stone beside it. The letter “Tao Ziqing Xu” is written. The garden of the atrium is not very large, but it is connected to the atrium, back hall, patio and cabin. , Magnificent.

Yang Ling vomited for a while, and just preparing to return to the VIP room, he saw a red-faced little Taoist who walked “clanging”. These two days in Fufu, he also knew that this little road boy who could enter and leave Tianshi Mansion at will was Little Heaven Master Fu Bao grew up with a playmate since childhood, but the little Dao Tong knew his identity, and he was very clever. At this time, how dare he sing opera words in Heavenly Master’s House and come out?

He was doing a great deal of effort. Zifeng saw him standing in court with his sword in hand. He couldn’t help but be surprised and furious and said: “Ao Guang, are you fooling again?”

Yang Ling looked around and looked inexplicable, but he saw Zifeng approaching him with the steps of the stage, and sang in his mouth: “You said that I am compensated for my life, and that I am hurt, who is hurt? Who pays? It ’s up to me, who should I be, who should be? What about the boy? How can it bother me Gao Tang? This act can be called a Dragon King! “

He said a step further, and Yang Ling took a step back. At this time, he also smelled Zifeng ’s alcoholic breath, knowing that the little Daotong was drunk and mad at drinking, and was just laughing at himself, Zhang Fubao shouted black. Bai Yidao’s Huamao face ran out, and at the sight of Zifeng, he quickly grabbed it and smiled to Yang Lingqian: “He … he is drunk, don’t blame, don’t blame.”

Zifeng Daotong was still not willing to rest, and opened a pair of drunk eyes and shouted: “Who are you?”

Zhang Fubao squeezed his nose and covered his breath, saying, “I … I’m Jinxia Boy, your brother, come quickly, follow me quickly, Master will find you.”

Zifeng looked closely with his eyes straight. The person in front of him was indeed familiar. Only then did she believe her words, and said, “Ah! Does the master tell me to go? That can’t be delayed. Brother, we’re driving in the clouds, fast Go back to the mountain quickly. “

Zhang Fubao hated and angry, accompanied Zifeng to return to the view. The subjective view was that the disaster caused by Miss Zhang was not easy to say anything. He had a few apprentices busy to help Zifeng go in to watch, and it was just a hearty look. When he was drunk, he filled him with two pots of cold tea and fell asleep on the kang. Zhang Fubao returned to his house at ease.

Zhang Fubao returned to his house. But seeing that Yang Ling was sitting in the main hall of ‘Huxiantang’, Lao Yuan saw her figure she wanted to dodge and called, “Fu Bao, come here!”

Xiao Fubao grunted and walked into the naughty room with a snorkel. He gave him a glance and said, “You are also the name of the girl’s name? The father-in-law, male and female, don’t accept each other.”

Yang Ling was seated with a tea cup in a stable position. He tilted Erlang’s legs and smiled: “You also know that men and women don’t accept each other? Anyway. My brother and I are very good brothers. He is not at home and sees discomfort. I have to manage things. “

Yang Ling’s tone slowed down and said, “Fu Bao, you are not small now, and you have grown into a big girl. You have to know to avoid suspicion. You look at yourself now, as if you have just crawled out of the stove. That’s fine, and the drunkenness of a little Taoist prince, how bad is it to spread it? “

Zhang Fubao blushed, but it was not good for him to publicize the practice of elixir.

Yang Ling didn’t want to make her too embarrassed, but just said a little bit: “South Zhang and North Confucius. They are all famous people who have lived for thousands of years. As a member of the Zhang family, it is okay to be introspective and lively. But usually do n’t mix with men, especially alcoholism, and even more so, girls ’homes, it ’s hard to look back if you fall.”

Zhang Fubao listened to what he said so badly, as if he was still worried about what he had done insultingly, he couldn’t help angering himself, but fortunately Yang Ling said a few words. He put down the teacup and got up and said, “I’m going back, Fu Bao, for my brother, these words are all for you, I hope you can think about it.”

Zhang Fubao faced Shi Shiran’s back, and she made a grimace angrily. She sat in the chair and pondered for a while. Zifeng was drunk today when she was eating a fairy pill, and then tried to fool this timid The rat-like guy continued to test the drug only fearing he would refuse. But how can Chengxian Daye be frustrated?

His eyes rolled. Zhang Fubao suddenly remembered that Yang Linglai, who had just been taught by her arrogant people, just now: This inexhaustible nine-life monster cat is a good medicine. If it fails, let him suffer a bit, and he should be taught. If it succeeds … just give him a favor. My Zhang Fubao’s grievances are clear. In order to save me, I didn’t know the kindness of the blood bathing suit.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fubao jumped up and rushed towards the Danfang.

Unfortunately, the precious medicinal materials stolen from his brother ran out again, and Zhang Fubao immediately ran to Hou Mansion. Her mother saw the baby girl coming to search for the Master’s medicine box again, and she couldn’t help worrying, saying: “Daughter, what kind of pill are you practicing? These medicines are extremely expensive and rare medicines. Be careful, your brother came back to punish you. “

While Zhang Fubao asked for the medicine, he didn’t care about the authenticity: “No, my brother didn’t dare to treat me. When he came back, I said it would be for the father-in-law. Can I still chase and ask Yang Ling? “

She grabbed the medicine and saw that there was not much left in the medicine box. It was not enough to practice again. She couldn’t help turning her greedy gaze to a group of old sandalwood medicine boxes in the corner.

Her mother said in a panic, “What are you going to do? That’s the medicine box left by your father. The key is only available to your brother, so you can’t touch it.”

Zhang Fubao smiled and said, “Relax, this medicine is enough for me to practice it again. I won’t touch it now. Mother, I still have things, let’s go!”

Zhang Fubao carried his pockets and walked away, leaving only her mother with a helpless sigh, shaking her head with a wry smile.

“What is this? Isn’t it black or yellow?” Yang Ling stirred with a spoon a few times and sniffed with his nose: “There is a smell of paste. Is this sesame paste or Camellia noodles?”

“This … this is the medicinal food I cooked, Dabu, erm … I did it for the first time, the last time I heard the lesson from Guo Gong, the little girl thought it was right, originally thought Learning to be a female actress, but it hurts too much. I think it ’s better to learn cooking first. This is the first pot I successfully cooked after many failures. I have tried it, although it does n’t look good. I heard it, but it was okay to eat, so I brought it to Guo Gong to taste. “

Zhang Fubao said timidly, afraid he would not take it. This time, the two immortals were refinished successfully. In order to allow Yang Ling to eat it without any doubt, she fixed the immortals with immortals and smashed them with bricks for a long time before putting the two “jindan” stronger than iron. It’s hard work to smash it into a paste with boiling water.

Yang Ling looked at the black ash that had not been cleaned on her face, and she was a little touched in her heart. This girl … the essence is not bad. Last time, she was also gray. It is estimated that she has a passion for cooking. Duzhong, the drunken little Taoist was very drunk when he tried the dishes she made.

Yang Ling thought of this, brought out a big brother to send his head, smiled and nodded: “Okay, very good, huh, then I will try your cooking skills.”

He stirred a bit, then scooped a spoonful of black paste into his mouth, and Zhang Fubao stared at a pair of bright eyes: “How?”

“Hmm? Hmm … Um … not bad, it seems to have a bitter taste at the beginning, but it tastes light and fragrant when you taste it. It is estimated that if it is not too hot, it will definitely taste more. Luscious “.

Zhang Fubao didn’t care about the taste. She was concerned about the efficacy of the medicine. When Yang Ling said that the taste was fair, she was busy: “Then eat it quickly, huh, huh, I haven’t worked in vain.”

“It’s really yummy! But … if I eat it all, this girl is encouraged, maybe she will become a girl who cooks a good dish in the future, and can have the best cooking skills, marry After marrying a wife, there is a story about the past. “

Thinking of this, Yang Ling nodded in a huff, quickly poured the bowl of bitter and salty black porridge, and quickly drank a few sips of tea.

Zhang Fubao looked at him up and down, and after a while he finally couldn’t hold back: “Yang Guogong, how are you feeling?”

Yang Ling smiled and said, “It’s not bad. I drank it. It can be made like this the first time. It’s already pretty good.”

Zhang Fubao patted his head, confused and said: “You … after drinking, do you feel anything else?”

Yang Lingqi said: “What’s the feeling? It’s the feeling of drinking porridge.” He slowly picked up the tea cup, sipped the tea gently, and looked at Fu Bao with a smile, his eyes full of appreciation.

Zhang Fubao was a little angry and ruined: “How could there be no reaction? Could it be soaked in boiling water and lose the potency of Lingdan?”

She was thinking about it randomly. A personal soldier of Yang Ling and a Taoist priest rushed into the door at the same time. They walked too fast to each other. Their shoulders hit each other, and each of them staggered. Yang Ling and Zhang Fubao turned their heads. It has been rushed to report: “Duke Gong (Miss), the emperor has arrived at Longhu Mountain!”

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