Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 12 – Curing a Disease?

Jayr POV - China, Lushan - 1984

I woke up early in the morning, and quickly started making breakfast for everyone, as we are in China, I decided to make a classic Chinese breakfast, the Soybean Milk and Deep-Fried Dough Sticks, and Rice Congee, not my preferred type of breakfast, but when in Rome do as the Romans do.

Soon after I started frying the Dought Sticks, Shiryu and a young girl of slim build, dark blue eyes, with long jet black hair tied in a long braid, came to the kitchen, Shiryu calmly greeted me, while the young girl says "Jayr-san! You are our guest, you should leave these things to me...", but I easily dismiss her and says "Don't worry about this, little Shunrei, it's a habit, I always prepare the breakfast, as Seika usually wakes up later than me".

(Image Here - Shunrei)


After a few minutes, the breakfast is ready, and I use the telekinesis to send some to Dohko, as he kept guarding over the sealed specters all night, then I went to wake up Seika, once in her and Shunrei's room, I slowly walk near her sleeping form and kiss her on the forehead, saying "Morning, beautiful! Breakfast is ready! How did you sleep?", and as she yawns, and gets up stretching her body, she replies "I felt something missing, not having you next to me... It is strange how quickly I got used to sleeping together!".

Then we started having breakfast together with Shunrei and Shiryu, and while Shunrei complimented me and asked for the recipe, Shiryu asks "By the way, Jayr-san, I was curious, but how old are you? And when did you become a Saint?" and after dipping the fried dough stick into the soy milk, I reply "I became a Saint last year at the age of 12, so right now I'm 13, but I'm training to become a Saint since I was 5... In fact, my grandfather is a former Saint and now an instructor in the Sicily training ground, and my sisters are Saint too".

Then he stood in silence for a few seconds before gathering his courage, and looking at me in the eyes he asks "And... I don't want to sound rude... Can I know... How strong you are?", and with a confident smile I reply "Strong enough to make a journey around the world without fearing for my life...", after my reply, there is a moment of silence that is quickly broke by Shunrei asking Seika, how she met, and why are we traveling together.

To that question Seika, starts telling the tale of her journey to find her brother, and how she lost her memory in an accident, at that point Shiryu who connects the dots says "Wait! You're Seiya's sister! That is why you look so familiar, your eyes are almost the same!" then Seika continues her story on how she met me, how she chooses to travel with me and so on "...And during our journey, one thing led to another and we became lovers...What about you guys, since when are you guys together?".

And at this point, Shunrei's face is bright red and is stumbling to say something that made sense, while Shiryu stood up and mumbled something like it's a misunderstanding, it's not like that, and about training, while fleeing out the little and comforting house embarrassed to once again start his fight the Great Waterfall, while I couldn't help but says a little inside joke that only I can truly understand "Don't work yourself too much... You'll turn blind!".

Later, while helping Seika and Shunrei with the dishes, I tell Seika "I'm thinking about remaining here to rest for about a month, what do you think? After all, we are traveling from one country to another almost without any rest, and while I can endure it without problems, I'm worried that I'm putting too much pressure on your body...", Seika nods and replies "Sure... But I'm fine after all, we did stop for a while a Mu's place...".

Kissing her on top of her head I say "Yeah, but while peaceful... Jamir wasn't a nice place to live... Here there is clear air and water, nice scenery, and more important, Shunrei is here... having a friend to chat about anything and confide in, is important, after all, no matter how good is our relationship, there are some things that only a female friend can help you with..." hearing that Seika nods and gives me a peck on the mouth, while Shunrei looking at this scene is once again blushing, not knowing where to look.

After that, I left the girls alone and went to search for a quiet place to train, and I quickly finds myself in a clearing in the forest surrounding Lushan, first I start my physical training as warm up, then I start to once again refine my 7th sense, by cutting off my other senses, 'My physical strength is steadily improving, and so is my mastery over the 7th sense, my weakness right now is my lack of true combat experience... And maybe the fact that despises grandpa's training I'm still reluctant to kill anyone in cold blood... Sure, I have seen deaths many times, I had a few patients in my previous life die in front of me on the operating table, but that is different! It is one thing to fight against death and fail, and another is to bring death to another... Truthfully, I don't think I'll be able to truly kill without feeling anything and I don't even want to... But many Universes suck and there are many truly evil beings that are unreadable in the Omniverse... So when the time comes, I'll do what I have to do!!'.

While thinking that, I also focus on my training, in fact, right now I cut off my every other sense, and I'm using my Cosmo for everything, to feel my surroundings to move my body until all of the sudden I feel a weak Cosmo behind me, too weak to be someone who awakened his Cosmo and focusing on it, I see that is a South China Tiger that is hiding in a nearby bush ready to attack me at a moment notice and from what I feel it is a female, so I give it an opening and wait for her to make the first move, she does it as soon as I turn my back to her, she rushes out of her hiding place and jumps at me with a powerful roar ready to rip me apart with her sharp claws and fangs, but just as she is about to touch me, I side step and dodge by an inch, and quickly counterattack, using my fingers I press on various points of her body immobilizing her, then as she is still in mid air, I grab her and carefully put her on the ground and after restoring my sense I say "Careful here, girl! You are pregnant, you should choose your prey more carefully...". 

Then I, check on her and see that she is fine, so I use my Cosmo to communicate with her and after she calms down, I free her and let her go before restarting my training and so time quickly passes, and the night once again comes, so I go back to the Shiryu and Shunrei's house to rest.

In the coming week, I passed my time, training, having peaceful dates with Seika, teaching Shunrei and Seika about medicine, giving some tips to Shiryu, checking on the tigress and giving her some wild animals I caught while training, and taking some time to chat with Dohko, not only about serious topics, but also fun things we saw or did, like the time as a trainee, when he and his friend Shion, the previous Pope, were forced to crossdress to infiltrate the shrine of an evil god, to save a little girl that was captured to become a sacrifice, but later found out that was a park pulled by the Cancer Gold Saint Deathtoll to cheer up a lost soul, helping in its passage in the afterlife.

Like this the week quickly passes, then one evening, as I'm teaching Shunrei and Seika, I receive Dohko's telepathic message 'Young Jayr, could you come outside and meet me? I have a favor to ask...', and so I excuse myself, and go to meet him, one there I say "I'm here, Master Dohko, what do you need?".

Still watching over Shiryu's training, he let out a loud sigh and say "The immortal clans and sects are once again bringing chaos to this country, the Peng Clan is hunting down the rouge Pig Immortal for some foolish motive of face, who is at the same time hunted down by the Azure Dragon Sect, because he ra**d the Sect Leader's daughter, and crippled his son, in his defense this Immortal told everyone that the son drugged his sister and wanted to have his way with her and he stopped him, but for some 'unlucky' accident during the fight, he ingested some of the same drugs, and the only solution was to release everything... but it doesn't end here, this hero got in some way the support of the White Tiger Sect, and also the clan of his close friend who recently became the Rooster Immortal, and regained the support of the Shi Clan and became the new Clan Leader, basically a huge war is about to start with all the faction involved...".

Hearing that, in my mind there is only confusion 'Who am I? Where am I? What the... I choose the Saint Seiya Universe! Why the hell I'm meeting Cultivation Crap Plot... And what the fuck Pig Immortal!? Did Scum Che or some other notable and 'noble' protagonist reincarnate in this world!!? What is next the Sect/Clan eradication plot with millions of innocent deaths!!!'

Then letting out another sigh he says "I really don't understand what happens with my fellow countrymen, every few years the same happens... Why do they keep making always the same mistakes?... Anyway, can you go and stop them... don't worry too much the only one that can give you some trouble is the Qilin Immortal as he is weaker than a Gold Saint, but his Dao Armor is almost comparable to a Gold Cloth, so be careful... You are free to act as you want, just stop them from harming more innocent", and so in low spirit, I go and tell Seika the news, then I move to deal with the problem with a heavy heart 'This world is showing signs of Cultivation Plot Syndrome... this is a deadly disease and as a doctor, I have to fight it! I won't let it spread in this Universe!! Luckily I caught on it early...I can do this!!'.

Jayr POV - China, Longgan Lake - 1984

It took 3 days following the Immortals' tracks, to finally find them, they left behind a lot of death and destruction while chasing after the Pig Immortal that is trying to regroup with his allies the White Tiger Sect, and the Zhou Clan, but as the Pig Immortal flees, he also fights off and kill every member of the Peng Clan and Azure Dragon Sect, no matter where he is, in fact in his fight he damaged many cities, and killed my peoples as collateral damage, hell while he was fleeing from the Azure Dragon Immortal, he destroyed a whole village.

What is worse is that their fight got the attention of the other 2 Sects and Clans, who also choose to take a side, and are about to face off here in the zone surrounding the Longgan Lake, a freshwater lake in central China, divided between Susong County of Anhui Province and Huangmei County at the eastern extremity of Hubei Province.

And now, I'm looking at the 15 Immortal gathered from the four Great Sect and four Great Clans, together with an uncountable number of Martial Warriors, divided into two opposite factions, staring at each other with clear killing intent in their eyes, ready to fight at any moment.

'What to do now? Should I try to reason with them... Yeah like that could work with these sociopaths... Seal their 6th sense so that they can't feel or control their Cosmo?... Nope, some Cultivation Crap could happen and they will be back stronger than ever... Let's see Cultivation Plot 101... All but the protagonist, and a few blessed individuals bully the weak and fear the strong... So put the fear of God... Goddess in them?...Hmm, it could work for a few years... What would the other Gold Saints do... Shura, Aphrodite, Milo, Shaka, and Aiolos would kill everyone, hell, Deathmask would go the extra mile and also kill their families, friends, neighbors, and pets... Camus, freeze them for eternity, Saga... Eureka!'.

Then I notice 4 figures coming forward for each side, and about to meet up in the middle, they are the 4 Sect Master, and 4 Clan Leaders, and all of them are already donning their Dao Armor, on one side there is the White Tiger Immortal Bai Bo, a man with mid-length black hair and eyes, he has a mark on his cheeks that reminds of a tiger's fangs, his armor is in the shape of a white tiger and his weapon is a gudao, next to him is a woman with long straight black hair and eyes, her armor is clearly in the shape of a turtle, her weapon is a whip with a sharp tip, she is the Black Turtle Immortal Tang Xiang, and slightly behind them there is a young man with short white hair, proudly donning a ridiculous armor in the shape of a chicken, the new Qiu Clan Leader, Rooster Immortal Qiu Yan and the menace himself the Pig Immortal, Shi Hong.

(Image Here - White Tiger, Black Turtle, Rooster)


On the other side there are the Sect Masters of the Vermillion Bird and Azure Dragon Sect, and the Clan Leader of the Peng and Ji Clan, in the front there is a man with messy brown hair and eyes, donning an armor that reminds me of a eastern dragon, and is armed with a spear, by his attire it is clear that he is the Azure Dragon Immortal Long Chao, and next to him there is the Vermillion Bird Immortal Hu Wei, an elegant man with maroon long hair and eyes, donning a bright red armor in the shape of the vermillion bird and armed with a sword.

(Image Here - Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird)


Slightly behind them two other men, one is full of arrogance, he is an older version of Peng Chao, he don an orange armor is in the shape of a dog, and is armed with a whip sword, he is Peng Ming, Peng Chao's father, while the other is colder, he a short black hair and two bright red tilak dots on his forehead, but he isn't a Muvian, he dons a white with light blue outline armor in the shape of a horse and is armed with a saber, he is Ji Zemin.

(Image Here - Dog, Horse)


Seeing that they were about to start the long session of talking and insulting each other while giving blame for every loss of face that happened since the Age of Myth before starting to fight, I quickly equip my Cloth, and teleport right in the middle, and say "Everyone, stop! This farce a gone on for too long and many innocent people died because of you all! If you don't stop now, I will be forced to act and trust me you won't like it...".

Peng Ming walks forward and says "Who the hell think you are, Junior? Why should we the men of the great Hua Nation listen to a foreigner insect like you? Better that you go back to the shithole country you came from, if you don't I'll make you regret the day you were born!!" at the same time the Marital Warriors and other Immortals of both sides cheer for what Peng Ming said, as he his now trying to look down on me, while the other seems to agree.

'Wow... Cultivation Plot 101, paragraph 2, the characters in it are all ultra-nationalist and bordeline racist and are proud of it... Well, there is nothing wrong with being proud of your country, but hell those guys take it too far... Why they can't be like Shura? A spanish guy, with a Japanese name, who fight for a geek Goddess, and named his technique after a British myth! What a graceful man!'.

Letting out a sigh, I start to burn my Cosmo to put immense pressure on everyone, and as a clear blue aura surrounds my body, every Martial Warrior falls on his knees, while the Immortal, protected by their Dao Armor, only stumble, but are able to stay standing.

At the same time, I hear Peng Ming's comment "What incredible Qi... It almost feels like standing in front of Father! How is this possible!? Father is the closest man to the rank of God! He is the strongest, the Qilin Immortal!!! How can this kid be his equal!!?".

Seeing that I have everyone's attention, I declare once again "I'm Athena's Saint Crateris Jayr! I've come under Libra Dohko's request to stop this foolish war... I repeat stop it now, or you won't like the consequences!" then looking at the Rooster Immortal that was about to speak I add "And don't start spouting bullshit about not seeing Mount Tai! Because If I hear it one more time, I swear that I will remove Mount Tai from existence!!".

It seems that my threat is working, as the Immortals are unsure of how to act, but then the menace Shi Hong started speaking "Shut up! We won't listen to some foreign invader! Fellow martial brother, don't let his words sway you, we are the great Immortals of the Hua Nation, we won't let anyone dictate our action, We chose our own path, if a Saint stands in front of us we'll slay it if it is a Buddha we'll slay it, even if the Haven oppose us we will fight and prevail because we are the Immortals!! Come on, let's join force and fight off this enemy! Don't let him trample the Great Hua Nation's face!!".

Hearing his speech, all the Immortal regained their spirit, and are getting ready join force and fight me 'Holy Athena in bikini! What in the Elysion happened!!? How did I become an enemy?? They were killing their own people, and fighting and killing against each other, and now they are joining forces as if nothing happened!? And cheering for the one that started all of this in the first place!!'.

I didn't have the time to speak, as they start attacking me, the first to move is Long Chao, who thrusts his spear at supersonic speed aiming at my heart yelling "Take this foreign scum! Dragon Leaping Over the Bridge!" as the other around us are cheering sure of their victory, but he is too slow for the current me, so I easily grab his weapon blade between my fingers stopping his attack causing a deafaning silence to fall, and as he tries to pull back his spear without success I say "Scum... Really? You should say this to that Piglet that took advantage of your daughter".

Having enough of this situation I choose to use the nuclear option, 'But first I have to knock all of them out...', I burn my Cosmo and my fist starts shining and a clear blue orb of water gathers around my fist "Tidal Wave Punch" and with a punch I shoot it straight towards the stunned Long Chao so fast that he couldn't even react and hit him right in the stomach sending him flying and creating many cracks on his Dao Armor

With a smirk, I say "Boom" and from the water ball still stuck on his stomach ten delayed strong impacts came one after another, that changes his direction sending him crashing into the ground creating a big crater, and one impact after another, the crater created grows bigger and bigger, and the cracks on his armor expands even more, and when the last impact happens the shockwave generated is so strong that blows away the nearby Immortals, and at the same time his Dao Armor crumble into many pieces, and of course Long Chao is now lying unconscious in the crater of 50m of diameter with all of his bones broken, but still alive as I'm still holding back.

As I'm throwing Long Chao's spear away, I feel a small impact on my back and turing around I saw the stunned Peng Ming as he says "How is this possible I hit you with my strongest technique... Even with a Heavenly Dao Armor you should be wounded!" and with a smile I replie "Well different from your Dao Armor, who while they are great at protecting your body and enhancing your Cosmo, they lack two thing if you compare with Athena's Cloth, first they lack the blessing of a God, who enhance their capabilities a lot, and most important, the Cloth are alive, this means that they can also evolve..."

But just I was about to hit him with another Tidal Wave Punch, from the distance I hear someone yell "Junior, you dare!?" then I feel a strong impact to my side that send me flying a few meters, but I'm quickly able to regain my balance, and with a flip I land on my feet, and looks at the attacker, it is a man with Saiyan like black hair, donning an armor that vaguely reminds me of Pegasus God Cloth, only the predominant color are blue and gold, and there is a straight horn on his headpiece, he is floating in the sky with the help of the wings on his armor, and by Peng Ming who yelled "Father!", I understand that the newcomer is Peng Meng, the Qilin Immortal, who is almost comparable with a Gold Saint.

(Image Here - Qilin)


"Really can't you guys change the dialog a little, what are you NPC in a game?" I said, getting ready for my toughest fight, and Peng Meng gently lands on the ground and say "Everyone, step away, you all aren't his opponent!" and he starts burning his Cosmo, making a dark red aura surround his body and taking a fighting stance he yells "How dare raise your hand on my son, foreigner!" and taking my stance I say "I've got a name you know? I know it is a lot to ask but try to remember it, Meng Meng!".

Enraged by my taunt, Peng Meng jumps high and yells "Heavenly Qilin Stampede!" lauchs a hundred million of kicks per second at me creating that many Cosmo Blast that reaches almost the speed of light, forcing me to only defend, but all is blows are strong forcing me to retreat little by little, even with the Cloth defending me and withstanding the barrage, I feel the pain coming from my arms and legs as I parry, block or deflect every blow, in fact, I feel my bones almost cracking, and I'm sure that if I didn't reinforce them before, they would be broken by now.

What is worse is that he is spreading his attacks in a wide area, indiscriminately attacking the zone around me, that now looks like it was hit by a meteor shower, and he in fact with this technique killed many Martial Warrior that were unable to retreat in time.

'I have to end this quickly... It's time to use the technique that the Crateris Cloth taught me... That one is strong enough to damage even the Gold Cloth...' after thinking that I quickly act, and use Teleportation, to move behind Peng Meng, I hold my hands out over my head making my Cosmo explode as a gold aura envelopes my body and the phantom image of my constellation appears behind me, then pointing towards Peng Meng with open palms, I quickly gather the Cosmo needed, and yell "White Ice Spears!" and throws my hands down, and crosses them, and my Cosmo solidifies into numerous solid spears of ice, that moves at the speed of light and easily pierce through his armor, making him grunt in pain.

I calmly watch as he falls and crash into the ground looking like a headgehog, still alive but unable to move as as the Ice Spears are quickly freezing his body, then I look at the remaining Immortals and Martial Warriors around me, I jumps high in the air and cross my arms, gather my Cosmo once again, then yelling "Pouring Rain!", I quickly spread my arm wide, and release massive amounts of clear blue Cosmo droplets in every direction at once, almost like heavy rain, that hits everything around me and everyone, knocking them out and damaging the Immortals' Dao armor.

As I land, I look around and make sure that I didn't kill anyone, 'While I'm confident in my control, this is the first time that I've seriously fought with someone weaker than me...', I'm glad that indeed, I didn't kill anyone, while all of them are more or less seriously injured, there is nothing that will cripple or kill them, well there is Shi Hong, for some unfortunate "accident" I missed my target slightly and he won't be able to get it up anymore, my bad, but I didn't go against my Hippocratic Oath, I didn't use any healing art on him to make this happens, semantic but it works well enough for my conscience.

I'm checking on the others when I hear a weak trembling voice that says "W... What are you going t... to do to us now...?" and looking at the still awake Peng Memg, I reply with a wicked grin on my face "Now, I'm gonna cure the diasese that is plaguing the whole China, starting from you all and then with your help to all the other high society members of this great Nation... In Saga's way... You see my paternal grandmother has a saying 'Mazz' e Panell' fann' i figli bell'!'(English equivalent: Spare the rod and spoil the child the meaning is the same the wording not so much) And I'm gonna instill this concept very deeply into your mind!".

Have a Nice Day, Ciao

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