Barbarian Quest

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Today was the day a guest was visiting Count Haifa's domain. The margrave, who governed the estate on the northwestern border, had come to see Count Haifa rather out of the blue, but he seemed to be bringing good news.

Count Haifa's second son, Kamil, was drinking with thugs despite an important diplomatic event happening involving his father.

"Young master, what do you even like about that woman?" The thugs asked as they laughed in the tavern.

Kamil was fat enough to be nicknamed ‘fatty.’ He had been gluttonous since childhood, never stopping eating even when he was full.

"Shut up. Frey is a beautiful woman."

Kamil glared at the thugs as he chewed the grilled lamb.

"Hey, if the young master likes her, who are we to argue?"

"Exactly. As long as the young master is happy."

The thugs said whatever they could to please Kamil.

"Remember, my older brother has a chronic illness and won't live long. That means I'll be the next Count Haifa."

Kamil pointed at the thugs with a meat bone.

"Of course, young master."

The thugs laughed obsequiously, and Kamil, pleased with their reaction, spoke grandly about the current affairs. Though it was a turbulent time, it was also an era of opportunities.

"Regardless of who ends up winning this war, the emperor's influence will weaken and the era of local lords will return. If I'm lucky, a time may come when I can establish a duchy or even a kingdom."

Kamil’s words were backed up by history. Eras where local warlords or nobles ran rampant always followed the weakening of the central power. In chaotic times such as this one, the balance of power changed daily, and this was the foundation on which the empire itself was built.

The fact that anyone who could read the ever-changing chaotic situation and prepare for the future in such turbulent times had a chance of becoming kings made the hearts of men race.

‘This fat man thinks he can be such a hero. If he weren't a lord's son, he'd be licking my boots.’

The leader of the thugs sneered inwardly, but he also knew the importance of one’s status. It was true that Kamil had a high chance of becoming the next Count Haifa.

"Stay loyal to me until then, and you'll get solid positions. I’ll make you the captain of the guard; you, the chief of security; and you, the defense captain. Now, how does that sound?"

Kamil pointed to each thug as he spoke.

"Aren't they all the same thing?" a thug asked, puzzled.

"They're not, you idiot!" Kamil snapped.

The domain of Count Haifa was just as poor as the other unfortunate territories who had learned that it was better to offer tributes to the barbarians willingly rather than be plundered by them. When plundered, people died, and buildings burned. If they couldn't defend it anyway, it was better to surrender beforehand.

After the barbarians swept through, the Imperial Army would follow, claiming they would defeat the barbarians and collect provisions. The longer the war dragged on, the more the people suffered.


Kamil burped and patted his belly after eating enough food for almost three people alone.

"I knew the emperor would drive the empire to ruins when he started wasting national power on the Eastern Continent and western expansion! There was a reason why Lou decreed the Sky Mountains as forbidden, but that stupid emperor just had to cross the Sky Mountains and bring the disaster that is sweeping the civilized world right now. This is all on him!"

Kamil raised his swaying cup, speaking whatever came to his mind drunkenly since there was no one in the Haifa domain to stop him.

"The sun god Lou has abandoned the empire and the emperor. That's why there's a rebellion in the north to establish a true kingdom of the sun, isn't that right?"

"You’re absolutely right, young master. With that being said, let’s call it a night."

"Call it a night? No, I’m going to keep drinking. I'm going to see Frey tonight."

The thugs looked troubled.

‘He's talking about Frey again. This dumbass only gets brave enough after drinking.’

For Kamil to forcefully have his way with her, they'd have to kill her brother, who was a strong opponent who could knock down three or four thugs with his bare hands.

"Can't you wait three more days? By then, Frey will understand your generous heart."

“R-right, of course! She won’t find a better man than me. I can't marry her because she's not a noble, but I'll treat her well."

Kamil, being as good at drinking as he was at eating, chugged more alcohol on a whim.

"When the empire falls and the turbulent times come, it will be my era! If you follow me, you'll succeed too!"

The situation of the empire was clear enough to be read by even a mere fat man like Kamil. The local lords were biding their time and accumulating power as it was certain that the empire's influence would weaken after the war. The emperor's authority at the center of the empire wouldn't be the same as before.

The tavern was noisy with Kamil's gang. A man in the corner lightly tapped the table with his glass.

"...Sure, the fall of the empire would definitely create opportunities; though there will be more people who die caught in the chaos than those who seize them."

Kamil's ears perked up despite his drunkenness.

"Who the hell are you?" Kamil shouted, reaching for his sword hilt.

"In my opinion, you’re going to be one of those who die a petty death. You see, I have a decent eye for people."

"I am Kamil Haifa! State your name!"

Kamil clumsily drew his sword, but even a clumsy one could kill if stabbed.

"I don’t doubt that the people of this backwater place worship you as some great person. After all, they don't know what true noble status is," the man mumbled, looking at the thugs.

He continued with his face hidden under a dirty hood, "Put that sword on me and I’ll make sure you regret it, idiot."

The man stood up and provoked Kamil with a voice that exuded dignity.


But the man limped with every step. He was either injured or a cripple, and the dignity in his voice faded away with the rather awkward stride.

"A cripple lecturing me?"

Kamil sneered and sheathed his sword before grabbing the man by the collar and punching him. The hefty punch powered by the mass of the fat man landed in the man's belly.


The man staggered back out of the tavern into the somewhat busy street.

"How dare a vagrant insult me, Kamil Haifa, in Count Haifa's domain!"

Kamil spread his arms wide and shouted, drawing the attention of the people in the street.

"I’ll show you who you’re messing with."

Kamil intended to punish the unidentified vagrant thoroughly to assert his authority.


Kamil kicked the man again, and the man curled up miserably. Seeing this, Kamil and his gang laughed.

"You startled me with that ridiculous confidence of yours earlier, you damn vagrant!"

Kamil, excited and instigated by the alcohol, kicked the man again, spat on him, and insulted him.

"Are you angry because of what I said? Keke."

The man spat bloody saliva on the ground and laughed.

"Still don't get the situation, huh? I am a noble, and you, a mere vagrant, insulted me. So, you deserve to die."

"Yes, when someone of low status challenges someone of high status, they deserve to die. Your logic is absolutely flawless."

The man continued to laugh, but it grew ominously loud.

More and more people from the domain gathered, including a face that was familiar to Kamil.


Kamil turned his gaze and spotted Frey, who was glaring at him with a frown.

Seeing Frey's expression, Kamil became even angrier and shouted, "You crazy bastard! What the hell is so funny?"

Kamil raised his sword high, intending to cut off an arm to make an example.

That was when the man quietly raised his hand and then clenched his fist.


An arrow flew and struck Kamil's arm.

Aaah! Kack! Aaah!

Kamil screamed in pain, rolling on the ground and trembling as if he were about to die.

“So loud, for what? You get hit by one arrow and you’re squealing like a pig?”

The man stood up, dusting off his pants.

“Who is it? Who shot that arrow!”

Kamil’s thugs pushed through the crowd, looking for the shooter.

“H-huh? What?”

The thugs pushing through the crowd backed away in confusion as they felt cold blades against their throats.

Men with sharp eyes emerged one by one from the crowd. They were clearly trained and above the pay grade of a bunch of thugs who had ruined their bodies with alcohol and women.

“W-what is the meaning of this? An ambush? Who are you!”

Kamil clutched his wounded arm and looked around to see the men whom he had never seen in this territory.

“Your Majesty,” someone knelt and spoke.

The man who had been beaten by Kamil nodded as he was handed a sword scabbard.

“And what about Sir Javoca?”

Kamil’s eyes widened at the man’s words. Javoca was the margrave who was meeting with Count Haifa today.

“Margrave Javoca is currently meeting with Count Haifa, Your Majesty. That will soon be over too.”

“Good. And what is your name?”

“Puratian, Your Majesty.”

“Be my herald, Sir Puratian”

“I would be honored, Your Majesty.”

The man used the scabbard as a cane to straighten his back and faced the crowd that was gathered around.

Puratian cleared his throat, looked around, and shouted loudly, “People of Haifa! Kneel before His Imperial Majesty Yanchinus Hamelon, the ruler of the world! Anyone standing after I finish speaking will lose their heads!”

Puratian’s voice was commanding. The crowd knelt under the pressure while tilting their heads, wondering if they had misheard.

“Yanchinus Hamelon?”

“T-the emperor?”

No matter how ignorant they were, everyone knew the name of the emperor.

“Put your face to the ground, Kamil Haifa! Everyone here is a witness to your crime!”

Puratian shouted at Kamil, who trembled and looked at his thugs with his face full of confusion.

“The emperor? His Imperial Majesty?”

The thugs knelt with blank faces. The situation was dire, and they couldn’t afford to help their young master. If their opponent was indeed the emperor, they would have to offer everything they had and beg with their heads on the ground just to survive.

“Let’s see... what was the crime for defying the imperial family?”

The man with the hood, Yanchinus, lifted Kamil’s chin with his foot.

Kamil awkwardly lifted his head, guided by the foot. His face turned pale upon seeing that the area was already secured by men presumed to be knights. It was impossible for anyone but a high-ranking noble to act so brazenly in someone else’s domain.

‘...He provoked me on purpose.’

Kamil’s mind cleared. He trembled as he recalled the numerous rumors of the emperor’s methods. Many nobles had their estates and wealth confiscated for various reasons, and the emperor’s infamous reputation was no secret to anyone.

“Kamil Haifa, can you remind me what I said earlier?”

“Y-you said that...” Kamil stammered.

Yanchinus helped. “If someone of low status challenges someone of high status..., what did I say would happen next?”

Kamil, forgetting even the pain from the arrow, banged his head on the ground.

“...You said they deserved to die, Your Majesty.”

Without replying, Yanchinus donned the cloak brought by the knights. The violet eagle cloak, which only the emperor could wear, fluttered long.

Yanchinus’ smile looked down at Kamil. It was exactly the same as the image of the emperor that circulated among the gossips.

‘He is evil and arrogant.’

Fat Kamil closed his eyes tightly.

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