Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 25 – Preparing for the SanctuaryBattle

Jayr POV - Japan, Graad Coliseum - 1986

After a while, we finally reach the colosseum, and in front of it, I see my sister and Diadalos' figures standing near the twitching bodies of the other Silver Saints 'Geez, Shaina did it again... The last time she made her victim forget how to walk, it took a lot of time to recover those memories... If I remember well they are Agol, Dante, Jamian, and Capella, among them the only one I personally know is Capella who also trained at the Sanctuary and visited the Asclepieion (Hospital) often, especially when he first got his Cloth I lost the count on how many times he cut off a finger as he learned how to use the Auriga Discs'.

Shaina leaning on the wall notices me and simply waves her hand to greet me, she is wearing the Ophiuchus Cloth, the headpiece is a more robust crown, with the image of a snake head in its center, and the chest piece is simple in design and protects only the upper part of the chest, the shoulder pieces are elongated and pointed, almost reminding me of a beak, it only has the left arm piece that is shaped like a cobra, and as leg pieces, it has some simple knee pads all of them purple in color, and a long yellow sash on her waist.

(Image Here - Ophiuchus Shaina)


Looking at her Cloth I can't help but think 'Really even if it is a Silver Cloth, it covers even less than a Bronze Cloth, it is almost like someone hate the Ophiuchus Cloth, and made it as weak as possible...', but my thoughts are interrupted by Shun who noticed the presence of his master Diadalos and greet him.

Meanwhile, I move closer to Shaina and hug her saying "E' bello rivederti, Shaina, mi sei mancata! (It's nice to see you again, Shaina, I missed you!)" and she awkwardly responds to the hug and says "I missed you too, especially since you are not there to check on Geist anymore! But now, we have more important things to do...", hearing that, I nod and first check on the downed Silver Saints, heal the damage caused by Shaina, and press their acupoints to wake them up and make them unable to move.

At the start they were a little enraged about the sneak attack and called my sister names such a traitor and others names not so nice to hear, especially Jamian, Dante, and the loudest and most rash Capella, Agol instead is still calm, and from his reputation, I'm sure that he is still searching for a way to turn the situation around as he is one of the strongest Silver Saints even Aiolia and my sister recognize his valor and respect him, but after a peaceful discussion that may or may have not included some broken bones and the threat of cutting off their manhood and feed it to them by my sister, they choose to listen to reason and follow us to confirm the truth about the Pope and the Sanctuary.

And so the group moves once again, and we went all inside the colosseum, where Saori and Tatsumi are already waiting for us, in the middle of the hexagonal ring, she notice us and says "Thank you for returning all alive, I know what you all went through, but I'm saddened to tell you that this is only the beginning of the real battle!".

Then she explains to all of them what happened at the Sanctuary, the fact that Saga, corrupted by an evil force, killed the Pope and took his place, how he tried to kill her as an infant, how Aiolos saved her and before dying told everything to her foster-grandfather Mitsumasa Kido, who then chose to gather the orphan to train them to become Saint of Athena so that once she grew up, she would have a chance to fight against the evil inside the Sanctuary, and how I helped in telling the truth to trusted Gold Saints to gain their support to free Saga from the evil influence, and of course the fact that she is the reincarnation of Athena.

While, Shaina, Diadalos, Marin, and Mu, were the calmest, Seiya and the others were once again shocked by the quick series of revelations, while Asterion, Babel, Moses, and Misty were still doubtful but more restrained thanks to my and Mu's presence, and Agol, Capella, Jamian, and Dante are the most skeptical,  and Capella unable to hold himself yells "That is impossible!! She probably made up that story to get us to help her and betray the Sanctuary! You expect us to believe that Athena is a haughty spoiled little girl!? That's ridiculous!!".

Saori looks at Capella with a kind smile, then she finally releases her Divine Cosmo, her immense, powerful, and full of love Cosmo, transcending all the others I ever felt before, this is the first time that Saori shows the full might of her Divine Cosmo, as it expands outwards and gently warps around us, protecting and guiding us, and it seems that the effect is instantaneous, as Capella, Agol, Misty, Jamian, Moses, Dante, Asterion, and Babel, get on their knee and lowering their head they say "Goddess Athena! Forgive us for not recognizing you!".

And soon after, Marin, Mu, Diadalos, Shaina, Seiya, and the others quickly do the same and greet her, while I remain standing, as I know that she feels uncomfortable about it, and indeed the next moment, she stops igniting her Cosmo and says "Rise, my Saints! It's not too late, we have still some time to prepare and then we can reclaim the Sanctuary and save Saga's soul! Only I'm sorry to ask you this now, but I hope that you can fake your own death for now and make the news reach the Sanctuary so that Saga sends some other Saints, this way we can lower the number of casualties even more!" and they all accept Saori's request.

And after this, I took all the wounded to the Graad Hospital, then I led my sister to the Kido Mansion, and after arranging her room, I then teleport back to the Sanctuary to grab my other sister Geist and Cassios, and bring them back to the Kido Mansion 'Better be safe than sorry, I don't know how Saga will react once he knows of Shaina and Marin betrayal... While he could send them after Saori, or to search for me, he could also use them as some kind of bait... And maybe Cassios can beat some sense into his douchebag brother...', so I quickly teleport to the Sanctuary to grab them, after explaining everything, Geist was excited to finally get out of the Sanctuary, while Cassios.

Aiola POV - Greece, Sanctuary - 1986

I'm walking through the hidden passages scattered around the Gold Zodiac, these passages are used by the Saints and the soldiers who answer to the Pope's summon and can only be opened by the Pope or Athena at the Pope's Chamber or Athena's Chamber in the Great Temple, this is because the Gold Saints have the duty to not let anyone pass through their respective temples if they are guarding it, even a fellow Gold Saint.

Of course, this rule is only applicable in wartime, usually a Gold Saint that is guarding his temple can and will make someone pass through it if he approves it, but in this last period Saga told everyone to enforce it, and to not let anyone that he didn't directly summoned pass through the Temples, anyway, this hidden passage is not only faster but also without any stairs different from the Gold Zodiac where you have to climb up an infinite number of stairs.

After walking for a while, I'm finally in the Great Temple, I remind myself of the way I have to act, and enter the Pope's Chamber and greet Pope disguised Saga "You summoned me, Pope? Aiolia is here as ordered", then I hear Milo's voice behind me that says "Heh, you dare to arrive late for the meeting with the Pope?" and turning around, I see Milo wearing his Scorpio Gold Cloth.

The armor is ornate and has many aggressive and pointed shapes, the headpiece is mask-like, in the shape of insect claws, that is, round and thin, with a long scorpion sting that starts from the center of the forehead and falls following the hair, a huge ruby is embedded in the metal of the chest piece that covers the whole chest with an engraving that reminds me of a scorpion, the shoulder pieces have a pointed spike, and the arms and legs pieces cover almost all of the limbs, and on the waist, there is a skirt like armor that covers the groin and pelvis area.

(Image Here - Scorpio Milo)


I make sure to appear surprised by his presence here and ask "Scorpio Milo!! What are you doing here? What is the meaning of this, Pope?", and still sitting on his throne, disguised as the Pope, Saga explains "Your surprise is understandable, few crises are so dire that they require the effort of two Gold Saints, in fact never before have I summoned both of you who are the pride of the Sanctuary... Listen closely, Leo Aiolia! Listen, Scorpio Milo!".

And he starts explaining the "whole" situation "You probably already know that some young Bronze Saints shamed themselves in a circus-like battle in Japan, I did not intervene, but I sent another novice Hyoga the youngest disciple of Aquarius Camus, to teach them a lesson, but the hunter decided to join the hunted... Then Ikki the commander of the Black Saints of Death Queen Island appeared, and did the unthinkable, pitting the Bronze against the Black in death matches for the Gold Cloth, this was a travesty I could not tolerate".

And in an almost regretful tone, he continues "So I sent Marin and her team to execute the Bronze, and Saina's team to destroy the Graad Coliseum... And I have received word, from Crow Jaiman's crow, that all 10 Silver Saints have been defeated by the five Bronzes!", and at this point, Milo says "There must be a mistake, I've never heard of a Bronze Saint defeating a Silver before" and the Pope adds "It seems that Eagle Marin and Ophiuchus Shaina has turned traitors, too" and hearing that I put on a shocked face 'After all it is well known, that we are friends as both me and Milo are close to Shaina's younger brother Jayr'.

Then Milo asks "Forgive me, Pope, but how does this concern us? You can't possibly want us to destroy those Bronzes if that's the case...", and Saga replies "It must be done!", and once again Milo comments "Forgive me, Pope, but that's like asking a lion to assassinate a rabbit, it would tarnish the honor of the Gold Saints!".

And at that moment I ask "Pope... Why are you so worried?", and then he starts explaining that the Gold Cloth in their possession is the lost Sagittarius Gold Cloth and that at first he thought it was a fake as the shape of the Cloth showed in the photo was totally different from the original, but from Jaiman, he received the news that they truly possess the Sagittarius Gold Cloth.

Then Saga points at the empty place in the Gold Pandora Boxes stands and says "And that's not all! Look at this, both of you!! Seven Gold Pandora Boxes!! That's right including the two of you, nine Saints have pledged themselves to Athena, but two Gold Saints conspired with Aiolos and betrayed the Sanctuary 13 years ago, and remain free! The two missing boxes, Libra and Aries! These two have not responded to any summon from the Sanctuary these past 13 years, clearly indicating their treasonous intention toward Athena, do you understand? This is no longer just about the Gold Cloth in Japan, if Libra and Aries should side with the Japanese Bronze, three enemy Gold Cloths, including Sagittarius would be joined, even if we defeated them, a war with them would be catastrophic... After all, if pushed far enough these traitors could also unleash the forbidden Athena Exclamation!!".

Standing up Saga exclaims "The two of you must give divine retribution upon those who plot against Athena!", then I say "We understand Pope, but, whatever the reason, if it took two Golds to topple those lowly Bronze, we'd be the laughingstock of the Saints everywhere, please allow me to deal with them alone" and walk away as  Milo says "but Aiolia..." and he is interrupted by Saga who says "Silence Milo! Aiolia is right!".

Milo POV - Greece, Sanctuary - 1986

After Saga stopped me, I turn to him and continue to put on an act "But, Pope, you're sending him of all the people? Aiolia is the younger brother of the Gold Sagittarius Saint Aiolios, who betrayed the Sanctuary! Aiolia's heart burns with loyalty for Athena, and he is one of your strongest Saints, but how can we be sure...".

But Saga stops me and says "That makes him the perfect choice! For 13 years, Aiolia has swallowed bitter tears as the younger brother of a traitor, this is his opportunity to clean the stain of treachery from his name by returning the Gold Cloth his brother stole..." and in a lower tone he says letting out his true thoughts "And if Aiolia should happen to die, we take care of two bird with one stone...".

But then it looks like he changes his mind and says "No... Never mind... Still there is no guarantee that Aiolia will not turn traitor, it would be wise to have him watched..." then he turns around and leaves the chambers, and looking at his back and knowing the truth, I think 'Saga, you still didn't give up and are still fighting... Don't worry soon we will free you! Just resist a little more Athena is coming!!".

Jayr POV - Japan, Kido Mansion - 1986

A few days passed since the fight with the Black Saints, and the coming of the Silver Saints, and now things are more or less peaceful, if you ignore the fact that Seiya and the others are continuously sparring with the Silver Saints in the colosseum, and they are improving really fast, they were able to defeat everyone but Agol, Marin and my sister Shaina.

This had a good effect on the other Silver Saints who once again started training seriously, no longer blinded by their arrogance and pride, and in the next spars, Seiya and the others found it harder and harder to win, and thanks to this all of them are quickly improving, in fact, Agol, Shaina and Marin are on the crust of awakening their 7th sense, but they miss that last push.

Right now, I'm in Dr. Asamori's lab, together with Cassios, as they finally completed his Steel Cloth, I choose a design similar to a Bronze Cloth, the headpiece is a full helm similar to an ancient spartan helm with a purple gem on the forehead, the chest piece is relatively basic, but it has its energy source exposed, like the arc reactor of the Ironman Suit, that it is able to convert Cosmo in electric energy, this was an idea of Dr. Asamori, the shoulders, arms, and legs pieces, have a pretty simple shape, and so is the belt, and I choose to make it in an all-black color with white ornament.

(Image Here - Steel Cassios)


Looking at him wearing his Cloth, and moving his body to get a feel of it, I ask "So how does it feel, Cassios? While this isn't at the level of one of the 88 Cloths of Athena, it is still stronger than anything you will find at the Sanctuary, even your brother's armor doesn't compare to it!" and Cassios punching through a steel plate yells excited "This is amazing! I can finally use all my power without worrying about hurting my body!", then with his other hand, he grabbed the steel plate from the hole he made before, and under the stunned eyes of the scientists, he almost effortlessly ripped it apart 'Holy... And that with only pure physical strength!! What the hell did they feed him growing up? Is he a descendant of Atlas?... Well... That would explain many things...'.

After that, I left Cassios in the lab to test his Steel Cloth more, and went to the colosseum to check on the others, once there I see the scene of my sister Geist, fighting with Jaiman, in the ring, she is wearing her Serpens Cloth, the headpiece surrounds the entire head and on the forehead has a crescent moon, the chest piece, protects only part of the upper chest, the shoulders pieces reminds me of a snake head with two sharp spikes on the forehead, the waist piece protects only the groin area, and the arms and legs piece is basic in design, the whole Cloth is black with magenta ornaments.

(Image Here - Serpens Geist)


Geist just distanced herself from Jaiman, to dodge his kick, when he starts to concentrate on his Cosmo while performing a strange choreography, this materializes in the form of a giant crow, and next, with his clenched fist, he launches a beam of cosmos in the shape of a raven at Geist, but he didn't notice that during his choreography, Geist used her Tecnica Segreta del Fantasma Accecante (Phantom Blinding Secret Technique).

With her fist, Geist sends out all the energy she has previously accumulated thanks to her Cosmo, in this way, by means of a hypnotic ray, the energy deployed takes the form of an illusion, which can be immaterial or solid, as she pleases, and she used it to create a clone of herself who took Jaiman' move in her place, while Geist quickly moved behind him.

Then she took advantage of the fact that he lowered his guard sure of his victory to kick him in the nuts with the point of her armored feet, and with so much strength that, Jaiman flew out of the ring and passed out from the pain before he even crashed into the ground, then Geist dust off her hands and yell "This is the payback for trying to use you crows to perv on us!!" then she left the ring while Seiya and the others are protecting their jewels on instinct, the one that made me almost laugh out loud, is Shiryu who used his "indestructible" Dragon Shield to protect himself, when Geist passed next to him 'Now he knows the importance of the Cloth... Maybe I don't need to unleash the bonking dog on him!'.

But then Geist notices me, and the serious aura around her completely disappears and she quickly starts hopping toward me joyfully yelling "Jayr!!", then she hugs me and says "Let's go back to the mansion, I'm getting bored here, I want you to finish Saori's portrait quickly so you can start mine... My beauty is something that the next generations have to enjoy and worship!", I gently pat her head and with a smile, I reply "Sure after I finish Saori's one yours and Shaina are the next... But now let's go back Aiolia is about to come".

And so we are walking back to the mansion, with the sun that is slowly going down, giving the sky the nice color of the sunset, I think about our current situation 'Right now, everything is going well, I have saved and was able to convince a lot of the Silver and Gold Saints, Seiya and the others are getting stronger each passing day so that I don't have to fight Hades and his army alone and without plot armor, and right now Mu is in China waiting for Deathmask, who I found out the real name is Salvatore, to come, and block his futile attempt at Master Dohko's life, and convince him to return to the Sanctuary...'.

As soon as we arrive in front of the gates of the Kido Mansion, I stop and turn around looking in a specific direction, and Geist who notices my abrupt change asks "Jayr, what is going on?" and with a calm smile I reply "Aiolia is here, and like expected he isn't alone... but that isn't a problem as there is an unexpected ally among them".

In the distance I see Aiolia wearing his Leo Gold Cloth, the headpiece imitates the mane of the lion with an emerald on the forehead, the forms and decorative reliefs of the Cloth are classic and abundant, and the chest and waist pieces of the Cloth are very reminiscent of those of the Roman centurions, and the same emerald is found in the middle of the waist, while the shoulders, arms, and legs, keep the same style with the same ornament, and of course the ridiculous white cape for cool factor, 'Really, I do not understand why they like it so much... On this subject, I'm with Edna of the Incredibles... No capes!'.

(Image Here - Leo Aiolia)


Soon Aiolia comes closer and greets us with a smile on his face extending his fist "Jayr! Long time no see! I see that you have grown a lot stronger since the last time I saw you... And Geist, I see that you are as much a bro-con as before" and fist-bumping him I reply "Happy to see you too! It seems that you're brushing your Japanese knowledge, even more, I'll let Marin know about this... And just for reference, in a few months a manga named JoJo's Bizzare Adventure will come out, I'll suggest you read it! Trust me you will like it!".

Aiolia nods and says "I'll follow your advice...", and as we started chatting, Geist asks "By the way what should we do about those that are following you?" but soon the temperature starts getting lower and for an instant, a very cold wind hits our body, but then everything return normal, and from the distance, the sound of footsteps can be heard.

Then we see the figure of an athletic young man with green eyes, tousled, shoulder-length, warm green hair, and long sideburns, he is also wearing a cyan Cloth, the headpiece in the center has a structure similar to a "V" with two protectors on its sides similar to fins, the chest piece is basic, reaching the end of the mouth of the stomach, the shoulder pieces are made up of two pointed shoulder pads overlapping each other, the arms pieces are basic with a long fin that extends from the hand to the elbows, the waist piece is simple with small protection in the pelvic area on the back of the Saint is unified to the breastplate by some kind of protection in the central part of the back, the legs pieces are basic, and they too have on their sides a fin.

(Image Here - Dorado Cloth)


He is nonother than Isaak, Camus's other disciple and now clearly the Dorado Silver Saint, who quickly and respectfully greets us "Lord Jayr, Lord Aiolia, I Dorado Isaak greet you, and inform you that I have incapacitated, Hercules Algetthi, Musca Dio, and Canis Major Sirius who were following you under the order of the Pope Saga", hearing that Aiolia nod and thanks Isaak, while I say "It's nice to see you again and well Isaak! It seems that Camus told you everything... And another thing you can call me simply Jayr".

But he shakes his head and says "No way, not only you are as strong as my Master, after all, I saw you spar with him many times during your stay in Siberia, but Master Camus told me how you saved my life by changing the trajectory of my fate, it is only thanks to you that I'm now a proud Silver Saint of Athena, you have more than earned my respect!" and seeing his eager expression I can only resign, and change the subject, "Very well, Geist can you help Isaak in putting the knocked out Silver Saint in a safe place?".

Geist bubbly says "Sure" then takes Isaak's arm and drags him with her, I smile as I see his awkward movement as he follows after Geist, then I turn to Aiolia and say "Let's go and meet Athena... And after that, I'm sure that you can also have a chat with your brother too, as his spirit is still residing in the Sagittarius Cloth ready to protect Athena at any instace... at least until the next Sagittarius Gold Saint is chosen...".

Have a Nice Day, Ciao

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