basketball storm

Chapter 14 The Vampire Capitalist and His League of the Poor

Chapter 14 The Vampire Capitalist and His League of the Poor
To be honest, after getting used to the rhythm of NBA games, fast offense and defense, and flying players, it is really hard to get interested in watching CBA games.

Later generations watch CBA games mainly because they are older or simply because they support their hometown teams.

Even if I work and study during the day, I will insist on fishing in troubled waters to watch the NBA, which shows how attractive the NBA is.

Back in high school, Chen Xinglian and his best friend piled up books in front of them.Pick up your phone and watch the NBA live.

At that time, even if I was doing other things, I had to put the text live broadcast aside.

Especially when the game is at a critical moment, looking at the tense and exciting description in the text, let alone how exciting it is.

Chen Xinglian’s most impressive high school sophomore period was watching the Cavaliers and Warriors finals live text.

After that match, the two were startled by the text description.

Let the Chinese teacher not know that his lectures are so exciting?

In Chen Xinglian's impression, it seemed that the Cavaliers lost the game in the end.

(PS: The student party should not do such things, it will easily affect the study. Brother, I did it like this, and in the end I only got a copy of dT-Tb)


After the game, Chen Xinglian was invited by Manager Qi to meet with the players after the game.

Facing a big player like Pengcheng Yikang, the Capital Duck easily won the game.

Shan Tao showed the level of his CBA top center, and achieved top data of 24 points, 14 rebounds and 3 blocks.

Jiao Jian of the same team also scored 23 points, and the team's foreign players only ranked third and fourth in scoring.

Chen Xinglian is gratified by this. During this period, domestic players were still the main scorers, and foreign aid did not play a decisive factor.

Of course, the reason for this is that there is no such big-name foreign aid as in later generations.

However, the CBA in this period is also much stronger than later generations.

After meeting with the players, Chen Xinglian gave a few words of encouragement, but he didn't dare to push too hard.After all, one's own age is not necessarily older than the people inside.

When seeing Jiao Jian, Chen Xinglian's first impression was that he was tall and strong.I feel that the gap between ordinary people and stars is too big.

After chatting with Manager Qi for a while, he hurried back.


The busy work of the CBA makes Chen Xinglian, who is still a college student in later generations, feel overwhelmed.

Endless meetings, unfinished charters, endless inspections...

Recently, Chen Xinglian has to communicate non-stop with the leadership of the Cuba League about some adjustments to the competition system.

Speaking of adjustments, at present the main thing is to push the game time forward without making major changes, and focus on stability.

The main reason for the adjustment is that after the past cuba knockouts and the finals, the time has come to September, and it will not be a while before the start of the CBA.

Some summer league and preseason games are ineligible.Being out of touch with the team is not conducive to the growth of rookies.

At present, the general direction of the entire basketball association is the CBA league, so the management of Cuba naturally has no opinion.

After the meeting, the overall game plan will be moved forward according to Chen Xinglian's needs.As for how to do it, that's not what Chen Xinglian cares about.


Back in the office, Chen Xinglian closed the door.

Sitting on the sofa in the office, he opened the display panel.

Cut directly to the mall interface, Chen Xinglian has done several tasks and check-in in the past few days.

Now I have almost 5000 diamonds in my hand.

Without hesitation, I placed an order and purchased two intermediate training cards.He planned to use it for Zhang Gao and Deng Liqun to quickly increase their strength.

As for Liu Guang, since the intermediate training card can only increase the ability value by 10 points, Chen Xinglian had to buy an advanced training card for Liu Guang next.

Advanced training card: It can enable players below A level to train for a long time, and their strength can be greatly improved. It can enable A level players to train for a longer period of time, and their strength can be greatly improved. Training time, strength improvement is small.

Price: 1500 diamonds
Profiteer!Chen Xinglian cursed the system inwardly.Lost half of the property at once.

"Boss, please confirm whether to use the intermediate training card for Zhang Gao and Deng Liqun?"

"Boss, please confirm whether to use the advanced training card on Liu Guang?"

Chen Xinglian clicked Confirm without hesitation...

According to the instructions on the training card, it takes two months for a player's strength to improve.


Especially Liu Guang, who directly became an All-Star player.

"Liu Guang is at Ludong Agricultural University, and now it's the regional competition, and the Northeast Division competition seems to be held at the Sports University in the capital.

Then I invite Li Su to watch the game. "

Chen Xinglian has not forgotten the previous agreement.

If there is no change this year, the three teams of Aoshen, Yikang and Liaodong Banban will become the bottom of the league.

The No. [-] pick was expelled among the three teams.

Do you want to learn from your former immediate boss?

For example, to sign the champion...

"I'm going, I'm thinking about something messy! I don't want to learn such dirty tricks."

What a joke, this is to be exposed, and the team owners have to tear me apart.

Someone outside knocked on the door.

"Qing Jin!"

The person who came in was the director of the league department, surnamed Xu.Chen Xinglian called him Lao Xu directly.

"Mr. Chen, this is the situation of the team arena that you asked to sort out a few days ago."

This was assigned by Chen Xinglian before, and he wanted to know the current situation of the A-A stadium.

After a general look, Chen Xinglian frowned.

The construction of the arena basically adopts the approach of a comprehensive gymnasium, which is not prepared for professional competitions.

This also led to a lack of professionalism, such as media broadcasting, lighting, and game viewing comfort.

In addition, arenas are generally small, most of which only have a capacity of three to four thousand people.

Chen Xinglian recalled that his hometown team, the Fujian Cultural Tourism Team, had a stadium that could only accommodate 4000 people.

How can you catch up with the NBA like this?

Even if the arena cannot be enlarged for the time being, at least it must be refined!

"Old Xu, what about your assessment?"

Director Xu was a little helpless, and explained the difficulties to Chen Xinglian.

"Mr. Chen, I am afraid that according to your request, the billboards on the sidelines will be transformed into LED billboards, and the referees will use a video playback system to increase the demand for bucket screens. The current financial situation of the company may not be able to afford it."

Chen Xinglian looked at the expenses and budget, and really couldn't afford it.After thinking about it, I made a decision.

"Well, first install LED billboards and increase the number of camera positions for each game."

"As for the bucket screen, it will be the smallest one, and it will be remodeled successively in the next three seasons. It is not expected to be completed at one time. Moreover, the alliance will only bear half of the above-mentioned remodeling costs."

Chen Xing thought of advertising sponsorship, asked Lao Xu, and found that the advertisers did not sign for long.

"That's it! You start to prepare advertising sponsorships in advance, and attract advertisers who are interested in advertising to bid. The sideline advertisements of a venue will be increased from one arrangement to five for me, and they will be played on a rolling basis.

of course!There are also small advertisers who can't afford big prices, and soft bags for basketball stands can also be rented out.

But don't do too much, as it is easy to arouse the audience's disgust. "

Old Xu called him a good guy, it’s a good thing he came back from the United States, and he learned all the tricks of capitalists.

"Also! Remember not to sign a long-term contract!"

"Mr. Chen, I remember."

Director Xu left the office.

 The early novels were rather boring. They were basically chapters like building a league, without much excitement.The cool article will start to go online later.

  If a friend feels bored, you can collect it first.

  Thanks again to friends who supported this work!Thank you all, your support is the driving force for me to write.

(End of this chapter)

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