Batman in the MCU

Keep your friends rich


The Avengers had arrived in the salvage yard with the quin jet, making sure none was alerted to their sudden presence. "Looks like we beat Ultron to it, no signs of him" Tony spoke up as he checked his scanners.

"That's good then, lets gear up. When Ultron appears we will be ready". Captain America spoke up as he picked up his shield and placed it on his back. "Don't attack immediately Ultron appears", Batman's words caused the others to immediately turn to him.

"The vibranium can not be left in Klaue's hands".

"So we wait for Ultron to obtain it from Klaue then we strike". Natasha spoke realizing what Batman was saying.


Ulysses Klaue spoke into his phone with an impatient tone, "Don't tell me your man swindled you. I sent you six short range heat seekers and got a boat full of rusted parts. Now, you will make it right, or the next missile I send you will come very much faster."

With those words said he ended the call and connects to another call, "Now, minister, where were we?" his words were cut short as all the lights suddenly went out the lights go out causing a commotion in the salvage yard. Klaue looked out a window before deciding to step out himself.

He however had to bring his actions to a halt as the twins had appeared in his office. Giving them a quick once over Klaue snapped his fingers, "Yeah. The enhanced. Strucker's prize pupils." He moved to his desk, picking up a dish of candies and offering it to the two, "Want a candy? Oh, sorry to hear about Strucker. But then, he knew what kind of world he was helping create. Human life, not a growth market."

The twins shared a look after hearing his words, " didn't know?" Klaue questioned  once he saw their reactions. "Is this your first time intimidating someone? I'm afraid that I'm not that afraid."

"Everybody's afraid of something." Wanda was quick to speak trying to gain sme semblance of control.

"Cuttlefish." Klaue blurt out causing the looks of confusion to settle upon the twins face once again. "Deep sea fish." Klaue continued "They make lights. disco lights. Whoom, whoom, whoom!" he begins to motion with his hands, "to hypnotize their prey, then whoom!" Klaue snapped his hands together causing Wanda to flinch.

"I saw a documentary, it was terrifying." Pietro having had enough sped over to pick up a candy from Klaue's desk, the sudden movement causing Klaue to jerk this time and a smile of vindication on Pietro's face.

Klaue continued, "So if you're going to fiddle with my brain, and make me see a giant cuttlefish, then I know you don't do business, and I know you're not in charge, and I only deal with the man in charge."

As if on cue, Ultron breaks through the glass window and knocks down Klaue.

"There is no "man" in charge. Let's talk business." Ultron in his new body spoke up.

Soon Klaue had brought the trio alongside one of his men to where he hid the vibranium and handed over a sample of the vibranium to Ultron, Ultron spoke once it was in his hands. "Upon this rock I will build my church. Vibranium."

"You know, it came at great personal cost. It's worth billions." Klaue not so subtlety reminded Ultron of the promised payment.

Ultron simply chuckled as Klaue received an alert. "Now, so are you." Klaue checked his cell to confirm his payment. "It's all under your dummy holdings? Finance is so weird." Ultron paused at that tilting his head to the side. "But as I always say, 'Keep your friends rich and your enemies rich, and wait to find out which is which'."

Those words wiped the smile off of Klaue's face as he now looked to Ultron with suspicion. Noticing the look Ultron spoke "What?"

"Tony Stark used to say me. You're one of his." Klaue spoke up as his guard began readying his weapon.

The two however are not prepared when Ultron is overcome with rage, "What?! I'm not...!" he grabbed Klaue, tightening his grip with each word he spoke "I'm not. You think I'm one of Stark's puppets, his hollow men? I mean look at me, do I look like Iron Man? Stark is" In his anger his swings his and causing Klaue to let out a scream as his hand gets chopped off.

Batman's voice resounds in the coms of avengers, "Now!"

A the avengers move in Ultron apologizes to Klaue as he observes the damage he caused "I'm sorry. I am sor--" he grimaces as blood starts to splurt out of the wound. "Ooh, I'm sure that's going to be okay. I'm sorry, it's just I don't understand. Don't compare me with Stark! It's a thing with me. Stark is, he's a sickness!"

With those words said they finally noticed Tony who had floated up to them in his armor.  "Ahh, Junior." He landed, with Thor and Steve coming up behind him, "you're gonna break your old man's heart."

Ultron responded in a factual tone "If I have to."

"We don't have to break anything." Thor boomed

"Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron gained a tone eerily similar to Tony.

"He beat me by one second." Tony grumbled

Pietro decided to speak up at this moment, taking a step forward as he did so. "Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what, comfortable? Like old times?"

Tony turned to the speedster with his anger clear for all to hear, "This was never my life."

Steve tried to get through to the twins with his words, "You two can still walk away from this." All his words elicited was a scoff from Wanda, "Oh, we will." Not being one to give up Steve continued "I know you've suffered."

Steve's efforts were brought to an end by Ultron, "Uuughh! Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..."

Thor boomed once again, "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it."

Ultron lost the easy going tone as his voice began to gain a more somber one, "I think you're confusing peace with quiet."

"Yuh-huh. What's the Vibranium for?" Tony's question came as Batman found a comfy spot and aimed for Pietro.

"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan--" Ultron flew straight for Stark, his drones dropping down on Steve and Thor. The Twins moved to join the fight but before Pietro could take his first step, he slapped a hand around his neck where a dart was now firmly lodged in. Turning to the source he caught a glimpse of the Batman before falling into a deep slumber.


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