Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 263 – Guilmon… Grow…

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I watch as an enraged Impmon summons six small balls of fire that hover above his finger and throws them at Patamon while yelling, "Take this, freak Ero-Digimon!! Night of Fire!" 

In response, Patamon deftly dodges the small fireballs by rolling on the ground and replies, "Come on! I just said that your gender-bent Ultimate Level evolution is one of the hottest Digimon that ever graced the Digital World! What is so bad about that?" 

After saying that, Patamon fixes his posture and flaps his ears/wings to lift off from the ground, inflates himself with air, and yells, "Air Shot!" expelling a burst of air from his mouth.

Impmon jumps high to dodge Patamon's burst of air that impacts the ground with enough force to create a small crater while yelling even more agitated, "What is so bad!? Do you think I don't know what goes through that pervert Digicore of yours? I'm a male! When I'll evolve to the Ultimate level I'll become a magnificent Beelzebumon!"

Impmon then lands on the ground and quickly creates some ice shard that again hovers over his extended finger which he then throws at the flying Patamon while yelling, "Night of Blizzard!".

Patamon looks at the incoming ice shards and again inflates himself with air and yells, "Air Shot!" expelling a burst of air from his mouth that clashes against the ice shards breaking them apart.

I turn my gaze away from the sparring between Patamon and Impmon and take a look at the other sparring that is going on a bit further away from them as XV-mon and Stingmon are quickly exchanging blows at close range while thinking, 'Almost a week passed since I helped Takato, Ruki, Jianliang, and Guilmon escape from the Digital Zone and nothing too out of the ordinary happened, especially since with Yuggoth active, Hypnos was able to force back and some time outright delete Digimon trying to Realize in the Real World.' 

The two adult Digimon show a remarkable fighting ability, even more so, as I trained and taught them the best way to fight using their bodies, from the most basic techniques like how to throw a punch or a kick, to more advanced ones like reading your opponent moves and using the opponent's force against them, I taught them everything they need to know to create their own personal fighting style. 

Then I look back at Impmon who is now using a combination of fireballs and ice shards to pressure Patamon, who is now using his ears/wings to fly and dodge Impmon's assault, while thinking, 'Impmon is still "reluctantly" living with us even if I'm not actually forcing him to stay in any way. Despite his complaints, he is still training with me, V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon every morning and evening, playing with them in my Soulbound Territory, enjoying playing some pranks with the Nymphs, and watching over the few Baby Digimon that hatched in my Village of Beginnings together with Palmon and my Digimon. He also continues to "reluctantly" watch the Digimon anime with us while continuously mocking both the Digimon and the Tamer but still never taking his gaze away from the screen, in fact, we just completed watching Digimon Adventure and started with Digimon Adventure 02 to the utter joy of V-mon who found that a member of his species is the Digimon Partner of one of the protagonists.'

As I continue to look back at Impmon and Patamon who are still exchanging moves as they mock each other and with a smile on my face I think, 'It seems that it is working... Impmon is a lot less lonely now that he spends most of his time with us, and thanks to that he is way less prone to let his thoughts spiral down a darker path... Sure, he still has his issues, after all, way too little time has passed but still, he is slowly getting better as he starts to get more open with us, maybe by the time we finish watching Digimon Adventure 02, I can already show him Digimon Tamers to let him watch what a parallel version of him went through.'

While I think that, I suddenly sense a new Digital Field forming and a Digimon realizing in this world, and at the same time, as I focus on it, I immediately notice that something is different about this one, 'Strange, the Digital Field is small... barely the size of the Digimon who just realized, and even the fog is much thinner than usual it is almost inexistent...'

These few hints, immediately make a specific event in the anime come to my mind as I realize, 'Ah... the episode where a Digimon escaped the Digital Field and started to fly around the city... If the same is going to happen now that means that we are moving closer and closer to the Deva's attack as the barriers between the Digital World and the Real World are becoming more and more blurry, especially since Yuggoth became active... those blasts of energy sent through the network are slowly weakening the barrier between the two worlds...'

Just as I'm thinking that, I sense the Digimon break out of the Digital Field and start to fly around the city causing some minor damage and some panic among those who saw it. 

At the same time, all the Digimon stop their sparring and start to look in a certain direction while Stingmon looks at me and says, "Jayr! I sense that a Digimon arrived in this world!" followed by XV-mon who asks, "Are we going to deal with this?"

I sense that Guilmon is already chasing after the Digimon in question and that Takato, who noticed the chaos caused by the Digimon and also learned through his D-Ark about what Guilmon is doing, is also running after them and says, "No, we won't make a move at the moment as someone else is already heading after that Digimon as we speak..."

While I'm saying that, I also sense that Ruki and Renamon are also heading there and that Jianliang and Terriermon are doing the same, and quickly after perceiving that, I ask, "But if you guys want, we can head there and enjoy the show, what do you think?"

Immediately, all four of them tell me that they want to come, and so, Stingmon and XV-mon quickly degenerate to their Child level returning back to V-mon and Wormmon before I teleport us all to the top of a building near the area where the battle is about to start.

As soon as we arrive there, the first thing that catches my attention is the Digimon standing on top of a tall building as it looks down at the city, it is a dragon with semi-human features, its build is that of a man, but its head is monster-like, it has a tail, four red claws on each hand and three black claws on its feet, four black wings, four red eyes, and four bat-wing-like ears, and looking at it, I can't help but mutter the Digimon's name, "Devidramon..."

(Image Here - Devidramon)


While I'm looking at it, I hear Impmon comment, "My, my... that sure is a big Digimon..." followed by V-mon who adds, "It also looks quite strong... but I think that Devimon was stronger." making Patamon snort and say, "Of course it was stronger! That guy was almost as strong as a Perfect Level! We had to evolve to the Adult Level, join forces, and take advantage of the Holy attribute of my evolution to deal with him..." making Wormmon agree, "Indeed, our Armor Level evolutions were completely overwhelmed by Devimon, he even almost took us out with a single blow..."

As they are calmly talking among themselves, I see that Devidramon notices that Guilmon is running on a nearby overhead bridge.

Seeing the Digimon, Devidramon lets out a roar before it dives down the building and quickly lands on the same overhead bridge Guilmon is standing on.

At the same time, Takato also arrives on the bridge and immediately pulls out his D-Ark and uses the Digimon Analyzer function to learn more about his opponent, "Devidramon. Adult Level. An Evil Dragon Digimon that is known and feared as the "Many-eyed Demon". As a demon beast that was summoned from the Dark Area by the messenger of darkness, Devimon, there are no other Digimon as evil as it is. Although it is a Dramon-species Digimon, its limbs are unusually developed, so it cuts the opponent to pieces with its elongated arms, and flies about the darkness with its sturdy legs and wings. Its personality is the epitome of wickedness, and it is unmoved by a spirit of compassion. If it glares at them with its four eyes burning in deep crimson, the opponent becomes unable to move, and it will chop up their unresisting body. Also, the tip of its tail is able to open up and take on the shape of a claw, which can skewer the opponent. This Digimon was probably produced by the evil feelings of Hackers who were abusing the Computer Network for their own selfish desires. Its Special Move is chopping up the opponent with its gigantic claws, and beating them all bloody (Crimson Nail)."

While Takato is reading Devidramon's information, Ruki also arrives together with Renamon and prepares to fight, but before she can pull out a card from her card, Renamon stops her by saying, "Wait. That one is Guilmon's prey."

Quickly after that, Jianliang and Terriermon also arrive, and the small Digimon starts to cheer, "Come on, come one, duke it out!" making Jianliang chide him, "Stop it."

Quickly after that, the battle between Guilmon and Devidramon kicks off with Guilmon shooting a Fireball at Devidramon who easily slaps it away before taking off.

Seeing that, Takato looks at his D-Ark and mutters, "Okay..." then he brings out a card from his pocket and swipes it in the slot on the right-hand side of the D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash! Boost Chip!" which empowers Guilmon who shoot another Fireball, this one much more powerful than the previous one, but despite that, Devidramon is easily able to protect itself using its wings as shield.

Seeing that, Takato exclaims as he searches his pocket for another card, "No good! It's not working! Damn it..."

Finally, he pulls out the card he was searching for and says, "White Wings!"

Immediately after that, Guilmon is briefly equipped with a set of wings that let him fly closer to Devidramon, but before he can do anything, Devidramon swipes its tail hitting Guilmon and sending it crashing against a wall. 

Takato again swipes the card he just pulled out in the slot on the right-hand side of the D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash! High Speed Plug-In B" which increases Guilmon's movement speed allowing to dodge Devidramon's claw attack that easily pierces through the ground Guilmon was standing on a few moments ago, but again, Devidramon hits Guilmon with a quick swipe of its tail.

Seeing that scene, Patamon groans and comments, "My, my. Guilmon is still way too green! He is basically relying only on its raw power that while impressive is nothing compared to an Adult Level Digimon..." followed by Wormmon who adds, "And his Tamer isn't any better... he relies way too much on the cards, and isn't even that good at matching them..." while V-mon simply nods in agreement.

Impmon snorts and says, "Hey what do you expect from a pathetic Digimon that can only rely on his Tamer... even Baby Digimon has more independence than him..."

Meanwhile, as she watches from a distance, Ruki also shows her displeasure and comments, "What is he doing? That idiot has no idea on how to use his cards effectively! What sense is there in using High Speed Plug-in B in such a narrow space?"

After saying that, Ruki starts to run toward Takato with Jianliang following after her.

Meanwhile, Devidramon takes advantage of the fact that Guilmon is lying on the ground to press his body with its huge hand with the clear intent of crushing Guilmon into motes of Data.

Watching Devidramon relentlessly trying to crush Guilmon, Impmon can't help but comment impressed and excited, "That is so, so cool! That guy is freaking strong! I knew it! When you get bigger, you have more power! I wish I was big and strong too!"

Hearing that, Wormmon, who already knows about Impmon's current situation and story as Impmon himself told them about it, comments, "Then fix your messy relationship with your Tamers. Sure they made a mistake, but not out of malice. It is undeniable that they are just way too young to immediately understand what they did wrong... but that doesn't mean that they don't actually care for you."

Wormmon's words immediately cause Impmon to sober up as V-mon adds, "You have already seen many times what kind of immensurable power we can gain by working together with our Tamers. Digimon and Tamers are able to empower each other to levels where even the strongest possible Digimon, I'm talking about the likes of Apocalymon and the Four Holy Beasts aren't able to content...'

While Impmon is digesting Wormmon and V-mon's words, Takato moves closer to his Digimon, who is still being pressed down by Devidramon, and encourages him, "Guilmon! Don't lose to him, Guilmon! I'm begging you! You can do it, Guilmon!"

At the same time, I notice the presence of Culumon nearby whose mark on its forehead starts to shine brightly as Takato, who notices that Devidramon is about to finish off Guilmon, yells, "Guilmon!!" 

Immediately after that, Takato's D-Ark also starts to shine in perfect sync with Guilmon's body which releases an energy wave that pushes Devidramon back as Guilmon's body starts to quickly change and grow bigger. 

Soon, the light of evolution fades away showing Guilmon's new form, he is now a titanic red dragon resembling a grown-up version of Guilmon. 

He has yellow eyes and white hair growing behind his head, two horns adorn his head, and black stripes on his thigh, tail, arms, and neck, each of his arms is equipped with sharp spikes, and his shoulders are adorned with the symbol of the Digital Hazard, and the DigiCode on its stripes is written in Digimoji and reads "Digital Monster"

Seeing his new form, Takato mutters, "Guilmon... Grow..." before he reaches enlightenment and excitedly exclaims, "Growmon!" making me slap my face listening to his atrocious naming sense.

At the same time, the newly evolved Growmon declares while pushing out hot flames from his nostrils, "Guilmon, evolve! Growmon!" before he lets out a ferocious roar.

(Image Here - Growmon)


I immediately bring out my D-Ark and use the Digimon Analyzer on Growmon and read out loud the projected information, "Growmon. Adult Level. A Demon Dragon Digimon that is called the "Deep-crimson Demon Dragon". The childishness it had when it was Guilmon has vanished, and it evolved into a wilder, more brutal Digimon. Also, although it is a Virus Digimon, it may battle for justice depending on how it was raised by its Tamer, because it will be faithfully obedient. Growmon's roar has the power to shake the solid earth, and before battle, it raises its voice to an offensive roar to intimidate the opponent. Its Signature Move is developing plasma along the blades on both of its elbows, then striking the opponent (Plasma Blade). Its Special Move is spewing out a powerful blaze with a roar (Exhaust Flame)."

While I'm reading that information, the battle between Growmon and Devidramon resumes with Growmon spewing out a powerful blaze which is then dodged by Devidramon and hits a nearby skyscraper causing an explosion big enough to destroy a good chunk of the face of the building while making the whole structure shake, luckily it isn't powerful enough to outright destroy the whole skyscraper and making it collapse.

At the same time, Devidramon takes advantage of its air mobility to fly above Growmon to gain the high ground, before diving down toward him using the gravity and momentum to increase the power behind its charge.

In response, Growmon develops plasma along the blade on his left elbow, then slashes at Devidramon with it forcing Devidramon to awkwardly stop its charge, creating an opening for Growmon to tackle Devidramon.

Soon the two Digimon start to struggle for dominance, but Devidramon uses its wits and agility to create some distance between them, moves around him so that Growmon's back is now exposed, and then, Devidramon quickly grabs Growmon by his shoulders and starts to fly high in the air dragging a struggling Growmon with it.

Once high enough, Devidramon doesn't hesitate to let go of Growmon making him fall and crash through the overhead bridge raising a huge cloud of dust, worrying a nearby Takato who yells, "Growmon!"

Luckily, the fall didn't harm Growmon who quickly got up once again ready to continue the battle. 

At the same time, Devidramon once again dives down claw first with the clear intent of finishing Growmon off, but that was a mistake as Devidramon now has too much speed and momentum which prevents it from dodging Growmon's Special Move, the Exhaust Flame, as he spews out a powerful blaze with a roar that melts Devidramon in one single blow leaving behind only motes of Data that then get loaded by Growmon. 

After the battle with Devidramon, I decide to teleport back home with my Digimon and Impmon while thinking, 'At this point, it is better that Takato, Jianliang, and Ruki start to deal with their issues on their own without my direct help. I should not interfere with them too much for the moment as they are now more than capable of taking care of themselves even more so as Renamon, Terriermon, and Guilmon can now all evolve to the Adult Level and my action could hinder their growth. At least, I should keep some distance until the Deva starts their invasion of the Real World under Zhuqiaomon's orders, one of the Four Holy Beasts.'

While I'm thinking that, I also make sure to keep my Cosmic Awareness focused on the kids and their Digimon to make sure that nothing bad happens to them.

I perceive that Takato once again gets scared of Growmon because of his size and the ferocity he showed during the fight, but once he notices the tears in Growmon's eye and hears him asking if Takato is scared of him, Takato quickly realizes that even if he evolved Growmon is still the same and so he hugs his partner. 

After that, Ruki and Jianliang go back to their homes with their Digimon.

At the same time, Takato heads to Shinjuku Central Park and tries to stuff Growmon back into the hiding place in the park, hoping he'll degenerate somehow through the night.

Still, Growmon doesn't fit which makes Takato curses himself for not drawing Growmon smaller as his size makes him very difficult to hide. 

They then try with many methods to and lower Growmon's energy and cause a degeneration like using the Card Slash function, a jump scare, jumping rope, running around, sitting in a freezing pool, and even praying for it, first Growmon on his own, then Takato with him, but they all end up failing, at one point, I was even tempted to actually make a move myself to give them a little hand, but then I hold myself back and simply focus on cooking dinner while keeping an "eye" on them. 

Eventually Takato simply tells Growmon to hide somewhere in the hope hopes that he will degenerate and leaves, but he encounters Juri outside the Shinjuku Central Park and decides to ask her opinion on the matter, but the girl innocentily thought that Takato was in love with someone when he told her that a close friend of his suddenly got bigger and he didn't know what to do now, and so she points him a love fortune teller.

I admit that I almost started laughting out loud when I percieved that scene happening, especially since the exact and awkard way Takato worded his problem to Juri could have easily caused another kind of misunderstanding, even more so when someone talk to a girl alone and tells her that a "friend" suddenly got "bigger" and you don't know what to do. 

After that, Takato return home and goes to sleep, but then Culumon finds Growmon and convices him to go to Takato's place to play, something that shocks Takato's awake, left with no other choice, Takato asks Jianliang and Terriermon to help him and Jianliang suggest him to hide Growmon in the underground water tunnel for the night, the same one we visited sometime ago when we saved Guilmon from the Digital Zone. 

The rest of the night passes peacefully, but then just a little bit before dawn, Growmon wakes up very thristy and so he leaves the underwater water tunnel to find a souce of water, and of course, in doing so he heads to the location he knows best, Shinjuku Central Park.

After drinking his fill, Growmon, still tired from the previous battle, quickly starts to sleep once again, without minding too much about his surroundings.

Later the day, when Takato wakes up, he quickly goes through his usual morning rituals and prepares for school before heaind out of his house, but of course, before going to school, he head toward the underground water tunnel to check on Growmon on he is shocked to not find him there.

After Takato inspected the empty tunnel to no avail, he head to school and tells Jianliang that Growmon disappears, and in response, Jianliang sends Terriermon out to find Growmon. 

Terriermon finds Growmon sleeping with children playing on him and immediatelly rushes back to school to inform Takato and Jainliang, who immediately rush out of school at full speed once the school is over, but at the point, Growmon already woke up and started to hide in the bushes to not be found. 

Sometime later, Takato and his ground find Growmon hiding in the bushes and following Growmon's idea of hiding in the woods, they decide to paint him to camouflage him amongst the trees and flora, which is somewhat effective.

But then Ruki comes along in her usual pessimistic mood and shatters Takato's hopes of the disguise working by ordering Renamon to find Growmon something the Digimon accomplish in a few moments.

At this point, it begins to rain, and the paint on Growmon runs, Takato is in tears at the thought of Growmon never being able to degenerate and feeling that he'll never have his friend back, Takato gives up and starts to cry. 

But, as the rain ends, a rainbow appears and, surprisingly, the rainbow fascinates Growmon so much that he let go of all the tension accumalated in his body, in response to this the excessive Data is released, causing him to finally degenerate back into Guilmon for the join of everyone. 

Ruki POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I'm walking down the busy sidewalk listening some music, but I don't focus on that as my mind continue to wander around what I learned about evolution, especially the most recent case I've witnessed and mutter, "A Digimon with hardly any experience and no history of loading Data before was still able to evolve. Then there was that time with Terriermon... and even in my case... I thought thay could only evolve after getting stronger."

Then I stop walking and mutter, "But... What does evolution mean?"

At the same time, the words that the teacher of those two guys told me some time ago immediately come to my mind, 'He did say that Renamon doesn't need to load other Digimon's Data to evolve... huh? In fact, he clearly told me that she was already strong enough to evolve... and what else... that's right! He said that there were only a couple of things that are holding Renamon back. For one reason he talked about some kind of higher power and that I simply had to wait for a little bit. But for the other one he said that our bond wasn't as strong as it should be... Could he have told me the truth? Then what are these "higher powers"?'

While I'm thinking that, I suddenly feel a very bad and cold presence behind me, and so I instinctely turn around but I don't see anyone, and even that strange presence is gone, but then, when I turn back, I see the same cute Digimon I've encoutered before looking at me with a smile on its face. 

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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