Batman x Ironman: Multiversal conflicts [Marvel]

Ch: 7 [Rescuing Mystique]

'Wait! If I just blast through, these kids will get hurt.'

Harley reassured the kids before walking out of the room. She told them to lock the door from inside, just in case, and flew out of the building. Then she smashed through the wall and landed on the second floor. She looked up, clenched her fists, and launched herself upward, blasting through the layers of reinforced concrete and steel with ease. The shockwaves from her ascent rippled through the entire building, sending debris raining down into the room below.

She rocketed toward the top floor, where the lab containing Mystique awaited.

[Baam!] She blasted the last ceiling and emerged into a sterile, brightly lit laboratory. The air was thick with the smell of chemicals and the hum of machinery. In the center of the room, strapped to an operating table, was Mystique. Her blue skin was continuously trying to transform even though she was barely conscious. Doctors in white coats surrounded her, preparing their instruments for the grim procedure they were about to perform.

"Hold it right there, you sick bastards!" Harley's voice boomed across the room as she landed with a loud crash.

The doctors turned, startled by the sudden intrusion. One of them, a tall man with silver hair, seemed unfazed. He reached for a button on the console, but Harley was quicker. In a blur of motion, she was at his side, grabbing his wrist with crushing force.

"Nuh-uh, Doc. No more games," she growled, her voice low and dangerous. She twisted his arm, eliciting a pained yelp as she forced him away from the controls. "Let her go, or I’ll start tearing you apart piece by piece," Harley demanded, her eyes glowing with an ominous red light.

The other doctors backed away, fear evident in their eyes, but the silver-haired man smirked defiantly.

"You think you can just barge in here and ruin years of research? You're just a deranged woman playing at being a hero," he sneered. Harley responded by tightening her grip, snapping his wrist like a twig. "Gaaahh!" The doctor screamed in agony.

"Say that again, Doc. I dare ya," Harley challenged, grinning sadistically.

"You're insane!" The doctor cried out as Harley grabbed his right shoulder and crushed his collarbone with a sickening crunch.

"Ya just noticed?" She snickered before using her heat vision to burn through his head.

The doctors watched in horror as Harley annihilated the silver-haired man.

'Tsk. Still burns...' She flinched and threw that dead doctor aside before turning to face the rest. "Now, who's next?" Harley threatened, advancing menacingly toward them.

The doctors trembled in fear as Harley approached. They knew they stood no chance against her.

"Wait! I'll release her, just don't kill me," One of them begged, his voice quivering with fear. He hurried over to Mystique and pressed a series of buttons on the console. The restraints holding her down released with a hiss, and Mystique’s eyes fluttered open, filled with a mix of pain and relief.

Harley wasted no time, helping Mystique sit up. "You okay, Blue? Can you walk?"She asked, her voice filled with concern.

Mystique nodded weakly. "I... I think so. But there are others—more of us—trapped in the machines."

Harley’s expression darkened. " Yeah, I saw them. Don’t worry, I’m gonna make sure none of you stay in this hellhole. Just leave it to Super Harley."

She turned back to the second silver-haired doctor, this one had two blue streaks on his head. He was inching toward the door. With a swift motion, Harley grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall.

"You’re gonna help me free those kids and everyone strapped in these freakin' machines. If you don’t, I’ll rip out your spine and use it as a jump rope. Got it?" she hissed.

The doctor nodded frantically, terror evident in his eyes. "I-I’ll do it! Please, just don’t kill me!"

"Good. Now, move!" Harley ordered, dragging him over to the central console.

With trembling hands, the doctor began deactivating the machines that held the children captive. The walls around them shifted, revealing the small cage-like chambers. One by one, the chambers opened, and the children inside were freed. Their small, frail bodies collapsed onto the cold floor, but Harley could see the faint rise and fall of their chests. They were alive, for now.

Mystique, though still weak, managed to stand on her own. She joined Harley in helping the children, her shape-shifting abilities allowing her to assume a more comforting form—her natural blue form altered to appear less intimidating to the frightened kids.

As the last of the children were freed, Harley’s attention turned to the doctor. "Alright, you’ve done your part. Now, start talking. What else is up here? What’s this Magneto planning?"

The doctor, still cowering, began to speak quickly, "Magneto... He has a weapon, a new Sentinel. It's not like the others. It’s a Humanoid Sentinel Prime—designed to hunt and kill superhumans and mutants alike. It's more powerful than anything anyone faced before. But... it’s still somewhat incomplete. It’s in the next room, but if it activates..."

Before he could finish, the wall to their left exploded inward, sending Harley and Mystique sprawling. The children screamed as a massive figure stepped through the rubble. It was the Sentinel Prime, towering and sleek, with a humanoid form far more advanced than any previous Sentinel model. Its eyes glowed with an ominous red light, scanning the room with cold, calculating precision.

[Incomplete information. Unknown species detected. The subject calls herself Harley. Threat level: Maximum. Objective: Neutralize.]

Harley pushed herself up, wiping the dust from her face. A smirk spread across her lips as she faced the towering machine. "Oh, you wanna dance, big guy? Well, let’s see if you can keep up with Super Harley!"

"Wait! You can't possibly...!!" Mystique tried to stop her, but Harley was already charging at the Sentinel Prime with incredible speed. She collided with its chest, her fists digging deep into the metal plating with a loud bang. But the impact barely fazed the Sentinel. It grabbed Harley by the wrists, easily lifting her off her feet and hurling her across the room. She crashed through the wall, landing in the adjacent corridor in a cloud of debris.

"Careful! This one is different," Mystique said in a low voice. Her throat was dry as hell.

"Careful? Where’s the fun in that?" Harley laughed as she jumped up on her feet, cracking her knuckles. "You get the kids outta here, Blue. I’ll take care of Robo-Creep." She rushed at the Sentinel again, aiming another punch at the Sentinel's head, but it effortlessly dodged, swatting her aside like an insect.

'Shit! This thing is fast!' Harley grimaced as she hit the ground hard, leaving a crater in her wake.

Meanwhile, Mystique was helping the children out of the lab. She lifted two kids in each arm and ran out of the building. Although, she barely has any energy left after the experiments. She pushed through all the pain and guided the children out of the building, setting them down in a safe distance away.

.[Back at the lab].

The Sentinel’s chest opened, revealing a pulsating core of energy. It powered up, preparing to unleash a devastating blast. Harley wasted no time, charging at the machine with blinding speed. The Sentinel responded with calculated precision, it matched Harley's speed, and its arm transformed into a massive cannon aimed directly at her.

The battle that followed was nothing short of cataclysmic.

Harley dodged and weaved through the Sentinel’s attacks, her laughter echoing through the lab as she taunted the machine. With every hit she landed, the Sentinel adapted, its systems recalibrating to counter her strength and speed.

But Harley was relentless.

Although she was smiling and laughing... In her heart, she felt a pain, unlike anything she ever felt before. And for some reason, that dead kid's face kept appearing before her eyes. She unleashed a barrage of blows, each one cracking the Sentinel’s armor, but the machine kept coming, its resilience almost unnatural.

With a final, earth-shattering punch, Harley smashed through the Sentinel’s chest, reaching its core. The machine spasmed, its systems failing as sparks flew from its joints. She grabbed the core with both hands, "I'll freakin' rip it out!" Harley roared as she tore the core from the Sentinel’s chest.

The machine collapsed to the ground, its body going limp as the red light faded from its eyes.

Harley stared at the core in her hand, "Oohh! Shiney! Brucey will like this!" She exclaimed cheerfully, storing the core in her belt before heading out to find Mystique.

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