Ball of Nothing

Chapter 191 Agent Zero 10

Chapter 191 Agent Zero 10

Zero had to admit. Rayneld was a rather cool person. Contrary to his princely image as a model student, the manta ray was someone who had quite the mischievous streak in him. Zero didn’t think that a model student would find ways to skip classes and escape the school grounds. The fact that Rayneld found a loophole in the Academy’s no-magic rule made the young doctor slightly suspicious of him.

Things only became more suspicious when Rayneld took Zero to one of the more secluded and better keep secret shortcuts. Lucifer wasn’t lying when he said that it was going to be difficult to locate this exit. Zero could manage with Mii’s help and the map but the same wasn’t the same for Rayneld.

"How did you discover this? It’s not easy to know where and what to do before you can find the entrance..."

Rayneld gave Zero a toothy grin and his aquamarine eyes glowed. The young doctor didn’t think that was something a good student would look like. His feral appearance didn’t help give a gentler image. Zero was considering keeping tabs on him when the manta ray demon laughed.

"I like to explore forbidden places. You can think of it as a hobby of mine. With a building as old as this and an owner as paranoid as Lucifer, I think there are more secret passages than the ones I’ve already found. This just happened to be one of the better few. However, if you thought in the direction that the headmaster does, it’s not very difficult to figure where he would hide certain things."

Zero nodded, unsure if he should buy this reasoning. It would be a very convenient reason for a spy who had to conceal his cover. Still, Zero just smiled and followed Rayneld’s lead. The manta ray demon led them into some of the narrower tunnel and Zero wondered if this was such a wise thing to do. Saner people would have run away if someone tried to invite them into a dark cavern with the promise of a good surprise. Still, a mission was a mission. He knew that he had teleportation magic at hand if he really needed a quick getaway.

The passage was long and winding. Zero didn’t think that it would ever end. He could feel the changes in the air already. While his sense of sight didn’t work very well in the pitch black darkness, Zero was able to put echolocation to use, a random skill he gained from one of the auction items. It was slightly strange to see images form in his mind without colours but at the very least, he knew he wouldn’t be tripping over the cracks in the uneven ground.

The spy on mission noticed that his host hasn’t even fumbled once. Do manta rays see well in the dark or have echolocation? Zero found it interesting. If Rayneld was the spy, that would at least explain how nobody was able to catch him in the act.

As they twisted down the maze, Zero smelled something stale and metallic in the air. He wrinkled his nose and wondered how Rayneld was able to tolerate the stench. Luckily for Zero, he knew how to switch off the sense of smell. The walkway was becoming wider and they were going down a steeper slope as compared to before. There were no longer tiles and the ground was closer to dirt. The stuffy air quality from before was now replaced with something warmer and more humid. Zero could hear something making low rhythmic thumps through the vibration on the ground. Whatever it was, Zero bet that it would be huge.

"Where are we going?" he finally asked.

Rayneld didn’t slow down nor looked back. "We’re going to see one of the most beautiful places in this Academy. It’s almost as good as the Academy’s heart. Just a word of caution, don’t touch it or get too near. I won’t be able to save you if you did."

Zero didn’t reply. He didn’t know what Rayneld was talking about. Why would he touch anything out of curiosity? Also, why would he be in need of saving if he did? What could possibly go wrong? Lucifer made this Academy as safe as it got. Zero glanced at his map. While it was still part of the Academy, the maps were showing new grounds that were not there before. He was walking in unknown territory and that made the young doctor slightly unnerved.

"We’re almost there," Rayneld told him and Zero gulped.

With one final left turn, the sight made Zero freeze. Several hundred feet beneath the Academy, Zero never expected that Lucifer would hide such a terrifying looking monster.

"Here she is... beautiful, right?" Rayneld smiled. His aquamarine eyes glowed in the dark, giving Zero chills. He didn’t know if he should agree with the manta ray demon or teleport away and blow his cover.

"She" was big and Zero followed the movement. The ground vibrated again when a thick and heavy root fell onto the ground and twisted as if trying to scour for another meal.

"Meet Veronica," Rayneld introduced. Zero didn’t understand how the model student could look at the Blood Willow’s true body with such adoration in his eyes. There was only one thing going through the doctor’s head.

"Have anyone ever told you that you’re crazy?" the words blurted out of his mouth faster than he could stop them.

Rayneld’s smile fell. His aquamarine eyes swirled through a few different hues before he spoke again.

"No, you’re the first. I believe if we can come to the same conclusion, we could be good friends. I’m so glad that I wasn’t wrong in my judgement by bringing you here. Sometimes I invite someone I think will get along with Veronica but they scream and curse at me. If that isn’t bad enough, they had to insult my lover... of course, I silenced them permanently. I’m fine with being insulted but nobody will get away with insulting my darling..."

Zero blinked and met Rayneld’s quiet gaze. "What was it that made you love her so much?"

Rayneld took out a knife and Zero flinched. Thankfully, Rayneld’s eyes were no longer on him. The manta ray demon stabbed his other arm that wasn’t holding the knife. He held the bleeding limb out as an offering that Veronica gladly took. Zero yelped in horror at the bloody vine ripping out Rayneld’s entire arm.

"Your arm! We need to fix that..."

Rayneld waved Zero’s concern off in a relaxed manner with the happiest smile on his face while Veronica attacked his severed arm, devouring it without leaving anything behind.

"Don’t worry, it’s part of being a manta ray demon. My arm will regrow in a few hours."

Zero didn’t know what to say. He looked at the wound and blinked. The flesh was already stitching itself together. Zero didn’t even have to assist with his healing magic.

"The first time I met Veronica, I was badly wounded. It’s not really a secret but I am the son of Charybdis. I have many enemies and the only safe place in the abyss is the Academy. Granted, there are political games within the compound and bullies but they’re nothing compared to professional hunters after your life. She helped me off those pesky demon hunters. How could I not fall for her?"

Zero hummed. "I guess she’s special to you. I saw some vines in the garden earlier and have been curious as to where Lucifer was keeping her. I didn’t think that anyone would find out the true location of the Academy’s guardian."

Rayneld smiled and sat down. Zero followed suit. "You have no idea how hard I worked to find her location. It took me many months to finally win her over and give me the most crucial hint before I found that entrance. I don’t know if there are easier ways to access this place but I’m not complaining. For Veronica, every drop of blood and sweat would be worth it."

Zero struck Rayneld off the list of suspects. This person was mysterious and obviously insane but he wasn’t someone working for the enemy. All he really wanted was to be together with this monster of a tree.

"Would it be terrible if you had to graduate from the Academy? Veronica has her duty here after all. She can’t come with you."

At this, Rayneld fell silent. His aquamarine eyes turned a sorrowful shade of blue. "I know. I don’t want to graduate but I know I can’t hide here forever. When that time comes, I will ask Lucifer to give her to me. For now, I’m more than content spending the rest of my time here with her. You’re the first person I feel truly understands me. I’m so happy I wasn’t wrong about you."

Zero smiled. He didn’t know what to think about how Rayneld saw him. He didn’t really know if making friends with such an odd person would prove to be such a good thing. Still, having more friends than enemies wouldn’t hurt right?

"Likewise," he settled for and observed as Rayneld’s eyes brightened again. The duo sat there watching Veronica dig her roots into the dirt ceiling and shifting around. Occasionally, there would be a leg or two pulled down from above.

Zero was startled when that happened the first few times but slowly got used to it. The low thumping sounds were surprisingly calming to listen to. When Veronica dragged down a tribe of orcs armed to the teeth, Zero wanted to praise her for doing a good job guarding the Academy against enemies.

Veronica went on unaware of the two silent admirers. For such a vicious tree, she had one charming point about her. Ignoring the gnarly vines and thorny roots, the tree had shimmering silver leaves and one ruby red crystal flower. It didn’t look like a huge tree if the roots and vines were ignored. In fact, it looked like a harmless bush hidden away from the world. Zero noticed how the red crystal flower would glow whenever it caught something. It looked stunning when it was feeding and Zero glanced at Rayneld. Was that why the manta ray demon looked so happy to see her feeding on something?

"Mii," he called for the strawcherry assistant through the mental connection.

"Yes? I assume everything is going well seeing how you aren’t screaming for help."

Zero rolled his eyes. "Yes, I was wrong. Thank you very much. I just need to take this image as evidence and pull out the fragment of memory that consists of our conversation earlier to include in my report tonight. That leaves Jeremiah as the only remaining suspect."

Mii pulled out Zero’s memory book and photocopied the page that Zero requested for. The young doctor left her to it and decided that it would be nice to take a nap now. Bob was probably still talking with Olaf and Zero wasn’t particularly hungry yet. He would wake up later when his stomach decides to demand food.


Beel couldn’t believe it. How could Zero skip lessons when he was meant to play the good transfer student? The Demon Lord cursed. Zero was supposed to keep an eye on that stupid canary! Things were screaming suspicious to him when that arrogant canary sidled up to Professor Rhinestone.

"Dammit!" he cursed. "You owe me ten more of those carrot cakes," Beelzebub grit his teeth and followed them. Zero had better come back before dinner or Beelzebub wouldn’t let him go that easily.

"Professor?" Jeremiah asked when he noticed that the Demon Ethics teacher wasn’t focussing on their conversation.

"Let’s head to somewhere more private," Professor Rhinestone grinned at the canary demon. Baal caught sight of Beelzebub trailing after Rhinestone and Jeremiah after his class. Speaking of class, kids nowadays had no respect for their elders...

"Wasn’t Zero supposed to follow up on their case? Why is Beelzebub doing it?" he muttered. His eyes narrowed when Rhinestone and Jeremiah started walking out of the building. The Demon Lord was about to pursue them himself when someone called him.

"Professor Baal! You’ve been my idol ever since I came to the Academy. Could you please sign this for me?"

Baal did so quickly and turned back to glance out of the window. They weren’t there anymore and the Demon Lord cursed. He didn’t think he would lose them so easily and hated himself more for taking this Professor job so seriously. What has Coux done to him?

Thinking about having to report it to Lucifer left a foul taste in his mouth.

"It’s all because of Zero..." the Demon Lord growled lowly. "I’ll make him tell me five stories to make up for all the trouble he has caused. Also, why the heck isn’t that brat in class? Who taught him to play hooky? Kids these days, I swear..."

Somewhere under the Academy grounds, Zero sneezed.

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