Batman in the MCU

Seven months later

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


In a restaurant Jeff dressed sharply in a suit had a smile on his face as he looked into the eyes of the lady seated before himself.

Maria smiled back at him as she took a sip of wine from her glass.

The two had been seeing each other more after the whole New York incident. Maria knew if the guy before her really was the Batman he would have known who she was as they met in the Helicarier.

But as they got to talking she found it harder and harder to believe the man before her was the Batman. Batman was a man of few words who gave of a certain pressure that seemed to inspire fear and respect from ones soul and yet the man before her was the complete opposite.

Their date soon came to an end with Jeff dropping her off at the address she gave him. The two shared a passionate kiss before Jeff made it back into his car driving off.

The car hadn't gotten far when Jeff received a call, "hello Pepper" Jeff answered the call. "hey Jeff, sorry about this. This is about Tony."

"... what happened?"

"He isn't sleeping, he spends all his time working on his suits. I'm worried about him Jeff, I need you to talk to him Jeff"

"I will, I promise" with those words Jeff ended the call.


In another part of New York, a man is panting heavily as he makes his way through alleys in an attempt to loose the person after him.

"sh*t" the man cursed out as he arrived before a wall, he turned around to continue running stopped with his eyes widening as a shadow on the ground grew larger before his purser landed before him causing him to take a few steps back.

"Just how many of you guys are there?" the figure ignored his question as they took a few steps forward cornering the man. "Where is the Mandarin?" the figure asked with a voice clearly modified by a voice changer.

The man grit his teeth before glaring at the figure hidden in the shadows, "go f*ck yourself" with his declaration his body began to give of a bright orange glow causing the figure to jump away just in time the man exploded creating a huge mushroom cloud alongside a lot of damage.

About a block away, Gwen in costume noticed this and rushed towards the source. At the source of the explosion the figure now lit by the light of the flames struggled to make it to their feet with their eyes glued on where the man stood just moments ago.

Ghost Bat had arrived at the scene, shocked by the destruction before her eyes landed on the only person at the scene.

The person was dressed in an all black combat suit with a red utility belt alongside red gauntlets, on her head was a black mask with a red wig atop of it. What really caught Ghost Bat's attention though was the giant red bat symbol etched unto her chest.

The lady attempted to leave the scene but Ghost Bat stopped her by sending a batarang before her. The woman turned around to the source to see Ghost Bat standing atop a building looking down at her .

A smirk crossed the woman's face as she stared at Ghost Bat. "I expected to meet a Bat when I came to New York but I'll be honest I had thought it would be the Dark Knight himself"

"Why are you wearing that symbol?" Ghost Bat questioned. "I'm after a guy who has history with this symbol. So I thought to myself why not wear it to put some fear into him."

"I'm going to need you to come with me"

"yeah no. I still have unfinished business to deal with how about a rain check"

Ghost Bat responded to her words with a batarang but said batarang was stopped by a red batarang from the lady below.

"Yeah.... I have my own as well"

Wasting no time Gwen jumped down to deal with the woman in hand to hand combat. Ghost Bat moved in with a right hook but the lady was able to avoid it landing a hit of her own to Ghost Bat's gut.

Not willing to be out done Ghost Bat moved in with a head butt. The two continued to exchange moves landing quite a few heavy hits on each other.

The woman in black managed to grab Ghost Bat's punch and flip her into the ground and followed with a punch. Ghost Bat moved her head to the side causing the woman to punch the ground leaving a clear imprint into the ground.

With quick movement she managed to put the woman into a submissive hold and tightened the grip of her thighs around the woman's head while pulling her arm.

The woman not willing to be outdone mustered up her strength lifting up Ghost Bat and slammed her into the ground forcing her to let go and allowed her to take in a deep breath.

Both women made it to their feet before charging at each other once more.

"Who the hell are you even supposed to be?" Gwen asked as she struggled to get out of the choke hold the lady had her in.

"I was thinking more along the lines of Batwoman" Batwoman spoke as she pushed Ghost Bat away creating some space before dropping a flash bang allowing for her to escape and leaving Gwen stunned and confused, as to who the hell Batwoman was.

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