basketball storm

Chapter 3 officially took office

Chapter 3 officially took office
Not long after, the official announcement was made.

Chen Xinglian will participate in the management of basketball as a basketball management consultant and vice president of the Basketball Association.Chen Xinglian himself is also very satisfied with this status.

Shortly thereafter, the cba company was formally established, and this news shocked many people in the industry.Everyone feels that China's basketball is about to change!

Of course, the cba company is just an empty shell so far, and the specific affairs can only be decided after Chen Xinglian takes office.

After discussion, it was basically determined to be in charge of the men's basketball league, the college student league and the cultivation of basketball talents for the masses.


"Congratulations to the BOSS for completing the task and receiving the reward: the player card pool panel is unlocked!"

When it was time, Chen Xinglian sat on the plane home, and the message popped up by the system made him happy for a long time.

The player card pool system explains that Chen Xinglian can obtain card drawing opportunities in various ways in the future. The ones he draws are real player talent cards, and they are randomly or decided by Chen Xinglian himself, and they will be dropped to the young talents of Huaxia basketball, so that they can greatly increase their talent ceiling.

These talents include physical talents, technical talents, conscious talents, etc.

Especially physical talent, that is to say, the system can subtly transform the physical condition of the selected object.

"System, for example, if a young man gets Leonard's physical talent, will his palm length reach 24.7 cm?"

"That's right, boss!"

"Fuck! Is it so powerful?! This is against the sky!!"

Chen Xinglian was overjoyed. When he thought of this bug, there would be a chance for Huaxia to have a Chinese version of Kobe, a Chinese version of James, and a Chinese version of Antetokounmpo!
Our Huaxia fans can see players flying into the sky and escaping from the ground in our own league!
"Boss, new mission!

Please quickly build the CBA organizational structure!

Task reward: unlock the mall! "

Chen Xinglian was stunned. What can you buy in this mall?
"Boss, you need to improve China's basketball level in the future, do you need all kinds of trainers and nutritionists?

Unlocking this panel can speed up the progress of the BOSS mission. "

Chen Xinglian thought it was indeed a good thing.


When he got home, Chen Xinglian was a little confused when he saw his parents who were in the same time and space as him.

Chen Xinglian was at a loss for the ethics involved.

But the feeling of familiarity is still there.

For Chen Xinglian to come back to work, his parents definitely welcome him. The United States is too far away, so he can't see his son several times a year.

The Chen family is from Citong City, Fujian Province. It is an ordinary family, but Chen Xinglian was born as a talented student. He was very proud of the village back then.

This time I came back to build Huaxia basketball, but I made Chen's father and mother proud.

Making a lot of money in the United States is not as good as making contributions in your hometown. This obsession rooted in the people of Fujian Province is well reflected in the Chen family.

That night, the father and son set up a table of small wine, ordered a portion of marinade and ate it, and Chen Xinglian also bragged to his parents.

Due to tight schedule, Chen Xinglian flew away within a few days.Before leaving, he left all the money the original owner earned in the United States to Chen's father and mother, and only kept some for his own living expenses.

I left Fujian Province by plane and went to the capital.


The basketball management finally appointed Chen Xinglian as the general manager of the CBA company, fully responsible for the operation of the CBA company.

This letter of appointment allowed Chen Xinglian to work freely.

The first thing to do is to build up the company structure.

The final discussions established the following departments:

General Manager Office, League Department, Marketing Department, Player Department, Service Department, Media Technology Department, Innovation R&D Department, Youth Training Department...

And designed a board of directors similar to the NBA, with basketball managers and team owners sitting in charge.

Having said that, Chen Xinglian adopted a series of agreements to limit the rights of team owners to avoid the influence of the team from interfering with the operation of the league in the future.

The league department is fully responsible for the CBA and college student leagues. As for the secondary leagues, NBL Chen Xinglian gave up this part of jurisdiction out of consideration.

The league department can be said to be the core department of the CBA.

The Innovation R&D Department refers to the fact that when using the system to realize some technologies in the future, there can be an excuse to exist so as not to be suspected.

The full name of the Youth Training Department is the Focus on Youth Basketball Training Planning Department. In the future, Cuba will take it back and put it in this department. This department is also concerned by Chen Xinglian.

The person in charge of each department is selected, and basically recommended by the basketball management.

Chen Xinglian was sitting in the office, not as excited as he was at the beginning.

Because it is about to face a series of difficulties, the biggest difficulty is the problem of money.

This season is still going on. After the general meeting, I feel that the major changes need to start after the end of the 01-02 season.

So this season can only do some minor repairs, the main energy is still in the reform of the college league and the preparation of the draft.


Congratulations to BOSS for completing the task
Mission reward: draw ten C-level star talent cards! (Star crit rate 10%)"

coming!Is it so fierce!Can it be so soon?

For people born in Fujian Province, Chen Xinglian would not just withdraw these cards casually.No matter what, I have to go back to take a bath and change clothes at night and then extract it.

He might be African after all.

According to the introduction of the system, the talents obtained by C-level cards are not too rare, and the crit rate is too low.

There will be B, A, S, SS cards in the future.

Hmm... I always feel that this system is not so serious.

While Chen Xinglian was in a daze, Xiao Wang, who became Chen Xinglian's secretary, officially appeared on the stage.

"Mr. Chen, the meeting with the owners of each team has been confirmed, and it can be held next Monday."

The establishment of a new company naturally requires a meeting with the team owner.

After all, it depends on them whether the league can survive.

"Xiao Wang, thank you for your hard work"

After dismissing Secretary Wang, Chen Xinglian was thinking about what to do next.

In fact, he already had a preliminary plan, and Chen Xinglian shamelessly called it a package plan to make money.

Now I have no interest in following any gp love stories, he just wants to make money!Without money, he, his league, and employees can only drink Northwest wind in the street collectively.

This plan is mainly divided into several methods:

The first one is to find an advertising endorsement.Courtside LED panels, web broadcasts and wooden floors...

Chen Xinglian knew that readers would complain about an insurance advertisement on the wooden floor.

Please, this is CBA, not NBA, we also want a good-looking logo, the key is no money!
Without the big wooden floor logo of the benefactor's father, whoever pays you has to be realistic.

When you start to make a profit in the future, remove the advertisement in the middle.

This Chen Xinglian guarantees...

The second way is ticket revenue...

However, Chen Xinglian really has a way to deal with the seemingly unreliable method.

The third way is peripheral revenue...

This part may be weak in the early stage. After all, CBA is not well-known yet, who will buy your peripheral products.

What I can do at this stage is to create a stadium atmosphere. As for how to create it, I have to communicate with the team owner before I can make a decision.

Of course, I will have an income soon, and the person who gave the money, Chen Xinglian, guarantees that most people will never think of it...

(End of this chapter)

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