Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 249 – First Day of School

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

Almost a month passed since the successful meeting with the principal of the Yodobashi Elementary School in which we quickly reached an agreement and completed all the procedures needed for my hiring as an English Teacher taking the place of the despicable Ainara Hisoka, who was arrested some time ago and that recently died impaled in the ass by a metal staff during an attempted mass breakout because of some freak accident.

Anyway, after being successfully hired by the Yodobashi Elementary School, I spent this period of time in relative peace, while getting to know my future colleagues, remembering the school's layout, and preparing the curriculums for the classes that were assigned to me.

Luckily there is no strict curriculum set down by the Japanese Ministry of Education, instead, there are a series of guidelines one has to follow. 

In a few words, the guidelines mainly say that children should be exposed to and be able to experience foreign languages, foreign lifestyles, and foreign customs and that these should all be at a level that is suitable for the kids and done in a positive, hands-on fashion. 

They also recommend that foreign languages should be in the form of "suitable songs, games, simple greetings, skits, etc."

Furthermore, exchanges with other schools, sister cities, and native speakers should be promoted in an interesting, positive way.

It also says that the lessons should be fun and that the kids should come out of it thinking "English is interesting!" in addition, the guidelines also say that Elementary School English should not be a preparation for Junior High School English but an introduction to the language and customs in general.

One other element that is stressed is the concentration on listening and speaking elements as hours of grammar study or starting with the "ABCs"s are definitely out of the question, this last one especially took me by surprise as it is the totally opposite of my own personal experience in learning a foreign language in my past life, but I also not ashamed to admit that I learned foreign languages more easily by watching anime subbed in French and Spanish than by looking at books for hours without any significant progress.

In the handbook they gave me it also says that English should NOT be taught by using the Japanese Katakana script, "Do Not Pronounce English Words Using Katakana Sounds" and "teachers should not use katakana to spell out what has been said" is what is especially remarked as it is very important that the kids learn that as soon as a teacher write something in katakana, it becomes Japanese, the so-called "gairaigo" which are basically Japanese words originating from, or based on, foreign-language terms and one shouldn't use them to teach English.

But for sure that isn't the only thing I did during this time, I often went back to my home universe to spend some time with my wives and the kids, and sometimes, they were the ones that visited me using the function of the wedding rings I gave them to safely transfer to my Soulbound Territory.

But in those cases, we spend most of the time in my mansion to reinforce our bonds in ways that shouldn't be seen by a younger audience. 

I also continued to spend time with my Digimon Partners, playing and training with them to continue to build a stronger bond with them, I even introduced them to my wives and the kids when they visited me in my Soulbound Territory, and of course, their overwhelming cuteness easily won them over.

Very often Zandeer, Nikita, Koromon, and Hiyarimon also joined us in our training sessions, but other than that, those two still didn't do anything else of major importance as they still weren't able to get in contact with the Hypnos organization despite the fact that they often move close to the digital field created by the Digimon when they Realize in the Real World to make sure that those Digimon do not cause too much chaos and destruction.

Talking about Digimon realizing in the Real World, the number of their attempt is somewhat large but their actual rate of successful Realization is not as high as I initially thought, especially since at the moment, the Digimon "invading" the Real World are more on the weaker side of the spectrum mostly Child and very weak Adult, so much so, that Hypnos' programs are still able to track the Digimon as they crossed between the border of the dimensions and stop them before they fully realized, and those that are able to slip by are usually taken care by Ruki and Renamon. 

But that is going to change soon as their number grows more numerous by the day, and so is their strength, soon will arrive Digimon who will be easily able to shrug off and even destroy Hypnos' programs, even more so as the time of the start of the known plot is getting closer and closer.

I'm brought out from my munsing by the excited voice of one of my Digimon Partners as it yells, "V-mon Head!" which makes me look as a blue blur flies toward a nearby boulder breaking it into pieces on impact and raising a cloud of dust.

Soon after that, the same voice is heard from within the cloud of dust as it asks, "Did you see that, Jayr? I finally broke that reinforced boulder that you said is as hard as a Bronze Cloth!!"

At the same time, my Partner Digimon walks out with a bright, content smile on his face, fully showing the figure of V-mon the evolved form of Chibimon, a Child Level Digimon. 

V-mon is a bipedal dragon Digimon with blue skin and red eyes, it has white coloration in its belly and snout, a small horn on its nose, two ear-like appendages on its head, a yellow "V"-shaped mark on its forehead, and two yellow upside-down triangle marks under its eyes, it has five fingers on its hands and three toes on each foot, and a claw on each finger and toe. 

(Image Here - V-mon)


I nod and say, "Good job, V-mon! It seems that your constant training bore its fruit!" making V-mon nod as it says, "That's right! The Grind never lies!"

At the same time, another voice coming from very close to my ear says, "There is also the fact that V-mon is the strongest among us, despite the fact that we train just as hard as him..."

The one who just talked is my other Digimon Partner, Wormmon who evolved from Minomon, he is standing on my shoulder as he watches V-mon walking toward us with a trace of envy in his gaze.

Wormmon looks very similar to the Tomato hornworm (Manduca quinquemaculata), it is a small green caterpillar with a pair of long antennae and ten legs with pink claws, it has a black band resembling a Dark Ring around its abdomen and two pink spines on the end of it. 

Like a real insect, Wormmon possesses the ability to adhere to surfaces and is also able to generate silk from its purple mandibles. 

(Image Here - Wormmon)


After hearing that, I gently pat Wormmon's head, which makes him close his eyes as he enjoys my comforting touch and say, "I already told you, Wormmon. Your current state is indeed the weakest among your brothers, but you are in no way a weak Digimon. It is only that at your current Level, all your hard work just increases your potential, but as soon as you evolve to the Adult Stage, you will immediately become extremely powerful to the point that even a Perfect Level Digimon would be wary of you." 

At the same time, the voice of my third Partner Digimon is heard coming from above my head as it says, "Just like Jayr said! You have to be more confident in yourself, Wormmon! You have already seen how those feral Digimon are, most of them are even weaker than us despite the fact that some of them are in the Adult Level. Furthermore, with the help of our Tamer, we will continue to get even stronger. Adult, Perfect, Ultimate, and even beyond! There is no stage that we won't be able to reach and no opponent we won't be able to defeat as long as we work together! Believe it!"

I look up and see Patamon flapping its wings/ears as it floats above us, at the same time, I can't help but internally cringe a little while thinking, 'Maybe watching Naruto with them was a mistake... Patamon took quite a liking to him and took in some of his quirks, especially since they have the same eye color... and well the fact that Naruto's favorite color is orange... Moreover, that isn't the only anime we watched together...'

Patamon is a small flying creature resembling a guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) with light blue eyes, bat-like wings which are also its ears, and a short, stubby tail, its underside is a light cream color, while its back and head are orange. 

(Image Here - Patamon)


Soon, Patamon gets tired of flying and lands on my head while commenting, "2 hours! This is a new record! I once again went Plus Ultra!!"

Looking at all three of them I can't help but smile while thinking, 'They all grew up so fast... Well, it is mostly thanks to the nutritious meal and the daily training that Chicomon, Minomon, and Tokomon were able to evolve to the Child stage in just two or three weeks after their birth... and of course, they aren't the only ones...'

Quickly after thinking that, I hear Nikita's voice from behind me as she comments, "Oh my gosh! Patamon is so cute~ Just like my cutie Blucomon~!" followed by Zandeer who adds, "I have to agree... Even if Patamon is slowly becoming a walking anime and manga encyclopedia..."

At the same time, another boyish voice is heard that comments, "Please Nikita I'm not cute, I'm cool... and don't hug me so tightly I feel like I'm melting... Agumon help me..." followed by another one with a lower timber that clicks its tongue and says, "Nope... I came here to fight with V-mon and finally beat him! There is no way I'll waste my energy in a hopeless endeavor!"

I turn my head and look at Nikita and Zander enter the playing/training area of my house with their Partner Digimon, Blucomon, and Agumon, one held in a bear hug by Nikita, while the other calmly walking beside Zandeer while it looks at V-mon with eyes full of fighting spirit. 

At the same time, Patamon proudly comments, "I'm not going to be an encyclopedia... I'm going to be a proud upstanding Digimon of Culture!" which makes everyone chuckle.

Hearing that, I almost let out a sigh while thinking, 'Well, if the life-sized posters of Angewomon, Lady Devimon, and Baal Starmon in risque poses that are affixed to the walls of his room are taken into consideration... I have to admit that Patamon is indeed a Digimon of Culture...'

While I'm thinking that, I also take a moment to take a closer look at Blucomon and Agumon.

Blucomon is a small dragon Digimon that looks like a blue lizard with red eyes, there is ice covering the head, tail, claws, and feet, and there is also ice protruding on its back that looks like small wings. 

It has white fur covering the neck and chest which makes it resemble a fur collar winter coat, and bandages wrapped around the forearms, it also has three white hexagon symbols on its shoulders and back.

(Image Here - Blucomon)


Meanwhile, Agumon isn't a normal Agumon, it is a short and stout Tyrannosaurus rex-like Digimon standing about 3 feet tall, it has ash black skin with red stripes down its back, tail, and legs, and light green eyes. 

It also has flattened forearms with broad, three-clawed hands, and distinct pectoral muscles, its legs and arms are shown to be very vascular, while its tail is stubby, and its head and snout are almost as large as the rest of its body, this is a Black Agumon that contained a high concentration of X-Antibody in its Digicore and went through an X-Evolution.

(Image Here - Agumon Black [X-Antibody])


The X-Antibody originated with Program X, a virus created by Yggdrasill that it used in Project Ark to cull Digimon and end the overpopulation of the Old Digital World. 

However, powerful Digimon with strong survival instincts were able to survive by altering their Digicores to incorporate Program X itself. 

This created the X-Antibody, which made them resistant to being deleted by Program X, however, since the X-Antibody in a Digimon's Digicore would expire if the Digimon continued to be exposed to Program X, this resulted in two major societal shifts, first, competing with each other to acquire more X-Antibodies, and second, an exodus of Digimon from the Old Digital World to the New Digital World, where Program X was not present.

The X-Antibody has the ability to, if concentrated within a Digicore at a normal level or higher, actively extract latent data from the Digicore to a high degree. When this happens, it triggers X-Evolution, where the Digimon is transformed into a form that expresses the extracted data. 

As a result of this, the Digimon becomes able to express both power and its potential to a degree far superior to a common Digimon

At first, I didn't clearly understand how it was possible that Koromon directly evolved into an X-Antibody variant, because to my understanding there are only three known main ways for a Digimon to acquire the X-Antibody:

-When exposed to/infected with Program X which forces them to alter their Digicore to incorporate Program X into it by producing antibodies to it something that only strong Digimon are able to do.

-Kill and absorb the Data of a Digimon who already possesses the X-Antibody. 

-Receive a serum of the persistent strain of the X-Antibody.

I was sure that neither of them was valid for Koromon, but now that I had time to think about it some more, I came up with the conclusion that it is more likely that Agumon is a Digimon who naturally possesses and produces the X-Antibody within its Digicore, kinda like Dorumon or Ryudamon, and that its effects became more apparent and visible when Koromon evolved to the Child level.

While I'm thinking about that, Agumon doesn't waste any more time and rushes toward V-mon while shooting small fireballs, something that V-mon easily dodges as it also starts to approach Agumon, and soon, the two start to fight at close range exchanging bites, headbutts, punches, tail swipes, and kicks without any care of their surroundings as there is a pretty strong rivalry between the two, but luckily neither of them is actually truly malicious toward the other as they never go too far.

Furthermore, in case an accident happens there are also Patamon, Wormmon, and Blucomon to stop them, and as a further safety measure, there is also either Nikita or Zandeer present and ready to make a move.

After taking my gaze away from the fighting V-mon and Agumon, I look at my companion and say, "Well, since you are here, I'm going to take a shower and prepare for my first day of school..."

Hearing that, Zandeer nods while Nikita cheers me on, "Go Jayr! Do not hesitate to put those naughty kids on their knees and make them-" but before she could say something even more incriminating, I interrupt her and complain, "For the love of my Goddess Wife! Nikita! Can you please be more mindful of your phrasing!!" 

But as I leave the training area I can only hear Zandeer and Nikita snicker in response, so, I decide to ignore them and quickly head to the bathroom where I take a slow relaxing shower to wash away the sweat produced by my own training and after that, I quickly dress up in the same business casual suit I wore for my interview with the principal of the Yodobashi Elementary School with the only difference being the necktie, as this time, I chose to wear a green one that matches my eyes color and reminds me of Wormon skin color and that furthermore also looks very good with the grey suit I'm wearing. 

Once I'm fully dressed, I look at my image in the mirror and comment, "Well, to be honest, all kinds of different colors match well with this kind of suit, even a pink necktie would work... At least that is what Tio, Seika, and Saori told me and I trust their judgment very much as they are the ones with the best fashion sense among my wives."

Then remembering some of my recent rendezvous with my wives, I also add with a grin, "Well, now that I think about it, Alvida and Robin also have a very pleasant fashion sense... only theirs is more in the risque category... Like when Alvida arrived in the mansion in the Soulbound Territory dressed up as a sexy Marine Admiral... or when Robin surprised me with her cosplay as a sexy secretary... God... Robin with glasses and that dress was a deadly combo... I ended up spending the whole day enjoying her company in all kinds of ways that left Robin in a quivering mess but also thoroughly satisfied." 
After saying that, I don't waste any more time and walk out of my bedroom, head to the training area to inform Nikita, Zandeer, and the Digimon that I'm leaving the house, and calmly walk out of the house to head toward the Yodobashi Elementary School. 

On my way there, I still catch the attention of the people on the streets thanks to my imposing height and presence, and also thanks to my clearly Western features, but different from before now the people greet me without any hesitation or fear, especially since the FBI agent- ehm I mean the elderly people living in the neighbor learned through who knows what methods that I'm the new English Teacher who was hired by the Yodobashi Elementary School.

Of course, I gently greet back anyone who greeted me with a smile on my face as I continue to calmly walk through the streets, the reason, I'm taking it so easy is because it is 5.30 AM and I have to be at the school at 6.00 AM to prepare for the chaotic first day of school, so there is still a lot of time for me to reach the school, especially since I can easily arrive there in an instant simply by running, flying, or teleporting whenever I want.

However, despite that there are a few reasons why I'm still calmly walking, one minor reason is so that I can simply enjoy this period of relative peace, but another more important reason, is to keep myself more "grounded" to avoid becoming too lax and arrogant and repeat the same mistakes I made in the One Piece Universe were I let another Champion steal my kill and even allowed him to safely get away, 'I can't let something like that happen again, especially not when the next Random Battle is getting closer and closer...'

While thinking that, I continue to walk through the streets greeting the few early birds that I meet on the way until the people on the streets become far and few and so, I start to increase the pace a little, which may now be equal to an Olympic athlete sprint as I suddenly realize, 'Maybe I should bring out the good old Magic Powered Bike, as I can't be seen walking around at the same speed of Usain Bolt's world record spring. I haven't used it since the Arifureta Universe, and it has collected quite a bit of dust in my Soulbound Territory even if I continued to upgrade it whenever I had a little bit of free time...'

Coming to that decision, I quickly make sure that no one is around and that no technology can record what is happening, and then I don't hesitate any more and open a portal to my Soulbound Territory and bring out the Magic Powered Bike, and looking at it, I comment, "Just to be on the safe side... I have to change its look a little as its current futuristic look is way too eye-catching at the moment..."

After saying that, I sit on the bike and put my hand on the display between the handlebars, manipulate my Spiral Cosmo, and input it into the bike while commanding, "Activate Camouflage Mode."

In an instant, the Magic Powered Bike under me releases a wave of ultrasound that scans every motorcycle in the surrounding 5 Km, and a hologram with all the possible choices available is projected by the front light with a number under them, and after looking at it for a few seconds, I say, "Number 9." making the Magic Powered Bike immediately transform into the chosen form just like a Transformers taking a more regular shape, that of a black Yamaha FJR1300 with a white license plate with green borders that says 品川(Shinagawa) of 34-69. 

I then materialize a black helmet and put it on and then, I start to drive my bike through the streets of Shinjuku while thinking, 'Once I'm home, I have to remember to ask Crateris to hack into the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Land Transportation and register the bike and the license plate... I may be a God, but I'm a law-abiding one... mostly...'

I arrive at my destination at 5.50 AM and calmly park my bike at the parking space reserved for the school staff, and then, I head toward the main building with my helmet in hand.

As I arrive in front of the entrance of the building, I encounter a young woman with brown eyes and shoulder-length dark brown hair, wearing a classic v-neck yellow cardigan top buttoned, a white button-down shirt, a dark blue pencil skirt, white crew-length socks, and white and gray sneakers. 

She is my colleague Asanuma Nami the homeroom teacher of Class 5-2, the class of one of the two main protagonists studying in this school.

(Image Here - Asanuma Nami)


Seeing that young teacher, I can't help but think back about what I have understood of her character in the days I interacted with her, 'While she is a bit vain, as she doesn't like her teaching job all too much and mostly works as a teacher because it makes her look good in the community, that doesn't mean that she is a bad person in itself, in fact, she is still a good person who cares for her students and worries about them, and it is even ready to lend a hand if she notice that they are in trouble. Only this already makes her a whole lot better than many other teachers I knew in the past...' 

While thinking that, I nod and politely greet her, "Good morning, Asanuma-sensei." making her greet me with a smile, "Pucci-sensei! Good morning to you too. Are you nervous for your first day?"

I shake my head while opening the door and letting the young teacher walk in before me like a perfect gentleman as I calmly reply, "Not really... I have already taught children of many other nationalities before some of which were even Japanese. So I already have plenty of experience. But I admit this is my first time teaching in a proper Japanese elementary school so a little bit of anticipation and uneasy feelings are still there."

At the same time, I can't help but think, 'Especially since the other times I taught something to kids was at the Sanctuary, and I was teaching them how to push their body beyond the human limits, beat up and kill the bad guys... but the basic should still be the same... I just have to remember that I don't have to push these kids down a cliff and break a few of their bones to build their character and resistance and it should be fine...'

While I was thinking that, Asanuma Nami thanked me for the gentlemanly gesture and said, "That's good. But if you have any doubts do not hesitate to ask me or the other teachers, okay? Furthermore, it isn't like you will actually have any classes today as there are only the school entrance ceremony and introductory classes today."

I nod and thank her, then we continue to walk and chat about some of the things I should be mindful of while teaching here as we head toward the Teachers' Lounge where we prepare for future classes and then, we take part the school entrance ceremony.

The ceremony is held in the school gym where the older students and parents take their seats first and give the new students a big round of applause as they march into the room.

In a typical ceremony, the principal of the school makes some opening remarks, encouraging the new crop of students to have an enjoyable and rewarding experience in school in a very longwinded and sleep inducing way. 

The homeroom teachers are then introduced, and one of the older students makes a welcoming address then a speech by an incoming student on behalf of his or her class follows.

As the speeches continue, the new students, who were a bit tense when the ceremony started, begin to relax, and they start identifying themselves more closely with the school. 

The ceremony finally ends with a school song sung by the older students which makes me almost cut off my sense of hearing.

Afterwards, the new students are led to their classrooms by their teacher, who explains what they can expect in the year to come, the textbooks are handed out, and commemorative photos are taken on a class-by-class basis, but none of that has something to do with me as I head back to the Teachers' Room and continue to prepare for tomorrow classes at least until it is time to head back home.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!


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