Back to the Peak

Chapter 82

Chapter 81 success

Shi Qingyang yelled and yelled and went to the central control room, but he and Wang Qing didn’t understand the environment here, so they just came to the door of the central control room and were stopped.

It was still a few acquaintances who stopped them. Shi Qingyang glanced around and found that one of them was the fourth-level radiation warrior who had chased him into the ant den.

However, even though that person was at Level 4, he was obviously not the strongest here. Just in front of him, stood a gloomy, thirty-something man, obviously this was the leader.

“Come and ask for trouble?” Ao Zhi looked at Shi Qingyang and Wang Qing, and laughed: “Cheng Guangzhi said, do you think we are doing business with you?”

Even though Cheng Guangzhi was poisoned, he was threatened with death, he would probably recruit everything. Shi Qingyang was not surprised by the situation before him. In fact, it would be good for them, at least Cheng Guangzhi. Said, and confirmed their identities: “Yes, you are too bad, I will seek justice today.”

Ao Zhi smiled and glanced at Yin Ming in Shi Qingyang’s hand: “You are so courageous, aren’t you afraid of death?”

“Even if I die, I will pull a few backs!” Shi Qingyang sneered, and raised Yin Ming on his hand, blocking him in front of him.

There is no radiant energy in the mobile town. Although the radiant energy in their bodies can also be used for attacks, they will be used up soon, so even if Wang Qing is a sixth-level radiant fighter, they must be careful.

“Let’s talk, what do you want?” Ao Zhi asked, looking at Shi Qingyang, and licked his tongue.

“Are you the principal in this mobile town? Let the principal come and talk to me.” Shi Qingyang said, and at the same time gave Wang Qing a gesture, and rushed towards the opposite person together.

Although Ao Zhi has always been displeased with Yin Ming, he also knew that Lirong would not let him go if something happened, so he specifically said a few nonsense to the two robbers in front of him, but he did not expect that in the end, Let these two robbers take the lead…

I really don’t know what to do!

The gun in Ao Zhi’s hand was aimed at Wang Qing immediately, and he fired several shots in succession. When he was about to continue his attack, suddenly two legs kicked towards him, his face changed and he was about to attack. At the last minute, he had to withdraw his hand.

No wonder the two legs flew towards him together! The man who was holding Yin Ming actually used Yin Ming as a weapon and started playing tricks!

If he attacks next, Yin Ming’s two legs will probably be scrapped!

Ao Zhi was extremely angry, but the man had already grabbed Yin Ming and threw it towards him!

The gangsters who broke in could not take Yin Ming seriously, but Ao Zhi could not. There were even many Yin Ming henchmen beside him. After seeing Yin Ming like this, these people would not dare to attack any more.

Shi Qingyang was overjoyed when he saw this scene. He knew that the person he had dedicated to welcoming Zheng Gaoyuan was not a simple identity. Now seeing the reaction of the person opposite, he was even more convinced of this. At the moment, he used this unconscious person as a weapon, and he was brandishing the wind. Not only that, he also took out the gun he had taken from Yin Ming’s hand, and then shot at the people around him.

Although Shi Qingyang’s marksmanship was not good, it was not bad. He attracted everyone’s attention to him. At this time, Wang Qing finally slammed the door of the central control room with a punch. All the radiant energy in the warrior’s body rushed out, and he used all his strength to blast open the door of the central control room.

“Level six!” Ao Zhi felt this energy and finally exclaimed. He didn’t expect that the person who appeared here would be a level six radiation fighter: “Who are you in the end?” Level six How could a radiation fighter sneak in because of a loss in business? They really want to meet a level 6 radiation fighter when doing business, they should work hard to get them together!

“We have taken a fancy to this mobile town, and this will be ours from now on!” Shi Qingyang laughed.

“You are not afraid of having too much appetite!” Ao Zhi sneered, and the gun in his hand kept firing at Shi Qingyang. He didn’t even care about Yin Ming who was injured by Shi Qingyang. He would not care about it, Shi Qingyang naturally. No, two bullets hit Yin Ming’s leg instantly and exploded on it.

“Ao Zhi, what are you doing!” The person who was originally born in the Yin family roared.

“Now this mobile town is about to be robbed, where can you care about so much?” Ao Zhi sneered. At this moment, some people came around with weapons.

“I think he wished that the person in my hand was dead!” Shi Qingyang saw this scene, his face changed greatly: “Are you not afraid that I would kill him?”

“What if you killed him? Now you can’t escape!”

“Who are you?” At this moment, Yin Ming, who was originally in a coma, moved. He is a third-level radiation fighter. Although Shi Qingyang made heavy attacks before, the pain still made him sober.

“It doesn’t matter who we are, you let them let us go, and we let you go!” Shi Qingyang immediately said. He grabbed Yin Ming and stood at the door of the central control room, using the radiation energy interception method to make Yin Ming unable to Using radiation energy, all the attention is on Ao Zhi.

“Don’t think about it!” Yin Ming said immediately. He might not understand anything else, but knew that if something went wrong with this mobile town, the Yin family would be over.

Although this mobile town is now fully responsible to Li Rong, Li Rong has never left any evidence. In anyone’s eyes, this place belongs to the Yin family.

“How is your place?” Shi Qingyang still focused, but asked with open mouth.

“The encryption in the central control room is very serious. I can’t break it in a short time.” Wang Qing’s voice came out.

“We underestimated the power here, the more people came, and if we couldn’t control it, we would just destroy the console! Damn, I must let these people be buried with us!” Shi Qingyang said again.

“You are crazy! If the console is destroyed, the entire mobile town will be destroyed automatically!” Yin Ming exclaimed.

“We can’t live anymore. Wouldn’t it be good to let the entire mobile town be buried with us?” Shi Qingyang sneered.

Yin Ming glanced at Ao Zhi, who didn’t put himself in his eyes at all, only if he had the opportunity to do it immediately, Ao Zhi said: “You don’t kill me, I will help you get control, you must not activate the self-detonation device! “He is now, afraid that he is doomed to live…

Most of what Yin Ming said was false, but Shi Qingyang dragged Yin Ming into the central control room: “You better not tell lies.”

Yin Ming smiled at this time: “Of course I don’t tell lies…” He threw himself on the console and did something, and then said: “But I will kill you!”

Four steel plates suddenly fell around the central control room, enclosing the place, and at the same time, a kind of gas began to diffuse in the enclosed space.

“I have turned off the self-destructing device. I will die with you. Only me.” Yin Ming said again, this room, now others don’t want to come in, and they don’t want to go out! He is not such a great person, but the Yin family is his family after all. In the Yin family, there are still two children. Rather than causing irreparable consequences and hurting the family, it is better to let himself die with these two people. .

Toxic gas is one of the weapons that are now forbidden to be manufactured. After all, today’s human cities are in a closed environment. Once the poisonous gas appears, it is likely to cause many deaths, but here, there are many contrabands.

Yin Ming was very proud and laughed loudly, but Shi Qingyang only glanced at him pityingly.

What they worry about has always been that Yin Ming will destroy the data in the central control room or initiate a self-detonation procedure. Just now Shi Qingyang was also worried that those outside would use weapons of mass destruction against him, but now it is clear that no one can do this. One point, under his deliberate guidance, Yin Ming took the initiative to turn off the self-detonation device.

In other words, they can now find Cheng Xuze.

As for the poisonous gas, they had put on a mask for safety. Although this mask may not be able to isolate them for long, it must be too late for Cheng Xuze to rescue them.

They are not alone in coming here. In fact, Cheng Xuze is taking people to wait outside the lake. Although the distance from there to this mobile town is very long, for Cheng Xuze, who is an eighth-level radiation fighter, , But said in a blink of an eye.

“Grandpa Wang, send a distress signal!” Shi Qingyang said directly. When he spoke, Wang Qing had already moved his hands.

A huge distress signal appeared above the mobile town. It didn’t take long for a figure to suddenly fly from a distance, and two small mobile fortresses followed behind and drove here at full speed.

Cheng Xuze floated in the air, causing the surrounding radiation energy to hit the protective cover of the mobile town. With just one click, the protective cover instantly shattered. Such a protective cover can withstand the attacks of the sixth-level radiation fighters, but it is absolutely impossible to resist. The eighth-level radiant warrior, at the same time, his voice rang and became extremely loud under the shock of radiant energy: “The people above, you better not resist. If anyone dares to resist, I will kill him immediately! ”

The people who moved the town were getting more and more panicked, and some people thought about how dangerous it would be now. A few spoken fighters even wanted to turn around and escape, but they forgot that the outside is actually equally dangerous.

Cheng Xuze didn’t take care of those who ran away. He just took time out of the radiant energy flooding into the mobile town, and made a few simple protective shields just to isolate the radiant energy to cover the buildings, not for anything else, just because Most of the people in this mobile town are ordinary people.

Those people who have lived here since childhood have not injected radiation inducers at all, and naturally they have no radiation energy. Although they do not have the same strong rejection of radiation energy as Cheng Ran before, they will not be exposed to radiation. Will also be hurt.

“Shi Qingyang! Wang Qing!” Cheng Xuze yelled. After realizing that he had not received a response, he immediately noticed the central control room surrounded by people. A wind blade passed by, and the roof of the central control room had disappeared in an instant.

Shi Qingyang was trapped inside and almost suffocated. At this time, he finally crawled out: “Grandpa, you are finally here!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay!” Cheng Xuze’s heart was finally released. Seeing someone took up a weapon and wanted to deal with Shi Qingyang, he killed that person in the mobile town. There are many People screamed, but what is amazing is that those who scream are all strong men, many women and children who don’t wear any clothes, but they don’t respond.

After Shi Qingyang climbed onto the roof, he even saw the great beauty who had received them at first. Zhao Li stood beside her. Zhao Li screamed, but her face was blank.

At this moment, the two small mobile fortresses suddenly separated from the mobile town and floated away. It was obvious that someone wanted to escape. But when Cheng Xuze waved his hand, the surrounding radiant energy condensed into a big knife. A huge wave of water split on the lake and directly overturned the two mobile fortresses.

Because there is a protective cover on the mobile fortress, even if it is overturned, it will not enter the water, but there is no doubt that such a mobile fortress can no longer drive, and can only float on the water.

Shi Qingyang watched this scene, breathed a sigh of relief, looked far away, and saw two familiar mobile fortresses coming towards them. It was him and Cheng Xuze.

This matter finally ended… Shi Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief, but some people still held a heart.

Ye Houan hadn’t closed his eyes since Shi Qingyang and Wang Qing arrived in the mobile town. If Cheng Xuze hadn’t watched them, he would have to find a way to lurk to the mobile town.

Because of this, after seeing the distress model in the distance, he was more anxious than Cheng Xuze. Unfortunately, he was not like Cheng Xuze who could fly. Without the mobile fortress, he couldn’t even deal with the mosquitoes outside. In the end, he could only The people who repeatedly urged to open the mobile fort…

After arriving at the place, Ye Houan was the first to jump out of the mobile fortress. As soon as he stepped onto the mobile fortress, he shouted: “Yu’er, Yu’er!”

Before that, Wang Qing had opened all the doors. After that, those who grew up in this mobile town had no response. Ye Jinyu was drugged and he didn’t know at all, but he was with Ye Jinyu. The two girls who were caught found an opportunity, hurriedly surrounded their bodies with things and ran out. Seeing Ye Houan, the two girls cried out with a “wow”: “Uncle Ye, Uncle Ye! ”

“Where is Yu’er?” Seeing them, Ye Houan didn’t know whether he should be happy or uncomfortable. The situation in front of him can at least show that Ye Jinyu is not dead, but even if he is not dead, I am afraid he will suffer a lot… The daughter of 20 years ago, I was worried that a bad boy would kidnap her a few days ago. Now…

“Jinyu was taken away, wow…” A young girl cried. Among the three of them, Ye Jinyu was the most beautiful. The one who came to pick someone took Ye Jinyu away…

Cheng Xuze was watching right now, everyone was safe, Ye Houan didn’t linger much, and continued to run forward. When the two young girls saw this, they followed behind weepingly.

Ye Houan checked the rooms one by one, and the moving town would not be too big, so he quickly found Ye Jinyu.

When he found Ye Jinyu, Zheng Gaoyuan, the young master of the Zheng family, had his hands on Ye Jinyu’s chest, and the clothes on Ye Jinyu belonged to this young master!

Ye Houan was furious, and punched Zheng Gaoyuan with a punch: “Asshole! Asshole!” If he wasn’t in Cheng Xuze’s protective cover and couldn’t use radiation energy, he would definitely be willing to cut Zheng Gaoyuan open.

“Don’t hit me, don’t hit me, wow, Zhao Li, come and save me…” Zheng Gaoyuan started crying.

Ye Houan can’t take care of too much. He has only one mind now, and that is to kill the person who bullied his daughter: “You dare to bully my daughter! I’ll kill you!”

“I didn’t, I didn’t, obviously she was bullying me…” Zheng Gaoyuan cried again, Ye Jinyu next to him was no one pressed, and suddenly he hugged Zheng Gaoyuan’s leg that was as thick as her body and entangled it. Go up.

Zheng Gaoyuan was crying and crying, but when he saw this scene, he stretched out his hand to press Ye Jinyu: “You can’t move. You are injured. You have to lie down and can’t move.”

Ye Houan discovered that his daughter had blood stains on her body, and her expression was abnormal. It was obvious that she had been given medicine.

In this situation, if Zheng Gaoyuan really wanted to bully his daughter, the two would have already…so, he was wrong to blame Zheng Gaoyuan.

Two of Ye Jinyu’s classmates also rushed over at this time, hugged Ye Jinyu, and kept her from moving.

Ye Houan could not help but feel a little guilty when he saw this. He was about to apologize, but he didn’t expect that Zheng Gaoyuan, who was full of nose and tears, broke free of Ye Jinyu and suddenly hugged him: “You bullied me, do you know who I am? I am? I crush you! I crush you!”

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