Batman in the MCU

Stellar stride

"Ned is gonna flip. Oh wait I can't actually tell him can I?" Peter became downcast after he had said the last bit, but perked up once more when he began his mutterings again.

Jeff was cut off before he could speak by said mutterings, as Peter tried to figure out just how the Batman had found him. At this moment Jeff understood the frustration Spider-Man's villain's must have faced during combat with the arachnid themed hero.

"... what am I saying? Its most definitely those high tech weapons that drew his attention."

"High tech weapons?" Jeff focused on Peter's words, "Yeah, this one guy had one gun that released some crazy blast that leveled a shop. It was just crazy." Jeff tuned out the rest as his mind began processing what he had heard, with the appearance of hammer head and a few others of non import entering the high tech weapons trade, he had held no hope of the street criminals being the same as the MCU.

Sure the plots with avengers had played out basically the same as the movies so far, but with all the minor changes built up it was all but certain that the remaining events will not be the same. In all this Jeff was ashamed to admit he almost forgot about the Vulture.

"I believe you have potential, and so I'd like to invite to join a team" Jeff spoke to Peter who was now completely focused on him, deciding to find out more about the Vulture once he returned to the Batcave. "Oh my gosh, am I an Avenger?!" Peter's eyes were almost blinding as he asked.

His enthusiasm was doused with Jeff's response, "No." Jeff continued when he saw Peter's downcast expression. "This team is a tad different. But you will able to make a difference, as well as become a better hero."

Peter carefully thought about Jeff's words, right now most did not view the avengers in a favorable light, especially the dark knight who was said to be responsible for the collapse of the internet. However this was a chance to learn from one of the first superheroes who was active before Iron Man first took to the skies.

His thoughts wandered back to the various heroes who had popped up with the bat symbol boldly emblazoned on their person.

"I agree"

"Good" Jeff gave Peter a smirk before pressing a button, with that action, a wall behind Jeff opened up to reveal what looked to be an elevator. "woah!" Peter exclaimed "come on keep up" Jeff led Peter to the elevator, which closed up once they were in. Once it did, Peter realized this 'elevator' did not look like any elevator he had ever been in.

This thought was further strengthened, once Jeff performed a multitude of scans including finger prints scans as well as retina scans. Once all the scans were complete a female voice spoke up, "recognized, Batman code B-001" "Oracle, activate Stellar stride with protocol 3, location Batcave".

With those words said there was a bright blue flash before Peter and Jeff found themselves in another Stellar Stride, their arrival was marked with the voice of the AI "recognized Batman B-001, Unrecognized". As the doors parted, allowing for Peter to observe the unfamiliar environs.

Stepping out Peter found himself with his bottom jaw hanging, he had just teleported using a fricking teleporter like in Star wars. Also, he was in the Bat Cave, there was an actual Batcave. Ned would truly kill just to be here.

Jeff introduced Peter to the members present and left Peter with Gwen before heading to the Bat computer to check the files on the Vulture. Regrettably Batman was plagued with the same problem that majority of the world was dealing with right now. With the internet being what it was right now, cameras could be thought of as non existent, with the police files being the same thing.

Batman was therefore forced to rely on the files compiled by Oracle which stopped being accurate once the internet went down. The results he gained forced him to pinch the bridge of his nose, with the Toomes family apparently having left Queens and their new location being a mystery.

With his modern methods proving ineffective, Batman was now forced to fall back to the old school methods. "Sebastian" Batman now in costume moved to Sebastian's side, "Yes master Jeff" Sebastian turned to Batman.

"How is the kid fairing"

"Quite well, If I must say. He seems to be getting along quite well with mistress Yelena and Master Harry." Batman focused on where most of the Bat family were, as they interacted with Peter.

"Although with you in combat gear, I believe that is not all you're here for sir"

"I found a lead as to who might be in charge of the high tech weapon trade. I need to speak to some of your contacts, maybe they have a clue as to where he is" Batman turned to Sebastian as he mentioned the last part. "Hmm" Sebastian placed his hand to his chin as he thought of it, "not to worry sir. I'll see what I can do."


Peter after getting used to the Batcave and most members of the Bat family as well as getting his credentials placed into the Stellar Stride , was drive home by Sebastian. He was also told the days were he was expected to arrive at the Batcave for his training.

Watching the car leave, Peter had a wide grin as he thought back to all he had experienced that day.


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