Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 34

Warning! Dirty talk ahead, nothing too explicit

Ye Yaodong hurriedly walked towards Ah Guang's house, and from a distance, he could already smell the fragrance of steamed crabs.

As soon as he stepped inside the threshold, everyone exclaimed, "You finally arrived! If you were any later, you would only be left with washing dishes."

"Come, come, sit down! We saved that nine-section shrimp just for you..."

"I came so late, I’ll first punish myself with three cups!"

"Punishment my ass! There's only a little bit of alcohol left. Don't be fooled, he’ll finish it all!"

Everyone was lively and in high spirits, and they finished off all the alcohol brought by Fatty. After devouring the seafood on the table, they dispersed and went their separate ways.

Slightly drunk, Ye Yaodong returned home and noticed that the door was not locked from the inside today. He casually locked it and then entered his own room.

By the moonlight streaming in through the window, he could only see his two children sleeping in a tangled mess. His wife had her back turned to him, and he couldn't tell if she was asleep or not.

He undressed down to his shorts and climbed into bed, embracing his wife and pressing himself against her back. However, he was met with her hand slapping his waist.

"Lie on the other side, can't you see how crowded it is? It's so hot, and you're sticking so close with that alcohol smell all over you. It stinks!" Lin Xiuqing muttered in a low voice.

Ye Yaodong directly turned her around, silencing her incessant chatter by covering her mouth.

"That's enough. It was just yesterday..."

"Yesterday was yesterday, today is today. Just cooperate a bit, wife..."

"Then you continue to come with me to the beach tomorrow!"

Ye Yaodong glared at her, wondering why she was bringing up conditions at this moment!

When did she become so clever?

It’s obvious he will agree in a hurry!

How is it difficult to talk to a man in bed?

Not to mention, he had originally planned to visit the deserted island tomorrow, to overcome the fears within his heart.

"Alright, alright, whatever you want me to do, I'll do it. Let's cooperate and switch positions..."

"Then go take a shower first!"

Ye Yaodong: "..."

The arrow is on the bowstring, women are so troublesome!

Lin Xiuqing continued in a low voice, "You smell of alcohol all over, and your hands have the scent of seafood! It's too overwhelming!"

"So many demands, wanting this and that. I already took a shower in the afternoon..."

“But you've been drinking, and the smell is too strong!"

Damn it, after he muttered in his mind, he remembered something about the bed. With a slightly heated tone, he said, "I can take a shower. Let's move to the floor. The bed creaks and it's annoying."

"On the ground?"

"You don't need to worry about how I toss and turn. Just listen to me, okay?"

Blushing, Lin Xiuqing hesitated a bit. She wondered why they couldn't just stay on the bed instead of suddenly moving to the floor for...

"Do you still want me to go to the sea tomorrow? If you want the bull to run, you have to feed it well, right? Give me some sweet rewards, and I'll do whatever you say."

Seeing her wavering, he continued to persuade her, "Today when I went fishing, I caught a tiger grouper for you and a nest of snow clams. My luck has been great recently, and I'm sure you've made a good profit from it. It's worth several days of your fishing nets. Tomorrow is the first day of the lunar new year, and there will be a big tide. Who knows, maybe my luck will be even better, and I'll catch more valuable things..."

"Alright, you go take a shower. After you're done, I'll listen to you!"

After receiving a positive answer, Ye Yaodong joyfully got up and eagerly went to the back door to take a shower.

Damn it, after decades of abstinence, let's see how he regains his glory!

When he lay on the bed like a dead dog, he didn't want to move at all, while his wife was already dressed and ready to fetch water and clean up.

He's already serving her in every way, and now he even has to work to earn money for her!

"Lie down, let's sleep together!"

“Your legs are already weak, and you're still not satisfied?"

Ye Yaodong: "..."

"Who am I doing this for, isn’t it to satisfy you..."

"What nonsense!" Lin Xiuqing glared at him angrily.

"Ah... I was talking nonsense... talking nonsense... Come here, let me tell you something," he said, pulling her to lie down next to him before continuing, "I won't go to the beach with you tomorrow..."

"Hey, don't glare at me yet. Listen to me first. Ah Guang will go and try to borrow a boat tomorrow. If he can borrow one, we'll go to the deserted island for a while. There's no one around the small islands, and there must be more fish on the reefs than at the pier."

"Who is he going to ask to borrow from? Will anyone be willing to lend it?"

"He's going to ask his little uncle. Let's see how it goes. If he can't borrow it, then forget about it."

"Okay, it's up to you. If you can borrow it, then go ahead and explore the deserted island. Just be careful."

"Well, now you won't think I'm going back on my word!"

He definitely had to give her a heads-up in advance, otherwise if she didn't see him around tomorrow, she would think he was just teasing her and might not be pleased with him.

It's rare to see him showing some initiative, and Lin Xiuqing is willing to chat with him a bit more. "Now that the family boat is repaired and we've had good harvests these days, don't you think you should take turns going out to sea with Dad like your older brothers?"

Come again!

Asking him about this again!

Everyone wants him to go out to sea. Ye Yaodong is feeling a bit overwhelmed, but there's no avoiding it. After all, there is a boat at home. Unless he continues to be lazy like in his previous life and rely on his wife to support him.

"I've never been out to sea before, so I don't know if I'll get seasick. If we can borrow a boat tomorrow, I'll go out and take a few rounds to see how it feels."


"Go to sleep."

As a coastal dweller, he cannot be afraid of drifting at sea. He must overcome this challenge.

If he couldn't borrow a boat, he would ask two friends to accompany him and swim from the beach to the pier during high tide, just to give it a try. After all, he had already experienced near-death before, so there was nothing much to fear.

If there is an emergency, his friends would be there to save him!

The next morning, Lin Xiuqing got up, and upon hearing the movement, he woke up as well. Today, he didn't deliberately linger in bed before getting up.

The family members noticed that he was getting up earlier with each passing day, and while they had some doubts in their minds, they didn't make a big fuss about it. After all, he had indeed been a bit more diligent these past few days.

After finishing breakfast, everyone went about their own activities, and Ye Yaodong also prepared to leave. However, the old lady followed him to the doorway and secretly pulled him aside.

He looked at her in confusion and saw the old lady discreetly take out a boiled egg from her pocket and whispered to him.

"Here, take it. Eat it secretly, don't let your mother know."

He looked at the old lady with surprise, then glanced behind him with a hint of guilt. He whispered, "No wonder my mother mentioned during the meal that there was one less egg laid today. So it turns out you took it."

The old lady, seeing that he didn't reach out to take it, directly stuffed it into his pocket. She smiled, her face full of wrinkles, revealing her toothless gums.

"These past few days, you've been going to the sea every day. You must be exhausted. Before I cooked porridge this morning, I secretly boiled one for you to replenish your energy. Don't let your mother know, or she'll scold you again."

He tried to take out the egg, but the old lady kept pressing his hand, not allowing him to take it out. He felt a bit helpless.

When he was younger, the old lady used to do this kind of thing often, but as he grew up, it became rare. Today, she unexpectedly sneaked a boiled egg to him. He couldn't help but feel touched, unsure whether he should be moved, really moved, or deeply moved...

(end of this chapter)


Awwww, the old lady is precious.

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