Back To the Past To Fall In Love

Chapter 39

Chapter 39:

Xu Ziran saw the crowd give way like Moses dividing the sea, revealing a figure of one person.

The other party was a medium-sized girl with short hair like a boy, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and looked dissatisfied.

When he saw this person, Xu Ziran hadn’t remembered who it was, but when everyone started to vaguely say her name, Xu Ziran finally remembered.

“Is it Xia Qian?”

“It’s Xia Qian.”

“Xia Qian is so angry, I guess.”

“She also boasted about Haikou before…”

Xia Qian.

Xu Ziran remembered her because in high school, the other party could be described as a man of influence in their school.

The other party could have gone to the best high school in the city, but because her mother was the head teacher of the key class, she was kept by the school for convenience, and she also made a bold statement, saying that she would never give up the first place.

In fact, Xia Qian in her previous life did it.

Even when the other party was in the third year of high school, because of the high fever, he was alone in the hospital and was surrounded by teachers for the exam, and he was also ranked first in the city.

But now she is in an abnormal situation.

Xu Ziran felt that the first place that was good originally was like searching for something, but it disappeared like this. Some emotions are normal, but when it broke out in such a large audience, Xia Qian’s self-cultivation is really much worse than expected.

This may be because Xia Qian, a freshman in high school, is still a little immature, or it may be because the other party has never encountered such a situation in her previous life.

At this time, Xia Qian looked at Xu Ziran and Qiu Yurou next to her, her eyes fixed on her, and she asked in a stern tone, “Aren’t you embarrassed, relying on such means.”

Qiu Yurou glanced at the other party, her eyes were calm, and without saying a word, she pulled Xu Ziran’s arm and turned away.

She felt that the clearer did not need to say more, but she didn’t know that everyone only felt that she and Xia Qian were disdainful for speaking, and there was an uproar.

In fact, up to now, few people think that Qiu Yurou is cheating. After all, those teachers’ troubles have gradually spread, not to mention such a high score, it doesn’t look like cheating at all, unless you know the test paper in advance.

Some people do think that Qiu Yurou knew the test papers in advance, and even that person believed that Xu Ziran and the group of people who had made extraordinary progress were all overtaken.

This person is the head teacher of the first class, and also Xia Qian’s mother, Zhou Luquan.

The dean is also very supportive. He said that it is not that he does not want to apologize, but that things are not normal at all.

It’s just that there is no evidence for the matter, so naturally the student cannot be wronged for no reason, so he decided not to punish the cheating, but he will not apologize.

And because of this, they will not agree to pass the request of the society.

Zhang Xuan, Tian Jiaqi and the others scolded them as mean in private, but they were helpless.

But things turned around on Monday. The beginning of the turnaround was when Xu Ziran was called out by the principal during recess.

Because the principal’s usual presence is really not high, when he first appeared, everyone didn’t even know who it was, until Xu Ziran glanced at it and said to everyone: “It’s the principal, if I don’t come to the next class, please help me on vacation.”

Everyone nodded suddenly.

The principal’s surname is Liu. She heard Xu Ziran’s explanation to her classmates outside, and she smiled when Xu Ziran approached: “I won’t waste your time, you won’t miss the next class.”

Xu Ziran nodded shyly and said, “Just in case.”

She hadn’t had much contact with the principal in her previous life. After all, the other party seemed to have someone above her, and her promotion was as fast as lightning, but after contacting her in this life, she felt that the other party was not bad. When facing the principal, they couldn’t help pretending to be quiet.

The gentle and elegant principal looked at Xu Ziran like this, and said with a smile: “I see your behavior these days, and that report, you are not so careful.”

Xu Ziran said, “I respect you, so I’m so careful.”

Principal Liu narrowed his eyes, ignoring Xu Ziran’s high hat, and instead asked, “As time is limited, I will ask directly, did you write your report yourself?”

Xu Ziran raised his eyes and glanced at Principal Liu.

As soon as this question is asked, it is obviously different from others.

Although the head teacher knows that this report is beautifully written, he does not know how advanced and important the information contained in it is. The dean… Forget it, the dean may not have read it at all. So far, only the principal has discovered the value of this report. .

While Xu Ziran sighed that Maxima is common but Bole is not, he was thinking about finding a reasonable excuse.

Seeing that Xu Ziran didn’t answer for so long, the principal thought that the other party was hesitant, and said, “I don’t think that the report was ghostwritten. I mean, have you heard of the information analyzed in it?”

Xu Ziran thought of an idea: “I saw it online.”

“On the Internet?” Principal Liu was taken aback.

“Yeah, just Tianya, Shuimu, those communities, I read those posts, maybe I had some impressions, and I wrote them unconsciously.”

“Unconscious…” Principal Liu muttered to himself, raised his hand to look at the time on the watch, and said, “I have something to do in a few days, I’m afraid I’m not at school, but I will start to enter the club. Normal Process.”

Xu Ziran was startled, with a smile already on his face: “Really? Can we start a club?”

The principal nodded, with a faint smile: “Not only you can set up clubs, but the whole school can set up clubs, as you said in your report, this new era will always come, and whether you choose to set sail or follow the trend, then It’s your choice, isn’t it?”

Xu Ziran nodded vigorously.

The principal turned around and left after saying a few words of encouragement, while Xu Ziran turned around and wanted to share the good news with everyone.

As soon as she entered the classroom, she saw Qiu Yurou looking up at her, her eyes were as clear as water, which gradually calmed her restless heart.

The two looked at each other, and gradually, they both laughed.

It’s like a look, they already know each other, the deep meaning of each other’s heart.

When school was over the next day, the head teacher stopped Xu Ziran and said that they could choose the club classroom.

It is said that it is a choice, but in fact, there is no choice. It is a row of empty classrooms on the second floor of the old teaching building. It is almost the same. In the end, everyone chose the one closest to the stair entrance based on the criterion of taking a few steps less. When I opened the door and went in, the dust flew up one after another, the old-fashioned tables and chairs were leaning around, and a row of footprints appeared as soon as they stepped on the concrete floor.

But everyone looked at this classroom very pleasing to the eye.

Because this classroom represents their successful struggle and a different living state.

The head teacher stayed at the door and watched them enter the dusty classroom one by one, and said with disgust, “You can use it after you clean it up. And what is the name of your club? What’s it called? Light Culture Committee ?”

Xu Ziran didn’t look back: “Modern Light Culture Research Committee, referred to as Xian Qingyan.”

“Uh, is that so, does anyone else have an opinion?”

Qiu Yurou nodded.

Tian Jiaqi said happily: “No, I don’t care.”

Zhang Xuan said blankly: “Although I don’t know what it means, but it sounds very advanced, I have no problem.”

Cheng Haoyan started to wipe the table with a rag.

Everyone had no opinion, and the head teacher said again: “What about the members, the five of you?”

Only then did Xu Ziran remember this.

She, Tian Jiaqi and Qiu Yurou, were the only ones who were sure to come. Now these two boys were pulled over because they just happened to be away at night.

But if the two of them agree, it seems to be just right.

Xu Ziran cast an expectant look at them.

Zhang Xuan thought for a while and said, “I should be fine, then Haohao should be fine. Anyway, I usually have nothing to do.”

In this way, it was finally determined, and everyone started to clean the classroom while their hearts were hot.

When she was about to clean the classroom, when Tian Jiaqi brought the water in, she saw Qiu Yurou cleaning the blackboard and suddenly asked, “So Yurou, why did you do so well in the test all of a sudden?”

Qiu Yurou paused, then glanced at Tian Jiaqi first, and said, “What do you call me?”

I don’t know if it’s because after getting along with them these days, Qiu Yurou no longer has the constraints of the past when facing them. Instead, from time to time, she makes everyone jump because of some overly sharp remarks. It’s like now, she suddenly asked Tian Jiaqi. That sentence, with a low voice and a neat tone, made Tian Jiaqi take a step back in surprise.

After retreating, Tian Jiaqi felt that she had retreated inexplicably and said, “Fish, isn’t cumin always called like that?”

Tian Jiaqi is basically a natural acquaintance. Unless it is someone she doesn’t want to meet, she never knows what shyness is.

But she is not someone who doesn’t know how to look at other people’s eyes. Although she can’t tell any mood when she sees Qiu Yurou’s lukewarm face, she also instinctively senses that the other party seems to be a little unhappy. He said, “Cumin and fish seem to go well together.”

Qiu Yurou’s eyes loosened and she said, “Is it a good match?”

Tian Jiaqi nodded quickly and desperately.

The conversation between the two ended, but they completely ignored the question at the beginning, and Cheng Haoyan, who was trying to hear the answer, almost fell off the chair with his ears pricked while stepping on the chair to clean the glass.

He couldn’t bear it any longer, so he asked himself, “What about the exam? Can’t you really say the reason?”

When Cheng Haoyan asked this question, Xu Ziran was returning from washing the rag, and met Zhang Xuan in the corridor.

She said to Zhang Xuan, “We chose the wrong classroom. Although we entered from the entrance of the stairs, it was too far from the toilet.”

Zhang Xuan nodded sympathetically, and the two exchanged information about the toilet and the stairway.

The three people in the classroom seemed to have pressed the pause button, those who cleaned the blackboard did not clean the blackboard, those who cleaned the glass did not clean the glass, and those who carried the water did not put it down, so Xu Ziran couldn’t help but reminded: ” Jiaqi, you are not heavy.”

Tian Jiaqi made an “ouch”, and then she remembered, and quickly put down the water.

Xu Ziran asked, “What’s going on? Is the cassette on or is it suspended?”

Cheng Haoyan rubbed his nose with his sleeve and started cleaning the glass again.

Tian Jiaqi stood beside Xu Ziran and said softly, “I seem to have said something wrong again, I just wanted to ask Qiu Yurou how she could suddenly do so well in the test.”

Although Tian Jiaqi spoke lightly, but unfortunately there was no one in the classroom, so even if it was a very low voice, the other four people in the classroom could hear it clearly.

Xu Ziran glanced at Tian Jiaqi and wondered whether the other party was intentional or unintentional.

She used to think that Tian Jiaqi was unintentional, but after what happened, she couldn’t help thinking Tian Jiaqi more complicated.

But looking at the present Tian Jiaqi, she realized that she had spoken too loudly and showed a look of remorse. Xu Ziran thought that Tian Jiaqi, who was fifteen years old, might be a little… um… dull?

But Xu Ziran didn’t have time to care about it at this time, because she just wanted to change the topic naturally.

But before she could figure it out, Zhang Xuan behind her said: “Qiu Yurou, in fact, we have all seen it, your grades can’t be so good all of a sudden, you must have been disdainful of doing well in the test before, but everyone is now We’re all friends, can’t we really talk about this?”

Xu Ziran frowned. She felt that Zhang Xuan’s words were suspected of being emotionally kidnapped, and she was about to stop it when she suddenly heard Qiu Yurou say: “We are all friends?”

Xu Ziran looked at Qiu Yurou, and when she saw the other’s expression, she was a little confused.

And the system suddenly jumped out and said—

[The task progress is refreshed, the target character’s Melancholy Mystery, the task progress is 30% completed]

[Dear host, your target person is very happy, please make persistent efforts. 】

Xu Ziran was about to speak the language of changing the subject, but was pressed into his throat by this prompt.

Xu Ziran now realizes more or less that this system will not make mistakes in judging the emotions of the target person.

It really fits its custom name and pink panel, and it’s a well-targeted romance system.

It said that Qiu Yurou is very happy now, then Qiu Yurou must be very happy.

Although the other party can’t see a happy expression at all now, and even because he is too dazed and confused, he has drawn the hatred of others.

Zhang Xuan blushed and said angrily, “What kind of expression do you have, do you despise us?”

Qiu Yurou widened her eyes and said hurriedly, “No, no, no, I just…”

As she spoke, she stepped forward, and without paying attention, she fell from the high platform in front of the blackboard.

Fortunately, Xu Ziran had been paying attention, so he hurried forward and supported her.

Qiu Yurou threw herself on Xu Ziran’s body, and Xu Ziran felt the other’s faster heartbeat and rising body temperature.

She suddenly had a strange feeling that although the other party was so calm, she needed her own care.

It was as if now, she was obliged to speak out the unfinished words of the other party.

Xu Ziran helped Qiu Yurou, turned to look at everyone and said with a smile: “Okay, everyone is tired, sit down and have a rest.”

Everyone moved the cleaned chairs and sat in a messy circle. Qiu Yurou gave a rough overview of her mood. After resolving the misunderstanding caused by the poor communication of expressions, she sorted out her mood and explained the reason why she would hide it earlier.

Although she didn’t say much, she still made it clear in general, but after she said the reason, everyone looked at each other and couldn’t understand it.

Tian Jiaqi said first: “You mean, because your mother is always dissatisfied with you, so you simply become a mediocre person and let her have no expectations?”

Qiu Yurou thought for a while and nodded.

Tian Jiaqi looked puzzled: “Why? But if it was good, your mother should be happy too? Where can she be dissatisfied?”

Qiu Yurou said affirmatively: “She will never be happy, and she will never be satisfied. If I can learn something within a year, she will think that my aptitude is mediocre, so she will not do any persecution, but if I can learn something within a month After learning something, she will feel that I should be able to learn it within half a month, but it’s just not hard enough.”

Others seem to understand, but Xu Ziran has already sensed Qiu Yurou’s despair from the other party’s seemingly calm but dark tone.

She believed that Qiu Yurou never lied, but she also knew that this was not the whole reason.

Because the task progress of the system is still only 50%, that is to say, Qiu Yurou has also concealed at least half of the other reasons.

Xu Ziran remained calm and did not make any demands on it. She felt that Qiu Yurou had said enough today.

In the end, although everyone still couldn’t understand Qiu’s mother’s mentality, they roughly felt Qiu Yurou’s pressure, so they all sighed that there are actually such parents in reality.

Xu Ziran thought: There should not be more parents like this, but their children are not as talented as Qiu Yurou.

On the way home, Tian Jiaqi asked Xu Ziran, “Do you know about this?”

Xu Ziran shook his head: “I heard it for the first time today.”

Tian Jiaqi then said, “Then what kind of person do you think Qiu Yurou’s mother is?”

Xu Ziran was thoughtful, but did not answer.

What kind of person?

Xu Ziran saw Qiu Yurou’s mother from a distance at the airport.

One day Qiu Yurou flew back from abroad, Xu Ziran went to pick up the plane, and when the two came out of the exit, Qiu Yurou suddenly stopped.

Xu Ziran tilted his head to look at Qiu Yurou, and when he saw that the other party was looking in a certain direction not far away, he looked in that direction.

Then Xu Ziran saw in the crowd, and saw a woman who stood out from the crowd even though there was a commotion all around.

The other party is wearing sunglasses and a white narrow skirt. Looking at it in general, in addition to the attention-grabbing temperament of the whole body, it is one word – “thin”.

Xu Ziran was attracted by the other party, and was about to ask Qiu Yurou if he knew him, when he heard Qiu Yurou say, “Let’s go, that’s my mother.”

Although in general, seeing Mom and turning away immediately can’t be linked, but Qiu Yurou has always been convincing, Xu Ziran didn’t ask any more questions, and followed Qiu Yurou away.

If you think about it now, Qiu Yurou at that time probably didn’t have a good relationship with her mother.

No, it’s not so much that it’s bad, it’s more that it’s down to freezing point.

That is indeed a relationship that is unimaginable for ordinary people.

When Xu Ziran walked home, he was still thinking about the future, but he didn’t notice that there was a heavy atmosphere in the house.

When he put his schoolbag in the room and went downstairs, Xu Ziran realized that something was wrong.

Her parents and her mother were both sitting on the sofa without even turning on the lights. The two of them looked at her blankly, like two dolls.

Xu Zi then took a step back, a few classic horror films flashed through his mind.

She turned on the light herself, and when she found that there was no smoke in the house, apparently no cooking, she said, “What’s the matter, there’s no gas?”

After the lights were turned on, the weird atmosphere in the home was broken up a bit, but it was still not good, because her parents’ expressions were gloomy.

After a while, when Xu Ziran was thinking about whether to go to Tian Jiaqi’s house next door to hide for the night, Mother Xu said, “You don’t know what’s going on?”

Xu Ziran sat on the sofa on the side with a puzzled face, but as soon as her **** touched the sofa, Mother Xu suddenly said sharply, “How dare you sit!”

This sound made Xu Ziran stand up immediately, and stared at Xu’s mother with wide eyes. In the daze and panic, she suddenly thought of something.

“Did someone call today?” Xu Ziran asked.

Mother Xu was taken aback for a moment, apparently Xu Ziran’s reaction exceeded her expectations, so she subconsciously said, “Yes, your dean called me.”

Xu Ziran suddenly became even more angry than his parents, and walked up to his parents to suppress his anger and said, “Did he say I cheated?”

Mother Xu was at a loss because of Xu Ziran’s reaction.

After all, she was her own daughter, so she still found Xu Ziran’s suppressed anger, but it was because of this that she couldn’t figure it out.

She knew her daughter and knew that if Xu Ziran really cheated, when she was exposed now, it would definitely not be this reaction, it should be a guilty conscience first.

She nodded, and heard Xu Ziran raise her voice: “You believe him when he said cheating. Am I still your daughter, am I so unbearable in your eyes?!”

As soon as the words fell, Xu Ziran’s tears flowed down.

This is not acting, and half of it is love.

She remembered that when Mother Xu forced her to marry in the future, she would also stab her while sitting on the sofa, as if she had done something heinous.

But because half of them are actually acting, Xu Ziran can still spare some energy to secretly observe the expressions of his parents.

When she saw it, she was happy.

Her parents were really anxious. Her father glared at her mother and whispered, “I said I need to ask the child first. Look at you, you must have made a mistake.”

Xu’s mother glared at Xu’s father: “Who wouldn’t let off a cannon after a horse!”

After saying this, he hurriedly stepped forward, took Xu Ziran in his arms, and apologized repeatedly: “I’m sorry, but of course, it’s my mother’s fault, my mother is talking nonsense, my mother is ignorant, don’t cry…”

Xu Ziran was out of breath from crying, Xu’s mother and Xu’s father surrounded her and comforted her, promising a lot of benefits, and finally calmed her down, and Xu Ziran began to cry and talk about the previous few days. Come.

When she was about to say something, there was a knock on the door, followed by the voice of Tian Jiaqi’s family next door.

Mother Xu hurriedly opened the door and welcomed Tian Jiaqi’s family in. Xu Ziran looked up at Tian Jiaqi and winked at her when she saw that the other party was also wearing tears.

Sure enough, Tian Jiaqi’s solution was similar to hers, the so-called cry, trouble, and hang herself.

The parents on both sides exchanged their confessions on the side, and when they found out that they were almost the same, they were outraged.

“This is a broken school. I don’t want students to learn well. If they pass the exam, they will even wrong our children.”

“It’s probably not the school’s problem, it’s the teacher’s problem.”

“You didn’t listen to Jiaqi, it’s the dean.”

“I would say that the current education system is too rigid…”

Seeing that the parents on the side began to criticize the education system, Xu Ziran also discussed with Tian Jiaqi about his acting experience.

After talking for a while, she said with emotion: “It’s still my parents who believe me now, it seems that they are still their biological daughters.”

As she said that, she thought of her future self, and then thought of Qiu Yurou.

Her face changed.

If the dean called their parents, did they also call Qiu Yurou’s mother? Has Qiu Yurou also encountered such a question?

Xu Ziran thought of the turbulent dark tide under Qiu Yurou’s calm expression, and the calm and unwavering tone at the exit of the airport.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziran ignored the shouts of the parents behind him, rushed out of the house and got on a bicycle, rushing towards Qiu Yurou’s house.

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