Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 273 – Oops! I Missed That!

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I took advantage of the summer break to go back to my home universe to spend some time with my family, and even more importantly to personally check on Seika and the status of her pregnancy as it has advanced quite a bit since I left for the Digimon Tamers Universe, and the baby's due date was getting closer and closer. 

Once I confirmed that both Seika and our child were healthy and that the delivery was just a matter of days, I decided to simply stay by her side as I didn't want to miss the birth of our child. 

Just like that, I spent my days taking care of everything Seika needed and keeping her company, playing with my children and Digimon Partners, and of course, using Restoration Magic to create a time bubble where one second outside is equal to one day to make love with my other wives until the time came for Seika to give birth.

Needless to say with what is literally a God of Healing by their side, both Seika and the child were absolutely safe throughout the whole process and in the end, my third child and officially second son was finally born, and following the naming convention of Seika's family, we named him Seiji, Seiji Pucci.

Seiji is a cute baby with a small tuff of light red-brown hair and brow eyes, a very powerful Spiral Cosmo that is already comparable to a Silver Saint, and a penchant for unleashing electric shocks from his body whenever he cries, but luckily the power behind those electric shocks is completely harmless to everyone in the family.

More importantly, we already expected that something like this could have happened, especially since we already have experienced something similar with Kharna, who is a cute walking calamity.

After Seiji's birth, I spent some more time with my family, especially Seika, who had already fully recovered from childbirth thanks to my care and her exceptional physique as Saint, and the young Seiji, and then, just a few days before the summer break was about to end, I returned to the Digimon Tamers Universe to check the situation. 

Once back to my home with V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon beside me, I use my Cosmic Awareness as usual to sense the current situation, and sensing the unusual current situation, I comment out loud, "Oh boy! I did miss a few important events..." 

As soon as I realize that, I do not hesitate to bring out the Crateris Cloth in its Constellation Form from my Soulbound Territory, fill it with water, and look at the water while pouring my Spiral Cosmo into the Cloth to activate a new ability that Crateris gained thanks to its constant upgrades and evolution, Retrocognition, the ability to supernaturally perceive past events.

Once I've done all that, I explain to my Digimon Partners what I'm going to do to learn about everything that happened while we were in my home universe, and after that, we all look inside the water as Patamon comments, "How fun! This will be like binge-watching a series of anime episodes!!"

The scene in the water opens with Guilmon playing with Hirokazu, Kenta, and Juri, while Takato, Jianliang, and Ruki debate about what to do about the Devas, something I learn by reading the movement of their lips as there is no sound in the images I'm seeing in the water. 

After the discussion, Jianliang departs for his martial arts dojo and Ruki also takes off, while Impmon snorts and watches as Takato joins the others to play before he returns back to his Tamers, Makoto and Ai to spend more time with them with a smirk on his face, which makes Wormmon comment, "It seems that Impmon is very happy now that he and his Tamers made peace..."

At the same time, a bunch of girls are fawning over Culumon who still conquers everyone's hearts with his overwhelming cuteness which makes V-mon shake his head as he comments, "How scary... No power is more fearsome than cuteness..."

Soon the scene changes and focuses on Jianliang who performs unusually poorly at his martial arts dojo, and his teacher Chou asks him if something's wrong. 

Over tea, Jianliang asks him if he knows anything about the word "Deva", and his teacher explains that they're Hindu holy beings that fought the Asura, beings that brought misfortune. 

Jianliang is surprised to hear that the Devas are meant to be good beings, but Jian's teacher explains that "good" and "evil" depend on perspective, and that the Devas could easily be evil for those who worshipped the Asura.

After that, the scene changes again showing Culumon, who left behind the charmed girls, as he begins to follow Impmon around, to the latter's tsundere irritation which makes Patamon comment, "I see that he is still as big of a Tsundere as before... that can be adorable in girls, but not so much in Impmon... well, it would be okay if in Impmon's place there would be a hot Baal Starmon..." 

But soon Impmon quickly runs into a Digital Field and finds a horse Digimon laughing at him, that Digimon is Indramon, another Deva. 

Indramon is a purple bipedal horse Digimon notable for its long arms with large forearms wrapped in magenta bandages. 

It has a long white mane, three red horns, and a long tail, and its limbs end in gold hooves, it wears a gold cuirass with spaulders that have bonji on them, a red scarf, a green belt with three gold buckles, and gold anklets, it also carries a giant gold conch trumpet strapped to its back by green scarves.

(Image Here - Indramon)


The scene briefly changes again, showing the interior of Hypnos as they detect another Wild One coming through Shaggai's hole, and Yamaki gives an order to contact the government bureau, while Reika finds that Shaggai has recently been sending a strange pulse code, making Wormmon comments, "It seems that the only thing these guys do these days is simply monitor and clean up after Guilmon, Terriermon, and Renamon are done..."

While he is saying that, the scene in the water changes again and shows Indramon taunting Impmon, telling him that he is another of those weak human-partnered Digimon that Indramon despites so much, in addition, Indramon continues to taunt him by telling him that he is even more of a failure because he still isn't able to evolve despite stopping so low to partner up with humans.

At the same time, Ruki and Renamon appear at the Digital Field, and Ruki's D-Ark takes a while to load the Digimon's data before identifying him as Indaramon while saying, "Indramon. Perfect Level. One of the "Deva Digimon", it is a Perfect Digimon with a form resembling the Horse. As a follower of the Four Holy Beasts Digimon Zhuqiaomon, it has an intolerably arrogant personality. When it opens its mouth only bragging comes out, and it is constantly fussing over the glossiness of its mane and tail. It indulges in its talents and ridicules those who work hard. Among the Deva, it is on especially bad terms with Vajramon. Though it fusses over its appearance, in battle it is comparatively unrefined; using the gigantic Bǎo Bèi trumpet shell tied to its arms, it beats the opponent down by wielding it like a cudgel. Its Special Move is blowing the Bǎo Bèi using its tremendous lung capacity, generating ultrasonic waves (Adhomukha)." 

While she is reading that information, Indramon leaves and Impmon insists that he could have taken him on all by himself, but Renamon tells him that he would have lost easily against the Deva, especially if he can't evolve which makes Impmon declare that he's strong enough without evolving and runs off which makes V-mon nod and comment, "Indeed, after training with us Impmon became quite strong, but even considering that he can at most fight off an Adult Level Digimon, a Perfect Level one is way too much for a Child Level."

The scene in the waters moves back to the Hypnos Headquarters where Yamaki finds the binary code in Shaggai's hole and decodes it to read "We are the Devas."

Seeing that, Yamaki begins to throw a fit, upset at being challenged, but soon after regains his composure and ridicules them for being able to communicate only in rudimentary artificial language.

Meanwhile, Takato and his friends play with Guilmon, and a strange-looking boy joins them, whom nobody in the group knows. 

The strange boy leers at the group, laughs at them, and runs off leaving a very confused Takato and his friends behind.

Seeing that scene, I frown and mutter, "So Makuramon has already arrived in this world too..."

The scene in the water changes again showing Impmon as he spends time with his Tamers, entertaining them with some tricks, eating an ice cream with them, and teaching them how to use their D-Ark and the Card Slash function. 

Next, the water shows that as Takato's friends go home for the day, Juri tells Takato that he seems worried about something, Takato, however, shrugs it off, and Juri cheerfully takes her leave. 

Then Takato thinks about the Devas and whether Guilmon will become stronger and evolve as enemies keep appearing and right at that moment, Culumon arrives, and Takato, remembering that Culumon had triggered Galgomon's matrix evolution, points out that Culumon's always mysteriously around whenever anyone evolves, he asks Culumon if there's a connection, but Culumon knows nothing about it.

At the same time, Patamon stands up and with his arms spread open, he exclaims, "Finally someone noticed! I mean how is it possible that they didn't connect the fact that Culumon was the one behind almost every evolution that happened until now!? In fact, the only ones that can evolve without any issue are us, Agumon, and Blucomon, and that is only because Jayr unlocked our evolution with his Spiral Cosmo!"

Meanwhile, the scene in the water changes again showing Impmon following his Tamers and their family from the distance watching over them while making sure that no trouble befalls them, but of course, he also takes some detours to prank some people from time to time as old habits are hard to kill, when suddenly Renamon appears in front of him. 

Renamon asks him how he changed so much, and Impmon simply dismisses her by replying that he changed because an annoying human showed him the true meaning of the bond between a Digimon and his Tamer and made him realize that he was only throwing a childish tantrum because of some pathetic fears and insecurities, Renamon then asks him if he can evolve now. 

In response, Impmon snorts and declares that he is already strong without evolving and that if the need truly arises, then he will be able to evolve because he isn't alone anymore.

Suddenly, Renamon catches sight of a Digital Field's fog, and Ruki, Jianliang, and Takato get alerts on their Digivices. 

The three of them approach Indaramon with their Digimon Partners, and Impmon, seeing how close Makoto and Ai are to the Digital Field and Indramon, he decides to confront the Deva to keep his Tamers and their family safe. 

Impmon takes on Indaramon himself, but his attacks are woefully underpowered and Indaramon kicks him down with no problem. 

Jianliang and Takato arrive and Jianliang is about to send in Terriermon, but Renamon tells him to wait and not interfere in Impmon's fight yet but to make sure that Impmon's Tamers are safe as they are too young to be involved in such events.

Indaramon continues to beat Impmon up, with the latter still weakly getting up again and again as he won't allow a Digimon to harm his partners. 

Jianliang decides that the Deva truly are evil, and when Indaramon is about to load Impmon's data, Renamon goes to save him, only to be attacked herself. 

Jianliang and Ruki decide to have their Digimon evolve, and when Takato sees Culumon's forehead glowing and confirms his suspicions, Takato follows suit with Guilmon. 

Unfortunately, the three Adult-level Digimon find their attacks absorbed by Indaramon, who is about to redirect them back to the trio with even more power. 

At this point, Impmon realizes that Ai, Makoto, and their family would also be involved in this attack, so he forces himself to get up, declaring that he'll protect his Tamers no matter what and in response to that, Culumon's forehead glows once again as Makoto and Ai's D-Ark start to shine together with Impmon's body as Impmon finally evolves into Wizarmon.

Wizarmon is a humanoid Digimon, he wears brown shoes with crescent moons on the ankles and matching brown gloves, a yellow and red full-body suit with "mouths" that can be opened and closed with zippers, a red vest, an indigo cape with randomly arranged Digimoji reading "Digital Monster" on the inside, and a pointed indigo hat with a skull on it. 

His face is obscured by the collar of his cape and its hat, only his green eyes and blonde hair can be seen, and carries an orange wand with an egg-shaped sun on the tip.

(Image Here - Wizarmon)



After evolving, Wizarmon quickly joins the battle again by summoning a thunder cloud to unleash an intense lightning strike aimed at the giant gold conch trumpet that Indramon used to absorb Growmon, Galgomon, and Kyubimon's attacks and that is about to release them back, and while the attack isn't strong enough to destroy the giant gold conch trumpet, it is powerful enough to move it away making Indramon miss its target as it blasts the ground in front of it with the attacks it has absorbed creating a huge crater that pushes everyone away from the point of the impact.

Despite the fact that Indramon is the closest to the blast, it is also the one least affected by it while Wizarmon, Growmon, Galgomon, and Kyubimon are all blown away and harmed by it, leaving them open to Indramon's finish blow. 

But just as Indaramon is about to finish and load them, suddenly Hypnos generates a light that keeps him frozen in place, however, the light soon shatters, and although Yamaki is initially startled, Indaramon disappears and Yamaki declares that the job was an executed success even if it didn't work perfectly. 

After the battle, the Ruki, Jianliang, and Takato's exhausted Digimon rest in a tunnel waiting for them to degenerate back to their Child Level and return home, while Wizarmon flies back to his Tamers who safely returned home. 

Seeing that, I nod and comment, "It seems that Impmon was finally able to evolve like he wanted..." making Wormmon comment, "I'm happy for him, he worked very hard for it. But what is worrying is that even with that, they weren't able to defeat Indramon. It seems that the Deva that are Realizing in this world are getting closer and closer to their optimal state..."

While he is saying that, the scene in the water changes and we all focus back on the images that show the morning after that battle where Jianliang finds that his father has transferred jobs and heads off for the morning. 

Meanwhile, Hirokazu and Kenta ask Takato's father to make "Guilmon bread", claiming that bread shaped like Guilmon would be a success, but Takato evacuates them out of his family's bakery before his dad can ask what Guilmon is and explains that he hasn't told his parents about Guilmon yet.

After that, Hirokazu presents Takato with a homemade version of the mysterious Blue Card, saying that because the enemies the Tamers are fighting are getting stronger, they want to help out in the fight and add some more allies. 

Hirokazu wants to slide the homemade card through Takato's Digivice, but Takato inspects it and finds that it's not quite accurate to the original blue card's design. 

Suddenly, the strange-looking boy from before, who is actually a disguised Makuramon, jumps in and attempts to steal Takato's Digivice before running off, leaving the confused boys behind.

After showing that, the scene in the water changes showing Jiang-yu as he arrives at the place he's been transferred to which is actually Hypnos, and after that brief appearance, the scene changes to Yamaki asking his agent if they've been able to find Shibumi yet, showing that he is trying to get in contact with all the members of the Wild Bunch, the "creators" of the Digimon in this universe.

Then the water shows Takato, Hirokazu, and Kenta check up on Guilmon, Terriermon, and Renamon in the tunnel since they've finally degenerated to their Child forms, and Takato also happens to find an exhausted Culumon there. 

They return to Guilmon's hideout, where they find Jian, Ruki, and Juri. 

Suddenly, Renamon senses a Digimon presence, and as Ruki finds a Digital Field, meanwhile Jiang-yu wonders why nobody's coming to his new workplace and sees a bunch of scientists running past. 

At the same time, Reika and Megumi, the Hypnos operators, find that the emerging Digimon is actually Indaramon, who's even larger than before. 

Finally, Yamaki approaches Jiang-yu and explains that Digital Field fog is actually a bunch of particles that disperse as an emerging Wild One gain a physical body.

At this point, V-mon can't help but complain out loud, "Come on! Why do the scenes change around so much!? Why not just show us what we want?" making Patamon comment, "Oh come on, V-mon. It's not that bad. At least this way we have a big enough picture of what happened while we were away."

As my Digimon Partners chatter, the scene changes again showing Indaramon as it causes more mayhem in the city, and the Tamers have their Digimon evolve via Card Slash. 

Meanwhile, an injured Impmon looks on from the rooftop of Makoto and Ai's home, while a bunch of government helicopters close in. 

Soon, the scene focuses back on the fight but despite Jianliang using a speed Option Card on Galgomon, Indramon knocks him down quickly, and Galgomon is out of ammo to use to defend himself. 

Thinking quickly, Jianliang uses a reloading Option Card to give Galgomon more ammo, and as Galgomon is able to fight functionally again, Takato uses a power boost Option Card on Growmon to enhance his power while Ruki adds speed to Kyuubimon to support them.

Soon the scene in the water changes as it shows Yamaki as he leads Jiang-yu to a room, where he meets an old acquaintance he addresses as "Dolphin" and who addresses Jiang-yu as "Tao". 

Then another group of people quickly joins them as they introduce themselves as "Curly", "Babel", and "Daisy", fellow members of the Wild Bunch. 

They ask Yamaki what he wants with them now that they've reunited, and where Shibumi is, and in response, Yamaki says that Shibumi still hasn't been found, and Jiang-yu remembers that Shibumi had once said that Digimon would enter the real world and replace humans, Yamaki then reveals the ongoing situation to them about the emerging Digimon and their "god".

After that, the scene in the water focuses back on the fight where Growmon, Galgomon, and Kyuubimon continue to struggle against Indaramon, while Hirokazu and Kenta cheer Takato on and Juri wonders if she could do anything to help if she had a Digimon partner. 

Soon government planes shoot at Indaramon, but he shrugs off their attacks, meanwhile, Takato wants to use the opportunity as a chance, but Ruki and Jianliang tell him not to, hoping that the self-defense forces can take care of it, Growmon, however, attacks anyway but without much result.

At the same time, back at the Hypnos Headquarters, Jiang-yu wonders if some kind of power is assisting the Digimon to Realize and if that's their "god". 

Yamaki shows the Wild Bunch footage of the Indaramon fight, giving them the order to destroy any virtual life that threatens the real world, saying that Shibumi holds the key to all of this, and as the Wild Bunch looks closer at the footage, they spot the children, and Jiang-yu sees Jianliang in the fight.

Back to the battle, Makuramon disguised as a strange-looking boy watches the battle as Galgomon, Kyuubimon, and Growmon charge in, but are blown back by Indaramon. 

Takato drops all of his cards in the scuffle, and Hirokazu and Kenta supply him with their own to help. 

Takato, Jianliang, and Ruki slash card after card, but none of them are able to have any effect on Indaramon. 

As Takato realizes that their Digimon need to evolve, Hirokazu remembers his homemade blue card and presents it to Takato, saying that it'll work if Takato believes in it the same way he created Guilmon. 

Takato sees Juri holding Culumon, who nods at him and as Culumon's forehead glows, Takato uses Hirokazu's blue card, which successfully allows Growmon to evolve to Megalo Growmon.

Megalo Growmon successfully blasts Indaramon away and into data, while the exhausted kids look on and Hirokazu rejoices in the victory made with his blue card.

Seeing the end of this battle, Wormmon comments, "Well, that was quite a close one... But they did quite well, but I saw a few concerning matters..." making Patamon snort as he says, "Yeah, Makurumon who is clearly up to something shady and that Yamaki guy who it seems didn't learn his lesson yet... Oh well, whatever happens we will be there to watch their back."

At this point, V-mon points at the water inside the Crateris Cloth and shouts, "Wait guys! It isn't over yet there is something more!"

And indeed, in the water I see the image of Juri as she picks up some bread at the Matsuda bakery and finds that Takato is out, she then walks out and runs into Hirokazu and Kenta, who decide to lead her over to where Takato is.

The scene changes and shows Yamaki who has the Wild Bunch bring up the base program data of the Digimon, but they struggle to decode Shibumi's code, Yamaki then tells Jiang-yu that the existence of Digimon is threatening his children, and urges him to find the data.

Back to Hirokazu, Kenta, and Juri we see them sneak into the bushes near Guilmon's hideout and watch Takato, Jianliang, and Ruki discuss the Devas and what Jianliang's Tai Chi teacher had told him. 

Hirokazu and Kenta, worrying about them, wish that they were Tamers so they could help and ask Juri what she thinks, but Juri claims that she's not even involved in the Digimon card game only for a ton of cards to fall out of her pocket.

Hirokazu and Kenta awkwardly look back at Guilmon's hideout to find Takato, Jianliang, and Ruki gone. 

They conclude that they must have gone after an evil Digimon and run off to look for them, while Juri decides to go home. 

On the way, she finds Culumon and gives him some bread while Makuramon looks on.

Juri bonds with Culumon over the bread and wonders if Culumon is her partner, since they're good friends but suddenly they're approached by a hostile Digimon called Kumbhiramon, a Deva who quickly declines Juri's fearful suggestion that he might be her partner. 

Kumbhiramon is a white rat Digimon whose torso is encased in gold spherical armor with bonji on chest, it has three small horns, brown wings, a long tail, and long, thin legs with gold greaves and sabatons, it also carries a giant, green pestle with gold tips on its back.

(Image Here - Kumbhiramon)


Still believing herself to be Culumon's Tamer, Juri tries to get Culumon to fight against Kumbhiramon, but Culumon is too afraid and the two run for it.

Kumbhiramon corners Juri and Culumon, but they're saved by the emergence of a Digimon that Juri uses her cards to identify as Leomon. 

Leomon is a muscular lion-man with orange fur, yellow mane, yellow fur on its legs and the tip of its tail, blue eyes, black nose and mouth, five fingers on its hands and feet, black claws, black ear tips, and scars on its arms, left foot, and the left side of its face, while his ears are on top of his head. 

He wears a golden earring on its left ear, a collar with with a blue gem in the middle and multiple red teeth around it, black pants with yellow cords forming multiple "X" on its side, a black belt with a square metallic buckle on its waist, three others on its left arm, another in its left hand, and another in the pantleg, he carries its sword in the back on its belt. 

(Image Here - Leomon)


Looking at Leomon's heroic image in the water, I can't help but let out a sigh and comment, "And so he is finally here... Jesus Leomon, the lord and saivor of the Digital World, the Digimon with the most horrible track record with staying alive in the whole Digimon Multiverse... The Leomon have a tendency to tragically and unexpectedly die, with their death serving as a signal of just how bad things are getting for the heroes... his appeareance is basically equal to a Death Flag."

At the same time, Patamon starts to sing, "♪Another one bites the dust...♪"

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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