Batman in the MCU

Tony threatens a terrorist

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


Jeff arrived at Stark's mansion making his way in, as he approached the door he heard the argument between Pepper and Stark with her emphasizing just how stupid of a decision it was to declare war against a terrorist and proceed to give one's address.

Jeff rang the door bell and not even a second later the two had become silent, after a few more seconds. Tony moved to open the door, "hey Jeff, thanks for stopping by but this is really not a good time" finished Tony moved to shut the door but was stopped by Pepper.

"I called him over"

"You called him over" Tony turned to look at her, "when a terrorist could literally attack at any moment you invited someone over, and you say I don't think things through" Tony spoke in a sarcastic tone.

Tony moved aside allowing for Jeff to come in.

"Jeff you see what I'm dealing with, talk some sense into him!" Pepper screamed the last bit before making her away up the stairs, leaving the two men alone. "Jarvis put this place into total security lockdown mode, we've got a terrorist incoming we've got to be prepared for God's sake"

  "Yes sir" Jarvis responded

"Tony you've done a lot of stupid things in your life time but this, giving a terrorist your address, takes the top" Jeff spoke up. "Really? I can think of a few more things people would consider even more stupid than this" Tony responded in a sarcastic tone as screens appeared before him as he began his search.

"Tony this isn't a joke, think about Pepper" Jeff tried to reason with him, "What do you think I'm doing huh, have you had a look at Happy. I'm not going to let something like that happen to Pepper, Rhodey or you!" the two men stood staring one another down.

*ding* dong* the sound of the bell going off interrupted their staring contest, a screen appeared before Tony showing a car arriving. "Are we still at ding dong, come on people we are supposed to be at total security lockdown. Come on I threatened a terrorist who is that?"

"There is only so much I can do when you've given the world your home address"

"See JARVIS agrees with me"  Tony glared at Jeff before heading for the entrance, his armor coming to him as he made his way. "right there is fine" Tony stopped the lady who had made her way in, "you're not the Mandarin, are you, are you?"

"Tony I'm pretty sure it has been confirmed the Mandarin is a man" Jeff spoke as he appeared behind Tony.

"you don't remember me do you, why am I not even surprised" The lady chuckled, "don't take it personally I don't even remember what I had for breakfast."

"Gluten free waffles sir" Jarvis spoke, "yeah" "look I need to speak with you privately in a place that isn't here" The lady said causing Tony and Jeff to share a look before Tony turned away heading back in "yeah, normally I'd go for that sort of a thing but now I'm in a committed relationship".

Bags fell right in the midst of Tony and Jeff, "with her" Tony continued stepping out of his armor. "Is someone else there?" Pepper questioned, "yeah it's Maya Hansen old Botanist pal I used to know."

"I'm sorry with Happy in the hospital I didn't know we were expecting guests and old girlfriends"

"she is not really, but your one to talk after inviting this guy over" Tony pointed at Jeff as he spoke. "Hey what's that supposed to mean?" Jeff questioned Tony looking mildly offended.

"Not really it was one night" Maya cut in, "yep"

"That's how you did it isn't it"

"yep, great plan"

"you saved yourself a world of pain" Jeff cut in making it Tony's turn to be mildly offended.

"We're going out of town immediately and indefinitely" "what no" "that's a great plan" the two ladies agreed double teaming against Tony in the argument as Jeff continued watching the Tv, when he saw the missile heading straight at them.

"Guys get down!" Jeff screamed as the missile made contact sending everyone flying.

Tony called the suit to protect Pepper from the impact before the were slam into the wall.

Jeff with a groan made it back to his feet seeing the destruction around him before running to Maya Hansen who lay amongst the rubble unconscious. Lifting her over his shoulder he called out to Tony and Pepper who was in Tony's armor, the two began running to his side but a collapse of the structure caused Tony to be separated from them.

"Stop stopping, go I'll go around" Pepper responded with a nod and followed after Jeff, with a repuslsor blast she created an exit allowing all three of them to make their way out of the building before two more missiles were sent at the building

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