Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 244 – A New Adventure

Jayr POV - Jayr's Soulbound Territory - 1992

Remembering my wild first time with Robin still brings a smile to my face, especially since after that, Robin grew a lot closer to all of us as she brought down all the barriers she had erected throughout her life as a fugitive.

She is now a lot more cheerful and happy, she is fully enjoying her life with us, something that is very clear thanks to the bright smile constantly on her face, especially after our very official and literally soul-binding union. 

Remembering that last detail, I can't help but think with a wry smile, 'Well the fact that our marriage was officiated by my mother-in-law Freaking Hera herself, the Queen of Heaven and literal Goddess of Marriage, and witnessed by dozens of Gods among which there was even Jesus and his wife Mary Magdalene and above everything else, his father, the biblical God, the big guy himself, Yahweh. All this made our union as official and special as it can be... But I admit it was funny seeing Zandeer and Nikita freaking out and kneeling once they realized who Jesus and his father was as the two actually also grew up in a Christian family, especially when Jesus jokingly chided them about their secret "rendezvous" hinting at the fact that the two weren't married yet... And let's not forget about Uncle Enrico who straight up fainted as soon as he saw the Big Boss in all his shining glory...'

I lightly touch the wedding ring on my left hand while thinking, 'This ring and the matching pairs I gave to the girls on our wedding day also aren't simple wedding rings but one of my finest creations. Not only they are as durable as the Gold Cloths, but they allow us to always know about our status and communicate across the Omniverse whenever we wish, moreover, I even connected the rings to my Soulbound Territory just like the Seeds of Culture which allows the girls to come to my Soulbound Territory whenever they wish so that we can meet even if they remain in my home universe while I'm in another one... unless some very special situation happen like the Random Battle.'

Suddenly, I hear the sound of footsteps coming from behind which snaps me out of my musing, and turning my head, I look as Zandeer and Nikita slowly approach me as they lewdly hold their hands.

The lovey-dovey pair recently came back from their own relaxing honeymoon, a honeymoon that started soon after the kids' birthday, my marriage, and after I told them my decision to remain in my universe to relax and spend some more time with my family.

Out of sheer godly pressure and shame, the two also made a similar choice, first Zandeer followed Nikita to her own home universe, the Vampire Diaries Universe, where he met Nikita's sister, and the rest of her family, then the two also chose to officially marry, before they traveled to the RWBY Universe for their honeymoon, not my favorite choice, but I can understand the charm of visiting such place, especially since the world of Remnant is quite a charming one despite the Grimm presence. 

The newlywed couple enjoyed their time exploring the world of Remnant, meeting new people, averting known disasters, and changing the plot to their leisure and whims, they even had their Aura awakened.

But while for Nikita it worked as usual, meaning that she gained the ability to use Aura and awakened her own Semblace which allows her to control blood within a certain area, for Zandeer things went a little bit different.

The reason for that is that the Aura in RWBY Universe is basically the manifestation of one's soul and since Zandeer himself is an Arrancar, which is literally an evil soul with some of the powers of the Shinigami, well, let's just say that awakening his Aura had some unexpected effect, the first and most obivious one, it that it completely destroyed the last vestiges of his mask while at the same time, it filled the Hole he had in place of his left eye, a characteristic of all Hollow and Arrancar of the Bleach Universe.

At the same time, he became something more than a simple Arrancar, the closet thing I can classify him with is that he became a Living Spirit very close to the Heroic Spirit of the Nasuverse, meaning that it is possible for him now to actually have children with Nikita if they so desire, because before that, the only way it could have happened was if I or some other God or Goddess with a Domain over Life did something. 

And that isn't the only change, he also gained the ability to transcend beyond Resurrección, becoming a lot more powerful, in addition to that, he also gained a Semblance that allows him to not only control Grimm, produce Grimm Liquid to create Grimm Pool capable of spawning Creatures of Grimm, but even to evolve Grimm into sentient creatures close to Hollows fully loyal to him. 

Of course, this last ability of his did cause some problems, as one of the main antagonists, Salem started to target them as she felt her control over the Creature of Grimm wrested over, which obviously ended up with Nikita and Zandeer getting annoyed and kicking her ass, granting Salem her wish as they were able to easily bypass her immortality and kill her for good.

While I'm remembering what they went through, the pair finally stops in front of me and Nikita says, "Okay Jayr, we are ready!" followed by Zandeer who adds with a scowl, "I still think that you should have remained at the Sanctuary with the others, after all, we will likely end up in another Random Battle near the end of this year..." to which Nikita scoffs and replies, "Hmpf! No way! Now that we are finally together and that you are my hubby there is no way I'll let you get away from me. We are together until death do us part, and since we are both very, very hard to kill it means that we will be together for a very long time. Moreover, with my help, the chances of you coming up victorious from the incoming Random Battle will be a lot higher!"

Indeed, just like Zandeer said, Seika, Saori, Eri, Tio, Alvida, Robin, and the kids won't come with me this time, because it will be a lot safer if they remain here under the protection of the other Saints, and of course, the many Gods that inhabit my home universe who will likely retaliate with deadly force to any kind of invasion. 

One of the reasons is that just like he said, it is very likely that another Random Battle will start near the end of this year so I don't want them or the kids to be involved in that, especially since Seika is now pregnant and since I don't know in what kind of universe I could be sent to or who my opponent could be as such information is heavily protected by the concept so even by using Crateris' powers to see the future or some other means to scry an answer will end up fruitless, trust me, I tried more than once, but all come up to nothing.

So in the end, the only ones who will come with me are Zandeer, who is forced to participate in the Random Battle, Nikita, who as she just declared won't let him separate from her ever again, the always trusty Crateris, my most trusted partner that can turn into an indestructible armor or a galaxy-sized mecha to erase all the obstacles standing in my way, and Bidi, who is currently playing with the Nymphs with her incarnation while her true body is in the lake near my mansion, and who, like Crateris, always followed me in all my adventures since the first time I have left the Sanctuary many years ago.

After Zendeer accepts his defeat in the argument, Nikita then looks at me and asks, "By the way, Jayr. You still didn't tell us where we are going next? Why do you always hide such information until the last moment? It is annoying!"

At the same time, I see that Zandeer standing next to me also looks at me with a curious expression on his face, clearly, he is in a hurry to learn about our next destination, too.

Seeing that, I smirk and as a big grin forms on my face, I start to explain, "Well, since another Random Battle is upon us, I thought that it would have been a good idea to search for very powerful allies who can follow us in our adventures and fight by our side, allies who we can give all our trust once we earn their friendship and loyalty, a true lifelong friend and partner..." then my grin turns into a full-blown smile as I declare, "I'm talking about a Digimon Partner, which means that the next universe I want to visit is the Digimon Universe!" 

Following my declaration, Zandeer tilts his head in confusion clearly not familiar with one of my favorite franchises, while Nikita also seems to be mostly ignorant about it as she exclaims, "What!? Digimon!? Really? The knock-off version of Pokemon? Aren't those only some kind of digital beings, computer viruses, or something along those lines? Moreover, why do you think that could be useful to us? Even the Pokemon aren't all that powerful to be a treat to us, if you ignore maybe the legendaries, and even at that I'm talking about the big ones like Arceus, Rayquaza, Giratina, Dialga, Mewtwo, Primal Groudon and Kyogre, Eternatus, Kyurem, Necrozma all of which are able to at the very least destroy a planet, but the rest of them is pretty weak compared to you and Zandeer..."

At this point, I click my tongue, the I use my Spiral Cosmo to create a pair of glasses and wear them as I start to teach them everything they need to know, "Contrary to popular belief, Digimons are not exactly digital beings, they are beings that exist in higher planes of reality and have manifested in the real world with manifestation bodies over the ages, and that are currently manifested as computer viruses. All Digimon are Incorporeality beings with Non-Physical Interaction abilities to interact with metaphysical substances far superior to the human mind or soul due to the Platonism-based cosmology of that specific universe where there are superior and perfect worlds in contrast to inferior and imperfect worlds, all of which derive from a single unit that would be the "Absolute Being"."

Now that I have fully entered my "Teacher Mode", I don't stop and continue with the info dump to enlighten my companion about the greatness of the Digimons, "To make you understand better, Digimon are depicted as primordial souls originating from a conceptual realm called Idea, which predates the "Real World". The Digimon Multiverse comprises a hierarchy of existence levels, typically maintained in balance. Occasionally, this equilibrium is disrupted, causing worlds to interconnect and beings from different existence levels to manifest in foreign realms. In the past, humans discovered Idea's inhabitants as summonable ghosts, deities, and demons. But in the modern era, technology serves as humanity's new source of magic, so when an imbalance arises, it becomes easy to detect these spirits. Consequently, contemporary humans perceive technology-related issues as computer bugs and the souls, such as Digimon, as computer viruses. Inter-world information feedback causes Idea to adapt to human interpretation, leading to its perception as a virtual world. Many Digimon consequently behave according to human common sense, aligning with human expectations. It is a quite complex but interesting relation between the two sides as even if they are normally clearly separated by many layers and protection, both can affect and influence the other in many ways."
Seeing that both Nikita and Zandeer are still following me, I continue, "Now that this part is out of the way, let us talk about how powerful Digimon can become. Due to their interesting origin and physiology, all Digimon also have a form of Immortality, Absorption, Power Mimicry, Reactive Evolution, Reality Warping, Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Law Manipulation, and many other abilities. In addition to their general skills, each Digimon has special skills that make them even stronger, such as Conceptual Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Existence Erasure, and stronger versions of the skills listed above to the level that some can be regarded as complete hax like the Alpha inForce, short for "Alpha Gain Force", the ultimate force that is possessed by Alphamon which allows Alphamon to instantaneously replay an elapsed battle so that it can unleash countless attacks in the same instant, making it theoretically impossible to see any of them other than the final blow that brought down its opponent, or the Omega inForce, short for "Omega Gain Force" and sometimes called "Omega Force", the ultimate force that was acquired by Omnimon that allows Omnimon to instantaneously read ahead in battle and respond accordingly, making it theoretically impossible to defeat. Both of them are basically beings that are comparable to me in power... and they aren't even the most powerful Digimon in existence as there are many comparable to them or even stronger."

At this point, both Zandeer and Nikita gulp loudly as they clearly are aware of my capabilities, and seeing that, I nod as I continue, "Furthermore, regarding pure Attack Potency, the power level varies greatly in Digimon. To facilitate the use of Digimon, they are usually scaled to Real World equivalents within the Digital World unless this begins to influence the very structure of the Digital World. For example, Baby I and Baby II Level Digimon are not focused on combat, yet they can train by destroying trees with a single attack, easily reaching Wall level as a result. Child Level Digimon can vaporize or melt large amounts of metal and ice and easily reach Large Building level+ in power. Adult Level Digimon have already been able to cause storms, blizzards, and droughts in entire countries as well as split entire islands apart, reaching Island level of power." 

Looking at the shock on their face, I smirk as I continue to explain, "In addition, since the complexity of the Digital World exceeds that of the Human Multiverse even at its most basic level, there are high-end Adult level Digimon such as Clockmon who can be considered at the very least Low Complex Multiverse level as it can easily manipulate time. Then there are the Perfect level Digimon who are comparable to other Digimon of the same level, such as Vademon, who destroyed stars, DarkSuperStarmon and Gerbemon, who uses real black holes as attacks, Megadramon and SkullGreymon who can destroy Digital World itself, Etemon Chaos who can warp the Digital World and Paildramon who stopped a Digital World destroying explosion, and thus reaching Star level to Low Complex Multiverse level of power depending on the Digimon."

Hearing this, Zandeer exclaims, "Holy shit... This is a lot to take in..." with Nikita nodding after him as she clearly agrees, at the same time, I nod back and say, "And I have not talked about the Ultimate level Digimon yet, as at this point, it begins to vary a lot since from here begins the "most powerful" that begin to reach the whole Digital World. The most common can be considered at least Low Complex Multiverse level if not far higher because they are far above Perfect levels and capable of bringing peace or danger to the "whole" Digital World. After this level, most Digimon reaches a level on par with or exceeding that of the Four Holy Beasts and those have created a higher level of existence than all the others in the Digital World. They maintain their position at the pinnacle of a vast transcendental hierarchy. They are also in charge of keeping the space-time of the whole multiverse stable, all the way up to a 9-dimensional reality or the Complex Multiverse level. Above that level of power, there are only entities such as Yggdrasil and the Eaters. These characters reach 10-Dimensional and 11-Dimensional respectively, being High Complex Multiverse level. Above the Eaters, there are even more levels of existence to reach the level of the true Digimon gods, which are purely theoretical entities that have not yet been identified but which surely exist."

This last one makes Nikita comment in wonder, "This is crazy..." then she asks, "You are telling me that the Digimon Universe is basically full of beings as powerful as you!?"

I shake my head and reply to her question, "Not really full, it isn't like Ultimate Level Digimon are very common, in fact, they are a rare sight, as only a small handful of Digimon are capable of attaining that level. Evolving to Ultimate is accomplished only by Perfect Digimon who endure countless battles and overcome their own limits. Ultimate Digimon are, by definition, extraordinarily powerful, and because of their sheer power, they tend to act independently usually."

After saying that, I look at my companion and add, "The most common and easy way for a Digimon to attain such a level is to ally themselves with a human to form a partnership, usually a Chosen Child, Tamer, Guard Tamer, or other such titles that refers to people that partner up with a Digimon. A Digimon generally gains the ability to evolve much more quickly than would be natural when with a human partner which makes some of them very eager to join forces with humans. The human partner and Digimon are usually, but not always, connected through a Digivice, which in many cases helps channel the partner's energy to help the Digimon evolve."

I continue to smile brightly as I conclude, "After telling you guys all this, I'm sure you now understand the reason why I want to go to the Digimon Universe. First and foremost, I absolutely love Digimon, it is one of my favorite series of all the time, I grew up watching both Digimon and Pokemon, but in the end, I was always more partial toward the former, and always dreamed of having a Digimon Partner. In addition to that one includes the fact that they are also pretty high on the power scale and that once one partners up with a Digimon it is very likely that you would also gain a lifelong friend that you can fully trust to have your back and fight by your side no matter how bad the odds are, it is pretty clear what our choice should be."

In response to that, both Nikita and Zandeer nod in agreement, and say in perfect sync, ""Let's do this!""

Seeing that I was able to make them agree with my proposal, I smile brightly and quickly head toward the Unigate's Dial, put my hand on it, and soon I hear the robotic voice coming from the dial as it says, "PlEAsE InpUt yOUr chOsEn UnIvErsE And dEsIrEd tImE."

With a grin on my face I quickly digit my chosen universe, but before I could input the chosen time, the Unigate Dial's robotic voice says, "ChOsEn UnIvErsE... Digimon Universe... WArnInG! ThE ChoSen UnIVErse is classIFYED as An Infinite Multiverse! PleasE, ChoSe the DesiREd SuB-UniVersE..."

Hearing that, I immediately realize what is going on, 'That right! The various media that I remember are all mostly considered separate universes, hell, the Digital World itself is actually an "infinite multiverse," within a Multiverse compromised of countless "Servers". While the earlier stories rarely featured travel between Servers, modern games, and anime increasingly utilized this concept, sometimes to facilitate encounters between protagonists from different worlds..." 

At this point, I start to quickly think about what to do next with a frown on my face, 'Now what Sub-Universe should I choose? The ones I'm most familiar with are obviously those depicted in the animes, with Adventure, Adventure 02, Tamers, Frontier, and Savers being the ones I know best... but among those five I can quickly eliminate Frontier because in that reality Digimon do not actually ally with humans, but instead human themselves turn into Digimon, and that isn't what I seek to do. Then there is Digimon Adventure and Adventure 02... those two are certainly the ones I have my most fond memories of, but there is a little problem. In those Sub-Universes the only way to have a Digimon Partner is to be a "Chosen Child" and we all aren't actually "children"... sure I could easily circumvent such a problem in some way, but it doesn't feel right to gain a partner through trickery.' 

I sigh realizing that I have to exclude two of my favorite choices before I focus on the remaining two, "This leaves only Tamers and Savers/DATA Squad, those two have more flexible rules as the Digimon themselves choose with whom they want to ally both of which doesn't exclude adults... One is quite dark with one of the Four Holy Beasts wanting to destroy the Human World and an eldrich horror waiting to delete both the Human World and the Digital World, while in the other the humans did quite human shitty things and ended up with making most of the Digimon angry and wary at them, so much that the resident God of the Digital World a small subroutine of Yggdrasil decided to destroy the Human World in order to save the Digital World. Both are viable choices but among them, only one does truly call to me...'

Coming to that conclusion, I don't hesitate any more and quickly input my choice into the dial which immediately after speaks up in its usual mechanical voice, "ChOsEn Sub-UnIvErsE... Digimon Tamers Universe... TImE... year 2001... StAnd stIll plEAsE..." 

Quickly after that, the stone ring of the Unigate starts to turn and lock seven different glyphs on seven different V-like points of the circular stone gate, and as soon as the 7th glyph is locked, in the middle of the gate, a burst of unstable energy emanates from an activating Unigate in the shape of a vortex and soon after that a water-like portal is opened.

Once the procedure of the portal opening is complete, the robotic voice of the dial says "ThE gAtE Is OpEn... HAvE A sAfE jOUrnEy..."

After waiting a few seconds to be sure that there isn't any nasty surprise or message like my first time, I look back at my companion and with a smile, I ask, "Are you guys ready for a new exciting adventure?" they both nod with a confident smile on their face as they reply in sync, ""Yes!"" 

Receiving the confirmation, we line up in front of the water-like portal opened by the Unigate, and then, without any hesitation, we jump into the portal and let the Unigate do its job, sending us to our destination, the Digimon Tamers Universe. 

Jayr POV - Digimon Tamers Universe, ??? - 2001

As soon as we land on the other side of the portal, I'm greeted by a quite desolate sight, an extensive barren desert, there is nothing in sight no matter in what direction we look, the dry air touches my skin and reminds me of my experience in the Sahara Desert, but it is clear that we aren't on Earth, or as it is called in this universe the Real World.

It is quite easy to understand, after all, there is a small packet of discarded data "rolling" right in front of us like tumbleweed followed by a few pieces of dirt raised by the wind if I remember well, those are the coalesced remains of old data that freely roam about the Digital World in the Digimon Tamers Universe, and those things can be used to help repair and heal injured Digimon, moreover, they can also be gathered and reconfigured to "create" new Digimon like Zhuqiaomon did to create the Deva.

Moreover, looking up at the clear sky, I can see clearly visible in the sky a pulsing globe of code and light, which represents the Real World, the Earth, I can also see that it constantly emanates data streams, that are vast columns of energy that reach into the Digital World and manipulate its digital matter, physical representations of acts performed on computers across the world.

If I remember well, something that I clearly do as the memories of the anime are still as clear as day to me, should an individual be caught in a data stream they will be swept into it and deposited elsewhere on any of the Digital World's potential plane.

With all these signs, it is clear where we are, so I don't hesitate and quickly inform my companion, "It seems that we are in the Digital Word." to which Zandeer comments, "Yeah, the glowing orb over there is a pretty telling sign."

Hearing that I look back at my companion, nod, and add, "To be more precise, we are in the lowest layer of this iteration of the Digital World. In the earliest stages of its existence, this incarnation of the Digital World was little more than a barren desert. As it grew alongside the Earth's communications network, however, it evolved and changed in dynamic ways, with more and more "layers" coming into existence over the top of the old ones. The lowest layer is the original desert plain, and the highest is the home of the Four Holy Beasts that rule the Digital World. In between lie many small mini verses, self-contained environments especially suited to the Digimon that live there."

As soon as I finish explaining that, I suddenly sense the space behind me being displaced and a figure that feels vaguely familiar appears behind me, and then, I hear a familiar voice as it says, "Indeed, you are right. You are quite knowledgeable about the Digital World for someone coming from the outside..."

I quickly turn my head and seeing the being that appeared in front of us and can't help but exclaim out loud in surprise, "Shaka!? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!??"


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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