Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 214 – Arrival at the Arabasta Kingdom

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Nanohana - 20 GAP

After taking care of Tio's needs, something that took around 7 hours of intense, toe-curling sex, I made sure to also carefully take care of both the passed-out Alvida and the then exhausted but very satisfied Tio, by gently bathing their bodies cleaning away all the sticky fluids stuck on their bodies, then I also gave them a very throughout massages so that they won't feel too much discomfort the morning after. 

Of course, the reason why it is still the middle of the night even if I spent more than 12 hours having sex with both of them is that I used also a good dose of the Ancient Restoration Magic from the Arifureta Universe to control the time flow around us so that I wouldn't be late to start my usual morning routine which consist of my own training in my Soulbound Territory, prepare breakfast and check on the kids, and then focusing on Koby's training.

The morning after, everyone gave me a knowing smile after seeing the glowing and happy Tio, and those smiles grew even wider when they saw an equally glowing but strangely more shy Alvida which made Nikita exclaim out loud, "Yes! I won! I knew he wouldn't be able to resist such temptation much longer!" which made Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude groan in frustration as they lost the bet and now have to do the dishes for the rest of the journey.

After breakfast, I and the guys all went to the deck to start our usual morning training, while the girls gathered around Alvida and started to have their girls' talk.

The rest of the days passed in a flash, as our journey peacefully continued, we maintained our daily routines, train, have breakfast, train, relax with friends or play with the kids, lunch, train, spend some time with the girls, dinner, put the kids to sleep, train, cuddle with girls or a more intense group activity depending on the mood.

It seems it seems that everyone grew closer in this period, especially since the girls truly accepted Alvida into the family, and surprisingly Alvida also gets along with them, especially with Tio who basically became her best friend after the two of them plotted all kind ways to tempt and fuck with me. 

Moreover, Alvida's libido and pervertedness seem to rival Tio's, and many times I found the two of them ambushing me to have some fun time together, in addition lately, they even started to experiment with some girl-on-girl action, something that they asked me if it was fine beforehand and since I found nothing wrong with it, in fact, I found it incredibly hot, I told them that it was fine as long as it was the same for everyone else.

After all, as I said before the more time we spent together supporting one other, the more we learned to love each other, this didn't only mean that the girls loved me more, but that they also started to develop genuine feelings for each other, of course, not all of them developed the "sexual" kind of love, after all, there are many kinds of love one can feel. 

First, there are Seika and Saori, they feel a strong familial love toward each other, to the level of very close sister, while it is slightly less toward Tio and Eri, or at the least, it was so at the start, as now they feel more or less the same for them, they are fine with touching and even kissing each other when we all are having fun together, by they aren't actually attracted to women, so they stop at that.

Regarding Eri, at first, she loved me to an almost dangerous level, well, she still does, but know that love overflowed to include in it everything she considers "our" family, and she is fiercely overprotective of it, to the point, that when "our "daughter Kharna was born, the first thing she did was to release Noriko and a few of her Undead to curse and hunt down all the pedophiles in the world, hell, she even wanted to evirate every boy close to her age, luckily we were able to convince her that those boys would never be able to even get close to Kharna and make her change her mind.

Sexually, Eri is also mostly attracted only to me, but different from Saori and Seika, who limit themselves to touches and light kisses, she is fine with getting more intimate with the other girls, but that is only if I also am involved in the action in some way.

Then there is Tio, who until now was obviously the most open among all the girls, always ready to try new sexual experiences, she is attracted by both men and women, of course, above everything else, she loves me, but she is also perfectly fine with being "abused" by her "mistress" Eri as she worship her husband's tool, or clean Eri's pandora box of my seed as I "ravage" her holes, and now with experimenting new things with her new best friend.

And now, there is Alvida, she openly admitted to being bisexual and she is quite appreciative of Tio especially since she was quite helpful, in fact, she told us that at first she thought that she was lesbian as she didn't find any of the men she encountered in her life attractive, in her words they were all too weak, ugly, and dirty, instead women were a lot more pleasant to be around, but then, she encountered me and suffered that huge defeat, and well, the rest is history.

Talking about Alvida, she also seems very fond of the kids, she is already starting to treat them as her own as many times I found her playing with them using her Sube Sube no Mi (Smooth Smooth Fruit) powers to slide all over the Athena's God Bidoof with Kharna, Galen, and Python in her arms, or simply helping the girls taking care of them with a motherly smile on her face, I admit that it was strange seeing her like that, it was truly an unexpected side of her. 

At the least, it was so until I learned that she grew up in an orphanage and that she usually helped out with the younger children, who loved her and always told her that she was the most beautiful girl they would ever see, unfortunately, when she was 14, a fight between the Marine and a random Pirate Crew caused the destruction of the orphanage and the death of everyone in there, the only one to survive was Alvida and only because she was outside doing some odd jobs so that she earns enough to buy something to eat to bring back.

After that tragic event, in her anger she swore to hunt down the one behind it, unfortunately, the pirate crew was killed by the Marine, and so, all her rage was then fully directed at the Marines, so, her Pirate Career started as she did everything possible to search for all kinds of information for the reason and the perpetrators behind the attack.

Some years later she was able to find out that the main person behind that attack was a certain Nelson Royale a Marine Commander, it appears that Nelson was chasing after that pirate crew because they reneged on some kind of deal he stuck with them, something about finding some kind of treasure for him, and in exchange, he would ignore their acts of piracy and even help them escape capture.

Of course, pirates being pirates, once they found the treasure he was searching for opted to keep it for themselves, but as the slimy marine as he was, Nelson already had a spy within them and once he learned of their betrayal, he quickly started to hunt them down, and as consequences of that battle, Alvida's orphanage became a casualty.

Once she learned the truth, a livid Alvida quickly started to hunt down that marine named Nelson Royale, luckily for Alvida finding information about him was pretty easy, as he was pretty infamous in the East Blue, he was a selfish, corrupt, and gluttonous man who only cared about his own needs and killed all those who opposed him, he took full advantage of his authority as a Marine Commander to follow his own personal goal, needless to say, that even his own man hated him and the only reason they didn't do anything was for fear of his retaliation as he was capable of even harming his own men's families.

In the end, Alvida was able to have her revenge and in her words, "Slaughter that fucking pig and feed his remains to a Sea King." but at that point, she already had a bounty on her head and so she continued to live as pirate forming the Alvida's Pirates, passing the days robbing wealthy merchants who mostly dealt with Marines and finding a little bit of joy eating delicious food trying to forget about her past, not thinking about those she lost.

(AN: Before you google it, this is all on me. Canonically, Alvida doesn't have a backstory yet, and I don't know if she ever will as she also doesn't have a lot of "screen time", in fact, even her personality isn't too much defined only some vague traits, anyway, this what I created to give some foundation for the personality of "my version" of Alvida, of course, it is nothing too deep or complex but at the least it should work and make sense.)

I have to admit that once she told me her story, I truly started to see her in a new light making my feelings for her grow even stronger, moreover, I also learned that this story is one of the reasons behind the girls' quick acceptance of her as the first time they heard her story, they started to cry, hug, and reassure her.

Let's now talk about the new members living on the Athena's God Bidoof, first, there are Gad and his wives, Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude, just like I expected, they turned out to be genuinely good guys who truly wished to make this world a better place, unfortunately, they were fooled by Simon's words and so they believed that he could bring the change they wished for, but in the end, when he showed his true color, they were disappointed and regretful of what they did to the people of the Nanatsu Island.

The girls, the bubbly Saphir, the aggressive Rubis, and the shy Emeraude after a somewhat rocky start, especially since Rubis and Emeraude still have a bit of a racial bias toward Humans in general, not that I can condemn them for it considering what the Humans of this world did to the Fish-men, Merfolk, Minks, Giants, other Humans and so on, but once they warmed up to us they truly started to get along with everyone, especially with Nikita, and many times, I saw they enjoying themselves with Nikita in the recreational room.

Then there is Gad, I admit that he reminds me a bit of Sanji, both of them have quite a bit of fondness toward very attractive women, but different from Sanji, he draws a line when the woman in question already has a partner, moreover, despite his amorous nature, he is still quite loyal to his wives.

Also contrary to his fierce appearance, Gad has quite the heart of gold, he doesn't hesitate to go to the rescue of anyone in danger, even if objects who need to be saved are pirates themselves, as many times during our journey toward Sandy Island, I saw him jump in the water to rescue shipwrecked pirates, of course, if after he saved them those pirate still attacked him, Gad didn't hesitate to knock them down and leave them on the closest island waiting for the Marine to recover and imprison them.

I have to admit that I get along very well with Gad, in fact, I think of him as a good friend now, many times we simply spend some time drinking, joking, and chatting on the deck of the Athena's God Bidoof while enjoying the sea breeze, moreover, he is also quite a good sparring partner for Koby, thanks to not only his superior strength as Fish-man and his mastery over the Fish-man Karate and its derivate arts but also because honestly speaking, Gad is slightly stronger than the current Koby, which makes these sparring quite the valuable experience for Koby.

Last but not least, there is Zandeer, a fellow Champion, Blessed by the Concept of Decay, my newest ally, and more importantly Nikita's boyfriend, at first I thought he was quite a straightlaced guy, but then I realized that he was simply a little awkward not knowing how to properly interact with us and kids, whose presence threw him off and not by a little, but slowly he loosened up around us, especially after Nikita's walk of pride that happened after their first night together, where the two officially "confirmed" their relationship.

Basically, Zandeer, just like Nikita, was very young when he died, and what was even more unfortunate was that the poor kid in his previous life was affected by pancreatic cancer at the young age of 10, moreover, they noticed it too late, and so he spent the next 3 years mostly in the hospital until he died at the young age of 13 without experiencing a very fulfilling life.

What was worse that he chose to reincarnate into a Hollow which made it so he spent the next 16 years of his life mostly alone in a very depressing world always fighting for survival and enduring constant hunger, after that, he even chose to go to the Dark Souls Universe to avoid hunting down innocent souls, it is a miracle that he is only a little socially awkward, instead of completely going crazy, but well, it is also true that in the Dark Souls Universe, he met Nikita and the two quickly hit off.

In fact, once he started to loosen up on me, Zandeer openly admitted that it was Nikita's presence who saved him as when he met her he was close to the point of literally going crazy and becoming ravenous, he even feared that he was about to fall back into a Gillian state as the hungry roars of the Hollows he ate to reach his current level were becoming louder and louder each passing day, no matter how strong he became. 

But after he met her, he started to push back those ferocious hungry roars, and the more time he spent with her, the more enjoyment and fulfillment he felt, and the stronger he became, so much that he started to push back his own hunger for souls until he was able to even silence the remnants of the Hollow he ate, at the same time, he also decided that he would dedicate the rest of his life to make her happy to thank her for saving him, in fact, he even planned to make her the final winner of the Battle Across the Omniverse only the Random Battle screwed up his plans.

The day after he told me that, Zandeer started to act in a totally different way, he was way more spontaneous and free, and despite the fact that he is technically my age if not a few months older, I couldn't help but see him a little bit like a younger cousin that needs support, and so I started to drag him around whenever is possible, some times teaching him stuff, other times simply to have some fun with Gad and Koby.

Just like that the days peacefully passed as the Athena's God Bidoof got closer and closer to our next destination, Sandy Island, the island where the Arabasta Kingdom is located, the turbulent home of Vivi and Igaram, and also the home of the bounty hunter organization named Baroque Works founded by the member of the Seven Warlords of the Seas, Crocodile. 

Right now, I'm standing on the bridge of the Athena's God Bidoof with everyone else, smiling as I watch the shadow of the port town of Nanohana in the distance that gets bigger and clearer the closer our ship gets to the island.

This town is the principal entrance of Arabasta, making it a popular target for pirate attacks, especially during times of war, it resembles a typical middle-eastern desert town, following the conventions of Islamic architecture, and from what I remember from the anime and what Vivi and Igaram told us, it features a crowded and thriving bazaar, and, as expected of a port town, it has fully equipped docks where ships can load up or unload cargo, overall, it is quite the thriving town, especially since I see quite a bit of traffic at the dock as constantly ships comes and go.

Seeing this scene, Vivi comments, "It seems that it will take us quite a long time to dock the Athena's God Bidoof at the port..." but I simply smirk and say, "Not really... because I have no intention of leaving Bidi here alone while we continue toward Alubarna! Moreover, it is especially tiring and boring to cross a desert with the usual means trust me on that."

Then I command, "Bidi! Please, activate the Optical Camouflage and after that activate the Airship Mode." making the cute incarnation of the Athena's God Bidoof who is currently cuddling the cute winged serpent Python raises her head and nod as she replies, "Okay, Jayr-nii! I'm activating the Optical Camouflage and deploying the flight bags to enter Arship Mode."

Quickly after that, I feel the Spiral Engine of the Athena God's Bidoof hum as the Spiral Cosmo within the ship moves to powers and activates the Optical Camouflage Devices installed all over the hull while also diverting a part of it to activate the Spiral Cosmo Bags, the two huge cigar-shaped bags which are deployed from the sides of the hull and connected to the deck, which as soon as they are deployed they cause the Athena's God Bidoof to start rising above the waters and soars through the sky.

Seeing this scene, causes many of the people on the bridge to gasp in surprise, the first one among them all is Igaram who exclaims, "Fry- Ma~ ma~ ma~ Flying!? This ship can fly how is it possible!?" followed by an excited Gad who comments, "Amazing! We are flying!! Go, go, go!" even Zandeer whistle out loud and comments, "I admit it, this is genuinely amazing, sure I can stand on the sky on my own power, but standing in a flying ship is still an impressive experience..." which makes Nikita coyly suggest, "What do you thinking of having a romantic lunch among the clouds?" 

While the two of them once again enter their own pink world, Koby, who is more or less used to this, simply comments impressed, "As expected of Jayr-san... nothing is impossible for him." while Kharna and Galen simply enjoy the experience as Eri and Seika hold them in their arms.

At the same time, Vivi comments in a tone full of concern, "Wait! Won't the sight of a flying ship cause unrest to the people of Arabasta!? If I remember well, there was one infamous pirate who had the ability to make things fly! They could mistake this as some kind of pirate attack and that would cause mass panic! Stop Jayr-san!" 

But I quickly reassure her, "Don't worry, Vivi. No one will be able to see us. The Optical Camouflage that I have asked Bidi to activate is a type of active camouflage often used by several groups of animals including cephalopod mollusks, fish, insects, and reptiles. The idea is relatively straightforward, to create the illusion of invisibility by covering an object with something that projects the scene directly behind that object. In our case, right now, all over the hull of the Athena's God Bidoof there is a small device that coats the whole ship and mirrors the images in our surroundings, making the ship appear invisible to those who watch from the outside... basically to those who are currently watching the ship they won't see anything but a piece of the sky above them."

At the same time, I can't help but think, 'Well for sure it isn't the most perfect way to hide, after all, this measure is pretty basic and can only fool the eyes, as there are still many ways to locate the ship, like the sounds she makes, the heat she produces, and let's not talk about other senses like Haki, 6th Sense, Reikaku (Spiritual Sense), and the likes. But to tell the truth, I never intended for the Athena's God Bidoof to be good at stealth, after all, if we encounter a problem, I think it is better to blow it to kingdom come instead of hiding away from it... this is the reason the Athena's God Bidoof's stealth features are so basic, I focused more on the sheer raw power and basics capabilities like speed and endurance.'

While I'm thinking that, I notice that Vivi visibly relax as my words reassure her, and seeing that, I say, "Now, we are heading straight toward the north, toward the capital city of Arabasta Kingdom, Alubarna" making Vivi nod as she says, "That way I can warn my father about Crocodile and his evil plan for our kingdom! I won't let him turn our peaceful country into his plaything!"

Just like that, the Athena's God Bidoof flew over the lively port town of Nanohana leaving it behind as it continued to soar over the Sandora Desert onward to the capital of the Arabasta Kingdom.

As I watch the immense expanse of brown below us, the countless dunes that make up the Sandora Desert which seems almost golden in color as the sun shines its light on them, I hear Igaram's voice as he asks, "Jayr-san, what is your plan? How do you want to deal with Crocodile and his rogueish ilk?" 

I continue staring at the sands below us, my sight not focusing on anything in particular, as I answer absentmindedly, "It depends on what King Cobra wants to do, I can easily go to Rainbase, enter Crocodile's casino, knock him out and drag his unconscious body outside... or even kill him if you really want, it doesn't change much for me. Meanwhile, regarding the members of his bounty hunter organization, Baroque Works, well, they aren't too difficult to deal with, if you ignore a couple of them, Gad, Koby, Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude can easily deal with them."

Curious, Vivi asks, "What about Zandeer-san?" but before, I can reply, Zandeer does it in my place, "I could easily destroy the whole organization alone, Crocodile included, but the way I fight is quite destructive for everything around me so, if you don't want to raze the whole town of Rainbase to the ground, it is better to not let me fight unless necessary or in a place devoid of life." 

While he is saying that, I nod in agreement while thinking, 'Indeed, Zandeer is quite a bit stronger, and that even without his Resurrection, which from what he told me is basically equal to a calamity to any world in the Omniverse... he still has his Bala, Cero, Hierro, Sonido, High-speed Regeneration or Pesquisa which is an advanced Arrancar perception technique... all those tools are more than enough to deal with most of people living in this world.'

Hearing his answer, both Igaram and Vivi nod, and then they leave the bridge to prepare for the meeting with King Cobra, at the same time, all the other people leave the bridge one after the other to pass time in whatever way they want, but from the way Nikita is dragging Zandeer away I'm pretty sure he is going to have quite a good time until we reach the capital city of Alubarna.

After everyone left the bridge, the only ones remaining on the bridge were me and the kids because today was my turn to watch over them as the girl relaxed, so, I focused on playing and watching anime with them on the bridge leaving Bidi to control and direct herself.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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