Batman in the MCU

Hydra Extermination


Months later;

"This should be the last one. We have received information that Stryker is here alongside the scepter." Natasha spoke to the other avengers as the Quinn jet stealthily approached the Hydra base.

"So we finally retrieve Loki's scepter" Thor who stood with his arms crossed over his chest added on.

"According to the information we received Stryker is using the scepter on some sort of project. What the project is however we have no idea, with this project and the fact that this is the last base of Hydra we can expect them to come at us with everything." Batman reminded everyone to be ready for the unexpected.

At this point the Quinnjet had got into position.

"Alright Avengers, let's move out" Steve spoke as he put on his helmet and jumped out of the plane. "You heard capsicle" Tony put on his armor and flew out, with Thor flying after him not even seconds later.

Batman gave the rest of the Avengers in the jet a look before he jumped out as well relying on his cape to glide. Through the winter winds Batman took notice of two guards who were on patrol wearing some gear to camouflage with the surroundings.

The two were completely caught of guard as Batman came behind them and dropped them both with one move. Batman had just made it to his feet when he heard the alarms blaring.

Taking a radio from one of the fallen men, Batman soon realized that his fellow Avengers had decided to go for the less stealthier approach.

With a sigh Batman decided to abandon stealth as well as he rushed in to meet with the Hydra soldiers who had come out with everything they had to take down the Avengers.

Following the sounds of gunfire Batman soon saw an armoured vehicle driving over the snow, through some trees, firing energy weapons at Captain America who tanked the blasts with his shield.

Batman seeing this kept running, as he got close he fired his grappling hook into a tree and launched himself up above it.

Now in the air, Batman fired his Batclaw down at the soldier who was atop the vehicle firing. The soldier barely saw Batman's silhouette before he was knocked out and thrown off the car.

Batman quickly dropped a few explosive batarangs into the vehicle before launching himself of it as the vehicle went up in flames.

His actions had attracted the attention of the other soldiers who aimed their weapons at him but before they could fire two arrows landed before them and exploded taking them out.

Hawkeye and Black widow had joined the battle. Hydra was being pushed back every minute as Thor and Ironman covered the skies raining down hell atop their enemies.

Their attack was going smoothly when the tanks made their appearance. Batman was engaging a squad of Hydra soldiers moving through them swiftly taking them out with the least amount of moves possible when a blast was sent his way.

Batman relying on his grappling hook was barely able to get out of the way. Looking to where the attack had landed Batman saw the the crater it had created.

Looking back at the tank Batman saw the canon aimed at him once more causing him to jump out of the way once more. The other Avengers were also held back by the onslaught of attacks from the tanks allowing for the Hydra soldiers to reorganize their lines.

"Banner, looks like we will be needing jolly green". Tony's voice carried over the comms as he was shot out of the sky, "sh*t!" Tony cursed as he fell to the ground sending a cloud of snow flying.

A few Hydra soldiers moved in on Tony only to  met with missiles from Tony. "With Tanks like that, Stryker's definitely been busy", Tony let out a few repuslsor blasts at another Hydra squad, taking out another armored car in the process.

Turning around Tony barely saw another tank take aim at him. "Roar!" Hulk's roar was soon head followed by a loud *boom* as Hulk ripped through the Tank like cardboard.

"Good job Hulk, take out the other Tanks", Captain America gave his order as he grabbed his shield which flew back to him. With a simple leap Hulk moved to deal with the remaining Tanks.


In the Hydra facility two people observed the battle outside with a scowl before walking away from the screen with their faces bearing looks of determination.

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