Back To the Past To Fall In Love

Chapter 86

Chapter 86:

Autumn is high and crisp, and there are no clouds in the sky.

Xu Ziran felt that every time a sports meeting was held, it seemed to be like this.

I don’t know if this is the reason why she always writes like this at the beginning of her essay describing the sports meeting.

Now it seems that it is true that there are no clouds in thousands of miles, but it is not necessarily the case that autumn is high and airy.

The location for their class was on the football lawn in the middle of the track and field, so because there was no shelter, they just survived the opening speech in place, and Xu Ziran was already eager to rush to the stage and throw away the dean’s manuscript.

When the dean finished his speech and went down with satisfaction, the audience began to riot, the sound of “March of Athletes” was played on the radio, and the sports meeting was officially started.

The crowd immediately dispersed. Xu Ziran was about to take Qiu Yurou to a place with a shade on the side, but Jiang Peng, the sports committee member, came over and said to them, “The teacher said that we need to keep some people here, so you should stay and meet the athletes.”

Qiu Yurou said, “We are also athletes.”

Jiang Peng was about to speak when Xu Ziran pulled Qiu Yurou, rolled his eyes at Jiang Peng, and turned away.

As she walked, she said to Qiu Yurou, “Ignore him, who does he think he is.”

Because 1,500 meters was in the afternoon of this day, Xu Ziran and Qiu Yurou had nothing to do in the morning.

Although Xu Ziran admits that he has no sense of collective honor, he always wants to see his friends’ competitions, so he first went to see Zhang Xuan’s long jump.

This competition was reported casually. Zhang Xuan had never practiced long jump at all, so he grinned and ran to the springboard, meaning he jumped, and in the eyes of the teacher next to him, he waved his hand around the field and ran back to the starting point, ready to jump. Second jump.

At this time, he saw Xu Ziran and Qiu Yurou, so he waved his hand enthusiastically and gave them a thumbs up. Xu Ziran couldn’t bear to look directly, and pulled Qiu Yurou away.

As soon as he turned around, he bumped into someone, and a cup of drink fell on Qiu Yurou’s shoes.

Xu Ziran raised his head and wanted to apologize, but he saw Bai Yuge.

So the apology became: “Is there not your freshman game here?”

Bai Yuge frowned slightly, looked at the empty cup in his hand, then raised his head, glanced over Xu Ziran’s shoulder, looked behind Xu Ziran, and said, “I’m sorry, senior, I spilled the drink.”

Xu Ziran turned around and saw a boy from the next class running over and said, “It’s alright, it’s okay, I’m going to trouble the junior girl.”

Looking at it like this, it seemed like it was really an accident, but Xu Ziran felt that he couldn’t be stingy with thinking about Bai Yuge in the worst possible way, so he gave her a vigilant look and helped Qiu Yurou to leave.

Qiu Yurou was wearing a pair of white sneakers, and Bai Yuge poured orange juice, so it was very obvious after dyeing.

If Xu Ziran encounters such a thing, of course it doesn’t matter, but Qiu Yurou has both obsessive-compulsive disorder and a bit of a cleanliness addiction, so she kept looking at the shoes on her feet, and finally she couldn’t stand it anymore, so she stopped and said, “I still have to go take a shower. shoe.”

“But what are you wearing after washing your shoes?” Xu Ziran asked.

Qiu Yurou thought for a while and said, “They seem to have prepared slippers for the athletes. There is no running competition in the morning, so let me use them first.”

Xu Ziran nodded in agreement, but was a little worried.

Jiang Peng seemed to be very focused on them, and he didn’t know if he would agree to lend them slippers.

In the end, Xu Ziran thought too much this time, Jiang Peng happily took out the slippers, and encouraged Qiu Yurou to say that she hoped she would get good grades in the afternoon.

Qiu Yurou washed her shoes and hung them on their seats, then put on slippers to watch other people’s games.

They went to see Cheng Haoyan’s high jump again.

Cheng Haoyan, who is neither tall nor thin, usually looks like he has no speciality in sports at all, but in fact… he really doesn’t have any speciality in sports.

The other side ran quietly in front of the jumping pole, then jumped – jumped from under the pole and lay on the cushion.

Everyone: “…”

Xu Ziran covered his face with his hands, pretending he didn’t know him.

In short, it’s not interesting to continue in this state. After Cheng Haoyan brushed his presence, he simply went to watch Tian Jiaqi’s game with Xu Ziran and Qiu Yurou.

Tian Jiaqi participated in the 4*100 and was the second best. You can see from the ranking that she made up the number simply because she couldn’t find anyone else.

In order not to get tanned, she wore long-sleeved trousers and was begging the teacher to let her wear a hat.

Xu Ziran: “…”

Xia Qian recited English on the side and said, “Why haven’t you started yet?”

When Xu Ziran arrived, Xia Qian was already waiting here, so Xu Ziran guessed that she had been waiting for a long time, so Xu Ziran asked strangely, “Aren’t you going to watch your class’s game first?”

Xia Qian showed the big bag and the small bag in her hand: “Jiaqi asked me to help her look at the bag, in fact, I thought I could not look at it, but she had put the bag in my hand before, so I had to Stay here, after all, she has a lot of important things in her bag…”

Xu Ziran put his head aside, not listening to the chattering voice of Xia Qian, who was becoming more and more chatty.

Although Tian Jiaqi looked disrespectful, she was still her own friend after all. Xu Ziran sat patiently on the side, ready to watch Tian Jiaqi’s game.

At this moment, Xia Qian poked Xu Ziran with her elbow, motioning Xu Ziran to look to the side.

Xu Ziran turned her head and saw an idiot who she hadn’t seen for a long time… Uh, she meant senior.

It is Qi Wendong.

She couldn’t help thinking: Although the sports meeting is indeed a group event for the whole school, there are too many people who I don’t want to see today.

Since Xu Ziran flew to the top student group in the mid-term exam last semester, she hadn’t seen Qi Wendong for a long time.

This is not only because it is not easy to see before different grades, but also because Qi Wendong seems to realize that Xu Ziran really hates him instead of embarrassed, and he is very depressed for a while.

The reason for knowing this is because a certain so-called friend of Qi Wendong said to her with a sad face for a while, how sad Qi Wendong was for her, how despairing he was, and how unlovable he was.

Xu Ziran said, “Oh.”

Probably because Xu Ziran’s response was too cold, so he was defined as a cold-blooded and ruthless person, so there was gradually no movement there.

At this moment, Xu Ziran was a little surprised to see Qi Wendong actually walking over.

Qi Wendong came over and said with a pretentious smile: “Long time no see, how are you doing recently?”

Xu Ziran glanced at him: “It’s better if you don’t appear in front of me.”

Qi Wendong didn’t seem to hear it, and said calmly to Qiu Yurou next to Xu Ziran: “Can you spare me some space, I also want to watch the game.”

Qiu Yurou raised her head, her eyes seemed to be looking at a monkey playing a monkey show.

Qi Wendong was a little embarrassed by this look, and said to Xia Qian who was on the side: “Can you…”

Xia Qian interrupted him: “You go away, the game is about to start, you are blocking your view.”

As soon as the voice fell, the starting gun sounded, and the game began.

Although Tian Jiaqi made their class fall behind first, they caught up in the fourth round, and finally their class won the third place.

After Xu Ziran watched this painless game, Qi Wendong was no longer in sight. However, Qi Wendong’s voice came from behind him, saying, “…How did you get into our school?”

A familiar voice replied with a smile, “I walked in.”

“You, you are so conspicuous, haven’t you been discovered?”

“What if you found out?”

Xu Ziran turned around abruptly, and saw Luo Feifei sitting on the side, chatting with Qi Wendong.

Luo Feifei’s hair had grown to her shoulders, covering the tattoos on her neck, and there was no makeup on her face. Xu Ziran looked at it roughly and felt that the other party should have put on base makeup and didn’t even put on lipstick.

If it weren’t for the fact that the clothes were still black jackets and black denim shorts on the lower body, Xu Ziran almost felt that he had seen Luo Feifei ten years later.

Xu Ziran can recognize Luo Feifei by the impression ten years later, but others can’t, so Xia Qian forced her to ask, “You, are you Luo Feifei?”

Luo Feifei tilted her head, revealing the purple hair highlighted inside, she squinted and smiled: “Can’t you recognize it?”

In this way, there is the shadow of Luo Feifei before, everyone greeted Luo Feifei, Qi Wendong looked at Luo Feifei and said, “You really know them.”

Xu Ziran looked at Qi Wendong’s expression and felt that this expression was inexplicably familiar.

— A bit like the look on her face before.

Xu Ziran thought with some schadenfreude: Could it be that he has finally been liberated?

Just as she was about to show a relieved smile, Luo Feifei leaned over, pinched Xu Ziran’s chin with her fingers, and pressed the tip of her nose against hers: “Of course I know, and I’m very familiar, right?”

This incident happened too suddenly, Luo Feifei acted too naturally, and Xu Ziran didn’t react for a while.

When her nose met, she quickly took two steps back, so she almost fell down the steps, but fortunately Qiu Yurou grabbed her and pulled her to Lian’s side.

Xu Ziran ignored Qi Wendong’s expression like being struck by lightning, and looked at Qiu Yurou first, but instead of looking at her, Qiu Yurou looked at Luo Feifei and asked, “Why did you come here?”

Xu Ziran himself was enveloped in anger, so he was stunned by this sudden question, and then he reacted. In this case, it is indeed better to get out of the rhythm being carried by Luo Feifei.

The original ridicule context was broken up by this serious question, Luo Feifei showed a boring expression and said: “I’ll come to see you two games, by the way, a friend of mine also said that he wanted to come and have a look, so we came together. ”

Xu Ziran said with a sullen face: “Welcome to come to the game, but don’t make jokes like that in the future.”

After saying this, without waiting for Luo Feifei to answer, she looked around Luo Feifei and asked, “Where is your friend?”

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