Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 456 - The beginning of the battle

Biquge, the fastest update back to the latest chapter of the Ming Dynasty King!

456 The Battle Begins

The seventy-mile schedule is not a long road for these knights. When the racers left in dust, far away, countless herders on both wings also jumped on horseback and chased happily.

Seeing this scene, Yang Ling secretly reassured that the racers had no saddles or stirrups, no weapons on their bodies, and their personal skills alone, even if someone was mischievous, who could be the top three masters from home and abroad, the Red Lady and the Jingshen The opponent, the herdsman who was trailing four times, also eliminated the possibility of someone casting a dark arrow.

All the herdsmen who came to participate in the event were crowded at the end of the return journey of the contest, eagerly looking forward to the first vigorous figure in the distance, even Baiyin and Agudamu stood nervously on the high platform and looked away, after all, this is not An ordinary game, it is related to the glory of their family.

But at this time, Yang Ling Shi Shiran returned to the camp account, ordered people to put on wine and meat, ready to eat lunch. Cheng Qiyun looked at her on tiptoe for a while, flicked back into the account, and smiled at the white gauze on the bottom: “Adult is calm, don’t you want to know the result as soon as possible?”

Liu Mei show items, beautiful colors and meals. Yang Ling smiled and appreciated her posture: “Look at it, we can’t control the outcome of the game, what it should look like, and what it will look like after all. If you don’t stay there, the result is the same. What’s the hurry? “

He put a pair of chopsticks in front of Cheng Qiyun and said, “We are kung fu outside, not in the field. We must keep an eye on the movements of all parties, especially Bai Yin. Regardless of whether they move, before the end of the competition, The action must be launched. At this Nadam meeting, the final winner is not the man who won the trio and won the beauty, but us. “.

Cheng Qiyun smiled and sat down on the chair. She hasn’t told Yang Ling that she has remarried outside the alliance she has negotiated with Hong Niangzi. Jiang Shan’s nature is difficult to change, although he gave orders at all costs. But it has never become an unscrupulous person.

Tell him in advance that once he has stopped it for various reasons, he has concentrated all his financial resources to take root in the northeast since more than a year ago, and the efforts to expand the Yang family’s private power and influence will be lost. Do it first and make it irreparable. By that time, for the Yang family and for the thousands of subordinates who were loyal to his subordinates, he would not succeed if he did not agree. The so-called yellow robe plus body, probably so.

“He can block the hole for the woman who is not like a woman, the Red Lady, can’t he be the one for me? Besides, they are for his own good.” I remember Yang Ling’s words to Cui Ying’er who were so bold and responsible. Although there are various reasons within, Cheng Qiyun still feels a bit sour.

Golden-colored grilled lamb chops, fat and delicious stewed lamb shanks, braised lamb hooves, hand-pulled lamb, of course, vinegar, sesame oil and lightly seasoned wild vegetables are scented, and the aroma comes out without the exquisite beauty of the Central Plains diet, but The flavors are very different and delicious.

Especially in this pastoral and the cheers of cattle and sheep, looking at the green prairie like the ocean, the unique flavor of the food also seems more obvious. Yang Ling suddenly discovered. You can enjoy the scenery with your meal, not only Cheng Qiyun, but also the scenery outside the fortress. The ruggedness and originality of the outside of the fortress, together with the elegance and beauty of the beautiful rhyme, make the appetite wide open.

Yang Ling picked up a sharp knife and cut a crispy and delicious breast lamb chops with meat and bone into several pieces. With the tip of the knife, the most fat piece was handed to Cheng Qiyun’s plate, and Cheng Qiyun served him. A glass of red **** western wine. I had an idea in my mind. Whisper: “

Adults don’t worry, they talk about scheming. After all, the people on the grassland have to be better than others. I believe that separation, eradication, and integration will be successful. But what I worry about is how, once Yin Qi succeeds, how can we firmly control her power.

A set of horse ropes can hold a horse. But if its power is greater than a dragon, a rope cannot control it. Adults should not underestimate her power because she is a woman. When a powerful and unified grassland tribe appears, it is inevitable to expand outward. That is not a matter that two headmen can decide, but the entire grassland tribe. Will “.

“Can’t hold it, then ride up, control it, and let it expand in the direction we want!” Yang Ling said with a smile.

He took a sip of fine wine and said, “Immigration to the border, opening of the market and business, cultural integration and national integration is a long-term affair, and it will not be effective for a while. I have considered whether to follow the method of some tribes in Bashu, Set up officials, build households, and build cities in the whole grassland to speed up the progress of integration.

However, they are nomadic people and have no fixed residence. This management method is impractical in terms of current transportation and communication conditions. No one else can do that. Genghis Khan has laid down a great empire, and he can only divide it into nephews and divide them into little khan kingdoms, and finally fall apart.

Boyan Khan unified Tatar and established 60,000 left and right wings with strong force. However, even without our separation, his kingdom was full of ambitious forces, and sooner or later he must provoke a civil war. To change all this, it is necessary to change the living habits of nomads and safari that they have formed for thousands of years. This is not an easy task. Moreover, the climate, precipitation and land conditions of the northern grasslands also determine that most areas are unsuitable. Develop agriculture.

To hold this powerful force that can form aggression at any time and let it be used by me, we must not rely solely on our strong force and the alliance relationship with each other. To stabilize for a long time, under the premise of strengthening our own strength, one is to strengthen their trust and coexistence with our Han people, and the other is to find vast land suitable for them to develop farming and let them settle down. “

Yang Ling smiled and said: “The first thing is easy to handle. The grasslands only have horses, cattle and sheep. They don’t have tea or cloth, they don’t smelt metal, and they lack grains and grains. They rely on us for too many things. The court used to do these things. In order to control the tribes of the northern and western regions, from the perspective of the development of the Western Regions, it is better to open up the people to do business, and their lives are full of Han products. This is really inseparable from us.

The second thing is more difficult. The land suitable for farming outside the customs is mainly in the east. This is now the Daming Guard House and the Hanmin, Jurchen, and Duoyan Sanwei Mongolians. But I do n’t want to give them here. To find a way to let them leave here, accelerate the imperial court’s control of the northeast.

The Nuerqiandu Division then commanded the Envoy Division in Liaodong and continued to Guanguan, which stretched thousands of miles. The various health centers were separated by the tribes of Doyan Sanwei and Jurchens. They could not help each other, and the traffic at Dam ’s post was also greatly affected.

As long as Douyan Sanwei leaves here, the passageway from Daming North will become abnormally smooth, and it will take decades of effort. The Jurchens will be completely sinicized, Guanwai will no longer be Guanwai, the Great Wall will no longer be the border, and the Beijing Imperial Guard guarded by the Emperor will become Daming’s Zhongtang Garden instead of a coveted portal at any time. “

Cheng Qiyun held her chin. Looking at him fascinatingly and fascinatingly, he smiled and said, “Although you think well, Doyan Sanwei is willing to obey your instructions? It is difficult for them to move away from the place where they have lived for hundreds of years.”

“It’s not difficult! They are confined to one corner, and they have never been able to contend with Tatar and Wa’a. Once Bo Yan, Huo Si, and Yea are eliminated, the vast grassland pastures are their territory, and they are not as good as the East. Controlling so many tribes, the core of Duoyan Sanwei ’s leadership needs his own interests and will inevitably need to be moved to the hinterland of the grassland.

Where is the best place to move? Nanghe River is the place where the greatest hero Genghis Khan on the grassland is found, and it is a holy place in the eyes of the Mongols. If, as their allies, skillfully advised them to move to Yunanhe, I think Queen Yinqi would not refuse it. “

Yang Ling smiled and said: “That river basin is rich in water and grass, suitable for farming in the river area, and has the foundation for establishing a fixed city. They taught them to grow crops and have a stable harvest. The clan does not need all the people to farm and graze. Meeting other professions, the city is really established.

Don’t underestimate the significance of this matter. Farming and fixed cities are the basis for leading them to civilization and coexisting peacefully with us. “

Yang Ling looked out of the tent. In the distance, there was a herdsman wearing a colorful robe and riding a horse towards Queen Doyan’s camp. Yang Ling pointed at him: “Look, the stirrup under his feet, a small thing, is not at all conspicuous. But it appears there, so that the people on horseback have been from the time it was invented until now. The terrible force of the country dare not underestimate.

Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, how many times has the development of the Central Plains and the fate of the country been influenced by the northern peoples? The great empire of Genghis Khan swept across the West, changed the pattern of this world, and caused the destruction and birth of countless countries. The whole world has changed because of it, and no great emperor can even have such a huge and long-term influence on history. Without its invention, can you imagine what the world looks like from thousands of years ago to the present? “

Cheng Qiyun listened to the leisurely fascination, and no one had ever thought about the strength of the horseback nation, the evolution of the whole world, and the appearance of a small stirrup have such an inevitable relationship and long-term impact. His thoughts are bizarre, but he has to be convinced.

Yang Lingdao: “So, sometimes you don’t have to have all kinds of conditions to do things, you have to think about everything. Even if you think of it, you may not be able to do it with your own strength. If you want to sit and wait for all the conditions to be met, Then the necessary conditions will never appear. Only one or two aspects and one or two conditions are needed, which naturally catalyzes changes in collisions.

Just like the appearance of a stirrup, it changed the power of a trivial nation, and thus changed the world. The impact involved politics, economy, military, culture, relations between various races and so on. I started business in Jiangnan and introduced new crops to strengthen farming. It was only a stirrup. Of course, relying on it alone could not change the entire national sports of Daming, but it brought economic, cultural, Changes in technology, systems, and thoughts will occur in a chain. “

Cheng Qiyun seemed to understand. She didn’t quite understand Yang Ling’s vocabulary, but she clearly understood what he said in her heart and tasted it carefully. She couldn’t help but admire Yang Ling’s translucency.

Yang Ling put a fresh and delicious bite into the mouth with a roasted lamb chops with bloodshot eyes, and smiled: “I sold them all kinds of commodities for the Han people, let them accept the living habits of the Han people. I let the Han people live together and assimilate, Let them accept the ideas and culture of the Han people. I use farming and cities to keep them away from their original life, and the wild horses that have become unrestrained will become a tame … “

Yang Ling smiled and said nothing, and Cheng Qiyun gave him a cute white look: “Yun’er racked his brain, but he just wanted to kill a few people, but the grown-up thought of” eliminating “the whole people. Who is more ruthless “.

Yang Ling smiled and said: “This is for their future survival and destiny. Isn’t it a good thing? The shepherd’s life looks very romantic, but in fact it is extremely cruel. Sandstorm, snow disaster, plague, insect disaster, drought, just a random Disasters can put these nomadic tribes into a desperate situation. They cannot even breed freely, relying only on grazing and hunting. They cannot maintain their population growth.

Could it be that respecting and protecting their national identity is to always abandon a nation that does not conform to the historical process out of civilization and preserve their backwardness and bad habits? I don’t think it’s necessary, and it’s not worth regretting. What was abandoned was nothing but the brand of a backward nation. The result is to lead their people to happiness and peace. “

Cheng Qiyun smiled and said: “People can’t say anything to you. Um … In this way, when she moved to the Shunhe River, the White Army naturally had a firm foothold there. Building a big city was a fetter, and there were slaves in the north. The Dui and a regiment of hundreds of thousands of immigrants are backed by the training of the people, and the traffic from Beijing to the farthest places in the north has been smooth. The health center has formed a continuous line of defense. ? “

Seeing Yang Ling nod his head slightly, Cheng Qiyun’s eyes turned and said: “Then. After stabilizing the Daming Health Center in the rear, can it continue to expand northward?”

Yang Ling added: “Of course, this expansion process will not only be the officers and soldiers of our Daming Guard House. I will tie Queen Doyan to our tanks of Daming, and use common interests to lure their soldiers to join us. Go to the frontier and expand the territory, and in the process of conquering together, to merge with each other. “

Cheng Qiyun smiled and said: “Just like the adults put Jiangnan rich gentry merchants and giants on our Yang family merchant ship?”

Yang Ling smiled for the first time: “What do you think?”

Cheng Qiyun said: “Very good!”

She quietly added another sentence in her heart: “This ship. This time, you will come to the helm!”

On the Horqin grassland. The herdsmen of Kriyet Otokdi are taking advantage of the abundant water plants to graze cattle and sheep. Countless young lambs follow the flock of cattle and sheep, cattle moo sheep, the number of strong livestock, so that the herdsmen are delighted, the joy of the idyll always sounded on the grassland.

The Horqin Department is divided into left and right wings, a total of 13 Etuoke (Etuoke, meaning tribe), nearly 160,000 people, is a very large force on the grassland. Boyan Khan unified Mongolia and collected various tribes into 60,000 households on the left and right wings, except for the Horqin grassland.

Because they firmly supported Boyan and made contributions to his unity in the process of unifying the desert grassland in Boyan, Boyan Kehan ​​respectfully called this tribe “Abaga Korqin”, meaning uncle Korqin as An independent tribe, it enjoys a sublime status almost equal to that of Boyan Khan on the Tatar grassland, and it even has jurisdiction over Wulianghawan households affiliated with Boyan.

The Horqin tribe is part of the Hassell lineage of Genghis Khan’s mother and brother. Genghis Khan particularly values ​​the Hasar lineage among all his brothers and nephews, and grants noble positions and titles to their children. Among all the uncles and cousins, the Wuluhei (general chief) of the Genghis Khan family only allowed Hazar’s Wuluhei to sit on the ranks of the sect kings, and the others sat on the ranks of Yimi (tribal nobles). This extraordinary grace has made the children of the Hasael family infinitely grateful. They have always been loyal to the Mongolian Khan, a descendant of Dayuan. Never waver.

Their fierce strength, combined with their detached status, has always given them unique conditions in this grassland. Whether it is Huadang, Huo Si, or Shou, they are not willing to easily involve Korqin in the war. However, due to the sudden killing of Huadang, Bo Yanmeng recaptured his own territory and did not beg for the Horqin tribe, so their tribe. It is the only place in this grassland battle that has not been affected by the fighting.

However, there is no doubt that once Boyan Meng can seek help from the Horqin tribe, their lord must be on the side of the direct descendants of Genghis Khan, then the war will be burned to the Horqin grassland. Accumulate strength and food to cope with possible continuous war.

There are more than 9,000 people in the Kriyet Ministry, which are divided into three large pastoral areas to graze cattle and sheep under the patriarch’s distribution. There are more than three thousand people in this one. Nomadic in the situation near the Wagra grassland.

It was almost noon, and the sun had reached the top of the head, the sun was dazzling, and hundreds of camp tents were scattered all over the grassland. The hungry and tired children are still wandering and hiding in the shade of the tabernacle in groups.

At this time, far away, a black line appeared at the end of the grassland, and a shepherd saw it first. He immediately turned his horse’s head alertly, threw down herds of cattle and sheep, and hurried back to the account. The shepherd dog faithfully performs the duty of guarding the cattle and sheep for the owner, urging them to remain in place and eating grass leisurely.

In the West, that is the place that borders the Wa’a Department. Although the two sides have never met each other, but as the Boyan Department and the Wa’a Department are fighting more and more fiercely. As a firm ally of Boyan, Horqin Department had long cut off contact with Wa’a Department, and suddenly a team came from him, and the herdsmen immediately became alert.

The horses and horses are gathering very quickly. These herdsmen are inherently fighters. They kill people and will never be slower than slaughtering a sheep with a sharp knife.

But obviously, they are a false alarm. The teams of about 500 people walked too slowly. Waited a long time. The herdsmen only discovered that it was a camel team, and each camel was covered in big packages. Full of stuff.

On both sides of the camel team are knights riding horses. They wear all kinds of clothes of various races and weapons. The people are not only polite Han Chinese, but also laugh and laugh in Tatar language. There are also Westerners with high noses and deep eyes, wearing meniscus-like Uz steel knives.

The melodious camel bell came to a halt, Wu Enqi owed his **** and looked at the back of the camel team. There were dozens of camels and a few carts. Wu Enqi hung the saber back on his waist, his face exposed Relaxed smile.

Obviously, this is a caravan from the west to the east. Seeing their ethnicity and the team ’s intentional separation, it should be a small caravan from different places, gradually coming together in the process of coming to the east to each other. Support and fight against horse thieves and robbers along the way.

Among them are Han merchants, merchants from distant places such as Tianzhu, Dashi, and Persia. Their camels are always loaded with all kinds of goods during the journey from south to north.

The caravans are welcomed and respected on the grasslands, because they can provide the herdsmen with all kinds of daily necessities and even some luxury consumer goods on the empty grasslands of the unmanned grasslands. The boring life on the grassland.

Needless to say, there are already tribal herdsmen talking enthusiastically with the business travelers who speak the Tatar language. A man in a striped gown and two beards with crooked beaks on his lips, after a moment of enthusiastic conversation with a few herders of the Kriyet Ministry, led them to U Enqi under their guidance.

Wu Enqi is the distant nephew of Lord Horqin and one of the leaders of this tribe. The man politely saluted his chest and explained his intentions briefly. His name was Tun Mi. He was a merchant from Tianzhu. He wanted to go to a more eastern place to sell their goods and buy Eastern goods before shipping. Back to the far west. He will be stationed here temporarily, and request permission to pass the territory of the Horqin people.

Tunmi finished speaking, smiling and presented his gift to Wu Enqi, a luxurious and soft Persian long-haired carpet. Wu Enqi agreed with a smile and said, “Well, you can camp here, on the grasslands of our Horqin. We will guarantee your safety.”

“Thank you, generous host”, Tumi smiled and leaned over to salute, and then shouted loudly that their partners were immediately stationed to rest. Wu Enqi ’s herdsmen also dispersed, and the women and children also gathered around. They curiously looked at these distant business trips, and quietly asked what goods they had brought, hoping to buy their own home. Used things.

Wu Enqi happily returned to the felt bag. He gave the bundle of carpets to his wife, and then he rushed out again. He noticed that the business trips were very well-organized. They arrived at the river bank about two miles away from the Uhnqi camp. The goods were unloaded on the ground. The camels ate grass and drank at leisure. body of.

The merchants moved out of the dazzling list of goods, which attracted a large group of herdsmen to bring women and children to the bargain. From time to time, a wealthy nobleman was introduced into the tent by merchants. Holding out more precious goods, bragging spittle, hoping that the noble lords of Horqin could buy them.

A black-faced herdsman drove towards Wu Enqi and leaped off the horse a few moments ago. He smiled and said, “Hi. Big brother Wu Enqi.”

Wu Enqi noticed that he was rushing back from the camps of Western merchants and smiled and asked, “Hu Lu, what did you buy?”

Hu Lu was not tall, but his shoulders were broad and thick, and his figure was steady. The face of the horizontal meat looked very tough. He laughed and said, “I bought two pearls for my woman and a Uzi machete.”

He said that he took out a small machete with a big slap from his arms, and withdrawed the blade with a snap. She had a beautiful arc and beautiful patterns like snowflakes on the blade.

Wu Enqi’s eyes suddenly became fierce. Uzi steel is a kind of steel unique to Tianzhu. It is the best top-grade steel for making swords. This steel will have a special pattern on the surface when it is cast into a sword-Muhammad pattern. The pattern forms the blade (serrated teeth that are indistinguishable to the naked eye, making the sword sharper.

But such steel knives are too expensive. He has only seen a tribal leader with an Arab-style Uzi scimitar. Stretching out his fingers and gently touching the blade, Wu Enqi couldn’t help but exclaim.

Hu Lu looked around and whispered: “Wu Enqi, I saw the Hu people in the Western Regions, carrying countless precious stones. I also saw a few three-foot long Uzi scimitars. They were all sharp and sharp. Bao Dao. They only have more than 500 people, so many goods … “.

Hu Lu licked his fat lips. Whispered: “Shall we kill them? Easy”.

Wu Enqi was shocked and looked at Hu Lu in surprise. The nobles of Tatar sometimes pretended to be horse thieves and looted business travellers, but this was an act of abandonment by the nobles, and once the news was leaked, the business travellers would not dare to come to their tribe to do business, which would have too much impact on them.

Therefore, they have no choice but to deal with business travel, and once they want to rob business travel, they usually disguise themselves and go to places far away from their place of residence, and never leave a living mouth, whether they are women, children or the elderly, they dare not keep it. Slaves, all killed, this is more cruel than a real horse thief.

Wu Enqi followed his father and uncle to do such a thing, but this was in their own pasture, killing the guests who came, and gave him a valuable gift, which made him a little difficult to accept.

Hu Lu continued to persuade: “They are 500 people, and our soldiers are about a thousand people, and a thousand warriors deal with 500 business trips. They can’t run any of them. They have a lot of treasures, and we will immediately become One of the richest people in Horqin, the most important thing is that now the grasslands are fighting everywhere, let’s not say, who can prove that they arrived at our camp safely?

Kill them! Steal their treasures, bury them deep in the ground, drove the cattle to step on two circles, and next year, there will be a beautiful meadow. No one will know about this matter, only our people here. “

Wu Enqi’s greed was provoked by him. He raised his eyes and looked at the Hu people’s camp by the river. His eyes turned, and a bright light gradually appeared.

“Hu Lu …”, Wu Enqi’s voice was a little hoarse: “After the meal, we still have to graze. Let all our people come back and we can only go to trade at night!”

Hu Lu was stunned. Unwillingly said: “Wu Enqi!”

Wu Enqi glanced at him, and said in a low voice: “Call our people!”

“Good!” Hu Lu overjoyed, jumped on the horse happily, and went quickly.

Tunmi and the two Han people dressed crouched by the river, washing their faces while talking in a low voice.

“It’s a bit wrong. They don’t need to call back the women and children. Will they touch our minds. Want to tear off the friendly skin and get ready to grab it?” A Han said, looking at the clear river.

Another Han said in blunt Chinese: “They only have a thousand soldiers at most. This kind of camp combat is different from fighting on the grassland. Their advantage in riding and shooting is not good. We have few people. If we sneak attack at night, there may be many People fled. Would n’t it be better for them to concentrate on sending the horses to their door? ”He is a Korean swordsman and a subordinate recruited by Adni.

Tun Mi Leng sneered: “Don’t be careless, if they want to die in advance. Then we will fight a tough battle. I have called everyone to guard. Watching their actions, we can’t compare with these natural warriors immediately. If we ca n’t wait until we attack their camps, then bring them in. Each of us is proficient in melee combat, this one thousand people. It ’s easy to deal with. ”

A group of knights suddenly appeared in the upper and lower reaches of the river. They ran on horses in the clear and shallow river water. The water splashed all over the sky, and the startled fish kept jumping out of the water. A bright silver light flashed.

Tun Mi stood up and smiled, and nodded friendly to the shepherds who seemed to drink horses and wash horses. Their gazes around their waists and bows and arrows on their shoulders glanced away, and then they moved away.

The two people behind him quietly took another two steps, secretly clenching the sword at the waist, and when Tun Mi’s eyes met again with the leading man in the river, the eyes of both sides seemed to flash at the same time.

Bow picking, arrow shooting, string buckling, all in one go. But the bearded Swallow and his two men moved faster, they were like three frightened rabbits, jumped off the river side by side, jumped behind a camp, and at the same time there were calls for warning .

Immediately the big man roared in frustration, pulled out his long knife and shouted, and dashed a horse’s head towards the shore, with bright and beautiful clothes hanging on those poles. Those camps are very effective in preventing rain. The windproof and warmth in winter are also excellent, and of course he can see it. Those things immediately belonged to his own property, and he was willing to destroy it.

At the same time, in some directions on land, the Tatar herdsmen who were just kind enough to entertain guests, like swarms of fierce blood-sucking wolves, rushed over with wielding swords. Those who can travel thousands of miles on the grassland to do business, even if they are not capable of martial arts, will inevitably employ fierce and brave guards, and their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

However, now they are small in number, have few horses, and are unprepared. Camels are eating wild grass, and they are too late to form a camel array to defend. It can be said that these merchants trust them completely. The looting of businessmen in their own territory provided great convenience for their sudden attack.

The merchants who had set up the stalls to prepare for the business had no time to resist. They cried out to their partners in fright, and fled to the camp quickly.

The Tatar camps are at least tens of feet apart from each other, and these merchants are set up close to each other in order to take care of the horses and goods, and the distance between them is limited, plus the oblique nails to fix the tent Standing on the ground with a rope, this provides them with an opportunity to circumvent their lives.

Wu Enqi could not allow them to react, and at once, the fierce soldiers rushed into the camp. Nearly a hundred camps are like a forest, completely engulfing a team of less than 2,000 people on both sides. Tripping the horse rope, trapping the horse pit, suddenly shooting cold arrows, as well as blowing arrows, flying axes, and javelins.

The most surprising thing is that some people who are just a little frustrated compared to their tall body wield a long knife in their hands, making a whispering scream from the camp, and fell to the ground before they rushed to the front. , The roller came crawling fast, and got under the horse like a gourd, either cutting off the horse’s leg or piercing the horse’s abdomen, jumping away with a **** ghost on the face.

They roared. Riding on the horse became a living target, and was attacked in all directions by all directions. The advantage of the war horse was simply impossible to play. If you want to rush out of the horse, the order can not be given in the chaos of the fight. They came to loot and did not carry the banner. Who would think that the ushering was a butcher. At this time, it was completely too late to order the subordinates to withdraw.

In the distance, their women and children stood in the camp and watched their father and brother bravely rush into those merchants’ camps.

Their eyes glowed with excitement, because soon, their relatives will send them home supplies, toys, gorgeous silks, expensive jewelry, soft carpets, and brightly colored robes that they cannot afford. …

A warm breeze blew, smelling of weeds, flowers, cow dung, sheep dung, and … **** smell.

These predators consist of the most fierce and cruelest wanderers of all races. Everyone’s fierce glory is like a tiger wolf that only chooses people and devours it. It does not use any means, and it uses all methods to slaughter these intruders without any softness. When the short soldiers meet and the white blades are added to the ground, these immediate heroes are far from their opponents.

Chopping people up and horses down. The blood was flowing like a rush of blood. The wild beasts that were fierce when they saw the blood turned their eyes red and made more fierce and fierce howls than the Tatar warriors, and all of them turned into blood-bearing butchers.

fortunately. As the leader, Tunmi has not forgotten one of the most important tasks. Under his command, several subordinates who knew Mongolian language began to fight, and forgotten to shout to each other in Mongolian language. Several of them leaked Place names, tribe names, and even the names of leaders. It was enough for these Tatars who were desperately struggling to escape the death trap, believing that this was a group of murderers sent by the Wa’er.

This group of people constitutes such a complicated team, and only the territories that border the western region and the extreme north can only be recruited, right?

The horse racers rushed back, and the assistants who were responsible for disrupting the course of others had fallen far behind, and no one dared to do anything to hinder others’ progress. The people rushing to the front are all lashing on the fast horse, and running towards the end of the flag.

Cui Ying’er was eager to rush to the front, and was also the best horse in the world. It’s also the best of all. Weight has become a necessary condition for the final winner of the seventy-mile schedule. Closely followed by Feng Lei, Buhe, Sukhbaru, Hatsune of Jurchen and others.

Baiyin and Aguda who stood on the high platform were relieved. The temporary victory does not matter, it is very difficult to really decide a hero of the three arts. Although the young man who rushed to the front of the Takabe ran the first race, but his thin body wanted to win Is that possible in wrestling?

As for archery, they are also very confident in their own nephews, and believe that in the end, those who won a single victory will have to fight one more time, a game for the queen. Finally, select a knight who is excellent in all rankings to become the queen’s husband, they still have a chance, the last moment has not yet arrived.

Yang Ling stood happily in front of the tent, watching the cheering herdsmen crowded in the distance and rushed to the queen ’s camp with the red lady, and laughed softly. Queen Yinqi has been staying in the tent, accompanied by living Buddhas and coaches and other valuable guests to drink tea, and never ran out of the tent to pay attention to the progress of the competition, but Nadamu held it for three days. There was still some nervousness in her look.

When I heard someone loudly report the result of the game, when the winner was Yang Ying, Yin Qi’s shoulder collapsed, apparently slackened from the tension, and there was a slight smile in his lips. Jingliang’s eyes turned slightly and glanced at the Living Buddha and others. The smile that had just emerged was taken away by her, but the two curled eyebrows still inadvertently shivered with joy.

An elderly man stumbling. Wearing clean robes, he walked to the red lady’s ground horse, holding the white Hada, singing a beautiful hymn: “Nadamu gathered in the public, this horse stands out, the dragon king’s ribbon is tied on the neck, hit on the hip With the imprint of the teacher. Elephant-like head, fish-like palate. Wolf-like ears, star-like eyes, rainbow-like tail, velvet neck temples. Each joint is covered with hair, each root The hair is gilded with gold. The BMW, a god-made horse, wipes the auspicious and holy milk on your head … “.

He praised the horse’s posture, even every part of the horse, and held a small lacquered gold bowl on the horse’s forehead with the milk. Finally raised the horse milk high and dedicated it to Yang Ying.

The red lady saw him rubbing his horse’s milk with his fingers and rubbing it on the horse. Finally, she let her drink the rest of the horse’s milk and frowned secretly. But this is a custom on the grassland, and many herdsmen are staring at her with earnest and respectful eyes. The warriors who lost to her looked at the small bowl in her hand, seeming to be full of jealousy.

Cui Yinger smiled bitterly, lifted the bowl daringly, and closed his eyes. The half bowl of mare’s milk was drunk. The grassland was boiling, and the herdsmen in the distance formed a large and small circle of circles, holding hands and singing and dancing, and there was a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere everywhere.

Cheng Qiyun stood in front of the tent, smiling and looking at the happy shepherd, listening to the rhythm of the music, his chin slightly tapped, and his rhythm should be matched. It seems to have to follow the song. At this moment a person walked quietly behind her, lowering her voice and making a few words.

Cheng Qiyun’s shoulder shook gently with the shepherd’s song, and turned his head casually, commanding: “Let them do it, don’t intervene. When they succeed, bring Ai Shen back, and the rest of them will disappear.”

“Yes!” The figure behind him quietly left again.


“Adult”, Cheng Qiyun turned her head. There was a sweet smile on his face.

“How come you dangle too. Do you like their dance?”

“Their dance is cheerful and free, don’t have a taste. Not bad.”

Yang Ling approached and looked at the herdsmen singing and dancing around her waist and smiled: “I prefer the dance you dance, which is a hundred times better than this.”

“Me?” Cheng Qiyun’s eyes rolled round and said in surprise: “Did I jump in front of an adult? Why can’t I remember?”

“Why not? Remember that it was the first time you came to our house, and lived in the inner study, with a gold waist chain attached to the slender waist. You danced on the ground and danced with Zhu … The water is skin, the snake is bone, and charming The twisted, charming eyes, a terrible vixen. ” Yang Ling laughed happily.

Cheng Qiyun bit her lip and slapped him with a smile. She reached out and brushed her hair, her eyes gleamed with hope, “Then … I will show you tonight, I will show you alone, good or not?”

“Um! Um … well!” Cheng Qiyun suddenly found Yang Ling’s hand away from his waist. His two eyes looked forward, his expression on his face was very serious, and his chin was still very serious. Location, so a shameless face talking to her about “business”.

Cheng Qiyun moved her eyes deliberately, unsurprisingly, Cui Yinger was passing by the tent, accompanied by Feng Lei, Jing Foer and others. Although she was inconvenienced to meet each other, the clear water-like eyes could stay Stare here.

“Huh! The old man is only afraid of her!” Cheng Qiyun snorted arrogantly, while holding up her hands as if nothing happened, while pressing the tip of the boot onto Yang Ling’s foot, his shoulders leaned forward, rolling, rolling Yeah …

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