Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 224 – Chaos at Arabasta 10

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Alubarna - 20 GAP 

As soon as Pell lands in this hall, he quickly kneels down and reports, "I'm sorry for intruding like this my King, but I have to report a very frighting news I just received!" then without waiting for permission he quickly drops the bomb, "The entire Arabasta Kingdom may come to an end and the whole Sandy Island risks of being erased from the maps today!!"

Such grim, unexpected, frighting news immediately causes King Cobra, Chaka, Igaram, and Vivi to stand up in shock with a startled expression on their faces, all of them unable to say anything for a few moments, the same can be said about Gad and his wives, Rubis, Emeraude and Saphir, our most recent addition.

Meanwhile, me and my group are easily able to maintain our calm in front of such unexpected news, the reason for that is very simple, confidence, for the girls, my kids, Bidi, Koby, Nikita, and Zandeer is their confidence in the fact that no matter what kind of trouble this kingdom is facing, in the end, we will be able to fix it.

At the same time, the source of my own confidence is almost borderline arrogance because I'm sure of the fact that no matter what kind of problem they are facing, I should still be able to easily deal with it.

As I look at the panic on King Cobra, Chaka, Igaram, and Vivi's faces, I calmly smile while thinking, 'The reason for that is quite simple and direct, I'm way too strong. No matter how much I inflate my estimation, the only conclusion that I come up with is that in the One Piece Universe, the strongest characters are at the Island Level of power, meaning that they are strong enough to destroy an island... maybe at the continental level if we stretch it a bit considering the size of some of the islands... but that level of power is insignificant compared with what I experienced before, especially my toughest fight yet, where I faced head on the Infinity Big Bang Storm a true multiverse ending attack. Compared to that, everything this universe can throw at me is simply a negligible nuisance.'

But that doesn't mean that I'm not taking the current situation seriously, after all, even as strong as I am at the moment, I'm not invincible, especially if other Champions are involved in this current crisis, something that is very likely considering the fact that Arabasta should still be somewhat peaceful and safe even with the undercurrents caused by Crocodile's plot.

While I'm quickly evaluating the situation and thinking that, King Cobra regains his bearing and finally asks, "Tell me Pell, what is happening? What is the reason behind your astonishing claims?"

Hearing that, Pell nods and starts his narration, "Around 20 minutes ago, all the marines residing on Sandy Island started to be fully mobilized, they started to patrol the cities, the coasts, and even the nearby waters, capturing and attacking any pirate or suspicious person in sight. I quickly learned that the reason behind these sudden movements is that a World Noble, a certain Saint Alfred of House Manmayer was assaulted by a member of the Bounty Hunter Agency known as Baroque Works in the casino Rain Dinners located in Rainbase! Moreover, the Marine reports say that this organization is actually under the control of a member of the Seven Warlord of the Seas, of the hero of our country Crocodile, who actually planned to use this organization to overthrow the ruler of this country, you my King, and he even wanted to locate some kind of weapon to oppose the World Government!"

Hearing that, everyone in the hall opened their eyes wide in shock unable to understand how the situation could degenerate like this, but at the same time, I narrowed my eyes because a term that came out of Pell's mouth especially caught my attention, 'World Noble, huh... Just how small are the chances that a World Noble, of all the people, would visit Arabasta, and more specifically visit the casino named Rain Dinners, which if I remember well is, in fact, one of Crocodile's main bases on this island get attacked by a "member" of the Baroque Works while also exposing Crocodile plan? No matter how much that butterfly flapped those fucking wings, this is just too much to be a coincidence! Everything matches, World Noble, check, uncanny knowledge of plots or events, check, very suspicious coincidences, check. It seems that this time I truly chanced upon a fellow Champion's plot...' 

At the same time, Pell continues, "Basically with all those crimes on their shoulders and the pull of the World Noble, the bounty hunter agency known as Baroque Works became an enemy of the World Government! All its members are now wanted, the orders are that they are to be captured or killed on sight! And more importantly, the status of Seven Warlords of the Sea of Crocodile is officially revoked!"

This news sends another wave of shock to the people, so much so that King Cobra falls on his chair and lets out a defeated sigh as he mutters, "This is bad... extremely bad... now the best case scenario is that an Admiral will soon arrive and make his move to suppress Crocodile and his men no caring about the damage to the innocent people, making it likely that Rainbase will be razed to the ground... But there is also the worst-case scenario... if something happens to the World Noble of House Manmayer it is possible for the Five Elders to use it as an excuse to order a Buster Call on Arabasta especially if they learn about the Poneglyph..."

But soon Igaram shows exactly why he is the Captain of the Royal Guards of Arabasta as he quickly forces himself to regain his bearings as he asks, "Pell, I'm sure that you checked the situation before coming here to report, right?" then seeing Pell nod, he continues, "Can you tell us what is currently happening in Rainbase?"

Without any hesitation, Pell grimly replies, "When I first learned of what was happening, the first thing I did was to transform into my Full Falcon form to quickly fly from here to Rainbase something that took only a couple of minutes thanks to my speed..."

Hearing that, I can't help but mentally comment, 'No shit... his Devil Fruit allows him to transform into the overall fastest animal in the world... a Peregrine Falcon, quite a common animal that can reach around 390 Km/h thanks to its very large keel, allowing more muscle to be attached to it and in turn more flapping power to be generated plus its pointed wings which also help the bird reach its mind-boggling speeds, then on top of that add the increase in power that a human-sized one like the one Pell can turn into plus the nonsensical physique of the people living in this world and he can probably easily reach the speed of sound which is 1,235 km/h...'

While I'm thinking that, Pell continues with his report, "... Once there, I was greeted with quite the strange sight, the pyramid building of the biggest casino in the city Rain Dinners was totally overrun by plants and trees to the point that from the distance it looked like some kind of wild dense forest in the middle of the city. But despite that, the situation was still somewhat calm as the marines were simply surrounding the building to make sure that no one could escape and patrolling the streets to hunt down and capture eventual members of the bounty hunter agency Baroque Works or pirates and other thugs trying to take advantage of the chaotic situation for their own shady purposes."

At this point, Pell stops and shudders a little before he refocuses himself and says, "Even if the situation was delicate everything seemed under control, and so, I decided to return back to Alubarna to report to King Cobra about the situation..." Pell takes another moment to center himself before he says in a grim tone, "... And it was at this point that everything went wrong! Just as I was about to fly back, a tremendous explosion-like sound was heard and a figure flew out from the Rain Dinners building then quickly after that the entire casino started to collapse raising a huge cloud of dust..."

As Pell's recount of everything that happened reaches this point, I hear Vivi, Gad's wives, and Koby gasp in surprise and shock as they sharply intake air, but Pell ignores them and focuses on his story, "All of a sudden true chaos ensured as the Baroque Works started their ruthless counterattack on the Marine. What is worse is that Crocodile appeared in the middle of the city out of nowhere and started to fight against another person and their fight caused untold death and destruction in their surroundings... but of course, I didn't stand there to watch, at this point I knew that the most important and urgent thing to do was to hurry back to the Alubarna Palace and inform the King of the situation."

After listening to his report, I take notice of a few more important details, 'First and foremost, Pell talked about the building of the casino Rain Dinners which was overrun by trees and plants making it look like a forest... and for some reason I can't help but think that it was the handiwork of the Champion reincarnated in this universe, for a very simple reason. Thanks to my Blessing which enhanced my memory, I clearly remember that the Champion in question, who was the 10th Soul to make his choice, in fact, he came in right after Nikita made hers... anyway, he chose to be born as a World Noble and the Concept who blessed him was the Concept of Wood... And I think that for someone of his status would be quite simple to find a Devil Fruit compatible with his Blessing, like the Mori Mori no Mi (Forest Forest Fruit), or the Moku Moku no Mi (Wood Wood Fruit), or some other plant-based Logia Type Devil Fruit like those that weren't shown in the manga/anime, at least not until the day I died...' 

But while I'm thinking that, I suddenly realize a terrifying truth, 'Wait now that I think about it, what I feared truly happened, in the end, I really did die before One Piece came to an end! Damn it!' 

But then I quickly recompose myself, especially since I can always go to a universe similar to my previous one and with some little time manipulation can quickly reach the time the final chapter came out and binge-read it to the end, then I focus on another more important detail of Pell's narration, 'The all-out fight that started after the collapse of the casino between the Marine and the Baroque Works... from the way Pell described it looks like the Marines are in a total disadvantage, meaning there is no one capable enough to deal with the agents within their ranks... this is quite bad, and if I add the fight between Crocodile and that mysterious person, who is likely the Champion, then the number of casualties will be really high if I don't hurry and do something!' 

Coming to that conclusion, I don't waste any more time and gently stand up from the chair to not disturb Galen and Kharna who started napping peacefully somewhere down Pell's report, then I give the kids in my arms to Saori, who together with all the other girls, smiles back at me sweetly quickly understanding my intention.

Then I start to walk toward the open window, Vivi notices my movements, and then, she quickly asks, "What are you doing, Jayr-san?" bringing everyone's attention to me.

I don't stop to look back at them but still reply in a confident tone, "I'm going to keep my promise. I'll help you guys in dealing with all these annoying problems... I'll be back soon."

Without waiting for their reply, I stop for a moment and calmly look at Pell, and then I ask, "Excuse me, what is the direction for Rainbase?" making an unsure Pell simply reply, "Ehm... you have to head toward West to find the city... you'll have to pass by Sandora River..." 

Hearing that, I nod and urge my Spiral Cosmo, then I fly out of the window, and after looking at the sun for a few moments to find the right direction, I quickly start to fly toward the west, destination, the chaotic city of Rainbase.

Age POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP 

Buried in the rumble of the building that collapsed on top of me, I calmly think back at the quick series of events that followed the attack of the Celestial Dragon Champion which ended up with me in this position. 

After the Celestial Dragon Champion basically used what is most likely the power of a Devil Fruit he has eaten turning the whole casino into a dense forest full of a gaseous substance that makes everyone who inhales it hopelessly horny, I and Mikita started to explore the structure to hunt him down. 

But there is something I have to admit, that thing is truly dangerous and nasty, to the level that the poor victims of this substance completely lose their control and the only thing in their mind is to fuck and get fucked no matter what, they don't even differentiate between genders, races, or even if their partner is an inanimate object while exploring we have seen many of these people who lost control and did questionable things with the nearby plants and tree. 

And let me tell you that it didn't end well for these unfortunate individuals as quickly after, the plants started to drain them of their liquids turning the victim into empty husks, and then, some roots appeared and started to parasitize the corpses transforming them into some kind of wooden abomination which reminds me slightly of the Flora Colossi from my home universe.

Luckily I can use my Destruction Divinity to destroy the substance within my body before it can affect me, while Mikita was able to protect herself using a simple makeshift mask with her clothes to block this substance from affecting her.

Our exploration of the casino was quite smooth as I was able to easily cut down any tree and wood abomination standing in our way with my trusty double-headed axe, which while it isn't one forged by the Dwarves hailing from the realm of Nidavellir, it is still a true Asgardian weapon, the best weapon in my possession, and one that followed me since I became an Einherjar, its name is Litlauss (Colorless) and nothing was able to resist its might until now. 

Well, nothing if you ignore that crazy red and black masked menace, but he is the exception as weapons are useless against him, and I wasn't a God of Destruction yet back then, so I couldn't just erase him out of existence.

Our advance through the forest and wood-abomination-infested halls and hallways continued without any problem, but despite that, we weren't able to find that bastard of a Celestial Dragon Champion, not only did the dense and dark forest make it difficult to search the place but it was also like the Celestial Dragon Champion was running away from us. 

Thinking about that, I suddenly realize, 'But now that I think about it, it is likely that he was doing exactly that, after all, that forest was the result of him using his powers to create and overrun the casino, it is very possible that he could somewhat sense, perceive or feel what is happening within the forest or at the very least sense the destruction of some parts of it, after all, it is something that he consciously controlled... this could explain why we weren't able to find him despite the fact that he was so close to us before.'

Then while we were moving through another hallway, we found ourselves in front of a forest-free, even if very damaged hall, and in the middle of that hall, there was Crocodile, who started to attack us without any reason even if could sense his rage directed at us, but since I already found my target, I didn't mind that as I don't actually need him anymore, and so, I decided to enjoy the fight and use him to train my Observation Haki and Armament Haki as they are still at their most basic level. 

Especially since I was pretty confident in easily dealing with someone of his level, the difference in strength between us was just too wide, even without Observation Haki I could easily see his attacks moving in slow motion, moreover, I even had to suppress my own speed and strength to not kill him in a single attack, hell even with that I made a mistake and almost bisected him, I had to pull back my Armament Haki enhanced Litlauss at the last moment. 

But all that holding back did cause the current situation, as I was playing around with Crocodile, using him to sharpen my use of the newly learned Haki, an enraged Crocodile unleashed a quite powerful and devastating attack which sent me flying out of the building, and through countless trees and buildings, until I found myself buried under this rumbles.

I get out of the rubble of the building that collapsed on top of me mostly unharmed and with a calm smile on my face as I pat the dust from my throbbing chest and comment, "Well, well, that last attack from Crocodile packed quite the punch... at the very least I felt that one... something I didn't expect to happen unless I encountered some top guy like Whitebeard whose power is likely to bypass my natural defenses... Oh well, I learned that I can't underestimate the people living in this world too much..."

At the same time, I took a look at my surroundings and saw that big ball of swirling sand that Crocodile launched at me, which now that I think about it looked almost like a Rasengan from Naruto, sent me quite far away from the casino, more or less about 5 Km or so, and I'm not ashamed to admit that the power of Crocodile's last attack took me by surprise as I didn't expect that someone who lost to Luffy so early in the story would be able to unleash something like that.

I also noticed that the casino itself wasn't able to endure the impact of Crocodile's last technique as I can see that it has started to collapse raising a huge cloud of dust.

Seeing that, I can't help but frown as I think about Mikita's status as the shockwave generated by the impact of Crocodile's technique, which was clearly strong enough to cause the whole structure to collapse, would have surely also harmed her, 'She should be fine, right? The people of this world are quite resilient after all in the anime I have seen these people survive all kinds of crazy shit... It would be a true shame to lose such a willing cumbucket even if I abhor the way she laughs. Oh well, I can always find a new one, and even an unwilling one if I truly want to, after all, if there is something that the Omniverse doesn't lack, is beautiful women...'

While I'm thinking that, a cloud of swirling sand appears in front of me which quickly gathers together and transforms into Crocodile's figure, who looks back at me, clicks his tongue in clear annoyance, and then he says, "Tch... You took my Sables: Pesado head-on and still look completely fine... You are quite the tough bastard, isn't it? Your Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki) is quite strong, it almost reminds me of that old Shirohige (Whitebeard) Bastard..."

Then Crocodile smirks and says, "... But now that we are outside I can fully unleash my powers, and even that absurd defense of yours won't be able to save you!"

Without wasting any more time in useless villain-like speech, Crocodile crouches down and places his right hand on the ground then he calls out the name of his next technique in perfect anime/manga style, "Ground Death!" 

At the same time, I got a strange feeling from my Observation Haki, and feeling my instinct warning me of the danger, I didn't hesitate and jumped high making sure that my feet wouldn't touch the ground, that was a good decision because the next instant Crocodile uses his dehydration ability to dry out a huge area around us, turning it into a desert wasteland, but he does not only dry up the ground, but anything and everything on it including people and even buildings, all of which is transformed into sand as long as they have a steady contact with the ground.

Quickly after that, I hear Crocodile's voice as he comments, "As expected you also reacted to that... but it is fine as not only this move of mine makes you stand exactily where I want, but it also gives me a lot more sand to use for this... Desert Grande Espada!"

Even without Observation Haki warning me, I instantly recognize the name of the technique as it is the same one that almost took me by surprise in our previous exchange, and indeed, from below me, I see dozen of rising sand blades erupt from the ground with great speed, but I simply smile and start to swing my trusty double-headed axe, Litlauss (Colorless), with one hand easily decimating all the rising sand blades, at the same time, with my other free hand, I grab a throwing axe, envelope it with my Armament Haki, take aim, then I carefully measure my strength, as I don't want to use too much as it could esily destroy this simple weapon as my Armament Haki isn't strong enough to reinforce it enough to endure my true physical power, and throw it at Crocodile. 

As soon as the throwing axe leaves my hand, it releases a sonic boom with such force that blows away the sand below me, at the same time it spins so fast that it almost looks like a brown and gray flying disc as it speedly flies toward Crocodile, who notices the danger and instantly morphs his lower body into flowling sand to get out of harm's way, but my throwing axe is way too fast for him to fully dodge it and soon a painful grunt is heard, followed by the sight of blood bursting out as my throwing axe rips Crocodile left arm off.

At the same time, after hitting its intended target the throwing axe continues moving forward, its momentun unstoppable as it mows down all buildings, trees, and peoples standing in its path causing even more death and destruction, but just as it looks like it would continue to destroy and kill everything until it lost all its power, a bright, thin, beam of light falls from the sky and hits the spinning throwing axe dead on target, easily destroying it.

Then a calm voice is head as it says in a slow, sarcastically intonated manner, "How scary~ You people truly don't care about what happens to these poor people involved in your fight isn't? How ruthless~." 

I quickly look at where the voice is coming from already somewhat expecting what I'm going to see, and indeed, I see a man floating in the air above us, he is an incredibly tall, relatively slim man, he is of middle age with a moderate amount of wrinkles on his face, short curly black hair, and a very thin beard.

His outfit consists of a yellow striped suit with a Marine coat draped over his shoulders like a cape, with his arms not in its sleeves, he also wears pure white shoes, gold-amber tinted sunglasses, and a dark green shirt with a mauve tie under his yellow suit. 

He is Borsalino, more commonly known by his alias Kizaru, and is an Admiral in the Marines, he looks down on us from above wearing a relaxed grin on his face.

(Image Here - Borsalino)



At the same time, Crocodile who is holding his bloodied stump asks, "What the fuck is an Admiral doing here!? I'm pretty sure that whatever I planned to do here isn't so important to make an Admiral rush over, at most I would have expected a bunch of Vice-Admirals..." then he question himself, "Is this some kind of convoluted plot against me...?"

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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