Baidi fighter jets parked in exhibition hall? Who leaked this!

Chapter 67 Baidi D1 joins the roster! The radar stealth test is over, but there is still physical st

Chapter 67 Baidi-D1 joins the roster! The radar stealth test is over, but there is still physical stealth test that has not yet been tested!

Before dinner today, we can see the first Baidi air-to-space fighter manufactured by the Baidi military industry assembly line?

The information revealed in this sentence is really too explosive!

"Before dinner... before dinner..."

"Doesn't that mean that if this Baidi production line manufactures a Baidi fighter, it won't even take a day?!"

Mr. Huo muttered to himself at this moment, and the next second!

His voice suddenly climbed higher!

He shouted in horror: "Fuck you!"

Elder Li and Elder Meng beside him also trembled violently!

The look in Lu Chen's eyes was also filled with deep fear!

It's not like they haven't thought that Lu Chen's scientific research capabilities are terrifying, but this shit is too terrifying!

To build a Baidi fighter jet in less than a day? !

If you want to talk about fifth-generation fighters, they may still be able to accept them.


This is a sixth-generation fighter!

Moreover, it is the Baidi air-to-space fighter with such ferocious performance!

"Basically, don't do it six times."

Seeing everyone's reaction, Lu Chen spread his hands helplessly and said while listening to the shocked voice of the system harvesting.

"All talk and no practice."

"Lao Li, Lao Huo, Lao Meng!"

"Notify everyone!"

"Next, get ready to start working!"

Lu Chen raised the military walkie-talkie attached to his waist and said loudly!

Standing here are not only Mr. Lin and the others, but also forty-five factory directors in charge of various Baidi production factories!

After these people heard Lu Chen's order.

Then they all shouted: "Yes!! Lu Gong!!!"

Immediately afterwards, all the factory directors and military personnel immediately began to go to their respective work areas.

Then wait for Lu Chen's dispatch.

Lu Chen also immediately went to the "Baidi Manufacturing General Monitoring Station" on one side.

On the platform, various monitoring devices are placed, and you can see the various component monitoring assemblies on the "Baidi Military Assembly Line".

Meng Lao, Huo Lao and others also immediately entered a state of control.

Following Lu Chen’s order!

This huge, complex and sophisticated super arsenal began to operate slowly!

Starting from raw materials, they are transported to more than forty graded military factories.

Then, each team is responsible for an area of ​​​​the Baidi fighter plane.

Finally, they were all assembled on the giant Baidi fighter assembly line.

At the same time, in the factory in the Baidi fighter inspection area, various lights and prompts on the Baidi assembly line monitoring device were flashing continuously.

Lu Chen is also controlling these feedbacks very carefully.

As long as the first build test passes.

Then the subsequent production will be very smooth!

Behind him, Mr. Lin stood here quietly and glanced at the extremely complicated monitoring station in front of him.

Mr. Lin only felt dizzy for a while.

Sure enough, the technical aspect should be left to professionals!

Time flew by and two hours passed.

"[Baidi Project Monitoring Tips:]"

"Dip! Codename: Baidi·D1 aerospace fighter "wing" Manufacturing status: Completed! "

The engineering and manufacturing code name of the Baidi fighter is represented by "D".

The first one is represented by "D1", and the second one is represented by "D2".

Another hour passed.

"Dip! Codename: Baidi D1 aerospace fighter "Pressure Relief Operation Cabin" Manufacturing status: Completed! "

Immediately afterwards, prompt reports from various Baidi branches began to sound one after another.

"Dip! Codename: Baidi·D1 aerospace fighter "White Emperor's Heart Engine Device" Manufacturing status: Completed! "

"Dip! Codename: Baidi D1 aerospace fighter "Baidi Nuclear Energy Device" Manufacturing status: Completed! "

"Dip! Codename: Baidi·D1 aerospace fighter "Radar Stealth Device" Manufacturing status: Completed! "


At the moment, Lu Chen is also monitoring everything in an orderly manner.

"[Baidi Project Monitoring Tips:]"

"Bit! Start merging the assembly installation line!"

In the surveillance video.

Mr. Lin and others could clearly see the huge and complex military industry assembly line.

Various giant mechanical arms are continuously operating in an orderly manner inside the fuselage frame of the Baidi fighter code-named D1.

Time flies.

It's already past six o'clock in the evening.

"[Baidi Project Monitoring Tips:]"

"Bit! Project code name: "White Emperor D1" aerospace fighter aircraft begins to be transported to the "Fighter Detection Area""

Fighter detection area.

It was the factory where Lu Chen and the others were working.


With a low buzzing sound, a huge mechanical device started to start right in front of the factory in the inspection area.

The closed heavy door was slowly opened.

And behind the giant assembly line!

The "Baidi Sky Fighter" that had completed all installation tasks suddenly moved slowly towards the crowd!

This scene.

It directly made the hearts of Elder Lin, Elder Meng and others tremble violently!

one day!


It’s less than a day!

This huge military production line really produced a Baidi fighter plane right under their noses!

This shocking impact caused the scalps of Mr. Lin and others to explode!

All the bones in my body are numb!

I was shocked to death!

"Zhang Heng!"

At this time, Lu Chen confirmed that all the system tests of the Baidi fighter were normal.

He immediately stood up, straightened his body, and shouted.

"Here! Brother Lu! Please give instructions!"

Zhang Heng, who had been waiting all day, immediately rubbed his palms excitedly and came to Lu Chen.

"The final actual machine test is left to you!"

"Come on!" Lu Chenqu pointed at the square marked "Area to be measured".

And the Baidi-D1 aerospace fighter was already firmly crawling in the center of the square!

Zhang Heng immediately shouted excitedly: "Yes!"

Immediately, he was eager to walk towards the "White Emperor Fighter Test Area Square".

Lu Chen looked at Mr. Lin and others and explained: "Now we only need to complete the final three basic project tests."

"Then, this Baidi-D1 aerospace fighter can be delivered."

When Mr. Lin heard this, he nodded heavily, and then asked: "What are these three basic project tests?"

"Extremely fast vertical climb, extremely fast air navigation and airspace radar stealth."

Lu Chen replied with a smile: "These three major features are the core functions of the Baidi fighter. They must pass the test to be considered qualified."

When Elder Lin, Elder Huo and others heard this, they all agreed.

And at this time.

Zhang Heng had already arrived in front of this Baidi fighter jet, which was exactly the same as the "White Emperor Prototype" parked in the B7 military aircraft warehouse.

He rubbed his palms excitedly.

If there is any difference.

That is, the one in the B7 military aircraft warehouse is the Baidi prototype, and this one is the official Baidi fighter with the military production code name "Baidi-D1"!

"Report! This is Baidi-D1!"

"I'm ready for takeoff! Awaiting further instructions!"

At this time, Zhang Heng had already entered the cockpit of the D1 Baidi fighter and was ready to take off at any time.

After listening to the voice of Zhang Heng's preparation coming from the communicator.

Lu Chen then came to the left side of the Baidi General Monitoring Station.

There is a red lever on the operating platform on the left.

The top of the lever is marked with a "Dome Open" sign.

Then, Lu Chen took the lever and pushed it all the way!

"Drip! Dip!——"

At this time, warning sirens sounded throughout the Baidi Test Area Military Factory.

"The dome is about to open——"

Immediately afterwards, the dome on top of the crowd began to take on a fan-shaped structure and continued to shrink.

The sky outside also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Although it's almost seven o'clock now.

But the sky outside is still bright.

Today's weather is still cloudless, which is very suitable for testing fighter aircraft.

Completed with the opening of the dome.

Lu Chen immediately said to the communicator: "Zhang Heng, start the three major tests!"

"Yes! Brother Lu!"

Zhang Heng, who was sitting in the cockpit of the Baidi-D1 aerospace fighter, nodded immediately!

Immediately he began to skillfully operate the Baidi fighter in front of him.

The familiar self-check sound sounded.

When the self-examination was completed, Zhang Heng took a deep breath and slowly grasped the control stick of the Baidi fighter!

"Beep! Baidi-D1 fighter jet prompts: The current flight mode is "vertical takeoff""

The Baidi engine began to slowly turn towards the ground!

The moment you complete the vertical take-off attitude, the next second!

"Buzz——" sound!

The rear engine suddenly burst into bright flames!

The flame changes from red to blue!

The temperature around the Baidi-D1 fighter also began to rise.


Immediately afterwards, he began to fly into the air, retracted the landing gear, and then climbed steadily!


After the Baidi fighter plane soared to a certain height!

The sound of "Bang!" exploded!

It means that this Baidi-D1 fighter has climbed vertically and exceeded the speed of sound!

A vertical sonic boom came directly!

Although everyone present had already seen the terrifying power of the Baidi Sky Fighter.


Even so, after feeling such a terrifying engine again, everyone was still shocked!

"Beep! The actual measured status of the Baidi-D1 fighter:"

"1. The "Extremely Rapid Vertical Climbing Project" is completed! Evaluation grade: Excellent. "

"2. The "Speed ​​Air Cruise Project" begins testing. "

"3. The "Airspace Radar Stealth Project" is to be tested. "

At this time, everyone could no longer see the Baidi-D1 fighter plane with the naked eye.

It can only be observed through the airspace radar map on the Baidi monitoring station and the images transmitted back in real time by the Baidi-D1 fighter jet.

Judging from the light spots on the radar map, the Baidi-D1 fighter plane in the sky is accelerating crazily in an extremely terrifying attitude!

"The current Baidi-D1 cruising speed is: Mach 7...Mach 13...Mach 19...Mach 24...Mach 29.5..."

Looking at the flashing speed prompts, Mr. Lin and others felt terrified again.

"Beep! The actual measured status of the Baidi-D1 fighter:"

"2. The "Speed ​​Air Cruise Project" is completed! Evaluation grade: Excellent. "

"3. The "Airspace Radar Stealth Project" begins testing. "

At this time, the display of Baidi's central control monitoring device showed up.

There are also two different radar images on the left and right.

The radar cloud image on the left says "Real-time feedback of radar data from Baidi-D1 fighter jets."

The radar cloud image on the right is prompted to "Connect to the National Red Shield Radar Data Network".

Mr. Lin and others can also understand this easy-to-understand test prompt.

It is clear.

I just want to test the radar stealth function later.

The "National Red Shield Radar Network" on the right cannot search for the "Baidi-D1 fighter" in the sky.

Then even if the radar stealth is successful!

"Zhang Heng, activate airspace radar stealth."

Lu Chen gave orders to the communicator.


Thousands of meters of airspace.

Zhang Heng has already circled the sky above Jiangcheng seven or eight times.

After all, the speed of Mach 29.5 is measured in a straight line.

That's less than ten minutes.

I have to fly to the Pacific Ocean.

After all, the Earth’s equator is only 40,075 kilometers away.

If it is based on the ultimate cruising speed of Mach 29.5, then it will only take about 4,000 seconds.

It can fly around the earth in a circle!

And four thousand seconds is about six minutes more than an hour.

in other words.

From takeoff to landing, the Baidi-D1 fighter jet can circle the earth in 70 minutes! !

Where the hell are you going to reason with this?

But now, in the cockpit of Baidi in the air, Zhang Heng received the radar test order from Lu Chen.

He immediately pressed the airspace radar stealth button on the "Radar Mode Selection"!

The moment he pressed it.

Below, the ground.

On the radar cloud map above the Baidi fighter monitoring station.

On the radar chart directly connected to the Baidi-D1 fighter on the left, the Baidi fighter is still flying in a circle at a fast speed.


On the right is the radar map scanned and monitored by the "National Red Shield Radar Deep Space Network".

The red light spot marking the Baidi-D1 fighter jet disappeared without a trace in an instant!


Completely disappeared from the radar screen!

Moreover, the radar screen on the left can only be observed after the Baidi-D1 fighter aircraft actively sends signals.

If Zhang Heng wants to, he can turn off signal location transmission anytime and anywhere.

In other words, this Baidi-D1 fighter is completely invisible from the radar level!

"This is connected to our country's most powerful Red Shield radar deep space network!"

"If you say it disappears, it will disappear..."

Mr. Huo, who was already mentally prepared, couldn't help but feel horrified at this moment!

This most advanced Red Shield radar deep space network cooperates with the military satellite system in space.

You can completely capture any top aircraft in the world!

Even Yingjiang's fifth-generation fighter jets can only hide in front of the Red Shield Radar Deep Space Network!

Mr. Lin was also severely shocked at this time.

When it comes to the Red Shield Radar Deep Space Network system, no one knows it better than him, the commander-in-chief of the Air Force.

But just because he knew better, he deeply felt the terror of the Baidi-D1 fighter!

Because it can disappear from the Red Shield radar network.

That means that as long as this Baidi-D1 fighter wants to, it can go for a walk over Yingjiang anytime and anywhere!

And it won’t be discovered by the other party!

This is the real "stealth" fighter!

"Okay! Okay!"

At this time, Mr. Lin couldn't help but say three good words in a row!

A killer weapon in the sky! !

An unprecedented super aerial killer! !

"Now that the radar project test is over..." Mr. Lin took a deep breath and was about to continue talking.

Lu Chen raised his head and said, "The test is not over yet."

"There is also a stealth function that I haven't tested yet."

After hearing this, everyone looked at the Red Shield Radar Deep Space Network again and looked at the disappearing Baidi fighter plane.

Everyone was stunned. Mr. Meng couldn't help but ask: "Isn't this the end of testing the invisibility function?"

"Yes, this test is only about radar-level invisibility!"

Lu Chen nodded, and then continued:

"The physical visual invisibility function has not yet been tested!"

"Didn't I tell you before?"

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