Back To the Past To Fall In Love

Chapter 100

Chapter 100:

The night wind with the summer heat and the breath of green leaves burst into the classroom, which is the familiar taste of youth night.

But let Xu Ziran recall the youth of the past life and make sure that he has never encountered such a thing.

The empty classroom, the floating curtains, the old incandescent lamps, the two people looking at each other, and—

The beating is getting more and more violent, as if the heart is about to break through the chest cavity, and the warm sweat is constantly pouring out from the palms of the back.

Oops, the more you live, the more you go.

Xu Ziran thought to himself.

Is it possible that I have a complete set of underage shells, so I even follow the mentality of underage?

But when you think about it, it’s true.

Humans are animals that are easily affected by the environment. Seeing that they have been in the atmosphere of young students for so long, their mentality is different from before, which is normal.

However, the bigger reason was probably because the person he met was Qiu Yurou.

Thinking about it carefully, if someone circled her against the wall, she should have pushed him away without hesitation.

But now, she not only hesitated, but even enjoyed the feeling a little.

All the hidden restlessness and exhaustion in her heart gradually settled down. Although Xu Ziran was nervous, she was not panicked—but she was still somewhat curious. Now this situation seems like an accident. If it was Qiu Yurou, what would she do next? ?

When Xu Ziran’s eyes gradually turned into curiosity, Qiu Yurou finally recovered and began to panic.

As a pure and ignorant girl – so, what should I do next?

Seeing Qiu Yurou’s expression, Xu Ziran almost laughed.

Still a kid after all.

It was she who raised her hand to push Qiu Yurou, but after she stretched her hand hard, she realized that something was wrong.

This soft texture, slight bounce, and warm body temperature—

Xu Ziran looked at his hand on Qiu Yurou’s chest, was silent for two seconds, and took it back.

“Accident.” She explained immediately.

And in the next second, Qiu Yurou reached out and pressed her head, and lowered her head to approach Xu Ziran’s face.

Probably because they were in the corner of the classroom, they were close to each other, so when the other’s face was close, Xu Ziran couldn’t see the other’s face, only heard the other’s breathing, and smelled the familiar scent of shampoo from Qiu Yurou.

So all thoughts melted like ice and snow in spring, and the lips and teeth met, Xu Ziran touched the wet lips, and slid from the corner of her mouth like a dragonfly.

Then Qiu Yurou’s voice whispered in her ear: “I’m sorry, it was an accident.”

Xu Ziran: “…” Even fools wouldn’t believe it was an accident!

But she could only nod her head, and at the same time she felt a little lost and dissatisfied.

Is it just a kiss like this… In other words, Qiu Yurou can’t be, can’t kiss wet?

But when she thought of this, Xu Ziran suddenly felt that she cared about **** after minors. She didn’t even dare to take the initiative all these years, just because the psychological pressure was like a shadow, so that it seems to have become a habit by now.

– All in all, it was like something was pressing in my heart, and I couldn’t take the initiative.

But there are still a few months left. It is estimated that in a few months, when I take off this big hat of “obscene” minors, my mentality will be healthier.

Therefore, dissatisfaction can only be hidden in the bottom of her heart, turning into a vague itch that scratches her heart, so that she can only push Qiu Yurou away immediately, so that she will not lose her mind.

She was about to use the self-control of an adult who she barely left behind to make Qiu Yurou go home early, when Qiu Yurou said, “Okay, it’s very late, let’s go early.”

So the night was dark, and the two walked towards the house together.

In the last time of the third year of high school, it seems that the fast seems to pass quickly, and the slow seems to be like a year.

Xu Ziran herself didn’t care too much about this last time. After all, she had gone through the college entrance examination once, and she felt that she had worked hard enough before, and it would be meaningless to crawl again.

But her friends are very concerned about this matter. Li Luling not only stopped all her work, but also made her not allow any more information on social networking sites, so that her attention was paid to her because she was a mysterious developer. Part of the audience began to doubt whether she was a college student.

However, most of them still think that this is just a joke. No one will believe that the shareholders of the group, who are now worth hundreds of millions, still have to take the college entrance examination.

Even Luo Feifei made a special call to tell her not to be nervous in the college entrance examination.

Xu Ziran wanted to roll his eyes.

I wasn’t nervous at first, but after hearing this kind of thing a lot, I should be nervous, okay?

After several mock exams, Xu Ziran’s ranking once fell out of the previous year’s H major score line. That was because she was distracted by other things during that exam, and everything else was relatively stable, which made the head teacher smile.

Qiu Yurou said that her target school had been changed to the best medical school in the country, so the teachers seemed to understand her idea of rejecting so many good schools before, but urged her to take the college entrance examination seriously and not to play erratically.

But obviously, under normal circumstances, Qiu Yurou would never behave abnormally.

Just look at her performance in the mock test, which has shocked the TV station. If the school hadn’t stopped her, the TV station would have wanted to climb into the school to interview.

Xu Ziran felt that it was not a problem for Qiu Yurou to surpass the so-called academic tyrants and Internet celebrities.

When the sweltering heat in the summer was getting more and more pressing, and the students in the school were becoming more and more agitated, the volunteer application form was finally issued. The head teacher sternly reminded the seriousness of the incident again, and conducted two classes Ideological education, and then ask the students to go home with the volunteer form, and discuss with their parents what school to fill in.

However, after Xu Ziran went home with the form, her parents didn’t say anything extra.

Her mother even said, “It’s not the same for every school. You didn’t think about it before.”

When he said that, he had to look carefully at her expression.

Xu Ziran didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

At this stage, the candidates seem to have become delicate and fragile china, and parents and teachers believe that they can be blown to pieces by a heavy blow.

Xu Ziran didn’t say much. After all, even the system had a countdown to the college entrance examination on the panel. In the column where famous quotes were originally written, some important formulas appeared.

And Xu Ziran also began to believe that the previous year’s college entrance examination book in the library that could not be unlocked might indeed not be unlocked.

After all, the system has to lock the function to send some tasks even in the usual mock exams, not to mention the college entrance examination.

Xu Ziran returned to the bedroom with the schoolbag, took out the volunteer to fill out the form, and spread it out on the table.

After filling in the usual name, age, and ethnicity, he stopped in the columns of the school.

How big is h…

When I mentioned that I would fill in the h major, the group of h major expressed a warm welcome to them.

Because some people continued to study for a PhD, they said that they would definitely bring Xu Ziran to get acquainted with the school, invite guests to dinner, guide the course, and reveal the exam questions (?)…

This kind of feeling of being carried by a full-level senior to fly is really refreshing, so Xu Ziran simply doesn’t understand why he hesitates now.

But if you think about it for a while, the answer will come out.

Of course it was because of Qiu Yurou.

It can only be because of Qiu Yurou.

Xu Ziran thought of something, took out an administrative map of China from the bookshelf, and spread it on the bed belonging to Qiu Yurou.

Yes, after that, this bed has been placed in Xu Ziran’s room, and Qiu Yurou will occasionally come to live there.

Sometimes after a long absence, Xu’s mother would also mention whether to move the bed away, but Xu Ziran always shook her head, otherwise she would remain silent and reject it negatively.

Anyway, it was Xu Ziran’s own room, and Mother Xu didn’t persuade her much, but only occasionally mentioned that the bed had been left for so long, but Rourou came less often.

And Xu Ziran naturally couldn’t say that, because he was worried that Qiu Yurou would come too many times, that they would not be able to control them, and that he was worried that the relationship between the two would be seen.

Now Xu Ziran put the map on the bed, and it was just flattened. She drew a circle in the capital with a pen, and then drew a circle in Q city.

She looked at the map and sighed in her heart: ah, it’s really far.

On a scale of 1 to 10,000, it seems that the distance is already that far, so in fact, how far should it be?

Xu Ziran is not without concepts.

Under the kind of traffic in later generations, the plane takes four hours. If the weather is bad and there is an accident, it will be even more difficult to say.

Later, the high-speed rail was opened, but I had to change trains, not to mention that there are only trains now, and the journey is arduous.

Xu Ziran made a line in the two circles, and then sighed.

She read it for a long time, and finally took out the book of school grades over the years and started to check what other suitable schools in Q city are.

After checking it, I was a little surprised.

Because there used to be a prestigious conservatory over there, and next door is Q University, which is also a key university.

Q University later became very famous because of a movie, which can be regarded as the school that Xu Ziran once dreamed of.

It’s just that I was still young at that time, and I mainly saw the beautiful environment of the school. I didn’t think about it too much, and in the end I gradually forgot about it.

Now Xu Ziran has considered the actual situation. After searching on the Internet, he found that software engineering or information are both strong points, and he is still increasing the investment in these subjects.

Xu Ziran pondered on his face, and found that there might not be a way to have the best of both worlds.

Probably because he was thinking too much, it took Xu Ziran a while to realize that someone had smashed something on his window.

Usually only Tian Jiaqi would do this. Xu Ziran took it for granted that Tian Jiaqi wanted to talk to her about volunteering, but she opened the window to take a look and found that there was no one on the opposite balcony.

Strangely enough, a familiar voice came from downstairs—

“Cumin, come open the door.”

Qiu Yurou was standing downstairs in a home clothes, and waved at Xu Ziran, holding a cat in her arms.

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