Batman x Ironman: Multiversal conflicts [Marvel]

Ch: 1 [Prologue]

Arc-1 [Mutant Uprising] [New Readers won't have to read the previous book to read this one. I'll explain necessary things. But I won't mind if you want to check out the previous book.]

[Slow updates since I'm still stockpiling. Expect 3 chs/week. And Scribblehub readers got the first update for the first time despite thefts by others. Well, enjoy]


Jack had been a simple man in his previous life. He was no genius, nor a superhero; he was just an ordinary guy with a passion for movies and comics. He knew every storyline, every twist, and every character's fate. Well, more or less, every. He died in a freak accident while bungee jumping, and was reborn as Tony Stark, he thought it was some dream. How could a man who knew every outcome be thrust into a world where those outcomes could result in his death? He had no choice but to use his knowledge to change his fate.

From the moment he became aware of his new existence as Tony Stark, Jack began to work his ass off. Marvel Universe isn't your daily walk in the park and he knew that. He knew what the future held: the betrayal, the pain, the sacrifices, and ultimately, the snap—the universe-shattering event that took Tony Stark's life. Jack was determined not to let it end like that. He had the advantage of foresight, something none of the Avengers or even Thanos himself had. He knew the mistakes Tony Stark would make. So, he decided to make things right.

As a baby, Jack couldn't do much, but he knew he had to start early. He soaked up every piece of knowledge he could, impressing everyone with his intelligence. Howard Stark, his father, was amazed by his son's prodigious talent. Jack, however, was not satisfied with merely impressing his father. He needed his own resources—money, technology, and most importantly, a network.

By the time he was a teenager, he had already begun designing suits and technology far beyond what the original Tony Stark had ever imagined at that age. He designed his own AI assistant, named ELENA, more advanced than J.A.R.V.I.S or F.R.I.D.A.Y. ELENA could predict the outcomes of his actions, analyze threats, and most importantly, help him prepare for the impending cosmic battles.

Jack also began to draw countermeasures to prevent bad events and he did succeed in stopping some while failing in others. As for those events, well, that's a story for another time. Let's fast forward to Thanos' attack.



[The last stand]

As the battle raged on the devastated plains outside the Avengers compound, the ground shook under the massive weight of Thanos's brutal onslaught. Smoke and dust filled the air, punctuated by flashes of energy blasts, the ringing clash of metal on metal, and the deafening booms of explosions. Amidst this chaos, three figures stood out against the overwhelming tide of alien soldiers—the last bastions of Earth's mightiest heroes.

Thor, wielding both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, swung his weapons fiercely. This was his chance for redemption and he wasn't going to waste it. The god of thunder's eyes crackled with thunder as he launched himself at Thanos, his battle cry echoing across the field. With every swing, lightning arced across the battlefield, striking down hordes of enemies.

Captain America, bruised and battered but unyielding, stood his ground. His shield was cracked. His breath came in ragged gasps, but he pushed forward. He fought alongside Thor, wielding Mjolnir, and tried their best to hold their ground. Yet, even with their combined strength, Thanos was a force unlike any other—his raw strength was just too overwhelming for them.

Iron Man hovered above the battlefield, killing as many monsters as he could while saving the other Avengers who were too overwhelmed. His newly designed suit—sleek and glistening with a silvery shine—responded to his every thought. His heart pounded as he surveyed the battlefield below, seeing his friends struggling against the Mad Titan. He had prepared for this moment, built countermeasures upon countermeasures, but now, faced with the reality of it, doubt gnawed at the edges of his resolve.

"ELENA, status report," Jack whispered through clenched teeth, his voice barely audible over the din of battle.

"Captain Rogers' vitals are critical. Thor's energy levels are depleting rapidly... Everyone will die at this rate, Sir." ELENA's calm, synthesized voice reported directly into his earpiece.

Despite all his preparations, despite the years he spent anticipating every possible outcome, this battle was spiraling out of control. The deaths he had tried so hard to prevent were drawing near, like a grim inevitability.

"Cap! Behind you!" Tony yelled into the comms as he swooped down to face his final battle.

Captain America barely had time to react. He pivoted on his heel just in time to raise his shield against a devastating blow from Thanos's massive blade. The impact force sent him flying backward, his shield shattering into fragments. Tony watched in horror as Steve crashed into the rubble, unmoving.

"Captain!" Thor shouted, his voice breaking with a mixture of rage and fear. "THANOS!!" He charged at Thanos with a renewed fury, Stormbreaker aimed squarely at the Titan's head. Thanos turned with surprising agility for his size, parrying the attack with his blade. With a swift movement, he disarmed Thor, knocking Mjolnir from his grasp.

Thanos then raised his colossal blade high above his head, ready to bring it down on the God of Thunder. Time seemed to slow. Tony's eyes widened. He couldn't let Thor die. Not like this. Not after everything.

"ELENA, maximize thrusters!" Tony commanded. His suit responded instantly, propelling him forward like a missile. He tackled Thanos with everything he had, pushing the Mad Titan back and away from Thor. Thanos staggered but quickly recovered, his eyes narrowing with a mixture of irritation and amusement.

"So, Stark," Thanos growled, his voice dripping with contempt. "You think you can save them? Look around you. There is no escape. I have foreseen your fate, and you will fail."

Tony didn't reply. Instead, he fired off a series of repulsor blasts aimed at Thanos's face, temporarily blinding him. He knew he only had moments, mere seconds to execute his plan. The plan he had been crafting since the moment he first woke up in Tony Stark's body. The plan that could change everything—or nothing.

Thor was on the ground, struggling to rise. Captain America lay unconscious, blood trickling down from a deep gash on his forehead and chest. Thanos, now enraged, swatted away the last of the dust and smoke, turning his gaze back to the last man standing.

"You've fought valiantly, Stark," Thanos said, stepping forward with his huge blade over his shoulder. "But you are no match for destiny."

Tony's heart was hammering in his chest, but he kept his voice steady. "Destiny is just another word for a lazy scriptwriter."

He launched himself at Thanos, engaging him in close combat. Thanos's superior strength and armor made every hit feel like he was punching solid rock, but he knew he had to buy just a little more time. With a flurry of quick maneuvers, Tony managed to shatter the massive blade and lock Thanos's hand within his gauntlet.

"Now, ELENA!" He shouted.

The nanites in his suit began to flow into Thanos's gauntlet, moving with a speed that caught the Mad Titan off guard. He didn't notice and continued to smash Tony with his other fist. Despite the liquid nanites covering and absorbing every impact, Tony could feel his bones break. He knew this was it. This was the end. But he gritted his teeth and endured. He had to keep fighting until his plan was complete.

Thanos ripped out a piece of his armor and plunged it into Tony's stomach, making him stagger backward.

"I AM INEVITABLE!!" Thanos roared, raising his gauntleted fist high into the air, and snapped his fingers.

Nothing happened.

"WHAT?!" Thanos roared as he continued to snap his fingers before noticing the empty gem slots. "Impossible!"

Tony smirked through the pain, his face covered in blood. He raised his right arm as the nanites created an infinity gauntlet, encasing his own hand. The gems were then carried by the nanites and placed into the gauntlet, forming a perfect replica of Thanos's own.

"ELENA, deploy countermeasure seven!" Tony coughed up blood as he struggled to speak. But there was no reply. He tried to manipulate the nanites to do a manual override but found that they weren't responding. "ELENA?" He frantically tried to understand what was going on. He doesn't have time to figure it out at the moment. Countermeasure seven should have worked. Was it the interference from the Infinity Stones or did someone sabotage it? But he smiled, looking straight at Thanos. It doesn't matter anymore. He had achieved his goal.

"NO!" Thanos stepped back.

"I... AM... IRON MAN..." Tony gasped as he snapped his fingers.



[10 years later...]

[Location: Earth ???]

[Booom!] A burning meteor crashed into a forest, sending up a cloud of trees, dust, and debris.

A man in a black suit stood up with a grunt. He quickly checked his wristband where Jarvis and his spare nanites were stored. Thankfully, he is still wearing the nanite gauntlet. Good, that's one less thing to worry about. He quickly put on his suit to hide his identity, since he had no idea what this world was.

Then he observed his surroundings. 'Human heartbeat!' His enhanced senses caught a human.

"Who the fuck are you?" A gruff voice came from behind. Three metal claws came out from both hands, shining under the moonlight. Bruce turned around and saw a man in a yellow costume standing there with a cigar between his lips. "Are you with Magneto?" The man asked again with narrowed eyes.


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