Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 119 – First Step, First Trouble

Jayr POV - TTGL Universe, Earth, ??? - 1007 AFA-SW

After jumping through the Unigate, I feel the strange water-like consistency of the gate on my skin for an instant, and the next moment, my feet touch the hard ground as I land on the other side of the gate.

The first thing I do is to check my surroundings for any kind of danger, but soon realize that there is nothing around me, nothing but rocks, mountains, and some sparse vegetation here and there, I'm in some desolate rock desert in the middle of nowhere.

After making sure that I'm alone and safe, I start to look around me and mutter, "I really don't know where I am... the last time I was lucky to appear nearby the Orcus Great Labyrinth, one of my objective and a focal point of the Arifureta Universe's plot... But this time, I don't think I will be so lucky..."

Then I look up and see one of the most beautiful star-lit night skies, with a big full moon that shines its dim light from above, at the same time, as I feel a peaceful breeze caress my body, I say, "But a least I'm lucky enough to appear during the night... The time when the Beastmen, creatures that are a blend of human and animal DNA that serve their creator Lordgenome through cloning technology, cannot carelessly act because on one side, these incomplete creatures need a coma-like sleep to stop their cells from degenerating, and on the other, the Ganmen they pilot can only operate during the day as they turn solar energy into electricity to move..."

After saying that, I look around to find a random rock to calmly sit on and confirm my current situation, once I sat on the most comfortable-looking rock, I close my eyes and start to sense what is happening in my body, 'Yes... I can still sense, control, and burn my Cosmo... But my Magic Power is now sealed, so no Magic or Cosmo-Mana state both are unavailable, blocked by this Universe's rules... Huh?!'

But then while I was checking the current state of my body and the energies available, I sensed that something strange is happening to my body, something new is awakening within my body, a new form of energy that seems to emerge from the very primal part of my body, in some way it feels similar to Cosmo, it also feels like a fundamental part of Life, but it is also different, it feels more primal and willful.

"Gruah!!?" all of a sudden, I start to feel an immense crippling pain all over my whole being, my body feels like it is begin exposed to acid, melting into nothingness, and my mind is getting scrambled and becoming chaotic as a piercing pain keeps getting stronger and stronger, and even my very soul is in pain as it feels like it is getting ripped apart.

At this moment, I realize that my Cosmo, my Magic Power, and this new energy emerging from my body, which I now realize is the Spiral Power, the supernatural energy ruling this universe, are now clashing for dominance, as the delicate balance that was present before between my Magic Power and my Cosmo is now broken by the newcomer, and my own body, mind, and even the very soul became the battlefields where their clash is taking place.

Unable to maintain control over my body and energies as they continue to rampage, I start to roll on the ground in pain as a soundless scream escapes from my mouth as I feel my very being breaking down, but even so, I force myself to remain calm, focusing my mind on only one thought, returning back to Saori, Seika, Eri, and Tio.

To live and survive this ordeal so that I can return back to my family, and so I grit my teeth and focus on that thought, I shut down every outside interference, ignore the immense pain I'm currently feeling, and keep focusing on it until suddenly I feel nothing, no sound, no smell, no pain.

So I open my eyes and see that I'm in a strange chaotic tri-colored space, it seems endless, but all I can see is blue, red, and green colors clashing around, trying to constantly overpower each other.

But I also notice another thing in this place, it is a small miniature of the Crateris Cloth in its Constellation Form, then from it, I hear a strange monotone but familiar voice, "Jayr, it seems that you are in quite the pinch this time..."

I look at the small Crateris Cloth and reply, "Yeah... I was quite careless, I didn't think that the Spiral Power would awaken so suddenly if at all, considering that I'm from a different Universe..."

Again the Crateris Cloth replies, "How foolish, you already knew that this energy is very powerful. That this Universe is, in fact, even bigger and more powerful than the one we come from... I can clearly sense it, this Spiral Power as you call it is a very powerful source of power but also very raw and unpredictable..."

Hearing that I nod, then look around me and ask, "So where am I exactly? Is this my soul?"

But Crateris quickly denies it and explains, "No... this is something even more important, it is the very Core of your existence, what defines you at the most basic intrinsic level... it is the combination of your soul body, and mind, if a change happens to one of them then a change happens here, and that change also affects "you"... and as you can see it is quite messy right now... If this continues your core will collapse, and not even I would be able to save you using our connection, because "you" will simply cease to exist..."

As a frown forms on my face, I continue to look at the chaotic mess of colors that continue to fight among them and ask, "And how can I fix this...?"

The mini Crateris Cloth replies, "It is simple... and difficult at the same time. Give these energies a direction, a meaning, a focus. Understand and acknowledge them, finding their similarities, their roles, and the connection between them, and they will follow your will as they have done before... After all, they are part of you... But I suggest starting with the one that you are most familiar with..."

Hearing that, I nod, and without hesitation, I focus on the bright blue color, the color that represents my Cosmo, and while looking at it, I mutter, "Cosmo... the energy generated in the Big Bang during the creation of the Saint Seiya Universe, and thus infused in every living being... By burning it and making it explode, I generate energy that I can make course through my body to make it stronger and faster, I can also use it to destroy things at the atomic level rending most defense powerless, to protect my mind soul and body to other influences even godly ones... But at the basis of all that... Cosmo is simply a "thought", the power of the mind over the matter, that is also why the Gods call their 9th Sense, their Divine Cosmo, Big Will!"

And as I reconfirm this, all the blue around me converges into one point becoming an enormous blue sphere that stands in front of me, then it takes the shape of a cup that reminds me of the Crateris Cloth, leaving behind only the red and green color fighting for dominance.

Then I focus my gaze on the bright red color, my Magic Power, and after what seems a few seconds, I mutter, "Magic... Magic is oftentimes referred to as an "Art". This is no coincidence. Magic is perceived by many as an elite discipline requiring artistry and talent, and indeed very few possess the immense creative abilities needed to wield it. Magic has also been called chaos incarnate: a primal, dangerous force, merciless and destructive. In the hands of the unwary, it becomes a key that can open the forbidden door, behind which lies ruin and destruction. Finally, according to others, magic is science-that is, knowledge which can only be acquired through extensive study, discipline, and hard work."

I have the vague feeling, that I'm in the right direction, but I'm still missing something, so I continue my reasoning, "In the end, magic is all three of the above. It is Art, Chaos, and Science: a blessing, a curse, and progress. It all depends on who calls upon it, and for what purpose. Magic stems from nature. It is in the earth we walk upon, in the fire burning in its heart, in the air we breathe, and in the water which brings life, and which flows within us. If you happen to be gifted with a particular talent, all you need do is reach out your hand and grasp the magic all around you... Magic is that mystic spark that brings uniqueness into one life!"

And as I realize this, all the red around me also gathers into an enormous sphere right next to the Cosmo Cup, then it also changes shape and becomes a red dragon whose shape reminds me of the form I take when I use the magic Advent of the Divine Dragon Lord.

At the same time, I feel that my situation is getting better, I'm now outside of the danger zone but I also sense that if can't also understand the Spiral Power and get its energy under my full control, I won't be able to get out of my Core.

Then without hesitation, I focus on the newest and remaining color, the now chaotic green, which represents the Spiral Power that now paints the whole space in its color.

I focus on it trying to sense and understand this new energy using what I read about it in the Arifureta Universe's Earth as a guide, and after studying it for an unknown time I finally mutter, "Spiral Power... a power source that symbolizes everything, it is the force that defines evolution itself and binds all objects that take a spiral shape with the Universe, from the strands of DNA to the entire galaxies, they are amplified to infinite levels by Spiral Power as the underpinning of the Universe. A power source that gives the user both infinite potential and applications, including many abilities that defy logic, such as creating energy from nowhere, resurrection, and even deciding one's existence by controlling life and death. One Spiral lifeform is capable of drawing forth the power of the infinite cosmos."

I continue to watch the chaotic green immerging myself in its presence and feeling its power and attributes, as I mutter, "Life resonates with the galaxy due to the force of the transcendental double helix, or Spiral Power. To extrapolate on this, Spiral Power is drawn from Spiral galaxies and converted into energy and emitted by Spiral lifeforms from their nervous centers, with one lifeform being able to release as much energy as an entire Universe, this will apply to galaxies as well for obvious reasons. Willpower, hope, and dream are related to Spiral Power because they are present as a double helix, the spiral shape, therefore, Spiral Power is accelerated through them and will cease to evolve if Spiral lifeforms lose their fighting spirit and fall into despair...!"

At the same time, the green representing the spiral power gathers into another enormous green sphere, then it takes the shape of a huge green spiral that stands beside the equally large blue Cup, and red dragon, leaving behind only a dark void.

Looking at my three sources of power floating in the void in front of me, I feel that something is missing, then I look at the green spiral and something clicks in me.

Without hesitation, I urge the blue cup, and the red dragon to rush into the green spiral and to follow its movement, and in an instant the three energies merge together into an endless pillar divided up into three spirals, each one representing one of the energies under my control, at the same time, the void around me starts to change.

Under my feet, an endless plain full of lively grass, flowers, and tree, appears all of a sudden, at the same time, above me a clear blue star-lit night sky forms where the 88 Constellations can be seen shining brightly, while some enchanting red firefly lights can be seen flying around.

Then I once more, hear Crateris' monotone voice as it says, "Good job, Jayr... I have to admit that you did a lot better than I thought. This is truly a stunning Core. Among all the Saints that have been my partner since the Age of Myths, you for sure are the best!"

I then look at the miniature Crateris Cloth and ask, "You know, this is the first time you have talked to me this clearly..." and Crateris explains, "I'm first and foremost a Cloth. Even if I'm alive, now more than ever thanks to your upgrades, I'm a lifeform different from you humans, I don't feel the need to chat with someone to feel connected to them..."

I nod and realize, "Well, that is true... We are connected through Cosmo, Magic Power, and souls, we can understand each other without talking... But even so, let me at least thank you once more for all the times you have guided, protected me, and saved my life... You will always be my most trusted partner."

After that, Crateris falls into silence, but I can feel that he is happy about what I said.

I look once more at the endless tri-colored pillar, and just as I'm about to will myself out of my Core, a silly, absurd, potentially disastrous, but equally genius, awesome, and potentially beneficial idea starts to come into my mind but the next moments, slips away.

Feeling sure that the previous flash of inspiration I had, is going to help me in getting stronger, I fix my gaze on the tri-colored pillar formed by the three spinning spirals and start to mutter as I try to catch that thought that keeps slipping away, "Spiral Power... Spiral Power... Spiral... Spinning... SPIN!!" and with a flash of inspiration, I finally connect the dots.

Euphoric, I can help but think out loud, "Could I really be able to use the principles of the Spin from JoJo to the Spiral Power...? And if I can do it what would be the result? The Spiral Power, a reality breaking of immense power combined with a state of perfect or near-perfect rotation creating a near endless rotation that may then create an infinite amount of Spiral energy..." and as I realize this, I am about to try it out.

But I immediately stop and restrain that impulse, then I take a deep breath to calm my excitement, then I mutter, "Aaah... It is better to not try that now, especially not while I'm still in my Core if something bad happens here, I could very well cease to exist once and for all..." and after calming down, I will myself out of my Core.

And as soon as I regain control of my body and can once more feel everything around me, I immediately realize that something is off, the airflow around me is dry and staler, moreover, I feel a heavy weight on my body, and from the texture I'm feeling, I'm pretty sure that it is some kind of rock, then I open my eyes and notice that I'm in total darkness, but it is clear that I'm underground and quite deep at that, moreover, I'm fully naked.

After the initial surprise, I use my senses to feel my surroundings and realize what happened, it seems that my thrashing around while my energies were rampaging caused not only the destruction of my clothes but also caused the ground under me to collapse, making me fall into some kind of huge sinkhole, in addition to that, the hole I caused further collapsed on itself, closing the hole and making the falling rocks and earth crash on my body almost burying me.

I raise my upper body with some difficulties as I feel my muscles are very stiff from being still for a long time, but even so, I easily push the tons of rocks and earth laying on my body away and get up, then as I dust off my skin, and hair, I mutter, "Luckily my body is a hell lot stronger than a regular human. If it wasn't, such a thing could have easily killed, or a the very least crippled me..."

Then I open the black swirling portal that leads to my Soulbound Territory and walk through it, once on the other side, I quickly run to my villa to avoid showing my little brother to the Nymphs living here and take a quick shower, then I put on a clean pair of briefs, and a pair of half-length brown trousers with some simple black boots and since the temperature outside is very hot and dry, I decide to leave my upper body bare, so that my attire could somewhat resemble that of the human's communities living underground.

After that, I prepare a quick meal as I'm quite famished, and feeling this, I carefully check the state of my body and realize that I spent around a week in my Core, 'Holy...! I just experienced one of the Cultivation Story Plots, losing oneself in enlightenment! No!! Calm down, Jayr! Calm down! As long as you don't start talking about the Dao, massacring, and bringing ruin to sects and cities only because you are passing by, and more important you don't meet Young Masters, you are safe! You won't become a Chinese novel Protagonist!!'

Done my internal crisis and with my meal, I finally check what has changed as a result of my actions in my Core, and I have to admit, a hell lot changed, first of all, it is almost like I'm constantly in my previous Cosmo-Mana state, but different from before, this state doesn't put any burden on my body, because the energies in my don't expand limitlessly anymore but stop when they reach the peak of what my body can handle, but the result is almost the same, because no matter of much energy I use, I now recover it almost instantly.

But that isn't all, now all my energies, are interwired so closely, that I can in fact use Cosmo or Spiral Power to cast magics, or use Magic Power to use the Cosmo techniques I learned or created, 'This is crazy! It means that from now on, no matter in what Universe I find myself, as long as supernatural power or magic aren't rejected by the rules of the Universes I will visit, I can use all the techniques and spell I need no matter the rules imposed by the Universe... So if I find myself in a world where only magic can exist, I can still use my Cosmo techniques and abilities using my Magic Power, masking them as spells!'

Another change, one I admit I'm quite glad happened, is a physical change, I didn't grow taller or bigger, nope, it is just that no matter what energy I use, now my eyes don't change color anymore every time I use a different power, well, if you ignore the fact that when I use my Spiral Power at a certain level my eyes change and turns into a spiral almost like a knock-off Rinnegan.

At the same time, the several thin reddish black lines on my body, which I gained when I ate the Orcus Great Labyrinth's monsters and that appeared when I used magic or entered into my Cosmo-Mana state, well, they became permanent, not only that, but their color changed to the same green of my eyes and they pattern also changed taking a more curved shape, that obviously reminds me of a spiral.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror as I use some basic spells and Cosmo techniques, I can't help but grin and exclaim, "Hell yeah! I'm not a fucking traffic light anymore!!"

After I'm done with refreshing myself, changing my clothes, eating, and checking the immediate changes I went through, I sit down and start to plan my next course of action, 'Well, clearly my initial plans are now scrapped thanks to my almost deadly oversight... Now, after I get out of my Soulbound Territory, the first thing I have to do is to search for human life signals... Well technically I only need to find two, Simon and Kamina, it should be quite easy to find them, after all, they are among the very few humans that have started to awaken their Spiral Power, in fact, if it didn't pass too much time from when I first came, only three humans should have it at this moment, Simon, Kamina, and Lordgenome, moreover, Lordgenome's Spiral Power should feel quite different from the usual one seen the fact that his is fully awakened and red colored, while even my own Spiral Power keeps its usual green color...'

Then tapping on the table with my finger I continue, 'Then of course I have to quickly reach them, and be there in time to save Kamina's life... And after that, I will have a little talk with Lordgenome... And after making sure that everything will go in the direction I hope for, I can easily return back in time to take part in Shaina's wedding and stay together with Saori and Tio...'

And as I think that, I get up and say, "Let's do this!" then I open the black swirling portal that leads outside my Soulbound Territory, back to the strange sinkhole.

Once there, I quickly close my eyes and use my senses to the fullest to feel everything on this planet, and despite knowing it, I have to admit, that the current situation of this Earth still surprises me, 'Damn it! Watching the anime is one thing... But feeling the situation myself is a whole other... there are only about 400.000 humans overall living on this planet, and most of them live underground in small villages that count from 20 to 100 people... And even counting the Beastman, there are only 2.000.000 sentient beings living on this planet, way too few... This is awful...'

Sensing all that, I steel my resolve, then I focus on finding Simon and Kamina, after a few seconds, I click my tongue and mutter, "Tch... There are more people with stirring Spiral Power than I initially thought!"

Indeed there are currently eleven other humans with traces of Spiral Power, and realizing this I curse, "Shit! That means that the battle against Thymilph is closer than I thought! And that I have a lot less time to make my move!!"

But even so, I remain calm and focus on these eleven signatures, 'Anyways, it should still be quite easy to identify them... Let's see... Three of them are together and there are another 7 humans with them but they are surrounded by Beastmen this should be Kamina and Simon's group and seeing their numbers, they should be at the trap bath house, meanwhile another 7 are gathered together and are moving toward the first group... And last but not least, is the one who is alone, surrounded by Beastmen, and his Spiral Power feels very ominous and somewhat wrong moreover it is clearly much more active than all the others, obviously he is Lordgenome...'

I then focus on Kamina and Simon, and feel that they aren't too far away from my position, just around 500 Kilometers east of here, a distance I can cross in an instant if I want, 'Well, technically I can teleport anywhere I need to...'

Since I still have some time before the shit hits the fan and Kamina dies, I decide to get a little familiar with my Spiral Power.

So I first will it to course through my body, and instantly feel its effects, I feel my body growing even stronger, much more than when I use Limit Break and furthermore, it doesn't stop, 'This is absurd... my body keeps getting stronger at an exponential rate!'

But at some point, my body reaches its current limit, and soon my Spiral Power starts overflowing from my tattoos looking like a bright green flame.

Seeing this, I stop enhacing my physical body, and try something else, I raise my hand and will a small amount of Spiral Power to form a small green spinning drill the size of a tennis ball, that keeps spinning faster and faster, then I will it to change shape into a ball and causally throw it toward the wall in front of me knowing that no lifeform stands in its path, and watch as the ball easily drills through the rock forming a new tunnel the size of a avarage man.

Seeing that I whistle and comment, "Wow, I just used a little of Spiral Power but its power is already at the level of a full-force blow of a strong Bronze Saint..."

But then I realize that I messed up as soon after, everything around me starts to shake, and soon from the ceiling above me, more rocks and dirt start to fall.

But just as I'm about to teleport myself out of here, I sense that these tremors aren't caused by the fact that the cave I found myself is further collapsing, but by something drilling through the earth to reach me, because I realize that the debris are only falling in a small area around me.

So I just take a few steps back and wait, curious about what is about to come, and soon, something burrows out from the ceiling and quickly crashes into the ground in front of me raising a brown cloud of dust.

Soon, the dust clears away, and the thing hidden behind it reveals itself, making me exclaim "No fucking way..."

In front of me stands a big mechanical head, its main color is whiteish, while its face is almost skin-colored, with some light blue parts like the circular "ears" at the side, and the inside of the cockpit.

Its eyes are closed, but even so, it is clear what is it, "It's a mini-type Gunmen like Lagann!! How is this possible!? I thought that they were all destroyed or in the Spiral Graveyard in the Anti-Spiral Universe!?"

Then I step closer and the Lagann in front of me starts to slowly pulse as if responding to my presence or more precisely to the Spiral Power in my body, and mutter, "Did it come to me on its own in response to my Spiral Power...?"

So without hesitation, I step inside the cockpit and mutter, "This looks a bit tight... but someone big like Lordgenome can still use it so I should be able to fit in too."

Once I sit inside the cockpit, I look at the circular dashboard in the middle and see a small Core Drill already inserted into it, at the same time, the mini-type Gunmen start to pulse faster and faster, as if excited.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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