Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 218 – Chaos at Arabasta 4

Age POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP

After the boring meeting with Crocodile, where he explained his ambitions and his plans for this country and gave us the next missions we have to fulfill to successfully accomplish them, Crocodile dismissed us after telling us that everything in this casino is at our disposition for the next few days when all of Crocodile's final preparations for his "Utopia" plan will be completed and we can finally move to complete our missions.

Once we left the hidden basement below the restaurant, the place where we had our meeting and where Crocodile conducts most of his operations, we all found ourselves in front of an average-sized man, with wild white hair that resembled a crown, he had a tiny bit of hair on his upper lip and sports a black suit over a purple shirt and red bowtie, behind him there are three burly bodyguards all wearing a simple black suit as their uniform.

The man with wild white hair lightly bows and says, "Welcome, dear guests. My name is Ultraking and I'm the assistant manager of this establishment, Rain Dinners. I have been ordered by Miss All Sunday to remind you that everything within the Rain Dinners is at your disposal completely free of charge. Just as a reminder, I'll inform you that inside this building you will find a luxury restaurant, a hotel with one of the best SPA on the island in which you can relax your weary body and mind, and a casino provided with an ample variety of the latest games of chance to play with your heart content, but not only that, you will also be able to enjoy the best leisurely experiences money can buy which often comes in the form of exclusive performances by prominent musicians, circus troops, stand-up comedians, and much more." 

After saying that, he pulls out from his pocket a bunch of keys and a piece of paper and says, "Now, these are the keys for the rooms that the manager, Miss All Sunday has assigned to you, they are some of the very best room you can find in this city. Now let's see..."

He looks at the paper for a moment before he says, "To the gentleman whose name is Mr. 1, we have assigned him the suite number 501. Meanwhile, the Lady whose name is Miss Doublefinger, we have assigned the suite number 511."

Ultraking extends his hand with a pair of keys forward and waits for Mr. 1 and Miss Doublefinger to take them, Mr. 1 just grabs the key and doesn't say anything else, while Miss Doublefinger just says a polite "Thanks." before the pair return to their position waiting for him to finish with the assignments of the rooms. 

After that Ultraking once again looks at the paper, he looks a little confused for a few moments before he says in an uncertain tone, "To the... gentlelady Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, we have assigned suite 502. Then there are the the gentleman Mr. 3 and lady Miss Goldenweek, to whom we have assigned suites 503 and 513 respectively. Followed by the gentlemen Mr. 4 and Lady Miss Merry Christmas we have assigned the suites 504 and 514."

One after the other, the called pairs come forward and take their keys, then Ultraking asks, "Lastly to the gentleman Mr. 5 and lady Miss Valentine, we have been told to ask you if you desire to have separate rooms or a single one?"

Hearing that question, Mikita doesn't hesitate to reply, "A single room is perfect, thanks. It is way too bothersome to have two rooms, we spend most of our time together anyway." 

Then, she steps forward and grabs the presented key with the number 609 engraved on it and as she returns I hear her mutter, "I can't wait for him to fuck my brain out again... well, maybe I have to wait a little as I'm still a little sore from the previous session. Maybe I should ask Miss Doublefinger or Miss Goldenweek to join us, maybe even Miss All Sunday as Age seems pretty interested in her and we could have some interesting fun seeing her powers..." which I admit brings a small smile on my face as I find the idea of having a threesome with any of them quite enticing, especially Nico Robin as only the idea of fucking her makes my cock throb with excitement.

Done with the assignment of the rooms, Ultraking once again bows and says, "This is all. I hope you all will enjoy your stay here. Have a good day and remember if you need anything you just have to say it." 

As soon as Ultraking and his bodyguards are gone, we all start to move our separate ways to relax, Mr. 1 quickly leaves and heads toward the hotel part of the establishment to reach his room, Miss Doublefinger heads toward the bar, Mr. 2 directly heads toward the exit as he tells us his desire to once again explore this lively city, Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek simply wander around together admiring the decorations of this place with Mr. 3 focusing on the statues and Miss Goldenweek on the paintings, Mr. 4 heads toward the restaurant with Miss Merry Christmas who wants to heads toward the SPA afterward, and I and Mikita decide to pass our time in the casino part of the establishment to enjoy a few games.

We spent some time enjoying a few games of Blackjack, Poker, Roulettes, and Slots Machines, we won some and lost some but we didn't care too much about that as we don't gamble too much just that little bit to pass some time and enjoy the thrill until all of a sudden, I hear an annoying male voice in the distance that yells, "This is awful! This game is fucking rigged! How can someone even enjoy himself like that!? I demand a refund -eh!!"

On instinct, I turn my head to search the origin of this commotion and instantly notice that it comes from a Blackjack Table nearby, where I see a slim young man with pale skin tone, curly blonde hair styled upwards, forming a curl above his head, and brown eyes, he appears very enraged as he yells at the dealer and the nearby players.

One of the players, a cat Mink, annoyed by the man's accusations quickly rebuts, "Calm down, man. This is how the game works you win some you lose some... in the end, the winner will always be the house, that is something everyone knows. The real masters of these games will always know when it is the right time to pull off from the game before you lose too much or when you win enough-."

But before the man could conclude, the blonde one yells at him, "It's easy for a lesser cheating beast like you to say that! You have been counting the cards since the start of the game and this pathetic bitch of a dealer is also helping you with it! After all, it is clear that you have preferential treatment compared to everyone else! If this isn't a rigged game tell me what is it -eh!!"

Seeing that they are starting to catch everyone's attention, the dealer tries to defuse the situation, "Dear guest, can you please lower your tone, I can guarantee you that there is no form of cheating involved here. This establishment's reputation is highest among all the casinos in this city, we put our pride in our transparency and integrity-."

But again the man interrupts him by screeching, "What transparency!? What integrity!? It is clear that you fag are helping this beast here win by giving him all the best cards!! I have been playing at this table for a while and more than half of the time one of you is actually winning a hand while I'm unable to win even once! This is impossible! It is clear to everyone here that you have rigged the game! I have every right to play, have fun, and win! I demand to speak with your manager -eh!!"

Seeing this scene, I can't help but sigh out loud while thinking, 'Awful hairstyle, check. Entitled, check. Racist, check. Demanding to "speak to the manager", once again check. Oh god! Karen exists even in the One Piece Universe!! And this is also a rare breed of it, a male Karen, also known as Ken, that, like the homonym doll, does not have any balls under his pants, and all he can do is complain about basically everything that doesn't go his way... what a pathetic little prick, I am so tempted of destroying his body and soul so that he doesn't even have a chance at reincarnating, it would surely be a great service for the Omniverse if guys like him are gone forever... him and that bastard System Champion...' 

While I'm thinking that, I see that Ultraking finally arrives and tries to take control of the situation but nothing seems to work just like the Karen of my previous life, this Ken seems to not listen to reason and continues to accuse everyone in sight of everything going wrong with his life. 

At the same time, I notice something strange is going on, because at this point, this level of commotion would have already caused the bodyguards to act to throw out with either the good or bad manner the offending prick, but they are standing still with an uncertain look on their faces.

Just as I'm about to stand up and punch that annoying motherfucker's head off, Ultraking gives a signal to the bodyguards who quickly make their move and start to surround the man and invite him to get out, but Ken doesn't appear to be intimidated by their strong bodies and presence as he continues to throw insults and accuse everyone in sight screeching like some kind of banshee, until the point that one of the annoyed bodyguards doesn't hesitate any more and punches in the face Ken sending him flying through the table, making an almost unnatural silence fall in the casino.

But this strange silence is quickly broken by the man's hearty laughs as he stands up as if nothing happened there isn't even a scratch on his face or body despite having taken quite a strong blow, something that makes me a little more interested in him as it seems that he isn't a normal Ken.

After laughing, the man smiles widely and says, "Thank you, man! That was exactly what I was waiting for -eh! For that, I'll make sure that your death will be a quick one and won't implicate your friends or family -eh!"

Then the man raises his right arm and from it, a wooden spike is launched which quickly pierces the head of the bodyguard that punched him, killing him on the spot, shocking everyone who looks in horror as the body of the bodyguard falls on the ground.

At the same time, I focus more on the man and finally, I notice 5 somewhat familiar faces that are now standing right behind the man, 4 of them look at this scene with complete apathy with almost dead eyes, while another one seems pretty amused by what is happening.

One is quite a tall and voluptuous woman, she has long orange hair with dark brown eyes, right next to her there is a woman with a head which is disproportionately large and wide compared to her body, she has a long, forked tongue, which often sticks out of her mouth, sea green eyes and wavy hair. 

The third and most beautiful one has a well-proportioned body, is very tall and slender with long black hair that extends past her waist with locks of hair that frame her face down to her chin and show off her high forehead, dark blue eyes with long, voluminous eyelashes and pale skin, she has a narrow waist and very large breasts.

The fourth one is a beautiful young woman with a slim, curvaceous, and pronounced hourglass figure, she has neat, shoulder-length orange hair, and distinctively large and round eyes.

Those four are women clearly, the Boa Sisters, which consists of the fat one who at the moment isn't fat, the big-headed one, and Hancock, while the fourth woman is that girl who if I remember well is part of the Revolutionary Army, her name should be Kocacola or Klaudia or something like that.

But they aren't the ones that catch most of my attention at the moment, no, the one I'm focusing on the most at the moment is the fifth woman, she is dressed in a thick white suit with medal-like knobs which supplies her with oxygen to save her sharing the same air as commoners. 

The collar of her suit has a flower-like pattern with lace at the top, the flower pattern on her suit repeats at the sides of her skirt, and her hair inside the bubble is styled upwards, forming a curl above her head, just like the man that just killed that bodyguard, she wears a veil over the lower half of her face and light orange tinted shades over her eyes, and she also wears heart-shaped earrings.

I don't remember her name, but one thing is clear from her attire and dozen of guards dressed in medieval armor, with pointed helmets and the armor covering their chest and arms, wearing aqua green pants and armed with spears, she is a fucking Celestial Dragon, and since she is now standing close to that man, it is clear that he is one too.

My hunch is then confirmed when the Celestial Dragon woman brings out a small Den Den Mushi and with a small sadistic smile, she says, "This is Saint Shalria of House Manmayer. This message is for all the Marine Base within Sandy Island. I report an attack on my brother Saint Alfred of House Manmayer at the hands of a member of the organization known as Baroque Work. Said organization is under the control of the treacherous member of Seven Warlords of the Seas Crocodile who is currently aiming to overthrow the rightful regime of the Nefertari Family, moreover, he also wants to find out the location of one of the Ancient Weapons in the hope of defying the World Government. Our current location is the casino Rain Dinners in the city of Rainbase. I demand immediate support from all the available marines in the suppression of this damned organization who dared to raise its hand against a World Government and the immediate deployment of the Admirals -su!" 

(AN: I don't know the actual surname of their family, so I used the only one that doesn't have many known or important members at the moment.)

Hearing all that, and seeing the annoying victorious smirk on the young man's face, I immediately realize what is going on, 'Damn it! Everyone here got played by this bastard like a fool! They fell right into his trap. He is for sure the fucking Champion reincarnated into this universe! There is no other explanation. It is all way too evident, the presence of Hancock, her sisters, and the revolutionary chick, the fact that the Celestial Dragon chick knew that this is an operative base of the Baroque Works and that Crocodile is its boss, and they also clearly know about Crocodile's whole plan, something that only someone with the foreknowledge of One Piece's plot could have known!"

While I'm thinking that, the man I now know is called Manmayer Alfred looks at his sister and says, "Good job, Shalria. That was perfect, now retreat with my toys while I buy enough time for the admiral to come and do their job." making the girl smile back at him and reply "Yes, Alfred-niisama -su!" then she drags the girls away under the protection of those armored guards.

At this point, the reality of what is happening finally sinks into the minds of the people present here, and quickly they start to panic, scream, and run to get as far away from this place as possible.

At the same time, the undercover Celestial Dragon steps forward and mutters, "Aaahh... for a moment, I hoped that Nico Robin would come herself when I demanded the manager to come here, that would have made everything a lot easier, instead I got this useless old man..."

Then without any hesitation, he points his finger at Ultraking and from it, a wooden root-like tentacle quickly emerges and impales Ultraking's shoulder making him shriek in pain, but those sounds instantly start to become weaker and weaker as the root-like tentacle rapidly absorbs any liquid in his body, dehydrating him, leaving his body on the floor as a shriveled husk. 

Soon after killing Ultraking, Alfred comments, "... Now, it is time to kick start this party..." he crouches down, puts both his hands on the floor, and yells, "Lost Woods!!" 

At the same time, the whole place starts to shake as I feel the ground rumble under my feet, and looking outside the window I notice some shadows growing bigger which start to block the light of the sun, then from all over the place, strange plants, vines, and trees starts to quickly grow all over the place, piercing through the floor and the stones that make up the wall invading and covering every trace of civilization present, turning this hall, and very likely the whole structure into an unlikely dark wild maze-like forest so dense that it made me also lose sight of my target, the Champion of this universe, the Celestial Dragon Alfred of House Manmayer.

While I'm looking around, I hear Mikita's worried voice as she asks, "Age, what is that?" making me focus on her and see that she is pointing at a strange red flower that is ejecting a strange, yellowish fog-like substance, I also notice that the same substance is also slowly being produced by all the other surrounding plants slowly filling the whole area, and see that the people closest to it, quickly starts to lose control of their inhibition and starts to undress and attack the nearest living thing no matter the race or gender, some even tries to "attack" the trees and plants ending up in dehydrated husks.

Seeing all that chaos that is slowly spreading the more the yellowish fog-like substance fills the area, I immediately realize what is going on and warn Mikita, "Be careful not to breathe that yellowish thing. For sure is some kind of aphrodisiac pollen, spore, or shit like that!"

Hearing that, Mikita nods and doesn't hesitate to rip parts of her dress to make an impromptu mask to cover her face, which while not the best solution possible will surely be somewhat effective in preventing her from inhaling these spore, pollen, or whatever that substance truly is, meanwhile, I don't have to worry about such things as I can simply run a strand of my Destruction Divinity throughout my body to quickly destroy any harmful or foreign substance in my body.

Once Mikita covered her nose and mouth with the impromptu mask, she asks, "Age, what are we going to do now?" which makes me think for a few seconds, 'Okay, my most immediate objective is to kill that Champion as much as I'd like to ignore everything and just fuck Mikita and any other girl I can get my hands on until my cock can't get up anymore, I'm bound to that fucking System Bastard and if I fail or ignore his "Quest" he can easily erase me... Damn it! Think Age, think!' 

At this point, I quickly think about everything I can remember about the Champion, his actions, and who he was with, and instantly remember the apathetic look of the Boa Sister and the Revolutionary chick, plus I remember the collars around their necks, and realize, 'That's right! The Champion was very disappointed that Nico Robin wasn't present, so much so that he killed Ultraking who showed up in her place. This can only mean that he isn't here to save this country or some noble reason like that. He is simply here to catch Nico Robin and turn her into a slave! All this farce is just a pretext to receive the Marine's help!' 

After reaching that conclusion, I quickly reply, "The Baroque Works is done... that bastard put the whole World Government against it, there is no way it will be able to survive the full power of the Marine. Our best course of action is to get away from here as fast as possible to avoid the trouble, but before that, I want to kill that bastard and see if I can convince Miss All Sunday and Miss Doublefinger to join us, after all, I'm strong enough and have no fear of the World Government and the Admirals."

Hearing that, Mikita laughs and says, "Kyahahaha! You really want to add them to the list of your fuck-buddies, isn't it? Okay, Age! I'll trust you. Lead the way!"

I simply nod, then grab my axe from the many weapons strapped on my back and start to walk toward the most likely location where I'll be able to find Nico Robin and very likely the other Champion, the basement as I mow down every tree and person standing in my way with a swing of my axe.

Sengoku POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Marineford - 20 GAP

I'm sitting in my office eating my favorite flavored Rice Crackers with a frown on my face as I think about all the recent developments that are happening all over the world, then I let out a sigh and mutter, "As expected... these times are becoming more and more unstable and chaotic..."

First, there was the appearance of that strange but powerful new force that took root in the dept of Fish-Man Island which started to support the Ryugu Kingdom against the constant invasion of pirates and slaver, which personally I think is a good thing, but it didn't stop at that, somehow, they made it almost impossible to reach the underwater island as countless powerful Sea King seems to have migrated to the island surroundings and killed all the Cipher Pol agents we dispatched.

These last pieces of information are the ones that greatly worried the Five Elders (Gorosei), to the point that they ordered me to send Kuzan, known as Admiral Aokiji to the Sabaody Archipelago to watch over the situation and act as the first line of defense in case something happens. 

Unfortunately, the power behind this new force is currently unfathomable as we were able to gain little to no information about them, only that most of the people of this new group seem at the very least at the Rear-Admiral level, and all of them seem to don some kind of strange armor.

Then there also was that worrying information that we received from the Nanatsu Islands, about one of the Seven Warlords of the Seas, Simon "The Divine", apparently that lowlife faked his allegiance to the World Government and instead that slimy pirate wanted to recover and control some kind of powerful ancient weapon to destroy the World Government and take its place as King of the World or something like that, the guy was also almost successful too but he was luckily stopped by that man Jayr and his student the Journeyman Recruit, Koby, of course, to confirm the whole situation, I sent Borsalino, codename Admiral Kizaru to thoroughly investigate the situation.

Thinking about this last event, I can't help but click my tongue and mutter, "Tch... In the end, a pirate will always be a pirate... I can understand the need the Five Elders have to keep the balance, but one simply can't fully trust these kinds of pirates... Luckily, it seems that my bet on that man Jayr and his student was the right one..." 

All of a sudden, I hear some crashing sound coming from outside my office, and then the door of my office is forcefully slammed open with such force that it breaks, at the same time, Vice-Admiral Bastille rushes inside making my pet goat jump from the scare, but just as I'm about to shout at him for his behavior, I notice that his face is very pale and that he is sweating profusely.

Then my secretary doesn't wait for me to say anything and quickly yells, "F-Fleet Admiral -dara! This is bad!! This is incredibly bad -dara!! A-A-A Celestial Dragon is under attack -dara!!!" hearing that, I can't help but jump from my seat and yell back, "What did you say!!?"

At the same time, I can't help but feel that the world is about to become even more unstable and chaotic.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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