Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 110 – Taking Care of Alva

Jayr POV - Tortus, Beastman Country of Verbergen - 2013

The blinding flash of light that reminds me of a star explosion, quickly fades away, leaving behind only a still lightly glowing Crateris Cloth laying in front of me.

I feel utterly exhausted and drained, casting that Concept Magic and imbuing it into the Crateris Cloth drained me of all my magic power and even all the magic power contained in the Divine Crystal Storage, but I know for sure that I'm successful, I can feel it, and even the Crateris Cloth itself can feel the changes it went through, now the only thing left to do is test it, and then deal with Alva and Ehit.

Taking a deep breath to gather my bearing, I take a quick look around and see that everyone is here, still, it seems that they are a little dazzled by what just happened, but soon they recover too, and Eri and Tio quickly rush toward me, and ask in a worried tone, ""Jayr/Husband, are you okay?""

I smile at their concern, nod, and say, "Yeah... I just need to rest a little then I'll be as good as new"

Hearing that, they both let out a sigh of relief as they continue to move their gaze between me and the Crateris Cloth.

Then, Miledi moves forward and asks in an uncertain tone, "So... Were you successful?" I notice that the other Liberators are also tensing up, and in response, I raise my hand, show them a thumb up and say, "Yes... I still don't know if everything will work as I intended, but the Concept Magic was cast successfully, my will and desire were fully manifested and imbued into the Crateris Cloth..." hearing that they all nod and Oscar adds, "That means that you were able to turn your armor into a Concept Artifact just like you planned...".

Then Meiru changes the subject and exclaims, "Damn it, Jayr, your childhood was crazy, I'm surprised that you were able to survive that kind of hellish training..." and Suzu beside Ryutarou adds, "Really that was practically child abuse and a new scary form of torture... But I admit that the Saints are quite the hunks!"

But I shrug my shoulder and say, "It wasn't so bad... There is a reason why the Saints are considered some of the strongest warriors of my Universe, despise being practically base humans..."

Then I see Kouki with a downcast expression as he mutters, "Yeah... What you went through is nothing compared to us... You fought literal Gods whose presence alone made my whole being shake in fear..."

And see that everyone else is also nodding, then I finally notice something, "Wait... How do you guys know this...? It true that I told you guys about my story, but I never went into details of my training?", then Eri explains to me that my magic power showed them the images of my memories and also made them feel the feelings I was experiencing in those memories.

I'm surprised by this, but then realize that since Concept Magic elevates the caster's wish and desire and imposes them on reality it is somewhat plausible that the origin of such wish would be impregnated in the magic power used to cast the magic.

After talking some more with everyone, I decide to retire for the day and rest, after all, even if I can quickly recover physically, to deal with the mental strain of using such magic, it is better to simply sleep, rest and recover naturally.

The next day, I'm standing in a clearing of the Sea of Trees some distance away from Verbergen's wall with the Crateris Pandora Box on my shoulders.

Together with me, there are Eri, Tio, Freid, the revived Liberator, Hajime, Yue, Shea, Kaori, and the rest of the Hero's group, all curious to see the Concept Magic in action.

Without wasting any more time, I put down the Pandora Box and pulling the chain attached to it, I open it, revealing the Crateris Cloth in its Constellation Form, then with a simple mental command, the various pieces of the Cloth separate themselves, and equip on my body in the usual order, legs, waist, arms, torso, shoulders and head.

At the same time, I hear Hajime mutters as he lets out his inner otaku, "Here it is, the Cloth donning sequence is such a classic!" before realizing what he just said, and awkwardly coughs to cover his embarrassment, as Kaori, Shizuku, Yue, Shea and the rest of the classmates look at him with a smile, and just as he is about to last out, I say with a smile, "I know right! I get such chills every time I do it!" then I say, "A little advice... Don't be embarrassed by what you like. Own it!".

Then I turn serious and say, "Now, I'm going to do it..." and see that everyone relaxed faces start to tense up, some are curious some hopeful, and some worried.

I take a deep breath, then command the Crateris Cloth to activate the Concept Magic, and at the same time, I start to input my magic power in it, which quickly start to drain like never before.

But at the same time, I feel the familiar energy that starts to fill my surroundings, and at the same time, I feel the same energy locked into my body by the rules of this world begin to move, then without hesitation, I quickly start to merge my Magic Power and Cosmo to enter into my Cosmo-Mana state before I'm drained to death by the concept magic I'm casting, and quickly my ever expanding energy balances with the ever draining cost of casting this magic.

At the same time, I hear Shea yells, "Look at the sky!!" and hear the others exclaim in surprise and admiration, and curious I do the same, and as soon as I look up, I feel a pure smile form on my face.

Above my head I can see a new set of stars shining brightly in the sky, that can be seen even in the light of the day, the familiar 8 stars that form the Crater Constellation, my constellation, the one that watches over and protect me.

My reverie is interrupted by Miledi that asks, "So, how is it?" and with a smile, I reply, "It is perfect! As long as I'm casting it, the Concept of Cosmo will exist in this Universe, and in my current state, I can keep this going forever, as I constantly generate as much energy as I need to keep it going... But of course, during a fight, there is the danger of consuming too much energy and being forced to dispel it, but that is a problem that most face... few beings have unlimited energy..."

Then a curious Oscar asks, "So, what's your plan now?" I clench my fist while feeling the power of Cosmo all around me, and reply with a confident smile, "Now... Now, I'll take care of a few annoying Gods, first among them is Alva that is currently possessing the body of the Demon Lord, Dienleed Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl..."

At the same time, I hear Yue gasp, while Freid starts to clench his fist with a frown on his face.

So I look at them and say, "Well, if his soul still exists, I will do anything possible to purge Alva from his body, and if he is gone, then I will simply make sure to safeguard his body so that you can mourn after everything ends..." and watch as both of them nod with a grave expression on their face, at the same time, I remember, that I forgot to tell Freid about Yue.

And so, I quickly start to fix this lapse of mine, I scratch my cheek with my finger and say, "By the way, Freid, I forgot to tell you something... You see, Yue's real name is Aletia Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl, she is the niece of the Demon Lord and if it works like that for your country, she also is the legit heir to the throne..."

To say that Freid is stunned by such revelation is an understatement, then soon after, his attitude toward Yue changes completely, and starts to treat her with utmost respect, while also calling her princess Yue.

Then after that, I turn to Eri and Tio and kiss them both before saying, "Now, I'll go and deal with those annoying pests..." but soon everyone says that they want to come with me to help the louder among them are of course Eri and Tio, but I shake my head and say, "There is no need. As I'm right now I can easily deal with everything, and I don't want to put you in useless danger, especially you...", and as I say this, I look at Eri and Tio in the eyes, before then moving my gaze to Tio's belly.

Then I add, "Moreover, it is possible that when I start my attack, Ehit could retaliate by sending his forces here so be ready for that."

After that, I use my senses to the fullest for the first time in a long time and get the coordinates and exact direction to my destination, the Demon Kingdom Garland using the Freid and the other Demons plus Yue as a basis to search for the greatest cluster of similar signature together, then once I'm sure of its position, I look back at my companion and friends and with a smile, I say, "Don't worry, I'll be fine... After all, I will finally be able to go all out!"

Then without waiting for their response, I use my Cosmo to teleport to the nearest place to my destination.

Jayr POV - Tortus, Demon Kingdom Garland - 2013

I have to admit that I'm surprised to find out that the Demon Kingdom Garland's architecture is, in fact, nearly identical to the Heiligh Kingdom, with the only difference being that all of the buildings' roofs are rust-red, for the rest, it is exactly the same, hell, even the structure of the capital is almost the same, 'Maybe it is just another way Ehit and Alva make fun of the people of this world... Putting in plain sight how similar they are while still blinding them with their ploy, wars, and hatred...'

While thinking that, I calmly move toward what obviously is the palace, of course, to avoid causing chaos and panic, I use a simple Spatial Magic to hide my presence, and so I walk unbothered, but at the same time, I smile as now that I'm this close, I sense many familiar presences in the palace, all of the nearly identical to Noint, that means that there are Apostle here, and many of them at that, around 20 or so.

Even so, I continue to move forward without hesitation, after all, I prepared for this for almost 7 months, and now that I'm fully ready and not obstructed by the rules of this Universe, I'm fully confident to deal with all they can throw at me, 'After all, if they couldn't harm me while I fought with an handicap, how can they hope to do so, now that I'm at full strength?'

Soon, I'm able to easily infiltrate the palace unseen, and following my senses, I continue to move toward, what feels similar to Yue's magic power.

I continue to walk through a long corridor made from stone, then cross several corners, and finally, I arrive in front of a large double door filled to the brim with the dignity that is worthy of an entrance that is connected to the audience room of the Demon Lord's castle.

On it, perhaps to show the authority, there is engraved a globe that appeared to be symbolizing the sun, and a design that depicted several pillars of light pouring down from that sun.

Of course, in front of the door, there are two guards, but since I'm already here, I quickly dismiss my Spatial Magic, and moving at the speed of light, I lightly chop on the back of their neck to knock them down, at the same time, I think, 'I always wanted to pull off this trick... But there are so few occasions to use a stealth approach... And to have enemies that do not need the level of power strong enough to destroy the moon just to push them back and lightly hurt them...'.

After dealing with them, I teleport the passed-out guard away from the palace into the rooms of a random inn in the city, then I look at the doors and raise my leg to kick it open with a good old spartan kick, but just as I'm about to do that, I change my mind and say, "Nope... It is way too rude to kick open a door..." then I put my hands on the doors and push to open them.

And as a heavy sound reverberated and the door opens to the left and right, I yell while quoting a certain rabbit-haired man, "I'm HERE... Coming through the door like a normal person!!" at the same time, I think, 'Ever since I saw that scene in Boku no Hero Academia, I always wanted to pull off this kind of entrance!'

At the same time, I take a careful look inside, it is a huge throne room, on the floor there is a red carpet that leads to an extravagant throne, there is also a spot that looks like some kind of altar, and two rows of classic looking pillars at the sides.

Then, I focus on the figure sitting on the throne, he is a handsome middle-aged man with slicked-back blond hair, and crimson red, wearing jet-black clothes and a mantle with good quality and golden embroidery worked on it, his eyes looks at me with a stunned look, and clear surprise can be seen in them, his features are very similar to Yue, he is for sure Alva, possessing the body of Yue's uncle Dienleed Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl.

(Image Here - Alva)


It seems that Alva quickly recovers from his stunned state as he says, "Oh my... This is the first time I've seen someone so foolish. You dare to intrude in my palace, then you just walk through the doors of my throne room and announce your presence like this? Like you own the place? Who do you think you are, foolish human?"

I move closer to Alva, while at the same time, I sense that all the Apostles in the surrounding are quickly rushing here, and with a calm tone, I reply, "I'm Jayr Pucci, here to purge your filthy evil soul out of that poor man body... Alva! And free this unfortunate kingdom from your nasty influence."

He sneer and says, "Ah! You must be another of those irregular, the one that took care of Noint, right?... Are you the cause of this strange change that happenede to the world?... Oh well, it doesn't matter, you are just like that silly Maoshi-guy. He thought that he was so above the others and could use me and Ehit-sama to further his silly goals, in the end, he ended up dead, just like the other useless pawns."

I look at Alva and comment, "Can't we just move to the part where I kick your ass and you start to beg for mercy? You know the fun part..."

Alva glares at me, clearly annoyed by my attitude, but then he calms down and says in a voice full of arrogance, "You may have been able to defeat Noint, but you aren't strong enough to be able to confront a God!"

At the same time, the 20 or so Apostles rush inside the throne room and start to surround me, all of them are very similar to Noint, with silver hair, enchanting figures, beautiful cold faces, and emotionless eyes, plus the wings behind their backs.

As I look around, I hear Alva say, "In fact, I don't even have to raise a hand to deal with you... These Apostles are more than enough to deal with the likes of y-."

But just as he is about to finish his speech, I urge my energy to move and as a golden aura envelopes my body, and the phantom image of a cup appears behind me, I cross my arms, then yell, "Pouring Rain!"

I quickly spread my arm wide, and release massive amounts of clear blue energy droplets in every direction at once at the speed of light, almost like heavy rain, that hits everything around me, of course, the poor Apostles are unable to even react in time as soon, all of them are sent crashing against the walls of the throne room with all their bones broken, barely alive.

Then I look at the stunned Alva with a smile and ask, "You were saying something?"

While at the same time, I rejoice at finally using an offensive technique based on Cosmo for the first time in months, hell, I even think a let myself go too much because I didn't want to hurt the Apostles so much, I just wanted to make them pass out.

Alva looks shocked as he asks, "Y-you...!? What was that!? That wasn't any magic I know of!" but then he calms down and says, "Ah... So this is what this strange alien energy that appeared out of nowhere does? So it was indeed your doing!"

And after saying that, he stands up and says with a voice full of contempt and scorn, "It doesn't matter what trick you are using... You can't fight against the might of a God!"

Then I sense him moving his magic power as he declares with a voice full of malice, "I command in the name of Alva. Don't move!"

I feel his magic power move through his voice and invade my soul and try to make me obey his command and I quickly recognize this as some kind of Spirit Magic, but by simply burning my mixed energy and taking advantage of the Cosmo aspect of it, I easily overcome its effects and effortlessly take a step forward, and another, and another, and as I move closer to Alva, I say, "Sorry, were you trying to do something with that?"

Alva looks once more stunned as he yells in disbelief, "What!? How could a mere mortal shrug off the Divine Edict I learned from Ehit-sama like it is nothing!? It is impossible!!"

As I continue to burn my Cosmo, I get even closer and say, "Do you really think that something as simple as a Spirit Magic spell can truly make me obey your puny will? I have fought Gods that could manipulate and change the very fabric of reality by just imposing their Divine Will on it. That with a simple thought could reflect back an attack with enough power behind it that could literally destroy a Galaxy. That with a mere thought created an expansive different plane of existence and ruled the fates of the ones living in it."

I take a calm step after the other while I continue to make my mixed energy explode and expand so much that even the constant drain imposed by the Concept Magic is almost totally negligible as I continue to tap into this limitless well and generate slightly more energy than I continuously expend, at the same time, Alva takes a step back, and I notice a trace of fear appearing on his face as he starts to realize that he is standing in front of someone vastly superior.

As I get closer with another calm and unhurried step, I continue my speech, "I fought such Gods and lived, I fought against their wills, rules, and domains, and won. And you! You are in no way even close to them!" then, Alva shouts back enraged, "Shut up, mortal!!"

At the same time, he shoots from his hands a pair of familiar silver beams that quickly move toward me aiming at my chest, that is of course, the Disintegration Magic that all the Apostles of Ehit can use.

Even if I could easily dodge such an attack, I let it hit me and enjoy the scene of Alva's deranged and conceited smiling face turning into one of disbelief and terror as the beams hitting my chest are unable to melt through and disintegrate my Cloth, and soon Alva stops firing the disintegration beams and stumbles back as he mutters, "H-how it is p-possible!? Disintegration Magic c-can melt through a-anything!!?"

And with a confident smile, I reply, "Usually it is true... But my Cloth is different! Nothing you are able to do can damage it, you simply aren't strong enough to do so... And this isn't even its final form..."

At the same time, I think, 'Okay, I even Frieza quoted today, I'm on a roll... I feel like I'm becoming a walking meme... What is next? I or someone else will yell that my stats are over 9000!? Something that is actually true now that I think about it.'

Meanwhile, Alva continues to crawl back and yells, "N-no, You won't get me!!", then he tries to use some kind of magic, most probably a Spatial one to escape, but before he could fully cast it, I move at the speed of the light and appears in front of him punching him in gut, at the same time, sending my energy into his body to disrupt all the magic power coursing in his body making him unable to cast spells for a brief moment.

Then, with another punch I send a trace of my energy into his brain to seal his 6th sense, making him unable to even sense the magic power and so unable to use it, 'I'm no Shaka that can even seal the 7th or even 8th Sense of someone, but at least after many years of practice the sealing 6th sense is still possible...'

Soon after, I look down at Alva's figure and he kneels over in pain, then he screams like a madman, "M-my magic!!! What did you do!? Why I can't feel my magic!!?" and since he is basically powerless now, I simply explain, "What I did? Well, it is very simple. I sealed your 6th Sense, maybe to make you understand better, let's call it Intuition, the sense that allows you and every other being to sense and control energies such as Magic Power, without it, well, you will find yourself in such predicament, unable to use any of the magic that you are so proud of, including that Divine Edict... Making you weaker than any mortal in this world!"

And as realization and pure terror make way on his face, I walk toward him and say, "Now, I will quickly free that poor body from your polluted influence and kill you once and for all..."

Then, in despair, Alva quickly starts to cowardly beg for his life, "W-Wait! I'll pledge myself in service to you. You'll be my new lord! I swear I can be useful! I can tell you how to reach Ehit-sama's domain, the Holy Precincts! So please, I'm begging you!!"

But I ignore his plea and raise my right arm then as I burn my mixed energy, I point at Alva and yell, "Freezing Coffin!" and as my energy explodes, he is quickly encased in a big block of clear ice of -273.15°C, the Absolute Zero temperature, then I say "No that Yue's uncle's body is safe, it is time to deal with Alva..."

Then I raise my hand pointing at Dienleed's body in the ice and cast one of the few Spirit Magic, I was able to learn with Eri's help, "Soul Purge!!"

And as a white light shines on Dienleed's frozen body, a pale shapeless soul is purged from it then, "Huh? Wh-Why!? No, stop-."

Before it could react and have a chance to escape, I quickly hold my hands out over my head, pointing towards Alva's soul with open palms, and quickly gathering my energy, I yell, "White Ice Spears!", and throw my hands down, and cross them.

My energy solidify into numerous solid spears of ice, that moves at the speed of light and easily pierce Alva's soul making him let out a pained screech, "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahg!"

And soon after, his soul freezes and as it crashes on the floor, it breaks into countless small pieces, bringing a definitive end to one of the Gods that tyrannically ruled this world for countless years.

Done with that, I let out a sigh and say, "One is done, one more left... And after that, I only need to deal with some loose ends and then I can finally return home. Ehit say your last prayers, I'm coming for you... After taking care of a few things here..."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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