Ball of Nothing

Chapter 272 Graduation

Chapter 272 Graduation

After the messy cave hunting trip, Bob and Olaf smiled. The dragon warriors might still be weak but they had the potential to carry on the legacy of their ancestors.

"Gerald, come here."

The Light Dragon warrior got up and obeyed. He walked over to the lazing Frost Dragon who poked a nail gently to the warrior’s forehead, startling him. A drop of blood trickled down and Olaf chanted a long prayer. A magic circle appeared and power surged through the blonde swordsman.

An elaborate tattoo appeared on his back and pain ripped through every fibre of his being. Olaf looked satisfied when the tattoo was complete. The magic circle from earlier also disappeared and the Frost Dragon smiled.

"Congratulations on graduating the initiation test. You now have the Blessing of the Last Frost Dragon - Olaf."

Gerald was still catching his breath. He didn’t know what Olaf did but he knew how important Blessings were. Dropping down to one knee, the Light Dragon Warrior bowed in gratitude.

"Come here, son of the Fire Dragon," Bob called out.

Vrald didn’t hesitate. He didn’t flinch either when the same thing happened to him.

"Son of the Fire Dragon, Vrald. Receive the Blessing of the one and only Eternal Dragon - Bobbinskrier. From now on, walk the path of dragons and live proudly."

Vrald bowed humbly and thanked Bob. Although the tattoo mark on his back stung, he could feel a strange power surging inside of him. He’d never felt this hot before and even if the cave was almost frozen with Olaf’s icy breath, Vrald didn’t feel affected.

"I’m going to head back right now," Bob told his friend. "Zero is about to graduate."

Olaf nodded. "Alright, see you soon, old friend."

As Bob disappeared, Olaf turned to the two warriors. "From now on, we will be fulfilling our mission to become heroes and spread the name of Half Moon Village. Our first stop is the Smargdas Kingdom. Mitchnew and Roovan have gathered sufficient intel for us, we’re heading straight for the adventurer’s guild. Any questions?"

Vrald and Gerald shook their heads. Truthfully, they still had their adventurer identities even if it was a little outdated. It was Olaf who needed registering. They discussed it beforehand that Olaf would register as a mage in his human disguise. Gerald and Vrald would merely update their existing adventurer’s card and they would take on quests to rank up quickly.

Olaf didn’t have to explain much about a dragon’s blessing. Everyone knew that from the legends, a person with the Dragon’s Blessing is destined to become a great adventurer and even heroes. They will be gifted with great magic and strength like no other. It was this blessing that eventually turned on the dragons. Humans who were descendants of the blessed warriors became tainted by materialistic desire. They used the powers to start hunting dragons instead and cast the pride aside, taking on the mantle of Dragon Slayers.

As the dragon and the dragon warriors prepared for their journey, Bob crashed a different kind of party in Hell.

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The Demon Lords splurged on the party at Hope Hospital. Zero looked around and saw that Baal didn’t make it for his graduation party. Instead, Coux attended.

"What happened to Bell?" he asked when he finally caught the busty secretary alone. Getting away from the crowd had been difficult but Zero was glad he pulled it off somehow.

Coux smiled sadly. "He told me to pass you this on your graduation. Lord Baal didn’t want to keep this from you but he thought that you should focus on your training instead."

Zero carefully received the envelope and opened it. There was a handwritten letter inside the envelope and Zero recognised Baal’s messy scrawls.

Dear Zero

By the time you read this, I might have started hibernating.

Truth be told, the amount of work that I was made to do over the last few months had been really tough. That time we said goodbye might be our first and last for a very long time. I just wanted to let you know that I don’t regret anything. Meeting you has been one of the best things that has happened to me.

It’s a shame that I wouldn’t be able to go with you on your adventure. However, in return, I want to be able to hear all your stories after my slumber. I’ve spoken with your best friend Truen on a few occasions and think that you will be in good hands.

Just a word of advice from a friend who has lived for a rather long period of time to a new adventurer. Trust nobody, not even yourself. While there are nice people, there are also many nasty people who wouldn’t hesitate to throw you off a cliff to save themselves. I know you want to become a doctor to save everyone but as a friend, I must let you know that not everyone can be saved. Similarly, not everyone who can be saved deserves to be saved. Make that choice wisely and most importantly, never regret your decisions.

I know you hate me nagging so I will end it short. Stay safe, stay well and stay happy. Let’s talk a lot to make up for lost time once I awake. Who knows, Hell might be a wonderful flower field by then.

With everything I have and more, your friend and ally always.

Baal (Bell)

P.S. Drop by from time to time and check on my domain, won’t you?

Zero read the letter several times and silent tears created the illusion of rain. Dark spots started forming on the floor where they landed. Zero couldn’t stop himself but also didn’t dare make any noise in fear of ruining the festive mood on the other side of the door.

"You’re too sneaky, Bell..." Zero cried and wiped away the tears. He knew that Baal had always overdone things and exhausted himself too much trying to help him when Zero was at his lowest. It was expected that Baal wouldn’t be able to keep up with the pressure for long. He was the Lord of Sloth after all.

Still, the parting had been too sudden. Even though Zero said his goodbyes, he said it with faith that they would see each other again soon. Why is it that of all the Demon Lords attending his party, only Baal couldn’t make it? Didn’t he know that Zero was looking forward to reuniting with Baal the most?

Coux gave Zero some space to cry in silence and said nothing. Baal had warned her before he started hibernating that Zero could be stubborn. If he were to visit the castle, Zero wouldn’t find Baal. The Demon Lord had thought things through and was hibernating in an unknown location. Only Mammon, Lilith and Lucifer knew where he was hiding.

Zero took some time to calm down and excused himself to wash his tear-streaked face. He stored Baal’s precious letter away in his inventory and told Mii to make a copy of it in digital format on his reading device. He would refer to it from time to time so that he wouldn’t lose the sight of the light in his life once he starts his adventure.

Hua Tuo and Coux exchanged some brief words when Zero left. The physician drank a whole flask of alcohol trying to numb his feelings. He was happy with having a hospital and had even taken on some students. However, nothing could ever replace the person who gave him the courage to pick up medicine again. Zero was his very first and last disciple. Whether the teen knew it or not, Hua Tuo had never imparted so much knowledge to any one individual before. To think that the boy who grew into a young man would leave him so soon, Hua Tuo’s heart couldn’t bear it.

The gift had been prepared a long time ago but now, Hua Tuo was hesitating. Would this be good enough? Shouldn’t he do more?

Zero came back to the party and Lilith wasted no time. The lights dimmed and Zero was dragged to the front.

"Dearly beloved! Today, we celebrate the official graduation of Zero here. After almost a long year of brutal training, our boy is finally ready to become a full-fledged doctor!"

There was thunderous applause but Zero couldn’t hear any of that. His eyes were tearing up again when he saw his teacher approaching him with two small rolled-up leather pouches. He didn’t need to see the contents to know what they were. Zero was torn on the inside. Becoming a doctor had been his dream for the longest time. He enjoyed every single moment he spent learning under his teacher. However, he was also devastated at the thought of leaving the nest. Half Moon Village and the abyss was the closest to what Zero could consider as a home. Accepting the graduation gift meant that he could no longer remain here.

Hua Tuo smiled. Zero had a look similar to a puppy that has been abandoned. He felt like he should say a few things just to clarify that misunderstanding and send his student off with a smile.

"Zero. You’re a very intelligent person with talents like no other. I cannot be prouder to have you as my first and last disciple. Although the training was harsh, you never faltered. After receiving this acupuncture needle set and surgical toolset, know that you are no longer an apprentice but a full-fledged doctor. With the knowledge and skills that I have imparted, use them to carve out the change you seek in the world. With the use of these tools, always remember that you will always be the only disciple of the greatest doctor to ever live."

The Sage God smiled and passed the two kits to Zero, eliciting another loud cheer and applause from the guests. Hua Tuo leaned in and whispered in Zero’s ear while he held his student in a rare hug.

"Your home will always be with us. If it gets too difficult and tiring, come back for a while to rest."

Zero nodded and returned the hug tightly.

"Yes, shifu. Thank you for the wonderful graduation gift."

Hua Tuo smiled but didn’t say anything. Now that Zero was a recognised doctor, the Sage God’s job was done.

The rest of the night was wild with everyone trying to talk to Zero before he left for Heaven the next morning. Hua Tuo drank more than usual and became tipsy. The old man was spotted drunk and crying. He clung onto the jar of wine, refusing to let go and was inconsolable. Nobody mentioned it to him the next morning but everyone knew that he was heavily affected by the parting with his student.

The Demon Lords allowed Zero to visit Baal’s castle one last time just so Zero could have somewhat of a closure. As expected, Baal was nowhere to be found in his castle. Zero wasn’t allowed too much time to search for his friend because Pegasus was already waiting.

Today was the day of the meeting that Mammon was supposed to attend. Zero had to attend it no matter what and being late isn’t a good first impression. Hua Tuo mounted his cloud and helped Zero get up the tall horse. The teen might have grown taller but he wasn’t tall enough for some things.

"Are you ready?" he asked Zero. The brunet was dressed in formal wear today because of the meeting’s agenda. If he was going to represent Hell’s interest, he had to be treated seriously.

Zero did the last check on his appearance. He had that stiff suit on and nodded. The bowtie wasn’t crooked and he tucked in the shirt properly. The laces of his shoes were also done neatly, there shouldn’t be any complaints. Freya’s etiquette lessons paid off and Zero looked very smart in the attire.

"Let’s go," he said and they went through the portal at Ten-Path Crossway with a crowd cheering them on from behind.

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