Ball of Nothing

Chapter 168 The Trial 3

Chapter 168 The Trial 3

Inside the auditorium, Zero noticed how it was very spacious. There were not many people inside it contrary to what he initially believed. The demons attending the session were smartly dressed in very stylish and expensive clothing. Even without knowing the culture in the abyss, Zero could tell that they were influential people.

Hua Tuo took a seat beside Zero and whispered for him to do the same. The apprentice wasn’t too sure if he was allowed to sit as Schaf and Kerberos were standing at attention on the open space near the podium. Three thrones were brought out. The one in the middle of the podium had to be for Enma. The other two at the side would most likely be for Baal and Lucifer. Zero blinked at the difference of the two thrones at the side. One looked like it was customised carefully down to the very details while the other looked like it was slapped together with tree slap and barks. Zero was 100% confident that the shabbier of the two thrones belonged to Baal.

Hades held onto Kerberos’ leash. The poor dog looked so sad and Zero wanted nothing more than to head over and give it a good hug. He was soon reminded about why the guard-dog was there and squashed that thought. The hugs can come after Kerberos has learnt his lesson. Hades didn’t seem too interested in holding the leash and Zero wondered if people trusted the skeleton looking God to keep his ferocious pet under control with an ordinary leash. Sometimes, people had too much faith.

On the other hand, Schaf was attending to trial alone. He was escorted by two minotaurs who were heavily armed with battleaxes. If Zero didn’t know about Schaf’s involvement, he would have thought that the goat demon was being bullied. Schaf looked tired as if he hasn’t slept for days. Zero felt no pity at seeing the ex-manager’s exhausted state although he still assessed him with the trained eye of a doctor.

The crowd fell silent suddenly and Zero felt Baal’s presence. It took a while before Enma, Baal and Lucifer turned up. At once, everyone rose to their feet while the three most important people took their position. Zero was slightly slow to get onto his feet but nobody chided him for it.

As silently as they rose, the crowd took their seats once the judge has seated. Zero briefly glanced at Baal who was sitting on the shabby throne. The poor Demon Lord looked uninterested and if Coux was there, she would have smacked him for dozing off on the job. If Zero squinted, he would have seen drool.

Enma looked every part of the strict ruler of the Purgatory. Ordinarily, there would be assistants reading out the crimes of the convicted for him. Today, he would have to do it himself due to the special circumstances. Zero couldn’t see where Buddha was but he could sense the Sage God’s presence somewhere in the crowd. Maybe he was in disguise? Zero shook his head and dismissed the thought immediately. It wasn’t possible. Buddha had features too unique to blend into the demon society.

Hua Tuo tapped his apprentice’s knee to remind Zero that he should be on his best behaviour. Many noble demons were looking at him while the brunet stared at everything in the auditorium with glassy eyes. It spoke of nothing but trouble and even Lucifer was visibly concerned about the attention Zero garnered in such a short frame of time.

Zero got the hint and quickly settled down to listen to Enma read the crimes aloud. He was also surprised when Enma announced the number of sins they’d both committed. For Schaf, the numbers matched perfectly. However, Zero wondered why Enma lied about Kerberos’ sin numbers. The poor hound did not have a single sin point.

"I will now read out the punishment unanimously decided by the six Demon Lords. Kerberos, you are to guard Sleepy Hill near Endow Hill for a hundred human years before you are able to return to Heaven. Hades will still be your rightful owner but during your period of punishment, Hua Tuo and Merlin shall be your guardian."

The three-headed dog whimpered and lowered its head in shame. Still, it looked Hades who remained emotionless. Nobody could tell how Hades was feeling when he was literally all bones. There were no eyes beneath that oversized black hood but Zero bet the Great God was feeling guilty about forgetting his pet. The change in appearance was to conceal his true feelings. Apart from Freya and Isis, the rest of the Great Gods are terrible at concealing their emotions. They didn’t have a need to since they were powerful but at times like this, Zero thought that it was awfully inconvenient.

"Schaf, your punishment is to work as a free labourer to pay back for all the financial losses you have caused the bank. Moreover, as the person responsible for almost throwing the Abyss into the void you will be banished from Hell and stripped off all your sins. You will cease to be Schaf the goat demon and be reduced to a common beastman."

At once, there was an uproar from the noble demons attending the trial. Baal didn’t wake up and Lucifer didn’t move. King Yama slammed down on the armrest of his throne and it resounded in the room, causing the weaker demons to faint from the overwhelming magic pressure.

"The trial is still in session," his cold voice rang out and many noble demons glared at him. Ename was unfazed. "As Schaf’s punishment is not a unanimous decision by all six Demon Lords but an agreement from the majority, concessions will be made."

"For three days before Schaf’s punishment, all demons who wish to return to their origins may do so. Anyone who can travel to Belles and Begonia cafe in Lord Baal’s domain will have their sins written off for no cost during these three days. The Purgatory will pardon anyone who seeks repentance during this period. There will be no carried forward karma points after the redemption. You will begin your life anew. This is only possible because of the special relationship Great God Hades has with the Abyss and the Purgatory."

Schaf was stunned. He expected death. While he and Lord Mammon shared a close relationship, he knew what he’d done was unforgivable. Lord Mammon couldn’t save him even if he wanted to. Yet, what was this miracle? Banishment? Starting life anew? It sounded too good to be true.

The trial concluded swiftly and Zero wondered why he and Hua Tuo were given special seats despite not having any special part to play in the trial.


"Why?" Baal yawned. "It’s for marketing, isn’t it? Hua Tuo is a well-known doctor and his apprentice would be attending the Academy. Prestige and status is everything in the Academy."

Zero didn’t understand what his friend was getting at. "What does Lucifer want from me? Do I really need such a powerful profile for what he has in mind? Can’t you tell me what it is? You know something, don’t you?"

Baal shrugged. "You’ll hear the details from him soon enough. Be patient, will you?"

Zero pouted. He hated waiting. It felt endless! Zero would very much prefer to do something. Speaking of something...

"How am I going to absorb the sins of so many demons? The shop is too small! If what you said earlier was accurate, they would be flooding your castle too! There are too many demons!"

Baal frowned. That sounded like a pain to deal with.

"Ask Coux, she’s in charge for this."

"Baal!" Zero wanted to grab his friend by the shirt and shake him. "You can’t just leave this to someone else to handle and pretend like it doesn’t concern you. You’re the Lord of this domain! There could be really bad fights and I don’t know if I can help everyone who wants to return to their origin in merely three days!"

King Yama who was sitting in the same carriage smiled lightly. Zero might have grown but he was still the same worrywart. In fact, the symptoms have gotten slightly worse. The young doctor was naggier than he remembered.

"Don’t’ worry, I have some staff coming over to help with the registration. All you need to do is have everyone in the same area after they registered. We will set up a magical barrier so that all those who aren’t allowed in it will not be affected by your ability. The Inheritor of Sins ability works area-wide too, doesn’t it?"

Zero blinked. He hasn’t told anyone about it as he was still testing the range of influence the new ability had with Mii in the mindscape. So far, it could reach up to a hundred metres in radius but not more.

"Hundred metres. I can’t do more than that..."

Enma nodded. "That’s good enough. Say, the bank is the biggest building in Baal’s domain right?"

Baal nodded. "You need to get Mammon’s approval to use it."

"I’ll ask Mammon!" Zero grinned.

Two seconds later, Zero replied. "He said it’s alright to use it for three days but he will put it on my tab."

Enma made a face. "Sometimes, I really hate that ability of yours. Will you at least use the communicator I gave you?"

Zero made a face. "I do! They just don’t have it in the abyss..."

"I guess everything is settled," Baal smirked. "What are you going to do later, Zero?"

Zero hummed. There was still the matter about Ruth to attend to. There were so many things he wanted to know about the vampire but firstly, they needed to get him some clothes to wear. Whatever Ruth was wearing didn’t seem to fit him well. They were Baal’s clothes after all. Also, he had to find a way to feed the warrior better. Ruth was too malnourished.

"I need to go shopping for Ruth. I’ll come back before dinner because I have some questions I would like to discuss with my teacher. En, would you like to come along with me? I can show you around town. It’s fun!"

King Yama smiled. "Of course. I would also like to try the parfait at Belles and Begonia."

The apprentice grinned. They had their itinerary for the afternoon now that the trial was over.

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