Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 445 - Wansong College

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Chapter 445 Wansong Academy

Yang Ling sent an air of favor, in fact, he did n’t even need to go to Zhangluo, let alone a few princesses to buy by name. Gu Dayong was originally a person waiting in the palace, what the royal women used and what gifts they gave each other, I am afraid These princesses are not as complete as he remembers.

Gu Da used to set up more than a dozen cars early, and each of the boxes was marked by the emperor, the queen, the queen, the princess and the princess. Even the several ladies in the majestic Yangling family, he was very careful. One person prepared a valuable gift.

Emperor Zhengde lived in Suzhou for more than ten days. It is expected that the generals who have been scheduled in advance are almost in place now. Just give them a little more time to control the army and deploy good personnel according to the plan. Zhengde can return to Beijing immediately and start a nationwide The heads of government and military changed their defenses and completely eliminated all hidden dangers, so the trip to Hangzhou was still calm.

Archbishop La Mario witnessed the beautiful and rich and powerful economic strength of Jinling and Gusu, and was completely convinced by it. Once, Marco Polo’s Oriental Travels were ridiculed in the West because they did not believe that there would be such a place in the world.

Although some Western adventurers have come to the East in recent years to witness what Marco Polo said, in the eyes of most people, they still think that they are exaggerated in order to lobby the nobility and obtain sufficient ocean sponsorship, but they have witnessed Because of the richness and beauty here, they had to believe this fact.

Jinling City is rich and powerful, and it is hundreds of times stronger than their emperors. Suzhou ’s municipal administration is 100 years more advanced than their cities. Their largest city is only more than 100,000 people. Here, they see millions of people at every turn. The population is a luxurious metropolis, it is really a rural people into the city. Dazzled.

Now, they are heading for Hangzhou City with great interest. Of course, they also brought countless beautiful gifts they bought to the king and queen; to other nobles; to wives and lovers, etc.

They have decided to set up a business bureau in this coastal metropolis. Although they have not seen the beauty and richness of this place, but have seen Jinling and Suzhou, they have no possibility of doubting Hangzhou.

Hangzhou has a long history without Suzhou. After Qin unified the six countries. Qiantang County is located under the Lingyin Mountain. It is now the place of Hangzhou City. At that time, it was still a beach infested with the tide. West Lake has not yet come out. Standing directly in the Eastern Han Dynasty, a sea pond was built from Baoshi Mountain to Wansongling, and the West Lake began to be separated from the sea before it became an inner lake.

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Hangzhou, as the starting point of the Grand Canal, laid the status of shipping center and trade center, becoming a well-known commercial city and an important trading port in the country. Taxes at that time accounted for 5% of Datang ’s national revenue.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou was already known as the “first state in the southeast”. At that time, the country’s commercial tax and Jiuqu tax ranked first in Hangzhou, followed by the capital Bianliang. When Hangzhou, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, settled in the hub, the clothes were gathered. The folk relics of Fufan, especially in the past. Hangzhou leaped into the center of the country. Although the Southern Song Dynasty was very weak at the time of military affairs, it talked about prosperity and wealth. Hangzhou was already the world’s largest metropolis at the time.

This situation did not change until the Yuan Dynasty, and it was not until the Ming Dynasty established the sea ban, and the Japanese harassment year after year that Hangzhou declined. However, this situation is only more than a hundred years after all, and its prosperous and prosperous metropolis status has gone through hundreds of years. At this time, Hangzhou residents have not lost the kind of momentum they deserve.

Now that the sea has reopened, Hangzhou has become the first port of foreign trade, and Yan Song, a young and capable prefect, is guarding here. Coupled with its vitality and profound heritage, what does Hangzhou Hang look like at this time?

The emperor entered Hangzhou City from Yuhangmen and settled in the temporary palace at the foot of the Lonely Mountain. The governor Yan Song, together with officials from Hangzhou, large and small officials, and the **** guarded, greeted each other, and set up a banquet in the outer building of the West Lake Tower to catch the wind, and there was a lot of noise until the night.

The next day, Yan Song came to see the driver again and listened to the emperor’s inquiries about the governance of Hangzhou. Yan Song ’s preparation is far more detailed than that of Gu Da. Emperor Zhengde was pleased. Can’t help casting an appreciative eye to Yang Ling.

Gu Dayong, Yan Song, the management tax commerce, local political and economic officials, and Xu Tai, Li Sen, Bai Chongzan, Xu Tai and other credible and available generals, were all recommended by Yang Ling. It now appears that Yang Ling really has a sense of understanding, and these people are really doing a good job.

Emperor Zhengde listened to Yan Song’s statement and chuckled: “Come, show Yan Aiqing.”

Yan Song was flattered and did not dare to speak, Yang Ling smiled and said: “The emperor bestows a seat, how can you quit, you just sit down.”

“Yes!” Yan Song Chang Yi thanked to sit down, and then sat down on half of the chair owing to the ass. Emperor Zhengde asked: “I will take a look at the development of various places in the south of the Yangtze River to understand the local people’s feelings. Yan Qing, I heard from you. Hangzhou is now prosperous in industry and commerce and has a lot of transactions. . Let ’s talk about what else is going on? “

Yan Song said: “Emperor, Hangzhou’s industrial and commercial development is very rapid, but Suzhou is close at hand, with industrial development as its mainstay, and commercialization as its principal in Hangzhou, complementing each other without too much competition for resources.

Today, Hangzhou has 433 lines of business, and it is the most complete commercial bank in Dafu. With the convenience of canal, sea and land transportation, the hub is bound to the world. It has established trade with more than fifty vassals and regions including Dongying, North Korea, Luzon, Nanyang, Persia, and Dashi.

In business, since the court abolished the tributary system, replaced trade with each other, traded on an equal footing, and each took what it needed, and formulated detailed laws, the subjects acted in accordance with the law, and the support of the emperor and the court, so there was no major problem.

Hangzhou residents now consume 1.4 million people and consume huge amounts of chicken and pork every day. Farmers have already raised them exclusively to make a living. The government house protects and encourages this, and the government house will provide replenishment in case of major losses due to plague or sales difficulties, so as not to hurt the vitality of these farmers.

In addition, Hangzhou is Dafu, and the population is too heavy. Now the city has dedicated funds to hire some unemployed homeless people to specialize in fire prevention and epidemic prevention. Every year, especially in summer, we must remove the dirt and garbage in the city to avoid the occurrence of disease … “.

He glanced at Zhengde’s complexion, and was very happy when he saw Zhengde. He continued: “When it comes to industry and agriculture, Hangzhou is naturally based on tiger-hole colored porcelain, tea, silk, papermaking, printing, rice, and farming.

The rice is now planted by the emperor personally and approved to introduce the trial planting Zhengde rice, which is resistant to drought, insects and high yield. The minister is calling for local planting by transplanting. Although the original direct seeding method eliminates the need for seedling raising and transplanting. But such as flat field preparation, cold protection and heat preservation and seedling protection at the seedling stage, weed control, prevention of lodging, etc. have a greater impact on yield.

Nowadays, transplanting seedlings not only overcomes these problems, but also saves seeds, saves fertilizer and water, improves yield, and most importantly, does not have to wait for the rice to mature in the previous season. New seedlings are cultivated, and rice fields in Jiangnan can be cooked twice a year, doubling the yield. If you arrive in southern Fujian, you can use this method to mature three seasons a year, and the people will benefit greatly. All are the emperor’s grace. “

When Zhengde heard the brows and dances, he didn’t expect that one sentence would produce such an unexpected effect. It seems that the person who is in the position is really caring and careful everywhere. Especially when governing the country, it is so careless.

Yan Song said: “As for the poor fields and mountain fields, sweet potatoes and corn that are easy to manage and high yield are planted. Juntun fields are being reorganized, and all cotton is planted in advance, so that they can be effective as soon as possible, and they can be sold at a large price for the placement of officers and soldiers of the Tun Army. .

Yang Ling interjected: “Senior Yan, when I was in Suzhou, I heard that a large number of silk cocoons weaved in Suzhou came from farmers in Hangzhou. But you are a big supplier here, and Grandpa Gu said you are improving something, can you elaborate?”

Yan Songxi said: “Yes, the emperor trusts the emperor and trusts the heavy duty of the prefect of Hangzhou. The micro minister is grateful. He wants to break his bones and pay attention, so he is careful everywhere. I fear that the emperor will be disappointed. The minister is a scholar. Fundamentally, it is related to national economy and people’s livelihood.

When the minister did not understand agriculture, he recruited skilled craftsmen to carry out research. Silk weaving has improved from silkworm rearing and silk reeling to textile and textile machinery tools. The selection of silkworm species, the prevention and control of silkworm diseases, the cultivation of mulberry leaves, the techniques of rearing silkworms, the methods and tools of silkworm cocooning and silk reeling were all improved, and the prescribed steps were taught to the people. As for the mulberry tree, we are selecting plants for improvement to make them more leafy and shorter, and harvest more leaves to save labor. “

Emperor Zhengde nodded and smiled: “Very good, so is there any problem in Hangzhou that needs to be resolved by the court? I came to Hangzhou today and it happened to be solved nearby.”

Yan Song ’s sparse and straight eyebrows raised, and said, “When it comes to one problem, the minister is trying to be specific and ask the emperor. Emperor, the papermaking industry in Daming is very developed today. Take Shitang Town, Jiangxi Province as an example, where there is a paper mill. There are more than 30 tankers in the tank, and there are 2,000 workers in each tank. The production is amazing.

Now more lime is used for cooking pulp, which provides pulp quality. The crushed raw materials of paper mill use more water slag, which improves the efficiency. The high-, medium-, and low-grade papers produced along the river are transported along the river at low cost. Many paper printing workshops have emerged. There are a large number of lettering workers in urban and rural areas in Hangzhou.

The cost of lettering is two plates per leaf, and each plate is worth five cents. Movable type printing, one-hundred-three-point silver engraved with one hundred words, because of the cheap price of engraving, so many books are printed, and the number of privately funded literati has also increased.

This was originally a good thing, but now the bookstore is publishing more than the Thirteen Classics and Seventeen Historys, as well as the series of books, other collections, Dao Zang, song and so on. Due to the large number of commercial firms in Hangzhou and the inconvenience of news dissemination, there are now people who specialize in publishing news related to various industries In some cases, the brochures are rough and poorly printed, and are only needed for a while.

Sometimes, in order to solicit buyers, some recent anecdotes, stories, and even stories of Qinglou will also be mixed. This is a new thing, the court has no relevant legal restrictions, and it is quite difficult for the minister to guide management, so he wants to invite the emperor. Is this behavior prohibited? How to manage? “

Yang Ling smiled slightly. The paper industry promotes the lettering industry, and the lettering industry promotes the printing industry, while the need for business activities promotes the connection between two different industries, resulting in the newspaper industry.

The emergence of the new industry, the newspaper industry, further promotes the perfection of the law. The economy has influenced politics, law and culture. The improvement of politics, law and culture in turn continues to promote economic development, interlocking with each other and continuously deriving, and with its development, what new industries will emerge?

This is the method of boiling frogs in warm water, the theory of the human pyramid. I finally saw it’s amazing effect with my own eyes. If oneself deviates from reality and makes a great leap forward in a hurry, will there be a day when I can see all this with my own eyes?

Yang Ling suddenly thought of a person here, Wang Mang, who was written in poems and scolded for thousands of years. Would n’t Wang Mang ’s fellow be a passing person, too? When Wang Mang ascended the emperor, he evenly divided the fields among the people; abolished the slave trade; the government controlled the iron smelting and casting money to prevent the wealthy businessmen from manipulating the market; the establishment of national banks, the poor people can apply for state loans, eliminating loan sharks; A floating wage system was implemented; Wang Mang punished corruption and established a reporting system.

Evening the fields and stressing human rights. I really don’t know how the distinguished nobles who had nine princes and five Simas in his family had such thoughts, and what was the result?

Zheng De just wanted to say that since the publication of the people is unordered and destructive, then it is forbidden. Suddenly glancing at Yang Ling’s lips and smiling, he couldn’t help but turn around: “What is Yang Qing’s unique opinion?”

He remembered what he had just thought: he who was in the upper position was caring and careful. In particular, the idea of ​​ruling the country is inevitable. Zhengde became cautious. He thought carefully for a long time, and then nodded slightly: “Well, I know. Since the people have launched these things because of business needs, there are always It has the value of the place, and it is forbidden to prohibit food waste because of choking, and the government can come forward to guide it.

How about this. If something involves weathering and touches the law, it should also be regulated by means of prohibition, punishment, punishment, etc. The ordinary folk customs and rural anecdotes can only be published. You go back and report the detailed situation. If you have any suggestions, please report them together. After returning to Beijing, I will call on officials to discuss them and formulate a relevant law to restrict them. “

“Yes!” Yan Song owed buttocks, said archedly.

Zheng De nodded his head and smiled, “Okay. I’m going to stay in Hangzhou for a few days. When I get to this paradise, I always have to walk around. Tiger Cave, Longjing Tea Garden, and Sangshan Paddy Field are all going to see. These three days, I Let ’s enjoy the scenery of Hangzhou first. West Lake, Lingyin Temple, Hupao Spring, Qianhe River Liuhe Pagoda.

Yan Song has already made all kinds of preparations for these things, so he just bowed down and said: “Yes. The minister will arrange it when he returns.”

Zhengde waved his hand and said: “Tiger Cave, Longjing Garden and Sangshan Rice Field Inspection Farming are all things you have to arrange. You don’t need to visit the mountains and the scenery. The follower Ruyun loses the fun of wild travel. I go to Weifu and visit the people Fun”.

Yan Song bluffed when he heard it. Busy said: “The emperor, it is absolutely impossible, the officials dare not conceal the emperor, the population of Hangzhou, plus business inside and outside, merchants from all over the world and all over the world, because of rogue night small frauds and stolen things happen frequently, but it is strictly punished. It must be a headache for the officials, and the emperor is the lord of Wancheng.

This kind of thing is also happening in Beijing City. However, things like luxury cities are always endless. Darkness is always accompanied by light. The most fertile land is also the easiest to breed insects. Zhengde laughs disapprovingly: “Xiao Xiaozhi is afraid of something. What? Although I said that I would have to travel in micro clothes, I was always accompanied by Ouchi guards. Besides, the places I went to were bustling and prosperous, and rogue scoundrels should also be taken care of. “

Yan Song was helpless, but secretly decided to notify the general sentence, inspection, and the people’s strong, all public security agencies to strengthen governance, so as not to disturb the imperial court.

Looking back at Yan Song’s departure, Emperor Zhengde nodded slightly and said to Yang Ling: “Yang Qing, this person is quite talented and useful!”

“Yes, Emperor Huihui knows people!” Yang Ling smiled with a smile.

The worries and fears of Yan Song in the past have now disappeared from Yang Ling’s heart. He no longer worried about Yan Song once he was in high position. Yan Song has not changed. From his understanding, this person is still not good for women but greedy for power, but whose life does not have any pursuit? Are those ancient ministers indifferent to fame and fortune?

Human ambition is gradually changing with the expansion of power and the surrounding environment. It is now different from the past. A different monarch, a different court, a different Daming, a rapidly changing Daming, which will also change rapidly. Create a different Yan Song!

More importantly, it comes from self-confidence. If self-confidence can control a thousand-mile horse steadily, why not let him travel thousands of miles a day?

Yang Ling smiled and glanced at the back of Yan Song’s departure. Everything in the past life can only be used as a reference, not as a scale to measure everything in history. Yang Ling, truly integrated into this world, this world. Really changed because of him, it will not repeat everything in Yang Ling’s memory.

The future will be Yang Ling, a man from five hundred years later, who cannot predict the future …

On the second day, Zhengde was going to visit Hangzhou with Tang Yixian and the princesses. The first stop was naturally the long-known West Lake. The brigade had not yet gone out, and Archbishop La Mario and the Marquis of Lamond hurriedly arrived. It turned out that they had already caught the building location of the Commercial Bureau. In addition, the detailed contract for the trade between the two countries was revised, and Babadi rushed to request His Majesty the Emperor to sign it.

Yang Ling took a closer look at the articles, and then read them again. The articles were written in Chinese and Chinese. These messengers returned the rules. The articles were in accordance with the rules. There was nothing wrong with the emperor Zhengde. people. Signed immediately with seal and written in Beijing, so that the cabinet immediately promulgate the world.

Archbishop La Mario invited the emperor Zhengde to sign the official letter in Hindi, and immediately left with great excitement. He was going to build at least a hundred families in Yangbatou’s business office and affiliated cathedrals, warehouses, medical buildings and schools. From now on, occupy a place on this giant ship that leads the world to the future.

In Yangbatou, more than two hundred years ago, Hui Lao Ding built the Phoenix Temple here, becoming one of the four ancient temples of Chinese Islam. It seems that Archbishop La Mario is here to develop and compete for believers.

He even wanted to ask the Pope to personally come to this paradise on earth to serve as the Cardinal of the Church in the East. He left happily, next to the blushing Earl Barmond. He could not abandon his territory and ran to such a far east, which made him very jealous of Archbishop La Mario.

But he also bought a piece of land here, and when he was going back, he lobbied his broken brother to bring his two handsome nephews and three beautiful nieces to this most beautiful and rich place full of life settle down. I believe his family will be able to stand out from the noble community. That’s right, in Eastern dialect, it’s from now on!

Zhengde and others did not inform the local government. The feeling of clearing all tourists and walking alone in the scenery does not feel good. The most loathing of Zhengde is to live the kind of sage living in solitary and widowed life.

So, Zhu Gongzi and Yang Gongzi took the five great beauties again.

Upper Jewelry Alley and Lower Jewelry Alley are places for gold and silver jewelry; Rice Market Alley, Chaimu Alley and Caishiqiao are lively markets. Wazi Theater is spread all over the city. These places are the most lively. Public security is naturally the most chaotic, but the emperors and princesses of Zhengde are naturally disdainful to visit. This made Jiang Bin feel relieved.

Jiang Bin wore a heroic scarf, a short dress, and the warrior newspaper with a centipede, and a nunchaku was inserted around his waist. Jiang Bin was originally a ruffian, with two scars on his face. This one stood there, with his chest, fox, and tigers pretending to be. If it weren’t for Zhengde, Yang Ling, and the five beautiful women behind, he was just a **** Who can see this is the General Jiang of Jinling City who is the guardian of the street?

It was spring at this time, and it was best to admire Liu Lang Wenying. Zhengde and his party rented a flower boat and toured the lake until noon, and walked along the long banks of Liuxia.

Zhengde and Tang Yixian walked side by side. In the end, Yongchun ’s little girl was always talking to her sister, always talking to Xianger. Xianger originally thought that she did n’t care so much about Yang Ling, but seeing a pair of people walking in front, sometimes whispering, sometimes light Laugh, brows come and go, don’t have a taste, then the heart is sour, but it’s not good to show it.

Zhang Fubao looked at the three sisters’ actions and thoughts in her eyes. She didn’t feel secretly funny. She didn’t want to pay attention to Yang Ling’s actions. From time to time, she wanted to take a look at it. Honey, unexpectedly remembered the dream in the night, imagined that if Yang Ling was so caring for the loving woman instead of herself … this suddenly felt uncomfortable.

The sunlight spreads out the gentleness, and the spring breeze whips up the romance. The silky weeping willows embellish the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River. Rows of tender willows are reflected in the green waves, and together with the sun, the lake and mountains are boundless and beautiful.

By the beautiful West Lake, the green willows are overcast, the breeze is lingering, since Yangling and Yangling have done the kind of intimacy, Yongfu and Yangling have a good honey to adjust the oil, the kind of radiant beauty that makes her look is not inferior to her Yongchun He and Xiang’er were a little jealous. Walking gently beside Yang Ling, her earth’s center also flew like a spring breeze. Yingying Xiushui, Gu Pan’s infinite emotion.

“What do you look at me like this?” Yang Ling smirked at Yongfu.

Yongfu gave him a scornful white look, hating and saying, “What do you think people do?”

Yang Ling blinked and whispered, “Where did I see?”

The face of Yongfu Goose’s egg was red, and he grunted his mouth and said, “I will ignore you next time.”

Yang Ling coughed her mouth and looked at the Zhengde couple in front of her, but said in the voice heard by Princess Yongfu: “Ah, Ning Er ignored Brother Ling. I don’t know if it will be sad if he is ignored?”

Yongfu’s eyes turned, and he was aroused by his curiosity. He said with surprise: “Who is sad when you are left out?”

Yang Ling hooked Yongfu’s eyes and led to his own robe. He smiled and said with a smile: “It … ah …”.

“Yeah!” Princess Yongfu was so angry and ashamed that she clenched her fist and wanted to use his back as a drum beater. Fortunately, she also saved it on the street, and Princess Yongfu puckered him bitterly. With a blush, he said, “You are not allowed to talk!”

Yang Ling touched his nose and sneered, “No, no.”

Princess Yongfu blushed, smiled at the corner of her mouth, sweetened her heart, and walked for a while, suddenly saying, “There are so many people here, I really want to go to a quiet place to walk around.”

“How much?” Yang Ling looked at it before and after. Was there just too many people? I thought I had been here before. At that time, I would like to think that there will be fewer people on this long **** in Liulang Wenying. You have to come in the middle of the night. It ’s too much. I really do n’t know how to be in the blessing.

“That’s better … go to Wansong College, it should be quieter,” Yang Ling suggested.

“Wan Song Academy? What is that place? Is it also a place of interest?” Princess Yongfu asked strangely.

Yang Ling actually regretted it after speaking. The legendary story of Wan Song Academy was because the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai happened here, and that story happened in the Ming Dynasty. Yang Ling did not know whether it was the current era. Is there such a college in the world now?

But his words have been exported. But it was impossible to withdraw, and Princess Yongfu waved her hand. A young man’s brother-in-law, Ouchi’s body, took a three-step staggering figure and slammed to the front, startling the tourists passing by, and also used it as a street to grab people.

Princess Yongfu whispered: “Ask where Wansong Academy is, tell Brother Huang, go there.”

The Ouchi guard nodded slightly and turned away. After a while, he came hurriedly and said with a smile: “His Royal Highness, I know that there are really few places in Wansong Academy before I asked a showman. It ’s not too far to find out. It ’s not too far away. This Wansong Academy was built in the first year of the Zhen Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty. It has been nearly a thousand years since our Ming Dynasty, but it has always been a monastery called Bao’en Temple. It has been abandoned for a long time, 11 years Zhou Mu, a former right-hand political minister in Zhejiang, converted Baoen Temple into an academy. Now, except for some scholars, not many people know it. “

Princess Yongfu nodded, Yang Ling was a student, and had been to Hangzhou again, knowing that Wansong Academy was certainly not unusual, and Yang Ling was relieved. The guard hurried to report to the Emperor Zhengde. As long as Zhengde played, it didn’t matter where he went. The group left the West Lake immediately, carried a few sedan chairs, and went straight to Wansong Academy.

Wansong College is located on Wansongling Mountain, northeast of Phoenix Mountain, southeast of Hangzhou West Lake. The pine wood is green and beautiful, and you can admire the West Lake in the north and the Qianjiang River in the south. Yang Ling casually said that Ben was still worried that there was not much scenery here. When he saw this scene here, he felt relieved.

In front of the pine trees and green cypresses, there is a stone monument of the Ten Thousand Years Master’s surface. It is also enshrined with the image of Master Kong Shengxian. Surrounded by green trees, the academy with pink walls and deva looks extraordinarily elegant and quiet.

The mountain is more lively, there are various tea houses and restaurants, and Xianger, Yongfu and Fu Bao are jumping hungry. The group first searched for a clean and elegant restaurant, and ordered local snacks with unique tastes such as scallion buns, cat ears, Xi Shi tongue, Happy Double, Huaxian chestnut soup, Chao cake, and asked for a few flavors of **** tea and leng tea. Waiting for local tea to drink, and then have enough to eat and then go uphill.

It was the weather in Yangchun in March, and the grass and trees were covered with flowers along the way. The canopy was shaded, the flowers were embellished, and the fragrance was rich and elegant. It’s refreshing.

Go through the three arches, walk through the Holy Gate, pass Mingdao Church, Jurenzhai, Youyizhai, and then go to Dacheng Temple to worship Kong Shengxian, and then to the legendary Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who have been in the same bed for three years. Distinguished Yuxiu Pavilion.

Along the way, red windows and powder walls, chestnut pillars and blue tiles, flowers and trees are green and delicate, and a few people walk leisurely on the first floor, and the mountains are lush and lush. The distant water is as long as blue, and the butterflies around are indeed a place.

Several people went up the mountain in one go, and their face was bright, so they sat on the clean white stone steps after the spring rain. Seeing the butterflies flying around, Yang Ling couldn’t help but whispered: “Slender hands carry spring together again. What flowers and flowers, spread their wings and dance? A piece of Songtao has thousands of threads, rare …”. The word Liang Zhu hasn’t been exported before he woke up and forgot his shape again. This is a poem of a later generation. It sings the story of Liang Zhu. Now there is no story of Liang Zhu, and I feel a little embarrassed.

A few people in Yongfu only said that he wanted to sing poetry on a whim. Tang Yixian turned Zhengde’s arm and said, “Hey. Look at my elder brother’s poetry, but it’s better than your ‘I’m here, she’s handsome eyes’ More “.

Zhengde just wanted to refute in disappointment, and suddenly saw Yang Ling stagnant there, only when he couldn’t think of a suitable verse, and he couldn’t help but gloat and said: “I know it’s a slang term? Hehehehe, no matter what I say, I chant it out That’s it. Your big brother … um um. Um um … oops, why pinch me? “

Yongfu saw Yang Ling gaping. Unable to endure embarrassment, Lang Jun was about to talk, and Zhang Fubao said with a smile: “Grandpa, what is so rare? Why is it so difficult?”

Yang Ling rolled his eyes and said, “Oh, I saw the butterfly, and suddenly remembered a story. I was amazed in my heart, so I was lost.”

Tang Yixian hit Zhengde again with his elbow tip, proudly tipped his nose, and then smiled and asked, “Brother, what story do you think of? Come and listen.”

Yang Ling had no choice but to tell the story of Liang Zhu with a stubborn luck. Fortunately, the land was too guarded. The official position was not the Ming dynasty when it was heard.

Yang Ling talked about the two people staying in the same bed for three years. Liang Shanbo did not distinguish between males and females. The girls from Xiangdi and Yongchun laughed at each other. They all ridiculed Liang Shanbo as an elm pimple. Yingtai has repeatedly hinted that Liang Shanbo has never comprehended, and Yongfu couldn’t help but laugh: “Mr. Liang is a gentleman, and naturally he wouldn’t think of Zhu Yingtai’s words.”

Yang Ling glanced at her, Xiao Nizi raised her chin slightly, her eyes twirled, and her palms slightly shoved, apparently laughing at him, not as good as Liang Shanbo. Xianger’s chin was interesting to hear. When he saw the two opened their eyebrows, they stared at Yang Ling fiercely. Yang Ling didn’t see it. The angry little girl bit her silver teeth tightly and her lips hung on the oil bottle.

After finishing the story, Yang Ling said that Zhu Yingtai jumped off the grave and turned the butterfly. After listening to the tears of Yongfu and Tang Yixian Yingying, Xianger and Yongchun, who had already entered the play, blushed.

Tang Yixian wiped the corners of his eyes and said, “What a pitiful couple of lovers, the son of the horse is really supposed to be killed, I wish the old man is too poor to love the rich, and hurt his own daughter. It is really hateful!”

Princess Yongchun slapped her thighs and said angrily: “Will I say that the surname Liang Di is abominable, is this also a man? It doesn’t matter if the wooden elephant is just a stupid goose. The big man does not have the ability to fart, only sad The tears ended in depression, and the murdered Zhu Zhu died, even if he led the girl to elope, waste, a big waste! I really do n’t know what Zhu Zhu likes to do with this waste? “

Xiang’er nodded again and again and said, “Yeah, yeah, I’m so sullenly listening. Man said that a rich man’s daughter, even if she is a princess, this man just has to think of a way …”.

She said that she suddenly remembered that she was not a princess? Isn’t Yang Ling trying his best to be with her? But the man who didn’t learn that didn’t have a good time would just hide in the house and die. Well, my own Lang Jun is much stronger than that idiot named Liang Shanbo, although it is broken.

Xiang’er glanced at Yang Ling with joy, and suddenly the guy felt much better.

Yang Ling’s dumbfounded laughter, with these two girls’ personality, I am afraid they will never like men like Liang Shanbo, no wonder they are so angry. Yong Chun was still indignant and said to Zhang Fubao: “Fu Bao, do you say that? Such a useless man, if you are changed, do you like it?”

Zhang Fubao rolled his eyes, snorted, and said proudly: “How can it be? Ping Dao pinches his fingers, and then knows the past and the future. Is that guy my Langjun? I only need to count it to know Yes. What is his distress and illness, I naturally can count it, how can it fall to that end? “

Princess Yongchun’s eyes lit up and sighed, “Wow, are you really so powerful?”

Zhang Fubao stood up and learned that her elder brother took two steps in a chic way, flicked her sleeves, and stood proudly in front of the corridor: “Although the poor Dao dare not say that they have been known for five hundred years, but for the next five hundred years, But according to my way of doing things, what’s so difficult about getting rid of evil and turning danger into danger? “

She had just finished speaking, with a clatter, a splash of water came down from the sky, dripping her like a chicken.

Everyone was dumbfounded, but Yang Ling couldn’t help laughing.

Zhang Fubao saw Yang Ling laughing at her, and somehow straightened her anger, she jumped a step forward, angrily clenched her fist, and shouted upstairs, “Which king and **** splashed me with water?”

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