Ball of Nothing

Chapter 268 Dark Zero

Chapter 268 Dark Zero

While Hua Tuo taught Zero about surgery with different animals from fish to boars and snakes, the brunet found himself getting incredibly busy around the village. First, there was gardening to do. Cleo and Latitia worked hard to cultivate the strange herbs and medical plants that Zero wanted. He was in the middle of experimenting with their uses with Hua Tuo to see if any of them could be used to help Ruth with his sunlight allergy.

Also, the teenager had been dragged to and fro from Lovina’s library to the lab’s hideout. The witch wanted Zero to help her with the chaos energy balance equation. The witch was still testing the relationship between qi, chaos energy and mana. Her job was to validate Wiser’s theory and give the researcher a proper measurement for the balancing point of all three energy types. On the other hand, Wiser and the lab rats were working on creating a harvester machine that could store chaos energy from the abyss and convert it into power.

Zero regretted agreeing to be the village’s new head because everyone needed his attention. He felt apologetic to the children because he had to decline them twice for a game of tag in the past week. The hunters were also working hard to hunt food according to Hua Tuo’s lesson plans. Kitchen duty was almost over and Zero felt a lot more confident now.

"You need to remove the stitches on the uterus and then stitch the skin on the outside back to let the cow heal properly," Hua Tuo told his apprentice.

Zero was feeling more confident now and didn’t make a fuss. He got to work immediately. Removing the stitches were easier than stitching the wound. There were no complications and Zero made sure to check twice for any parts he missed out on sterilising before stitching the mother cow back. The calf turned out to be very strong and healthy, often seen running around in the pastures near the garden. Cleo had to set up tall shrubbery around the garden to protect it from being ruined by the young energetic calf. Zero didn’t blame the dryad for showing dislike for the new animal in the village.

However, the one that made Zero the busiest was the surprise training Olaf would always pop on him. The Frost Dragon had included Zero into his ’life-situation reaction combat’ training program when Zero got hold of his modified tonfas.

"Striking wooden dummies won’t do anything for you," Olaf said. "If you want to improve quickly, how about joining Vrald and Gerald on their training?"

Zero seriously regret agreeing to Olaf’s offer. Hua Tuo had been so badly affected that he booted Zero out of their shared room.

"If you want a dragon storming into your bedroom in the name of training, we’re sleeping separately from now on!" the Sage God declared on the day Zero was tossed out.

After having his blankets frozen several times in a night, Hua Tuo finally had enough. Nobody dared talk to the grumpy Sage God for a while until the dark circles from underneath his eyes had disappeared. Still, Olaf wasn’t even the slightest bit apologetic.

Gerald, Vrald and Zero were looking very haggard. The Frost Dragon was merciless and harassed them whenever they tried to take a break. Zero finally understood why his best friend was able to mercilessly blow down kingdoms with a sneeze. It was annoying to be woken up just when you finally had some sleep.

Olaf would sometimes freeze them up or send icicles flying their way when they were bathing, sleeping, eating or basically not doing actual work. Zero learnt that Olaf wasn’t against accidentally killing them in the name of training. Vrald and Gerlad looked rather beaten up from the hectic training that they started earlier than Zero. The village leader wondered how long more he should put up with this ridiculous form of harassment.

"Young master, the only way to get out of training is to defeat Olaf. Do you want me to tell you his weakness?" Bob asked from Zero’s mindscape.

Zero sighed. While that would be nice, it would be meaningless. He had to find a way to defeat Olaf using his own means. If Zero thought he was resourceful, Olaf was like an endless bag of tricks. Just when Zero thought of one way to counter an attack, Olaf would immediately retaliate with a follow-up. The cycle of getting beaten up was never ending.

Still, Zero felt as if his ability to grasp the use of tonfas were getting better. He spun them, stabbed them, used them to block and even used them to fire magic projectiles at the dragon. Zero used fire magic because frost dragons were said to be weak against it. In lieu of Olaf’s other elemental magic, Zero fused light into his fire attacks. Sadly, it was only effective in theory. In practise, he has never once landed a successful hit on Olaf before.

Fighting a dragon was no mean feat. No wonder they were once kings of the skies. Zero decided to use traps and baits to trick Olaf. Hua Tuo didn’t limit Zero’s magic or qi abilities outside of medical training so Zero decided to try the fusion move he created but with tonfas now. Maybe adding yang qi to fire and light magic will increase the overall effectiveness?

As Zero toiled away at night perfecting his fighting style and exploring more of what he can do, Lovina, Qin Yun and Hua Tuo watched over him. Olaf was also wary when Zero showed enormous leaps in improvement on a daily basis. Each time he launched an attack on the village head, Olaf had to be more careful and prepared his ace in a hole. Should Zero hit him with one of those deadly attacks, Olaf would be a melted Frost Dragon, there was no doubting it.

Unfortunately, while Zero was able to continuously improve on his firepower, his inexperience showed. techniques were techniques. When two masters with top-tier skills are evenly matched with the same physique, the one thing that could determine the outcome of a match was wit. Zero was intelligent but not quick on his feet. Olaf recognised that since the first time he saw the boy in the Academy.

Bob expressed his concern for his naive young master while they shared Poxie tea in his library and Olaf decided to do his old friend a favour. Zero might be resourceful but he wasn’t cunning enough or shrewd enough to get things done. He was too soft-hearted and cared too much about everyone else. Vrald and Gerald had their own training and trials to overcome just like Zero. Instead of focusing on overcoming his trial, Zero was intent on having all three of them pass the trial together. Olaf didn’t mind the collaboration between his trainees. However, he minded that they only used Gerald’s brain cells. What were the brain cells in Zero’s head for? Decoration? Vrald doesn’t need to use any, Olaf didn’t think he had any to spare.

"How long are you going to keep this up for?" Hua Tuo asked the Frost Dragon.

Olaf shrugged. "As long as it will take for that dumb student of yours to realise that there are no rules in the world even if there were laws."

Hua Tuo nodded. For Zero, it might very well be a lesson learnt before he started to travel. The boy might cause trouble all the time but he had never intentionally broken any rules that Hua Tuo set. The Sage God might have been too strict with Zero’s upbringing and education while he was in his charge and he felt slightly ashamed for having to entrust someone else to right his wrongs.

"You have my thanks."

Olaf shook his head. "No need. I’m doing this favour for an old friend. How long do you think your student will take to figure this out?"

The Sage God smiled. "Who knows?"

Olaf watched as Hua Tuo left for the night. Zero was still meditating and from the aura, he was contacting someone. Olaf decided to take a nap while the boys were working hard. He could always bother them later.

Down in the feast cave, Gerald and Vrald were cleaning their swords. Olaf didn’t really teach them much about dragon magic or swordsmanship. They were feeling disheartened as the Frost Dragon continued to toy with them in the name of training. As expected, the disparity between a full-blooded dragon and one that has been watered down by many generations was too great. Was there any way to overcome this? Unlike Zero, they couldn’t use Divine Spells.

On the other hand, Zero was meditating and talking to someone who was familiar with dragons. He wanted some tips but not to cheat his trial.


"Yes," Zero replied. The friend in his mindscape hummed.

"Hold on, let me search my archives. I think there was something mentioned about him but it’s not a lot. I can’t remember it all at the drop of a feather. You’ve called me too suddenly!"

The young doctor apologised and waited as the self-proclaimed universal librarian searched her physical library while maintaining their mental connection.

"Olaf the Frost Dragon... oh! There it is!"

Excited, Zero wanted to know what it was.

"Olaf is the last of the intellectual dragons who preferred hoarding books and scrolls instead of gold like other dragons. His knowledge is far and wide, spanning from the ancient language of fallen gods to the gossip of fallen kingdoms. he is described as an eccentric dragon who hardly killed."

Zero had a hard time believing it. The Olaf he knew was trying to kill his students on a daily basis.

"Is there no mention about Olaf’s personality?"

The librarian giggled. "Is he really that difficult to understand?"

Zero sighed. "According to Bob, he is a loyal dragon who would stand by his friends and families even if the world turned against them. If not for the curse his brother put on him to send him to the abyss, Olaf would have died. I cannot believe that this is the same dragon who is constantly trying to freeze us to death in the name of training. Just what is this training all about anyway? It isn’t really fair fighting one on one against a dragon, is it?"

Zero’s friend laughed loudly while Zero fumed. "I don’t think you’re getting the point, Zero. Olaf didn’t say anything about winning or fighting fair, did he? He just said to defeat him. There are many ways to defeat a person or a dragon. Why don’t you take a step back to observe a little more carefully? As you mentioned, Olaf doesn’t use fanciful techniques. Surely there must be a way to overcome it."

Zero thought about it. The librarian made sense.

"Thanks, Swift."

"Anything for you, sweetie!"

When Zero came out of his meditation, he felt a familiar chill from behind him. This time, instead of dodging, Zero chose to remain unmoving to see what would happen if he got his by the frost breath. he circulated the yang qi within his body and waited as the cold blast of air hit him.

Olaf was surprised when only Vrald and Gerald dodged. Zero just sat there and took the attack without moving. Hua Tuo was going to demand dragon blood if anything happened to his precious student! Olaf panicked and quickly went to check on Zero even before the misty cloud settled. That was all Zero needed.

Zero took the cover of the mist to cast a qi-infused lightning net over the unsuspecting frost dragon. Who knew that this was all it took to defeat the mighty Frost Dragon?

Olaf screamed in pain when lightning attacked him from all directions. He begged for Zero to release him but this time, Zero had enough of Olaf’s lies. The last few times Gerlad, Vrald and Zero negotiated with Olaf, the Frost Dragon didn’t keep his promise. He still morphed into a dragon and attacked them. Sleep hours were also ignored and Zero was legitimately pissed. Payback was a bitch.

"If you concede defeat, I will stop."

"Aghh! It hurts! Release me!" Olaf wailed but Zero remained unmoving. Vrald and Gerlad stared with disbelief as Olaf tried to escape by shifting into his dragon form. Zero didn’t let the size difference break his tightly woven net. In fact, he added a qi-infused fire magic net in a dome shape over the electric net. The fire was hot enough to burn the dragon if he touched the edges so Olaf was forced reluctantly into surrendering.

"I concede! Release me!"

Zero paused and took out his communicator and pointed it at Olaf. "Sorry, I didn’t get that the first time. What did you say again?"

Olaf gritted his teeth. Exactly what has he unleashed? He didn’t recognise this side of Zero at all!

"I concede! You’ve defeated me, I lost! Please let me go now?"

Satisfied, Zero dismissed the magic with a snap of his fingers before walking over to the shaking dragon with a smile. Olaf whimpered and tried to move away but Zero restrained him with gravity magic.

"Hold still or it’s going to take longer for me to heal you. No more disturbing my sleep from now on, ok?"

Zero was back to his sweet and kind self as he said that, throwing everyone in the cave into confusion. What was that before? Zero looked so ready to throw someone off a cliff earlier but he was back to his usual worrywart self so quickly. Weren’t the injuries he was healing inflicted by him?

As the boy walked past the warriors, both swordsmen trembled in fear. No wonder there was a saying that the world should never make the nicest people angry. It was downright terrifying to see them mad if they lived to tell the tale that is...

If there was no light without shadow then without a doubt, what Hua Tuo just witnessed and what Olaf suffered first hand, was Zero’s dark side. Finally, a discovery that set their minds at ease. If Zero had a dark side, he would be capable of protecting himself and the people he cared for when the time arrived.

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