Batman in the MCU

Meeting Thor Again

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


Jane was skeptical as she followed after the boys. She had spent quite some time after the while incident... searching but had turned up with nothing.

All her equipment pointed at this finally being her breakthrough but Jane still refused to fully believe.

After all if you expected disappointment then you couldn't be disappointed.

Climbing some stairs the boys came to halt and motioned for to watch, she took a look around seeing nothing special and already the hope she had built up began to fade but then the boy had tossed a pen.

She absentmindedly watched it fall down and down and... it disappeared. Jane's eyes widened at the realization, before she could ask anything it fell from above only to disappear and fall once more.

Jane watched this with her mouth agape, the corners of he lips rose upwards though as her eyes filled with excitement. This was it, this was her breakthrough.

"This is amazing" she muttered as she reached out and grabbed the pen. "I know right" Darcey had a smirk as her placed her hands into her pockets.

"Hey lemme try" Darcey grabbed a book and threw it in with the rest watching in awe as it disappeared and fell laughing at it all.

Jane left them and moved away heading higher looking at it all, there was a sudden beep from the device in her arms she looked at the readings and began to follow it.

Batman watching all this began to silently follow after her, the sound of Darcey berating her intern for loosing the keys to their van made it to his ears.

He followed after Jane silently, stopping here and there to stop Jane from spotting him as she continued to look back. The winds picked up around them and Batman knew this was it, the eather would soon be visible.

Turning back, Batman watched as Jane disappeared before his eyes there was no fanfare with here disappearance. One second she was there the next gone, Batman rushed after her hoping to be able to follow after her but after he ran past her position Batman knew he had missed his chance. "Damn it", all he could do now was wait for her return.

It didn't take long for Jane's absence to be noted as Darcey and the others began to search for her.

After hours they finally decided to call for the police, Bats took this as his cue to exit the building watching everything from across the street. The police soon arrived and in a few minutes the place was condoned off.

Batman watched everything patiently before being alerted to a beeping sound from his scanners which detected an energy spike and surely Jane foster came out rushing towards Darcey after seeing the officers surrounding them.

As Jane and Darcey continued their conversation an officer tried to get her to leave which was when he made contact with her and was sent flying back by a wave of dark red energy.

The officers around seeing this drew out their weapons in a panic calling for Jane to surrender. Batman decided to intervene at this point but came to a halt when it suddenly began to rain with no warning. He looked above him, to see the rainbow colored lights of the bifrost heading for earth, taking that as his cue he made his way down to them.

The officers stopped lowering their weapons at the sight of the god. Seeing this Thor simply gave a nod before heading for Jane to converse with her. The rain was eventually stopped by a request from Darcey to Thor,  Thor moved to Jane with concern in his eyes but before they could begin their conversation though, Batman gliding towards them grabbed their attention.

"Man of Bats I thought you were in New York?" Thor asked stunned to actually see Batman, "something drew me here something I'm sure your friend knows about" Jane looked to Batman with her confusion clear in her eyes confused as to what he was referring to, her eyes focused once more though when she thought of the thing she had found in that strange place.

"I'm sorry my friend but I would need to talk to Jane first", Thor reached out to hold Jane's hand as he spoke but the contact caused him to be attacked by the dark red energy emanating from Jane once more. Even Batman was forced to take a step back.

Jane watched everything happening around her with confusion and a growing fear, Thor also looked to her confused before making up his mind. "I'm sorry my friend, but it would seem you will not have your conversation with Lady Jane today" Thor moved close to her once more  as he said that before looking to the sky and calling out, "Hiemdall".

In response to his call the Bifrost began to descend causing Batman to rush in determined not to be left behind this time. Batman managed to get in before the Bifrost made contact with them and with a flash they were all gone, Darcey staring at where her friend and the superheroes once stood simply muttered to herself "I'll be here... waiting I guess"

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